My Homescreen - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Hello, this is my second post and my second smartphone! So far i am happy with it, however im trying to install and try some of the things that i am learning here. I have a few questions.
First, the Advanced Config. I have installed some new background screens from one of the threads here. All of my screens work with the exception of my home screen. I went into Advanced Config and looked for a way to disable my current home screen and i cant seem to find it. Do i need a more up to date Advanced Config?
Second I have the t mobile version of the rhodium if i decide to install on of the newer roms is there a way to restore to factory if something goes wrong? Will it void my warranty on the phone?
Third and finally... is there a way that i can enlarge my X, and OK icons at the top left of my screen? Im using my fingers to do all the operations on the phone. Yes i know i have a stylus but i prefer to use my hands. So far it isnt a problem but it was a question in my mind.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I look forward to learning all i can about this awesome device and this knowledgeable community!

I am not too sure what you mean by home screen. Are you talking about TouchFlo? If so, what is the issue with it? You can disable it under settings, today or home.
Yes t-mobile us has an official shipped ROM, so you will be able to flash back as needed.
X-button size is what you get. I dont think you can increase the size of it. Although you might be use that, but it wont close an app completely.
As always, flashing is dangerous process. So make sure you read all the materials, before you decide to do so.

ai6908 said:
Yes t-mobile us has an official shipped ROM, so you will be able to flash back as needed.
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he's right. if you want the original stock rom for tmobile click on my sig where it says "TMOUSA TP2 Stock Rom". it'll put it back to normal for warranty reason. but you also need to go to the hard spl thread to lock it back up.

Basically im talking about the First screen on my phone.. my home screen.. it is still the default screen. All subsequent screens work just fine with my new backround. Im not sure how to disable it.


touchflo on Wing question

Question is this. I changed my theme to a standard blue theme from the today settings but i cant get it back to the standard black theme that was in effect when i installed the touchflo rom.. anyone know how to get back to the black theme??
Also....after installing the touchflo rom i noticed that i was missing a couple applications. One in particular is Tzones. I have a hotspot service and cant log on because i dont have the login screen.. anyway i can get this back to my phone? the IM client was also lost but i found this...
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Which touchflo rom did you download? If you got the one for the wing, go into Start>Settings>Today>T-Mobile_Default_Blue should be the OEM theme. Hope that helps a little.
Well initially the phone was apparently set to the Mobile_Default_Blue but was a black theme. When i switched it and went back to it then it was blue. I really liked the black theme and want to switch back but i havent a clue how to do so....i've been searching. Help is greatly appreciated.
I'm running the PDAVIET v14 rom.....Being as this is not a tmobile rom the myfavs are not on it. Its not a huge deal, as a matter of fact i dont even really care. But i wouldnt mind getting the tzones back until my total internet package takes effect on the 23. any suggestions anybody?
In that same Today settings tag you should be able to select which items to show up on the today screen, and there should be an option for T-zones there. Or you could flash a different rom onto your wing that supports T-zones if you can't find it there.
mrmikemcguire said:
Well initially the phone was apparently set to the Mobile_Default_Blue but was a black theme. When i switched it and went back to it then it was blue. I really liked the black theme and want to switch back but i havent a clue how to do so....i've been searching. Help is greatly appreciated.
I'm running the PDAVIET v14 rom.....Being as this is not a tmobile rom the myfavs are not on it. Its not a huge deal, as a matter of fact i dont even really care. But i wouldnt mind getting the tzones back until my total internet package takes effect on the 23. any suggestions anybody?
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I have the PDAVIET .14 ROM and MyFaves are, in fact, in it. You just need to use a tool like Memaid 2.0 to find the link and add it to your start menu or the Home Page. That's what I did, and it's working fine.
TZones should also in the ROM, and can probably be added in the same way.
Well....i'll keep looking into the Tzones issue. It is nowhere on my phone. I really do like the touchflo rom and the cube feature so i dont neccessarily want to switch roms. I wouldnt mind having it back on the phone as i get ringtones and such from there (thats pretty much it) Is there away to put it back on the phone without having to find another rom?? Or is there a better way to get ringtones?
As for the myfaves, thats not a huge concern either...i'm sure that even if you dont have the myfaves selection on the phone you can still use the just have to manage them on mytmobile.
psyop1 said:
I have the PDAVIET .14 ROM and MyFaves are, in fact, in it. You just need to use a tool like Memaid 2.0 to find the link and add it to your start menu or the Home Page. That's what I did, and it's working fine.
TZones should also in the ROM, and can probably be added in the same way.
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So I not really familiar with the app Memaid 2.0. how exactly would i go about finding these apps with that program. I dont mind installing it and trying to find it but i wouldnt know where to start. And is there any other program that does the same thing...i mean, i dont truly feel like paying 20 bucks for it, anywhere else i can get it from?
Ok, download and run the Wing Touch it ROM from Tyer's thread. It will still run and operate like the touch, but have all the same features of the Wing RUU, like Myfaves, T-zones, IM clients, etc...
I appreciate all of your i said the myfavs and tzones are not a hell of a big deal but i guess they are sorta convenient. So the Touch it rom VERSUS the touchflo rom is pretty much identical with the exception Touchit was made with the standart apps from tmobile? I truly like the cube feature and dont want to loose it...if they're the same except for the preloaded apps, i would do this is the case??
Again, you guys have been very helpful, thanks a bunch!
For the black bars, under extra, (within programs) there should be a "glossy black bars" icon. Click on it.
Ur probably talking about Glossy Black Bars
go to ur programs, it should be there, just click it n it'll change
Just Wondering
I was just wondering if any1 has devised a way to use a portion of your sd memory as ram some how?? or is this a stupid question??
its an interesting idea, but SD is too slow to use for RAM

