why do the devs do what they do? - Droid Incredible General

first i must say that i am very grateful for the developers who do all the hard work that they do. i thank you all! also i really really hope what i am asking is not taken the wrong way by anybody.
my question is why do you guys do it? why do you guys do all this work and just give it away for free? do you guys really make enough from donations to make it worth it or what? are all developers just nice, giving people?
what are your day jobs? i'm guessing you guys aren't making enough money from donations alone to pay your bills.
again, thank you all for your hard work and sleepless nights!

'cause it's fun.

That's got to be one of the coolest answers I've ever seen ... And I would just like to thank you and all the developers that make owning an Android phone so enjoyable.

I have donated to many developers and worked closely with them in the past, and they did it as a hobby, but donations certainly never hurt.
I too am eternally grateful for the countless hours these developers sink into these projects.

95% of my enjoyment from smartphone ownership is because of all the cool stuff that i get to do with it thanks to them.. even though half the time i have no idea what im doing. thank you!

cause making key log and other spam on ur phone is fun ^^ jkjk


Thank You to Everyone

Hey everyone,
I wanted to taket the time and say a quick thank you to everyone that has taken time out of thier schedules to try cook roms, tweak registries, and build cabs to share with the community. Being a college student I can tell you that there are numerous times that I wanted to throw my device out of the window due to issues that I did not understand. I have always been fairly tech savy but I am new to the PPC WM world. I have always been able to visit this site for help, and to find whatever else I needed to unlock the full potential of my device. Even though I cannot donate to everone, I just wanted to let you know that your hours of hardword and frustration are very much appreciated by myself, all of the other members, and the thousands of un-named that visit the site on a day to day visit. Just remember this when you feel that you are not getting the recognization that you deserve. There are thousands of people out there that you help on a day to day basis. Keep up the good work and always remember that you are appreciated.
P.S. I was not sure wher eto post this but feel free to move it to whatever forum you feel would best suite it's needs.
I wish to do the same, just can't find enough word to show my appreciation. That is why I'm going to say one simple and huge: THANK YOU!
I too would like to thank all of the developers here. I can tell you I was about to buy a new phone when I happened across this site and brought my Blue angel into 2008 with all the wonderful ROMs and software found here. Thank you all no matter how big or small your contribution has been it has been appreciated. As I am not a coder all I can offer is support, which I try to do as regularly as possible here. To everyone keep up the great work.
I too would have to add to this. If it wasn't for this site and its hard working developers I wouldn't realize the full potential of my cell-y.
The only way I can contribute to this site is by donating to these talented and hard working developers so that they may continue to create some of the most usable/innovative programs only to ask for donations in return.
Much Appreciated to all....
Huge THANK YOU to all the cookers and developers indeed!
Without this site and all the people here my life would be shallow and meaningless misery...Well, not exactly, but thank you anyway!
Thank you!

{APOLOGY} Never meant to scam people out of their money!

