I have had my nexus one for a couple of weeks now on t-mobile using the $10 web2go using the internet2.voicestream.com apn and have been experiencing mediocre data speeds. I on average I get around 0.5 Mbps and the most I have gotten is around 1Mbps but that was very rare. What kind of speeds are you guys getting on either epc.tmobile.com or internet2.voicestream apn's.
I usually get .7 Mbps to 1 Mbps on the $10 plan and the same when I was on the $30 plan. I really feel no difference (my wallet does though ;D)
Has anyone been able to switch to a 4G unlimited data plan (in the NYC area)? If so, details please. I'm having issues.
There is no specific "4g" plan, it's all just considered the data plan. If you want unlimited though, you can easily get the medianet $10/$15 plan as your phone is not one AT&T provides. You'll get all the benefits of "4g" a.k.a. HSPA+.
rAmO1984 said:
There is no specific "4g" plan, it's all just considered the data plan. If you want unlimited though, you can easily get the medianet $10/$15 plan as your phone is not one AT&T provides. You'll get all the benefits of "4g" a.k.a. HSPA+.
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Seriously? I thought there was a 4g unlimited plan, along with an iPhone unlimited plan, and 3G smartphone unlimited plan.
Anyway, I have the iPhone unlimited plan and thought I could upgrade to the 4G one just to get faster speeds.
I'm currently getting the H+ signal and maxing at 3.3 Mbps download but averaging at 2 Mbps. I thought I could go faster...
There's no separate plan, its all the same data plan. Do some tests at night to check faster download speeds when the network is not so congested.
rAmO1984 said:
There is no specific "4g" plan, it's all just considered the data plan. If you want unlimited though, you can easily get the medianet $10/$15 plan as your phone is not one AT&T provides. You'll get all the benefits of "4g" a.k.a. HSPA+.
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Just wondering, what's the difference between the $10 plan and the $15 plan? Never got a straight answer as to the differences of them.
rwc3b said:
Seriously? I thought there was a 4g unlimited plan, along with an iPhone unlimited plan, and 3G smartphone unlimited plan.
Anyway, I have the iPhone unlimited plan and thought I could upgrade to the 4G one just to get faster speeds.
I'm currently getting the H+ signal and maxing at 3.3 Mbps download but averaging at 2 Mbps. I thought I could go faster...
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Dude, that is just our area, highest I've ever hit is 6.5/7 (and that was once, ever). It'll get better as we get different modems too.
The $10 is for the ones who pay the $30/month family unlimited messaging plan, otherwise it's $15.
will it run on 3g or HSPA+ and if its HSPA+ what will be the speed?
hspa+ 21mbps
pbpatel1981 said:
will it run on 3g or HSPA+ and if its HSPA+ what will be the speed?
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apparently att has a max hspa+ speed of 21mbps whereas tmobiles hspa+ has a max speed of 42mbps. im on att right now and im thinking imma switch to the tmobile prepaid unlimited everything plan for $70/month on hspa+42
If I'm correct its pentaband meaning it runs 3g and HSPA+ so if you are in an area that doesn't get good hspa+ at least you'll have 3g
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
This is why I suggested a pinned thread. lol
sk8erwitskil said:
apparently att has a max hspa+ speed of 21mbps whereas tmobiles hspa+ has a max speed of 42mbps. im on att right now and im thinking imma switch to the tmobile prepaid unlimited everything plan for $70/month on hspa+42
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you could also consider Straight Talk for unlimited everything for 45 a month, Simple mobile which uses tmobile for 50 bux a month and no throttling, also tmobile has a 30 a month plan for 5gig of data and 100 talk min (useful if u use groove ip or VOIP)
Isn't T-mobile 50 bucks a month for everything, with no contract =0?
sk8erwitskil said:
apparently att has a max hspa+ speed of 21mbps whereas tmobiles hspa+ has a max speed of 42mbps. im on att right now and im thinking imma switch to the tmobile prepaid unlimited everything plan for $70/month on hspa+42
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I'm on the same boat, will get an iphone 5, then sell and cancel my att, so I won't loose any money on termination, and get nexus 4 with tmo prepaid
yahoowizard said:
Isn't T-mobile 50 bucks a month for everything, with no contract =0?
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They also have a $30 monthly plan with unlimited data/text and 100 minutes of talk time if you sign up on T-Mobile.com (or Walmart)...and I am considering that switch.
It would be nice if the N4 supported Wi-Fi calling.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda app-developers app
I haven't received my Nexus 4 yet, but I'd like to know user experience with different providers before I make the plunge, or to improve quality by choosing a new provider.
I am sure others are wondering as well. Can you guys post:
1) Provider
2) Plan + pricing (mention if it's prepaid or contract.)
3) Overall call quality
4) Download speeds?
1) T-Mobile Prepaid
2) $30 Unlimited Internet (5GB at HSPA+ speeds), Unlimited Texts, 100 minutes
3) Only made a few calls. Excellent call quality from a concrete apartment building; better than Verizon actually.
