ATT 8525 and ATT 8925 Email problems - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

The company I work for recently (3 months ago) bought 3 ATT 8525's for people who travel. All 3 of the phones have this issue where when they go into their power save mode, and they will not send or receive Email or produce notifications about new email. It appears to me that when the phones go into this power save mode they turn off the wireless card in the phone. I have made every effort to figure this out myself but I finally broke down and called ATT who then transfered me to HTC. HTC told me that this is a bug in the phone and that they do not have a solution for it other than trying Windows Mobile 6. However, since ATT has not released WM6 for the 8525, and I don't feel like bricking a phone, the company decided to go ahead and buy the ATT 8925, hopping that the new phone wouldn't have this problem. Unfortunately it dose.
So getting down to my question. Does anyone know how to get these phones to send and receive Email, through WIFI and not the cell network, when they are in their power save mode?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Oh and BTW, after toying around with the 8925 I do have to say that the new features included in the phone are quite nice, hate the chrome though.

Via WiFi? No. You wouldn't like the battery life if it did.

Battery life
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.

Could be connected to this:

you need to disable the at&t proxie to use wifi to send mail/etc
To have the wifi alwayz on even in standby is not wise, you batter will die fast ......

I have no issues using Active sync with exchange 2007 i get emails even when in power save maybe you should get some exchange accounts

pwnage said:
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.
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You don't understand the gravity of what he told you. The battery life would literally be 2-3 hours.
Manually pressing the power button and tapping 'check for new messages' is a much better solution than being completely unable to access email for 3/4 of the workday because the battery has died.
Think about it.
Also, on your install CD, you'll find some AT&T software to push email to the phone automatically, waking up the phone using SMS. And, as other people have suggested, these phones were designed with Microsoft Exchange in mind and setting up an Exchange server would also help your problem.

Thank you for the replies.
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.

ringy2 said:
Could be connected to this:
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I took a look at this and it seems to describe the problem i have very well. In regards to the battery life, is there a way to have the WIFI turn on when its time to check mail and then turn off after its finished? I would really like these phones to be using WIFI most of the time even though we have an unlimited data plan, WIFI just seems to be faster.

pwnage said:
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.
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ringy2 thank you. I'll take a look at that.
You know I have been working off of the thread linked above and I have gotten the phone to the point where it seems to be checking our mail server over GPRS/3G (I have turned the WIFI antenna off). The problem now is that the when it goes to check messages it won't DL any new ones that may be on the server. Any ideas?

Do you not have unlimited data with at&t? If you do then there is absolutely no reason not to leave wifi off and just use that for email. As for checking emails and not getting anything new. You need to adjust the settings for your account.

surrept, Yes we have an unlimited data plan and at this point i have given up on getting the phone to check via WIFI. As for the settings, what are you refering to? I have the account setup and i have configured it exactly how it is supposed to be. i have it DLing full copies of messages w/ no attachments, and it is set to check mail every 5 min (will change this back to 15 once i have finished testing).

Um, BTW - AT&T did release WM6 for the 8525... VERY much worth it. However, I'm still going for a 8925 for the doubled RAM/ROM & GPS...

I highly doubt that. Again i have looked in every deep dark place that the internet has and haven't found any WM6 ROM that I can DL from ATT site. you are probably referring to the "official" ATT ROM that i have seen floating around. Im not going to put that on these phones because, one I work for a descent size company and I don't want to be breaking any law and such on there behalf. Two I don't feel like bricking any of these phones. I want the warranty to be valid on them. If it was my personal phone i might try it. but since these are the companies phones it ain't gonna happen.