A couple of questions...

Hi guys,
First and foremost, this is my first ever WinMo device (I've been semi-lurking on XDA for many months now )! I just started it using it yesterday, and I'm still on stock ROM. It'll take me a while before I grow a pair and start flashing like a crack-addict. Anyhow guys, I'm on the 1.18 ROM I think because when it starts up, this is what I see.
G 52.49a.25.26i
D 1.18.23358
Having said that, I do have a couple of questions that I hope some of you folks can help me out with.
1) Why is it that even when it's idling, up to 30 ~ 40% of the RAM is used? Is this a result of the TouchFLO3D and other background processes?
2) I've tried searching for this in this forum and nothing showed up...but, is it just me, or is my video camera extremely blur? Everything is out of focus? Can a screen protector influence this? I have a matte screen protector (which I'm loving by the way, hurray to no fingerprints!) with no hole cuts over the video camera.
3) With my previous phone, after sending an MMS (I have the 400-texts a month), the GPRS (Or is it Edge?) would stop itself. On the TouchHD, it shows that a data-connection, in this case; Edge, is still running. Is this normal? Do I have to manually go to the Comm-manager and disable the connection whenever I've finished sending an MMS? I disable it out of fear that I would get charged or something.
4) I find it very hard to look at my SPL version, as whenever I hold down both vol-keys and then power up the phone, I only see the tri-color screen for like 2 seconds before it asks if I would like to do a factory reset. Is this how it is supposed to be, or am I doing something wrong?
I'll try to keep all my future questions within this post as well, but for now, I have to say, I'm totally loving this phone. I've seen a couple of errors already, with issues like services.exe crashing and stuff like that. Regardless, I still have to admit that this phone is gorgeous, and totally awesome right out of the box. I still don't get what's all the hate towards WinMo, and yes, I'm totally fine with single-fingered touch!
Thank you to everyone on XDA. This site is a tomb of WinMo knowledge .
Congratulations on your first winmo device!!! And Congratulations on your new Touch HD!!!!
1)yes -- everything uses ram on your PPC even system(like on Desktop PCs)
2)Try find something that makes photo quality better, but it also might be Rom fault( I didnt have such problems when I had stock my rom 1.14
3)try NoData -- it will completely disable data connection!!!! Or downlaod HdTweak and I think that there are some settings that makes your phone to turn off data connection when idle!!!!
4)You need to hold only one volume down button and power button!!!!
read and youl find all kinds of hidden features of your phone!!!!
If you have any other questions then ask -- the forum is friendly and people help in any way they can!!!
Kristaps-K9-Lv said:
Congratulations on your first winmo device!!! And Congratulations on your new Touch HD!!!!
1)yes -- everything uses ram on your PPC even system(like on Desktop PCs)
2)Try find something that makes photo quality better, but it also might be Rom fault( I didnt have such problems when I had stock my rom 1.14
3)try NoData -- it will completely disable data connection!!!! Or downlaod HdTweak and I think that there are some settings that makes your phone to turn off data connection when idle!!!!
4)You need to hold only one volume down button and power button!!!!
read and youl find all kinds of hidden features of your phone!!!!
If you have any other questions then ask -- the forum is friendly and people help in any way they can!!!
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Thank you very much! That helped a lot. I will look into getting something like NoData installed alongside HDTweaks or something. Also, thanks for clearing that up with the Bootloader. Im actually already itching to try out some of the custom cooked ROMS but I'm still debating if I should do HSPL or USPL.
Here are a couple of more questions:
1) I've been doing a lot of reading on the whole flashing thing, but if I'm going to go through the HSPL route, do I need to dump my original SPL before overwriting it with HSPL?
2) Does WinMo utilize registries like how the Desktop OS-es do when it comes to keeping track of installed and uninstalled programs? Like, when you install a program, and then uninstall it, does it still leave a registry trace? In short: Will your PPC bog down over time as a result of installations/uninstallations?
Thank you so far!,
PoisonWolf said:
Here are a couple of more questions:
1) I've been doing a lot of reading on the whole flashing thing, but if I'm going to go through the HSPL route, do I need to dump my original SPL before overwriting it with HSPL?
2) Does WinMo utilize registries like how the Desktop OS-es do when it comes to keeping track of installed and uninstalled programs? Like, when you install a program, and then uninstall it, does it still leave a registry trace? In short: Will your PPC bog down over time as a result of installations/uninstallations?
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1) dont know about that!! but Im using HSPL and Im happy with it !!!! there are alot of guides in the forum on how to get SPL back(i think),, anyways Im not a pro with SPL's n'stuff-- only with Winmo itself!!!
2) dont know exactly about that bog down, but your PPC will get slower with apps installed--for example- custom rom with no apps takes, lets say, 2 seconds to open windows folder, in file explorer,, but same rom with apps takes 3 seconds----but it is different with different roms!!!!
