newbie questions. - HD2 General

Hi Guys,
Just got my new HD2 and wow, what a phone. I just retired a 3GS after about 12 month and wanted back to WM which I really missed. That said, the iPhone gave me some bad habbits that I need to break.
First thing I did was flash the HSPL ready for flashing some new roms but before I do that, I wanted to get used the WM again. My last was 6.5 on a kaiser so this is similar but different.
Anyway, couple of things. First is the Facebook app. On my iphone, when someone had posted XYX Name Likes the Group "WM 4 Me", the "WM 4 Me" portion was linked. I dont see that in the WM app. Am I missing something or is it that you cant just jump to that group? Any tips here.
Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
Thanks in advance guys.

Next thing is if anyone can recomend a good program to remote erase all data if I loose it or if there is anything out there to enrypt my sd card to make it useless without a password?
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remotetracker - brilliant, loads of options.
Last, is there a way to get the HD2 into landscape mode? I assumed it would be automatic but... Thats what I get for assuming.
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stock rom isnt landscapeable, some cooked roms are, but its never been released like that, it was a test rom that leaked with the landscaped tabs and the chefs cooked them in.

I'm running the stock ROM and it's correct there's no native landscape rotation built in, but I've been using the cab attached below, and it works great for putting sense and even WM apps (like file explorer!) into landscape when you physically rotate the phone. Just put the cab on your SD card, run it (install to phone), then soft-reset.

Hey thanks guys. Just installed the cab and bingo. Dont know why they didnt send it from the factory that way?
Sam, going to se if I can get hold of that remotetracker and give it a shot.
So far, happy with the stock rom so I might just tweak it a little bit. Would still like to figure this Facebook app out. Is it an actual app or a mobile webpage I'm looking at? Also need to find a new gps since my old favorite site (gpsunderground)seems to have shut down.
Thanks again.


Cheers mate. If you have any must haves, let me know. I'm searching for footprints and I should be done.


Two things I needed help with

Hi all,
This is my first post on the XDA forums
I bought a Touch HD a few days ago and absolutly love it but I'll be honest
and say that I think it's far from perfect, but I think the same thing about the
iPhone, Android etc.
Anyway's the first thing I wanted to know is, when you click the Windows icon
in the top left-hand side screen it shows the 7 programs you want listed but
also 4-5 recently used apps. Is there a way to get rid of the bit that shows
these 5 recently used apps?
Maybe a registry tweak?
The 2nd thing (which has been bugging me since I got the phone) is, in the
programs tab in TouchFlo 3D. How do you move the position of the programs.
I like to have my programs in a particular order and when I add a new
program to that tab, I find it ridiculously silly that I have to delete an app
first and then put the one I want in it's place. Am I doing something wrong
cos I just can't seem to work this out.
Could I also ask whether you guys recommend any good system utility
apps that can keep my device fresh and clean, not slow and cluttered.
I tried HD Tweak yesterday but to be honest wasn't overly keen on it.
Thanks for any help
Da11y said:
Hi all,
This is my first post on the XDA forums
I bought a Touch HD a few days ago and absolutly love it but I'll be honest
and say that I think it's far from perfect, but I think the same thing about the
iPhone, Android etc.
Anyway's the first thing I wanted to know is, when you click the Windows icon
in the top left-hand side screen it shows the 7 programs you want listed but
also 4-5 recently used apps. Is there a way to get rid of the bit that shows
these 5 recently used apps?
Maybe a registry tweak?
The 2nd thing (which has been bugging me since I got the phone) is, in the
programs tab in TouchFlo 3D. How do you move the position of the programs.
I like to have my programs in a particular order and when I add a new
program to that tab, I find it ridiculously silly that I have to delete an app
first and then put the one I want in it's place. Am I doing something wrong
cos I just can't seem to work this out.
Could I also ask whether you guys recommend any good system utility
apps that can keep my device fresh and clean, not slow and cluttered.
I tried HD Tweak yesterday but to be honest wasn't overly keen on it.
Thanks for any help
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If you don't like HD Tweak try Advanced Config or SKTools, both attached
As for your queries:
2. Not sure there is a way to move these programs about into a particular order. You'll just have to stick with removing one and then replacing it
I may give the other 2 tools a go as well then.
I've heard Advance Config could be buggy at times though.
I still can't believe there's no solution for problem #2. Deleting programs then
replacing them is so long when you've got a massive list of apps. I'm sure the
iPhone has a solution for this, makes me wonder why HTC didn't implement one.
Anyone got a solution for my first problem as wel LOL
Cheers for your help Fallen Spartan
Just wanted to say thanks for recommending SKTools. Looks to be exactly what I was looking for.
Da11y said:
I may give the other 2 tools a go as well then.
I've heard Advance Config could be buggy at times though.
I still can't believe there's no solution for problem #2. Deleting programs then
replacing them is so long when you've got a massive list of apps. I'm sure the
iPhone has a solution for this, makes me wonder why HTC didn't implement one.
Anyone got a solution for my first problem as wel LOL
Cheers for your help Fallen Spartan
Just wanted to say thanks for recommending SKTools. Looks to be exactly what I was looking for.
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You can rearrange the programs using Diamond TF3D Config!
Cheers mate. Will try that out today then
Anyone got a solution for my firtst issue?
It p*sses me off with the amount of space the recently opened programs
takes on the start menu.