GPRS connection doesn't work after being connected for a long time

I'm using a Magician with WM2003
I have a GPRS connection setup for with t-mobile using a proxy.
If I'm not connected it works great- I press send/receive for my e-mail it connects and gets my messages just fine.
If I do it again 5 minutes later also fine.
The problem is after a long time the connection is still active, but when I go to do a Send/Receive-
I get an "unable to connect to the incoming mail server" message. All my other internet apps also will not work. If I turn on flight mode and then turn it off (to disconnect from my GPRS connection) and then try the internet again- it will work fine.
I think what triggers this is going into an area with no service. The GPRS connection stays active- and when I try to use it (even when I'm back in an area with service) it won't work.
Any suggestions?
I found this, may help ....
Look for "KeepAliveTime" on the right side of this page
It may help, good luck!
I have this same issue with the htc touch. Not sure what to do about it. I see the keepalivetime but it isn't a hack or a reg edit (that I can tell).
anyone having this kind of an issue on your htc touch?
HI guys, having th same problem here with my Hermes. Strange thing is, this has only started to happen over the last few months. I am on T-Mob (UK) as well... Any one have any ideas, because my push email is driving me crazy (drops the connction and cant connect again, this includes the interent as well.
flashflash said:
HI guys, having th same problem here with my Hermes. Strange thing is, this has only started to happen over the last few months. I am on T-Mob (UK) as well... Any one have any ideas, because my push email is driving me crazy (drops the connction and cant connect again, this includes the interent as well.
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Exactly the same here - issues with push mail and when using messenger have to turn flight mode on and off to reconnect to the service - only been like this for few weeks now - never used to be a problem before
So it looks like T-mob have changed something recently. I have been searching various forums trying to find an answer but no luck. TMob reckon nothing has changed when i called them.
I too have the same problem and I am also on t-mob UK.
I will call Tmob again tomorrow and hopefully get through to someone in their tech dept. I knew it had to be Tmob, I had changed nothing on my handset, but they refused to acknowledge that anyone else had a problem.
I use cingular/att with these issues so it's not just tmobile.
mikewchandler said:
anyone having this kind of an issue on your htc touch?
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You are not alone here....... nearly every day a soft reset
Also the same with my trinity - but not so often
Having spoken to T-Mob UK, the general thinking is they are imposed restrictions on usage for the basic walk and web service. This includes IMessenger and push e-mail (I knew about IM bit not Push Mail!)
The engineer seems to think the connection will be frozen if the network detects
a IM service (the heatbeat of push mail mail looks to be included in this).
Solution: Upgrade to Walk and Web Plus (extra £5) per month.
I have been given a free month to try and see if this solves my issues. I will let you know how it goes.
Now this could be T-mob fobbing me off and trying to get an extra five quid off me, lets wait and see. Any of you guys on the plus service already??
I was guessing that might be the case, let know how it goes if I need to upgrade
I use the mediamax bundle with cingular/att. I wonder if this is indeed the case. I would need to upgrade to the pda plan, which would be pricey. Mabey that's the case?
Well, I'm afraid it was a nice story that Tmob told me, but it hasn't sorted the problem! I will keep an eye on it over the next few days just in case it takes a few days to set their end, but as of today I still loose connection.
OK, finally got it sorted....! I have GPRS connected all the time now without loosing connection.
Looks like T-mob were telling me the truth. After talking to a T-mobile engineer, he confirms that they now have the network infrastructure to detect and block services that are not covered in certain WnW packages. This went live just over a month ago.
The basic WnW package does not allow Push Email & IM, if detected the network will block your IP. Turning off and on the radio will give you a new IP, so will work again until detected.
For Push Email you will need the WnW plus service. Now the interesting part is if you add on the plus service (a bolt on) it will still not work. You will need to add the package onto your contract not as a bolt on.
Many people have just paid extra for the bolt on but the T-Mob system doesnt recognise this and still blocks Push Mail & IM.
It doesnt cost any extra or change your contract length, its just a different way the customer service people upgrade your account.
Unfortunately the customer service rep that upgraded my account did not know this, but the engineer new straight away.
Hope this helps people.
Thanks for the info.....I use ATT/Cingular. What are the odds they started this same thing a month ago? I've been noticing this problem for about that length of time.
Hi all!
It´s the same for me
I´m using Eplus with Cortado email push in Germany
Every morning a soft reset
Any solutions possible within the registry

