Connection Issue? - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

I have an UK o2 XDA Ignito (gsm diamond) and am running Nataly 2.5.1 ROM. Radio is
Im finding a strange connection issue. I can use 'opera' whenever I want with no issues at all. I update my emails every 5mins which works 80% of the time. I also use pocketweather from SBSH. This updates every 2 hours but I cant manually or automatically update it?? Suddenly at some random time of day in a random place it will update but then thats it for days?? If I test the internet connection from inside pocketweather it confirms that with a certain proxy it had a successful connection to the net and opera works fine but it still wont update?? Any ideas? very annoying?
Dont know if its linked but Ive been having trouble with SMS too. I can be texting someone with no problems then suddenly I wont recieve a reply? Ill leave a while then respond again and suddenly after I send I recieve 2 or 3 messages (sent at the time the other person sent them but arrive all same time for me??) This is extremely annoying as missing some very important texts
Any advice would be much appreciated??


MMS problems XDA mini s

Has anyone else had problems receiving MMS messages on their XDA mini s? I have received the notification from someone but when i do a long click and select 'download message' nothing happens for ages then i get an error message saying the message cannot be downloaded.
Any ideas? I've had a search around the forum but couldn't find a solution
Problem solved!
I had no network. But wait - that doesn't make me as stupid as it should. I work in central London where i always get full reception and never normally even check my signal. However, it seems that after browsing some sites via WiFi my phone died for no reason. No amount of network searching would work and i had to do a soft reset to get it back. I guess i encountered my first real problem with this phone!

2.26 Rom More bars, more dropped calls

I just updated my phone and I seem to drop calls all the time. Pretty much every call I make over 2 minutes will eventually drop. I do regain service faster and get service in places I previously didnt. I will even drop calls in a place where I get 3-5 bars. The only thing different that im doing is using push email. Could it be kicking me off my calls?
hmm thats funny, i seem to have a bar or 2 increase since i updated.
bendog2784 said:
I just updated my phone and I seem to drop calls all the time. Pretty much every call I make over 2 minutes will eventually drop. I do regain service faster and get service in places I previously didnt. I will even drop calls in a place where I get 3-5 bars. The only thing different that im doing is using push email. Could it be kicking me off my calls?
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Yes the push will knock you off your call, just like any instant messanging program that tries to reconnect or sometimes the reg hack to keep you conected to data connect
M$ Direct Push won't knock you off a phonecall. PocketWeather and some IM apps including M$ own Office Communicator client for WM can do this however.
I concur with Sleuth255, DP will not knock you off a call. It will direct incoming calls to voice mail if it's doing a "push" but that's a different story.
Dropped calls with T-Mobile USA MDA firmware update
I also upgraded to the latest version of the MDA ROMS and I am having dropped calls. In the my case, I was using Agile Messenger in the background and Motorolla H500 headset. My average time on a call was less than 5 minutes. I have also expereince one random reboot. For now I will discontiune using Agile Messenger.
It's annoying to get a firmware update that seem to solve a lot of Windows Mobile problem only to find out that I can not use use my favorite chat client.
-- behip
Re: Dropped calls with T-Mobile USA MDA firmware update
behip said:
I also upgraded to the latest version of the MDA ROMS and I am having dropped calls. In the my case, I was using Agile Messenger in the background and Motorolla H500 headset. My average time on a call was less than 5 minutes. I have also expereince one random reboot. For now I will discontiune using Agile Messenger.
It's annoying to get a firmware update that seem to solve a lot of Windows Mobile problem only to find out that I can not use use my favorite chat client.
-- behip
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more annoying to not be able to have a data and a voice connection at the same time.
Me toooo
Im with BEHIP...I have upgraded...i have the same BT headset and have been dropping calls like crazy! What do we do about this?
I had the weather plugin set to not use the connection manager. That may be why it was trying to connect while on a call. I have it now set to use the connection manager so hopefully it will not try to connect whenever it wants.
where is this 2.26 rom from please?

Problem: Calls are at random forwarded to voicemail!!

