Android is #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EVO 4G General

I just saw on the news that Andriod has surpassed iOS and blackberry's OS for most used OS on smartphones.
Congrats to google and all of the awesome devs that made me want to get an android phone!
Edit: My news channel sucks, after reading up on it, the report that was released showed Android as being the most popular purchased in the last six months. While not quite as impressive, it looks like we're making headway on Apple and Blackberry.

FattySparks said:
I just saw on the news that Andriod has surpassed iOS and blackberry's OS for most used OS on smartphones.
Congrats to google and all of the awesome devs that made me want to get an android phone!
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Not really. It just became the most bought. Blackberry/iPhone is still #1/#2 in the US by about 10-12% (~31/28/19% - BB/iPhone/Android). Internationally (where the iPhone is available on multiple carriers) the gap is bigger. It's definitely growing though.
Edit: Just to be clearer, the numbers show that in the US people are leaving Blackberry, the iPhone is staying pretty constant, and Android is growing. So it looks like Blackberry (probably from Verizon/Sprint/T-Mo) users are moving to Android. And if Verizon gets the rumored CDMA iPhone (which is available in China now), it'll probably change the dynamics (Verizon Blackberry/Android users => iPhone) since iPhone retention among users is really, really high.

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FattySparks said:
Ok, so if it is the most bought, then doesn't that mean that more people have it than any other OS????
Cuz I'm pretty sure that's what I said and what you said.....
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The iPhone has been selling like crazy for years now. It's base of users are much larger than Androids. Right now the iPhone stands at 28% of the US market share, Android is at 19%. People have recently started buying more Android phones than any other type of phone, so it's still less but it's growing. Get it?

FattySparks said:
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Not necessarily, being most bought doesn't make it the most used, it just means it's growing. You can have 2 million BB users, 1 million iOS users and 500K Android users. Android is selling 3/day, iOS 2/day and BB 1/day. While Android is growing the quickest, it's still third in the smart phone market.

And if Verizon gets the rumored CDMA iPhone (which is available in China now) said:
Like most Apple products, they lock you into their ecosystem and sink their teeth into your wallet. Once you sell your soul to Stevie, it's tough to get it back.
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rotorrocket said:
Like most Apple products, they lock you into their ecosystem and sink their teeth into your wallet. Once you sell your soul to Stevie, it's tough to get it back.
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Oh so you mean I can transfer my Android apps to a iPhone/WebOS/Blackberry? Nice!!

rotorrocket said:
Like most Apple products, they lock you into their ecosystem and sink their teeth into your wallet. Once you sell your soul to Stevie, it's tough to get it back.
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+1. Steve jobs and apple are really good at raping the customers in the wallet yet they willingly let it happen. I don't call their customers fanboys anymore, I prefer the term mindless zombie.
Award Tour said:
Oh so you mean I can transfer my Android apps to a iPhone/WebOS/Blackberry? Nice!!
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Good luck trying to transfer anything non-apple to an iphone without having to use itunes at least once. I highly doubt android apps would be allowed onto an iphone let alone work correctly.

lovethyEVO said:
Good luck trying to transfer anything non-apple to an iphone without having to use itunes at least once. I highly doubt android apps would be allowed onto an iphone let alone work correctly.
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Ever heard of Doubletwist? That's my point, use one platform and you get locked in unless you want to abandon all your paid apps.

Award Tour said:
Oh so you mean I can transfer my Android apps to a iPhone/WebOS/Blackberry? Nice!!
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Well no, (yes) but you can transfer it to a wide variety of hardware manufacturers and carriers.
For instance, here is an incomplete list of where you can take your apps either now, or in the future.
Apple (oh right, android works on the iphone too)
Sony Ericsson
Or you can take your iOS apps to the following places:

Award Tour said:
Oh so you mean I can transfer my Android apps to a iPhone/WebOS/Blackberry? Nice!!
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that made no sense based off what you quoted him from

Award Tour said:
Ever heard of Doubletwist? That's my point, use one platform and you get locked in unless you want to abandon all your paid apps.
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I still prefer android over anything apple even considering the paid apps. The android market is still growing and eventually there will be some sort of quality control much like how apple does their market.
As for paid apps, it's no different than buying games on an old phone and then not being able to use them anymore after getting a different phone.
Also, you can't beat the 24 hour refund period. I don't backup paid apps and then refund but it has saved me money refunding apps that did something I could already do. Bettercut is a recent example. My wife wanted to use some icons from the market but it couldn't be used without bettercut. The icons were free but not the app. I just hit refund and showed her how to use custom icons through launcherpro.
Apple doesn't do that. In fact, I remember when the apple market first came out an app was sold for $5+ and it was nothing more than a red button that did nothing. People literally got robbed on that one.