Telstra HTC HD2

Firstly I am new to this site so hopefully I am going about this the right way.
I am just wanting to inform people of an issue with the Telstra HTC HD2, I purchased just over a week ago and had trouble getting the phone to sync with my office server. After numerous attempts I contact HTC and they took me through the process to discover the phone would not hold one of the settings which is in active sync under configure server advanced settings. The connection setting show dedicated and they told me to change to internet, but the phone won't save the setting, it keeps reverting back to dedicated or goes blank. They advised the phone was faulty and to take it back to the Telsta shop, I did this and after trying 3 different phones we discovered they all have the same problem. The Telstra shop contacted HTC and were advised by the tech team that they where aware of the problem. Would have been handy if they had advised their online support people, it would have saved me a lot of wasted time. So now for all you people out there with a Telstra HTC HD2 phone we need to wait for HTC to provide a fix.
Aside from this so far I am very happy with the phone after just upgrading from the original HTC Diamond.
I have a Telstra HD2 sync'd with my Exchange server via Exchange Server ActiveSync, and I haven't experienced this problem you describe.
Have you tried flashing a custom ROM -- getting rid of the crud that's on there by default?
Yup - youll fix it in 2 secs by going with any custom rom.
Thanks for the feed back. Phone still has the standard telstra rom, only had it a week, how do I locate to best rom to use and does this affect my warranty?
Thanks in advance.
To load a custom ROM you will need to HSPL or Goldcard...
By by warranty!
Thanks cheetah2k,
I am pretty green when it comes to this stuff, so I have no idea what HSPL or Goldcard is. Look forward to your assistance.
i am new to this also but i could only stand the telstra crap for 2 days.
after a bit of reading i gave it a try and it's pretty easy, read through this thread.
looks like i can't post links (even from this forum).
go to "HD2 ROM DEVELOPMENT" and click on the second sticky flashing for noobs.
HI chicksloveit, I tried sending you a message but I don't think its working. Did you receive?
Hi test7875, also tried sending you a message but not sure its working. Perhaps something to do with settings or security etc.
Which rom would you recommend flashing too? I see there is a selection at
Was wondering if it is possible to get the original telstra rom in case I need to flash back for warranty.
Fix without changing ROM
I had similar problem but mine is working perfectly now, without using a custom ROM.
see this thread; SOLvit's reply worked for me;
rravenshak said:
I had similar problem but mine is working perfectly now, without using a custom ROM.
see this thread; SOLvit's reply worked for me;
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Thanks rravenshak,
Actually my phone syncs with exchange server via direct push, but won't sync with server when contected to my PC via active sync. HTC suggested changing the setting to internet, as quoted in last entry by SOLVit in the link you suggested, but it won't retain the setting when saved. HTC have confirmed this is an issue, it is interesting that SOLVit says it works
sorry Niffty,
mis-read/understood your OP.
No worries thanks anyway.
Have you tried any cooked roms, if so which ones?
yeah Niffty2010 got it also replied back.
Telstra too told me to set the selection to Dedicated but each time I do, it reverts to a blank. What concerns me is that I am not getting instant emails (even though I have Activesync set to notify as email arrives on the work Exchange Server). The delays can be up to 15 minutes (and the best time is around 5 minutes!). I wonder if the Telstra "Dedicated" channel is too slow? Scared to play around with different ROMS and then get a huge bill from Telstra because my email was not going through their approved route (I am on the Email Pack which is $20 for all email through Outlook).
Hi tangiers, would be nice if HTC and Telstra were consistent with the information they provide. As I mentioned HTC told me to set to internet, but the setting won't save it goes back to dedicated. Having said this my email push is sychronizing with the server fine through 3G and appears to be almost instant when I compare with my desktop. My problem is I can't get a connection to the server using a USB cable connected to my desktop, you could ask why worry about connecting through the USB cable and desktop. With our server we also use public folders and microsoft in all there wisdow does not have active sync syncronising with public folders, so I use pocket mirror and this needs to be done through active sync on my desktop.
If you want to try dedicated, try to save on internet and it always reverts to dedicated when saved, well this is what happens on my HD2. Otherwise we have to wait for HTC to provide an update. I haven't gone down the road of using another rom, although I have done a few mods I found helpful. Have done all update available from HTC, plus unlocked telstra quick links so they can be removed, search this forum for the CAB. Also installed BSB tweaks, need net frame work 3.5 for this to work. As the phone is only a couple of weeks old this makes it more user friendly without loading a different rom. I will see what rom updates HTC provide before try others.
I spoke to Telstra again. They see it must be a setting on the Exchange server that is wrong. Couldn''t tell me which though. When I asked if they could tell me the settings for Activesync (APN etc) if I flashed my ROM with an official HTC Rom upgrade they said that my warranty would be void and the representative told me he hadn't been told the settings (!) I also phoned HTC who could only tell me to choose "When items arrive" in the ActiveSync settings on the phone (!). I will have to now try our Server administrators to see what they can do. Perhaps the fact that yours is coming through instantly points to a problem with our server set up. Would be nice to know what to tell them to change though...
I think I have found the cause for the delay in receiving my email from the Exchange Server through Activesync. If I check Status under ActiveSync on the HD2, I notice that it does an update every 8 minutes which is the minimum heartbeat interval for ActiveSync. My theory is that the phone thinks it is holding the connection to the server during the interval but the firewall settings of the server are not allowing the TCP connection to remain open for the 8 minute interval. Accordingly, having received no response from the server, the phone sends the next heartbeat but notices when it does that there are new emails and downloads them. There is an article from MS about ensuring that the firewall settings allow connections to remain open as long as the Exchange server does.
This could be the case for you, but I don't know enough about it. As mentioned mine is instant just won't connect to server through USB cable. Very time consuming things computers and phones. Why can't they just work.
I fixed the problem. I was using an owa.{domain}.com address for the server in Outlook on the phone. This address worked fine except for the emails only coming through every eight minutes. I changed the address by adding "/exchange" to the address and emails started coming through instantly, as push mail should. But it was shortlived. The phone kept chopping the "/exchange" part of the address and going back to the old problem. I then deleted the Outlook account and established the Excahnge partnership through the Mobile Device Centre with the phone connect via USB to a computer ON THE WORK DOMAIN. Before I set up the phone OTA / through a pc at home. This doesn't work. I think it has something to do with Exchange trusting a device that connects with USB to a PC in the work network rather than outside through the internet. All is working. No thanks to TELSTRA, HTC or the IT Department!!!!!