Anyone Tried the Touch IT WM6.5 Project?

Anyone tried the above found in the Rom Development Section of this forum?
How is the feedback and is it worthwhile to use this ROM instead of the default WM6.1 R2AA?
i am trying it now and its just great!
coul be a little slow in some places but i have never had to soft reset for any reason i didnt invoke . its surprisingly stable and compatible with everything. i was even able to sync with activesync and also my emails even though ppl complained about these 2 issues.
Best thing abt 6.5 is its user friendlyness (honeycomb) and that its way more finger friendly than 6.1 (kinetic ihphone like scrolling EVERYWHERE - even in programs,,,, and larger better looking buttons also EVERYWHERE!!)
be sure to flash hardspl first and enjoy this great ROM!!
khalilsemaan said:
i am trying it now and its just great!
coul be a little slow in some places but i have never had to soft reset for any reason i didnt invoke . its surprisingly stable and compatible with everything. i was even able to sync with activesync and also my emails even though ppl complained about these 2 issues.
Best thing abt 6.5 is its user friendlyness (honeycomb) and that its way more finger friendly than 6.1 (kinetic ihphone like scrolling EVERYWHERE - even in programs,,,, and larger better looking buttons also EVERYWHERE!!)
be sure to flash hardspl first and enjoy this great ROM!!
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Oh, thanks for your feedback.
It seems great too and I am tempted to give it a try though.
khalilsemaan said:
i am trying it now and its just great!
coul be a little slow in some places but i have never had to soft reset for any reason i didnt invoke . its surprisingly stable and compatible with everything. i was even able to sync with activesync and also my emails even though ppl complained about these 2 issues.
Best thing abt 6.5 is its user friendlyness (honeycomb) and that its way more finger friendly than 6.1 (kinetic ihphone like scrolling EVERYWHERE - even in programs,,,, and larger better looking buttons also EVERYWHERE!!)
be sure to flash hardspl first and enjoy this great ROM!!
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If I want to flash back the stock ROM, does that mean that I need to download the stock ROM image from the HardSPL thread and do the same image updating.
After it has been updated then update the ROM via SEUS to the latest R2AA ROM?
chongbh said:
Oh, thanks for your feedback.
It seems great too and I am tempted to give it a try though.
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Hey fellow Singaporean
I'm using the itje's 6.5 Rom. I love it. Prefer Titanium than the TouchFlo. Though I wished WinMo would've put an options on how to view the menu. I prefer normal grid alignments than the honeycomb. But all in all, love the rom.
theredundant said:
Hey fellow Singaporean
I'm using the itje's 6.5 Rom. I love it. Prefer Titanium than the TouchFlo. Though I wished WinMo would've put an options on how to view the menu. I prefer normal grid alignments than the honeycomb. But all in all, love the rom.
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Hi, you are a Singaporean too.
Thanks for your feedback.
I am doing the ROM update now so that thread do not have the titanium, right?
chongbh said:
Hi, you are a Singaporean too.
Thanks for your feedback.
I am doing the ROM update now so that thread do not have the titanium, right?
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It has what it states in his thread just like in his screenshots.
theredundant said:
It has what it states in his thread just like in his screenshots.
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Thanks. I forget how to install the theme?
And which folder I have to put in so that the WM6.5 able to read the background pictures?
just installed it few hours ago.. the today screen is somewhat laggy.. applications are somewhat hard to reach. wm 6.5 dont have weather and programs tab for commonly used apps.. having problems with active sync (email)
my rating would be 6.5/10
chongbh said:
Thanks. I forget how to install the theme?
And which folder I have to put in so that the WM6.5 able to read the background pictures?
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I just have mine put in "My Pictures" or something and it'd auto detect. I just changed my wallpaper though.
theredundant said:
I just have mine put in "My Pictures" or something and it'd auto detect. I just changed my wallpaper though.
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Oh, what wallpapers you using cos I want to change the default wallpaper too, thanks.
I have seen someone posted a thread here on Xperia wallpaper but when I put into the phone, it is not able to detect either a theme file or a picture file, not sure any step I have missed?
I found out that there is the battery indicator bug as it is not updating the status from the battery so decided to go back to original R2AA ROM first.
Why do we need a separate thread to discuss this? I've suggested a potential fix for the battery bug in the official thread...
akp99 said:
Why do we need a separate thread to discuss this? I've suggested a potential fix for the battery bug in the official thread...
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Sorry for the duplicate thread as I am trying to gather some response and help from those who have installed the same ROM.
I have reply you back for the location of the battery indicator fix?
Ahh I had it but I kinda hated it...
Its laggy everywhere and I really really hope that Microsoft won't release the OS as it is.
I'm changing back to nX1i 1.04...