Yay another thread about how Apple does everything wrong and Android does everything right./s

mastermarc said:
Well no, (yes) but you can transfer it to a wide variety of hardware manufacturers and carriers.
For instance, here is an incomplete list of where you can take your apps either now, or in the future.
Apple (oh right, android works on the iphone too)
Sony Ericsson
Or you can take your iOS apps to the following places:
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It's still the same ecosystem. My point is that you'll still be locked into Android. Its the way things work.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

You must be referring to this article:
This is just for the last 6 months by the way.

lovethyEVO said:
I still prefer android over anything apple even considering the paid apps. The android market is still growing and eventually there will be some sort of quality control much like how apple does their market.
As for paid apps, it's no different than buying games on an old phone and then not being able to use them anymore after getting a different phone.
Also, you can't beat the 24 hour refund period. I don't backup paid apps and then refund but it has saved me money refunding apps that did something I could already do. Bettercut is a recent example. My wife wanted to use some icons from the market but it couldn't be used without bettercut. The icons were free but not the app. I just hit refund and showed her how to use custom icons through launcherpro.
Apple doesn't do that. In fact, I remember when the apple market first came out an app was sold for $5+ and it was nothing more than a red button that did nothing. People literally got robbed on that one.
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you mean this:

werxen said:
Yay another thread about how Apple does everything wrong and Android does everything right./s
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Yes, you are in an android forum.
And if you don't like it, then quit trolling and move on.

akarol said:
You must be referring to this article:
This is just for the last 6 months by the way.
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Read the OP all of the way.

Last-Chance said:
you mean this:
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That's the one. I didn't want to quote the actual price since spending more than $5 on a useless app is dumb enough, I tried to downplay it a bit. But that is the one I was referring to. Thanks for the link.

Award Tour said:
It's still the same ecosystem. My point is that you'll still be locked into Android. Its the way things work.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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It might be the same OS but the selection is HUGE compared to Apples. Like the guy was saying, you have 10+ carriers with android; motorola, HTC, and samsung all use custom UI's. The processors, internal memory, ram and other hardware features can all be changed over different makers on the changeable OS.
For the iOS you have Apple, old version with an old UI and one with a slightly new UI. Which will probably stay the same over the coming years. There is no other company making the phone so what it comes with is what you get and the OS wont come any different (customized) then the other Apple phones being released. That is until they release another version.


