TMob US - 3g service, but no internet - HD2 General

Ok, this is goofy.
Wifi works great
EVDO connects to internet and works great
3g shows 3 bars, but will not connect to internet
This is true even after a hard reset. Must be a settings issue? I did a hard reset, let it set up, and still same problem.

I got the same problem. Purchased the phone yesterday morning. I never had the data plan before. I called T-Mobile twice and they told me that it can take up to 48 hours for the data to kick in. If it doesn't work by tomorrow morning, I'll give them a call again.

i got the same thing too guys. it is fine now and i got a text message from tmo so it it cuts out again i will chime back in.
buy yeah, yesterday i lost connection twice for long periods of time, like a couple of hours.

Thanks for the info! Seems pretty weird that it works when I'm in an E area, but not on 3g. Maybe different towers or something. Friggin awesome phone though!

i just tried to go on yahoo on my hd2 just now after posting and guess what.... it's out again!

OK so I pulled the battery and popped it back in and my internet is back.
i hope this isn't a hardware issue!

Yeah, this is interesting. Popped my TMo sim into my Xperia, could only get E level of service for some reason but could connect to the internet. Put the sim back in my HD2, took it to the far corner of the basement where it drops to E service and it connects to the internet. Back in 3g zone and it won't connect at all. At least it seems to have a stronger antenna than the Xperia. I'll have to give them a call and see whats going on.

there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...

I called into customer service about same issue. I was told to power down, remove battery and start it again and check. It worked afterward.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing.

I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.

hazard99 said:
I thought maybe I was having this same problem yesterday..
thought eh its all in my head.
Maybe it was due to them activating my new data plan, from Android data to Smart phone data. I don't know, just guessing/QUOTE]
What phone did you have?
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HTC Dream.
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lude219 said:
This is tmoUS, guys. They're notorious for having ****ty 3G service. No point in having HSPA+ when the majority of the people are still reliant on EDGE. Hopefully by summer you guys will get decent coverage.
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I'm in NYC. The 3G is good here. Rarely had problems. Probably only a day or something that I can remember.

spotty here in denver. got mine last night. can't get any gps satellites for google maps either.

""there was an issue with the settings...
you can try a couple of things first...
if you are familiar with windows (which sounds like you are), you need to go change the access point name (apn) to one of 2 options...""
It was set to
I tried to change it to, but that setting errored out.
Then couldn't get the setting to work which is strange. Soo, did a hard reset and let it set up again. Same thing. I can connect to internet with Edge, but 3g even though it shows the signal bars and everything seems great will not connect to internet, download email, update weather, etc.

I too am have this problem... Sometimes web works great, other times no web but strong 3G.... I thought I was going crazy...

My internet was working really slow yesterday when I first got the phone (5-60 kbit/s). Called up tmo to ask if maybe they had set me up with just tzones or something. The guy said "no everything looks fine here...oh wait I see there's something that needs to be reset; I'm surprised you were getting internet at all." When I asked him what it was he said he "couldn't really explain what it was", to which I replied "..."
Anyway, it seems to be working fine now. Don't know if this could be related to the problems you're having, but giving tmobile a call couldn't hurt, maybe they can flip the magic unexplainable switch for you.

Ok so I couldn't get internet for two days now, I called T-mobile twice and told me to wait 48 hours. After thinking something was fishy, I looked at my receipt from Wal-Mart where I purchased the phone and I noticed something peculiar: "REQ Android Web: 30:00". Knowing damn sure I did not purchase an android phone, I called T-Mobile for the third time, complaining, so the first guy transferred me to another operator. He checked out my account and it turned out that I didn't have any data plan at all. So he added the plan and within 20 minutes I was surfing. Everything works great. I'm getting about 850 kbps in northwest Indiana.
It's very interesting that the first two operators I called never even bothered to look at my account to see if I have a data plan.

Just discovered new regarding the no data issue.
I had the no data problem again today, even though it was working in the morning. I decided to reboot and check, but then I noticed the 'Terminate Data Connection' option when I hold down the power button. So I tried it. It killed the data connection and when I went into Google Maps, the data connection reactivated and everything was fine again.
So, it may be a bug!