I want to make my apologies to everyone who says
that I have mislead them, and to everyone who saying I put on a scam with the Leo SSPL donations thread, I APOLOGIZE! My intentions are pure.
And I didn't benefit from it, god help me, that was never the idea anyway. The only thing I got from it is a sick stomach.
There's only 1 good thing from what happened and that is that Olinex duo got some payback for their hard work.
For all people who feel betrayed and mislead and scammed, rest assured, I did not get a penny from it, it all went to the correct cause : A leo for Cmonex and some money on the side.
lucid said:
I want to make my apologies to everyone who says
that I have mislead them, and to everyone who saying I put on a scam with the Leo SSPL donations thread, I APOLOGIZE! My intentions are pure.
And I didn't benefit from it, god help me, that was never the idea anyway. The only thing I got from it is a sick stomach.
There's only 1 good thing from what happened and that is that Olinex duo got some payback for their hard work.
For all people who feel betrayed and mislead and scammed, rest assured, I did not get a penny from it, it all went to the correct cause : A leo for Cmonex and some money on the side.
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So what cry me a river.
Don't care what people say here.
You know what ur doing.
Don't hit yourself in the head m8.
the donations would have come anyways, the Dev team has earned the right and respect to recieve donations.
You where just the dude to take the initiative to raise some funds for the devs.
No harm was done.
as far as i see it an apology isn't necesary.
perhaps an advise (and this is for every1)
- Next time some1 gives a comment, act sivilized as grown-ups and don't start bashing/flaming and stuff like that.
And IF we need another fund raising for our beloved DEV's than perhaps it is wise to keep the startpost updated when the goal has been reached.
those where just my 2 cents.
tmaniac said:
Don't hit yourself in the head m8.
the donations would have come anyways, the Dev team has earned the right and respect to recieve donations.
You where just the dude to take the initiative to raise some funds for the devs.
No harm was done.
as far as i see it an apology isn't necesary.
perhaps an advise (and this is for every1)
- Next time some1 gives a comment, act sivilized as grown-ups and don't start bashing/flaming and stuff like that.
And IF we need another fund raising for our beloved DEV's than perhaps it is wise to keep the startpost updated when the goal has been reached.
those where just my 2 cents.
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Agree with tmaniac
Even the credit for making the thread a donations thread goes to 12aon, not me.
I haven't and won't take the credit for that, it's not well done.
Hi, I think it is pretty plain for all to see that some $$ would definitely be needed for someone to spend the effort doing all these things.
And I think you deserve a pat on the back for the effort for what you've done. It's certainly not a good feeling when you try to help others and get flamed yourself. Don't take it badly. It's never easy being a nice guy. I run a forum myself, so I know..
Hi Lucid,
It's great what you did and I'm sure a lot of people appriciate it.
I think you are missing the point concerning scamming because nobody accused you for that, the only thing that was asked is if you could update the thread after the goal was achieved.
No need to apologise, it's just a misunderstanding to my opinion.
Grtz, Leo
lucid said:
Even the credit for making the thread a donations thread goes to 12aon, not me.
I haven't and won't take the credit for that, it's not well done.
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Indeed my own point wasn't about you scamming -- just about updating the thread after the goal was reached to prevent any feeling of scamming. However, it was also that you should not be rude to the first person who asked you to do just that.
Your thread and goal were good. Your English is limited and I think that caused a misunderstanding.
Too hard on yourself
You are being too hard on yourself. I fired you up to change the focus of the thread as I had learnt that Cmonex were struggling with one device slowing down development and putting the project at risk, given that they had nearly bricked the device several times!
All those who gave did so willingly. You only had to page to the front to see how much money was being collected. If an individual did not want to give then they are adult enough not to do so.
Those of us who have been on here a while know that if it wasn't for Olipro's sterling work, now joined by his partner, we would not have the flexible and enjoyable devices we all have.
In my view they have worked across many projects throughout the years to deliver for this community. If they get a few pounds extra out of your thread so what?
You can stand proud, you did a great job! No apology necessary.
Problem is these days is too many people come on here expecting something for nothing or even worse, create aggravation on here and contribute absolutely nothing to the shared objective of helping each other out. Wake up guys, nothing in this world is free!!.
I think all parties involved have had their say. I have a feeling this thread could deteriate pretty quickly if left open.
What's done is done, and now we have explanations -- All friends again .

Thank you to ivorycruncher.

