For those whom had the touchscreen problem with their nexus one, how is it after you hacked the desire rom on it? Thanks guys
Modaco's ROM, alpha 10. Yes, there's still touchscreen calibration problem occasionally, but it feels much less frequent than on stock ROM.
How bad were you having it before? I am trying to figure out is it worth it to root. So far no reason to root, but if they improve the touch screen significantly then yes.
It is gone completely for me since I went to desire. I haven't had one instance since I flashed it and mine was really bad. A great relief for me cause HTC wouldn't give me a replacement.
NexusX said:
For those whom had the touchscreen problem with their nexus one, how is it after you hacked the desire rom on it? Thanks guys
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It's still here,but once or twice a day (big difference than before,it was very bad).You guys think this is a hardware thing,since not everybody has it? This is my second N1 with the problem (the first one ending in 00 and this one in 01).Anyway back in topic yes is alot better after rooting but still here.
Interesting, thank you guys. I hope Google or HTC do something about this, since it seems to be more software???
You should be seeing true t-mobile (US) HTC HD2 updates in this link WHENEVER they are available.
Ain't it weird that it's not showing the update that's already on T-Mo's page, though?...
I think it's because technically it's a T mobile phone now and HTC probably isn't supporting the ROM updates. It's listed under T Mobile brand on Tmos website, so that is why I'm thinking this. My Touch Pro on Sprint got updates from HTC, but it was listed as an HTC phone.
Well my T-mobile TP2 is on the HTC section of the list in that support section, and the official upgrade ROM that came out months ago still isn't I think it may be a case of Tmo and HTC just having an agreement that Tmo handles it's own update releases. Just a guess though.
has anyone flashed the new rom yet? any bugs? i'm out of town and can't flash 'til i get it worth it?
mr8820 said:
has anyone flashed the new rom yet? any bugs? i'm out of town and can't flash 'til i get it worth it?
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ooooohboy there's like 9 different threads going now in this section on that exact subject...polls, arguments, ideas, pontifications, regurgitations, everything you could need.
i just found one after i posted but it was about the leaked one. i'll keep looking!
Please forgive me as I have been searching everywhere online and on the forum for my answer.
I have a HTC Legend (Virgin) that is unlocked - Running on Rogers.
1st Question: Is this phone Rootable? I have heard yes and I have heard no, based on the firmware that it is presently running.
2nd Question: Is it possible if the phone is rooted to flash a Basic 2.2 Android Rom (I personally don't use HTC Sense)
The reason I am asking as HTC Announced that 2.2 Will not be updated until Christmas time.
And Before anyone says I should have bought the NEXUS One - The reason - THE SIZE
That phone is huge, I previously had an Xperia X10, which was TOO Big and I quite like the build quality of the Legend.
Thanks for all your Help! I Greatly Appreciate it!
Yes the phone is rootable, but you're right it depends on what version you currently have installed. Check out the android development section to figure out what you can and can't do.
Froyo at christmas is incorrect.
Htc has said all current devices will have froyo before christmas. However speculation says the legend itself should most likely have it in or around august.
Next, if you manage to root your phone you can talk a look in the android development section(again) for the legend and you will find 1 or 2 froyo roms have been ported semi successfully. They work and run but have a few minor problems.
One is the cyogen mod 6 (I probably spelled it wrong)thread.
You cannot flash a stock version of froyo to the legend, you will have to use one of these roms.
Hope I could help. I'm looking at getting the virgin mobile legend myself soon. are you happy so far?
Thanks for your info! I was just feeling a little overwhelmed with all the info as I am not really up with all the lingo.
To answer your question about the Legend, I love it! The build quality is Superior, it just fits in your hand so nicely, and looks good there as well.
I have had MANY cell phones in the last 5 years (Well over 40...) and this is one that I know I will keep for a long time... More so than the iPhone.
kpms said:
I have a HTC Legend (Virgin) that is unlocked - Running on Rogers.
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How did you unlock it?
Have you debranded it?
Did you succeed with installing 2.2?
kpms said:
Please forgive me as I have been searching everywhere online and on the forum for my answer.
I have a HTC Legend (Virgin) that is unlocked - Running on Rogers.
1st Question: Is this phone Rootable? I have heard yes and I have heard no, based on the firmware that it is presently running.
2nd Question: Is it possible if the phone is rooted to flash a Basic 2.2 Android Rom (I personally don't use HTC Sense)
The reason I am asking as HTC Announced that 2.2 Will not be updated until Christmas time.
And Before anyone says I should have bought the NEXUS One - The reason - THE SIZE
That phone is huge, I previously had an Xperia X10, which was TOO Big and I quite like the build quality of the Legend.
Thanks for all your Help! I Greatly Appreciate it!
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this is what i wanna know because i am in the same position as you anf my root failed.
RomNoR said:
How did you unlock it?
Have you debranded it?
Did you succeed with installing 2.2?
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To be honest I took it to an Unlocking place in Vancouver, It took them aprox 20 min to complete, It still has a few Apps for Virgin/Bell on the phone however no where does it have the Virgin Logo Etc. I use the Rogers APN Settings rogers-core-appl1.apn and it works flawless with 3G
I have not been able to get 2.2 onto this phone at this point, I may just wait until it's pushed out by HTC.
