Can't log into google account - EVO 4G General

Well i just got my evo from bb, had to wait for an hour just to get the phone activated, the sprint servers were having a hard time handling the load, says the bb rep and there all sold out.
Now i can’t seem to log into the Google account, i even changed the pass to make things easy, still no luck. Anyone having similar problems

Magus_doc said:
Well i just got my evo from bb, had to wait for an hour just to get the phone activated, the sprint servers were having a hard time handling the load, says the bb rep and there all sold out.
Now i can’t seem to log into the Google account, i even changed the pass to make things easy, still no luck. Anyone having similar problems
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Data might not be provisioned yet...

Thanks for the quick response, well the internet browsers is working so data should be active. Hmm i guess i have to wait a bit.

Magus_doc said:
Thanks for the quick response, well the internet browsers is working so data should be active. Hmm i guess i have to wait a bit.
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Can you get into your gmail through the browser? If so, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to sign into gmail for contacts syncing. Strange.

Ok you were right the data was not active originally I had to reboot, now it seems to be working but says lost network access I’ll try connecting with wifi

Magus_doc said:
Ok you were right the data was not active originally I had to reboot, now it seems to be working but says lost network access I’ll try connecting with wifi
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Did you try going to Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile Network? Uncheck and recheck that. Of course, I have read all day that the network has been quite overloaded... might have something to do with it, dunno.

Same issue here with a brand new EVO. I could browse the Internet just fine, even synched with my Exchange server.
However, could not sync with my Google account. Will update when I have a solution - I'm on the phone with Sprint now.


ATT 8525 and ATT 8925 Email problems

The company I work for recently (3 months ago) bought 3 ATT 8525's for people who travel. All 3 of the phones have this issue where when they go into their power save mode, and they will not send or receive Email or produce notifications about new email. It appears to me that when the phones go into this power save mode they turn off the wireless card in the phone. I have made every effort to figure this out myself but I finally broke down and called ATT who then transfered me to HTC. HTC told me that this is a bug in the phone and that they do not have a solution for it other than trying Windows Mobile 6. However, since ATT has not released WM6 for the 8525, and I don't feel like bricking a phone, the company decided to go ahead and buy the ATT 8925, hopping that the new phone wouldn't have this problem. Unfortunately it dose.
So getting down to my question. Does anyone know how to get these phones to send and receive Email, through WIFI and not the cell network, when they are in their power save mode?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Oh and BTW, after toying around with the 8925 I do have to say that the new features included in the phone are quite nice, hate the chrome though.
Via WiFi? No. You wouldn't like the battery life if it did.
Battery life
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.
Could be connected to this:
you need to disable the at&t proxie to use wifi to send mail/etc
To have the wifi alwayz on even in standby is not wise, you batter will die fast ......
I have no issues using Active sync with exchange 2007 i get emails even when in power save maybe you should get some exchange accounts
pwnage said:
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.
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You don't understand the gravity of what he told you. The battery life would literally be 2-3 hours.
Manually pressing the power button and tapping 'check for new messages' is a much better solution than being completely unable to access email for 3/4 of the workday because the battery has died.
Think about it.
Also, on your install CD, you'll find some AT&T software to push email to the phone automatically, waking up the phone using SMS. And, as other people have suggested, these phones were designed with Microsoft Exchange in mind and setting up an Exchange server would also help your problem.
Thank you for the replies.
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.
ringy2 said:
Could be connected to this:
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I took a look at this and it seems to describe the problem i have very well. In regards to the battery life, is there a way to have the WIFI turn on when its time to check mail and then turn off after its finished? I would really like these phones to be using WIFI most of the time even though we have an unlimited data plan, WIFI just seems to be faster.
pwnage said:
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.
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ringy2 thank you. I'll take a look at that.
You know I have been working off of the thread linked above and I have gotten the phone to the point where it seems to be checking our mail server over GPRS/3G (I have turned the WIFI antenna off). The problem now is that the when it goes to check messages it won't DL any new ones that may be on the server. Any ideas?
Do you not have unlimited data with at&t? If you do then there is absolutely no reason not to leave wifi off and just use that for email. As for checking emails and not getting anything new. You need to adjust the settings for your account.
surrept, Yes we have an unlimited data plan and at this point i have given up on getting the phone to check via WIFI. As for the settings, what are you refering to? I have the account setup and i have configured it exactly how it is supposed to be. i have it DLing full copies of messages w/ no attachments, and it is set to check mail every 5 min (will change this back to 15 once i have finished testing).
Um, BTW - AT&T did release WM6 for the 8525... VERY much worth it. However, I'm still going for a 8925 for the doubled RAM/ROM & GPS...
I highly doubt that. Again i have looked in every deep dark place that the internet has and haven't found any WM6 ROM that I can DL from ATT site. you are probably referring to the "official" ATT ROM that i have seen floating around. Im not going to put that on these phones because, one I work for a descent size company and I don't want to be breaking any law and such on there behalf. Two I don't feel like bricking any of these phones. I want the warranty to be valid on them. If it was my personal phone i might try it. but since these are the companies phones it ain't gonna happen.

