HTC Dream issues - G1 General

Hey guys,
I have been successfully running my HTC Dream with Cyanogen mod 6.1 for a few months now and I love the fact that I can run 2.2.1 on this phone. Few problems I have encountered:
1) Name display not being supported even though in phone plan. (I know I have it because of my blackberry spare which was lying around).
2) Battery life SUCKS on this phone and dies in less than 8 hours sometimes after some phone calls and text messaging. Is there a lighter rom using the same kernel on the phone along with radio? I need more battery life on this phone.
3) Android market doesnt seem to work for me. I tried using wifi, someone elses sim card who has data on their plan, it just doesn't seem to connect to google servers to create and account. Anyone know why? Driving me nuts as I would like to explore the market a bit.

Bloodyskullz said:
Hey guys,
I have been successfully running my HTC Dream with Cyanogen mod 6.1 for a few months now and I love the fact that I can run 2.2.1 on this phone. Few problems I have encountered:
1) Name display not being supported even though in phone plan. (I know I have it because of my blackberry spare which was lying around).
2) Battery life SUCKS on this phone and dies in less than 8 hours sometimes after some phone calls and text messaging. Is there a lighter rom using the same kernel on the phone along with radio? I need more battery life on this phone.
3) Android market doesnt seem to work for me. I tried using wifi, someone elses sim card who has data on their plan, it just doesn't seem to connect to google servers to create and account. Anyone know why? Driving me nuts as I would like to explore the market a bit.
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Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.

Also, once you do some research, you can look into installing Ginger Yoshi on the G1 to get Android 2.3.4. It works pretty good.

jeff72k said:
Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.
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1) I get a call, no name displayed just the phone number. No idea why.
2) Did all that hence why i am asking if there is a rom out there that uses less resourses while giving me access to at least 2.2
3)It leads me to set up account but it won't connect to google servers properly. I have also tried someone elses sim and that didn't work.

try moving to another rom, one option...
the call thing...did you import your contacts from sim/sd card after flashing new rom/radio or anything???
battery...only one option...get a new extension battery...u get 2300/2450/1700/2850 mAh's which would behave better than the original battery!!!

Bloodyskullz said:
1) I get a call, no name displayed just the phone number. No idea why.
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Do you have those numbers associated in your contact with the related names? If not then it will only show up as numbers.
Bloodyskullz said:
2) Did all that hence why i am asking if there is a rom out there that uses less resourses while giving me access to at least 2.2
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Most if not all of the current ROM has at least 2.3.4. Some might even have 3.x if the DEV updated them.
Bloodyskullz said:
3)It leads me to set up account but it won't connect to google servers properly. I have also tried someone elses sim and that didn't work.
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Do you have the data plan or are you using wifi?
If you have a data plan, did you have the 3G, EDGE, etc... icon show that you have data connection?
If no data plan and you connect via wifi, did you turn on the Wifi Connection and connected to a wifi network?
Sorry of these type of question, I do not mean to be rude. Just an observation that those thing might cause the problem.

jeff72k said:
Not sure what you mean by 1) above
2) You can turn off 3G, GPS, and WiFi on the G1 and that will help a bit with battery. Then just turn those on when you want them.
3) Do you have an account in Settings - Accounts & sync settings? I believe you need an active Google account signed in to have the Android Market work.
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yep, True,