[Q] My Experience with the WP7/Samsung Focus

Hey Guys;
So this is my rant about the Samsung Focus. I'll try to keep this brief.
I've been a huge fan of the Zune HD and since day one I've said that I'd switch if they ever add phone features (I was on a 3Gs at the time.)
So enter WP7; I LOVE the UI SOOO much that even though it's missing some really key things I was willing to overlook that and still got the Focus.
- I called AT&T to make sure they'd let me unlock it BEFORE I bought it because I'm taking a trip to Europe for a few months so I need to be able to use their local SIM. AT&T said "NO problem!" Once I got the phone however it turned into "We're not allowing it to be unlocked for 6 Months" (AT&T Sucks)
- It was suppose to take 15 minutes to active, it took 2 days (AT&T sucks)
- found out that WP7 doesn't connect to wireless networks that don't broadcast SSIDs (MS is clueless!) UPDATE: I take this one back... Still a pain, but maybe I'm being harsh...
But even after all these ridiculous issues that had me calling AT&T OVER AND OVER again, I was willing to keep the Phone....
Then came the deal breaker....
Since this is a really new OS from MS, They're supporting the newest exchange servers (2008) and if you're company doesn't have those new exchange servers dependable account syncing isn't in your future! mad:) I've been able to get it to sync, but it errors out before it finishes and then it's unstable. Shooting errors out all the time. Came across this forum:
So now I'm about to crawl back to the OS I abandoned (android)
Worse of all; I put my 32Gb MicroSD card in the Focus and although it works great, I can't figure out how to format it and get it usable on other devices again. Only the focus can see it now... (has someone come across a fix for that yet?)
So there you have it... I'm not having a good phone week...
kcasante said:
Then came the deal breaker....
Since this is a really new OS from MS, They're supporting the newest exchange servers (2008) and if you're company doesn't have those new exchange servers dependable account syncing isn't in your future!
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Firstly, the lastest Exchange is 2010 If you're not already on it, you really need to! It's awesome!
My Omnia 7 synched up first time, I really didn't expect it to be able to deal with the client certificate, but it seems to handle it all invisibly. I'm very, very, (VERY!), impressed by how flawlessly it has worked.
If you're not on Exchange 2010, you need to get your company into the Microsoft Partner Network and you will get licences for nearly all of the latest software. We jumped a version (from 2003 to 2010) and the improvement is gobsmacking. Exchange 2010 is so much more efficient, the servers are flying!
Smoothound said:
Firstly, the lastest Exchange is 2010 If you're not already on it, you really need to! It's awesome!
My Omnia 7 synched up first time, I really didn't expect it to be able to deal with the client certificate, but it seems to handle it all invisibly. I'm very, very, (VERY!), impressed by how flawlessly it has worked.
If you're not on Exchange 2010, you need to get your company into the Microsoft Partner Network and you will get licences for nearly all of the latest software. We jumped a version (from 2003 to 2010) and the improvement is gobsmacking. Exchange 2010 is so much more efficient, the servers are flying!
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Yes Smoothound, you're right it is 2010; my mistake.
And as for my company switching; I don't think I have any pull in that department. I don't think it's a good idea to call them out on the internet. Lets just say this is a company thats known worldwide as a household name ( and also just bought a dying phone brand due to their OS) I'm actually surprised that they're behind on that tech but I have no way of incluencing an upgrade unfortunately. I'm sure it's in the works but for when I need it, it's too little too late...
ActiveSync is working fine for me on Exchange 2003 without any issues at all. So, no, you don't have to be on the latest version of Exchange.
I'm pretty sure I have Exchange 2003 here (I know it's not 2010 or 2008) and it works just fine. The first time thru it wouldn't download images that were embedded in email but I'd pretty sure that was because of the half-assed network I was using at the time. When I got home and connected to my own network, did a hard reset and set it all up again, mail worked fine. No errors, nothing, just email. I read the same thing about the iPhone 4, too, but it works fine against my server, also.
markgamber said:
I'm pretty sure I have Exchange 2003 here (I know it's not 2010 or 2008) and it works just fine. The first time thru it wouldn't download images that were embedded in email but I'd pretty sure that was because of the half-assed network I was using at the time. When I got home and connected to my own network, did a hard reset and set it all up again, mail worked fine. No errors, nothing, just email. I read the same thing about the iPhone 4, too, but it works fine against my server, also.
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So now I'm really confused...
And when I set it up the first time it worked well too! All emails Contacts, and Calendar updates were flawless...
I have my corporate mail synced on my phone and iPad so when a mail comes in they all ding at the same time... Somewhere along the line, the focus stopped digging and I haven't gotten it back stable since....
When i set up the account automatically it has no problems finding my account but eventually errors out after pulling down some emails and contacts...
I can set it up manually but it doesn't make a difference.
I really don't want to return this thing because the only other phone thats useable on AT&T in my opinion is the iPhone 4 (or the Captivate) and I REALLY don't want to go back down that dark path
Any suggestions guys?
kcasante said:
So now I'm really confused...
And when I set it up the first time it worked well too! All emails Contacts, and Calendar updates were flawless...
I have my corporate mail synced on my phone and iPad so when a mail comes in they all ding at the same time... Somewhere along the line, the focus stopped digging and I haven't gotten it back stable since....
When i set up the account automatically it has no problems finding my account but eventually errors out after pulling down some emails and contacts...
I can set it up manually but it doesn't make a difference.
I really don't want to return this thing because the only other phone thats useable on AT&T in my opinion is the iPhone 4 (or the Captivate) and I REALLY don't want to go back down that dark path
Any suggestions guys?
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It has to be your Exchange infrastructure. I have tested the phone with Exchange 2003, 2007 & 2010 and they all work flawlessly. I'm an IT consultant and I have used my Focus to make sure it is compatible with my customers networks so that I can recommend it.