Internet not working..

Alright well I know i'm not in a 3g area so let me begin by saying that. Also I have full 5 bars of signal but I can not connect to browser or the market. Any ideas on to why this is happening and how I can fix it??
ValdreZ said:
Alright well I know i'm not in a 3g area so let me begin by saying that. Also I have full 5 bars of signal but I can not connect to browser or the market. Any ideas on to why this is happening and how I can fix it??
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Just restart the phone
Didn't work, I should also point out that there is no data icon on the status bar next to the signal icon.
and you have the data plan? I would yell at T-Mobile support
I am also on Edge and my data connection has been out all day. I have full signal AND the data connection icon is there, but nothing will connect. Web Browser, YouTube, Android Market.. everything just times out.
I'm just west of cleveland, if that matters.
Interesting....I couldn't get the MySpace app to log in this morning and I can't get into market.
And I just confirmed that my browser is DIW.
Something is definitely up with the network.
this happened to me this morning. didnt show any signal nor 3g or edge. but sometime in the afternoon it fixed it self.
Well I'm showing full signal and 3G but no actual throughput.
Call Tmobile. for some reson it happened to me this morning. ist seems as if they pushed people off the data plan they had and never reinstated them.
I'm having the same issue. not data over edge or 3G.
Master Loon said:
Call Tmobile. for some reson it happened to me this morning. ist seems as if they pushed people off the data plan they had and never reinstated them.
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You are right. I logged in to my tmobile account online and I had my old data plan remove... You guys just have to pic the G-1 data plan and done deal internet is back to my G-1
Ok guys I have the fix! I just got off the phone with t-mo and they said that the data package that we ordered when we ordered the phone was only a "free temporary" (only a trial) he said that they expire today, so he went ahead and added the data plan on for me, and had me restart the phone and everything would work!...RESULTS: I got a msg thanking me blah blah blah...and IT STILL DOESNT WORK, but at the same time it does take time for the data packages to start.
I am resetting my phone again.......and the new results are........nothing still
rantrav said:
Ok guys I have the fix! I just got off the phone with t-mo and they said that the data package that we ordered when we ordered the phone was only a "free temporary" (only a trial) he said that they expire today, so he went ahead and added the data plan on for me, and had me restart the phone and everything would work!...RESULTS: I got a msg thanking me blah blah blah...and IT STILL DOESNT WORK, but at the same time it does take time for the data packages to start.
I am resetting my phone again.......and the new results are........nothing still
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Give it some time.
I had the same issue, no data, this morning. I added back my plan, and within 2 hours I was back online, no big deal.
rantrav said:
Ok guys I have the fix! I just got off the phone with t-mo and they said that the data package that we ordered when we ordered the phone was only a "free temporary" (only a trial) he said that they expire today
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I just got off the 611 with TMo and this appears to be the case. Mostly people that pre-ordered. The data plan that was activated when you ordered was temporary in their system. Today they switched it over and it was supposed to switch those people over automagically but it looks like the system dumped a bunch of us.
I would just call rather than doing it through the my.tmobile web portal as their centers are quite aware of the issue from what I could tell.
Edit: After a power cycle it appears I'm still down but I'll give it a few hours. At least we know what the problem is.
uberingram said:
I just got off the 611 with TMo and this appears to be the case. Mostly people that pre-ordered. The data plan that was activated when you ordered was temporary in their system. Today they switched it over and it was supposed to switch those people over automagically but it looks like the system dumped a bunch of us.
I would just call rather than doing it through the my.tmobile web portal as their centers are quite aware of the issue from what I could tell.
Edit: After a power cycle it appears I'm still down but I'll give it a few hours. At least we know what the problem is.
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So probably a good thing I re-edited my plan this weekend. So far I havent noticed any connectivity issues.
ranger7424 said:
So probably a good thing I re-edited my plan this weekend. So far I havent noticed any connectivity issues.
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Actually that's probably what saved you from today's woes. I have a buddy that bought a G1 from a brick and mortar a few days ago and he didn't have any any interruption.
Edited because I speeel guds.
wo0t! Data is back.