it's coming!!!!
so how many closet apple fan boys will be jumping on this deal? if i could run android on it, i might consider but verizons prices are crap. i hope sprint has a good line up later this fall and next year because this if anything will hurt where it counts.
Galaxy S for Sprint will be out by then.
iPhones are overrated.
Zardos66 said:
Galaxy S for Sprint will be out by then.
iPhones are overrated.
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their going to need something more than a crappy samsung phone to even compete with that. sorry i had to say it!
I don't think Sprint is going to work with Apple, beacause of the "Total Equipment Protecction", Apple Iphone doesn't have that...
markus_del_marko said:
their going to need something more than a crappy samsung phone to even compete with that. sorry i had to say it!
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Yeah... Samsung's software is horrible. Horrible horrible horrible.
The HTC Desire is the closest competitor to the iPhone...
derekwilkinson said:
Yeah... Samsung's software is horrible. Horrible horrible horrible.
The HTC Desire is the closest competitor to the iPhone...
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their gonna need something because by january the evo won't count as it will be as outdated as the hero. im not counting any wp7 garbage either because i talked to sprint and they aren't even sure if they will carry those phones. winmo is not a hot seller for them, android is.
rockypr said:
I don't think Sprint is going to work with Apple, beacause of the "Total Equipment Protecction", Apple Iphone doesn't have that...
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i wish these companies would allow the buyer to choose what service they want their phones on. i hope one day that will happen. example: id love to get the droid2 on sprint.
markus_del_marko said:
their going to need something more than a crappy samsung phone to even compete with that. sorry i had to say it!
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derekwilkinson said:
Yeah... Samsung's software is horrible. Horrible horrible horrible.
The HTC Desire is the closest competitor to the iPhone...
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Have you tried it out in a store? It's definitely different from Samsung's past attempts, in a good way. The Cortex processor is ridiculously fast, resulting in the smoothest Android experience I've seen to date.
derekwilkinson said:
Yeah... Samsung's software is horrible. Horrible horrible horrible.
The HTC Desire is the closest competitor to the iPhone...
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The software is horrible, but the hardware is pretty good. The iPhone is popular because it's easy to learn and has more apps than any other OS. Oh, and guess what's in the iPhone. A Samsung processor.
No matter what Apple comes out with I will never get another one of their products. The thing that really sets Android from iOS and the iPhone is there is only 1 phone with iOS and there have been over 40 released android phones with atleast 12 more confirmed to be released and over 10 rumored phones.
I still believe that Android will out sale iPhone no matter where it goes.
Apple provides no freedom to its subscribers other than the reveled "App Store" that's about as varietal as it gets for them. No alternate phones to use, no alternate homescreen, GUI (unless jailbroken i suppose) just the same tried nd true iphone with a faeclift and some hardware changes from time to time some for the better, some for the worse lol. I love their PC's nd laptops but i will NEVER own an iphone.
If anyone here really has that big of a boner for the Iphone4 I'd be really suprised. It's not a bad phone but I just hate apple, and it doesn't do anything that the EVO or any other phone coming out can't do. I'd take an EVO over that any day. I'm android from here on out.
This video sums up this entire thread lol!!!
Its still the same iPhone4 just a new radio. As the Android Phones continue to evolve it will still be what is out right now.
I work with a bunch of people who all have Iphone's and talk amongst each other and it kills me, I think it's safe to say I'm an android snob. One could say that I think I'm better for owning an android phone and having it rooted. I might argue at first, but honestly I can't help it. Apple to me is like owning a prius, and Android is like owning ****ing Optimus Prime.
nutswillkillme said:
I work with a bunch of people who all have Iphone's and talk amongst each other and it kills me, I think it's safe to say I'm an android snob. One could say that I think I'm better for owning an android phone and having it rooted. I might argue at first, but honestly I can't help it. Apple to me is like owning a prius, and Android is like owning ****ing Optimus Prime.
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Haha optimus prime. I actually have him as my lockscreen just cause i feel that exact same way. I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up in the middle of the night to find my phone in the backyard having a meeting with all the other local android phones on how they are gonna get rid of the iphones.
But seriously, I too feel the same way, I'm a college student and everyone rich kid and their parents have an iphone and think that they are so cool. All i can think when i see them, is my phone is better than yours. And i have a hero! a phone that in the rapid pace phone world, is obsolete.
Visionikz03 said:
Apple provides no freedom to its subscribers other than the reveled "App Store" that's about as varietal as it gets for them. No alternate phones to use, no alternate homescreen, GUI (unless jailbroken i suppose) just the same tried nd true iphone with a faeclift and some hardware changes from time to time some for the better, some for the worse lol. I love their PC's nd laptops but i will NEVER own an iphone.
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And yet, i agree with this. While i would never own an iphone willingly, i do have a macbook and i couldn't be happier with it. I can do anything i want on it and it never fails me. No crashes, no freezing, no viruses. Nothing. Its solid.
But at the same time, i don't carry it around with me everywhere so everyone can see my macbook. I don't go sit in coffee shops just to surf the internet. I chose a macbook not cause it's the cool thing to have, but because I believed it was the best choice i could make. So I'm not an apple hater, I just think that if I'm spending a considerable amount of money on a tech device, it better work to its complete and full potential.
nutswillkillme said:
If anyone here really has that big of a boner for the Iphone4 I'd be really suprised. It's not a bad phone but I just hate apple, and it doesn't do anything that the EVO or any other phone coming out can't do. I'd take an EVO over that any day. I'm android from here on out.
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i used to hate android when it first came out, that's when winmo was the hot seller back in 2007-2008. yes it is the most popular os out there "right now" but im sure something will trump android in the near future. what im waiting to see is the next webos device.
If the iPhone was available for Sprint.... I would buy it. The only reason I didn't get one in the first place is because AT&T makes you pay out the ass every month. The iPhone 4 is the best phone on the market right now. The only downside to iPhone is that you can't customize it as well as Android, but... you can put Android on the iPhone! Again, the iPhone is the best phone you can buy right now.
The way it looks now, HTC, Motorola, and maybe even Samsung and LG are going to all be putting out phones that will be directly competing with not only the iPhone, but each other also. That's cool that Apple busts out hardware that puts all these companies in there place for a minute, but on the software sides of things, I'll take Android any day. The nonstop onslaught of Android phones coming out makes me think the Iphone4 won't be on top hardware wise for very long. They seem to be up against almost every phone manufacturer now.
HeroMeng said:
If the iPhone was available for Sprint.... I would buy it. The only reason I didn't get one in the first place is because AT&T makes you pay out the ass every month. The iPhone 4 is the best phone on the market right now. The only downside to iPhone is that you can't customize it as well as Android, but... you can put Android on the iPhone! Again, the iPhone is the best phone you can buy right now.
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i wouldn't buy one but id take one for free. verizon is pretty expensive too when it comes to it's plans.
HeroMeng said:
The iPhone 4 is the best phone on the market right now.
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Didn't think I've EVER see anyone say this on xda forums. But to each his own.
Still, !!