The only thing I'm sure is unusual about my set up is that since it's a dev system and it's just me using it for mail, I don't use SSL and have it turned off at the phone. Everything else is entirely straightfoward. I would think Microsoft would have decent integration between two of their own products BUT the phone is a Rev 1 system. You might take a look around the MS support site to see if anyone has had problems and if there's a reason and/or correction you can take. I second the thinking that it's probably something with your server and/or network but that's about the best I can do.
We are using Exchange 2007 and it works without a problem after the policy was corrected. Windows Phone 7 will not sync if the policy requires your phone to encrypt or strong unlock password (alphanumeric password). Our admin made a Windows Phone 7 policy for these items. Considering you cannot take the microsd out and it wont sync to desktops.. the encrypt is not a big deal.
In this thread the guy says going back and re-enter the information might work:
This happened to me as well. We have an Exchange 2003 server and what I did was go to "email and accounts" on the phone and went through the proccess and setup everything correctly but still got the error messages.
Now this is what fixed my issue (strange). I got out of the "email and accounts" and went into all programs list and opened "Outlook" , from there I put the settings in again for my account and presto, it just started working and syncing.
I did 2 phones likes this already and it works. Dont ask me how, but it does.
Hope this helps OP and anyone else using Exchange 2003.
kcasante said:
So now I'm really confused...
And when I set it up the first time it worked well too! All emails Contacts, and Calendar updates were flawless...
I have my corporate mail synced on my phone and iPad so when a mail comes in they all ding at the same time... Somewhere along the line, the focus stopped digging and I haven't gotten it back stable since....
When i set up the account automatically it has no problems finding my account but eventually errors out after pulling down some emails and contacts...
I can set it up manually but it doesn't make a difference.
I really don't want to return this thing because the only other phone thats useable on AT&T in my opinion is the iPhone 4 (or the Captivate) and I REALLY don't want to go back down that dark path
Any suggestions guys?
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I'm wondering if that additional microsd card you've in the Focus is causing you issues. I would remove the card, and hard reset the phone. Put in your Exchange info again and see if it doesn't work fine after that.
kcasante said:
Hey Guys;
So this is my rant about the Samsung Focus. I'll try to keep this brief.
I've been a huge fan of the Zune HD and since day one I've said that I'd switch if they ever add phone features (I was on a 3Gs at the time.)
So enter WP7; I LOVE the UI SOOO much that even though it's missing some really key things I was willing to overlook that and still got the Focus.
- I called AT&T to make sure they'd let me unlock it BEFORE I bought it because I'm taking a trip to Europe for a few months so I need to be able to use their local SIM. AT&T said "NO problem!" Once I got the phone however it turned into "We're not allowing it to be unlocked for 6 Months" (AT&T Sucks)
- It was suppose to take 15 minutes to active, it took 2 days (AT&T sucks)
- found out that WP7 doesn't connect to wireless networks that don't broadcast SSIDs (MS is clueless!)
But even after all these ridiculous issues that had me calling AT&T OVER AND OVER again, I was willing to keep the Phone....
Then came the deal breaker....
Since this is a really new OS from MS, They're supporting the newest exchange servers (2008) and if you're company doesn't have those new exchange servers dependable account syncing isn't in your future! mad:) I've been able to get it to sync, but it errors out before it finishes and then it's unstable. Shooting errors out all the time. Came across this forum:
So now I'm about to crawl back to the OS I abandoned (android)
Worse of all; I put my 32Gb MicroSD card in the Focus and although it works great, I can't figure out how to format it and get it usable on other devices again. Only the focus can see it now... (has someone come across a fix for that yet?)
So there you have it... I'm not having a good phone week...
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My company uses Exchange 2003 and I have had NO issues.. Works very well. Curious, what version of Exchange?
Sorry to hear about your issues. If I were consulting you prior to this I would have indicated that corporate users should let early adopters take first swing at the phone before you go for it but it sounded like you were willing to go through some pain.
As for the SSID, I wanted to comment that I think it is sort of unfair you are indicating that MS is clueless on that front. I have read many things from the wireless alliance and they seem to have been saying for more than just a few years (2006) that hidden SSID creates more problems that it solves and that it is not a true security feature. Here is a security analysts take on it:
So anyway, as the industry updates it's standards, MS will continue to push those standards, hidden SSID is not a standard and is actually confusing to other wireless networks and traffic congestion resolution problems.
Rename title of thread
I think the title of this thread needs to be renamed.
AllTheWay said:
I think the title of this thread needs to be renamed.
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No worries; It's done.
Thresher said:
Sorry to hear about your issues. If I were consulting you prior to this I would have indicated that corporate users should let early adopters take first swing at the phone before you go for it but it sounded like you were willing to go through some pain.
As for the SSID, I wanted to comment that I think it is sort of unfair you are indicating that MS is clueless on that front. I have read many things from the wireless alliance and they seem to have been saying for more than just a few years (2006) that hidden SSID creates more problems that it solves and that it is not a true security feature. Here is a security analysts take on it:
So anyway, as the industry updates it's standards, MS will continue to push those standards, hidden SSID is not a standard and is actually confusing to other wireless networks and traffic congestion resolution problems.
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So here's the update...
I find that if I set the exchange account to check for mail every 15 minutes instead of push, it seems to be more stable... Although this is really weird (cause the same config on my iPad and my Evo 4G for that matter seems to work flawlessly) I'm just going to deal with it. Although my statements at the begining of this post was somewhat hard on the phone I will say again; I really LOVE the UI. and the Display is amazing... So much so that I'll deal with the crap I think it's missing for a while.
Here's to hoping MS is as agressive with their updates as they've said they're going to be.
Thanks for all the input guys.

