MSN messenger crash - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Hey guys' I've been having this issue even with my stock tilt2 rom.
Usually during the nite i would keep my MSN running for people to message me and then wake up to check them.
But after 8 hours of sleep and wake up in the morning. I check my cell and the app tells me "can't find wireless connection" <<<<somethin like that.
I realize I try to sign back on it wont let me so i have to reboot my tilt2
I am currently running NRGS MaxManilla rom and does the same thing.
Could it be from AT&T's side? Are they disconnecting me from their modem cause of continued usage of bandwidth?
Please help.

Same problem here...
live only runs for a few hours.
My solution, use fring.

Yea. I guess I will use Fring then. Or parlingo. Msn has the feature for connecting more contacts in a conversation. But its ok.


msn failing on t-mobile

Has anybody been experiencing probs since yesterday on msn services, keeps failing
" Pocket MSN sigh-in failed"
cheers peeps I hope its not just me.
Try the free Agile Messenger, its better than Pocket MSN anyway
dougsdir said:
Try the free Agile Messenger, its better than Pocket MSN anyway
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I use to use a year ago on my dell axim, however at that time blocked contacts, be came unblocked.
May check it out again.
However does ur msn service work and is there any1 else experiencing this.
I am having the same problem with mine I am running the 2.17 custom rom I downloaded from the forums.
Pocket msn can sign in but when I sign into messenger I get to my buddy list then I get the error your getting and it hangs for a bit then signs back out.
btw I have tried agile and its unacceptably slow on my wizard. IMO its a resource hog and I only want msn messenger as I don't use the others.
My Pocket MSN has been playing up a lot this week too. Keeps droping out, or can't even connect in the first place. Is there anyway to confirm the problem is with the Pocket MSN servers?
Same for me too, and this is whether I'm using a GPRS or Wifi connection. As such, this leaves me to believe that this is more likely an MSN problem rather than T-Mobile. I might give Yahoo, Google or ICQ a try and see if their servers are any more available than the MSN ones.
same for me either thru gprs or wifi it fails. just manged to log on for 30 secs then it bombed out
mine has only ever signed in successfully once :roll:
not just me then mines been playing up all week too
fil said:
not just me then mines been playing up all week too
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ditto here
this might be the problem
And the irony of it is that the TMo USA ship ROM includes Mobile MSN and Messenger as standard.... ROFLMAO
thats a ****er, thats the main thing i use mine for msm instant messaging! uses hardly any data atall??? can understand the skype voip, but i have no problems using skype im?????
There's still confusion in other forums whether the MOIP and VOIP restriction applies only to WnW Pro or also to WnW standard. It sounds stupid I know... why would more expensive WnW Pro be restricted rather than the cheaper WnW right? However, no T-Mobile staff have confirmed it either way so no one as of yet knows for sure.
I believe its a MSN network problem.
I am using it here in Canada on the FIDO network (through Rogers) and it too has been failing alot. Maybe it will come to the point that they will have to release a patch like they did on the WM2002 and Wm2003 when they started making changes. That is the risk with them updating messenger all the time I guess.
i'm having the same problem. might be msn's server
Amazing! After weeks of random "...can not establish a connection to Pocket MSN..." etc., for 3 days now I have had a rock solid connection to Pocket MSN! Only dropping out when I've lost phone signal for more than a few minutes (i.e. when on the tube).
Definitely the best reliability I've experienced since I began using it at the beginning of the year. That said, on Monday I did upgrade my ROM from my original T-Mobile UK (01.04.10) to CUSTOM_RUU_Prodigy_2170702_217_20710_TMO_US.exe. I've gone from 10 random re-boots a day to zero! And everything feels a lot faster and more reliable even after loading it up again with all my old tools and apps etc.
So I guess I'm none the wiser as to whether the flaky Pocket MSN was the fault of MSN servers, the T-Mobile network, or my dodgy ROM, or all of the above. Regardless, here's hoping it lasts!

Answering the Phone with ACTIVESYNC

Good Morning
Our work unit has recently purchased Moguls for 10 employee's. The IT department just enabled the phone to "SYNC" over the air using Microsoft exghange server.
The problem is with the default setting of "As Items Arrive" we are not able to answer incoming calls. It appears to me as a layman that the phone is not dropping the data session to answer the phone, but hey what do I know?
We have tried adjusting the schedule to every 10 and evey 15 minutes but if we happen to be syncing, we cannot answer.
Our IT department does not know the answer.
Any Ideas
what rom are you running? i had heard of some people having this issue after a rom update, but ive never had it myself
I am running 6.1 Test rom but the other users are running the latest 3.39 rom from Sprint. I have not been able to find this info from searching. Do you know if people are using Activesync over the air and succesfully answering the phone and syncing??
Thanks Mobo
im using DCD 3.0.6 (i think, its 3.0.something) syncing with the exchange server (emails recieved as they arrive) and im able to answer calls with no problems, and i havent had the issue with any previous roms, and ive used almost all DCDs roms since 1.6 and the leaked GPS "stock" rom from sprint
the problem people were having wasnt specifically linked to activesync, but just that it wasnt taking calls with any data connection open, i dont recall specifically what rom it was with, ill try to find the thread
Answering the phone
Thanks for your help so far. I guess I should be more specific. What happens is the phone is not in use, it may be syncing but the screen is usually shut off. The phone rings and when you attempt to answer it it seems to mute the incoming call( the phone continues to ring for the caller) until the voicemail kicks in. Again this happens on all 10 of our phones and only since we began syncing over the air with exchange server 2007.