I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
RacerXFD said:
I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
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well said
the "right of entitlement" attitude of some people is ridiculous.
personally, I'm very appreciative of all the dudes that have worked to make the SF more tolerable
RacerXFD said:
I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
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I completely agree. Thanks a ton to Ivorycruncher.. you guys that had an eris like me, you will know the sorts of things we have to look forward to with punk.kaos.. I love our devs already, and now that punk.kaos is here, we're really beginning to gain momentum on the fascinate. As racer has already pointed out, kaos already has cm6 booting, and everybody is working on gb.. I think we really have some awesome stuff coming to look forward to.
And beyond that, thanks a bunch to the other devs like jt1134 and birdman and nemesis2all's that are always working to make our phone better. Without you guys, our phone would suck!
Sent from my OTB 1300mhz black magic fascinate.
Aw, shucks.....
Yeah, it was kind of a big chunk of change, but I really wanted to have Kaos give us a hand. After seeing what he did with the Eris, I couldn't wait to see what he could do with a high-powered phone like the Fascinate.
And quite frankly I was getting tired of seeing all the people who whine and complain about not having any fancy ROMs, and also the crazy ideas people come up with to supposedly help accelerate the process. I saw the "X prize" idea being presented a couple different times, and lots of people were like "yeah, I'll donate," and then it went nowhere.
That is simply the wrong way to do it, because you're giving your money to an unknown third party that (no offense) can't be trusted, and sorry, but without the money in hand to buy the phones to dev on to begin with, it kind of defeats the purpose. The devs will dev for the heck of it, as long as they have the hardware in hand (though donations are always welcome), so the idea of an incentive to get them to dev just seems wrong to me.
I decided to go the other direction and instead of donating for the work after the fact, or to some crazy cash prize incentive, I coughed up the cash to actually put the hardware in his hands. And yeah, we now have a CyanogenMod ROM getting what appears to be dangerously close to a V1 release, with a GB ROM in the works too. What stuns me is the fact that Kaos has had the phone in hand for less than a week, and has already gotten this far.
I'm actually now thinking that going forward, I'm going to start figuring the cost of a dev phone into any new phone I buy, so I can toss one over to Kaos. However, the Fascinate hardware is plenty good enough for me for now, so once I get some decent software from Kaos, I'm probably gonna keep this phone for a couple years.
Thanks, ivorycruncher! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Big thanks ivorycruncher!
I would also like to say that when kaos/birdman/jt start releasing some Froyo or GB ROMs, I expect to see some healthy donations from you guys too, since their work is worth far more than what that phone cost me.
Oh, and btw, you can call me ivory.
I usually have nothing to say do to the fact that there are plenty of posts that have covered all the questions and issues I've had with my SF. The fact that ivorycruncher did everybody a huge favor and got punkkaos involved with the development with this phone is truly awesome. Thank you ivorycruncher. Thank you as well to all the fantastic developers who give the time and effort they do to make this a really fun device to own. You geniuses have given me a great escape from the monotony of every day life.
Hey thanks for taking the leap of faith ivorycruncher! Also thanks racerxfd for bringing that to the board.
Thank you Ivory! You really do make it worth having this phone! So do all the other Devs that work on roms and theme's for us. I would like to get into theming and other programing so that one day I can contribute as well!
Haha....I was just looking for ivory's last post so that I could thank him for donating the fascinate and came across this thread, perfect! Thanks ivory, we are all in your debt.
Thanks a lot Ivorycruncher !!! All Hail THE DEV : Kaos !!
Thanks so much for moving this pda forward.
Now that we have cm6 and gb roms on the radar more dev's will come!!
Move dev's means more fascinate features.
Thanks for giving us just a little hope for the fascinate.
Ivory I'm sure if you post a donate link you will regain some if not all of your investment..I know I will buy you a 12 pack
orion421 said:
Ivory I'm sure if you post a donate link you will regain some if not all of your investment..I know I will buy you a 12 pack
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Same brother. I'm more than down to help offset your cost.
Yeah have to say thank you Ivory. Really awesome what you did for the whole community.
Actually I agree that people have a sense of entitlement. I expect jt1134 to get naked and dance on me....will it happen? Prolly if he knew how sect I was! Lol jkjkjkjk jt. Alot of people don't know how much time has been spent behind the scenes and in irc coming up with the nods we have. And I have personally spoke with jt, adryn, bird all (except for bird not as much) for extensive periods of time and they work on this shot as much as google themselves. So be thankful. Without them your phone would still blow
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
After alot of the negative posting I had seen for awhile I stopped coming in here alot.
Been working on a very minimal ROM similar to SonofSkywalker's builds. Sadly its on temporary hold until I get some RL things taken care of.
Hoping to have it more AOSP than I have it now on the bench. But with our current devs and now punk on board my nubbish skills may not cut it.
Thanks Ivory for getting punk on board. Thanks to all the devs pouring their heart into the phone.
Sent from my xtra-lite using XDA App