HTC Dream issues

Hey guys,
I have been successfully running my HTC Dream with Cyanogen mod 6.1 for a few months now and I love the fact that I can run 2.2.1 on this phone. Few problems I have encountered:
1) Name display not being supported even though in phone plan. (I know I have it because of my blackberry spare which was lying around).
2) Battery life SUCKS on this phone and dies in less than 8 hours sometimes after some phone calls and text messaging. Is there a lighter rom using the same kernel on the phone along with radio? I need more battery life on this phone.
3) Android market doesnt seem to work for me. I tried using wifi, someone elses sim card who has data on their plan, it just doesn't seem to connect to google servers to create and account. Anyone know why? Driving me nuts as I would like to explore the market a bit.
Bloodyskullz said:
Hey guys,
I have been successfully running my HTC Dream with Cyanogen mod 6.1 for a few months now and I love the fact that I can run 2.2.1 on this phone. Few problems I have encountered:
1) Name display not being supported even though in phone plan. (I know I have it because of my blackberry spare which was lying around).
2) Battery life SUCKS on this phone and dies in less than 8 hours sometimes after some phone calls and text messaging. Is there a lighter rom using the same kernel on the phone along with radio? I need more battery life on this phone.
3) Android market doesnt seem to work for me. I tried using wifi, someone elses sim card who has data on their plan, it just doesn't seem to connect to google servers to create and account. Anyone know why? Driving me nuts as I would like to explore the market a bit.
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Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.
Also, once you do some research, you can look into installing Ginger Yoshi on the G1 to get Android 2.3.4. It works pretty good.
jeff72k said:
Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.
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1) I get a call, no name displayed just the phone number. No idea why.
2) Did all that hence why i am asking if there is a rom out there that uses less resourses while giving me access to at least 2.2
3)It leads me to set up account but it won't connect to google servers properly. I have also tried someone elses sim and that didn't work.
try moving to another rom, one option...
the call thing...did you import your contacts from sim/sd card after flashing new rom/radio or anything???
battery...only one option...get a new extension battery...u get 2300/2450/1700/2850 mAh's which would behave better than the original battery!!!
Bloodyskullz said:
1) I get a call, no name displayed just the phone number. No idea why.
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Do you have those numbers associated in your contact with the related names? If not then it will only show up as numbers.
Bloodyskullz said:
2) Did all that hence why i am asking if there is a rom out there that uses less resourses while giving me access to at least 2.2
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Most if not all of the current ROM has at least 2.3.4. Some might even have 3.x if the DEV updated them.
Bloodyskullz said:
3)It leads me to set up account but it won't connect to google servers properly. I have also tried someone elses sim and that didn't work.
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Do you have the data plan or are you using wifi?
If you have a data plan, did you have the 3G, EDGE, etc... icon show that you have data connection?
If no data plan and you connect via wifi, did you turn on the Wifi Connection and connected to a wifi network?
Sorry of these type of question, I do not mean to be rude. Just an observation that those thing might cause the problem.
jeff72k said:
Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.
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yep, True,

