Live messenger problem - HD2 General

I can log on live messenger fine, I tried the original rom version and the lastest from the marketplace.
The issue is after a while, say 2 or three hours normally, it will say cannot connect
i tried sign out and sign back in, it will just say "there was a problem signing you in to messenger....."
i tried switch account and setup again, it still the same
the reception here is perfect, i can browse internet at no problem, i can even log on via ebuddy, but just cannot log on via live messenger.
nothing seems to have crashed, i can open and close any programs at no problem at full speed, cpu usage only at 49%, plenty
I need to do a soft reset and every will be fine for another few hours
is there any fix for this or i have to live with it.
thanks alot.
Is there some setting

Ok, I got the answer for this one!.
I usually only read XDA forums, but I haven't seen this answered anywhere so Ill do my best to do it now.
Looks like Windows Live Messenger is kind of bugged. Very bugged actually. Once you get the "cant connect" message, none of the Live apps will be able to connect to the Internet.
This behavior usually happens after 15 minutes of inactivity on the Messenger, or the most common after losing the phone signal, or when the signal is really weak.
The 15 minutes issue can be fixed via registry tweak:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger]
That last DWORD value is equivalent to 1000 minutes. Its 15 by default.
Even tho that will help with the 15 mins inactivity time out, I doesn't help out with the Live services getting completly stuck with the "cant connect" message after losing the signal or internet conection a few times.
What I did to fix it? Easy, I installed Palringo hehe. It gets the work done, looks nice and lets you connect to multiple Chat protocols.
After ditching out MSN Live Messenger, None of my Live services have crashed again.
Hope this helps!

Ya I use palringo too. But on my T-Mobile US HD2 I do not get audio or vibrate notifications when the phone is asleep until after the second or third message received in a row. Does anyone else have this problem?

thanks i will try try


Connection Issue?

I have an UK o2 XDA Ignito (gsm diamond) and am running Nataly 2.5.1 ROM. Radio is
Im finding a strange connection issue. I can use 'opera' whenever I want with no issues at all. I update my emails every 5mins which works 80% of the time. I also use pocketweather from SBSH. This updates every 2 hours but I cant manually or automatically update it?? Suddenly at some random time of day in a random place it will update but then thats it for days?? If I test the internet connection from inside pocketweather it confirms that with a certain proxy it had a successful connection to the net and opera works fine but it still wont update?? Any ideas? very annoying?
Dont know if its linked but Ive been having trouble with SMS too. I can be texting someone with no problems then suddenly I wont recieve a reply? Ill leave a while then respond again and suddenly after I send I recieve 2 or 3 messages (sent at the time the other person sent them but arrive all same time for me??) This is extremely annoying as missing some very important texts
Any advice would be much appreciated??

Social Network problems.

Hey, new here but i hear this is the best place to come for advice so i thought i would give it a shot.
I am getting several errors when trying to use the social networks on the HD2
It lets me log in but hwne i update it says my account is forbidden to access the twitter server, but everthing is fine if i sign in using a browser :S
comes up that my username or password is incorrect when i know for a fact it is not.
Says "There was a connection error while attempting to login"
I have tried it on wifi, edge, 3g, hdpsa and nothing works. I am on o2 an have a unlimited usage contract. Please help.
Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.
add this to it: Nimbuzz
I can't connect over gprs or 3g. I'm on vodafone NL and i have disabled proxies and even created an experimented with new accespoints, but no luck. O even looked up in the registry to see if there is something that can be changed. I can only connect trough wifi.
Is anybody experiencing the same? It might be as well that vodafone blocks nimbuzz, but can they do that? legaly i mean.
kruegz said:
Had these when I first got my phone. All was set right after a reset (pop the battery out or hold down hang-up button)
Also, probably be a good idea to make sure you are logged out of all of those accounts in any browsers before signing in on your phone?
Outside of that... not sure.
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I tried this and it does not work. Also i tried a complete reset and still nothing
Anyone have any ideas? this is really annoying