Why I think Google went to Samsung

Alright, I don't know how many threads there are on this, but I'm here just give my 2 cents. I don't own an Nexus S (but am hoping to buy one next week!).
Why Google went to Samsung for this phone:
Most importantly the screen. Obviously Android's main competitor here is Apple and the iPhone. Right now, the only 2 displays that really stand out in the market are the Retina Display, and the sAMOLED from Samsung. Samsung already has the technology and resources to create their competitive Super AMOLED screen, making them perfect for Google's need to compete with the RD.
The GPUs Samsung uses. Another reason why Apple is doing so well is because of the Appstore, and more specifically, the vast amount of games available on it. Gingerbread makes game-developing for android devs more extensive, and with the extremely capable GPUs Samsung is pumping out (GPUs better than that of the iPhone), it makes it a great manufacturer for Google to partner with to show their commitment to gaming.
Samsung's use of the Hummingbird. Google understands that it is more efficient than the Snapdragons, and is showing all manufacturers that Android will start to be shaped around the Hummingbird.
To show its diversity with manufacturers.
I don't think HTC was particularly interested in doing another "Nexus" phone.
Recognize Samsung for its commitment to Android
At the core though, it is all about competing with Apple. Google really needed to put something out there to compete with the iPhone 4 (with the FFC, processor, smoother OS, and gaming), a phone that won't be upgraded for 7-8 months. Yeah there were a lot of facepalms about this device (lack of the microSD slot, no HD recording, etc.), but other than that, this is the best Google can really do at this point. Google has released 2 Nexus phones within one year, so we can be sure that another one will be seen soon, to counter the iPhone 5.
nearblack said:
Alright, I don't know how many threads there are on this, but I'm here just give my 2 cents. I don't own an Nexus S (but am hoping to buy one next week!).
Why Google went to Samsung for this phone:
Most importantly the screen. Obviously Android's main competitor here is Apple and the iPhone. Right now, the only 2 displays that really stand out in the market are the Retina Display, and the sAMOLED from Samsung. Samsung already has the technology and resources to create their competitive Super AMOLED screen, making them perfect for Google's need to compete with the RD.
The GPUs Samsung uses. Another reason why Apple is doing so well is because of the Appstore, and more specifically, the vast amount of games available on it. Gingerbread makes game-developing for android devs more extensive, and with the extremely capable GPUs Samsung is pumping out (GPUs better than that of the iPhone), it makes it a great manufacturer for Google to partner with to show their commitment to gaming.
Samsung's use of the Hummingbird. Google understands that it is more efficient than the Snapdragons, and is showing all manufacturers that Android will start to be shaped around the Hummingbird.
To show its diversity.
I don't think HTC was particularly interested in doing another "Nexus" phone.
Recognize Samsung for its commitment to Android
At the core though, it is all about competing with Apple. Google really needed to put something out there to compete with the iPhone 4 (with the FFC, processor, smoother OS, and gaming), a phone that won't be upgraded for 7-8 months. Yeah there were a lot of facepalms about this device (lack of the microSD slot, no HD recording, etc.), but other than that, this is the best Google can really do at this point. Google has released 2 Nexus phones within one year, so we can be sure that another one will be seen soon, to counter the iPhone 5.
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I dont think its about competing with apple as much as it is showcasing the latest and greatest of the Android OS
slowz3r said:
I dont think its about competing with apple as much as it is showcasing the latest and greatest of the Android OS
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it's always about competing with Apple. They showcasing the latest and greatest of Android, to show consumers why they should buy Android phones over other phones (such as the iPhone).
Thank for opening a brand new thread for things being discussed time n time again since last couple of months You observations are warm heartedly welcomed
nearblack said:
it's always about competing with Apple. They showcasing the latest and greatest of Android, to show consumers why they should buy Android phones over other phones (such as the iPhone).
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if it truly was about competition Google would pull all the google apps off the Appstore
slowz3r said:
if it truly was about competition Google would pull all the google apps off the Appstore
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it's all about the bottom line. they put their apps on the appstore to spread their brand name. and, the google apps on the appstore don't have all the features that they do on android, and always get updated later.
nearblack said:
it's all about the bottom line. they put their apps on the appstore to spread their brand name. and, the google apps on the appstore don't have all the features that they do on android, and always get updated later.
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i think to truly compete with apple google needs to brand their own hardware, and what i mean by that is Not have any type of other company branding, no Samsung, no HTC none of that just Google Nexus
slowz3r said:
i think to truly compete with apple google needs to brand their own hardware, and what i mean by that is Not have any type of other company branding, no Samsung, no HTC none of that just Google Nexus