TMobile - Cant get emails over data connection

Hi all,
I flashed my bosses Blackstone/HTC HD with duttys 2.1 rom when it was first released...then upgraded it last week with 2.8.
He then pointed out that his emails were no longer working... there were not pulled down like when on 2.1. However, they all work over wifi just not when its over the data connection...only his ms exchange (emails from his job) actually works. Hotmail and Gmail dont.
I then thought ok, I will download the official rom from HTC...done that and left it on friday. He came in today saying its still the same.
Has anybody else heard of this problem? Any help or advice would appreciated.
Did you make sure the T-Mobile proxy is disabled after you upgraded? I know that stops the HD data connection working straight out of the box with T-Mobile in the UK.
second that, disable the proxy and you'll happily be able to run Skype etc too.
Thanks very much - I can now get email!

100% awake time using Skype 3 CLient

Hello peeps, I posted this in another thread but thought it prudent to create a new thread as well.
I am using an unlocked Hero on the Three Network in the UK, I bought it last month just before they announced that they were releasing the phone with spotify.
Anyway I was able to install the skype client this morning, which, as it was on my old 3 phone, worked perfectly with using any of my minutes.
The issue I know have is that it does not put the phone back to sleep, even after I removed the installation and power cycled my phone... it is awake 100% of the time even after skype has been removed and my power usage has suffered as a result.
I used taskiller to check but skype is not running and I can seem to work out what is running permanently. Any help or ideas (I'm pretty nooby when it comes to this though) would be appreciated.
No such problem here. Just to confirm. Indeed this matter could have been raised in existing thread. Not to worry.
Where can you get the 3 skype client for Hero from? I am currently using the modified iskoot and didn't realise you could get the official 3 skype client now?
cambria83 said:
Where can you get the 3 skype client for Hero from? I am currently using the modified iskoot and didn't realise you could get the official 3 skype client now?
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It's now available on android market, under skype 3 beta I believe. Or you can go to the three website, go to the skype area, select your phone and enter your number and they will send a text message with the address to download from.
Lucan, you're right, after a couple of resets and reinstalls it seems to be ok now...very weird indeed.
I've noticed when dialling a skype contact it actually believes I am dialing someone else and it comes up with another name in the dialled number lists.
Also not getting any contact details when someone dials in from skype, just details as 'skype contact'. I think i can live with this though...
PLease delete this thread if you think it is necessary,
actually, scratch my last comments, it does seem to be chewing power when logged into skype...very frustrating!
Compared to iskoot I and several other have been using in the absense of Skype on 3, it is not too bad. I am sure there will be several releases before final.

Live messenger problem

I can log on live messenger fine, I tried the original rom version and the lastest from the marketplace.
The issue is after a while, say 2 or three hours normally, it will say cannot connect
i tried sign out and sign back in, it will just say "there was a problem signing you in to messenger....."
i tried switch account and setup again, it still the same
the reception here is perfect, i can browse internet at no problem, i can even log on via ebuddy, but just cannot log on via live messenger.
nothing seems to have crashed, i can open and close any programs at no problem at full speed, cpu usage only at 49%, plenty
I need to do a soft reset and every will be fine for another few hours
is there any fix for this or i have to live with it.
thanks alot.
Is there some setting
Ok, I got the answer for this one!.
I usually only read XDA forums, but I haven't seen this answered anywhere so Ill do my best to do it now.
Looks like Windows Live Messenger is kind of bugged. Very bugged actually. Once you get the "cant connect" message, none of the Live apps will be able to connect to the Internet.
This behavior usually happens after 15 minutes of inactivity on the Messenger, or the most common after losing the phone signal, or when the signal is really weak.
The 15 minutes issue can be fixed via registry tweak:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger]
That last DWORD value is equivalent to 1000 minutes. Its 15 by default.
Even tho that will help with the 15 mins inactivity time out, I doesn't help out with the Live services getting completly stuck with the "cant connect" message after losing the signal or internet conection a few times.
What I did to fix it? Easy, I installed Palringo hehe. It gets the work done, looks nice and lets you connect to multiple Chat protocols.
After ditching out MSN Live Messenger, None of my Live services have crashed again.
Hope this helps!
Ya I use palringo too. But on my T-Mobile US HD2 I do not get audio or vibrate notifications when the phone is asleep until after the second or third message received in a row. Does anyone else have this problem?
thanks i will try try

