[new release] btIO - A WM5 Tray Bluetooth Mode Switcher - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi folks,
let me first explain why I made this code:
I have a Universal and an Audi A4 with integrated BT-Handsfree. I normaly use a plantronics headset with my UNI.
Now when I'm in my car and I switch off my headset, the UNI connects to the car's handfree unit.
Somehow the UNI and the Audi Handsfree doesn't play well together and sometimes there where connection problem during voice calls. This behaviour made me think about what the problem can be and I detected that if I switch off bluetooth on my UNI and then reenable it everything is fine. When I then leave the car and turn on my headset I had the same problem. The headset was not able to reconnect to the UNI until I turned off and reenabled bluetooth on my Universal.
I was unsatisfied with the fact that I had to go through the bluetooth settings everytime when I just want to toggle the bluetooth mode and so I worte the attached code.
Now to the program itself:
The cab installs btIO.exe to \Program Files\btIO and creates a shortcut in the autostart folder.
After starting it resides in the tray. It has three icons:
Green BT-Icon = BT is enabled and discoverable
White BT-Icon = BT is enabled and connectable (non discoverable)
Red BT-Icon = BT is switched off
You can toggle between connectable and OFF by simply clicking the icon.
If you tap'n'hold the icon a menu appears and lets you choos between all modes.
That's it.
I'm aware that there are other programs like this, but this one fit's my needs and thus I thought I share it with others.
Enjoy it, it's freeware.
Homepage: http://www.silentservices.de/btIO.html

Smartphone version of btIO just released
Hi folks,
on popular demand I created a version of btIO for Smartphones.
It's currently not as "feature rich" as the ppc version. However, it does simply what it should, it switches the bluetooth radio to different states.
- initial release
- Unzip and simply copy the exe file to your smartphone
- Uppon execution it will lookup the current bluetooth state and change it and notify you of the new state
- If current BT state is OFF it will switch it to CONNECTABLE
- If current BT state is CONNECTABLE it will switch it to DISCOVERABLE
- If current BT state is DISCOVERABLE it will switch it off
There is no indication icon, nor is it running in the background and eating ressources. You simly execute it, it changes the BT state and exits...
That's it. I think it should be called by some kind of launcher or via shortcut...
If you think you have a good idea for improvement or found a bug, just drop me a line or post here.
Get it from here: http://www.silentservices.de/btIO.html
As always: Enjoy, it's freeware

i can recommend this as VERY good batterystatus bt icon replacement.

nothin said:
i can recommend this as VERY good batterystatus bt icon replacement.
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ahem... OK, did you find a feature in btIO I'm not aware of?

c0rnholio said:
Hi folks,
let me first explain why I made this code:
I have a Universal and an Audi A4 with integrated BT-Handsfree. I normaly use a plantronics headset with my UNI.
Now when I'm in my car and I switch off my headset, the UNI connects to the car's handfree unit.
Somehow the UNI and the Audi Handsfree doesn't play well together and sometimes there where connection problem during voice calls. This behaviour made me think about what the problem can be and I detected that if I switch off bluetooth on my UNI and then reenable it everything is fine. When I then leave the car and turn on my headset I had the same problem. The headset was not able to reconnect to the UNI until I turned off and reenabled bluetooth on my Universal.
I was unsatisfied with the fact that I had to go through the bluetooth settings everytime when I just want to toggle the bluetooth mode and so I worte the attached code.
Now to the program itself:
The cab installs btIO.exe to \Program Files\btIO and creates a shortcut in the autostart folder.
After starting it resides in the tray. It has three icons:
Green BT-Icon = BT is enabled and discoverable
White BT-Icon = BT is enabled and connectable (non discoverable)
Red BT-Icon = BT is switched off
You can toggle between connectable and OFF by simply clicking the icon.
If you tap'n'hold the icon a menu appears and lets you choos between all modes.
That's it.
I'm aware that there are other programs like this, but this one fit's my needs and thus I thought I share it with others.
Enjoy it, it's freeware.
Homepage: http://www.silentservices.de/btIO.html
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Fine app mate.
Can you give some explanation on all the other features when I pop up the menu? Tried a number of them without getting any response, so don't know how the others work, except for the first few selections.