T-Mo Upgraded WM6.5 Rom comes w/ Mobile Backup, Here's the cab!!

I have searched high and low for a cab file for this app. I got a T-Mobile software upgrade for my TP2. Cool, it was alright, nothing by comparison to NRG's ROM. I did however lose a few apps that were pretty cool: Co-Pilot,Visual Voicemail,etc.
The one that is of importance, though, is the Mobile Backup App. I have checked the threads on here and have ended up with nothing. I DO KNOW this file exists for this format of Windows Mobile. I tried to copy the correct files to my SD Card, but apparently am missing some and don't know what to look for anyway.
So, if somebody out there knows what's up with a cab or exe or files that I could extract from the stock rom, I would appreciate a little "heads up." Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: Thanks to SirPhunkee, we have a cab for any T-Mo users that is tested and works perfect on our TP2's. Here's his link to the cab
outerdepth said:
I have searched high and low for a cab file for this app. I got a T-Mobile software upgrade for my TP2. Cool, it was alright, nothing by comparison to NRG's ROM. I did however lose a few apps that were pretty cool: Co-Pilot,Visual Voicemail,etc.
The one that is of importance, though, is the Mobile Backup App. I have checked the threads on here and have ended up with nothing. I DO KNOW this file exists for this format of Windows Mobile. I tried to copy the correct files to my SD Card, but apparently am missing some and don't know what to look for anyway.
So, if somebody out there knows what's up with a cab or exe or files that I could extract from the stock rom, I would appreciate a little "heads up." Thanks in advance for any help.
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Did we already have you try this cab? I've handed it to a couple of people recently, can't remember if you were one of them
It's the tmo mobile backup that was extracted from the tmo HD2 ROM, and I think it works on the TP2...too Even if it's looking like it's running ok, make sure you test the sync in both directions (saving to their server and backing up from it) before you rely on it.
I still highly recommend myphone to accomplish the same tasks and more, but this is admittedly a lean solution, so definitely use whichever works best for you
sirphunkee said:
Did we already have you try this cab? I've handed it to a couple of people recently, can't remember if you were one of them
It's the tmo mobile backup that was extracted from the tmo HD2 ROM, and I think it works on the TP2...too Even if it's looking like it's running ok, make sure you test the sync in both directions (saving to their server and backing up from it) before you rely on it.
I still highly recommend myphone to accomplish the same tasks and more, but this is admittedly a lean solution, so definitely use whichever works best for you
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Man, I gotta buy you a beer someday. That's great. I did not receive that from you recently, but thanks for posting it. It works well if I ever lose my phone or something happens to my pc whatever and I can't sync my original device with my contacts. NRG should cook this into his ROMs, uhum.
outerdepth said:
Man, I gotta buy you a beer someday. That's great. I did not receive that from you recently, but thanks for posting it. It works well if I ever lose my phone or something happens to my pc whatever and I can't sync my original device with my contacts. NRG should cook this into his ROMs, uhum.
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Oh you're quite welcome!
All I really did is pass along something I'd seen previously, but what matters is that it works for you, thanks for the feedback!
outerdepth said:
I have searched high and low for a cab file for this app. I got a T-Mobile software upgrade for my TP2. Cool, it was alright, nothing by comparison to NRG's ROM. I did however lose a few apps that were pretty cool: Co-Pilot,Visual Voicemail,etc.
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Thank You Sir Phunkee... Too bad you could not have given this to me on the 2.5 sense cab thread... lol But having all these Carrier Specific .cabs would be nice there is a thread for the HD2... There you can get a lot of defaults.
Anyway since this thread helped me here you go outerdepth, visual voicemail!
I chose the visual voicemail from here because I believe this is the one I used.
Labarum said:
Thank You Sir Phunkee... Too bad you could not have given this to me on the 2.5 sense cab thread... lol But having all these Carrier Specific .cabs would be nice there is a thread for the HD2... There you can get a lot of defaults.
Anyway since this thread helped me here you go outerdepth, visual voicemail!
I chose the visual voicemail from here because I believe this is the one I used.
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Hi Labarum....sorry about that, what thread is it you're mentioning (the 2.5 sense cab thread)? I must have missed that opportunity, my apologies