what's wrong with the service today

I don't know if this is happening to anybody else but today all day i had no service at random times, the onlyt way i'll have service for a couple of minutes is if I shut the phone off and turn it back on but it only last a couple of minutes and then no service again. I live in new york has this happened to anybody?
This happens to me occasionally, but I live in an area with crappy signal. I've found that my radio "Gives up" sometimes.
Solution: Use anycut to make a shortcut to "operator selection" you can select tmobile and you're right back on without restarting.
When this this start happening to you,cuz where I live the service was always great until today and I had my phone for about 2 weeks now with no problems until today.
T-Mobile is already aware that there is a problem with the network and working to fix it.
yeah i just read another guy's thread about the post,thanks
I didn't even read that it was your thread, my fault but is it a problem that only affects g1 right now cuz my girl and my mom are both on tmobile and they're phones were fine, my girl has my old wing and my mom has a blackberry
jkiller122 said:
I didn't even read that it was your thread, my fault but is it a problem that only affects g1 right now cuz my girl and my mom are both on tmobile and they're phones were fine, my girl has my old wing and my mom has a blackberry
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Nope t-mobile said it is affecting voice and data for all phones. Although this could be in certain areas. I can confirm the LA area is having voice problems on 2G phones as well.
oh, thanks for posting the info,if you find out more let us know.
Well now that I think about it it has happened more than usual today, maybe even yesterday? It's hard to tell. I sort of live in a black hole.
just noticed... I am now able to get my location using the 3G network only... weird... and service is back in full for now LOL
The g1 is only affected because it is the only device that t-mobile sells that has its own apn's
Data is cutting in and out in PHX for me... Making my poor GPS useless...
Interestingly, you can still use PING DOMAIN/IP in PTerminal even while your browser isn't working...
grim1234 said:
Data is cutting in and out in PHX for me... Making my poor GPS useless...
Interestingly, you can still use PING DOMAIN/IP in PTerminal even while your browser isn't working...
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Yeah I'm on border of scottsdale and phx, get 3g here. Mine has done this ever since I got my g1. I'm gonna try the shortcut idea, I usually turn off and on and it works again. Not just today for me.
This is not a G1 issue or a 3G issue. This is a network issue with all of t-mobiles networks. They are working on the situation and it should be fixed.
all internet or just g1 data problems
Here it's just the g1 (utah) My G1 has been spotty. My friend has a wing. I was trying to troubleshoot. Wile I couldn't connect, he connected just fine. We tried this several times during the day. This has been going on the last 3 or 4 days. Love my G1!
I am in Detroit and my phone was fine all day long. A few minutes ago I just noticed that my 3g icon on the top bar is gone, I tried using 2 g networks only and still no data service. My phone works for regular phone calls and wi-fi but no data coming. I will re-star the phone to see what happens.. Anyone else having this issue???
Just did rebooted and 3G is back on and working...

