Social Network problems. - HD2 General

Hey, new here but i hear this is the best place to come for advice so i thought i would give it a shot.
I am getting several errors when trying to use the social networks on the HD2
It lets me log in but hwne i update it says my account is forbidden to access the twitter server, but everthing is fine if i sign in using a browser :S
comes up that my username or password is incorrect when i know for a fact it is not.
Says "There was a connection error while attempting to login"
I have tried it on wifi, edge, 3g, hdpsa and nothing works. I am on o2 an have a unlimited usage contract. Please help.

Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.

add this to it: Nimbuzz
I can't connect over gprs or 3g. I'm on vodafone NL and i have disabled proxies and even created an experimented with new accespoints, but no luck. O even looked up in the registry to see if there is something that can be changed. I can only connect trough wifi.
Is anybody experiencing the same? It might be as well that vodafone blocks nimbuzz, but can they do that? legaly i mean.

kruegz said:
Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.
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I tried this and it does not work. Also i tried a complete reset and still nothing
Anyone have any ideas? this is really annoying


Mail Boxes in JasJar keep disappearing?

I have a JasJar and when I switch sims the mailboxes keep disappearing. I still see them in the TODAY screen but when I try to select them they are nowhere to be found. I also try to manually go to messaging but they are missing from there too. I keep creating new boxes and they are starting to number up Yahoo1, Yahoo2 etc.
Help Me.
Yeah i have experienced the same thing, whats seems to work for me is making sure you close down all apps before a soft reset or sim card change, go to start settings system memory running program list and stop all
This works for me every time now and i no longer have to set up my mail accounts
All you need to do is to turn off your device off for a while (a couple of seconds will do) before you reset.
It's because WM5 caches data to speed up the device a bit, and if you reset your device before it gets a chance to permanently write the data, it gets lost.
Best thing is to shut off before you do a reset, in case you lose data.
Well I sent mine to service, switched the mainboard and i can soft reset at anytime now, never looses any data any more.
Same Rom and config but the problem is completly gone
bosjo said:
Well I sent mine to service, switched the mainboard and i can soft reset at anytime now, never looses any data any more.
Same Rom and config but the problem is completly gone
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Which Universal device did you have exactly?
I have a Qtek 9000 that seems to be forgetting its authentications and I can't figure it out. Nothing else seems to be wrong with it which leads me to think it HAS to be a software issue, but I can't pin it down!
The only weird things I'm experiencing: Bluetooth devices lose pairing (device redetects them and asks for PIN), Wi-Fi access points get wiped clean (get prompted for WPA keys), and infrequently the Exchange Server password in ActiveSync and the GPRS login information to Cingular are asked even when "Save password" is set.
Qtek 9000 from Dangaard Norway
Min wiped Email settings, Wlan, and some GPRS settings
Don't know about BT, dident use it before i sent it back.
Thanks Bosjo, I was beginning to think I was the only one, or that it was a software issue.
I believe it's related to the fact that the IMEI temporarily disappears from the phone, so it loses authentication of itself and therefore the devices or credentials its encrypted with.
I posted full details here and will likely be shipping it back to the supplier tomorrow for replacement.
That's true, I totally forgot about the Imei disapering.
It also failed to display the radio version.
I know for sure that they actually switched the mainboard cause I have a different MAC adress, haven't checked the Imei number though.
It's a bit funny that this is a hardware error, one would think that it should forgett all settings then and not just pieces off it
Got the same problem. Im seeing my mail account on the today screen but can't access it, if i search for the e-mail's i can find them but can't access them. Anyone find a workaround or where can i delete my mail account i had before it dissapred, becuase now if i try to add the mail account again with the same name as last time it says that i alredy got a account but i can't edit it :/... Please help
damn, nobody found a solution for this? search thru the registry twice without a result ;/
does this happen only when you take off the battery?
another one ....
any solution for it....
ady: nah when i do a soft reset
can't find it in somewhere in the registry either so don't know how i could remove this damn buggy thing :/