zard said:
Fine app mate.
Can you give some explanation on all the other features when I pop up the menu? Tried a number of them without getting any response, so don't know how the others work, except for the first few selections.
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The PPC version has the following options (I'll drop the first 3):
- Audio2BT
Routes the device-audio to the bluetooth device (headset or handsfree).
NOTE: This is not meant to work for A2DP connections.
- Audio2Device
Returns the audio back to the device
Establishes a gateway control channel with the bluetooth device. This means that a connection to the headset or handsfree is established, but audio is currently not routed. If you are afraid about battery drain, you can close the GCC with the next option. This will not prevent the proper function of your headset or handsfree, it will just take a second on an incoming call until the connection is established again. You can accomplish permanent power saving with a registry option under:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\AudioGateway and set PowerSave to 1 and make a softreset
This setting will automaticly close the control channel after each call.
Closes the gateway control channel to save battery power
- BTSettingsCPL
Goes to the Bluetooth settings control panel

Excellent Program
Thanks...this is a wonderful program for my p3300. I no longer have to use BlueMusic to send music to my BT set. Good set of controls. I like it very much and strongly recommended.
Foods for thoughts: can we removed the exit command from the menu? Why does anyone want to exit this wonderful program is beyond me.
Can we have the menu popup when the icon is clicked? Right now, we have to press and hold for the menu. These are just comestic inputs only.

HaiLe512 said:
Thanks...this is a wonderful program for my p3300. I no longer have to use BlueMusic to send music to my BT set. Good set of controls. I like it very much and strongly recommended.
Foods for thoughts: can we removed the exit command from the menu? Why does anyone want to exit this wonderful program is beyond me.
Can we have the menu popup when the icon is clicked? Right now, we have to press and hold for the menu. These are just comestic inputs only.
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You're welcome mate,
well about the exit button: If I'll drop it, one will need to have a taskmanager to colse the app. I personaly "hate" programs that don't give me the option to be closed.
About the popup: btIO is meant to give a speedy way to enable or disable bluetooth. Thus, if you tap the icon bluetooth will be switched to CONNECTABLE (but invisble). If you click it again bluetooth will be disabled. This is the reason why you have to tap'n'hold to get the rest of the options. I can implement something that you might be able to change this behaviour with a registry entry.
I have a new version (0.6) in the pipe which has some new features for audio control. It will let you choose between mute, vibrate and on. I implemented this because I got myself a HERMES and wanted a quick way to control audio with the jog-wheel. It also changes the popup menu. Items can now be checked instead of having double options for ON and OFF.
Will be released soon.

btIO v0.6 and WiFiIO v0.2 for testers is out
I've just put version 0.6 for PPC2003 and WM5 online. Both are for Pocket PC only.
Version for PPC2003 is here:
Version for WM5 is here:
The only difference is that the WM5 version also has options for Mute/Vibrate/SND-ON. I've found no reference for doing the same for 2003 devices so currently sound control is not available for 2003 devices.
New features:
- Changed the menu: Now there are checkable items instead of 2 items for ON/OFF
- Added SpeedToggle function:
-- If SpeedToggle is enabled btIO behaves like before. Means: tapping on the icon will switch BT ON/OFF, tap'n'hold will display the menu.
-- If SpeedToggle is disabled and you tap on the trayicon the menu appears. If you tap'n'hold it will switch ON/OFF
The second app I put online is wifiIO, which is the same like btIO just for the WiFi interface. The initial release had a bug which led to a high cpu load when wifi was on and the device went into sleep mode. This is fixed so it should now be save to use it.
It will work for the following two WiFi NICs:
wifiIO is currently working on the following devices (as I'm aware of):
HTC Hermes with WM5/6
HTC Athena with WM5/6
It is NOT working on the following device:
HTC Wizard
HTC Prophet
You can find WiFiIO here:
Read more on wifiIO here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1561339&postcount=65
Please report back if everthing is working as expected.

hello c0rnholio,
great little utilities. extremely handy. 1 request, can you add 1 more menu item to set audio to a2dp? that will make this bt tool complete! Thanks.

i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.

c0rnholio said:
I've just put version 0.6 for PPC2003 and WM5 online. Both are for Pocket PC only.
Version for PPC2003 is here:
Version for WM5 is here:
The only difference is that the WM5 version also has options for Mute/Vibrate/SND-ON. I've found no reference for doing the same for 2003 devices so currently sound control is not available for 2003 devices.
New features:
- Changed the menu: Now there are checkable items instead of 2 items for ON/OFF
- Added SpeedToggle function:
-- If SpeedToggle is enabled btIO behaves like before. Means: tapping on the icon will switch BT ON/OFF, tap'n'hold will display the menu.
-- If SpeedToggle is disabled and you tap on the trayicon the menu appears. If you tap'n'hold it will switch ON/OFF
The second app I put online is wifiIO, which is the same like btIO just for the WiFi interface. The initial release had a bug which led to a high cpu load when wifi was on and the device went into sleep mode. This is fixed so it should now be save to use it.
It will work for the following two WiFi NICs:
You can find WiFiIO here:
Please report back if everthing is working as expected.
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wifiIO-0.2.cab installed but I don't see the icon at tray like the BTIO. I even tried running the wifiIO executable file and also uninstalled BTIO but still no use.