serious 3G/EDGE issues with my G1

I have a rooted G1, iam running JF 1.42 RC33, i also have RC33 Radio.
i live in Chicago in a place where the 3G coverage is pretty good. in fact a month ago i was having perfect reception on my G1.
recently; i am having many issues with the data link (3G, EDGE)
simply, the phone does not pick the data link properly, and even if connected, it might drop the connection.
sometimes i have to go to settings, wireless, mobile networks, and click on "use 2G only" a couple of times to trigger the phone to connect... it will drop the connection when it goes to sleep !!!!
i have noticed that many times when the phone sleeps, it does not switch properly between the wifi and 3G [or EDGE], so i dont get my emails.
sometimes a reboot solves the problem, and some times it does not
i tried to flash the radio image again,,,, it didnt solve the problem.
any help will be highly appreciated.
If you've tried to reflash you radio and the results are the same it may not be your phone. It may be the network itself. You should call TMo to see if they have any issues in your area. About a month ago half the country went out for also half a day. It's rare but it happens. If no one else is having issues then it's possible the problem would be with the phone. You could try a wipe and/or reflash but it probably won't make any difference since it sounds like the radio (which you already tried flashing). Maybe also try checking to see if turning off data roaming will make any difference.
thank you for your response:
iam having this issue since a couple of weeks,, and i dont think it is a network issue.
i have tried to disable/enable data roaming,,,, it didnt help.
am i left to a "wipe" only.. ????
well you can give that a try and if that doesnt solve your problems then it may actually be a defect with your phone. also... ive had issues that my phone would lose data and voice even while i was on the phone. it would just disconnect then say no service. the problem wasnt my phone though... it was my sim card. if that sounds more like your problem you can get a new one for about $20 through a tmobile store.
i didnt encounter any voice call drop issues.
when i wipe, i will need to reflash everything, right?
I live in the chicago area as well and my edge/3g has been off and on like crazy over the past 4 or 5 days. I will look at my phone and it won't have an E or 3G. I'm running jv1.42rc33 with apps and caches to sd card. I'm not sure if its a network problem or my phone itself.
So you both live in the Chicago and are having issues with 3G/Edge and you doubt that it's a network problem??? I hope you didn't do your wipe yet.
I'd call T-Mobile and ask to speak with their data support (Tier 3) group and verify that it's a problem with your handsets before you do anything (like reflash, wipe, etc).
i live in chicago as well.
T-Mobile was/is having 3g network issues. T-Mobile where not aware of the issues. They say they are on the issue to solving it. :
Binary100100 said:
So you both live in the Chicago and are having issues with 3G/Edge and you doubt that it's a network problem??? I hope you didn't do your wipe yet.
I'd call T-Mobile and ask to speak with their data support (Tier 3) group and verify that it's a problem with your handsets before you do anything (like reflash, wipe, etc).
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I didn't explain myself well there. I'm under the impression it is a network problem. I learned my lesson last time there was an outage. I did like three wipes in four days thinking it was my phone.
It isn't you - my 3G (also Chicagoland) has been up and down since Wednesday. It is completely down again this morning. All day yesterday it was probably up for no more than an hour.
F'ing T-Mobile made me wipe my phone, then drive to the local store to get a new SIM, and they refused to acknowledge that it was a network issue. The sales rep at the T-Mobile store was having the same issue.
gottifour said:
I did like three wipes in four days thinking it was my phone.
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DOH! That sucks! LOL. If you're referring to the outage that we had about a month ago I took the liberty of posting a thread on here warning people not to wipe because they might not be able to sign in because of the network issues. There were so many that did and I was almost one of them myself until I wised up and decided to call first.
hello guys,,, thanks for everybody who in contributing in this thread.
i can see iam not the only one having issues in Chicago, t-mobile said they had no problems,,,,
what makes me tend to believe them is sometimes if i play with the phone the 3G shows up,
this is an experiment for you to try (it worked for me):
enable tethering using the open source gui, then disable it again.... 3G shows up !!!! even if you enable wifi... the phone will switch properly between wifi and 3G (when sleeping).
it worked for me last night and is still working now.
if you guys try it and it works,, this means t-mo has no problem,,, and we need to figure out what is wrong with the combination/configuration we have...
gottifour said:
I live in the chicago area as well and my edge/3g has been off and on like crazy over the past 4 or 5 days. I will look at my phone and it won't have an E or 3G. I'm running jv1.42rc33 with apps and caches to sd card. I'm not sure if its a network problem or my phone itself.
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gottifour: i have the exact same configuration on my phone as yours, and iam in chicago.... please try the tethering experiment and let me know what you get,,,,,, thanks
same exact problem here...and i live in CHICAGO also. =/
hope this gets resolved soon
today, iam not having any problems connecting to the 3G.
is it the case for everybody in Chicago?
ajarmeh104 said:
today, iam not having any problems connecting to the 3G.
is it the case for everybody in Chicago?
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Actually i noticed its been on and working all day also. maybe its been fixed?
i hope so...
this problem is driving my crazy,,,,
today i have no data connection (except for the wifi)
still not sure if it is t-mo problem or my g1
i just called t-mo and they told me to turn off the phone, take the battery out, put it back on..... and it worked,
now it is working!!!!!

