Weired problem during data roaming - "Data Connectivity Problem" - Galaxy S I9000 General

Hi everybody,
since yesterday I have a weired problem:
i booked a data roaming plan of my provider (austrian) to get some emails and stuff during my stays in foreign countries (switzerland at the moment).
The first day, everything went fine. But: the day after (yesterday) i was suddenly unable to connect to my IMAP with k-9 (was working the first day). I also recognized that a connection to the google services (indication with green status bar - modification from Nexus) isn't possible as well.
Almost no app can connect, for example the browser reports:
Data Connectivity Problem
The server failed to communicate. Try Again Later.
Market is not working etc.
On the other hand, a few apps are able to get some data: E-Mail (with Exchange), a Provider app (showing used minutes and data and such things) still work.
Even though data is being used (as shown in the provider app), i can see, that there is some communication going on (with the arrows beside the connection type "H", "3G" and so on). So what the hell is going wrong?
Unfortunately I cannot test domestic data until next week - but WiFi is working flawless (status bar turns green, I can access all websites, E-Mails, etc.).
I am running out of ideas.
One last hint: I tested a few apps (3G Watchdog and Onava Light) and uninstalled them later on. But yesterday evening I did a backup and reinstalled JVQ - the issue was there even after initial firmware installation (JVQ).
Thank you for any help,
kind regards,
P.S. can someone give me a hint, where I can find certain logs to maybe get an idea of the error: alogcat doesn't show me anything, there is no /dev/log directory...
my specs are below in the signature...

Ok, it seems that I narrowed it down.
It depends, with which provider the mobile roams. If it is the "preferred" provider here in Switzerland (sunrise), only the few mentioned apps are actually working - all others are still blocked (seems to be some kind of proxy or firewall or something like this, just guessing). Same result with another provider (Orange CH).
If I manually try another provider (Swisscom), it works with every app (at least with this one). Isn't this strange? Anyone experienced such a behaviour??? It seems, that all regular ports (80,...) are blocked, that's why I can't use k-9, browser and so on. Only a few ports (as exchange mail, whatsapp) seems to be open.
Kind regards,

Similar problem
I have in the last few days experienced the very same problem. Roaming allows only e-mail, but not the browser. Any suggestion about what I can do?

It may depend from the provider's policy, I'm afraid. Only one choice is to disable auto network, and manually pick one by one, and to check.

I called my provider, they re-activated roaming again and after a few days it suddenly worked... still strange though...
Kind regards,


