Bluetooth GPS COM port does not stay selected - HD2 General

The crappy HTC BT stack from HD2 strikes again. I have an external GPS unit and I mapped it on COM2 port. Now every time I try to use that port from a GPS program (like GPSTool or iGo) the damn selection dialog pops up asking me to select WHICH comm port do I want to use?! THERE IS ONLY ONE!!!!
The worse thing is that I don't have a way to change to this external GPS for the whole OS: The External GPS settings dialog doesn't seem to have any effect.
I am using the latest EnergyROM but I believe this problem is also present in the official ROMs.
Any ideas? Thanks!

Same problem here. I sent a request to the HTC support today. Damn WIDCOMM Bluetooth-Stack.
Look at this thread: 632159 (I am not allowed to post direct links )

You have to change the 'GPS driver' selection in the registry.
It's in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Immediate Driver\Drivers\CurrentDriver
You can modify my cab for yourself. I'm releasing a GUI selector for this in CamerAwareBuddy sometime soon. I'm sure somebody make one before also.
HOWEVER, this doesn't disable the useless COM port confirmation each time.

Something that might be interesting for this problem:


How to use the WM5 GPS App?

Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
WM5 GPS Application
Hi Chris!
I have an O2 XDA Mini S and i am missing the GPS Menue in WM5 and i think it would be helpfull in connecting with my GPS Bluetooth receiver.
It sounds that you know how it is activated so that i can try some changes. Would be nice to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
ßeta said:
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I tried your soluce but it doesn't work on my Qtek9100 (Orange SPV M3000). The registry key is changed as shown, but after a soft reset, the "redirect" key reappears and my modifcations are not applied.
Does anyone have an idea ? :roll:
you must make sure that the changes are saved after the registry changes
otherwise as you say nothing happens
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
Is anybody able to help with my original question?
Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
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lskb: I don't use GPS and don't have one, but I enabled the GPS settings page anyway.
It seems fairly descriptive to me, but I would guess, the Programs page basically deals with programs that have difficulty connecting to certain com ports (ie it's used for com port redirection).
So eg, if TomTom MUST be configured to a GPS receiver on COM2, set your settings in the Programs tab to COM2.
Hardware is the actual "physical" com port the gps receiver is linked to. Again, depends on your bluetooth setup/hardware pairing. But eg if your GPS receiver is connected to COM4, set this to COM4. Baud will typically be dictated by your software/hardware setup.
Access is for apps that don't like sharing the bluetooth/GPS receiver. Leave it as it is, ensure the first two tabs are correct, and if you're having troubles but you're certain they're Tab 1 and 2 are correct, or you know for a fact other people have found it helpful, untick the Access checkbox.
Thanks for that, but I have a question. When you say hardware, you mean something phyiscally connected to the Wizard or by a bluetooth connection? If you mean the latter, then I am not sure that that is correct as the range of selectable baud rates looks wrong.
Thus, my bluetooth gps is installed on an outgoing com port 6 in the bluetooth settings area. The baud rate specified for my gps is 38400. Am I supposed to set the hardware com port to 6 (despite the fact that it is already set in the bluetooth area)? And if yes, how do I set the baud rate, as 38400 is not capable of selection....
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
well, i have exactly sam eproblems like Iskb. I set the hardware port to com 6. (Vario and Navilock BT unit). Then, when i am trying to connect to my BT module, there is no chance to establish the connection at this given port. I am forced to choose another one (ie COM7). I thought that the GPS manager would work in some way like GPSgate do, but it seems not to be true
make sure in the original com port area the bt modem is not listed on any port,
after you have enabled the com port in the new gps icon and then selected it in the navigator software, change the new gps icon port back to none, and then you can create a "New Outgoing Port" using the original com ports link.
hope this makes sense to somebody :?:

CellTracker Alternative

I don't know where else to post this....I found this while looking for an alternative to the SPV Developers CellTracker app. It's an app called NiceTrack...the screenshots tell the rest of the story:
Background info:
Download: (Version 1.2)
The source code for that app can also be downloaded from the Background Info link.
The SPV Developers CellTracker app (Beta version only, hasn't been updated since December) for PocketPCs is located at the way bottom of the page:
NiceTrack updates the tower changes in real-time whereas CellTracker does not. NiceTrack also shows the dbm signal strength on a cool chart and it also includes a logging function that allows you to rename the cells your phone has connected to while the app is active.
Signal strength chart:
Here are a couple hints based on my experience so far:
1) In order to fully save the renamed/logged cell sites, you must first tap Save next to where you renamed the cell site. Then you must also tap Options/Menu --> Save (extreme lower left) to save all changes since the app was launched.
2) Use Menu --> Exit to completely close the app.
I have tested this for use on my MDA II w/Windows Mobile 2003. I don't know if the app is compatible with WM5 PPCs or regular Windows Mobile smartphones.
Thanks for posting.
This software has been discussed before, and it is great:
However, I believe people are having difficulty converting it to WM5 (when I last checked). But great stuff either way.
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site
Let me know how y'all get on.
Good stuff sharpstuff Wish I had a gps!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site
Let me know how y'all get on.
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Sharpstuff, you have an excellent app here. I had to search for a bit to find it but in the end, I'm quite glad to have it . I also like the pun you have for your's quite distinctive since even as a German-American, I know when someone says "cuppa", they normally mean the cup of tea .
Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to develop such a great and invaluable app .
oooh.. *bookmark*
Do you have a regular Donate button somewhere? I see the shop, but I'd rather just get X amount straight to you, and not have to be awoken by some crazy delivery guy at 8am for a mug
Thanks for the kind thought...
But, I enjoy doing this stuff, so just click my google ads and I'm happy!
Got this to work on my 8125, almost... Clicking on 'add' under events causes it to crash with the following error:
....bummer - so close!
You need to select an event type eg. "Flash backlight" then click "add"..
Needs some validation there.. Plus, the events side of things isn't very useful at the moment, I need to implement some more event types.
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
Also a Qtek9100, EN - found it on COM9 just fine
What would be really neat would be an event "Show Picture". That way it would be easy to make a make-shift map tracking thing. Simply grab a picture of the map off the internet, plunge a big dot on the map where you got the cell, save as image, and have that image displayed when entering that cell %) GIF files on the storage card, shouldn't take up too much space
Alternatively a full-fledged mapping thing could be developed, but that's a lot more work *nod*
@sharpstuff hey I installed it on my XDA EXEC, but when it scans for com and reaches com9 it just freezes...any ideas?
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
stop being sorry and add that donate button *keeps clicking google ads once a day but hopes google won't start ignoring his IP address for excessive clicking...*
N!co said:
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
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After a soft reset its working fine on COM9. Nice app.!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
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So is Release 1.3b a partial fix for WM5 users? I installed it on my MDA II and it detects my modem on COM2 without any problems. Both 1.2 and 1.3 seem to work on WM2003 PPCs.
Yep, it's an intermediate release. Basically, it reminds the user on startup to set the Com port in settings
I'm working on v1.4 at present, this has more error checking on the GSM code, and multi-threaded com port detection so the whole app doesn't hang
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
ZeBoxx said:
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
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I get that messagebox at random even after I closed the app and its not in the list of running programs. Strange...

There HAS to be an easier way to set up TomTom GPS? Surely?!

Ive installed my TomTom and its all working now, I can browse through the map and its all good. BUT! Im not recieving any GPS?
I read through a few posts about how to make it work and there was lengthy talk of downloading things to hijack my phone or something?
I thought TomTom was supposed to be compatible with the MDA Vario? Surely there should just be an option to say, CONNECT!
If anyone can explain the simplest way for it to work I would be very happy, Im using tomtom5.2
Well I just installed my TomTom yesterday and connected succesfully with my BT GPS Reciever.
What you have to do is : Enable your BT through the Soft button on the left, or by going to "Start" then "Settings" then "Connecting Tab", click on Bluetooth icon, check the "Bluetooth Enable" ( my device is in german language, maybe I write wrong translation for the words ) then below hit the devices tab, click on the New to check for any near BT device... When your PPC recognises your GPS, click and hold on it in the list, then choose edit (am not sure about the right word since mine is in german lang.) check the Seriel connect... , save it, then you goes back to BT devices list, now below hit the "COM-connects" now you see in a list two lines, choose the first one ( should begin with the word "New..." then choose COM 6 for your BT GPS, save all this... Go to your TomTom and start it, there you have to go to GPS settings and choose the same COM, in our case it is "COM 6", that's it... TomTom should now recognises your GPS.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, I think Im getting somewhere...
I have went onto
new partnership
but all it is finding is something called HOME-C8P8OHXESF ?
When I try and hold down on this and edit it has a section that says
Select services to use from this device
But there is no options to click on ?
Well, the device name that your wizard found doesn't look like a gps, but who knows, maybe this is it's modell's name.
Well I found this tutorial from the TomTom sit itself abou how to configure your GPS to work in any PPC that runs WM5 :
I hope this helps.