Replacement for Slide

I've had it with this piece of ****. I'm on my 3rd Slide and STILL have "Generic Network Failure"s when trying to send or receive MMS, get "Unable to send message, retrying" with 3 god damn bars of service when trying to send an SMS sometimes, lose my E and 3G data connection all the time even though T-Mo says I should get a good 3G connection. So, what is something comparable to this? Has to be Android. T-Mo wants to send me a Blackberry something or other, and I have no interest at all in that.
There gonna try to send you something comparable. What they think is comparable is whether or not you have a keyboard or not, not what OS your current phone has. If you complain enough you may be able to get a Vibrant but odds are against you. Threaten to leave and that may help.
Firsr and most importantly have you tried setting the phone to 3G only? Also Making sure you have the correct data plan (its slide specific not android..stupid tmo) and making sure no app or anything is messing with apns?
turboyo said:
Firsr and most importantly have you tried setting the phone to 3G only? Also Making sure you have the correct data plan (its slide specific not android..stupid tmo) and making sure no app or anything is messing with apns?
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Que? There are different data plans? Yea, I've tried setting it to 3g only. The problem with that is I barely get a signal in my house. All the APNs are what they should be, none of those settings has changed. The odd part is on each of the phones, I have had my apps installed on day one, and the thing works fine for a couple of weeks, then I start having these problems out of the blue.
i started having issues a few weeks ago in my area, i had awesome data speeds when i connected, but 9/10 times i would get half of the page loaded and then it would hang which meant resetting my data connection or rebooting the phone or any number of other fixes. i have the advantage of working at a t-mo store and was able to pull up the map of my area and see that they were working on my tower at home and as of a few days ago my connection is 6-7mbps down and solid as hell, i used to go to bread co to use wifi but tethering is faster now(and more convenient, and i don't have to worry about a firewall)
did you try a new simcard?
BigFellor said:
Que? There are different data plans? Yea, I've tried setting it to 3g only. The problem with that is I barely get a signal in my house. All the APNs are what they should be, none of those settings has changed. The odd part is on each of the phones, I have had my apps installed on day one, and the thing works fine for a couple of weeks, then I start having these problems out of the blue.
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yes theres a slide specific data package. Im sure you have it if it works for the most part but yea the android data package will not work supposedly. and of course theres the sidekick package blackberry etc
The slide package is 5 dollars more. I was originally signed up for it but I called in and got it switched. The dataplan works fine, I wish I could say as much for the phone. My third replacement will be here this week...
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
My 4th replacement is in the mail right now. Tmobile offered me a blackberry 9700 to replace it, obviously I jumped all over that(insert sarcastic undertones).
I'm gonna wait for the HSPA+ phones to come out and maybe I can talk them into giving me one at full upgrade price, I would take the Vibrant, but I can't stand that phone. It only takes a few warranty exchanges and finding the right rep, and you can get whatever you want from tmobile.

[Q] 3G/Edge issues on Nexus S ??