YouTube Login Error

I'm experiencing the following error when attempting to login via the social networks part of the data connection function:
There was a connection error while attempting to login.
Does anyone have the same problem and has a fix been found?
xxthemartianxx said:
I'm experiencing the following error when attempting to login via the social networks part of the data connection function:
There was a connection error while attempting to login.
Does anyone have the same problem and has a fix been found?
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i second that, seems to happen to me too even after a hard reset, i cannot login to youtube anymore. Facebook works ok but doesn.t download photos anymore. Does anyone knows what is causing this ?
I think this is an issue with the youtube web service that Sense logs into, as it didn't work for me for most of a day, and then it suddenly did and has worked ever since.
Sod's law! I just tried it again and it's not working now.
Nothing's changed on my phone, so it must be youtube's problem. Just leave it a few hours and try again. Unless, of course, you're saying it's like this all the time!
johncmolyneux said:
I think this is an issue with the youtube web service that Sense logs into, as it didn't work for me for most of a day, and then it suddenly did and has worked ever since.
Sod's law! I just tried it again and it's not working now.
Nothing's changed on my phone, so it must be youtube's problem. Just leave it a few hours and try again. Unless, of course, you're saying it's like this all the time!
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Used to work, didn.t and didn.t work after hard reset either so i hope it.s youtube.s fault, but .. how about facebook not loading photos when you check the albums ? Can you please see if it works, or does any one experience the same thing ?
snowblindd said:
how about facebook not loading photos when you check the albums ? Can you please see if it works, or does any one experience the same thing ?
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It just worked for me mate.
I've raised this with HTC - I'll report back if they have an answer/solution.
xxthemartianxx said:
I've raised this with HTC - I'll report back if they have an answer/solution.
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keep us noticed
The same problem here
I have exactly the same on htc hd2
But used to work few days ago.
I could successfully login and even upload the video.
But does not work from yerstarday.
hkwak said:
I have exactly the same on htc hd2
But used to work few days ago.
I could successfully login and even upload the video.
But does not work from yerstarday.
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Mine also used to work a few days ago - most likely something YouTube has done.
T-Mobile Netherlands cannot help
I have the "There was a connection error while attempting to logon." aswell and called the Dutch T-mobile. I'm using a UK version of the HD2 and want to use the Youtube Widget aswell. The first helpdesk employee said it could be something with "bering" not sure what it is. The connection was dropped the seconde helpdesk employee switchde me to second line helpdesk, this guy told me no restrictions are in place AFHK. He also said that with iPhones they can do more, but since the HD2 isn't delivered by T-mobile he couldn't help.
I checked with a disabled Sim card and enabled WiFi connection and still got the "There was a connection error while attempting to logon." message. WHen trying my login credentials just work on both connections (WiFi and 3G/H).
Are these widget controlled by the provider or youtube or a registry entry or ???
Best Regards, Onedb
Well as far as i see, the youtube connection error started to happen suddently to devices that didn.t suffer any change. I.m guessing that is somehow youtube.s fault and maybe it will be fixed in time. Same thing happend with rss hub when searching online for channels there was an error there too, now all works fine without doing any changes.
It looks like a lot of people have this problem, me included, and I hope that they will fix that soon, because it is very annoying.
i could log in to youtube normally on my original German rom, than i flashed wwe rom and since than i get the connection error every time
Hi ho, I have this annoying problem also
I buyed one today, and got the same problem, here in germany as well. So this should be a problem with youtube. Maybe they've changed the logingateway er sth. else.
Just keep trying until it works.
Same here maybe it has something to do with this YouTube to begin reinforcing restricted API access on Dec. 2 althought it says Dec 2nd it's strange how all of a sudden we cant log in
DMAND said:
Same here maybe it has something to do with this YouTube to begin reinforcing restricted API access on Dec. 2 althought it says Dec 2nd it's strange how all of a sudden we cant log in
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That article talks about video scraping, which obviously has nothing to do with this issue. I can't believe that a company like HTC just threw something together and hoped it worked. It must be relying on public API calls that are, for whatever youtubey type reason, failing.
I've never been able to login to the Sense youtube integration service. Facebook and Twitter works fine.
If anyone has a fix for this, I would really appreciate knowing about it
As far as I can tell, this is a YouTube problem - not a problem with our phones/software. I only say this because sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't matter what connection type I have (2G, 3G, HSPA, WiFi), it simply will not work, and then all of a sudden, maybe a couple of days later, it will.
I think the YouTube servers that the app connects to are just a bit shoddy, to be honest. Maybe they weren't expecting the traffic that's been generated by adding this functionality into a very popular mobile UI (don't forget that it's not just the HD2 that has this relatively new functionality now).
I don't know this for a fact. I just VERY strongly believe it.