BUT if you start flashing custom ROMs then you wont notice speed drops due to app instal/uninstal -- cuz you will flash roms often, just to search for the perfect one
about hspl -- make sure you take the right one-- the one witch supports 1.56 rom, cuz alot of custom roms are based on 1.56 rom!!!
PoisonWolf said:
Thank you very much! That helped a lot. I will look into getting something like NoData installed alongside HDTweaks or something. Also, thanks for clearing that up with the Bootloader. Im actually already itching to try out some of the custom cooked ROMS but I'm still debating if I should do HSPL or USPL.
Here are a couple of more questions:
1) I've been doing a lot of reading on the whole flashing thing, but if I'm going to go through the HSPL route, do I need to dump my original SPL before overwriting it with HSPL?
2) Does WinMo utilize registries like how the Desktop OS-es do when it comes to keeping track of installed and uninstalled programs? Like, when you install a program, and then uninstall it, does it still leave a registry trace? In short: Will your PPC bog down over time as a result of installations/uninstallations?
Thank you so far!,
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I have always only used USPL - mainly so that in case I have to send the phone in for something, the warranty won't be void. Although, if you have HSPL you could put the stock SPL back on.
Anyway, USPL has worked fine for me and I have flashed a number of times. I currently have Dutty's 3.7 XT ROM and I am happy with it. You'll find that once you flash a non-stock ROM, you'll never want to go back to a stock ROM.
I personally recommend going with USPL - unless you plan on flashing your ROM very often to try things out.
The first time I flashed, I was nervous and I read a bunch of info on it in preparation. Once you are well informed, it is a no-brainer. Where you can do some irrepairable damage is by disconnecting the cable during the flashing process (if you go the usb route). That would cause your phone to become a brick - and you have no choice but to send it in at that point. So, just make sure your battery is more than half full, and that you don't cut the connection in any way until the phone restarts itself. Other than that, you'll be fine.
Also, it is recommended that after a flash process, you hard-reset 2-3 times before using the ROM. I usually just take the battery out as soon as the "smart mobility" screen with the red ROM info at the bottom appears. Then I put it back in, hard-reset, and repeat that process 2-3 times. After that, let it boot fully and go through the screen calibration process etc.
Like Kristaps-K9-Lv said - make sure that you end up with a 1.56 spl because now most ROM are based on that.
And yes, after installing and removing many programs, your phone will become slower. When that happens, you can just hard-reset. And if you have a program like spb backup, (where you backed up your phone after you installed your standard programs and set up the phone to your liking), then you can just restore that file in no time.
Thanks for your help so far. I appreciate it. So WinMo does use the archaic registry system when it comes to keeping track of installed/uninstalled programs. That sucks. I've tried (and did not like = uninstalled), changescreen and fingerkeyboard, for some odd reason, I very much prefer the normal full-qwerty.
Right now, I've read a lot, but I'm still confused on a couple of things. When you guys say USPL, do you still need to change your phone's SPL ? For example, If I intend to install a 1.56 based ROM, do I use a 1.56 USPL, or do I use USPL to install the ROM, whilst making sure that my phone already has 1.56 SPL?
In order to get 1.56 SPL, I need to install one of the official ROM upgrades right? Was it ship.exe or something?
PoisonWolf said:
Right now, I've read a lot, but I'm still confused on a couple of things. When you guys say USPL, do you still need to change your phone's SPL ? For example, If I intend to install a 1.56 based ROM, do I use a 1.56 USPL, or do I use USPL to install the ROM, whilst making sure that my phone already has 1.56 SPL?
In order to get 1.56 SPL, I need to install one of the official ROM upgrades right? Was it ship.exe or something?
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read cRaCKwHoRe's guide for flsahing 1.56 roms here: it will make it clear for you, or atleast in the end youll be able to flash your rom!!!
Hi guys,
Im back with another question. I am bumping my old thread to prevent creating another unnecessary thread. I have recently tried messing around with the whole FingerPressure and PressureThreshold settings through Registry edits, and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed if it's even worth changing these values?
After a screen alignment, my values are like 35 (Finger) and 100 (PressureThreshold) respectively. I've now changed them to 100 and 300 respectively. After a soft reset, I still do not feel any significant changes with the responsiveness of the screen (not that it isn't responsive, just not MORE responsive). The same went with the "high" setting via HD Tweak.
So is there a point to even changing them? I've also read that changing these values to exorbitant values can actually damage the digitizer. Any truth to this? (Like 100000, etc).
Hi Wolf,
I did change the sensitivity in hdTweak and also Adv.Config 3.3 and I noticed a difference when moving from the "Advised" option to the highest option.
However, there is a number of cabs you can try too - try searching in Themes and Apps forum, and also in the Dev & Hacking.