ATT 8525 and ATT 8925 Email problems

The company I work for recently (3 months ago) bought 3 ATT 8525's for people who travel. All 3 of the phones have this issue where when they go into their power save mode, and they will not send or receive Email or produce notifications about new email. It appears to me that when the phones go into this power save mode they turn off the wireless card in the phone. I have made every effort to figure this out myself but I finally broke down and called ATT who then transfered me to HTC. HTC told me that this is a bug in the phone and that they do not have a solution for it other than trying Windows Mobile 6. However, since ATT has not released WM6 for the 8525, and I don't feel like bricking a phone, the company decided to go ahead and buy the ATT 8925, hopping that the new phone wouldn't have this problem. Unfortunately it dose.
So getting down to my question. Does anyone know how to get these phones to send and receive Email, through WIFI and not the cell network, when they are in their power save mode?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Oh and BTW, after toying around with the 8925 I do have to say that the new features included in the phone are quite nice, hate the chrome though.
Via WiFi? No. You wouldn't like the battery life if it did.
Battery life
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.
Could be connected to this:
you need to disable the at&t proxie to use wifi to send mail/etc
To have the wifi alwayz on even in standby is not wise, you batter will die fast ......
I have no issues using Active sync with exchange 2007 i get emails even when in power save maybe you should get some exchange accounts
pwnage said:
I don't really care about that right now. I'm just looking for a solution to the problem i am currently having.
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You don't understand the gravity of what he told you. The battery life would literally be 2-3 hours.
Manually pressing the power button and tapping 'check for new messages' is a much better solution than being completely unable to access email for 3/4 of the workday because the battery has died.
Think about it.
Also, on your install CD, you'll find some AT&T software to push email to the phone automatically, waking up the phone using SMS. And, as other people have suggested, these phones were designed with Microsoft Exchange in mind and setting up an Exchange server would also help your problem.
Thank you for the replies.
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.
ringy2 said:
Could be connected to this:
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I took a look at this and it seems to describe the problem i have very well. In regards to the battery life, is there a way to have the WIFI turn on when its time to check mail and then turn off after its finished? I would really like these phones to be using WIFI most of the time even though we have an unlimited data plan, WIFI just seems to be faster.
pwnage said:
Dose the "push" feature work with non exchange email servers. The only reason I ask is because we don't have an exchange server.
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ringy2 thank you. I'll take a look at that.
You know I have been working off of the thread linked above and I have gotten the phone to the point where it seems to be checking our mail server over GPRS/3G (I have turned the WIFI antenna off). The problem now is that the when it goes to check messages it won't DL any new ones that may be on the server. Any ideas?
Do you not have unlimited data with at&t? If you do then there is absolutely no reason not to leave wifi off and just use that for email. As for checking emails and not getting anything new. You need to adjust the settings for your account.
surrept, Yes we have an unlimited data plan and at this point i have given up on getting the phone to check via WIFI. As for the settings, what are you refering to? I have the account setup and i have configured it exactly how it is supposed to be. i have it DLing full copies of messages w/ no attachments, and it is set to check mail every 5 min (will change this back to 15 once i have finished testing).
Um, BTW - AT&T did release WM6 for the 8525... VERY much worth it. However, I'm still going for a 8925 for the doubled RAM/ROM & GPS...
I highly doubt that. Again i have looked in every deep dark place that the internet has and haven't found any WM6 ROM that I can DL from ATT site. you are probably referring to the "official" ATT ROM that i have seen floating around. Im not going to put that on these phones because, one I work for a descent size company and I don't want to be breaking any law and such on there behalf. Two I don't feel like bricking any of these phones. I want the warranty to be valid on them. If it was my personal phone i might try it. but since these are the companies phones it ain't gonna happen.

G1 without 3G usable?

My dad would like to buy a G1, but want to use his old handy contract.
There, he is able to make phone calls and write sms, but he will be charged for every kb he is using to surf the web.
This is fine for him. But how can i manage, that the G1 is not "talking" to the internetall the time. Is there any hack or app to disabel data usage? Officially, you can only say, use 2G instead of 3G. But i would like to only use wifi where it is possible and the rest of the time he would like to be offline.
Maybe you have a hint for me how to manage this.
Delete all APNs and there you go - no data. Only when on "wifi mode"
but he wants to be able to send sms and make phone calls
changing all the apns really wont help him
i dont really think you can do anything but get a data plan
because the g1 sync with your google account
even on edge you need some sort of data plan so your phone can talk to the google servers and download updates to your contacts or calendar changes (if hes going use all that)
i think there is a different way
in the market there is an app called wisync (chk spelling)
and it synce when you are connected to a wifi connection
so i guess you could get a regular plan without data and have someone else activate the phone for you (With your dads email) and then insert your dads chip into the phone and then turn on wisync and let it sync up. the in the settings put "use only 2g networks"
hope this helps a little
Phone calls + sms have nothing to do with APNs. APNs are used only for DATA connection (MMS too), but not used for voice(except VOIP). You can delete them all and still use the "phone" as "phone" so to speak
What I would recommend for your dad is to download APNdroid which enables you to enable the dataconnection when you need it. This way you can enable or disable data connectivity whenever he wants to.
Zappza said:
What I would recommend for your dad is to download APNdroid which enables you to enable the dataconnection when you need it. This way you can enable or disable data connectivity whenever he wants to.
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You might want to check out WiSyncPlus. It can control your APNs, has a scheduler to allow automated net access, has far more features and APNdroid+WiSync, and can drastically improve battery life. Click on the graph to zoom in. Its available on the market.