4) In Crystal City, VA I get ~2-3 Mbit down in my apartment and other buildings, 3-4 Mbit outside. I confirmed that I get HSPA+ coverage in our garage two stories below ground (2.5-3 Mbit speeds). In Washington, D.C. I get speeds between 5 Mbit and 15 Mbit, averaging 7-8 Mbit down. The most interesting though, is that I get HSPA+ speeds in the metro, several stories underground. The signal strength is excellent so they must have antennas underground. I got 5 Mbit speeds in the Crystal City metro, and 11 Mbit at the Archives Memorial Metro. I've only gotten EDGE speeds on Verizon in our Metro system.
Washington, D.C. is one of the cities with HSPA+ 42 Mbit service. It appears that I'm limited to 21 Mbit speeds in Crystal City because even with excellent signal strength (-50 to -60 dBm), I max out at 3-4 Mbit speeds. My highest speed test in CC (5 Mbit) actually had some of the worst signal tested (-93 dBm) but appeared to be picking up a tower from D.C. Otherwise, I found that speeds seems to have little correlation to signal strength in CC. I managed to get the same speeds 2 floors underground as I did on street level. In contrast, I managed to get nearly 10 Mbit in D.C. with signal strength reported as -89 dBm. With signal in the 60s, I got around 15 Mbit.
1) Straight Talk - Tmobile
2) Unlimited everything $45/mo prepaid
3) Same as Tmobile which is an improvement over ATT
4) >8Mbps down and >1Mbps up
amdhunter said:
1) Provider
2) Plan + pricing (mention if it's prepaid or contract.)
Some stupid family plan with unlimited texting and 500 minutesish and individual 3gb $30 a month data. About $100 a month I think.
3) Overall call quality
Decent, better than my dumbphone
4) Download speeds?
After changing APN settings I get HSPA+
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Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
1) Straight Talk - Tmobile
2) Unlimited everything $45/mo prepaid
3) Same as Tmobile which is an improvement over ATT
4) >12-15Mbps down and >2-3Mbps up
but im going get tmobile 30 dollar plans i dont use many minute sas text more than call and straight doesn't allow streaming which i dont do but i want to have mobile hot spot.
1) AT&T
2) grandfathered 30$ unlimited data plan
3) call quality is great, no problems with any dropped calls in my area of Southwest CT.
4) 5-8Mbps down and around 1Mbps up.
1.) T-Mobile
2.) Monthly4G 5Gb, 100 min, unlimited text.
3.) Service has been phenomenal. Speed of HSPA has been equal to Verizon's LTE on my GNex. I don't lose service through buildings. I will put this to the test when I go on campus and go inside the concrete buildings there.
4.) I highly recommend this plan. Very good value for the price.
Heartbreak said:
1.) T-Mobile
2.) Monthly4G 5Gb, 100 min, unlimited text.
3.) Service has been phenomenal. Speed of HSPA has been equal to Verizon's LTE on my GNex. I don't lose service through buildings. I will put this to the test when I go on campus and go inside the concrete buildings there.
4.) I highly recommend this plan. Very good value for the price.
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This is exactly what I am hoping for. Sprint LTE has recently been activated over both my home and work, and my friend can't shut up about it. I previously had Verizon LTE and it was outstanding speed. I'll know tomorrow how the same Tmobile plan works out for me.
I was really impressed when I heard that Simple Mobile uses T-Mobiles frequency and SM also have HSPA+. What I really didn't like was the fact that their 3G is really slow . Before throttle my speed would be 12 down and 2 up, after throttle it would stick as 0.23 kbps down and 0.10 kbps up. My question is how is the 3G on T-Mobile? I heard that they increased the speed on 3G for T-Mobile. I'm really considering of doing the 50$ plan for T-Mobile (i use up a lot of minutes). If I get throttled how fast is 3G? Is it as close as their HSPA+? I dont mind the 3G speed as long as its good enough speed. I know they have the 30$ plan with 5gb of data, but like I said I tend to use up a lot of minutes.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
What plan on SIMPLE do you have? While $40 is 250 MB High Speed data, then throttled to 2G, their $50 plan has unlimited High Speed Data.
It they throttle you on the $50 plan, I would call them and ask WTF?
If you need tethering, then switching to T-Mobile makes more sense.
SpookyTunes said:
What plan on SIMPLE do you have? While $40 is 250 MB High Speed data, then throttled to 2G, their $50 plan has unlimited High Speed Data.
It they throttle you on the $50 plan, I would call them and ask WTF?
If you need tethering, then switching to T-Mobile makes more sense.
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T-Mobile users get priority over simple users. Something to consider.
so i have a d800 on att and i hit my 5gb limit on my unlimited plan and now im at .5 mbps down and up. so after trying many work around nothing worked. so i decided to swap my sim to my nexus 4 and im not throttled anymore. just thought it was interesting.