My Rain Of Questions. 8 Hardcore questions

I'm getting really excited about my HTC P4350 more and more. First I wanted to throw it away but since I started tweaking now 2 months. I got a series of questions.
1) Would it be faster in speed. To native install software like advanced config etc.
2) Where can I find a series of unlock screens?
==> S2U2 "iPhone-like Unlock Screen" = NO GOOD. Makes the HTC Freak
3) Anyone got a series of keyboards to replace the stupid looking standard one. So I can just type on the screen instead of using the pen. 'I installed one previously and it went fubar when i selected it it was just a white screen with no keyboard showing and another one i installed when i pressed the keys nothing happend.
4) Also I've installed "MotoV2Wing6.5" in previous ROM's I could install instantly the "cool" black bars instead of the classic. But with this rom they won't install, any suggestions. Also the blue skin wich is used in menu's "me no like" so I was hoping that could be turned into black.
5) After booting the splash screen and the boot screen there's a white window before the phone starts. Any idea how to get rid off that.
6) Like in windows OS there is the command line : msconfig, to select start up programs is there any way of leaving out programs to get the HTC to start up quicker.
7) The bootscreen and the splash screen. Are they both necessery will the phone be faster if you leave one of them out. And how you do that.
8) I saw on a pic that someone had changed the color of the keyboard is that possible without opening the htc?
9) And one of the most important questions. The keyboard I've download a dutch keyboard fix, since I think that I have a dutch P4350 (I think) but the fn keys are still showing up ****ed ( So my keyboard is like this.
[email protected]
That's the first line.
As final statement. I really support this forum, I like it very much it's kind to his users and very helpfull. I really want to stress 2 to respect the "Cooks" because what they do is Pwn Windows in everyway and they always want to build better and faster Rom's and that takes a lot of personal time. And I think what they do is really GREAT. So what I am tryin to say is.
Best and kind regards,
Vincent W.
~More Questions~
10 )
Is it possible to remove the key "lock" so it's not showing, so i can't press it.
It's kinda pointless.
11 )
What's an example of a good registery editor?
MMM After installing some apps the phone just dies. I Can't get into the main menu and stuff like that very strange....
as far as your keyboard goes there are 2 options that work fairly well one is imselector it can be found here no pics but you have several options for the type and style keyboard you want,
another option is something that i just started to use and love it, its called fingerboard
and as far as replacing your splash screen ivan has just posted a topic on this and here it is
your best way to get around is to just read the threads, yeah you may skim through lots of stuff ou may already know, dont understand or dont need but youll learn to navigate around those issues once your more familiar with things, good luck have fun
livndeadgrl13 said:
as far as your keyboard goes there are 2 options that work fairly well one is imselector it can be found here no pics but you have several options for the type and style keyboard you want,
another option is something that i just started to use and love it, its called fingerboard
and as far as replacing your splash screen ivan has just posted a topic on this and here it is
your best way to get around is to just read the threads, yeah you may skim through lots of stuff ou may already know, dont understand or dont need but youll learn to navigate around those issues once your more familiar with things, good luck have fun
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I got a questions, the first screen is the splash screen or the boot screen?
Answer to 1)The ROM that you have chosen is inherintly slow because of the Moto Home stuff. They tax both the RAM and the processor terribly.
Answer to 2)Just use the lock screen that comes built in with WM6.5. It's simple and just works.
Answer to 5)That white box you see is some kind of error, re-flash to a different ROM or hard reset to make it go away.
Answer to 6)Just navigate using file explorer to ROOT\Windows\Startup and delete whatever you don't want to run at startup there. Please note that there may not be alot here, and most if not all of the HTC stuff NEEDS to run at bootup in order for your device to work.
Answer to 7)Yes, they are both neccesary. If you remove them, all you will see is a black screen for the same amount of time that you saw the splash screens. While these screens are shown, the OS is being loaded into RAM, so its a neccesary thing.
Answer to 8)No, you cannot change the color of your keyboard without taking it out of your device.
Answer to 11)PHM Registry editor. Its small and just works.
boot screen then splash screen