android market terms of service problem

Hello, i finally got my Hero. loaded a new ROM onto it and rooted it, but i´m having some trouble with the market app. whenever i try to open it it just says loading "android market terms of service" and stays there forever, the only choice is to wait longer og choose decline.
I´ve triyed both on wifi and gprs connection, and every other application on the phone can use both connections to browse and so on.just not android market..
Here is a little infor about the phone to help you figur my problem out.
ROM: update-hero-modacocustomrom-1.1-signed
Firmware version: 1.5
Baseband Version:
Kernel version: 2.6.27-a550404199 [email protected] #521
Build number: 1.79.482.3 14733 CL#49365 release keys
Software version 1.0.0.A6288
Hope some kind soul is willing to help me out, thank you in advance.
I just put 1.1 on my Hero a few hours ago, and Market is still working fine for me. i did update the radio first though; you might want to try that.
otherwise, it could just be Market playing up, not at all unusual in my experience...
Updated the radio to this version, "update-hero-radio-" still no luck getting allowed to accept the terms of service, but i seems that the phone now has better signal strenght to the phone net.
After apoximitly 5 minutes i get a window instead of the loading screen where is says "Attention. An error has occured. Please try again later."
this sounds similar to teh connection errors that people are experiencing when they skip the sign in process during the initial set up. In general,m the only solution to that is to hard reset and sign in to google at the very first opportunity, during the set up screens and before you ever see the touchflo homescreen.
of course, it could just be a proxy in the APN settings.....
Year, i had that problem on the first time i changed the ROM, on that occasion i skipped the google account setup, and couldn´t use any program the used the internet.
But on this install i did do the sign in on first boot, and every program other that market that uses the internet or GPRS is working (weather, browser, mail, stock´s and so on)
Only thing that won´t start is the market tearms of service.
I had the exact same problem.
You need to contact your service provider and get the APN settings for your provider. After you have entered them in connect to marketplace over 3G and you should be fine.
My problem was caused by my phone company,, shipping the unit with APN settings for Netcom! Obviously with a Chess sim inside the phone had some connectivity problems. Once the Chess APN settings were in I got connected straight away.
are you using wifi or 3g? I heard that market likes to make it's initial connection over 3G....
sadly i have a locked t-mobile G2 so i don't have any of these problems, i just sign in and it is automatically set up for me over 3G.
Arctic Matt was spot on, there was no APN profile in the phone, just made one with a name. after that it worked instantly.
Thanks alot.
Thanks for listening
I cannot believe that Scandinavian mobile providers, with their lazy ass coffee drinking cake eating lifestyle, have failed to notice this problem. If you look around on other forums (Google, Chess, Netcom) there are tons of people with this shortfall. I am so sick of this constant crap in Norway that I am moving my entire family over to Canada! In Norway, the technology is there and people want it but the companies providing it are infested by tech thick 50 year old management morons who are incapable of overseeing projects.
Just imagine if you were not a member of xda devs and have just got this phone as an average Joe. No apps! No help! ...and they wonder why people hack the phones to hell.
Glad I could help.
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
cyberdog100 said:
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
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Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
nijnvy said:
Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
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I don't think that's my issue, I've used my SIM as well as many other SIMs in other Android phones to access the market, it just seems to be an issue with this particular handset, oh well its weird!
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
pogoetic said:
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
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I am having this same error as well.
Okay so i had to download an app called MoreLocale2 and force the locale to English(United States) and hard reset the phone. Worked fine after that. Hope it helps!
Android market just works here if google talks is enabled and connected...

This is a crazzzzzy story!

I recently installed NAND NexusHD2-Gingerbread V2.2 by tytung on my HD2 and have been loving the Wi-Fi tethering app!
So listen to this... I work for T-Mobile and I was trying to get a customer's crappy MotoBlur account set up on their phone, but I couldn't get a connection to T-Mobile's data network because the data feature was added seconds before hand.... So I decided to connect to wifi and open my HD2 tethering option. This worked GREAT and we were able to get his Motorola Defy up and running. However, somehow ALL of my contacts were added to his phone! How, and why would this happen? It makes no sense to me at all.
To top it all off, we master reset the phone so my conmfidential contacts would be erased from his phone, but mobile backup was able to grab them in time to save them indefinetly to his t-mobile account, lol. We had to get access to his account to erase his mobile backup contacts.
i hope its just a bug and not that someone has written something to steal our data...
hmmm..i've only used the wifi tether function with 2 different laptops...will try it with another mobile phone n see if i can duplicate ur findings...
hope not ...
virus on customers phone? long shot i know, but....
samsamuel said:
virus on customers phone? long shot i know, but....
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u've got a point there...OP did mention d contacts were grabbed b4 a master reset was performed.

