the new hd2 china - HD2 General

look at this a chinees hd2

its a chinese model, no doubt.
but it does NOT seem to be a variant of the LEO. it seems to have different dimensions, a different button layout and the buttons seem capacitive, bigger battery, and most importantly, it has an 800MHz processor, doesn't seem to be a snapdragon.
however, its nice to see a new(er) WM6.5 model from HTC...maybe its ROM can be ripped for some updated HTC apps?

has also less ram
did notice it today on engadget..but who my hd2 lol

its got a kick stand?!?!?

What it that thing in the top right? With the three? Carrier branding?
Edit: NVM, if you look on the back of the phone it's definitely carrier branding.


HTC launching their new Touch HD

HTC is dropping their HTC Touch HD soon, if it hasnt already.
This device has the most RAM I have ever seen in a device. Its running 6.1 touchflo 3d (manilla interface) at 528 mhz. It only has a 3.5" screen but resolution 480 x 800.
What would be the benefits of this device with that much RAM? How much do you think would be available? How stable do you think the "official" ROM would be?
I says in the specification that the screen size is 3.8 inches, not 3.5. Not sure how accurate is this info, as the phone is about the same size as iphone.
I'm not sure if 480x800 is such a good idea, as I'm worried about software compatibility.
I heard there is also FM radio built in.
I'm eagerly waiting its availability. I believe you just have to wait a month in Europe.
It has the same screen size as the sonyxperia so maybe it is HTCs own version of it.
lakeman said:
It has the same screen size as the sonyxperia so maybe it is HTCs own version of it.
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Actually it has bigger (3.8") screen than Experia (I think it's 3.0"), but it has the same resolution WVGA (800x480).
HD is HTC's iPhone - it's almost exactly the same size and it looks similar...
I am worried though...I was hoping they would have used a FASTER processor speed than 624, especially with the 5MP camera on board. They should have a better battery too.
Another concern I have the camera would perform??? We all know how CRAPPY HTC's camera application and hardware are, so what is new aside from more pixels??? NO FLASH is another thing.
sorry, no phones will ever come close to digital cameras for another few years at least. trust me, i had a nokia n93, which may be "outdated" now but certainly one of the best ones out there for camera purposes.
also - it says the phone has GSM 850, 1900 so how the hell would it not work in the US? i wont be using the internet, so i dont need the 3G
cktlcmd said:
I am worried though...I was hoping they would have used a FASTER processor speed than 624, especially with the 5MP camera on board. They should have a better battery too.
Another concern I have the camera would perform??? We all know how CRAPPY HTC's camera application and hardware are, so what is new aside from more pixels??? NO FLASH is another thing.
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I wish for 800 MHz processor with 32GB shared memory
& they can name it the KILLER phone