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agreed. But I don't think Google plans on doing that anytime soon
nearblack said:
agreed. But I don't think Google plans on doing that anytime soon
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ya sadly
Also there needs to be more exposure of the Android brand, people know Android as "droid" thanks to damn people at verizon
Who says Samsung didn't approach Google?
slowz3r said:
i think to truly compete with apple google needs to brand their own hardware, and what i mean by that is Not have any type of other company branding, no Samsung, no HTC none of that just Google Nexus
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Well if they just made it Google Nexus than i don't think Samsung or HTC or any other manufacturers would want their hardware in it, meaning Google would have to invest millions in factories to produce Google branded hardware. Even if they did all this to produce an actual 'pure (and not just the software)' Nexus it would still sell less than the iPhone because most people going for Android will get something on their current provider because a phone on contract is cheaper than a unlocked phone, whereas iOS seekers only have 1 current phone to go for.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
slowz3r said:
if it truly was about competition Google would pull all the google apps off the Appstore
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You're forgetting where Google makes the majority of it's money.
Oh yeah, advertising. Lol. Just because Apple is a competitor to "Google Mobile" doesn't make it a competitor to "Google Search". I use Chrome on my Macbook Air. Are you saying Google should stop supporting OS X as well?
Anderdroid said:
You're forgetting where Google makes the majority of it's money.
Oh yeah, advertising. Lol. Just because Apple is a competitor to "Google Mobile" doesn't make it a competitor to "Google Search". I use Chrome on my Macbook Air. Are you saying Google should stop supporting OS X as well?
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no, i didnt say anything close to that, what his argument was that Google and Apple are in competition, my response to that was if it was truly a competition why offer some of the hallmarks of Android on an iOS device
slowz3r said:
ya sadly
Also there needs to be more exposure of the Android brand, people know Android as "droid" thanks to damn people at verizon
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****, I know! Its so annoying!
Dumbass: "Well howdy do? You using a Droid phone right there"
Me: "No, its an Android phone"
Dumbass: "oh, like them robots they send into space?"
Me: "-_- really?"
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
hansmrtn said:
****, I know! Its so annoying!
Dumbass: "Well howdy do? You using a Droid phone right there"
Me: "No, its an Android phone"
Dumbass: "oh, like them robots they send into space?"
Me: "-_- really?"
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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First commercial to that i saw with "Andy the Android" was the Evo commercial
slowz3r said:
ya sadly
Also there needs to be more exposure of the Android brand, people know Android as "droid" thanks to damn people at verizon
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I agree. As an example, I have a not-so-knowledgeable friend who has an iPhone. He was envying the Vibrant I had at the time while *****ing about Apple/AT&T. I told him he should just make the switch to Android and his response was that he "couldn't get a Droid because it is only on Verizon."
It took several minutes to explain that Droid is a brand, Android is an OS, and he could in fact switch to an Android powered device without switching carriers.
So many people still see phones like the Captivate, for example, as being an isolated feature-phone instead of being a full-featured smartphone that is part of the Android ecosystem.
It would be nearly impossible to get device manufacturers and carriers to change their advertising game but I really think Google would benefit greatly from a few solid ad campaigns.
As another example, I absolutely blew my aunts mind when I explained that having 4 completely different phones from different manufacturers in the past 2 years was really not a logistical problem because they all run the same OS and all of my apps/settings/messages/etc could easily be moved from one to the other.
Granted, neophytes and morons are always going to be just that, but there are so many people out there who just don't know any better and think that Apple not only invented the smartphone, but that it's a mobile landscape where it's Apple vs. 1000 little guys and some of them happen to be "powered by Google"
</rant> and I apologize for going so far off topic.
I agree with more mass advertising. besides the droid commercials, I havent really seen any manufacturers advertise the Android OS, just their hardware (screen size, 4g)
slowz3r said:
i think to truly compete with apple google needs to brand their own hardware, and what i mean by that is Not have any type of other company branding, no Samsung, no HTC none of that just Google Nexus
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I don't think there's too much wrong with a manufacturer's name on a product as long as it doesn't take center stage. On the front of the Nexus S, there is no carrier logo. That's the biggest and most recognizable branding you'll find on a phone nowadays. The only typed-out words we see are on the back cover, and still it only says Google and Samsung in roughly the same font. I think they did a nice job with keeping the phone "plain" in that regard. Also since Google is square in the middle of the cover, I think most peoples eyes will go to that first.
They chose Samsung for profit ! Look at the quantity of Galaxy S that Samsung sold. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Blackberry 4g Tablet Dual Core!