Problems with Windows Live Messenger on 3UK

Just installed Windows Live Messenger on my Hermes with WM6 and when I try to sign in I get this message:
"There is a problem with the server. Please try again later"
I can log in using eBuddy. Is this a problem with WLM or is it 3UK?
3 Mobile Broadband
No Landline, No Hassle.
I've got the same problem with my Trinity on swedish 3.
I just called their tech support, and according to them it should be working just fine...
I've had a call logged with Three for weeks now, and to be frank, their Indian call centre makes a chocolate teapot in the middle of a Sahara desert look like a positively sensible idea.
They keep coming back saying that they can’t help, because the TYTN II isn’t a “3G” phone (meaning a THREE BRANDED PHONE) (they don’t seem to understand the difference between “Three” and “3G”)
So, as a first off, (as this is the only reproducible easy error I’ve found so far), can I ask you to try going to and see if you get a web page or and error. If you get the same error as me, which is “Request Error (Invalid Request)” then it will give me a bit more evidence to go and beat them up over again as H3G are ADAMANT that they do not block ports and don‘t monitor traffic, however, I believe they have a bluecoat proxy server monitoring everything, and they are notoriously easy to stuff up if you don’t know what you are doing with them.
Anyway, on to the Messenger problem…..
From my testing so far…….
Test 1
If you have even so much as a whiff of a Three SIM in the phone, it won’t connect to messenger over the Three Data connection OR over Active Sync.
If you connect it up over active sync or wireless with either the radio (i.e. phone) disabled, or without a Three SIM card, Messenger WILL connect using your alternative data connection (e.g. ADSL connection)
Conclusion - A Three SIM card some how stuff’s messenger (Seen a similar thread with a Vodafone SIM, but I don’t have one of those to test with).
Test 2
If you pop a T-Mobile or Orange SIM in the phone and perform the same tests, messenger is fine over either active sync, wireless or the Mobile operators data connection. Conclusion - This backups the previous conclusion that having a Three (H3G) SIM in there kills messenger.
(At this point, if anyone from marketing at T-Mobile or Orange is reading, if either of you will offer the same data mobile broadband data tariff (obviously in a working format) as Three on PAYG, we will ALL drop H3G quicker than that chocolate teapot will melt).
Test 3
Three are various custom versions of knocking around and some of the earlier ones will actually connect (even with a Three SIM card installed) and actually work, however the Live Mail part then gets stuffed, as its not got all the features of the current Live, with the Push Mail, and the download options, but it does give a Conclusion that earlier Live messenger clients will connect.
The later ones (including Dutty’s ones) still fail to connect, so Dutty, if you are reading, and have any ideas, please feel free to chip in.
Test 4
MSN Mobile (NOT live version)
I found an earlier version of MSN Mobile, and this seems ok ish (i.e. messenger will connect, but again, you lose the nice push mail functionality)
Other Tests,
I’ve tried various combinations of various Radio and OS Rom’s and installs, without success.
Tests I’d like to try, but don’t have the hardware for
The one test I haven’t been able to try yet (and would like to) is seeing if messenger can be made to connect from a non Three device (i.e. my TYTN II, or your Hermes) whilst using a proper Three Connection.
i.e. Messenger on my TYTN II, going through Active Sync to a laptop, which in turn is connected to the Internet via a Three branded phone or USB Dongle. If That fails to connect, then it’s a fair conclusion that Three do in fact block ports, as the Dongle would be doing the connection. If it worked, then it would be fair to say that the actual SIM is causing the problem. Either Way, it would be really good solid evidence to go and get support to actually take notice.
Which would lead onto another Test, which is if there are any Three Users out there who it works, for, trying you SIM in either of our devices to prove if its some Three SIMS that are actually causing the problem.
(In techie speak, does anyone know if its possible from a SIM card to have a hosts file, or do port redirection ON THE SIM?)
I work up in London, so if by any chance, you are in that Area, please PM me, and maybe we can meet up to try and come up with ideas.
Hi gjbird999,
well i have done a few tests as suggested by you: returns "Request Erroe (invalid_request)"
WiFi ON/phone function OFF/3UK sim in - MSN messenger fails to connect.
WiFi ON/3UK sim removed - MSN messenger connects successfully!
WiFi ON/phone function OFF/3UK sim back in - MSN messenger connects successfully!
WiFi off/phone function ON/3UK sim in - MSN messenger fails to connect.
i guess this kinda proves that 3UK is blocking the ports either by mistake or deliberately the thing is MSN Live can connect to my hotmail mailbox ok to check email etc, just won't connect to MSN messenger.
I have tried calling the 3UK customer service for some other problems before and lets just say that it was amuzing enough to try get them to understand the problem let alone sorting it....
i hope you can get somewhere with them! keep us posted please!
In a sweidish TyTn II forum we are alot of people that gets the error msg There is a problem with the server. Please try again later..
Its been like this for 3-4 weeks..
I have Tre and its still not working
I have a Swedish Tele2 business telephone subscription and i can connect to MSN Live without any problems. However I got a nag about 30 days trial when starting MSN Live the first time, isn't MSN Live for free?
Edit: Tele2 is the part of Comviq used mainly by business users...
I get the same message on 3UK, strange that a sim cardstops you from using MSN when your connected via wifi!
southeastblue said:
I get the same message on 3UK, strange that a sim cardstops you from using MSN when your connected via wifi!
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well i am not entirely sure about this because I did managed to connect after reinstalling the sim with the phone boot up without the phone function on, but if i just switch the phone function off then try connect with WiFi without rebooting the phone, it won't connect
using WiFi is not so much use for me because if i can access wifi, it would probably means i am at home already! I guess i can always use the webmsn but that kinda sucks...
Three tech support is on hold, and I'm back to M$ basing at the moment. But I'll try to get into the local 3 store and see what zdnet does on their "open access" 3g Cards that are totally unresticted
hiya, just wanted to post up as im in the exact same boat, 3uk contract using my own htc hermes. having the exact same problems with live as has been described here. so good luck ! if you want any help with anything i'll be happy to help
same problem in italy!!
Ive got live installed on schaps rom -
It seems MICROSOFT now want to charge me for using it - I keep getting a message saying I can use for 30 days trial period and then will have to BUY a pass to keep going.
Cmon ms Btards whats going on.
Anyone else getting this.
will think twice when upgrade time comes if it isnt free
After first emailing me back saying there were no problems, and was all my fault for not setting up the phone properly M$$$$$$$ admit there MIGHT be a problem their end (or at least with their crappy software)
Thank you for writing back to Windows Live Mobile Technical Support. This is Sheila and I understand that you are still unable to connect your HTC TyTn II device to Windows Live Messenger. I am sorry for the frustration and inconvenience.
****USERNAME****, this issue you have with Windows Live Messenger has been identified by the product team as high-priority and we want to assure you that we are working seriously on a fix for this problem. Due to the complexity of this matter we currently project weeks of testing for our engineers to resolve this issue. We understand the importance of this and we are doing everything within our means to correct the situation.
We cannot commit to a specific timeframe as to when the fix will be released. Please do bear with us regarding this matter and thank you very much for the patience you have shown. You may check with Windows Live Mobile from time to time for updates.
We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using Windows Live Mobile.
Windows Live Mobile Technical Support
I'm also on 3UK. I was using windows live messenger fine on my E65 (not the crappy version they give you) up until about a month ago. and since switching to my hermes, I also haven't been able to use msn messenger.
i suspect its all down to 3UK.
i only say this because on my E65, no updates were installed, it just one day stopped working
just want to make an update, my SPV M3100 on 3UK network is now able to connect to MSN again, I haven't changed any settings on the phone at all, so i guess it is either 3UK sorted out their porting issues or MS did... just glad it is working again!!
As is mine