HTC Leo = The first decent HTC phone in a long time

Disagree with me, if you want, but for a very long time, I found myself with a lack of enthusiasm for HTC's various phones. In-between all the various 'meh' releases, there were some nice phones, but they were always nice for only a few reasons. For example, the Touch HD was nice because it had a large display and supposedly better speakers. The Tough Pro 2 is nice because it's a Touch HD with a keyboard. The HTC Dream was nice because it's the first phone to use something other than Symbian/WinMo/OSX.
Now, however, for the first time in a very long time, an HTC phone came out which I can give more than one or two compliments about. This phone is of course the HTC Leo:
Let me list all of the great things I personally see about the phone:
1) 4.3in WVGA display (that surpasses even the Toshiba TG01)
2) 1Ghz Snapdragon processor; I don't think much of Qualcomm, but an upgrade is an upgrade
3) 320MB RAM
4) Dual LED flash on 8MP camera
My God, those specs are simply awesome, and best of all, it uses my favorite OS: WinMo. More importantly, the specs is perhaps good enough to facilitate an upgrade to WinMo 7 later (at least I dearly hope so). The only thing that could make this phone better is a QWERTY version and a release date not too far off.
Super specs...
The Leo May NOT Have a Capacitive Screen After All -
Resistive or capacitive, not a big deal to me personally. Capacitive is a little better, but resistive is more flexible (gloves & stylus).
That aside, 100% this is the first phone since my Touch Pro to really get me excited, and the first ever non-keyboard WM phone I'll buy. Nice to see an actual device just to prove the doubters wrong (seriously, how the ignored the evidence I don't know). Now we just need to get people to stop referring to it as "Touch Pro 3". It's NOT! Also, for those who haven't noticed, THIS IS NOT A RELEASE DEVICE! You really think HTC will release it as-is with the filler "lorem ipsum" text on the back? Sheesh...
Pretty obvious this device's main job is as a tesbed for WM7, the specs of this and WM7 are almost 100% aligned. HTC might not release the upgrade come the time, but the good folk here cetainly will.
michd43 said:
The Leo May NOT Have a Capacitive Screen After All -
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Well, to be honest, I didn't even know the Leo was supposed to have a capacitive screen to begin with. Besides, I really do prefer a resistive screen. The screen is good enough as it is; perhaps it could be a bit better if it were AMOLED, but otherwise, meh.
WOW its a Godzilla
very big device because of the screen
but really killer phone
with the 1024mhz cpu , thats really fast
but its not for me
i like a smaller device
3.6 screen is good for me , touch pro 2 is good but it has a turtle CPU and have a screen gap
im very confused now
i think ill go for samsung omnia 2 or omnia pro
Does it fit in a regular pocket? Is it still a PocketPC
michd43 said:
The Leo May NOT Have a Capacitive Screen After All -
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Although you may be disappointed, to me a resistive screen makes me WANT it. I prefer a resistive screen because it can run software that would be untenable on a capacitive screen. So thank you for the good news!
Aqrab said:
but really killer phone
with the 1024mhz cpu , thats really fast
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Unlikely, I don't think the CPU is 1024Mhz. More likely than not, it's probably 990-995Mhz and they round it up.
3.6 screen is good for me , touch pro 2 is good but it has a turtle CPU and have a screen gap
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Yes, I don't mind any device so long as it has at least a 3.5in screen. As someone who has been a former user of the HTC Hermes and a current user of the HTC Raphael, I tend to get sick using devices with small screens, and low res.
However, I don't doubt you for thinking of the Omnia II or B7610. I myself was actually planning on buying the B7610.
skuliaxe said:
Does it fit in a regular pocket? Is it still a PocketPC
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My friend, you are speaking to someone who use to pocket devices like the HP Jornada 548, Palm TX, Ti-85 calculator, and many, many other similar objects. The HTC Leo will not be a problem.
htc leo is a multi touch screen device
see this video
may be you should check this up..
Isn't multi touch a requirement or goal of wm7?
In any case LEO is attractive to me due to the large screen, my eyes arent as good as they used to be and snapdragon should make it zippy
Is it safe to assume that there is no release date or even any info on what carrier(s) may get it? Sorry for the newbie type question.
11sec_lx said:
Is it safe to assume that there is no release date or even any info on what carrier(s) may get it? Sorry for the newbie type question.
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You are right.
Till now, Its not 100% clear about anything about Leo.
Even the complete ACTUAL specifications. Like video call support, Camera resolution, keyboard support, etc.
Way too big for a phone the TP2 is pushing it a bit and this size crosses the line for alot of people.
Thanks skr_xd!
Zzim said:
Way too big for a phone the TP2 is pushing it a bit and this size crosses the line for alot of people.
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So a fraction of a millimeter more in size is considered crossing the line now? Maybe if you balls weren't in a vice grip from wearing those skinny jeans, you may find that they will fit in a pants/shirt pocket just fine.
Crossing the line would be the same group of people who ***** about every slim phones for not having a QWERTY keyboard or running on androids.
Please dont soil this masterpiece of a beast with your trite.
lude219 said:
So a fraction of a millimeter more in size is considered crossing the line now? Maybe if you balls weren't in a vice grip from wearing those skinny jeans, you may find that they will fit in a pants/shirt pocket just fine.
Crossing the line would be the same group of people who ***** about every slim phones for not having a QWERTY keyboard or running on androids.
Please dont soil this masterpiece of a beast with your trite.
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Hey Lude,
Why don't you put on some lube and calm your cojones? He had an opinion, and that was it.
This phone is simply just way too big, I'd have to agree. The specs are beastly on this thing, and I personally think even 3.8" on the Touch HD was the ideally perfect size. I have no idea why they'd even want a 4.3".
And personally, unless if this thing is packing a 1850 mAH battery on it, I wouldn't even bother with the phone. 4.3" and a 1Ghz processor + 3G or 4G or what have you. You do the math on how fast before this thing dies in your hand midway through the day. This is assuming that they're using the same old type of LCD-displays that are present in the TouchHD and not some new revolutionary giga-low-powered-screen.
It looks very good on paper, but I'm fairly confident that this phone is going to only attend to a market that is only a fraction of what the TouchHD is focused on now.
It looks nice. And is it the HTC Touch Pro 3? HTC Leo runs on a 1GHz Snapdragon processor?
Limlin said:
It looks nice. And is it the HTC Touch Pro 3? HTC Leo runs on a 1GHz Snapdragon processor?
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Yes, the Leo uses the Snapdragon processor, but it is not the Touch Pro 3. As far as I know, HTC's Touch Pro line are all supposed to be QWERTY.