Social Network problems.

Hey, new here but i hear this is the best place to come for advice so i thought i would give it a shot.
I am getting several errors when trying to use the social networks on the HD2
It lets me log in but hwne i update it says my account is forbidden to access the twitter server, but everthing is fine if i sign in using a browser :S
comes up that my username or password is incorrect when i know for a fact it is not.
Says "There was a connection error while attempting to login"
I have tried it on wifi, edge, 3g, hdpsa and nothing works. I am on o2 an have a unlimited usage contract. Please help.
Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.
add this to it: Nimbuzz
I can't connect over gprs or 3g. I'm on vodafone NL and i have disabled proxies and even created an experimented with new accespoints, but no luck. O even looked up in the registry to see if there is something that can be changed. I can only connect trough wifi.
Is anybody experiencing the same? It might be as well that vodafone blocks nimbuzz, but can they do that? legaly i mean.
kruegz said:
Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.
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I tried this and it does not work. Also i tried a complete reset and still nothing
Anyone have any ideas? this is really annoying

TMob US - 3g service, but no internet

Ok, this is goofy.
Wifi works great
EVDO connects to internet and works great
3g shows 3 bars, but will not connect to internet
This is true even after a hard reset. Must be a settings issue? I did a hard reset, let it set up, and still same problem.
I got the same problem. Purchased the phone yesterday morning. I never had the data plan before. I called T-Mobile twice and they told me that it can take up to 48 hours for the data to kick in. If it doesn't work by tomorrow morning, I'll give them a call again.
i got the same thing too guys. it is fine now and i got a text message from tmo so it it cuts out again i will chime back in.
buy yeah, yesterday i lost connection twice for long periods of time, like a couple of hours.
Thanks for the info! Seems pretty weird that it works when I'm in an E area, but not on 3g. Maybe different towers or something. Friggin awesome phone though!
i just tried to go on yahoo on my hd2 just now after posting and guess what.... it's out again!
OK so I pulled the battery and popped it back in and my internet is back.
i hope this isn't a hardware issue!
Yeah, this is interesting. Popped my TMo sim into my Xperia, could only get E level of service for some reason but could connect to the internet. Put the sim back in my HD2, took it to the far corner of the basement where it drops to E service and it connects to the internet. Back in 3g zone and it won't connect at all. At least it seems to have a stronger antenna than the Xperia. I'll have to give them a call and see whats going on.
there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...
I called into customer service about same issue. I was told to power down, remove battery and start it again and check. It worked afterward.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing.
I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.
hazard99 said:
I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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HTC Dream.
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lude219 said:
This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.
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I'm in NYC. The 3G is good here. Rarely had problems. Probably only a day or something that I can remember.
spotty here in denver. got mine last night. can't get any gps satellites for google maps either.
""there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...""
It was set to
I tried to change it to, but that setting errored out.
Then couldn't get the setting to work which is strange. Soo, did a hard reset and let it set up again. Same thing. I can connect to internet with Edge, but 3g even though it shows the signal bars and everything seems great will not connect to internet, download email, update weather, etc.
I too am have this problem... Sometimes web works great, other times no web but strong 3G.... I thought I was going crazy...
My internet was working really slow yesterday when I first got the phone (5-60 kbit/s). Called up tmo to ask if maybe they had set me up with just tzones or something. The guy said "no everything looks fine here...oh wait I see there's something that needs to be reset; I'm surprised you were getting internet at all." When I asked him what it was he said he "couldn't really explain what it was", to which I replied "..."
Anyway, it seems to be working fine now. Don't know if this could be related to the problems you're having, but giving tmobile a call couldn't hurt, maybe they can flip the magic unexplainable switch for you.
Ok so I couldn't get internet for two days now, I called T-mobile twice and told me to wait 48 hours. After thinking something was fishy, I looked at my receipt from Wal-Mart where I purchased the phone and I noticed something peculiar: "REQ Android Web: 30:00". Knowing damn sure I did not purchase an android phone, I called T-Mobile for the third time, complaining, so the first guy transferred me to another operator. He checked out my account and it turned out that I didn't have any data plan at all. So he added the plan and within 20 minutes I was surfing. Everything works great. I'm getting about 850 kbps in northwest Indiana.
It's very interesting that the first two operators I called never even bothered to look at my account to see if I have a data plan.
Just discovered new regarding the no data issue.
I had the no data problem again today, even though it was working in the morning. I decided to reboot and check, but then I noticed the 'Terminate Data Connection' option when I hold down the power button. So I tried it. It killed the data connection and when I went into Google Maps, the data connection reactivated and everything was fine again.
So, it may be a bug!