Yes, that HD2 thread is where I found this copy, but I thought it was the same as WarlockW's posted cab (which didn't have as handy as this copy). I suspect that they're not different by phone model, but rather by WM version...but I'm just guessing there
Hi Labarum....sorry about that, what thread is it you're mentioning (the 2.5 sense cab thread)? I must have missed that opportunity, my apologies
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My fault really, as I had not got around to searching for that cab yet!
Searching the only downfall of XDA...
i'm having a problem with mine...
it says my device isnt supported...
goodtilltomorrow said:
i'm having a problem with mine...
it says my device isnt supported...
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You have to call T-Mobile and get them to set this app up on your "plan." What I mean is, it IS free to add to you payment plan, but you actually have to call customer care and get them to add it, but like I said it's FREE. Don't ask me why, but they just have it set up that way. I had the same problem, and it took like 10 minutes from dialing their number to having the software work. It's apparently a matter of account settings or something that they have to tweak.
Labarum said:
Thank You Sir Phunkee... Too bad you could not have given this to me on the 2.5 sense cab thread... lol But having all these Carrier Specific .cabs would be nice there is a thread for the HD2... There you can get a lot of defaults.
Anyway since this thread helped me here you go outerdepth, visual voicemail!
I chose the visual voicemail from here because I believe this is the one I used.
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Thanks bud. It's always nice to see people sharing.
Now WHAT??
I am running the new NRG ROM in my sig, but IT won't allow me to install mobile backup to this version. I haven't tried the newest ROM from the 13th, but I sense it is gonna have the same problem.
When I try to install the cab, it just says installation was not successful.Anyone else having this problem with the newer ROMs?
Have tried the newest 13th ROM from NRG and it does not let this sync with the server. It says that the device is not supported.
outerdepth said:
Have tried the newest 13th ROM from NRG and it does not let this sync with the server. It says that the device is not supported.
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ok, this is just a wilda$$ guess...but isn't it desirable in some cases (like to correct MMS pic size issues) to have some agent ID in your registy other than what the phone actually is? Maybe possible that NRG bakes that in? Or, maybe it just only acceps a certain specific range of WM versions?
sirphunkee said:
ok, this is just a wilda$$ guess...but isn't it desirable in some cases (like to correct MMS pic size issues) to have some agent ID in your registy other than what the phone actually is? Maybe possible that NRG bakes that in? Or, maybe it just only acceps a certain specific range of WM versions?
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Ok, that's an idea, but what exactly could I do to change this? Plus, I am not sure what you mean about agentID. Just thought I would ask, cause I really hate not having this app.
outerdepth said:
Ok, that's an idea, but what exactly could I do to change this? Plus, I am not sure what you mean about agentID. Just thought I would ask, cause I really hate not having this app.
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It's a key somewhere in the registry that indicates what model of phone it is (independent of the IMEI), I believe it's used to identify it to the network for things like what size MMS files the phone can handle, etc...and I'm just surmising this becasue I recall that's where I saw the references to it. So, I would probably suggest looking in any threads related to MMS size issues, you'll probably see someone make a reference to a regedit or cab that makes that change, you can reverse-engineer the rest from there I guess.
I rarely go through any of the forum sections other than the rhodium boards and the Tmo HD2 section, so you can probably confine your search to those places if it helps. I'll keep my eyes open for it too.
Still no luck, sir phunkee. I am hoping that when I flash this newest NRG Rom, maybe I will have some luck, but to be honest, I am kinda tired of flashing his new ROM's cuz, they are "supposedly" faster or better, etc.
We will see, but hopefully someone will have a cab or link that could lead me somewhere.
Josh's Black came with Mobile Back Up, Visual Voicemail, Blockbuster, My Account, and the proper keyboard (after initial startup) cooked into the Rom... great for T-mo users like us... does not have the newer tabs, but I find I don't use those much anyway!
I installed the Full Version...
Now if I could just get rid of the transparent slide and make it stock again? (just for clarification... not slider or icons)
Many Thanks Guys! Been looking for this.