Hi Guys,
Since a week or so calls are at random directly forwarded to my voicemail.
I have checked my "call forwarding" settings and they are normal:
Forwarding is enabled if I don`t answer after 25 sec, when I`m unavailable and when I`m busy. After a couple of hours I recieve a sms that I have messages waiting in my voicemail. This happens totally at random because a couple of hours later the same people can reach me without any problems
I am assuming that my phone sometimes loses connection to the T-mobile network and so I am unavailable and the call is forwarded to my voicemail. The reason why I assume this is because don`t see a missed call on my phone. I have never had problems with dropped connections nor noticed that I connection is lost. .
Only thing that I recently changed was upgrading my rom to Molski.Biz Rom (RUU_Molski.Biz_226102_22610105_022511_WWE ) on 2 october but I only noticed the problems about a week, so I don`t know if it can be related. I also upgraded to the 2.47.11 radio ROM to see if it would help but without difference so I reverted back tot the 2.25.11 radio ROM
I called T-mobile and they told me it must be related to the phone and couldn`t be a problem with different carriers nor the T-mobile network.
Has anyone have had these problems? or knows a sollution to this?
Edit: running software: Agenda Fusion, Photo contacts and handyswitcher and I don`t have GPRS programs running.
I guess you are losing the connection. You should look for some sort of a pattern? What seems to be random may not be random at all.
Also... You still get SMS for voicemail notification? That's some deja vu...
What software do you have installed that might go out to the internet from time to time? Do you have an email account setup where it will check every 15 minutes?
ipaqkiller said:
What software do you have installed that might go out to the internet from time to time? Do you have an email account setup where it will check every 15 minutes?
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I don`t have any software that is using the internet on my phone! So that can`t be the problem.
I haven't noticed any pattern in the forwarding or losing my connection. It is happening on different times of the day. It always happens in standby modus of the phone but I do recieve the SMS for voicemail notification but sometimes 3 hours later, so it could be that the connection was lost during 3 hours?
I think i have the same problem. It happens not very often (i think) but its very annoying.
I also found out that my problem is only related to inbound calls.
Cos I was able to place an outbound call with my wizard but i couldnt call it using another phone. It just switches immediatly to voicemail and indeed after a few hours the inbound connection comes back up again and the voicemail-notices start coming in.
I've had numerous calls with the T-mobile helpdesk about this and they also said it was probably phone-related.
Not looking forward to send it off and live without my baby for a cple of weeks
Oh by the way I have rom: WWE
I also noticed today that`s only inbound! Today a buddy of mine was calling me while in front of the door. So we tested it right away. He called me again and I also called with my home phone to my mobile and both times directly the voicemail.
Strange thing was that the whole time I had connection with the T-Mobile network with 4 stripes network strength, so the connection wasn`t lost but I was unreachable. At the same I could place a outbound call without any problems.
Is this still phone related?
Full strength connection with T-Mobile network and only inbound calls blocked, outbound no problemo. I don`t get it anymore!
maybe try a different radio and see if that helps the problem.
averixcool said:
......I also upgraded to the 2.47.11 radio ROM to see if it would help but without difference so I reverted back tot the 2.25.11 radio ROM.....
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The threadstarter allready tried another radio, i don't know if there is newer one. I would gladly give it a try.
My wild stab in the dark would be that something goes wrong when moving to another gsm-antenna (location)
Somehow the phone is not reporting as available or something.(i have no clue about gsm technology so never mind )
Heej there,
got exactly the same thing over here since I've upgraded to Molski's Rom 2261002nld. Also updated to radio 24711 but it didnt change.
I'm now flashing it back to tmob 2210205 to see if it's ok now....
I'll keep you informed...
cu Bol
Is this just a Dutch problem? I'm thinking it is more of a network problem despite what T-mobile.NL are saying.
Does the problem occur at peak times?
I have a similar problem. I was getting Voicemail notifications without the phone even ringing. Then i ran into someone and they said they called several times and i never answered. So I called my own phone and takes my phone 4 or 5 beeps for it to ring.
I'm on shogun and faria's cingular 2.26rom i also have photo contacts on.
Problem Solved
I had the same problem (also with T-Mobile Dutch by the way) with the 2.26 rom until I downgraded my radio rom to 02.07.10. All is fine now.
I also have the same problem. Using 2.26 dutch rom
same problem
I have the same problem after installing the new Molski AKU2.3 Rom.
I have the same problem
t-mo 2.26 WWE
Same problem here only with Jester rom Aku 2.3 and T-mobile dutch
Well, I still have the problem about every other day.
And yes. I'm in the Netherlands.
I'm considering returnung it to t-mobile because i cannot trust my phone anymore. It sucks
As far as I know (and our Orange's contact has confirmed us this issue), active GPRS data connections make incoming voicecalls to be redirected to voicemail. This doesn't happen if your device is GPRS-attached to the network but not trasmitting/receiving any data at the moment the call is produced.
This effect has become more noticeable since new devices implement DirectPush, so they are permanently updating info from the exchange server.
I'm sorry, the only solution I know for this is to use a 3G/UMTS device, which enables true simultaneous voice and data connections.
Got the same problem. It seems only to occur on the T-mobile Dutch network. I'm running Molski's rom and tried both 2.25.11 and 2.47.11. I don't think it's a gprs issue, because there was no gprs connection when it happened. Also no active programs that use gprs.
Didn't have the problem at all with the latest dutch T-mobile rom.
I just flashed my radio rom back to 2.19.11 from the original rom. I hope it will solve the issue.
Hello. I asked again my Orange's contact person and it seems that what I said wasn't very precise in the sense that voicecall redirections occur only under specific circumstances like channel congestion on the network's cell. Normally voice has priority over GPRS and it can 'steal' radio channels from active data sessions so the bandwidth is reduced. But it shouldn't allow to steal the last channel if it was busy. Maybe in this case an incoming call could be redirected to voicemail.
Of course, a problem with a specific rom version and its radio interface could be a problem. I'm sorry if my contribution should blurr your insight into the problem.
I will ask network engineers to learn more details about this issue.