MSN messenger crash

Hey guys' I've been having this issue even with my stock tilt2 rom.
Usually during the nite i would keep my MSN running for people to message me and then wake up to check them.
But after 8 hours of sleep and wake up in the morning. I check my cell and the app tells me "can't find wireless connection" <<<<somethin like that.
I realize I try to sign back on it wont let me so i have to reboot my tilt2
I am currently running NRGS MaxManilla rom and does the same thing.
Could it be from AT&T's side? Are they disconnecting me from their modem cause of continued usage of bandwidth?
Please help.
Same problem here...
live only runs for a few hours.
My solution, use fring.
Yea. I guess I will use Fring then. Or parlingo. Msn has the feature for connecting more contacts in a conversation. But its ok.

Weired problem during data roaming - "Data Connectivity Problem"

Hi everybody,
since yesterday I have a weired problem:
i booked a data roaming plan of my provider (austrian) to get some emails and stuff during my stays in foreign countries (switzerland at the moment).
The first day, everything went fine. But: the day after (yesterday) i was suddenly unable to connect to my IMAP with k-9 (was working the first day). I also recognized that a connection to the google services (indication with green status bar - modification from Nexus) isn't possible as well.
Almost no app can connect, for example the browser reports:
Data Connectivity Problem
The server failed to communicate. Try Again Later.
Market is not working etc.
On the other hand, a few apps are able to get some data: E-Mail (with Exchange), a Provider app (showing used minutes and data and such things) still work.
Even though data is being used (as shown in the provider app), i can see, that there is some communication going on (with the arrows beside the connection type "H", "3G" and so on). So what the hell is going wrong?
Unfortunately I cannot test domestic data until next week - but WiFi is working flawless (status bar turns green, I can access all websites, E-Mails, etc.).
I am running out of ideas.
One last hint: I tested a few apps (3G Watchdog and Onava Light) and uninstalled them later on. But yesterday evening I did a backup and reinstalled JVQ - the issue was there even after initial firmware installation (JVQ).
Thank you for any help,
kind regards,
P.S. can someone give me a hint, where I can find certain logs to maybe get an idea of the error: alogcat doesn't show me anything, there is no /dev/log directory...
my specs are below in the signature...
Ok, it seems that I narrowed it down.
It depends, with which provider the mobile roams. If it is the "preferred" provider here in Switzerland (sunrise), only the few mentioned apps are actually working - all others are still blocked (seems to be some kind of proxy or firewall or something like this, just guessing). Same result with another provider (Orange CH).
If I manually try another provider (Swisscom), it works with every app (at least with this one). Isn't this strange? Anyone experienced such a behaviour??? It seems, that all regular ports (80,...) are blocked, that's why I can't use k-9, browser and so on. Only a few ports (as exchange mail, whatsapp) seems to be open.
Kind regards,
Similar problem
I have in the last few days experienced the very same problem. Roaming allows only e-mail, but not the browser. Any suggestion about what I can do?
It may depend from the provider's policy, I'm afraid. Only one choice is to disable auto network, and manually pick one by one, and to check.
I called my provider, they re-activated roaming again and after a few days it suddenly worked... still strange though...
Kind regards,