Using multiple GPS apps simultaneously - A small investigation

Searched all forums for ( GSP , Comports, Multple, split comport, duplex )
I have no troubles using any GPS app on my Universal (MDA Pro)
However, using...... GPS gate (buyware)
....or the free GPS splitter that comes with
Microsoft Virtual Earth Mobile (freeware, GPS icon suddenly appears under settings-connections after install of Microsoft Virtual Earth Mobile,
....or app found at (browse to portsplitter)
i am still unable to successfully run two GPS apps at the same time.
Don't get me wrong, I DO succeed in getting two GPS apps READ the data.
Both apps will show connection , for instance TomTom together with my own app PocketReperion, but tried with Visualgpsce and a lot of other apps too.
Symptoms : Even though successfull in setting up various comsplitters to send data to 1 virtual port, and have multiple GPS application accessing them, I am unable to get that situation stable.
So the concept on a lot if ISO layers has been proven, why the hell doesn't it work for longer that say a minute, 4 minutes, not at all, 10 seconds...
It seems that most comsplit apps are rather "reset" intensive (tested on clean device) and even when it does work for a while something will lockup and a reset is again necessary.
Does anybody use the blue GPS icon (free after install virtual earth mobile) to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Does anybody use GPSGATE to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Does anybody use the PortSplitter linked to split ports and if so what is your setup ?
Please share your thought and expierences with me as I really really want to solve this issue. Be it for my "own" app, but also for all the other ones out there.
GPS port splitting multiple GPS apps on 1 receiver
Small BUMP : Doesn't anyone use portsplitting in whatever form, or am I really the UeBerGEEK here ?
It Works !!
All I had to do is download portsplitter as discussed in the other threads, HOWEVER......
Instead of what manuals seem to say, even from other softwarez like GPSGate, create TWO or more VIRTUAL ports in PORTSPLITTER!! Connect each GPS app to a DIFFERENT VIRTUAL PORT.
Also, when pairing and configuring your GPS, try taking a high Comport like 9. Go down one if no success.
Then when configuring PORTSPLITTER, don't be alarmed that your COMPORT isn't in the drop down list, MANUALLY enter "COMx" without the usual ":" where x stands for a number..the high real COM portnumber you configured when pairing/setting up.
You must use your keyboard or the stylus to manually enter the Comport if it is not in your dropdown list in PORTSPLITTER..
for speedreaders :
use highest physical COMport available to pair your GPS
Define TWO virtual ports (instead of what seems to be written everywhere or am I really lame?)
Connect each Application to different virtual ports
My setup on a T-Mobile MDA Vario II (with Cingular ROM)
Physical Port 9
Virtual Ports in PORTSPLITTER 4,8
Hardware COMport in PORTSPLITTER (COM9 had to manually enter it, it was unavailable from drop down.... .... ...)
TomTom Navigator mapped to virtual COM8 (Didn't show up in TOMTOM until PORTSPLITTER running and connected to GPS.. ..)
Reperion *sweet favorite GPS app" mapped to Virtual COMPort 4 (Reperion eats all ports, no problems there....)
Please o please report...