[Q] Samsung Focus questions from a Windows Phone noob

I am coming from a Nokia E71 so this is a big change for me. I am using the unlocked version of the Focus in India and there are some glitches I am trying to get my head around.
1. No option to connect to Wifi only when needed? - I can do this on my E71 where only when I use an app that need Internet access it either automatically connects to Wifi or asks me if I would like to connect. I see no such option on the Focus it's either always on or always off. I don't want to waste battery by constantly being connected to wifi but there doesn't seem to be any option to change this behaviour.
2. No Text Delivery reports so I don't know if the SMS eventually reached the recipient or not.
3. GPRS: I have tried various options to set up GPRS on my phone by selecting APN and using the settings from my provider but no dice.
4. No option to save usernames and passwords on frequently visited sites on IE9. Come on my piss poor Opera Mobile has this feature on my E71!
Any help with any of the above would be appreciated thank you.
Tornado54 said:
I am coming from a Nokia E71 so this is a big change for me. I am using the unlocked version of the Focus in India and there are some glitches I am trying to get my head around.
1. No option to connect to Wifi only when needed? - I can do this on my E71 where only when I use an app that need Internet access it either automatically connects to Wifi or asks me if I would like to connect. I see no such option on the Focus it's either always on or always off. I don't want to waste battery by constantly being connected to wifi but there doesn't seem to be any option to change this behaviour.
2. No Text Delivery reports so I don't know if the SMS eventually reached the recipient or not.
3. GPRS: I have tried various options to set up GPRS on my phone by selecting APN and using the settings from my provider but no dice.
4. No option to save usernames and passwords on frequently visited sites on IE9. Come on my piss poor Opera Mobile has this feature on my E71!
Any help with any of the above would be appreciated thank you.
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1. There's an app called 'Toggle' that can help you pin a short cut to activate wi-fi when needed. You can download it here
2. Currently not available. You can put an official request here here
3. I'm not sure how, but my device selected the setting automatically. You can manually try this
4. Never had problems with that as I dont use much of IE on my WP. But you can read some more info here and here
Hope that helped!!
Thanks a ton Irfan! That was very helpful. I couldn't get GPRS to work so moved to 3G but I can't get that to work either! still trying to figure it out.
Edit: Got 3G to work
Tornado54 said:
2. No Text Delivery reports so I don't know if the SMS eventually reached the recipient or not.
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Do you know if your carrier supports this? If they do, you can enable it using a registry editor, then going into Settings/Messaging and turning it on. Unfortunately, not all carriers support it. ATT does not.
SuperSport said:
Do you know if your carrier supports this? If they do, you can enable it using a registry editor, then going into Settings/Messaging and turning it on. Unfortunately, not all carriers support it. ATT does not.
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Thanks, worked for me.
The only thing is the delivery reports come as a separate message
irfanindian said:
Thanks, worked for me.
The only thing is the delivery reports come as a separate message
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As far as I understand, that's the only way they come in on Windows Phone.
Thanks for the tips. My phone is not yet software unlocked I am waiting for Chevron to open up licenses so that I can get it unlocked. So guess I will just have to live without delivery reports for now.
Very happy with the phone except for the abysmal battery life.
Tornado54 said:
Thanks for the tips. My phone is not yet software unlocked I am waiting for Chevron to open up licenses so that I can get it unlocked. So guess I will just have to live without delivery reports for now.
Very happy with the phone except for the abysmal battery life.
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Yeah, I could use more battery life also, but I'm on my phone a LOT during the day, so it's expected. I had an iPhone 4s for a couple days, and I was able to drain it in less than one day also. It really depends on usage...
As far as unlocking, you can do it for FREE by visiting this page using your Mobile Browser in Mobile Layout (open IE, go to settings, select Mobile version on Website preference):
More info can be found here: The other benefit is that this unlocker is not limited to 10 sideloaded apps like Chevron.
This method is WAY easier than the others.... Just open the webpage and follow the instructions.
Thank you Supersport That worked perfectly. I currently have 7.10.7720.68. Do you think it's worthwhile to hack the registry and upgrade to the latest version- 8107?
Tornado54 said:
Thank you Supersport That worked perfectly. I currently have 7.10.7720.68. Do you think it's worthwhile to hack the registry and upgrade to the latest version- 8107?
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I've tried it both ways. I'm currently on 7720 because I never noticed a performance difference on 8107. I am now going to wait for ATT to release it (if they do), since I would like to get driver updates also if they include them. I never had the keyboard issue, and the other fixes don't bother me personally.
SuperSport said:
I've tried it both ways. I'm currently on 7720 because I never noticed a performance difference on 8107. I am now going to wait for ATT to release it (if they do), since I would like to get driver updates also if they include them. I never had the keyboard issue, and the other fixes don't bother me personally.
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I updated it and seen the annoying keyboard issue resolve. Overall not a major update, but it helped.
Just a quick question guy. How do i change the registry settings? i.e. what registry editor do I need to use?
Edit:Nevermind got it working with WP7 Root Tools. Thanks!