Sorry if it is off topic but a 4g blackberry tablet with a dual core processor what do you guys think
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BlackBerry? That's unexpected.
aph said:
BlackBerry? That's unexpected.
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It's been known for a while now. Well, except Sprint officially carrying it. But um, who'd want a RIM product? iOS, Android, and WP7 are going to have the most support by both developers and community.
Award Tour said:
It's been known for a while now. Well, except Sprint officially carrying it. But um, who'd want a RIM product? iOS, Android, and WP7 are going to have the most support by both developers and community.
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Yeah, I did some research and it was supposed to be WiFi only and/or allow tethering to an existing BB phone to power the tablet.
Smart of them to change their minds, they would not be able to compete without data. 4G can't hurt.
idk it is a blackberry and running their os. could be drama in the long end, but if the hardware is in there for 4g, that makes me believe that you could set it up as a phone with a dialer... could be a combo of old school meets new school.
a Blackberry tablet ...
... who was the fool at Sprint who green-lighted backing this hot mess? RIMs target audience and the typical tablets target audience aren't even close to the same focus groups ... a square peg/round hole failure. Has RIM ever competed in the home user space? Apple at least has worked in that arena, Google clouds absolutely everything, RIM does ... well ... email.
I predict failure here.
looks nice probably be nice for corporate email? I just do not want a tablet tied to contract and do not want some just no name tablet.
From what I hear there's no built in support for calendar or email - those features won't work unless tethered to a blackberry. The os is actually supposed to be pretty impressive though.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
The tablet looks well built..i hate blackberry os, but i would consider rocking this. I signed up for alerts.
Justin.G11 said:
a Blackberry tablet ...
... who was the fool at Sprint who green-lighted backing this hot mess? RIMs target audience and the typical tablets target audience aren't even close to the same focus groups ... a square peg/round hole failure. Has RIM ever competed in the home user space? Apple at least has worked in that arena, Google clouds absolutely everything, RIM does ... well ... email.
I predict failure here.
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To answer that question I'd have to say yes! I love that there is this huge envisioning by the tech world that BB is only used by businesses.
BB may not do nearly as much marketing and focus on non-business users, but I can say that 35-45% of my friends have a BB as their PERSONAL phone. Not because all of the "business" advantage, but because BB makes attractive, ergonomic, simple to use phones and people do buy them. Not to mention brand recognition, how many people do you know that wouldn't know what "blackberry" is?
Now ask that same person about "android" or "WP7"...
The re-written BB OS is actually pretty sleek looking IMO, so I wouldn't say it's a completely horrible idea for Sprint to take this on. Plus many of the businesses would certainly fall into the potential for stocking these up given their employees are all robots equipped with BBs...
Just because it's not Google/Apple/Microsoft doesn't mean it won't be a success or that it's a "hot mess".
Les we forget that RIM was top of the mobile world for a long time.
mattykinsx said:
Just because it's not Google/Apple/Microsoft doesn't mean it won't be a success or that it's a "hot mess".
Les we forget that RIM was top of the mobile world for a long time.
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RIM is a sinking ship. Of all the OS', BBOS is destined to have the least support from developers. Their SDK is also based on AIR/Flash, a dying platform if I ever seen one.
Award Tour said:
RIM is a sinking ship. Of all the OS', BBOS is destined to have the least support from developers. Their SDK is also based on AIR/Flash, a dying platform if I ever seen one.
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I think with a nice breath of fresh air they can be a competitor again.
Having the user base, even though it is dwindling, definitely puts them in a good position still.
I think it's really silly to count anyone out at this point in any mobile business, ESPECIALLY tablets.
Per example, Android was practically NOTHING last year...
mattykinsx said:
Per example, Android was practically NOTHING last year...
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The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
Award Tour said:
The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
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I can come up with 100 logical reasons why Android shouldn't be where it's at right now.
I think this tablet could help revive BB.
And I certainly don't think it's silly for Sprint to carry it.
With the lack of Sprint news from CES I was very surprised by this move.. Of all the tablets with that mobile focus mentioned a few months ago the PlayBook was the one I was most excited about. Unfortunately I doubt it will be a star by the time it releases as I've already seen a number of tablets from CES that would mop the floor with the PlayBook.
It'll be 4-6 months before we make another mover forward with a new halo handset IMO.
I would buy one of the blackberry tablets before I bought a crummy apple tablet... Apple is a joke and there os is even more of joke... But android on the other hand is far superior to any other tablet out there. If the android tablets didnt exist I would definitley buy a blackberry tablet though.
Award Tour said:
The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
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Apple was a dying dinosaur before Steve Jobs came back and then they came up with new computer designs and took off with the ibook, ipod, etc.