Error 14 "data network congestion" after 6.1 flash

So, I flash in the new rom 6.1, install valhalla etc and everything works fine EXCEPT now I get "unable to connect to data network" error code 14 "EVDO network congestion". And it disconnects from the network call.
Intrestingly, it switches to 1X and then i can dial in and it works fine.
IF I dont dismiss the notefication, It connects to the evdo net ok.
This only happens when starting google maps or when going to the igoogle site. It does not occure when going to VZ mobile site (have not exhaustively tested).
And it appears to be intemittant; not happening now; outside inside no diff; many bars, no bars no diff. Maybe it is the net (never happened prior to this though).
Did call VZ late the other night (ever notice how much more easily it is to deal with a problem with the folks on the late night shifts?) and they checked what ever they check and could see some small bottlenecks but nothing that would indicate the problem I was having.
Any thoughts ?
Having the same problem. Rep suggested a hard reset. Didn't work. It occurs for me after a soft reset on the first attempt at a data connection (IE, Weather Connect, whichever tries to connect first). After that, no more error message.
Moziah7 said:
Having the same problem. Rep suggested a hard reset. Didn't work. It occurs for me after a soft reset on the first attempt at a data connection (IE, Weather Connect, whichever tries to connect first). After that, no more error message.
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Mine will give me the error every time I try a data connection but if I just dismiss the note it works on the 1X side.
The phone seems to be MUCH more sensitive to the need to switch to/from 1X and EVDO. Mine continually toggles between the two systems.
Treo 700W never did that; but it was not Rev. A either.
I really dont understand enough to even make a less then reasonable guess as to what is going on; and I dont think I can see any differance in performance.