HD2 arrives tomorrow, what are the first 5 things I should do? :D

After pondering which phone to get for months, and whilst everything pointed to getting the Desire... I just couldn't resist!! I'm a slave to WinMo after my HTC Diamond
So any way, it arrives, I have a silent orgasm, open it up...
What are the next 5 essential things I should do?
kashinoda said:
After pondering which phone to get for months, and whilst everything pointed to getting the Desire... I just couldn't resist!! I'm a slave to WinMo after my HTC Diamond
So any way, it arrives, I have a silent orgasm, open it up...
What are the next 5 essential things I should do?
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1.) Kiss it
2.) Hug it
3.) Stroke it
4.) Love it
5.) Wipe the mess from the first 4 off of it ....
But seriously ...
1.) I would start looking at what custom ROM you want on it, the Stock ones tend to SUCK.
2.) Make a full backup of your SD card.
3.) If your are gonna Flash a custom ROM HSPL it .
4.) Make a list and start Downloading your "Essential" Apps you want so you can have them ready, while the phone is getting its first full charge.
5.) See the first list .....
1) Sell it.
2) See point n.1
3) See point n.2
4) See point n.3
5) See point n.4
I'm kidding....
install these...
3.Cookies Home Tab&CHT Editor
4.Some wallpapers/JMWD icon changer/and some icons
5.Skyfire browser
There's loads more, but that's a good start..
I've not bothered with a custom rom yet, as i've not had any trouble with the stock rom, but there's a load of custom roms and it looks like there's good progress being made with the Android port.
if you're in the uk I'd also recommend myplayer (iplayer and digital tv)
1. Find a decent Rom, or update to latest official release.
2. Cookies Home Tab
3. Install Opera Mobile 10
4. Get Resco Explorer
5. Get G-Alarm
I would:
1. Try it for a week without tweaking it in any way. (then you have something to compare it to when you start tweaking and so on)
2. Meantime install Resco explorer, CorePlayer and apps you need.
3. Take a look at Co0kies Home Tab
4. Make sure to drain the battery a couple of times to get the best out of it.
5. Now you can start looking for a cooked ROM
1. Install a screenprotector and don't carry it around without it before.
4. Install ur software
5. Love it.
ToddeSwe said:
I would:
1. Try it for a week without tweaking it in any way. (then you have something to compare it to when you start tweaking and so on)
2. Meantime install Resco explorer, CorePlayer and apps you need.
3. Take a look at Co0kies Home Tab
4. Make sure to drain the battery a couple of times to get the best out of it.
5. Now you can start looking for a cooked ROM
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would do the same
just add pocketplayer to the appslist, much better than the standard htc player to listen to music ^^
Well I would suggest 5 steps to a beginner:
1. Backup your Outlook calender and contacts folders.
2. Sync these to the phone.
3. Read about what "cabs" are
4. 5 must have apps: a. Opera Mobile 10; b. copilot (navigation apps are like religion - I like this one); c. Resco explorer; d. Omarket (for freeware); e. AEButton+ (great for getting the volume keys to do extra things, like up/down)
5. Then explore XDA software forum and slowly get used to the device. Don't try to do too much at the start
The great thing about the windows mobile devices is you can change nearly everything; the bad thing about winmo is you can change nearly everything !
kashinoda said:
After pondering which phone to get for months, and whilst everything pointed to getting the Desire... I just couldn't resist!! I'm a slave to WinMo after my HTC Diamond
So any way, it arrives, I have a silent orgasm, open it up...
What are the next 5 essential things I should do?
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Well, assuming that you're not a stranger in ROM-flashing, just flash a into a custom ROM as fast as you can, really! Sorry to differ, but stock ROMs are mediocre. You can try THIS one.
These guys are VERY wise, indeed.
Maggot #7 said:
1. Install a screenprotector and don't carry it around without it before....
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Cheesy Dave said:
The great thing about the windows mobile devices is you can change nearly everything; the bad thing about winmo is you can change nearly everything !
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Cheesy Dave said:
The great thing about the windows mobile devices is you can change nearly everything; the bad thing about winmo is you can change nearly everything !
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I love that quote! Can I use it in my sig? I'll credit you
As for the OP, when I first got mine, I download a shed load of apps and tried all the tweaks going, basically completely changed everything. I then made a note of the apps and changes I wanted to keep/were stable and did a hard reset and reintalled the good ones, making sure I wouldn't have anything that would crash my phone later down the line.
yeoldgreat1 said:
I love that quote! Can I use it in my sig? I'll credit you
As for the OP, when I first got mine, I download a shed load of apps and tried all the tweaks going, basically completely changed everything. I then made a note of the apps and changes I wanted to keep/were stable and did a hard reset and reintalled the good ones, making sure I wouldn't have anything that would crash my phone later down the line.
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Feel free to use the Quote - no credit needed
I used the first week to install all kinds of recommended apps, without worrying about maybe ****ing things up.
Then after I managed to **** things up, I knew what apps I liked and did a hard reset and set it up correctly with just those apps.
I highly recommend the LMT launcher, which allows to start apps with gestures.
BumAround said:
Well, assuming that you're not a stranger in ROM-flashing, just flash a into a custom ROM as fast as you can, really! Sorry to differ, but stock ROMs are mediocre. You can try THIS one.
These guys are VERY wise, indeed.
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May I ask, what difference does it make when changing the rom from the original? What are the advantages?
Also can anyone help me with installing the ps eumlator and how to convert the games i have from my original ps cd's.
Some great replies and suggestions here guys thanks a lot!!
Chance is I'll have it running under a new ROM within an hour... Even if the stock is good enough, I'm just compelled to.
Can anyone suggest a good screen protector??
The great thing about the windows mobile devices is you can change nearly everything; the bad thing about winmo is you can change nearly everything !
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Best sentence ever.
andyjm said:
May I ask, what difference does it make when changing the rom from the original? What are the advantages?.
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Well, I would suggest reading the ROMs thread, there are alot of advantages, some apply to more people than others ...
More or Less apps cooked into the ROM (hard resets give you more or less)
Some are more stable, and faster, some are faster and less stable some are slower but more stable ...
There is really too much about custom ROMs to sum up here, all I can say is , Read Read Read, and decide for yourself .....
thanks for that info watcher, much appreciated. Would it be ok if i pm you i have another question.
andyjm said:
thanks for that info watcher, much appreciated. Would it be ok if i pm you i have another question.
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No problem .... PM away ....
I would use it a for a couple of weeks without changing anything. Give yourself some time to get used to the phone "as it is". After that, when you "own" the phone, I would gradually modify/expand it with some software/roms/tweaks.
The idea behind this is that you have to have a sollid fundament to work from (imo). If you don't have this base experience, there's the risk that you keep searching for the right customization... forever
my 2 cents
mdmhd2 said:
1) Sell it.
2) See point n.1
3) See point n.2
4) See point n.3
5) See point n.4
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(10 char)