zard said:
wifiIO-0.2.cab installed but I don't see the icon at tray like the BTIO. I even tried running the wifiIO executable file and also uninstalled BTIO but still no use.
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Which device and OS do you have?

bull_do3er said:
i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.
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I'll take a look...

c0rnholio said:
Which device and OS do you have?
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O2 IIs with Helmi's WM6 R0 Rom.

zard said:
O2 IIs with Helmi's WM6 R0 Rom.
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Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
Can you take a look in the following registry key and tell me what you see?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?

bull_do3er said:
i tried the wifiIO on my htc prophet and gullum prophet touch wm6 vii rom and it didnt work. Keep getting the error message "Sorry, no WLAN Hardware found"
I am pretty sure my prophet is using the TNETWLN NIC. Help. i am well impressed by these small utilities.
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Can you also please look in the registry and tell me what is there?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?

c0rnholio said:
Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
Can you take a look in the following registry key and tell me what you see?
There should be something beginning with {98c5250D... and so on. Can you tell me what is coming after the closing of this string?
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Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
- tiacxwin Compatible Wireless Ethernet
- {98c5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}\TIACXWLN1

zard said:
Do you know which WiFi hardware is built in?
- tiacxwin Compatible Wireless Ethernet
- {98c5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}\TIACXWLN1
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OK, that one definately fits...
Could you please redownload and try to run it again? Made some correction in the code which where left in for debugging.

c0rnholio said:
OK, that one definately fits...
Could you please redownload and try to run it again? Made some correction in the code which where left in for debugging.
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Downloaded, tried but still the same.