Can't activate my Nexus S

I received my Nexus S today, popped in the new SIM but can't activate the phone. After I sign in with my goggle account, I get the message "can't establish a reliable data connection to the server. I swapped the sim from my G1 that I have been using so far - same problem. Any ideas?
Use the g1 simcard
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
I did and still nothing.
Didn't know these phones needed to be activated.
I think Im going through something similar....
Everytime I turn off the phone (twice)... I lose 3G connection to T-Mobile. It says I need web service, but I had it for another phone. Ive called tmobile about this and all they said to do was a battery pull. And it worked the first time, but no luck second time around. Just wanted to know before calling them if anyone had this issue?
I remember going through something similar from a blackberry phone to a nexus one (same thing happen but I guess it something to do with the plans)
Skip the welcom wizard, turn on wifi, login to your wifi, then go to menu/settings/accounts and add your google accounts.
azn2050 said:
I think Im going through something similar....
Everytime I turn off the phone (twice)... I lose 3G connection to T-Mobile. It says I need web service, but I had it for another phone. Ive called tmobile about this and all they said to do was a battery pull. And it worked the first time, but no luck second time around. Just wanted to know before calling them if anyone had this issue?
I remember going through something similar from a blackberry phone to a nexus one (same thing happen but I guess it something to do with the plans)
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I had to call them to get the 4G web provisioned on my account. Even though this phone isn't HSPA+ capable, this provisioning lets it work with HSDPA
I have that problem I just got my phone today n can't log in my google account always say no data service.but when i switch to my nexus one it work everything fine anyone know how to fix that??please thanks

Google account password forgotten every time I lose 3g

Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
itay1 said:
That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
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I don't have another sim card to try it :S
BiTXBoi said:
a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
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It doesn't get back on, when I go in the Account Settings menu, it says my that "my password is incorrect or my account must have been changed".
It forces me to go in airplane mode while I'm in school because otherwise I need to re-enter my password every 10 minutes (poor reception) even though wifi is on. I mean, if the wifi is on there shouldn't be any problem since there is a data connection. How would the mobile connection affect that?
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
fyid said:
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
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My credentials are most definitely fine, and besides, I don't have the luxury to overlook wifi with my overpriced 200 mb 3g plan
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
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Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
Happens to me every time I switch up sim cards too. I had to replace one because it kept loosing data connection.. I jumped up and down when I found out it was not my N1!! Happy day!
hircus said:
Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
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Thanks for this explanation, I didn't know about this widget, I guess I will use it from now on Knowing that I am not the only one with this problem, I may now hope for a fix in the future.
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I don't know, my sim card doesn't seem faulty? It looks more like an android problem to me. Anyway if you think it might help I could try to get another one.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I can only speak for ATT on this but the answer is yes. You walk in, tell them you need to replace your sim, and they give you a new one at no cost; this has been my experience for myself and for replacing my better half's sim for her iphone.
It can't hurt to try a new sim...the worst that can happen? Nothing
I know this is an old thread, but I found a solution if anyone is interested.
It would appear that I would lose my google account's credentials everytime my phone lost cell signal and tried to look for the "partner" network.
Well it seems I can fix the problem by forcing my phone to stay on "WCDMA only" instead of "WCDMA preferred". Downside is that I wouldn't be able to go on the partner network when I'm outside my main network.
To do that just type *#*#4636#*#* on your phone application and a settings screen will pop up. You can find WCDMA Only in "Phone Options".
I hope it can help someone