android market terms of service problem

Hello, i finally got my Hero. loaded a new ROM onto it and rooted it, but i´m having some trouble with the market app. whenever i try to open it it just says loading "android market terms of service" and stays there forever, the only choice is to wait longer og choose decline.
I´ve triyed both on wifi and gprs connection, and every other application on the phone can use both connections to browse and so on.just not android market..
Here is a little infor about the phone to help you figur my problem out.
ROM: update-hero-modacocustomrom-1.1-signed
Firmware version: 1.5
Baseband Version:
Kernel version: 2.6.27-a550404199 [email protected] #521
Build number: 1.79.482.3 14733 CL#49365 release keys
Software version 1.0.0.A6288
Hope some kind soul is willing to help me out, thank you in advance.
I just put 1.1 on my Hero a few hours ago, and Market is still working fine for me. i did update the radio first though; you might want to try that.
otherwise, it could just be Market playing up, not at all unusual in my experience...
Updated the radio to this version, "update-hero-radio-" still no luck getting allowed to accept the terms of service, but i seems that the phone now has better signal strenght to the phone net.
After apoximitly 5 minutes i get a window instead of the loading screen where is says "Attention. An error has occured. Please try again later."
this sounds similar to teh connection errors that people are experiencing when they skip the sign in process during the initial set up. In general,m the only solution to that is to hard reset and sign in to google at the very first opportunity, during the set up screens and before you ever see the touchflo homescreen.
of course, it could just be a proxy in the APN settings.....
Year, i had that problem on the first time i changed the ROM, on that occasion i skipped the google account setup, and couldn´t use any program the used the internet.
But on this install i did do the sign in on first boot, and every program other that market that uses the internet or GPRS is working (weather, browser, mail, stock´s and so on)
Only thing that won´t start is the market tearms of service.
I had the exact same problem.
You need to contact your service provider and get the APN settings for your provider. After you have entered them in connect to marketplace over 3G and you should be fine.
My problem was caused by my phone company,, shipping the unit with APN settings for Netcom! Obviously with a Chess sim inside the phone had some connectivity problems. Once the Chess APN settings were in I got connected straight away.
are you using wifi or 3g? I heard that market likes to make it's initial connection over 3G....
sadly i have a locked t-mobile G2 so i don't have any of these problems, i just sign in and it is automatically set up for me over 3G.
Arctic Matt was spot on, there was no APN profile in the phone, just made one with a name. after that it worked instantly.
Thanks alot.
Thanks for listening
I cannot believe that Scandinavian mobile providers, with their lazy ass coffee drinking cake eating lifestyle, have failed to notice this problem. If you look around on other forums (Google, Chess, Netcom) there are tons of people with this shortfall. I am so sick of this constant crap in Norway that I am moving my entire family over to Canada! In Norway, the technology is there and people want it but the companies providing it are infested by tech thick 50 year old management morons who are incapable of overseeing projects.
Just imagine if you were not a member of xda devs and have just got this phone as an average Joe. No apps! No help! ...and they wonder why people hack the phones to hell.
Glad I could help.
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
cyberdog100 said:
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I've got the exact same problem and have tried everything listed here. I had this issue on my LG Optimus One running Froyo, I flashed with a new ROM and still have the same problem.
I tried:
1. Master Reset through the phone (3 times!)
2. Entering APN and connecting via the mobile network before using WiFi (also tried WiFi first before using mobile network, no difference).
3. Signing in through the YouTube App and ensuring sync was on, yes that works, and I can see my Gmail, but still can't sign into the Market.
After (3), each time I try to open the Market I get " An error has occurred. Please try again later." and the Market just exits.
Anyone have any other solutions which might work??
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Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
nijnvy said:
Sometimes your provider will block your connection to market, until you verify that you are over 18 (as a child proofing method) etc.. (even on wifi, somehow)
at least that was a problem with someone I knew.. .. I assume master reset would clear market data and cache?
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I don't think that's my issue, I've used my SIM as well as many other SIMs in other Android phones to access the market, it just seems to be an issue with this particular handset, oh well its weird!
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
pogoetic said:
Did you find a solution to your problem? I just flashed Android 2.2 to my HD2 and have a similar problem, only android market wont work.
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I am having this same error as well.
Okay so i had to download an app called MoreLocale2 and force the locale to English(United States) and hard reset the phone. Worked fine after that. Hope it helps!
Android market just works here if google talks is enabled and connected...