Just Bought The LG Quantum on Ebay

Hi all,
I just bought a used LG Quantum from ebay. I would greatly appreciate all of your input to help me verify that this phone is working properly. I am upgrading from a Touch Pro 2, wm 6.5.
1. I don't see a water indicator sticker. Is there a blue sticker in the battery compartment to indicate water? I see a small hole that is white filled on the top left region, opposite the sim. Is this it?
2. How can I verify if the ROM is stock? Is there anyway for me to check to see if the previous owner has replaced the ROM or has done anything to the phone that might prevent the Mango update? Mango update is REALLY important, I have been holding off upgrading until Mango comes out.
3. I have been using the Touch Pro 2 without a data plan. I don't have a contract and don't want to enter a contract. All my datat usage is wifi, and it has served me well. I have wifi at the office, and wifi at home, therefore no need for a 3g data. In WM 6.5, I can turn off the 3g data modem. Can I do the same with this LG? I also have AT&T block data on their side, but I don't want any "accidental" data charges. I would feel much better if I can turn 3g off on my end.
4. How do I do a factory wipe? This might be necessary if the previous owner have not done so. It is currently charging so I haven't got the chance to mess with it. Its very hard waiting....
I might have more question as I go along. Thanks in advanced for everyone's help. I really love Windows Mobile and have been using Windows Mobile phone before the iPhone ever came out. I got my wife an Android phone, and I'm very disappointed with Android. I can't believe companies putting out Android phones that are not usable out of the box. You have dig for apps and install additional apps in order to make the phone acceptable for use. Anyway...thanks again everyone.
Well, I found the factory reset in the Setting menu, and have done it. I noticed that after resetting the phone, I went through the setup, and saw that in the setup process there was a check box for data option. I unchecked the box so that the phone would not use data. Does anyone know if that would stop any 3g data access?
It looks like no one wants to share their experiences, so I'll just go on with this monologue and post things as I find them.
I found the 3g data switch in the setting menu. So it looks like you can turn off 3g data and just use wifi.
Hey, I just got this phone as well. Local bell was clearing them out for 78.83. looks to be pretty cool. Just bought it as an extra phone. I don't think its anyone is ignoring you, this is just a low profile device haha. I've just updated it to Mango as well. Runs really well.
Kev. said:
Hey, I just got this phone as well. Local bell was clearing them out for 78.83. looks to be pretty cool. Just bought it as an extra phone. I don't think its anyone is ignoring you, this is just a low profile device haha. I've just updated it to Mango as well. Runs really well.
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That's a really good price, did you have to sign a contract for it? I have been buying my phone on ebay to avoid contracts.
Kev. said:
Hey, I just got this phone as well. Local bell was clearing them out for 78.83. looks to be pretty cool. Just bought it as an extra phone. I don't think its anyone is ignoring you, this is just a low profile device haha. I've just updated it to Mango as well. Runs really well.
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I've just connected my phone to the zune software for update to Mango, but it says the phone is up to date: 7.0 (7390).
I got impatient so I did the disconnect from the internet trick. Was a breeze and worked right away and I've had no problems with it.
Can someone verify for me if this is stock rom:
OS Version: 7.0.7390.0
Firmware Revision Number:
Hardware Revision Number:
Radio Software Version:
Radio Hardware version:
Bootloader Verson:
Chip SOC version:
I want to know if the NODO version is official or the beta.
ok guys, the windows phone gods have looked down and seen how I'm searching and poking around trying to verify my phone OS so that I can update to Mango; and they are smiling on me. Out of the blue today, the zune software said I have an update! Woohoo! Mango is coming, its been updating for 30 minutes now.
Now running Mango and loving it!
Does anyone know where the water indicator sticker is located on this phone?
Great to hear... I'm still waiting on mine. Trying to be patient.
You were right, the water indicator is the little hole that should be white when dry, and turns pink after getting wet. There's another, larger, square indicator on one end of the battery.
Otnos. I just bought mine as well on Ebay. Been waiting a long time to upgrade from my HTC Tilt to the new OS. I have to wait for mine to show up, but your rambling postings are great reading as i would ask similar questions being new to the WP7.5 world.
arcspeak said:
You were right, the water indicator is the little hole that should be white when dry, and turns pink after getting wet. There's another, larger, square indicator on one end of the battery.
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Thank you for confriming that, now I can leave a positive feedback for the seller.
moonlite said:
Otnos. I just bought mine as well on Ebay. Been waiting a long time to upgrade from my HTC Tilt to the new OS. I have to wait for mine to show up, but your rambling postings are great reading as i would ask similar questions being new to the WP7.5 world.
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hahaha...Good to have you chime in. I'm liking WP more an more each day. AT&T recognized this phone and automatically listed it on my online account. I love thr fact that I can turn off data, in the Settings, Cellular page. I use wifi instead.