Looking for a rather basic WinMo 6.5.3/6.5.5 ROM

Before people tell me to search the forums, that's what I've been doing for the longest time, trying every ROM on the Vogue forum. And before you tell me to try Android, I've done that too, and while I like it, I prefer Windows Mobile on this particular phone at the moment, but may put Android on it again sometime in the future.
The closest that I've found is NagROM V0.19 Touch, which is just a touch too basic. I'm looking for something like that, but with M2D and M2D Customiser, the HTC Cabs and Ringtones, the EZInput keyboard like in NFSFan's ROM, and Office 2007 or 2010. While I like the ROMs that come with other programs cooked in, such as Total Commander and PHM Registry Edit, I prefer the ROM coming without them so that when I go to install an updated version, I don't run into a problem. Too many times I've had problems installing a newer version of a program when it comes up telling me it has to uninstall the previous version, but can't, sometimes leaving me with just the old version, or both versions.
And before anyone says to cook my own, I've looked into guides, tried cooking my own, and the past few times I've tried, it wouldn't even boot up for the first time after flashing. I've tried numerous kitchens, some of which are supposed to be basic ones, perfect for beginners, but end up with one of a few problems: Not compatible with 64-bit windows, virus scanner blocks a crucial part, not meant for the Vogue, etc.
Basically what I'm asking is: Are there any basic ROMs with nothing more than M2D (and HTC cabs and Ringtones, and M2DC), EZInput, and Office Mobile 2007/2010 cooked in, or can someone HELP me with trying to cook my own (so that I can have it preconfigured for Verizon, MMS working and GPS set up)?
Hey, Ill cook you up a rom with the things you want. Should be done here in a little while!
Hey - that's a dev for you, man. Ask and ye shall receive!
I'd encourage you to hit barogi's donate link if he's got one.
Sent from my Full Android on Vogue using XDA App
mrkite38 said:
Hey - that's a dev for you, man. Ask and ye shall receive!
I'd encourage you to hit barogi's donate link if he's got one.
Sent from my Full Android on Vogue using XDA App
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Love to provide for the community! Im actually uploading the rom right now... As for donations, i dont have a link seeing how i am only 17 years old.
Anyways thanks for the kind words.
Here you go
Build 23138 (Wm 6.5.3)
Office 2010
Htc apps
Other necessary stuff... such as Bluetooth..
Barogi44 said:
Love to provide for the community! Im actually uploading the rom right now... As for donations, i dont have a link seeing how i am only 17 years old.
Anyways thanks for the kind words.
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17??! That explains the free time! keep up the good work!
Sent from my Full Android on Vogue using XDA App
mrkite38 said:
17??! That explains the free time! keep up the good work!
Sent from my Full Android on Vogue using XDA App
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Yep 17
Haha, wow. I never expected someone to actually make it fer me! I'll have to try it out tomorrow as it's late now. Also, what kitchen do you use, Barogi? I still do plan on learning. (I'm a mix of hands on learning and being shown/flat out told what to do for the first time or three lol). Also, I assume it is set up as a Generic ROM (without the provisioning cab, MMS cab and settingsh, and Registry settings for GPS)? Also, as time goes more things come to mind to be cooked in (hence wanting to learn how to cook a ROM personally, and slowly becoming less basic ) lol. Still, thanks, majorly. I'll let you know how it works out when I try it tomorrow =3
Oh, and what version of EZInput is cooked in? I know I said "like the one in NFSFan's ROM," but that's only because I was unsure of the version (which I know now is 1.5.)
Toddle said:
Haha, wow. I never expected someone to actually make it fer me! I'll have to try it out tomorrow as it's late now. Also, what kitchen do you use, Barogi? I still do plan on learning. (I'm a mix of hands on learning and being shown/flat out told what to do for the first time or three lol). Also, I assume it is set up as a Generic ROM (without the provisioning cab, MMS cab and settingsh, and Registry settings for GPS)? Also, as time goes more things come to mind to be cooked in (hence wanting to learn how to cook a ROM personally, and slowly becoming less basic ) lol. Still, thanks, majorly. I'll let you know how it works out when I try it tomorrow =3
Oh, and what version of EZInput is cooked in? I know I said "like the one in NFSFan's ROM," but that's only because I was unsure of the version (which I know now is 1.5.)
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I use Buildos 2.0.0 And yes it is generic meaning you will need a carrier cab, Once you do install your carrier cab everything should work such as mms and gps. As for Ezinput i actually use a newer version than Nfsfans its (pcarvalho_ezInput_2.1_QVGA). If you want some help with cooking your own rom, just install ppckitchen buildos 2.0.0 since thats the only one ive ever used and know how to use and then send me a message on whatever you need some help with! Also if you want something changed in the rom i have already made for you before you get a chance to build your own, just let me know and ill do it.