Htc hd2 pro?

Guess What Comes After the HTC HD2? The HD2 Pro
Hmmmm... Now I want the PRO version..
I guess I will sell my unit when the PRO is available.
more info @
I might be wrong, but I don't think it will happen. The same question was asked when the Touch HD was launched but nothing appeared. First was the Diamond/Pro, then Diamond2/Pro, but no HD/HD pro...
I have serious doubts over the claim too.
HTC are probably quite happy with the staggered releases at the high end with the trio of compact (Diamond), media (HD) and professional w/ keyboard (Pro). I just don't see the demand there for a 2nd line of high end keyboard devices. I doubt HTC do, either.
The article the original poster linked to is pure speculation, but sensible speculation; it's suggesting simply that in 6 months or so there will probably be a replacement model for the Touch Pro2, which will have the same relationship to the HD2 as the Touch Pro2 had to the Touch HD. This seems like a fairly safe bet.
3 months since the original post, has anybody heard anything further on a HD2 Pro or TP3?
This does not likely happen. HTC is developing in a way without qwerty keyboard. Legend, HD Mini, Desire, Incredible. No phone with a physics keyboard at all
This is great news! two power buttons? one at the top, and one at the end call key?
HD2 with twice the thickness? No thanks!
It's obviously fake... +I don't like it..
may be it will be like the new toshiba ko1 4.1 inch screen with snapdragon processor and capastive screen but little more thicker than hd2
hoss_n2 said:
may be it will be like the new toshiba ko1 4.1 inch screen with snapdragon processor and capastive screen but little more thicker than hd2
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all this talk of new phones has made me kind of I went hunting last night and found my very first O2 Orbit.
That was (and perhaps still is) my greatest phone. It never let me down, it had lots of fantastic features (LED indicators you could actually see, a hardware camera button, a battery that lasted 3 days +, great build quality, hardware buttons, plus a trackball and a track 'ring'), it fitted my hand perfectly. Ok, compared to phones nowadays it would be slow...but it sure was a good one when it was released....which is why I've never sold it like I have all my other phones.
now I seem to be going backwards and wanting the old phones to make a comback..if only my next phone was as good to me as the Orbit was....

What are the differences between the Tmobile and the Leo?

Has anyone been able to compare the two?
Thank you,
Is the GSM the (1700/2100) the only difference?
no one knows?
I presently can compare both in hand. The TMOUS version is:
1.5 mm longer. Not much.
The bottom of the back looks smoother, because there is no bump for the headphone jack, and it feels slightly less balanced in the hand when in landscape mode to me.
Has colored call and end buttons
Has the front facing T-Mobile logo
That's about it, really.
The only serious issue is that Euros can use .51. radios, while the TMOUS models cannot do so under any circumstances without irreversibly being bricked.
WiZaxx said:
Has anyone been able to compare the two?
Thank you,
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Leo is the codename HTC used for the HD2. Both the TMoUS and the European HD2s are Leos. Both are HD2s. Just slight difference in size and difference in rom size.