[new release] btIO - A WM5 Tray Bluetooth Mode Switcher

Hi folks,
let me first explain why I made this code:
I have a Universal and an Audi A4 with integrated BT-Handsfree. I normaly use a plantronics headset with my UNI.
Now when I'm in my car and I switch off my headset, the UNI connects to the car's handfree unit.
Somehow the UNI and the Audi Handsfree doesn't play well together and sometimes there where connection problem during voice calls. This behaviour made me think about what the problem can be and I detected that if I switch off bluetooth on my UNI and then reenable it everything is fine. When I then leave the car and turn on my headset I had the same problem. The headset was not able to reconnect to the UNI until I turned off and reenabled bluetooth on my Universal.
I was unsatisfied with the fact that I had to go through the bluetooth settings everytime when I just want to toggle the bluetooth mode and so I worte the attached code.
Now to the program itself:
The cab installs btIO.exe to \Program Files\btIO and creates a shortcut in the autostart folder.
After starting it resides in the tray. It has three icons:
Green BT-Icon = BT is enabled and discoverable
White BT-Icon = BT is enabled and connectable (non discoverable)
Red BT-Icon = BT is switched off
You can toggle between connectable and OFF by simply clicking the icon.
If you tap'n'hold the icon a menu appears and lets you choos between all modes.
That's it.
I'm aware that there are other programs like this, but this one fit's my needs and thus I thought I share it with others.
Enjoy it, it's freeware.
Smartphone version of btIO just released
Hi folks,
on popular demand I created a version of btIO for Smartphones.
It's currently not as "feature rich" as the ppc version. However, it does simply what it should, it switches the bluetooth radio to different states.
- initial release
- Unzip and simply copy the exe file to your smartphone
- Uppon execution it will lookup the current bluetooth state and change it and notify you of the new state
- If current BT state is OFF it will switch it to CONNECTABLE
- If current BT state is CONNECTABLE it will switch it to DISCOVERABLE
- If current BT state is DISCOVERABLE it will switch it off
There is no indication icon, nor is it running in the background and eating ressources. You simly execute it, it changes the BT state and exits...
That's it. I think it should be called by some kind of launcher or via shortcut...
If you think you have a good idea for improvement or found a bug, just drop me a line or post here.
Get it from here:
As always: Enjoy, it's freeware
i can recommend this as VERY good batterystatus bt icon replacement.
nothin said:
i can recommend this as VERY good batterystatus bt icon replacement.
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ahem... OK, did you find a feature in btIO I'm not aware of?
c0rnholio said:
Hi folks,
let me first explain why I made this code:
I have a Universal and an Audi A4 with integrated BT-Handsfree. I normaly use a plantronics headset with my UNI.
Now when I'm in my car and I switch off my headset, the UNI connects to the car's handfree unit.
Somehow the UNI and the Audi Handsfree doesn't play well together and sometimes there where connection problem during voice calls. This behaviour made me think about what the problem can be and I detected that if I switch off bluetooth on my UNI and then reenable it everything is fine. When I then leave the car and turn on my headset I had the same problem. The headset was not able to reconnect to the UNI until I turned off and reenabled bluetooth on my Universal.
I was unsatisfied with the fact that I had to go through the bluetooth settings everytime when I just want to toggle the bluetooth mode and so I worte the attached code.
Now to the program itself:
The cab installs btIO.exe to \Program Files\btIO and creates a shortcut in the autostart folder.
After starting it resides in the tray. It has three icons:
Green BT-Icon = BT is enabled and discoverable
White BT-Icon = BT is enabled and connectable (non discoverable)
Red BT-Icon = BT is switched off
You can toggle between connectable and OFF by simply clicking the icon.
If you tap'n'hold the icon a menu appears and lets you choos between all modes.
That's it.
I'm aware that there are other programs like this, but this one fit's my needs and thus I thought I share it with others.
Enjoy it, it's freeware.
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Fine app mate.
Can you give some explanation on all the other features when I pop up the menu? Tried a number of them without getting any response, so don't know how the others work, except for the first few selections.
zard said:
Fine app mate.
Can you give some explanation on all the other features when I pop up the menu? Tried a number of them without getting any response, so don't know how the others work, except for the first few selections.
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The PPC version has the following options (I'll drop the first 3):
- Audio2BT
Routes the device-audio to the bluetooth device (headset or handsfree).
NOTE: This is not meant to work for A2DP connections.
- Audio2Device
Returns the audio back to the device
Establishes a gateway control channel with the bluetooth device. This means that a connection to the headset or handsfree is established, but audio is currently not routed. If you are afraid about battery drain, you can close the GCC with the next option. This will not prevent the proper function of your headset or handsfree, it will just take a second on an incoming call until the connection is established again. You can accomplish permanent power saving with a registry option under:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\AudioGateway and set PowerSave to 1 and make a softreset
This setting will automaticly close the control channel after each call.
Closes the gateway control channel to save battery power
- BTSettingsCPL
Goes to the Bluetooth settings control panel
Excellent Program
Thanks...this is a wonderful program for my p3300. I no longer have to use BlueMusic to send music to my BT set. Good set of controls. I like it very much and strongly recommended.
Foods for thoughts: can we removed the exit command from the menu? Why does anyone want to exit this wonderful program is beyond me.
Can we have the menu popup when the icon is clicked? Right now, we have to press and hold for the menu. These are just comestic inputs only.
HaiLe512 said:
Thanks...this is a wonderful program for my p3300. I no longer have to use BlueMusic to send music to my BT set. Good set of controls. I like it very much and strongly recommended.
Foods for thoughts: can we removed the exit command from the menu? Why does anyone want to exit this wonderful program is beyond me.
Can we have the menu popup when the icon is clicked? Right now, we have to press and hold for the menu. These are just comestic inputs only.
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You're welcome mate,
well about the exit button: If I'll drop it, one will need to have a taskmanager to colse the app. I personaly "hate" programs that don't give me the option to be closed.
About the popup: btIO is meant to give a speedy way to enable or disable bluetooth. Thus, if you tap the icon bluetooth will be switched to CONNECTABLE (but invisble). If you click it again bluetooth will be disabled. This is the reason why you have to tap'n'hold to get the rest of the options. I can implement something that you might be able to change this behaviour with a registry entry.
I have a new version (0.6) in the pipe which has some new features for audio control. It will let you choose between mute, vibrate and on. I implemented this because I got myself a HERMES and wanted a quick way to control audio with the jog-wheel. It also changes the popup menu. Items can now be checked instead of having double options for ON and OFF.
Will be released soon.
btIO v0.6 and WiFiIO v0.2 for testers is out
I've just put version 0.6 for PPC2003 and WM5 online. Both are for Pocket PC only.
Version for PPC2003 is here:
Version for WM5 is here:
The only difference is that the WM5 version also has options for Mute/Vibrate/SND-ON. I've found no reference for doing the same for 2003 devices so currently sound control is not available for 2003 devices.
New features:
- Changed the menu: Now there are checkable items instead of 2 items for ON/OFF
- Added SpeedToggle function:
-- If SpeedToggle is enabled btIO behaves like before. Means: tapping on the icon will switch BT ON/OFF, tap'n'hold will display the menu.
-- If SpeedToggle is disabled and you tap on the trayicon the menu appears. If you tap'n'hold it will switch ON/OFF
The second app I put online is wifiIO, which is the same like btIO just for the WiFi interface. The initial release had a bug which led to a high cpu load when wifi was on and the device went into sleep mode. This is fixed so it should now be save to use it.
It will work for the following two WiFi NICs:
wifiIO is currently working on the following devices (as I'm aware of):
HTC Hermes with WM5/6
HTC Athena with WM5/6
It is NOT working on the following device:
HTC Wizard
HTC Prophet
You can find WiFiIO here:
Read more on wifiIO here:
Please report back if everthing is working as expected.
hello c0rnholio,
great little utilities. extremely handy. 1 request, can you add 1 more menu item to set audio to a2dp? that will make this bt tool complete! Thanks.
i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.
c0rnholio said:
I've just put version 0.6 for PPC2003 and WM5 online. Both are for Pocket PC only.
Version for PPC2003 is here:
Version for WM5 is here:
The only difference is that the WM5 version also has options for Mute/Vibrate/SND-ON. I've found no reference for doing the same for 2003 devices so currently sound control is not available for 2003 devices.
New features:
- Changed the menu: Now there are checkable items instead of 2 items for ON/OFF
- Added SpeedToggle function:
-- If SpeedToggle is enabled btIO behaves like before. Means: tapping on the icon will switch BT ON/OFF, tap'n'hold will display the menu.
-- If SpeedToggle is disabled and you tap on the trayicon the menu appears. If you tap'n'hold it will switch ON/OFF
The second app I put online is wifiIO, which is the same like btIO just for the WiFi interface. The initial release had a bug which led to a high cpu load when wifi was on and the device went into sleep mode. This is fixed so it should now be save to use it.
It will work for the following two WiFi NICs:
You can find WiFiIO here:
Please report back if everthing is working as expected.
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Click to collapse installed but I don't see the icon at tray like the BTIO. I even tried running the wifiIO executable file and also uninstalled BTIO but still no use.
zard said: installed but I don't see the icon at tray like the BTIO. I even tried running the wifiIO executable file and also uninstalled BTIO but still no use.
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Which device and OS do you have?
bull_do3er said:
i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.
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I'll take a look...
c0rnholio said:
Which device and OS do you have?
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O2 IIs with Helmi's WM6 R0 Rom.
zard said:
O2 IIs with Helmi's WM6 R0 Rom.
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Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
Can you take a look in the following registry key and tell me what you see?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?
bull_do3er said:
i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.
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Can you also please look in the registry and tell me what is there?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?
c0rnholio said:
Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
Can you take a look in the following registry key and tell me what you see?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?
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Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
- tiacxwin Compatible Wireless Ethernet
- {98c5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}\TIACXWLN1
zard said:
Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
- tiacxwin Compatible Wireless Ethernet
- {98c5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}\TIACXWLN1
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OK, that one definately fits...
Could you please redownload and try to run it again? Made some correction in the code which where left in for debugging.
c0rnholio said:
OK, that one definately fits...
Could you please redownload and try to run it again? Made some correction in the code which where left in for debugging.
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Downloaded, tried but still the same.