EDIT: Had posted the wrong link to ppckitchen its supposed to be not .com
Hope you like it.
Barogi44 said:
I use Buildos 2.0.0 And yes it is generic meaning you will need a carrier cab, Once you do install your carrier cab everything should work such as mms and gps. As for Ezinput i actually use a newer version than Nfsfans its (pcarvalho_ezInput_2.1_QVGA). If you want some help with cooking your own rom, just install ppckitchen buildos 2.0.0 since thats the only one ive ever used and know how to use and then send me a message on whatever you need some help with! Also if you want something changed in the rom i have already made for you before you get a chance to build your own, just let me know and ill do it.
EDIT: Had posted the wrong link to ppckitchen its supposed to be not .com
Hope you like it.
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PPCKitchen BuildOS 2.0.0 is what I was using as well. I've used enough generic ROMs to know how to get it all working, so that's simple to do. Was just curious about that. I've gotten one ROM working through there, but somehow ended up with the Windows Mobile 6.1 splash screen (even though I changed it lol.) I'll try out your ROM, and I"ll keep playing with BuildOS. Hopefully I can get the file size down, and figure out how to cook in my own things, not just what's listed on the build menu lol. I'm kind of a hands on learner, kind of need to be shown multiple times, so playing around with it (though will take MUCH longer) SHOULD help me figure it out, but I'll keep in mind to PM you if I have any questions.
Toddle said:
PPCKitchen BuildOS 2.0.0 is what I was using as well. I've used enough generic ROMs to know how to get it all working, so that's simple to do. Was just curious about that. I've gotten one ROM working through there, but somehow ended up with the Windows Mobile 6.1 splash screen (even though I changed it lol.) I'll try out your ROM, and I"ll keep playing with BuildOS. Hopefully I can get the file size down, and figure out how to cook in my own things, not just what's listed on the build menu lol. I'm kind of a hands on learner, kind of need to be shown multiple times, so playing around with it (though will take MUCH longer) SHOULD help me figure it out, but I'll keep in mind to PM you if I have any questions.
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Ok great!
Alright, I'm trying out the ROM, and so far it looks great. Just one slight thing... I see you put in PHM RegEdit (an add on program I said I prefer installing myself so that when I go to update it I don't run into problems lol) Other than that, so far it looks perfect. Now if I could figure out how to cook a ROM where it isn't bigger than the stock, with just a few add in things as I think of them that I use regularly (and cook it as a Verizon specific ROM) then yay. Time to start playing with BuildOS while setting up my phone again lol
Toddle said:
Alright, I'm trying out the ROM, and so far it looks great. Just one slight thing... I see you put in PHM RegEdit (an add on program I said I prefer installing myself so that when I go to update it I don't run into problems lol) Other than that, so far it looks perfect. Now if I could figure out how to cook a ROM where it isn't bigger than the stock, with just a few add in things as I think of them that I use regularly (and cook it as a Verizon specific ROM) then yay. Time to start playing with BuildOS while setting up my phone again lol
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Ahh sorry about that Its just one of those programs that i figured you might want but perhaps had forgotten to ask for
Also i realized that after i had uploaded the rom that i forgot to add the reg edit to fix the 2016 date error on sms messages... Not sure if that affects you on Verizon, because i do not get it on Bell.
If you want... I can give you a list of the necessary things you should put in your own roms to make it function to its fullest.. like all the necessary bluetooth items and such?
Barogi44 said:
Ahh sorry about that Its just one of those programs that i figured you might want but perhaps had forgotten to ask for
Also i realized that after i had uploaded the rom that i forgot to add the reg edit to fix the 2016 date error on sms messages... Not sure if that affects you on Verizon, because i do not get it on Bell.
If you want... I can give you a list of the necessary things you should put in your own roms to make it function to its fullest.. like all the necessary bluetooth items and such?
