palringo IM on hd2 - HD2 General

has anyone been able to install this on their tmobile hd2? i tried installing via opera on my phone and "an error occurred" during installation. when copying the cab file over to my phone and navigating to it via explorer, clicking on it does nothing...doesn't start the installation. installing apps hasn't changed, right? navigate to the cab and click it? i owned the original HD last year and am winmo capable...bah!

i attached the ones i downloaded a while ago.
the larger one (1) is beta version - this is the one i prefer.
a message for update will arrive shortly after first use.

awesome, the beta installed fine. i guess palringo gave me the wrong cab version or something. thanks!

you're welcome
wow, that was fast

Palringo is great, but remember that it is better to turn it off when not using.
Otherwise, you will run out of batter sooner than you think

yea, i remember using it on my htc touch hd1. it did hurt battery a bit, but it seemed like the best IM client out there at the time. because i've always got my laptop and bag with me, i guess i'll have to make sure to keep my charging cable with me as well.

antaed said:
a message for update will arrive shortly after first use.
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after first use of the beta? i haven't received an updated message it to update to a non-beta full version?

only an updated beta i think.
you have to have a little patience, sometimes it takes 30 mins or so for the message to appear.

hello! I've been using palringo too and I think it's the best messenger app out there but does anyone has this problem? Every time I try to share a picture, I can't launch the camera anymore and have to soft reset...!

i like beejive more but unfortunately it doesn't provide support for its winmo version anymore and sometimes it doesn't work for days. so overall i also think palringo is the best for winmo.
i have never tried to send files through palringo so i can't help.
just one more thing, i've just read somebody managed to run succesfully fring for xperia x1 on hd2. perhaps we might also give it a try

antaed said:
just one more thing, i've just read somebody managed to run succesfully fring for xperia x1 on hd2. perhaps we might also give it a try
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now THAT'D be awesome!

ce_rob said:
yea, i remember using it on my htc touch hd1. it did hurt battery a bit, but it seemed like the best IM client out there at the time. because i've always got my laptop and bag with me, i guess i'll have to make sure to keep my charging cable with me as well.
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i have installed parlingo and nimbuzz on my hd 2 was working fine but yesterday i tried to install one game on it and now parlingo and nimbuzz both giving error not signed with the trusted certificate and even not uninstalling can anyone plzz help me..?????


Need suggestion in WM5/6 IM app

Hello Friends,
As the subject, do you know what is the best IM application in Windows Mobile? I need an IM app which support auto-reconnect, buddy status, invisible, and not heavy. I have try similar app like :
Palringo : It cannot set buddy status. It just can set palringo account status.
Slick : It has match with my requirement, but the program always crash "failed to alloc memory" due its beta version.
IM+ : It has match too with my requirement, but its not free.
Any suggestion?
Thank you.
mokalovesoulmate said:
Hello Friends,
As the subject, do you know what is the best IM application in Windows Mobile? I need an IM app which support auto-reconnect, buddy status, invisible, and not heavy. I have try similar app like :
Palringo : It cannot set buddy status. It just can set palringo account status.
Slick : It has match with my requirement, but the program always crash "failed to alloc memory" due its beta version.
IM+ : It has match too with my requirement, but its not free.
Any suggestion?
Thank you.
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i loved beejive IM on my touch dual, couldnt get it to work on this LITE rom yet, but its really great looks like an iChat clone and is working fine it also has status changing and supports invisible
free, still in beta
Hello the_fish,
Thanks for the info, I will try on my Uni.
I've already using BeeJive right now. Altough it have a little bit of problem when installing.
First, my MDA Pro is using Tomal's ROM, means it is customized ROM. And on the ROM is not installed SQLServer CE. So I've get error SQLServer when initial run of BeeJive.
And then after googling I found a LennySH_SQLCE blablabla and BeeJive fix on this forum. Yeah, first time execution it error 'database already exist' but i run a twice, Its working.
Perfect app.
mokalovesoulmate said:
I've already using BeeJive right now. Altough it have a little bit of problem when installing.
First, my MDA Pro is using Tomal's ROM, means it is customized ROM. And on the ROM is not installed SQLServer CE. So I've get error SQLServer when initial run of BeeJive.
And then after googling I found a LennySH_SQLCE blablabla and BeeJive fix on this forum. Yeah, first time execution it error 'database already exist' but i run a twice, Its working.
Perfect app.
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good to hear that had that error too but wasnt able to fix it
hmm it seems I will not use beejive again....very very very big memory usage
checking on task manager ... beejive uses almost 4.5 MB memory...and If I open an conversation to people, it consume memory separately and almost same ... so when i open beejive and open one conversation, it takes around ..... 7-9 MB. When memory leaks, it crash.
maybe the solution is upgrading my Uni memory to 128. Or switch back to palringo -- but that app is not have much feature i need .. (archive and status).
Just share.
Have you tried Fring?
mokalovesoulmate said:
hmm it seems I will not use beejive again....very very very big memory usage
checking on task manager ... beejive uses almost 4.5 MB memory...and If I open an conversation to people, it consume memory separately and almost same ... so when i open beejive and open one conversation, it takes around ..... 7-9 MB. When memory leaks, it crash.
maybe the solution is upgrading my Uni memory to 128. Or switch back to palringo -- but that app is not have much feature i need .. (archive and status).
Just share.
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I don't know how big this one is or if it will suit all your requirements but try fring:
Why not Messenger?
On my Uni works perfect, Don´t know if fit all your needs but is the best IM I ever used
Good luck,
Don´t forget to vote!
orb3000 said:
Why not Messenger?
On my Uni works perfect, Don´t know if fit all your needs but is the best IM I ever used
Good luck,
Don´t forget to vote!
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I've got the latest Tomal ROM and Messenger won't install. Got any links to any CABs that do?
Edit: Just got hold of a CAB that works like a dream. Answered my own question. ;-)