At first I was afraid that wifi would drain my battery fast, so I manually turn it off and on. But I have been reading and found that WP will turn of wifi when the screen is off, isn't that great? Now I just leave wifi on, and whenever I turn my phone on, it automatically have a data connection.
I don't use text either. Why pay AT&T $20 a month for this funtion!
Here is my work around. I use Google Voice. Set Google Voice to send text to your Hotmail account that you associated with your phone. When someone text to your Google Voice number, it INSTANTLY goes to your Hotmail. Your Windows Phone will receive a notification in the email live tile. You tap on the email tile to read the text and then reply by email. When you reply to that mail on your phone, your receipient will receive a TEXT reply. Voila! Free text.
otnos said:
hahaha...Good to have you chime in. I'm liking WP more an more each day. AT&T recognized this phone and automatically listed it on my online account. I love thr fact that I can turn off data, in the Settings, Cellular page. I use wifi instead.
At first I was afraid that wifi would drain my battery fast, so I manually turn it off and on. But I have been reading and found that WP will turn of wifi when the screen is off, isn't that great? Now I just leave wifi on, and whenever I turn my phone on, it automatically have a data connection.
I don't use text either. Why pay AT&T $20 a month for this funtion!
Here is my work around. I use Google Voice. Set Google Voice to send text to your Hotmail account that you associated with your phone. When someone text to your Google Voice number, it INSTANTLY goes to your Hotmail. Your Windows Phone will receive a notification in the email live tile. You tap on the email tile to read the text and then reply by email. When you reply to that mail on your phone, your receipient will receive a TEXT reply. Voila! Free text.
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lol...after describing in details how I can get free texting, I just discovered AT&T Go Phone (pre-paid plan) that has unlimited talk & text for just $50/month. This is a great plan for those of you in the US who have AT&T and no longer under a contract. I used to be on the $40/month plan that only gives me 450 minutes/month. Now I have switched over to their Go Phone prepaid plan that is $50/month ($55.01 with tax) and get unlimited Talk & Text! Data is also available but for additional fee.
moonlite said:
Otnos. I just bought mine as well on Ebay. Been waiting a long time to upgrade from my HTC Tilt to the new OS. I have to wait for mine to show up, but your rambling postings are great reading as i would ask similar questions being new to the WP7.5 world.
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I have a Tilt still and am curious to see what you think! I've been contemplating upgrading either to an LG Fathom, LG eXpo, or maybe a Quantum. However, the Samsung Captivate Glide was just announced, so maybe that's what I'll try... I wonder if it is worth getting a one or two year old brand new phone, when my then new Tilt has worked for over 3.5 years.
otnos said:
lol...after describing in details how I can get free texting, I just discovered AT&T Go Phone (pre-paid plan) that has unlimited talk & text for just $50/month. This is a great plan for those of you in the US who have AT&T and no longer under a contract. I used to be on the $40/month plan that only gives me 450 minutes/month. Now I have switched over to their Go Phone prepaid plan that is $50/month ($55.01 with tax) and get unlimited Talk & Text! Data is also available but for additional fee.
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That is interesting. I have been out of my contract for some time. I am grandfathered with the $30/month unlimited data, and another $5/month for 200 texts. If I didn't travel so much, I think your option would really work. Once I change my plan though, there is no going back...
daveb673 said:
I have a Tilt still and am curious to see what you think! I've been contemplating upgrading either to an LG Fathom, LG eXpo, or maybe a Quantum. However, the Samsung Captivate Glide was just announced, so maybe that's what I'll try... I wonder if it is worth getting a one or two year old brand new phone, when my then new Tilt has worked for over 3.5 years.
That is interesting. I have been out of my contract for some time. I am grandfathered with the $30/month unlimited data, and another $5/month for 200 texts. If I didn't travel so much, I think your option would really work. Once I change my plan though, there is no going back...
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The quantum is a 1st Gen phone. If you are able, I think you should get a 2nd Gen phone instead.
So I'm probably buying one of these on ebay (I cant write on touchscreens so im in need of a smartphone android or WP with QWERTY on it).
Some questions:
-Whats the newest version of windows phone right now?
-Can LG Quantum be updated to that version?
-How's the battery on this model? Can I get 2 days with moderate use?
-Is anyone trying to make a graphic EQ to WP7? I think the lack of this basic multimedia feature is just ridiculous.
Thanks and sorry to make so much questions
rmrbpt said:
So I'm probably buying one of these on ebay (I cant write on touchscreens so im in need of a smartphone android or WP with QWERTY on it).
Some questions:
-Whats the newest version of windows phone right now?
-Can LG Quantum be updated to that version?
-How's the battery on this model? Can I get 2 days with moderate use?
-Is anyone trying to make a graphic EQ to WP7? I think the lack of this basic multimedia feature is just ridiculous.
Thanks and sorry to make so much questions
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WP7 newest version is Mango, and this LG Quantum can be updated to Mango. I'm running Mango right now.
The battery life is good, you can easy get 2 days moderate use.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by graphic EQ?