Hey there,
I just got my nexus s a couple days ago and right away I noticed that when I switch from wifi to Tmobile data (3G) it takes about 5 mins or so for 3G to actually connect and allow me to surf or use any data connection at all. By the way, it still takes the same amount of time(~5 mins or so) to connect even if I check 'use only 2g networks'. Then in the past 2-3 days everything seemed to work fine (mainly cause I haven't been switching between 3g/wifi but today I found a notification on my phone that a system update is available so I went ahead and installed it. That was 2 hrs ago and ever since then I cant connect to either 3g or edge. For a moment I thought that there might be some issues with the network itself so I slipped the sim card into my old Nokia phone and I immediately got the edge connection (my nokia doesnt support tmobile 3g). I see the 3G icon, ocasionally I see the arrows getting highlighted as well but they never turn green. I restarted the phone several times and it still doesn't connect. Anyone else expereinced this?
TpaFl said:
Hey there,
I just got my nexus s a couple days ago and right away I noticed that when I switch from wifi to Tmobile data (3G) it takes about 5 mins or so for 3G to actually connect and allow me to surf or use any data connection at all. By the way, it still takes the same amount of time(~5 mins or so) to connect even if I check 'use only 2g networks'. Then in the past 2-3 days everything seemed to work fine (mainly cause I haven't been switching between 3g/wifi but today I found a notification on my phone that a system update is available so I went ahead and installed it. That was 2 hrs ago and ever since then I cant connect to either 3g or edge. For a moment I thought that there might be some issues with the network itself so I slipped the sim card into my old Nokia phone and I immediately got the edge connection (my nokia doesnt support tmobile 3g). I see the 3G icon, ocasionally I see the arrows getting highlighted as well but they never turn green. I restarted the phone several times and it still doesn't connect. Anyone else expereinced this?
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not sure if i understand 100% what your saying, but how fast your device acquires 3G depends on how strong of a presence there is of 3G
Right, but once it acquires the connection it stays strong and I never lose it. Besides that, even if 3g is weak shouldn't edge connect? I know for a fact that edge is available and strong since I never had problems acquiring it with my old signal and even now when I use my old phone it takes not more than 5 sec to connect to edge. Anyway, like I said I found that little weird but not a big deal as I haven't had any problems in last 2-3 days. However, ever since I installed that update I don't get any data conection (3g or edge) no matter what I do.
TpaFl said:
Right, but once it acquires the connection it stays strong and I never lose it. Besides that, even if 3g is weak shouldn't edge connect? I know for a fact that edge is available and strong since I never had problems acquiring it with my old signal and even now when I use my old phone it takes not more than 5 sec to connect to edge. Anyway, like I said I found that little weird but not a big deal as I haven't had any problems in last 2-3 days. However, ever since I installed that update I don't get any data conection (3g or edge) no matter what I do.
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TpaFL, I am having the exact same issue as you, but I confirm that the Gingerbread update has nothing to do with it. When I got my phone last week I also noticed that the transition from wifi to 3G took a long time, and in some cases I ended up needing to reboot the phone. However, beginning yesterday morning, before the update was sent OTA, I could not use 3G/Edge at all and it's been that way ever since. One thing I've noticed is that when you trying browsing to a webpage that you will get redirected to a "" page that says "service unavailable". To me this means that I still have 3G connectivity, but somehow T-Mobile is blocking my access to the target site for whatever reason.
When I called T-Mobile and explained the situation they told me a couple of things: 1) there was a network outage in my area that could be causing the problem; and 2) that I might be having a problem due to the fact that I am still on an old Blackberry plan. Neither of these make sense to me because if I plug my SIM into my old phone (Nexus One) everything works perfectly fine. I'm also hesitant to move to one of their current internet plans because my Blackberry plan is so attractively priced.
I just PM'd you regarding this in the hopes that maybe we can talk live and trade notes on how to get this problem solved.
betabob26 said:
TpaFL, I am having the exact same issue as you, but I confirm that the Gingerbread update has nothing to do with it. When I got my phone last week I also noticed that the transition from wifi to 3G took a long time, and in some cases I ended up needing to reboot the phone. However, beginning yesterday morning, before the update was sent OTA, I could not use 3G/Edge at all and it's been that way ever since. One thing I've noticed is that when you trying browsing to a webpage that you will get redirected to a "" page that says "service unavailable". To me this means that I still have 3G connectivity, but somehow T-Mobile is blocking my access to the target site for whatever reason.