This sounds GR8!
I'm waiting for my Legend to arrive any day, now...
I have a HTC Legend (Virgin) that is unlocked - Running on Rogers.
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Do You know what they did to the phone? To unlock it i mean....
I ordered Wildfire but changed my mind and changed the order to Legend...
A good choice i think...
Been using my KAISER for a looong time now and it's time for a retirement, i think
Just installed Donut Android on my KAISER but it soaks battery so i think i have to revert to WM 6.5 again....
I think i'll use it as a backup phone for some time
Does anyone know if tom tom works on Legend?
The unlock was done through the store so not quite sure on how it was completed. I have seen many websites that offer the unlock.
In regards to TomTom try the Google navigation. It's amazing. Works great and integrates with your contacts and the mapping program quite well. I find the voice to be quite rough. Hopefully they'll allow changes to that after its out is Beta.
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
kpms said:
The unlock was done through the store so not quite sure on how it was completed. I have seen many websites that offer the unlock.
In regards to TomTom try the Google navigation. It's amazing. Works great and integrates with your contacts and the mapping program quite well. I find the voice to be quite rough. Hopefully they'll allow changes to that after its out is Beta.
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
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Doesn't Google Navi go online to get positions?
Could be costly, wouldn't it
I'll try it out though
Tom Tom has the maps in map folder so no online search and so on....
regarding the unlock thingy i guess someone figures it out so we can do it ourselves
Maybe somewhat like the KAISER unlock i guess...
rolfro65 said:
This sounds GR8!
I'm waiting for my Legend to arrive any day, now...
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Where did you buy it?
I bought my legend at Virgin (349 CAD) and am running Rogers as well, to unlock it you need to purchased the unlock code from HTC by providing the phones S/N. Their are lots of places online that will provide the codes for $10-20, I haven't been able to find a free source.
Currently their is no software unlock for this phone.
RomNoR said:
Where did you buy it?
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I bought mine @ three(3)online Swedish site. I first ordered Wildfire but changed the order to Legend..... I'm happy like a baby
I'm confident someone figures out how to unlock it quite soon. It's not branded so i'm searching for a way too unlock it right now... Any ideas, anyone?
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
Heard the n1 has already got froyo..i hope it wont be long for the legend & desire
I have the Virgin Mobile (Canada) HTC Legend and can confirm I was able to successfully unlock it for usage on Fido/Rogers. After this I upgraded the rom using a gold card to a stock HTC rom to remove the Bell/Virgin crapware.
After this I found the downgrade path to 1.31 which has successfully allowed me to have the phone rooted. Now I just need to wait for a good rom to be made with sense. So far all the roms I have tried do have their own issues like, camera problems, pinch zoom functionality...
I cant w8
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
jackblaq said:
I have the Virgin Mobile (Canada) HTC Legend and can confirm I was able to successfully unlock it for usage on Fido/Rogers. After this I upgraded the rom using a gold card to a stock HTC rom to remove the Bell/Virgin crapware.
After this I found the downgrade path to 1.31 which has successfully allowed me to have the phone rooted. Now I just need to wait for a good rom to be made with sense. So far all the roms I have tried do have their own issues like, camera problems, pinch zoom functionality...
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Sounds good, Im going to grab myself one from Virgin soon, except they are all sold out in canada now i currently have a European version, run around edge only but i love it. By the way, where did you find the stock HTC rom?
Spoke with a customer service representative from Sprint while moving my replacement HTC EVO 4G from one phone line to the other and asked if he knew of a way to "down-grade" from Froyo to Eclair. His response was this:
"I checked the information regarding the degradation of HTC Evo software, you can visit our Sprint store to change the software of your HTC EVO to 2.1 . We will change this for you without any cost."
If this has been mentioned before, I apologize. I just got too excited by the news. If it hasn't, then this could just work peeps.
There's a thread somewhere around here on software that sprint stores were getting that was supposed to be available to downgrade to a previous version, because people used what HTC considered a leaked software release, and people who used it were having trouble getting the ota's because of it. I'm thinking that's what they were referring to. Don't know whatever became of it though.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
EyeslikeOlives said:
Spoke with a customer service representative from Sprint while moving my replacement HTC EVO 4G from one phone line to the other and asked if he knew of a way to "down-grade" from Froyo to Eclair. His response was this:
"I checked the information regarding the degradation of HTC Evo software, you can visit our Sprint store to change the software of your HTC EVO to 2.1 . We will change this for you without any cost."
If this has been mentioned before, I apologize. I just got too excited by the news. If it hasn't, then this could just work peeps.
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You got what is commonly known as a "I don't know but I wil tell you what you want to hear" answer.
No, your phone cannot be downgraded. The devs here have the same (in some cases better) tools than the sprint stores.
it is very possible actually, report back if it works though. all it would need is the correctly signed ruu, as i downgraded my 2.1 hero to 1.5 before.
davebu said:
it is very possible actually, report back if it works though. all it would need is the correctly signed ruu, as i downgraded my 2.1 hero to 1.5 before.