android market terms of service problem

Hello, i finally got my Hero. loaded a new ROM onto it and rooted it, but i´m having some trouble with the market app. whenever i try to open it it just says loading "android market terms of service" and stays there forever, the only choice is to wait longer og choose decline.
I´ve triyed both on wifi and gprs connection, and every other application on the phone can use both connections to browse and so on.just not android market..
Here is a little infor about the phone to help you figur my problem out.
ROM: update-hero-modacocustomrom-1.1-signed
Firmware version: 1.5
Baseband Version:
Kernel version: 2.6.27-a550404199 [email protected] #521
Build number: 1.79.482.3 14733 CL#49365 release keys
Software version 1.0.0.A6288
Hope some kind soul is willing to help me out, thank you in advance.
I just put 1.1 on my Hero a few hours ago, and Market is still working fine for me. i did update the radio first though; you might want to try that.
otherwise, it could just be Market playing up, not at all unusual in my experience...
Updated the radio to this version, "update-hero-radio-" still no luck getting allowed to accept the terms of service, but i seems that the phone now has better signal strenght to the phone net.
After apoximitly 5 minutes i get a window instead of the loading screen where is says "Attention. An error has occured. Please try again later."
this sounds similar to teh connection errors that people are experiencing when they skip the sign in process during the initial set up. In general,m the only solution to that is to hard reset and sign in to google at the very first opportunity, during the set up screens and before you ever see the touchflo homescreen.
of course, it could just be a proxy in the APN settings.....
Year, i had that problem on the first time i changed the ROM, on that occasion i skipped the google account setup, and couldn´t use any program the used the internet.
But on this install i did do the sign in on first boot, and every program other that market that uses the internet or GPRS is working (weather, browser, mail, stock´s and so on)
Only thing that won´t start is the market tearms of service.
I had the exact same problem.
You need to contact your service provider and get the APN settings for your provider. After you have entered them in connect to marketplace over 3G and you should be fine.
My problem was caused by my phone company,, shipping the unit with APN settings for Netcom! Obviously with a Chess sim inside the phone had some connectivity problems. Once the Chess APN settings were in I got connected straight away.
are you using wifi or 3g? I heard that market likes to make it's initial connection over 3G....
sadly i have a locked t-mobile G2 so i don't have any of these problems, i just sign in and it is automatically set up for me over 3G.
Arctic Matt was spot on, there was no APN profile in the phone, just made one with a name. after that it worked instantly.
Thanks alot.
Thanks for listening
I cannot believe that Scandinavian mobile providers, with their lazy ass coffee drinking cake eating lifestyle, have failed to notice this problem. If you look around on other forums (Google, Chess, Netcom) there are tons of people with this shortfall. I am so sick of this constant crap in Norway that I am moving my entire family over to Canada! In Norway, the technology is there and people want it but the companies providing it are infested by tech thick 50 year old management morons who are incapable of overseeing projects.
Just imagine if you were not a member of xda devs and have just got this phone as an average Joe. No apps! No help! ...and they wonder why people hack the phones to hell.
Glad I could help.
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
cyberdog100 said:
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
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Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
nijnvy said:
Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
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I don't think that's my issue, I've used my SIM as well as many other SIMs in other Android phones to access the market, it just seems to be an issue with this particular handset, oh well its weird!
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
pogoetic said:
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
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I am having this same error as well.
Okay so i had to download an app called MoreLocale2 and force the locale to English(United States) and hard reset the phone. Worked fine after that. Hope it helps!
Android market just works here if google talks is enabled and connected...