[DISCUSSION] Trying to decide between Desire Z and Desire (not HD)

I am looking to ditch Symbian and have decided that Android is the way to go (despite the downfalls along the lines of camera and sound quality).
It might seem a no brainer but I am not sure I have use for the qwerty offered by the Desire. That said, I like the latest and greatest but I am trying to convince myself that the Desire Z with its extra bulk is worth the extra if I am not going to use the qwerty much.
I might find that I grow to like the keyboard on the other hand (which is what I am hoping as I have almost convinced myself to go with the Z).
Any arguments for forgetting the Desire entirely?
If you hold back i will have both devices here once my Z gf has just got a desire and i wasnt sure if she would be ok with the s/w keyboard....its not too bad actully but i still prefer hardware qwerty keyboards.
Watch this space.
before owning the a desire i had a nokia e71 and i gotta say the keyboard on it was amazing. After realizing the desire z is getting released soon I decided to sell my desire. I just never got used to using a touch keyboard after using one with real hardware keys. I'd say go for the desire z if having a hardware keyboard is your thing. But otherwise the desire is pretty decent and I was extremely satisfied with it except for the fact it didn't have a keyboard.
IMO the display should not be obtruded by the input (even not my own fingers)
I use the web intensively from my phone (news, blogs, mil, etc)
so I can't imagine using internet without a keyboard
I'm using the X10 now and I've made my best to adapt, but I really miss the keyboard
Again, just IMO, but a physical keyboard makes me more productive
Well, I was holding out for the Desire Z, but needed to get a new phone, as I couldn't live with my old phone anymore. So, I got a San Francisco (SF) on Orange PAYG (it's a rebranded zte blade). Anyway, I didn't think that I would get on without a hardware keyboard, as I moved away from a touch pro 2...
Anyway, installed swype on the SF, and really getting on quite well with it. It's not as bad as I thought it would be to live without a physical keyboard.
Obviously a physical keyboard is much better to use, but for the time being, I cancelled my pre-order (did so a while back), and am just using the SF for a bit. Will give me time to see how well the Desire Z does, and whether I wanna buy one in the future, or just stick with the SF for a bit longer...
But, I would say that if you are not desperate for a hardware keyboard, and have used touch screen keyboards before and got on ok with them, then it's your choice as to whether the extra money is worth it?! I think most of the differences between the two is the physical keyboard, the internal available rom (1.5gb vs 0.5gb I think), a few differences in the network capabilities and the new sense ui and So, if you put a custom rom on the phone, then you will have basically the same phone, but without the keyboard and the extra rom...
@lovelldr: are you serious ? Android 2.1, only 600MHz CPU and missing QWERTY keyboard is more than small difference. You are comparing one of the lowend models to the highend.
If we go with your analogy, HTC Dream is pretty much same phone as HTC Desire HD. Except the display size, display resolution, CPU speed, RAM, ROM, other features...
faugusztin said:
@lovelldr: are you serious ? Android 2.1, only 600MHz CPU and missing QWERTY keyboard is more than small difference. You are comparing one of the lowend models to the highend.
If we go with your analogy, HTC Dream is pretty much same phone as HTC Desire HD. Except the display size, display resolution, CPU speed, RAM, ROM, other features...
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WTF, I'm saying I'm staying with that phone until I've seen whether the Desire Z is as good as stated...
I'm stating to the OP the differences between the Desire Z and original Desire... It's then his decision whether he chooses. I was merely stating a software issue (so it doesn't matter which version of android or the hardware differences). I found that swype (again, can be used on any phone, so it doesn't matter) is a good means of input, and that the hardware keyboard isn't so much of a big deal breaker to me any more (after trying it out on the SF).
Where did I say to him to forget either of those phones, and go with an SF?! I didn't...
Then i misunderstood your post, it sounded like you are comparing Desire Z and the Orange SF.
In my experience, physical keyboard is impossible to replace. I had HTC Touch HD, it was a nightmare to type on it (and i had it for a year, so don't try to argue that i didn't tried). Even a bad physical keyboard (like the one on my Milestone) is miles ahead of any virtual keyboard.
yes, physical keyboard is better than a virtual keyboard, hands down...