[WARNING] Don't use OTA in foreign countries - auto-enabling data roaming

Hi everyone,
a few days ago, i posted in the Q&A Section a question about apps which maybe auto-enabling data roaming, see here.
Today I tried it again (using my Laptops connectivity and connected the phone via adhoc wifi), updated a few apps and so...
Out of curiousity I startet OTA (via About -> system updates) and recognized a warning about data roaming (fortunately i was still connected via wifi).
Fact is: after I started OTA (and got the message, that no update was found) data roaming was enabled. Even after i deactivated "data roaming" (but left "use data" on) and tried OTA again, this setting was re-enabled.
From my point of view, this is a very severe bug!
Be my guest and try it yourself, leave feedback, if you like. My system specs are below.
Kind regards,
It seems i didn't make myself clear enough thx for the advice.
So here is the whole deal:
I am using an austrian phone, but work most of the time in germany. Usually i don't disable data, even though i am in Germany right now, but disable data roaming to avoid costs.
Usually i use a wifi router of a friend to access the internet, as yesterday evening. There i tried the option "system updates" (of 2.2.1 - also known as OTA). After that i checked the data roaming setting and it was enabled, all of the sudden. Even after a reboot and data roaming still disabled, after checking "system updates", this option was re-enabled.
My general rom is DBT, as i bought the phone in germany, but i use an austrian SIM.
Today i tried the same with adhoc - same result - so I guess, this is a overall bug of android - so i openend an issue there.
Have you tried it in an foreign country or "at home"? My guess is, that is the key to reproduce this bug.
I think you don't get my point:
Where are you using your phone: Slovakia SIM in Slovakia? Then you will not be able to reproduce it. Or am i getting something wrong here?
Exactly - it is ONLY happening while roaming - not at my home area that's while i wrote "don't use it in foreign countries"
OK, just for you and my aproach I tested it on my egyptian sim (wasnt dsiabled even though no credit ) and
Will add screenies so you trust me . but this is bad ... will add comment to it on google as well. Good catch though!
btw: from the tests it didnt happen all the time 3/4 but I guess the 4th was due the fact it didnt even connect to the server and just close itself.
Seriously when someone has data roaming active (carrier ) and this activates without his knowing...
EDIT: Added pics (so my post is more trustworthy after the fiasco up there (which I asked a very good mod to erase my posts) )
I can confirm the error
Using SIM WIND.IT in Germany: Data roaming was enabled after Update-Check.
Phone: DBT
Location: germany
SIM: (Roaming)
If we sign out the samsung account will it still enable data roaming? cause without a samsung account it will not allow check.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
DummyPLUG said:
If we sign out the samsung account will it still enable data roaming? cause without a samsung account it will not allow check.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Its like telling "dont check"
This wouldnt help us much?
Imagine you are a month abroad. You want to check for an update (XDA says "new omega super ultra fast original OTA update from Samsung/ or you check like "just in case") you go "check for updates" and you wont notice its active ... till you are on wifi its ok, imagine you go out of range and the phone does its own .
(once I had google maps on my symbian phone for 3 days active, didnt notice, the phone was just on my dresser, and it used up 700MB... from my 2GB plan, if this happened on roaming would pay it till now )
....connected the phone via adhoc
I thought that android couldn't connect to adhoc wifi (stupid bug)
Are you sure it was adhoc?
cristipurdel said:
....connected the phone via adhoc
I thought that android couldn't connect to adhoc wifi (stupid bug)
Are you sure it was adhoc?
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Doesnt matter if it was adhoc (mine was AP).
And yes you can connect to adhoc if you has root + etc (not sure if it goes without it too)
Oh yeah, I remember it's not working for non-root.
It is not important, which connection you use (I tested it with wifi AP and adhoc), i activates data roaming nevertheless.
I guess the best option is to leave a comment here at google as well to get this fixed really soon...
All the best,
Can anyone please verify, if this bug is still present in 2.3.3?
would test this for you, but there is currently a "might be" bug with the OTA. (Something about high cpu usage and battery drain when OTA).
So I wouldn't advice to use it at all :/
webwude said:
Can anyone please verify, if this bug is still present in 2.3.3?
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Just tested still present :/

