Weird problems - G1 General

I have had my g1 for 14 problem free months, and have resisted doing anything to it. Last night the phone hung up while trying to check mail, and I rebooted it. This is where it gets weird. Phone boots back up to the "rainbow" screen and doesnt respond. Call tmobile, and they have me do a hard reboot(home+end,then alt+W) and that works. I go back thru and set phone up. Only to find out everything is fine and works except for the Home and back arrow keys on front of phone(home had always worked and was used for hard reset). Now not quite sure what to do or where to go for a solution, t mobile was useless....any help would be appreciated.

well, that's strange... but i guess you should try another hard reset and then see where this turns out.

Tried another hard reset, worked fine for a while(albeit the end and back arrow still did not work)then it started to hang up and close programs while I was using them, reset again and now back to first hard reset has to be an OS problem with phone and not hardware. Where or how can I get phone reflashed with original OS?


Has it died??

My O2 XDAII is 10 weeks old. After using the internet and the screen freezing I SOFT-RESET it. Now the screen will only flash with the O2 logo between the backlight coming on and off and a few letters/numbers at the bottom right of the screen. Ive never had any problems before...I cant soft-reset, hard-reset or (it seems) to be able to charge it. The only way in which it stops 'flashing' is to take out the battery. Is there anything I can do at home?? (as you probably guessed Im a novice at all this!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks, Rob
This happened to me just yesterday, although It happened in different circumstances. Baiscally, I went to turn the phone on and it wouldn't (with any button.) I tried a soft reset and all that happened was the O2 screen appeared with the backlight flashing on and off every 10secs.
Before trying a hard reset I waited to see what would happen when i connected it to the cradle at work. Soon as I connected it. it switched back on, but it was as if it had done a hard reset (ie everything I have installed was erased. Good job I made a backup!).
Basically, it seemed to rectify the problem once connected to the cradle, which hasn't happened to you I know, but i thought I'd let you know that I got the same "symptoms".

Is my O2 XDA Mini S dead??

I tried installing spb pocket plus and, just after it installed, my Wizard didn't seem to be responding so I tried soft resetting it. On booting up it showed the O2 splash screen and then the Windows Mobile screen but nothing else. The screen goes dark as the backlight is turned off but you can still see the Windows Mobile screen showing. Each time I soft reset the same thing happens.
I've tried soft resetting about 4-5 times now and the same thing happens again. I've even taken the battery out and put it back in and the same thing happens. I was going to try reinstalling the O2 XDA firmware but as I can't get the Wizard to connect to ActiveSync I can't do that.
Has anyone got any ideas? At the moment I'm without my phone & all the PDA functions on the phone and I really want it back.
Thanks for any advice.
Think you may need to do a hard reset to put it back to it's factory state. Should work then.
Thanks, I'd been trying to do a hard reset but it didn't seem to work - then it occurred to me that I was actually pressing the wrong button to confirm the reset!
Hard reset works and gets it up and running again although, from checking, it seems that there's some problem between sdp pocket plus ( as I've now installed that about 3-4 times and each time, after doing a soft reset, the Wizard crashes and won't respond.

Hard reset

I've had my TyTN for about six months now and i haven't encountered anything like this. Yesterday my phone did a hard reset by itself. The phone had got slow and eventually, it didn't do anything so i pressed the reset button with the stylus. The phone rebooted but it took a bit longer than it usually does, and after the HTC-screen I got a that blue start screen which says "Tap the screen with the stylus to start using your phone" or something like that.
After setting it up all the messages, contacts and calendar notes (and of course everything else on the phone) had disappeared. After a few minutes the phone got stuck again; it didn't do anything even I tried to close the programs I had running (messaging and calendar). So I left it alone for a while to "think" but after app. 5 minutes it was still in the same situation so i pressed the reset button again with the stylus, the boot screen came on and nothing happened after that. I tried to reset it again - nothing. I took the battery out and replaced it - nothing. Nothing seemed to help. I did the hard reset and the phone worked normally again.
Has anyone any ideas what happened? I'm perfectly sure that I didin't press the soft keys while resetting the phone so I haven't done the hard reset myself. I'm going for a holiday to Germany and it wouldn't be very nice if something like this happened during the trip. I have guarantee left on the phone so I'll take it to the service shop.

Problem with my TYTN

Hi everyone.
This just started 2 days ago. This never happened before
When i turn on my phone everything is ok the screen is fine, but hen once it loads up its starts to lag. memory on the phone is not an issue. the scroll on the left side doesnt allow me to scroll down or up , the wheel moves but the on the screen nothing moves. Now the worse part is the screen.
When i turn off my screen and then turn it back on.. the colours are all messed up. the screen is a pinkish blue coulour and almost unreadable. i tried a soft reset and the screen goes back to normal but once I turn off the screen and turn it back on , i get the same problem.. Now do you think a hard reset would fix the problem?
I had this start last weekend. I had the screen issues and the hardware buttons were very sporadic in function. Most of the time they just didn't work.
I flashed back from Black Satin to the T-Mobile rom and sent it off for repair. Should hear back next week as to the outcome.
Is your under warranty? Just send it away.
Only downside is I've only got a Blackberry Pearl as a backup at the moment.....
The above advice is good. Before going for warranty repair though you should do a hard reset to rule out a software issue.
No its not under warranty. I have no idea what rom is on it. I-MATE ROM is what shows up when it boots up. So it sounds like a hard reset will be the first choice. im not very familiar with these things so pardon if i sound a bit off. i wouldnt even know how to flash or anything like that.
Well i tried to hard reset and it it seems not to be letting me do that.
just hold the left and right soft key and press the reset button at the same time and wait for a prompt to pop up.. nothing it just soft resets.. now im getting a bit frustrated.
Cakez said:
No its not under warranty. I have no idea what rom is on it. I-MATE ROM is what shows up when it boots up. So it sounds like a hard reset will be the first choice. im not very familiar with these things so pardon if i sound a bit off. i wouldnt even know how to flash or anything like that.
Well i tried to hard reset and it it seems not to be letting me do that.
just hold the left and right soft key and press the reset button at the same time and wait for a prompt to pop up.. nothing it just soft resets.. now im getting a bit frustrated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, I assume you have tried a few times. It's difficult sometimes to get them all simultaneously pressed. Incidentally, just in case there's any confusion - the soft keys are actually the hard keys with dashes on the D-Pad.
Another way is to go to Sart>Settings>System>clear storage icon.
Just bear in mind that if there is a major problem it may fail completely and you end up with even more of a problem than now - but I guess there is no choice really.

blank screen - no picture

heyy everyone i have a bell vogue. It was working perfectly untill a couple of days ago when i woke up to find the screen didn't work. The phone would turn on and off, and seemed to function normally except that there was no display whatsoever. The backlight was also working, but there was nothing else. I performed a hard reset by holding the call and end buttons while soft resetting and the screen came back. Now the problem has happened again (3 days later) and neither soft nor hard reset will get the screen to come back.
does anybody have any ideas? i would guess that its a hardware issue except for the fact that it came back the first time and worked for a few days. btw i have not installed any custom roms or radios.