Pandora and TP2

I've read that others are able to run Pandora. Well, I can't run it on my tp2 (the cab file was the PandoraVga+Ivan1 that's circulating here in xda). I keep getting a C++ debug error. I've removed and reinstalled the app, ran memmaid to clean out bad files/registry, but that didn't work. So I installed the same cab to my husband's tp2 and it ran without any problems and no error messages.
Can anyone help? I'm very close to doing a hard reset.
Thank you for your input,
Pandora works now!!!
So the C++ error must be because of conflicts from other previous software installs. I did a backup restore to a few weeks back and reinstalled pandora. Works like a charm!
I attached the cab that works on the tp2.
Good to know my TP2 gets here this week and I've been eagerly awaiting using Pandora on the go. Thanks!
i actually just installed the SP version of Pandora and it seems to work jsut fine the only problem is that the keys are hard to press because they are too small
Song stops before end?
I just installed this on my TP2 with Sprint stock rom.
Works mostly, but the song stops before the end and then says connecting and starts a new song.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Found my own answer!!
Do this for fully working pandora!!
My bad! It does not play full songs still!
Anyone know how to fix this issue???
probably have to do the advanced config 3.3 fix where you set the network packet size at 98xxx. Can't remember the value. The question presented was whether or not this would slow down the TP2's internet speeds. Give it a shot and report back!
afripino said:
probably have to do the advanced config 3.3 fix where you set the network packet size at 98xxx. Can't remember the value. The question presented was whether or not this would slow down the TP2's internet speeds. Give it a shot and report back!
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I have not noticed a difference. All seems well
Does anyone think Pandora will release an official application on their website for us to use?
Pandora debug C++ fix
tbito said:
I've read that others are able to run Pandora. Well, I can't run it on my tp2 (the cab file was the PandoraVga+Ivan1 that's circulating here in xda). I keep getting a C++ debug error. I've removed and reinstalled the app, ran memmaid to clean out bad files/registry, but that didn't work. So I installed the same cab to my husband's tp2 and it ran without any problems and no error messages.
Can anyone help? I'm very close to doing a hard reset.
Thank you for your input,
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Pandora debug error fix. Took me awhile to find it but there is a topic here at xda
Here is the credit
Well Pandora works on T-Mobile's network with the TP2, at least.
I've been trying to make the text for the menus bigger, but hadn't had any luck yet.
Installed, but where is it?
I've installed both cabs. However where is the shortcut or the program entry point?
jrgolfpro said:
Does anyone think Pandora will release an official application on their website for us to use?
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Sadly no as WinMo is now dead thanks to WP7...
for this reason i switched over to slacker for my phone. there is a cab file, the buttons are big enough to press and the sound quality is way better than the hacked pandora one