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It's alright, I think PHM is one of the ones that can be updated even if it's cooked in without any problems. And yes, the 2016 problem will affect me on Verizon. I had it happen to me on NagROM before, but already had the fix downloaded (someone made it into a cab) so I installed it to be on the safe side. As for the list of things to make it function to the fullest, please do. And if there is another way to contact you other than on here, can you tell me in PM? I'd like to contact you off of here for help with cooking a ROM. I've tried again, and it wouldn't even finish building this time. Out of about 8 times of cooking a ROM, it succeeded only once, but I forgot to compress it (this was before you made this ROM for me).
Also, slight problem, and quick question.
The problem is on M2D. The music tab. It says that it can't play the audio file and opens Windows Media Player. I haven't found anything on this yet and had it happen to me on a few ROMs. If it can't be fixed, that's fine, i can just take off the music tab (because I don't always slide along the bottom, I'll use the D-pad at times, and if other people play with my phone)
The question... Where can I find the default background for M2D? I changed the background using M2DC so it'll be on all the tabs, but you can't see the white text, so I wanna change it back until I find a different background.
Toddle said:
It's alright, I think PHM is one of the ones that can be updated even if it's cooked in without any problems. And yes, the 2016 problem will affect me on Verizon. I had it happen to me on NagROM before, but already had the fix downloaded (someone made it into a cab) so I installed it to be on the safe side. As for the list of things to make it function to the fullest, please do. And if there is another way to contact you other than on here, can you tell me in PM? I'd like to contact you off of here for help with cooking a ROM. I've tried again, and it wouldn't even finish building this time. Out of about 8 times of cooking a ROM, it succeeded only once, but I forgot to compress it (this was before you made this ROM for me).
Also, slight problem, and quick question.
The problem is on M2D. The music tab. It says that it can't play the audio file and opens Windows Media Player. I haven't found anything on this yet and had it happen to me on a few ROMs. If it can't be fixed, that's fine, i can just take off the music tab (because I don't always slide along the bottom, I'll use the D-pad at times, and if other people play with my phone)
The question... Where can I find the default background for M2D? I changed the background using M2DC so it'll be on all the tabs, but you can't see the white text, so I wanna change it back until I find a different background.
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Ill send you a pm with my cell number. Also I have always gotten that message when trying to use music tab. I dont think a fix has ever been mentioned... I know that it usually defaults to using audio manager and not the windows media player, perhaps that could be the problem?
The background... I think that you have to back up the default in M2DC before changing it in order to get it back, so that you can reload it. Just so you know, I don't use Manila at all on my phone, so im not quite sure how to fix many things on it. And remember that most issues are do to the fact that Manila is not made for our phones and has been ported over. But I will try my best to help you out.
Barogi44 said:
Ill send you a pm with my cell number. Also I have always gotten that message when trying to use music tab. I dont think a fix has ever been mentioned... I know that it usually defaults to using audio manager and not the windows media player, perhaps that could be the problem?
The background... I think that you have to back up the default in M2DC before changing it in order to get it back, so that you can reload it. Just so you know, I don't use Manila at all on my phone, so im not quite sure how to fix many things on it. And remember that most issues are do to the fact that Manila is not made for our phones and has been ported over. But I will try my best to help you out.
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I've had the music tab working before. I think NFSFan's ROM. And I'll just find a different background. I'll send you a text tomorrow before my class.
Toddle said:
I've had the music tab working before. I think NFSFan's ROM. And I'll just find a different background. I'll send you a text tomorrow before my class.
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Yeah NFSFAN always cooked Audiomanager into his roms... you could put it in your own as well and it probably would stop the error.
Barogi44 said:
Here you go
Build 23138 (Wm 6.5.3)
Office 2010
Htc apps
Other necessary stuff... such as Bluetooth..
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Barogi...can I hit you up for a more basic one that that? I need the lighted WM ROM there is. I basically need Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and that's extras.
If you could make one that has everything removed except Windows (even ezinput, office, ringtones, htc apps, etc...then I would be very appreciate
Of course if you have a kitchen link I can do it myself - thanks !!
Thread moved to General.
any screen shots avail?