But, I'm saying that if the user is thinking they can get on with a virtual keyboard (I think that swype is the best virtual keyboard I've tried, works much better than any of the other virtual keyboards, and without swype I probably wouldn't be recommending this), wants to save some money, and isn't too bothered with the small differences between the two (i.e. the internal ram, network offerings etc), then the desire z will be good to go.
If you have someone you know who has an android device, and are able to get swype for that device, then give it a go, and see how you get on... If all works well, and you're happy to save some cash, then go for the original desire I would say... But, at the end, it's your choice, and you might be unable to get on with virtual keyboard, or be a user that must have the latest and greatest...
Problem with Swype is that beta is closed, and i'm not in a mood to explore grey areas of internet . On other side, Swype still doesn't solve the biggest problem of all virtual keyboards - they take up big part of screen, so you have a keyboard instead of content.
faugusztin said:
On other side, Swype still doesn't solve the biggest problem of all virtual keyboards - they take up big part of screen, so you have a keyboard instead of content.
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But it's all swings and roundabouts... When using the physical keyboard on a device, it means that the size of the device is almost twice as big... hehe. OK, enough of my argumenting
Thanks for your comments folks... a couple of things to consider but I think I am leaning more towards the Desire Z.
As I understand it, as well as the other points mentioned, the cpu in the Desire Z is a later generation than the Desire so the device runs a lot faser and smoother. I am not too bothered about the qwerty as originally stated but If the qwerty doesn't make the handset all that much bigger than the Desire then I may just take a punt - I may even grow to like the qwerty and I am sure it will be far in advance of the others I have used in the past - namely the Qtek 9100 and the Vario 3.
Price wise I don't think there is a huge difference with current UK prices for sim free handsets so I may be better just shelling out the extra £60-70 for a cutting edge device (Desire Z)?
What I am anxious to avoid is ending up with a new handset that has a qwerty that is never used. That said, apart from the HD which is too big for me I don't see that I have much alternative.
Thanks again for your thoughts ...
Desire Z, for the simple reason that it uses a next generation processor compared to the Desire. The clock speed is a bit lower, but the much faster graphics make up for it. I'm sure there will be overclocking available once the phone is rooted too.
One of the main shortcomings of the Desire's Snapdragon is its graphics capabilities. It's just not up to par with other top players like the Milestone and the Galaxy S series. The Z addresses that.
Soaa- said:
Desire Z, for the simple reason that it uses a next generation processor compared to the Desire. The clock speed is a bit lower, but the much faster graphics make up for it. I'm sure there will be overclocking available once the phone is rooted too.
One of the main shortcomings of the Desire's Snapdragon is its graphics capabilities. It's just not up to par with other top players like the Milestone and the Galaxy S series. The Z addresses that.
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it is rooted and overclockt
Another plus point of the Z over the desire is that the multitouch screen actually works perfectly, I will dig up the video which demonstrates both the desire and Z screens showing off the multitouch hardware........
The thread HERE highlights this topic.
You're doing a good job of convincing me guys, thanks
I looked at some HD videos last night and it seems that thing is even bugger (marginally) than the HD2! Too big for me for sure so back to the Z I think.
mrvanx - I assum this is the video you were referring to?
Demo's the multi-touch differences of the DZ and the N1 very well. I assume the Desire uses the same panel as the N1.
Gone for the Desire Z and ordered from
Delivery stated as between 3rd and 5th Nov (I ordered using Free Super Saver Delivery) but I am sure this will be delayed.
At least they don't take payment prior to dispatch so nothing to lose really.
stian230 said:
it is rooted and overclockt
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It's not actually rooted yet, that's a temp root.
LickTheEnvelope said:
It's not actually rooted yet, that's a temp root.
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Yeah but he was answering the guy that was saying once the phone is rooted, then it will be able to be overlocked. And he's correct in saying that it has been rooted now, and it is able to be overclocked. It's just semantics, it's not a permanent root, but it's still been rooted.
It's not semantics. I believe we can't flash custom ROMs, which to many people is the best thing about rooting.