Some JASJAR tips and tricks

I've been playing with the registry of my JASJAR and have found a few tips I will share.
WM5 built in GPS control panel
For some reason this is not active in the settings of the JASJAR. To make it visible do the following:
Fire up a registry editor
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
MS Voice Command activation from BT headset
Now this one is sweet and makes the JASJAR the daddy for voice commands.
Install Voice Command to the default location.
Fire up a registry editor
Modify the string marked "path" from the default \Windows\SDDialer.exe to \Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCMD.exe
Now, when you press your BT headset connect button, MS Voice command will fire up and take commands through the headset. It's reponses will be played through the headset too.
Hope you like them.
Is the JASJAR rom upgradable traditoonaly (SD upgrade, USB method? )?
Assuming you have wwe version could you dump the rom and upload it?
I am planning to buy a Tawiwanies JASJAR and change to English version can somebody help with tips / tools etc ?
THx, great peace of register changing !!! :lol:
It would appear that voice command doesn't operate when the device is in closed mode. Works fine in PDA mode, or mini laptop mode.
Not sure why at this point as it gives the *bing-bong* sound to indicate it's waiting for a command, but nothing happens.
Any ideas?
It appears that the GPS control panel was hidden because it does actually not work.
I paired my Emtac BT GPS with my JasJar and selected "outgoing com port 4". TomTom7 only lists com7 so I am trying to use the GPS control panel to connect the GPS com4 to Com7 but TomTom continues to indicate NO GPS. As I can not select com4 in TT5, I am unable to use TT5! Any suggestions are VERY WELCOME.
I also tried other software GPSDash2 and have the same results. This software does allow me to select com4 and provides me with a connection. When I select com7, I get nothing.
Has anybody tried this? Any suggestions?
GPS Dash works for me in WiFiFoFum.
Can't get anythng to work in TomTom though.
Well I have navman Smart ST, and couldnt even get it to install in order to test it. There goes a $700 AUD investment, cant even use it, bugger not that it worked well anyway with WM2003SE, it worked fine on the original WM2003, but not any further releases. Anybody want a NAVMAN product?
rilot said:
MS Voice Command activation from BT headset
Now this one is sweet and makes the JASJAR the daddy for voice commands.
Install Voice Command to the default location.
Fire up a registry editor
Modify the string marked "path" from the default \Windows\SDDialer.exe to \Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCMD.exe
Now, when you press your BT headset connect button, MS Voice command will fire up and take commands through the headset. It's reponses will be played through the headset too.
Hope you like them.
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This works excellent. Thank you. But you have to give the voice commands directly to the device. The headset doesn't pick up the voice commands and it starts working as sonn as the call has been established. Any idea on how to give the voice commands through the headset? I've also tried with the carkit and same problem. Both on handsfree profile by the way.
Hmmm. My voice commands are given through the headset.
Pretty sure of this.
That is strange. I guess I'll have to hard reset the system then. Damn!
Voice command activation definately works with the BT800 (cept for the closed case issue) . Gotta wait for the beep. Thanks for the tip Rilot.
it's possibly due to my bt headset and car kit not very compatible. After some reading, I've found the following post and modified the registry with the the following string. Now it's working 100%, voice commands through BT headset included.
delete the key that holds the values for the "handsfree profile".
I wonder, is there any reason we cannot dumb the voice dial program and its files and use it with say the PPC 6600 or Blue Angel devices so we can get voice dail over bluetooth?
This works great with jasjar and voice command (as long as device is not closed). It even sends MP3 through the bt head set (not very good audio tho) as long as you initiate wmp10 via voice command. Just start voice command and say "Play anything".
The Other Voice dial program works well also.
Hi guys
rilot >> thanks for the tips
guys i need some help with a small aspect of VC,
When you receive an incoming call voice command will announce the call on your device is there anyway to get this sound transferred to the headset (bt800)
Using the reg edit info provided by rilot we can transfer music and use the headset to activate VC, i was just hoping if theres a way around getting the caller announcement to sound on the headset as well
your thoughts??
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
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Please may I have that default setting? I would like to come back to it.
Have a look at the thread below it will highlight what to change (and therefore what to put it back to - reverse engineering)
asci said:
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
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Please may I have that default setting? I would like to come back to it.
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On my (unmodified) Jasjar the DWORD Hide is set to a value of 1.
rilot said:
It would appear that voice command doesn't operate when the device is in closed mode. Works fine in PDA mode, or mini laptop mode.
Not sure why at this point as it gives the *bing-bong* sound to indicate it's waiting for a command, but nothing happens.
Any ideas?
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The only way to keep get the BT voice command work even if the device is closed is to set the device not to be switched off "start / settings / system / power / advanced / uncheck turn off device if not used for "
To avoid being left with a flat battery you have to then tap backlight and set it to turn off backlight if device is not used for 30 seconds.
Then tap brightness and set it to the minimum level on battery.
If you do these settings you will never face any problem with voice dial via BT even if the device is closed.
khaledelfeki said:
rilot said:
It would appear that voice command doesn't operate when the device is in closed mode. Works fine in PDA mode, or mini laptop mode.
Not sure why at this point as it gives the *bing-bong* sound to indicate it's waiting for a command, but nothing happens.
Any ideas?
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The only way to keep get the BT voice command work even if the device is closed is to set the device not to be switched off "start / settings / system / power / advanced / uncheck turn off device if not used for "
To avoid being left with a flat battery you have to then tap backlight and set it to turn off backlight if device is not used for 30 seconds.
Then tap brightness and set it to the minimum level on battery.
If you do these settings you will never face any problem with voice dial via BT even if the device is closed.
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Sounded good, but my voice command still does not work with device closed. Can hear the voice command prompt, but no response.....