IOS5 new interface Android like

Very interesting to see the new changes in IOS 5 look a lot like Android UI . Added notifications bar etc.
But rumbleweed, according to ipad users the transformer with honeycomb UI is just an imitation. So, surely, it was android that copied this feature from iOS.
Rumbleweed said:
Very interesting to see the new changes in IOS 5 look a lot like Android UI . Added notifications bar etc.
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We all know they copied, but Apple brainwashed idiots will never admit that. They will get kicked out of the cult.
Interesting fact - the famous click wheel in iPods was also not an innovation. I had it in... a computer monitor 10 years before iPods. (I still have the monitor if someone wants proof it still works)
CrazyPeter said:
We all know they copied, but Apple brainwashed idiots will never admit that. They will get kicked out of the cult.
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Even Apple admitted it when they launched Ios5 at WWDC in June
Look at all those apple idiots going "wow, look at this brand new innovation!"
Little do they know we've been having these interfaces for ages. Like I said before. You need to drop your IQ by 50 points to be an apple fan.
Virtually all those updates in ios 5 have been used by android for quite some time now. Again, look at all those apple fan idiots clapping away thinking they're the first to get these features. Sad...
Well, in all fairness to the audience, one can't tell if they're clapping because they think this is a new, innovative technology or simply because they're happy to finally see decent notifications in iOS. I'm guessing it's the latter.
Now, from Apple's perspective, the whole thing just highlights their incredible hypocrisy. They're suing everyone left and right for "stealing" Apple "ideas" and implying that everyone else is simply copying them and not innovating, and yet here they are blatantly copying Android's functionality (with a little webOS tossed into the mix). Why they get away with this is more of a sociological question than anything else, but it sure is frustrating as hell.
what a load of bull notification and going straight to the app we have had that for 12 months
the thing is the notification bar is nothing like it is on the android - the android version is loads better and before anyone says i've got android and iphone 4 unning ios5 at the moment.
i prefer android os to iphone and with apple suing everybody for doing this/that with android phones i wish google would comeback and say to apple you now copying us and sue them...
in all honesty though i wish these stupid patent lawsuits end and everyone work together to bring consumers good products and let us decide what we want to use.....
I hate apple since the day i heard of them, their Icrap, Isnob, Ibrainwashers are all crap for me, never had any rotting apple thing harware, never will. hope samsung and google will sue their ass until their only fans will be apple employs.
Hands up for android, and I can't wait for nexus prime. should be the best phone ever, will we finally see ice cream sandwitch on our TF?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
walkerx said:
the thing is the notification bar is nothing like it is on the android - the android version is loads better and before anyone says i've got android and iphone 4 unning ios5 at the moment.
i prefer android os to iphone and with apple suing everybody for doing this/that with android phones i wish google would comeback and say to apple you now copying us and sue them...
in all honesty though i wish these stupid patent lawsuits end and everyone work together to bring consumers good products and let us decide what we want to use.....
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Makes me wonder why others dont sue Apple even if they know theyd lose. It would point out a lot of "innovations" to the public.
Heck, why not pick on Apple in the media? The commercials?
WHy dont we see a version of "Hi, im an android" commercial where they can point out the notifications, flash, widgets..etc.?
IOS5 could be the best thing ever, but as i did, i'd rather spend £150 on a htc desire from ebay and stick miui rom on there and get all the goodness of android, rather than pay 300+ just to say i have an apple phone, surely people would rather pay for quality than get ripped off for a named brand, have you seen the cheapest macbook? the specs on them are poor, yet you can pay £300 for a windows laptop with better specs, crazy crazy crazy
the real reason apple fanboys dont see this stuff is they have the me too mentality, they just want what "everyone" has i saw it when i use to work at a big box store, people would come in ask for ipods, not meaning actual ipods but mp3 players, while most would buy the ipod even if there was something better on the market, alot of people bought the sandisk cheepo stuff and still referred to it as a ipod. apple has brand recognition, people want what is "cool". i have a ipad and you know what in the 1.5 years i have had it i have used my transformer more in the 6 months ive had it.
nice one, iv had my transformer since sunday, its such an amazing peice of kit, i cant praise it enough, and thats with it being unrootable at the moment, once that happens then this thing will be untouchable
mikelt89 said:
I hate apple since the day i heard of them, their Icrap, Isnob, Ibrainwashers are all crap for me, never had any rotting apple thing harware, never will.
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Or in other words "I have no clue what I'm talking about". How does this make you any better than the people you criticize so harshly? And isn't it snobbish not to want to do anything with something you percieve as inferior?
I loved my old ipod touch but that was only beacuse it was the best thing at the time for apps and modding and i wouldn't say i hate apple they do "make" nice hardware. But software wise not innovative at all.
also saw this yesterday
mrevankyle said:
I loved my old ipod touch but that was only beacuse it was the best thing at the time for apps and modding and i wouldn't say i hate apple they do "make" nice hardware. But software wise not innovative at all.
also saw this yesterday
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software wise they are very constricting, and require you to do all this stuff to your videos to get them to play on thier crap.
old news...
mrevankyle said:
I loved my old ipod touch but that was only beacuse it was the best thing at the time for apps and modding and i wouldn't say i hate apple they do "make" nice hardware. But software wise not innovative at all.
also saw this yesterday
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I'm actually pissed off that apple is so blatently stealing other people's ideas and calling them their own. And the ifanboys are idiot enough to swallow this lie.
mrevankyle said:
I loved my old ipod touch but that was only beacuse it was the best thing at the time for apps and modding and i wouldn't say i hate apple they do "make" nice hardware. But software wise not innovative at all.
also saw this yesterday
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That video is classic bro. I haven't really cared to much to try and see what this 'NEW' ios is about, what a joke. They have just taken everything everybody in the android community has had for ages and have tried to make it there own. Not a lot of innovation being used there.

CDMA carriers as a "power user."