newbie questions.

Hi Guys,
Just got my new HD2 and wow, what a phone. I just retired a 3GS after about 12 month and wanted back to WM which I really missed. That said, the iPhone gave me some bad habbits that I need to break.
First thing I did was flash the HSPL ready for flashing some new roms but before I do that, I wanted to get used the WM again. My last was 6.5 on a kaiser so this is similar but different.
Anyway, couple of things. First is the Facebook app. On my iphone, when someone had posted XYX Name Likes the Group "WM 4 Me", the "WM 4 Me" portion was linked. I dont see that in the WM app. Am I missing something or is it that you cant just jump to that group? Any tips here.
Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
Thanks in advance guys.
Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
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remotetracker - brilliant, loads of options.
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
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stock rom isnt landscapeable, some cooked roms are, but its never been released like that, it was a test rom that leaked with the landscaped tabs and the chefs cooked them in.
I'm running the stock ROM and it's correct there's no native landscape rotation built in, but I've been using the cab attached below, and it works great for putting sense and even WM apps (like file explorer!) into landscape when you physically rotate the phone. Just put the cab on your SD card, run it (install to phone), then soft-reset.
Hey thanks guys. Just installed the cab and bingo. Dont know why they didnt send it from the factory that way?
Sam, going to se if I can get hold of that remotetracker and give it a shot.
So far, happy with the stock rom so I might just tweak it a little bit. Would still like to figure this Facebook app out. Is it an actual app or a mobile webpage I'm looking at? Also need to find a new gps since my old favorite site (gpsunderground)seems to have shut down.
Thanks again.
Cheers mate. If you have any must haves, let me know. I'm searching for footprints and I should be done.

[Q] viewing vogue screen on computer

i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember
mbaseball3 said:
i want to view my vogues screen on my computer. when i had it i know there was an app that gave me that ability but the problem now is that the screen is cracked. was just wondering if there is anyway i could download something on computer to view screen on vogue? ive been away from wm for awhile and dont remember where the set up of everything is or id just know by muscle memory where to click lol. any help would be appreciated. oh and its running wm 6.5 last i remember
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You are looking for an app called MyMobiler. This will do what you need it to do.
Thanks and yeah I found it after research. Now, can it connect to phone automatically? Or do I have to turn it on from phone? Screen being dead and all.
Sent from my Evo
Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:
mikurej95 said:
Well you still have to install it but that won't really be possible if you can't go to the right directory and run the .cab. Unless it was already installed on your phone, then I think you will be able to, depends on what the settings were. Give it a try. And if you really need to access your phone you will have to buy a new LCD screen. If the touch screen doesn't work, you will need a digitizer also.
here is a list of them on ebay. pick the one you want:
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Thank you for the help. Yeah I had the program installed initially but even when I plug it it, mymobiler just says unable to connect. The phone vibrates when I touch screen but doesn't seem like its accepting any input so I believe ill need a new screen.
Sent from my Evo
You can always look for an exe installer and you can install this via ActiveSync. I would tell you to reflash the roms or do a hard reset but you will get stuck at the Stylus calibration...
I think you are correct, you need a new screen...