Bluetooth Name Change Software

Here you will find a little tool to change your Device's Bluetooth name without going to the registry yourself.
It's free and more apps will be released.
Thanks. This is exactly the type of thing I could use.
Would it be possible to make a program to toggle on/off the "Wireless Stereo" and/or "Hands Free" services for a particular Bluetooth device automatically.
I created the attached Mortscript file to do it, but it is very slow and cumbersome. I use this to allow me to switch from my Plantronics headset to my JVC radio when I am in my car. The SendKeys("Settings","2") line in the mortscript code is used to pick the headset named 260Plantronics in my bluetooth devices list. I thought you could make it use a parameter to pass the device name to the program, so any device may be chosen. I use the registry reading part of Battery Status to show me if the headset service is enabled or not.
The registry keys for the devices is under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Device\???????????\Services\????????\enabled, where the first set of ?s is the device and the second set of ?s is the service. I tried changing the registry keys with mortscript but it doesn't affect the actual settings in the setting menu and the Plantronics is still connected. Even after a soft reset the Plantronics will still be connected even though the registry keys show 0 and the settings items are unchecked.
Run("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\BlueSet.lnk")
installation folder
i have eten glofiish m700 with WM6.1
i installed the CAB & it created a new folder on the main memory called \pogram files%provider% with the BlueName folder inside it
i believe it should have created the BlueName folder inside the original main program files folder, so i did a copy & paste of the BlueName there
It works fine & nice & light software..does exactly what it should do ... but i wanted to mention the "folder" destination error to you
Thanks again for the nice cab
ok, thanks i will check the installation and upp a correct one.
elkneo said:
ok, thanks i will check the installation and upp a correct one.
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please update us here & post something to let us know that the new one is there so we go get it
again good work
corrected version is online now. visit my page for more software...
Thanks for the update.
Hi ,
URL http://gbit.ath.cx is not working . I was looking for the solution to change the bluetooth radio name . any ideas ?
anil_k_22 said:
Hi ,
URL http://gbit.ath.cx is not working . I was looking for the solution to change the bluetooth radio name . any ideas ?
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Here you go.
I hope he doesn't mind me posting his cab here since his site seems to be down.