When I called T-Mobile and explained the situation they told me a couple of things: 1) there was a network outage in my area that could be causing the problem; and 2) that I might be having a problem due to the fact that I am still on an old Blackberry plan. Neither of these make sense to me because if I plug my SIM into my old phone (Nexus One) everything works perfectly fine. I'm also hesitant to move to one of their current internet plans because my Blackberry plan is so attractively priced.
I just PM'd you regarding this in the hopes that maybe we can talk live and trade notes on how to get this problem solved.
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I had the same problem, I still had a BB data plan. Seems TMO has the IMEI's of the Nexus S ( the phone tech asked me how I liked my S without me telling her what I had... ), but not the Nexus One. My N1 worked just fine with the BB plan. Switched the 2 lines I have data on to the 4G Unlimited (Their name for non-BB data) and all is well.
lethalp1mp said:
I had the same problem, I still had a BB data plan. Seems TMO has the IMEI's of the Nexus S ( the phone tech asked me how I liked my S without me telling her what I had... ), but not the Nexus One. My N1 worked just fine with the BB plan. Switched the 2 lines I have data on to the 4G Unlimited (Their name for non-BB data) and all is well.
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Hmm...I think T-Mobile knew I had N1 because the rep I spoke to mentioned that she saw that I switched to the N1 back in January.
Do you really need to be on a 4G plan since the Nexus S only supports 3G? And do you know if you're still able to use the Nexus S for tethering without having to pay for T-Mobile's tethering service?
betabob26 said:
Hmm...I think T-Mobile knew I had N1 because the rep I spoke to mentioned that she saw that I switched to the N1 back in January.
Do you really need to be on a 4G plan since the Nexus S only supports 3G? And do you know if you're still able to use the Nexus S for tethering without having to pay for T-Mobile's tethering service?
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you do not need to pay for Tmobile tethering.
slowz3r said:
you do not need to pay for Tmobile tethering.
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Okay, thanks. Did you get any sort of explanation from T-Mobile as to why they allowed N1 users to access 3G using a BB plan but not the Nexus S? Seems to me that data is data, regardless of the actual device you're using.
Like other posters said, these Nexus S phones have unique IMEI numbers that T-Mobile can recognize and apply data settings on. I have/had a grandfathered Smartphone Unlimited (24.99) data plan on my line for about 3 years now. It worked flawlessly with my Touch Pro 2, Nexus One and Dell Venue Pro.
I noticed with the Nexus S, after I disconnected from wifi and went back to 3G, I would get the time out errors and "upgrade your plan" page in the browser. A reboot would fix it but that was annoying. I called TMO customer support, spoke with a supervisor who changed my grandfathered Smartphone Unlimited (24.99) to the grandfathered Android Unlimited Plan (also 24.99). All that changed was the name, but I never saw that "upgrade" message again. I tried my SIM in my Nexus One and Venue Pro after the change and now all my devices can use 3G data with no issues.
lethalp1mp, I hope your new data plan does not cost you more money because I know for a fact your previous plans can be changed to work at the same previous price.
betabob26 said:
Okay, thanks. Did you get any sort of explanation from T-Mobile as to why they allowed N1 users to access 3G using a BB plan but not the Nexus S? Seems to me that data is data, regardless of the actual device you're using.
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Data is data, the reason they charge more for a smartphone plan is because smart phone users are likely to use much more data.
betabob26 said:
Hmm...I think T-Mobile knew I had N1 because the rep I spoke to mentioned that she saw that I switched to the N1 back in January.
Do you really need to be on a 4G plan since the Nexus S only supports 3G? And do you know if you're still able to use the Nexus S for tethering without having to pay for T-Mobile's tethering service?
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It's just what they call their non-Blackberry data plans now from what I can see. You will need to add messaging if you do switch, as the BB plans included messaging, or at least mine did.
Arcarsenal said:
lethalp1mp, I hope your new data plan does not cost you more money because I know for a fact your previous plans can be changed to work at the same previous price.
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For me, it came out to be less than what I was paying before.
Well, I just called TMO and spoke to a rep that claimed the reason why I wasn't getting data access was due to my IMEI not being recorded in their system. She took down the IMEI number from my Nexus S and entered it into their "system", and told me it takes up to two hours to register. I played along, but I rather doubt this is going to fix my problem. I'm sure I'll end up having to switch out of my BB plan.