Tellme ripped from Samsung Intrepid

Anyone have it yet??
I am eagerly waiting for this too. What is Microsoft's deal on this. I thought it was supposed to be originally launched with WinMo 6.5.
I wish your title had a question ? mark at the end of it. Without it, it appears to be more of a statement. got excited for nothing.
Here you go
I've not been able to get this running on my Fuze. Probably because I'm not running WM 6.5 though
Aaron McCarthy said:
Here you go
I've not been able to get this running on my Fuze. Probably because I'm not running WM 6.5 though
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Can you post it here? I'm not registered to that forum
pixelwix said:
So I was the sprint store last night checking out the HERO, right next to it was the Samsung Intrepid it had the TellMe app on there so copied the install.exe file on to my tp2 to see if it would install. I can get it to install but the app wount launch. anyone wanna give it ago to see if they can get it working?
I guess to get it working you need to have netcf 3.5 installed to make it work.
some are saying touch works, some are saying it doesn. I guess its hit or miss.
get netcf 3.5 here -->
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Attached are the files you need.... apparently as I havnt been able to get this working on my Fuze yet.
I cant upload the for some reason. Sorry guys
Doesn't seem to work for the Titan.. I'll post this thread over there and see if anyone else can run it.
Sorry for double post
Aaron McCarthy said:
Attached are the files you need.... apparently as I havnt been able to get this working on my Fuze yet.
I cant upload the for some reason. Sorry guys
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Thank you,
btw on i780 (wm6.1 build 21109, netcf3.5 already in rom) it crashes when it reaches 82%
I get to 72% but then it says "There was a problem Starting Tellme. Try again later
Installed and touch works. Recognizes contacts but when texting, I say what I want it to transcribe and it says thinking...then says cannot connect to network. Also if I say pizza or whatever it doesn't recognize anything or open default browser. I'm on AT&T and also tried disabling the proxy.
I also went under Program Files/Tellme/ and ran the update tool. It seemed to uninstall and reinstall. But it again still does the same. I've also been dabbling in the registry...but didn't find anything of much help.
I'm going to keep messing with it and see if I can find something..
segadc said:
I get to 72% but then it says "There was a problem Starting Tellme. Try again later
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Same... I'm thinking that this may be WM 6.5 dependant
segadc said:
I get to 72% but then it says "There was a problem Starting Tellme. Try again later
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Make sure you install it from the phone and not the pc.
Aaron McCarthy said:
Same... I'm thinking that this may be WM 6.5 dependant
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I got it running on sprints 6.1 stock rom on my TP1. i actually got it working on 4 different roms today, just not the one that's my favorite, dcd 2.16 wm 6.5 Strange thing is, another guy on ppcgeeks said he "did" get working on dcds 2.16 rom. almost seems device dependent in some cases.
noellenchris said:
Installed and touch works. Recognizes contacts but when texting, I say what I want it to transcribe and it says thinking...then says cannot connect to network. Also if I say pizza or whatever it doesn't recognize anything or open default browser. I'm on AT&T and also tried disabling the proxy.
I also went under Program Files/Tellme/ and ran the update tool. It seemed to uninstall and reinstall. But it again still does the same. I've also been dabbling in the registry...but didn't find anything of much help.
I'm going to keep messing with it and see if I can find something..
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Everything works great now using activesync for internet.?
I installed it on my Tilt 2 running wm 6.5 and when I try to text someone I get an error saying that "can't access mobile network", but everything else works, It also is pretty slow.
Yeah all the problems associated with this program thus far are pointing to network issues. I'm starting to think it isnt 6.5 dependant.... Especially since dschoenike got it working on his Sprint stock rom
Amnya over at PPCgeeks posted this cab file. I installed it and low and behold the programs now on the phone. That said, I cant do much with it. Any search I try just comes back with a network error, same with sending a text message "can't access mobile network"
I cant even get it running on my diamond with bsb 6.5.1 rom. Installs itself ok (or at least it doesn't throw up any errors), but when i try to run it nothing happens.
it installs ok on my touch hd wm6.5 manila 2.1 (miri v29) but when i run it nothing happens. I just see "tellme" briefly at the top of the screen where the clock is and that's it.