Live messenger problem

I can log on live messenger fine, I tried the original rom version and the lastest from the marketplace.
The issue is after a while, say 2 or three hours normally, it will say cannot connect
i tried sign out and sign back in, it will just say "there was a problem signing you in to messenger....."
i tried switch account and setup again, it still the same
the reception here is perfect, i can browse internet at no problem, i can even log on via ebuddy, but just cannot log on via live messenger.
nothing seems to have crashed, i can open and close any programs at no problem at full speed, cpu usage only at 49%, plenty
I need to do a soft reset and every will be fine for another few hours
is there any fix for this or i have to live with it.
thanks alot.
Is there some setting
Ok, I got the answer for this one!.
I usually only read XDA forums, but I haven't seen this answered anywhere so Ill do my best to do it now.
Looks like Windows Live Messenger is kind of bugged. Very bugged actually. Once you get the "cant connect" message, none of the Live apps will be able to connect to the Internet.
This behavior usually happens after 15 minutes of inactivity on the Messenger, or the most common after losing the phone signal, or when the signal is really weak.
The 15 minutes issue can be fixed via registry tweak:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger]
That last DWORD value is equivalent to 1000 minutes. Its 15 by default.
Even tho that will help with the 15 mins inactivity time out, I doesn't help out with the Live services getting completly stuck with the "cant connect" message after losing the signal or internet conection a few times.
What I did to fix it? Easy, I installed Palringo hehe. It gets the work done, looks nice and lets you connect to multiple Chat protocols.
After ditching out MSN Live Messenger, None of my Live services have crashed again.
Hope this helps!
Ya I use palringo too. But on my T-Mobile US HD2 I do not get audio or vibrate notifications when the phone is asleep until after the second or third message received in a row. Does anyone else have this problem?
thanks i will try try

[Q] MMS question...sometimes it doesn't send

Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm on tmobile..stock jellybean and stock texting app.
sometimes the MMS will go right away..sometimes they will sit for days..and then i send (or recieve) one from someone and suddenly the floodgates open all my 'stuck' MMS messages go.
i dont know this is a defect..or maybe something quirky about tmobile's network..but it seems to happen about once a week the messages get backed up like this.
never had a problem with SMS..i dont think.
Not sure why but i've had that too. The other night sending to my friend on T-Mobile it wouldn't go for hours then i resent it some 9hrs later and it worked fine. I don't think it's a N4 problem per say as i've had that with my SGS2 also. Maybe it's a ROM thing or just carrier issue but wish it wouldn't be so!
I got this experience with MMS:
- when on WiFi than impossible to send;
- only when on Data transfer MMS is send.
Try to manually set the data and not wifi and try.
Good luck.
MMS only send on mobile data connection, thus has been standard behaviour on every Android phone I've owned
makes sense. i'm on/near wifi for most of the day every day so i guess its not going to send until i'm in my car driving somewhere and regular data kicks on
Shouldn't matter as the phone wont use WIFI to send MMS if the APN has "mms" designation it it. You can watch the signal bars and see he up/down arrow in the cellular signal bars vs wifi when trying to send. At least, that's what it does on my phone yet it still just doesn't send once in a while.
shotta35 said:
Shouldn't matter as the phone wont use WIFI to send MMS if the APN has "mms" designation it it. You can watch the signal bars and see he up/down arrow in the cellular signal bars vs wifi when trying to send. At least, that's what it does on my phone yet it still just doesn't send once in a while.
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did an experiment today; sent 3 MMS (while i'm hooked to WIFI) and 2 of them went..made a phone call before the 3rd one sent..and it got stuck in 'sending' mode.
2 hours later still stuck in 'sending'. i sent a text to that number ...didn't help.
I then sent another MMS..and when i did, it triggered both the new one and the 'stuck' one to go through.
so there you have it..not conclusive but it seems like maybe when its switching between voice and data it can get stuck..and the stock MMS messenging app doesn't seem to be smart enough to resend automatically. it seems like you have to 'jiggle the handle' to get it to go by sending another MMS.
it also seems sending ANY mms (not even to the stuck #) will release all the hung MMS for everyone.