Thank a Developer Day

I'm usually a huge proponent of donating to those who make our devices better and our lives less frustrating. That being said, I have been without an income since the year started, so my ability to do this has been limited, although I will catch up. In penance, I wanted to post donate links in one thread, and at least offer my thanks to the time and effort these guys put in without expectation of contribution.
I know you guys would do this anyway, but the vast majority of the community sincerely appreciates your efforts. Without you I would have put my Fascinate in a sock and beat a Verizon or Samsung rep to death with it long ago. As light as this phone is, that would have taken a while.
JT's Beer Fund
Adrynalyne's Brew Reserve
The Punk.Kaos Coffee Repository
Jamezelle's MIUI Contribution Effort Institute of Continued iPhonesque Rom Porting
Sonofskywalkers' Blackhole Continuation Campaign
And don't forget your choice of Theme developer/ porter. Too many there to list. You know who makes your stuff look good.
Good points. I was really close to switching to an iphone with at&t. This forum saved my fascinate from an untimely "fall" from my hand to the sidewalk. I really appreciate that these guys do such great work and are willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us. Now my phone works great and these guys definitely deserve a drink.
devs i love you and respect everything you do.. its yalls fault that i was stuck with a $700 paperweight for like 2 hrs.. but totally worth it because now my phone is beast... ide donate but im jobless and have a daughter to raise... but for real.. ya'll are amazing.. much respect.. if ne of u are in ohio.. i will happily buy u a beer though.. for sure... keep up the AMAZING work... thank you from the bottom of my heart
Links aren't working for me.