HTC Touch Pro2 WM6.5 LogMeIn Help

Hi Folks,
1st thread on here.
Just got myself a spank new Touch Pro2. First thing i did before i started installing my apps was to check HTC website for Updates. Sure enough they had a new ROM version and WM6.5 upgrade. Now i have it working exactly how i want except for LogMeIn. I have used LogMeIN on my HP Ipaq for ages but cant get it sorted out on my HTC. Is it an issue with WM6.5 i wonders?
Basically it looks like it wont work with Opera at all. In Internet Explorer I can download and install the file no prob. Looks good, can login to my list of computers, can even get as far as being connected to the required PC but when i click the Remote Control icon all i get is a white screen.
Any suggestions???
Have the same problem would really appreciate any help... Pls.
wm6.5 comes with the newer version of PIE (pocket internet explorer) which is not compatible with the plugin logmein uses for remote desktop. You can try and do a search to the wm6/6.1 PIE cab file. Hope that helps, cuz I was in the same boat.
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
mostberg said:
LogmeIn works on my 6.5-official ROM in IE.
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Not in mine!, you can install IE TOGGLE, it let's you use PocketIE (the old version of IE), with that Logmein works
log me in
it took me ages to work this out... i have to use the old version of explorer (downloaded from here somewhere, although the ie switcher might work also) and i need to use 'kfortp' which lets me type in logmein when i am connected, before i could connect but not type anything. crazy
LogMeIn's response
I raised a ticket with LogMeIn about this and got this highly useful reply 2 days later.
"We have discovered an issue when connecting to a LogMeIn computer using a mobile device running Windows Mobile 6.1.4 / 6.5 and IE6 Mobile. Currently, it is NOT possible to connect with these devices due to incompatibility with the plugin.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Wendy Merrifield | Sr. Support Representative "
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
crazycrak said:
If anyone is reading this don't install kfortouchpro. Which i read on another forum was required to get this to work. I don't see what the need for it is. Plus it froze my Touch Pro2 up on the first reboot after install. Luckily i was able to connect to my phone with activesync and uninstall the app to stop my phone from freezing up . Hope this helps someone. As far as Logmein working just use the two files below. Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
crazycrak said:
Install XDA first, reboot, install IEtoggle, open IEtoggle, switch IE to PIE, start up IE and sign into logmein. This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. Sorry if this is already on this forum somewhere else.
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I tried this and it works but now I cannot get IEtoggle to switch me back to IE6. I tried restarting and then selecting IEtoggle, thinking PIE was somehow still running, but even after this I am still stuck in PIE.
EDIT: Since this original post on 4/18 I have had to do a hard reset, since my email and SMS windows for individual messages (compose, read) were not popping up. I have no idea if it is related to using IEtoggle, but I am not going to use this again on my TouchPro2 6.5 just to be safe.
after some trial and error
Here goes, first off i apologize horizons1. I have the same phone and WM version as you. Haven't experienced any of these problems. All i can say is make sure you install XDA WM 6.1 PIE first, then reboot, then install IEtoggle might of been your problem. After further testing i have found that Kfortouchpro is necessary to log into windows from your log in screen or type any text once in windows. When opening kfortouchpro it lets you switch to M$ IME which is required for your keyboard to work. Now after testing this for a bit, if you don't switch it back to eT9/multiplay in the program before you reboot it will not display your slider bar to unlock your phone on boot up. Only way to fix is with activesync. Have tested this 3 times in different configs. I wish i could just use remote desktop thats built into WM. But i am currently connected behind two routers one being bridged to the other. Have tried many times to get this to work with no luck. So if anyone can help me with that, it would be much appreciated. Too bad logmein won't just patch this problem. Their program works great after jumping through all these hoops to get to your desktop.
sirphunkee said:
Great find, thanks for posting it! Anybody who's searching for a solution in the future and finds this thread will appreciate that!
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Mark me down for one who appreciates this thread. After days of research and knowing the files I needed to download but am hesitant to sign up for new forums/stuff in general, you folks at xda developers got me. Looking forward to figuring out future mobile issues!
i can conect to logmein now with my HTC HD2 but my keyboard is not working :S i cant type any thing....
please help me
no buddy ?
and i got an other problem ... i can't return to PIE with IE TOGGLE.mscr softreset doesn't work ..i still get IE6
i got a HTC HD2 (T8585)

JAVA & F1-applet?

Currently I'm running the Cell Pro V11 and although I don't think this ROM-version can be the problem, I thought it was worthy mentioning.
I'm trying to get the official F1-applet going that mobile users can download from but for some reason it comes up with an OutofMemory-error even when my TP2 has "only" 48% used after a soft reset.
I was wondering if anyone has experienced this as well or that maybe a JAVA-update is in order or that there is some volatile memory that needs excluding in the registry for this app to work.
Really appreciate some answers/pointers from fellow F1-fans.
Same problem for me as well. Haven't figured out what is wrong. Really wish it wasn't a Java applet.
I will look into that. Downloading and testing.
Sergio76 said:
I will look into that. Downloading and testing.
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Much appreciated Sergio; I know you're quite the busy bee...
In the FAQ section for the TP2 you will find a link to install JavaFX.
The repeat the procedure and you will not get out of memory anymore
Thanks for that; will try later tonight or tomorrow and report back...
/edit: it works... Bit slow though but I will try it out next F1 to see how accurate it is.
Thanks for the JavaFX hint.
Installed fine but unable to login message keeps coming up with unable to find server.
Any hints mates?
stock Sprint TP2 6.5 Sense 2.5.
Woke up this AM in the USA, & lo & behold the app worked for Round 3 of the WCC - Malaysia.
Nice stuff.
Must've been server issues not allowing some of us to connect the last couple of days.
Best advice I can say for Touch Pro2 owners is download the JavaFX & install that before downloading latest F1 App.
Should be able to get the HTC soft keyboard up & running too & u can choose not to use the app's own proprietary soft keyboard.