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Yes, someone need to just get that RUU from a service center. Won't even have to worry about exploiting Froyo.
HTC is implementing security on the bootloader on all its newer phones, and older phones (while updating the firmware).
the HBOOT of htc is becoming more and more secure day by day, so that in the near future it wont be able for a htc phone to get rooted. if this continues, it will have a great impact on the htc market. its gonna suck. it will also have an impact on the custom rom builders. no more development of custom roms.
lets hope that the hackers will make their work best to get the phones rooted.
why does the manufacturer fail to support rooting. it is like, first they let us purchase an icecream, and then they are taking back the cream over the top, and leaving us with nothing.
wildfire had been the first victim. till now no one can say confidentially that a 2.2 wildfire will be rooted even in the future. wildfire with 2.1 has got many easy rooting procedures, but once updated to 2.2 not even a single rooting process has evolved in 4months of time.
legend seemed to be a victim. but its developers managed to root it (even after froyo update). they havent root official froyo. instead they downgraded frm official froyo to official eclair and then rooted eclair. however, then managed to update to froyo without loosing root. its given in legend forums. may be this process is gonna help someone who is working on rooting wildfire.
aria had been another victim. htc aria got updated to official froyo on 25th feb 2011, and like wildfire it is still waiting for root access.
and the about to release s series htc android devices like wildfire s, desire s, incredible s are all falling under the victim category.
here the link by unrevoked gives u devices categorised by their ability to get rooted.
somewhat better news from unrevoked is that wildfire 2.2 is in temporary unrootable stage, which means it can be rooted in future (same with aria).
so suggesting u to get a root friendly device, if u have an idea of purchasing a new device.
Thats really bad news. And i have the first problem with my new firmware
Rooting often gets peeple to buy the phone due to development and htc is killing this group of people but im sure there not bothered as people will still buy it so they wouldnt loose much.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
really a bad news.. i'm afraid i wouldn't buy a new htc phone yet lol
-Howard- said:
Rooting often gets peeple to buy the phone due to development and htc is killing this group of people but im sure there not bothered as people will still buy it so they wouldnt loose much.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
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Lots of people don`t even know what root means..
*sigh* I never said everyone buying one would want to root. But some people do buy android phonea for there rootability.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA Premium App
Alex_GP said:
Lots of people don`t even know what root means..
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yes i agree with that. i have purchased htc wildfire in november 2010 without having any prior knowledge on rooting. but once purchased, i rooted my phone in november itself using unrevoked. i enjoyed the freedom of custom roms for a month. but at that time there was no huge development in custom roms.
and without any knowledge (that updating looses the ability to get rooted), i have updated to the official froyo. now struck at the froyo. cannot root and cannot even goback to eclair. 4months of waiting without any result. im regretting myself soo badly for making the update. i see there had been a nice development in the custom roms from december. cyanogenmod 7 distributed gingerbread to wildfire. even honeyfire experimental roms are going on. but cant use them on my unrooted phone.
i agree that people dont have a prior knowledge of root when they purchase phone. but once after purchasing, they will definately know about rooting, and if they feel they had made mistake they will regret.
if unrevoked had given this list before, and if i have seen this before, then i wouldnt have purchased wildfire definately.
let us hope to minimise this. let every newbie know about rooting. let them not make mistakes in choosing their phones. and this thread is all meant for that.
HTC morons -- let's think of strategy that will mean fewer people will want our devices -- then go ahead and implement it; short sighted corporate nazi stinking thinking.
So we should only have devices which the company allow us to handle free. So WE decide what to do with the devices. Noone else. This is a clear selling point from the company.
HTC s off and I have rooted, any help??
Sent from my HTC Bee using XDA App
I have rooted and have one of the newer HTC wildfire phones, but realize get c7 on I need the security to be s off and been everywhere, on internet,any simple solution??
Sent from my HTC Bee using XDA App
roddinready said:
I have rooted and have one of the newer HTC wildfire phones, but realize get c7 on I need the security to be s off and been everywhere, on internet,any simple solution??
Sent from my HTC Bee using XDA App
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seems like u have used xtc clip for s-off.
and for installing custom roms, the requirements will be ur phone needs to be rooted and a custom recovery installed.
i dont think one should have s-off on wildfire to install custom roms.
roddinready said:
Sent from my HTC Bee using XDA App
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Bee != Wildfire.
Pretty sure you cannot get Custom ROMs even if you have root because there is no Custom Recovery yet for the Bee.
3xeno said:
Bee != Wildfire.
Pretty sure you cannot get Custom ROMs even if you have root because there is no Custom Recovery yet for the Bee.
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yeah... [bee = cdma wildfire]
nice point over there.
I have xtc clip but no Sims card to use for the cable??so I have the clip to use and goldcard image ready any other way to use the clip?? Maybe thru computer??rerouting any solution?? S off to get c7 guys
I assume that my phone does not have a Sims card access unless I go further in by taking cover off the hardware inside??
Your fone should have a sim card slot or it wouldn't really be a fone now,p the card slot is usually under the battery compartment with a visible image of a sim card indicating where it should go
Sent from my HTC Wildfire Full guide to use the XTC clip