YouTube Login Error

I'm experiencing the following error when attempting to login via the social networks part of the data connection function:
There was a connection error while attempting to login.
Does anyone have the same problem and has a fix been found?
xxthemartianxx said:
I'm experiencing the following error when attempting to login via the social networks part of the data connection function:
There was a connection error while attempting to login.
Does anyone have the same problem and has a fix been found?
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i second that, seems to happen to me too even after a hard reset, i cannot login to youtube anymore. Facebook works ok but doesn.t download photos anymore. Does anyone knows what is causing this ?
I think this is an issue with the youtube web service that Sense logs into, as it didn't work for me for most of a day, and then it suddenly did and has worked ever since.
Sod's law! I just tried it again and it's not working now.
Nothing's changed on my phone, so it must be youtube's problem. Just leave it a few hours and try again. Unless, of course, you're saying it's like this all the time!
johncmolyneux said:
I think this is an issue with the youtube web service that Sense logs into, as it didn't work for me for most of a day, and then it suddenly did and has worked ever since.
Sod's law! I just tried it again and it's not working now.
Nothing's changed on my phone, so it must be youtube's problem. Just leave it a few hours and try again. Unless, of course, you're saying it's like this all the time!
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Used to work, didn.t and didn.t work after hard reset either so i hope it.s youtube.s fault, but .. how about facebook not loading photos when you check the albums ? Can you please see if it works, or does any one experience the same thing ?
snowblindd said:
how about facebook not loading photos when you check the albums ? Can you please see if it works, or does any one experience the same thing ?
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It just worked for me mate.
I've raised this with HTC - I'll report back if they have an answer/solution.
xxthemartianxx said:
I've raised this with HTC - I'll report back if they have an answer/solution.
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keep us noticed
The same problem here
I have exactly the same on htc hd2
But used to work few days ago.
I could successfully login and even upload the video.
But does not work from yerstarday.
hkwak said:
I have exactly the same on htc hd2
But used to work few days ago.
I could successfully login and even upload the video.
But does not work from yerstarday.
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Mine also used to work a few days ago - most likely something YouTube has done.
T-Mobile Netherlands cannot help
I have the "There was a connection error while attempting to logon." aswell and called the Dutch T-mobile. I'm using a UK version of the HD2 and want to use the Youtube Widget aswell. The first helpdesk employee said it could be something with "bering" not sure what it is. The connection was dropped the seconde helpdesk employee switchde me to second line helpdesk, this guy told me no restrictions are in place AFHK. He also said that with iPhones they can do more, but since the HD2 isn't delivered by T-mobile he couldn't help.
I checked with a disabled Sim card and enabled WiFi connection and still got the "There was a connection error while attempting to logon." message. WHen trying my login credentials just work on both connections (WiFi and 3G/H).
Are these widget controlled by the provider or youtube or a registry entry or ???
Best Regards, Onedb
Well as far as i see, the youtube connection error started to happen suddently to devices that didn.t suffer any change. I.m guessing that is somehow youtube.s fault and maybe it will be fixed in time. Same thing happend with rss hub when searching online for channels there was an error there too, now all works fine without doing any changes.
It looks like a lot of people have this problem, me included, and I hope that they will fix that soon, because it is very annoying.
i could log in to youtube normally on my original German rom, than i flashed wwe rom and since than i get the connection error every time
Hi ho, I have this annoying problem also
I buyed one today, and got the same problem, here in germany as well. So this should be a problem with youtube. Maybe they've changed the logingateway er sth. else.
Just keep trying until it works.
Same here maybe it has something to do with this YouTube to begin reinforcing restricted API access on Dec. 2 althought it says Dec 2nd it's strange how all of a sudden we cant log in
DMAND said:
Same here maybe it has something to do with this YouTube to begin reinforcing restricted API access on Dec. 2 althought it says Dec 2nd it's strange how all of a sudden we cant log in
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That article talks about video scraping, which obviously has nothing to do with this issue. I can't believe that a company like HTC just threw something together and hoped it worked. It must be relying on public API calls that are, for whatever youtubey type reason, failing.
I've never been able to login to the Sense youtube integration service. Facebook and Twitter works fine.
If anyone has a fix for this, I would really appreciate knowing about it
As far as I can tell, this is a YouTube problem - not a problem with our phones/software. I only say this because sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't matter what connection type I have (2G, 3G, HSPA, WiFi), it simply will not work, and then all of a sudden, maybe a couple of days later, it will.
I think the YouTube servers that the app connects to are just a bit shoddy, to be honest. Maybe they weren't expecting the traffic that's been generated by adding this functionality into a very popular mobile UI (don't forget that it's not just the HD2 that has this relatively new functionality now).
I don't know this for a fact. I just VERY strongly believe it.