How tough is it to go cdma as a cellphone lover? I truly can't find an advantage. It makes phone swapping pretty painful. I mean I would hate to have 29 sprint lines for each of my android/wp7/ios smartphones. How do you survive on cdma? I only ask because a friend of mine just switched and is having withdrawals already.
z33dev33l said:
How tough is it to go cdma as a cellphone lover? I truly can't find an advantage. It makes phone swapping pretty painful. I mean I would hate to have 29 sprint lines for each of my android/wp7/ios smartphones. How do you survive on cdma? I only ask because a friend of mine just switched and is having withdrawals already.
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withdrawals from what what do you mean lol iv only used cdma as back when I started I hated att phones n t mobile didn't have good service
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
cool thanks for information
you dont need to have separate lines for separate phones, just switch which ESN you are using for each line.
If you are changing phones everyday or several times a day you don't want CDMA. But if it's like once a week or once a month it wouldn't be so bad. It's a 5 min call into customer care to have the ESN changed. VZW's LTE is mighty tempting...
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
I swap out multiple times a day for one of my two devices. HTC phones just suck when it comes to battery life and build quality so the titan can't keep up with my lumia 800.
Actually I think I may have overlooked something... I know you can dial *228 and option 1 let's you program your phone. All you do is enter your phone number and account pw when prompted and the phone then reboots and upon completion of that it is active.
The only caveat is that it may need to be put into Verizon's system once manually by them. Even then, worst case scenario is that for every phone you'll need to have Verizon do it once, but afterword you'd be golden. The *228 deal takes only slightly longer than swapping SIMs. Food for thought.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
I wasn't aware. Now, if only Verizon would get some better wp7 devices.
z33dev33l said:
I wasn't aware. Now, if only Verizon would get some better wp7 devices.
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It is kind of hard to sell a carrier on MORE of an OS that has lost market share yet again in quarter 3...
Yeah, perhaps I'll just wait to see if they get any nokia WP7 offerings and open them up as my second carrier. T-mobile is getting annoying.
lowandbehold said:
It is kind of hard to sell a carrier on MORE of an OS that has lost market share yet again in quarter 3...
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The OS has lost no market share...
z33dev33l said:
The OS has lost no market share...
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Actually it has...2.4% in Q2 to 1.7% in Q3...
z33dev33l said:
The OS has lost no market share...
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You have a link? Every report I see says they have been falling since last spring.
The company has certainly lost marketshare. Winmo is dead and that was the majority of their share. WP7 has not lost market share, it is not the same OS. I expected Microsoft's market share as a whole to plummet until nokia started releasing WP7 devices. The nokia devices are doing absolutely outstanding.
z33dev33l said:
The company has certainly lost marketshare. Winmo is dead and that was the majority of their share. WP7 has not lost market share, it is not the same OS. I expected Microsoft's market share as a whole to plummet until nokia started releasing WP7 devices. The nokia devices are doing absolutely outstanding.
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1% is not outstanding...and nokia is only popular in Europe, but we know Europe is always behind when it comes to style..
1 percent in a week? I'd say that's pretty amazing. Android had that in what? It's first year? WP7 is hardly over a year old and is entering a much more competitive market than Android was. To call market share into play is petty at best, now, if you want to talk usability then it gets fun.
z33dev33l said:
1 percent in a week? I'd say that's pretty amazing. Android had that in what? It's first year? WP7 is hardly over a year old and is entering a much more competitive market than Android was. To call market share into play is petty at best, now, if you want to talk usability then it gets fun.
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Are you f##king kidding me? To talk market share is petty? These are multi-billion dollar companies, and you don't think they care about the market share when they have to sell the phones? Haha, tell a CEO that that is a petty argument. And yes, in its first year, it has LOST market share.
I am about to start "Occupy XDA": YOU ARE THE 1% Z33!
lowandbehold said:
Are you f##king kidding me? To talk market share is petty? These are multi-billion dollar companies, and you don't think they care about the market share when they have to sell the phones? Haha, tell a CEO that that is a petty argument. And yes, in its first year, it has LOST market share.
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Well who would have thought that an OS that died off 3 years ago would be cycling out? I guess if you've never signed a contract before you might be under that impression but to the other millions of us who've owned a cellphone, we know how that works. The OS is still gaining, and with the Lumia series essentially being WP7's "droid", the phone that is properly marketed and everything, it can't go anywhere but up. Everything on WP7 has increased much faster than any other mobile OS ever aside from Apple's market share when they were alone in the market.
z33dev33l said:
Well who would have thought that an OS that died off 3 years ago would be cycling out? I guess if you've never signed a contract before you might be under that impression but to the other millions of us who've owned a cellphone, we know how that works. The OS is still gaining, and with the Lumia series essentially being WP7's "droid", the phone that is properly marketed and everything, it can't go anywhere but up. Everything on WP7 has increased much faster than any other mobile OS ever aside from Apple's market share when they were alone in the market.
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How many times do you have to be told? Nokia will not catch on again in the United states. Europe is backwards when it comes to that stuff. And even in europe, who is going to pay over 400 euro for a Nokia that looks like an Ipod? Hehe, it is really funny to me though that you believe NOKIA to be your savior...
Mind sharing the similarities with an ipod? I really see none aside from the oval shaped bottom. With that in mind, there's many of those. There's no metal body, there's no real similarities. I don't care whether it catches on in the U.S. or not, it can catch on in Europe and get just as much support. Nokia pretty much runs the European and Asian market and that is a massive market. With their introduction of low-end smartphones to those markets after tango, WP7 has endless possibilities. Then of course the U.S. will eventually catch on, after all we're often the ones who are actually behind over here stateside.