Please read this Deca and other admins

I hope that this gets some attention and maybe changes some minds. I think we've been having more fighting than sharing in this forum lately when it comes to development and to be honest with you it's making me sick. The audacity of some to claim that since they found something that works that it somehow negates the fact that it's open source is not only ridiculous but harmful to the community. Everyone in here owes everything that they know to someone else. That's a fact. Period. Why you feel you have the right now to be compensated for your ability to read is beyond me. I've been here since my touch pro. I've never asked for a dollar from anyone. I help people as often as I can both, on here and outside of xda and never EVER ask for anything in return other than knowledge. Lately even asking for knowledge prompts a request for a "donation". This may come as a shock to you people but that is NOT a donation!!! That's a paid service!!! Do you give drach a percentage of that since NONE of you would be anything without him? Of course not.
So what's my point? I'm suggesting that we start punishing those who beg for donations by removing the PRIVILEGE (yes it is a privilege) of allowing them to post donation links. Secondly, anyone who does nothing but complain should be removed from xda. I know these are extreme requests but this is an extreme problem. 9 times out of 10 a thread either starts or ends because of these issues. It's getting ridiculous. Please take these suggestions in to consideration. This is damaging the community in a huge way and personally I'm sick of it. I don't want this to be an argument thread. We all know what specific instances I'm talking about so there's no need to bring up the problems. I'm only interested in finding a solution. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
Sincerely James.
"Tankers lead the way!"
my signature is better than yours
THANK YOU! If I only I was educated enough in writing like that, that is exactly my thoughts! THANK YOU!
As for the donations, like in my signature, after I post this about 5 seconds from now it'll be gone. All I want is to be educated. In fact for those of you who know I breakdance (*cough* *cough* my avatar pictuer *cough*) my breakdance name is even BBOY KNOWLEDGE! Ask anyone who knows me in the dance world they'll tell you I want nothing but to be educated in knowledgable in all areas of the world that interest me, use that knowledge to help, and educate others as much as I can. That is all I stand for. THE ABOVE POST IS PURE AWESOME-NESS DUDE
- Kifno
I agree that there is a difference between a donation and and a paid service...please report any posts or instances when that line gets blurry or if someone is all out selling their work here...we will take care of it.
With so many new devices it brings so many new people to XDA and our job (yours and mine) is to educate them about what XDA is all about. I have moved this thread to general and read your comments. Please report such posts so we can take care of problems.
krook6023 (mod team)
i think donations should be diabled all together but thats just me lol
just noticed i hit 500 posts.... wohoo lol
Bierce22 said:
i think donations should be diabled all together but thats just me lol
just noticed i hit 500 posts.... wohoo lol
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I disagree, the devs like $, it's motivating, and I'm sure it feels better than a thanks. Now, me personally, I got over 2000 posts and 200 thanks BEFORE putting a donate above my name. I have never and will never ASK for a donation, since I don't "dev". BUT obviously I help lots of people, so if someone felt inclined to push the button, I won't argue. It is entirely likely that I would simply donate it back to xda, since I beleive they deserve the $ more than me, and few dollars will not affect my life. Some users may find it more comforting knowing they are donating directly to a person who has provided them either a developed item (ROM,theme,etc) or help - publicly or via PM. It is for that reason I intend to keep my donate button. It takes more care to donate than it does to say thanks. I have given many thanks, but I have also donated north of $150 to devs and xda. I think that if used properly and NOT abused, donations are a vital and necessary part of this community.
il Duce said:
I disagree... have never and will never ASK for a donation....donations are a vital and necessary part of this community.
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I agree. There is a HUGE difference between being given a donation out the appreciating and kindness of a person's heart for the developer's/theme-er's/person who helped them's work (is them's even corrrect lol ) and asking for a donation/begging to be paid for their service. But in truth even when I have recieved a donation in the past I take that as "oh they like what I did I guess I should keep it up, NO!!! YOU MUST DO BETTER KIFNO YOU FOOL! NOW GET ON YOUR LAPTOP AND GET FUNKY AND SHOW EM' WHAT CHA GOT DUDE! ". And that's when I release something even better as showing how much I care that the community cares about my work and time I put into my projects. But that's just my opinion, time to get back to some reading on java
- Kifno
kifno said:
I agree. There is a HUGE difference between being given a donation out the appreciating and kindness of a person's heart for the developer's/theme-er's/person who helped them's work (is them's even corrrect lol ) and asking for a donation/begging to be paid for their service. But in truth even when I have recieved a donation in the past I take that as "oh they like what I did I guess I should keep it up, NO!!! YOU MUST DO BETTER KIFNO YOU FOOL! NOW GET ON YOUR LAPTOP AND GET FUNKY AND SHOW EM' WHAT CHA GOT DUDE! ". And that's when I release something even better as showing how much I care that the community cares about my work and time I put into my projects. But that's just my opinion, time to get back to some reading on java
- Kifno
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Kifno, whatever you're on, you need to share it.
But seriously, I agree. Donations are a way for people to show their appreciation to a dev besides a click of a thanks button. They are to be given freely, not begged or asked for, and when you receive a donation, an appreciative pm should be sent.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Ginger-on-Hero action here!
user7618 said:
Kifno, whatever you're on, you need to share it.
But seriously, I agree. Donations are a way for people to show their appreciation to a dev besides a click of a thanks button. They are to be given freely, not begged or asked for, and when you receive a donation, an appreciative pm should be sent.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Ginger-on-Hero action here!
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I'm on XDA Forums, the #1 Android Community! It's free, and its not up to me to share it, its available for everyone and I'd recommend it to everyone who owns an android. Everyone is on what I'm on
- Kifno