Can't log into google account

Well i just got my evo from bb, had to wait for an hour just to get the phone activated, the sprint servers were having a hard time handling the load, says the bb rep and there all sold out.
Now i can’t seem to log into the Google account, i even changed the pass to make things easy, still no luck. Anyone having similar problems
Magus_doc said:
Well i just got my evo from bb, had to wait for an hour just to get the phone activated, the sprint servers were having a hard time handling the load, says the bb rep and there all sold out.
Now i can’t seem to log into the Google account, i even changed the pass to make things easy, still no luck. Anyone having similar problems
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Data might not be provisioned yet...
Thanks for the quick response, well the internet browsers is working so data should be active. Hmm i guess i have to wait a bit.
Magus_doc said:
Thanks for the quick response, well the internet browsers is working so data should be active. Hmm i guess i have to wait a bit.
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Can you get into your gmail through the browser? If so, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to sign into gmail for contacts syncing. Strange.
Ok you were right the data was not active originally I had to reboot, now it seems to be working but says lost network access I’ll try connecting with wifi
Magus_doc said:
Ok you were right the data was not active originally I had to reboot, now it seems to be working but says lost network access I’ll try connecting with wifi
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Did you try going to Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile Network? Uncheck and recheck that. Of course, I have read all day that the network has been quite overloaded... might have something to do with it, dunno.
Same issue here with a brand new EVO. I could browse the Internet just fine, even synched with my Exchange server.
However, could not sync with my Google account. Will update when I have a solution - I'm on the phone with Sprint now.

Google account password forgotten every time I lose 3g

Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
itay1 said:
That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
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I don't have another sim card to try it :S
BiTXBoi said:
a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
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It doesn't get back on, when I go in the Account Settings menu, it says my that "my password is incorrect or my account must have been changed".
It forces me to go in airplane mode while I'm in school because otherwise I need to re-enter my password every 10 minutes (poor reception) even though wifi is on. I mean, if the wifi is on there shouldn't be any problem since there is a data connection. How would the mobile connection affect that?
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
fyid said:
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
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My credentials are most definitely fine, and besides, I don't have the luxury to overlook wifi with my overpriced 200 mb 3g plan
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
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Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
Happens to me every time I switch up sim cards too. I had to replace one because it kept loosing data connection.. I jumped up and down when I found out it was not my N1!! Happy day!
hircus said:
Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
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Thanks for this explanation, I didn't know about this widget, I guess I will use it from now on Knowing that I am not the only one with this problem, I may now hope for a fix in the future.
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I don't know, my sim card doesn't seem faulty? It looks more like an android problem to me. Anyway if you think it might help I could try to get another one.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I can only speak for ATT on this but the answer is yes. You walk in, tell them you need to replace your sim, and they give you a new one at no cost; this has been my experience for myself and for replacing my better half's sim for her iphone.
It can't hurt to try a new sim...the worst that can happen? Nothing
I know this is an old thread, but I found a solution if anyone is interested.
It would appear that I would lose my google account's credentials everytime my phone lost cell signal and tried to look for the "partner" network.
Well it seems I can fix the problem by forcing my phone to stay on "WCDMA only" instead of "WCDMA preferred". Downside is that I wouldn't be able to go on the partner network when I'm outside my main network.
To do that just type *#*#4636#*#* on your phone application and a settings screen will pop up. You can find WCDMA Only in "Phone Options".
I hope it can help someone