IMAP stops syncing intermittently

Greetings. I am a new user to XDA but a longtime reader and geek who uses and is well familiar with multiple desktop and mobile OS's. I say this because the problem I am writing about is possibly the most confusing I have ever faced. In fact, if it wasn’t happening to me personally I would swear it was impossible, so please read on. I would be grateful for any – any – ideas. I will attempt to describe the problem and my troubleshooting steps as clearly and concisely as possible – but it’s a weird problem so needs some discussion.
PRECIS: Samsung Galaxy S II intermittently loses ability to connect to and sync with IMAP servers, BUT ONLY intermittently and ONLY on one particular mobile network. Much testing has been performed as detailed in this post.
HARDWARE / OS: Galaxy S II originally purchased on contract from Three UK, unlocked, and currently running Android 2.3.4, debranded to XXKG5 firmware and generic CSC XEU.
SIMs USED: Roshan (Afghanistan) pay-as-you-go and AT&T (USA) contract with unlimited international data.
SYNOPSIS: I have good data connectivity (slow EDGE, but generally reliable) from the local Afghan provider Roshan using my PAYG SIM. I am able to set up both of my IMAP accounts, have them log in, sync, send mail, etc, but after an indeterminate amount of time, routinely lose the ability to connect at all. However, all other data services and syncing continue to work fine (web browsing, Gmail, calendar, contacts etc) – only IMAP connectivity is broken. No errors appear, but mail just stops coming. Once this has occurred, the only thing that seems to correct the problem is time – it will eventually start working again, but is by no means reliable. Changing how often the accounts check for new mail has no effect. A change to Wi-Fi restores connectivity to the IMAP servers immediately, but then the problem returns over the Roshan mobile network. Yet, I can swap in my AT&T SIM and all works fine immediately, reliably, and never displays the problem. The IMAP connectivity issue exists only with my Roshan PAYG SIM, and only after some amount of time.
HARDWARE TROUBLESHOOTING: The phone and IMAP have worked fine on multiple networks in multiple countries. In the UK, on 3UK and Orange. In the UAE, on Etisalat and du – all with good HSDPA connections. In Afghanistan, the AT&T SIM connects usually to Etisalat but other networks as well, all with EDGE data where available. (Unfortunately for scientific testing, AT&T does not allow connection to Roshan.) And also in Afghanistan, my PAYG Roshan SIM works fine with everything EXCEPT the IMAP problem. Altogether, it seems the GS2 itself works as advertised.
MOBILE NETWORK (ROSHAN) TROUBLESHOOTING: The exact same PAYG Roshan SIM which causes the problem in the GS2 allows a reliably-syncing connection (and servers automatically detected, BTW) over the same mobile network to the same servers using my old iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1. Likewise, my boss has perfect service to these servers using this same network with his Roshan PAYG SIM in my old Nexus One on Android 2.3.4. And, my GS2 does fine on this network for all except IMAP.
ANDROID OS TROUBLESHOOTING: In an effort to troubleshoot a potential glitch in the OS, I have flashed multiple versions. The Roshan/IMAP problem exists on both the 3UK-branded H3GKF4 2.3.3 as well as generic XXKG5 2.3.4. And again, a Nexus One running 2.3.4 on the Roshan network does fine also – incidentally also in my office, so at least theoretically connected to the same cell path.
EMAIL CLIENT TROUBLESHOOTING: In an effort to isolate a fault with the Samsung email client, I purchased and installed Enhanced Email, with both 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 installed. Same results: fine on Wi-Fi, fine with AT&T, unreliable in both clients with Roshan PAYG SIM.
(LACK OF) CONCLUSION: Can it be possible that I have uncovered a ridiculously obscure bug? How can just one data service type (IMAP) be affected on just one network (Roshan) yet all other services are fine, and the IMAP problem does not exist with other SIM’s and/or networks? Is there anything something like a traceroute I could run to see what’s happening to my IMAP requests?
If you’re still reading, thanks for staying with me this far. I’m completely baffled, and frankly, more than a little frustrated that what is meant to be the best smartphone in the world can't reliably get my mail on the network I need it to, while a tired old iPhone and Nexus do so all day long. Any ideas?
Kind regards,
UPDATE: Did nothing, started working
All --
For the past two workdays, IMAP email has arrived in both the Samsung Email client (set to check every 5 minutes) and Enhanced Email (set to check every 10) on the Roshan mobile network. I have done absolutely nothing to cause this to happen.
Of course I am very pleased all is working as advertised, but the episode has still somewhat tarnished my previously stellar opinion of this phone and diminished my trust in it to a degree. Regardless, I'm glad. If the problem resurfaces, I will repost here.
I suspect the reader will agree that "it just started working" isn't a very satisfying fix, so if someone else experiences a similar issue with IMAP and/or knows more about how it works, I would really like to learn. Feel free to drop me a line on <<[myxdausername] at gmail dot com>>.
Kind regards,