Bluetooth Audio Gateway Control

Application is designed to control BAG (Bluetooth Audio Control) service state on Windows Mobile systems. It can enable/disable audio/microphone routing to Bluetooth headset, set volume and microphone gain, enable/disable voice command launch application.
Writing this little piece of code was inspired by inability of AGEphone Mobile (ver 2.71) to collaborate with Bluetooth headset.
Really it can be used for other purposes as well. You can make some useful shortcuts or use it in some scripting language.
It is “command line” application (no GUI). Command line switches controls application behavior.
There are two working modes: “keep resident” (default: able to save and restore all settings) and “on fly” - for quick change.
Application itself and documentation with samples in attached file.
Thanks alot i'm downloading now!
gui in next ver?
Thank you very much for writing this! Your utility goes alone perfectly with AGEphone Mobile and is perfect for anyone who wants to use a BT headset AND voice command - highly recommended vs. the standard "BTAudioToggle" !
I'm trying to get this to launch via startup to see if it will work with my bt headset and voice command.
I'm just using "\Windows\bagctrl.exe /O"
as my shortcut link but it gives me an error the app isnt signed..I assume I'm probably just an idiot and not making my shortcut right..Can anyone help me please?
vidmabal said:
Application is designed to control BAG (Bluetooth Audio Control) service state on Windows Mobile systems. It can enable/disable audio/microphone routing to Bluetooth headset, set volume and microphone gain, enable/disable voice command launch application.
Writing this little piece of code was inspired by inability of AGEphone Mobile (ver 2.71) to collaborate with Bluetooth headset.
Really it can be used for other purposes as well. You can make some useful shortcuts or use it in some scripting language.
It is “command line” application (no GUI). Command line switches controls application behavior.
There are two working modes: “keep resident” (default: able to save and restore all settings) and “on fly” - for quick change.
Application itself and documentation with samples in attached file.
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Many thanks, vidmabal - it works like a dream and does exactly what I was looking for!
MrDSL said:
I'm trying to get this to launch via startup to see if it will work with my bt headset and voice command.
I'm just using "\Windows\bagctrl.exe /O"
as my shortcut link but it gives me an error the app isnt signed..I assume I'm probably just an idiot and not making my shortcut right..Can anyone help me please?
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Yes, application is not digitally signed.
If you want to use it you first must enable not signed applications (but there are plenty of them around).
To do this you can use "Advanced Config" or alternatively set registry value with some registry editor. "Total Commander" or "Resco explorer" can help you performing this task.
Registry key is "HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies" value name is "0000101a" (if not exists create new DWORD value) and must be set to 1.
P.s. I really don't know why you want to run it on startup and expecially with /O key
eazy2001x said:
gui in next ver?
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Really not.
Application is designed to run without user intervention.
That’s why even all errors are silently ignored: no MessageBox for invalid keys or some other errors.
Even I don't see what GUI can be helpful. Except maybe for microphone gain changing. Volume normally has control keys on Bluetooth device itself.
Of course you can use it with Mortscript or some other scripting language and make some interface in here. Error codes returned (not present in attached document)
0 - No error (all OK)
128 (0x80) - Error redirecting audio (normally occurs if Bluetooth device is not connected)
129 (0x81) - BAG0: device not found
130 (0x82) - Invalid command line parameters
since u coded this, ive got a small question. do u think there is any chance to disable a remote microphone and use the internal one instead?
im asking this because the mic from my car radio totaly fails its job (JVC KD-BT11) and the internal from my phone (x1) is far supirior to it.
Nice work man, just find my bt headset behind the microwave oven (my girlfriend didn't know anything)
I'm going to write a small mortscript to controll the commnd line.
vidmabal said:
Yes, application is not digitally signed.
If you want to use it you first must enable not signed applications (but there are plenty of them around).
To do this you can use "Advanced Config" or alternatively set registry value with some registry editor. "Total Commander" or "Resco explorer" can help you performing this task.
Registry key is "HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies" value name is "0000101a" (if not exists create new DWORD value) and must be set to 1.
P.s. I really don't know why you want to run it on startup and expecially with /O key
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I'll have to look into it more but I already have advanc config to run unsigned apps..
achmed20 said:
since u coded this, ive got a small question. do u think there is any chance to disable a remote microphone and use the internal one instead?
im asking this because the mic from my car radio totaly fails its job (JVC KD-BT11) and the internal from my phone (x1) is far supirior to it.
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The application has nothing common with Bluetooth transport. Really it only send control codes to BAG service (Bluetooth Audio Gateway). This one is coded by Microsoft. I think other BT stack providers (for compatibility reasons) also supports such service.
According to documentation there is no such control code to enable only audio and leave microphone untouched. (Maybe there is, but undocumented, as M$ like to do).
Also it depends on BT profiles your device support. Maybe it has some "stereo headset" without mic?
Here i made a mortscript gui for this tool:
just extract to \Program Files\BTAGC
all files are included
Now make a shortcut of config.mscr in your start menu
vidmabal said:
The application has nothing common with Bluetooth transport. Really it only send control codes to BAG service (Bluetooth Audio Gateway). This one is coded by Microsoft. I think other BT stack providers (for compatibility reasons) also supports such service.
According to documentation there is no such control code to enable only audio and leave microphone untouched. (Maybe there is, but undocumented, as M$ like to do).
Also it depends on BT profiles your device support. Maybe it has some "stereo headset" without mic?
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The radio itself offers "Bluetooth Headset" and "freespeech".
i tried to disable the freespeech (bluetooth settings in winmo) but somehow my phone still uses the radio as microphone.
guess i have to get my soldering iron and make some hardware mods to my radio. looks like disabling a bluetooth mic isnt going to work.
PS: but thx
old post i know, but do you know if there is a way to display the error msgs on screen somehow ? I think im getting errors.
Pytte said:
old post i know, but do you know if there is a way to display the error msgs on screen somehow ? I think im getting errors.
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Really there is no much error processing here. But you can try to start app from say Mortscript and examine return code. See message #8 for return codes.
Thanks for your effort put into this.
Could you please confirm if/how is it possible to do just one thing:
1. Cyberon Voice Speed Dialer installed on phone.
2. BT button does not invoke it (audio route opened, and dialer screen opened, but no Speed Dialer. Reg Key exists)
3. Can this program help do it? (which mode resident/on fly, which extension to exe file and how to launch it (start-up or something else))
Many thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot vidmabal, this is what I was looking for.
Will this program work on an HD2 which i think uses a widcomm bluetooth stack??
dino_Donis said:
Will this program work on an HD2 which i think uses a widcomm bluetooth stack??
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Really I don't know.
I am operating with service "BAG0:" ("Bluetooth Audio Gateway") - you can check if it is present in your system.
1. Launch Fdsoft Task Manager
2. Go into "Services" page.
3. Check that you have started service BAG0:
Alternatively you can check it in registry:
(Service name can differ, but "Prefix" value must be "BAG" and "Index" must be 0, "IsEnabled" value must be 1)

[APP] new free utility: BlueStarter

Check out Smart Mobile Tools for a free tool to automatically start an application when a configured bluetooth device is discovered.
Starts an application on bluetooth device discovery
Easy Bluetooth device selection
Optional application start arguments
Low power consumption (no background service running)
Test option using the test button
2 search modes; on a timed event or on wake up (power button pressed)
Usage examples:
Start you GPS navigaton software when GPS mouse is switched on
Start Activesync when PC bluetooth device is discovered
Start your own application at Bluetooth device discovery
22/2/09: version 1.0.1 released solving issue with program arguments
23/8/11: version 2.0.0 released (finally), change list:
Widcomm Bluetooth stack support!
Support for up to 5 different profiles; check for different devices
Improved UI
Interval config issue fixed
please let me now your feedback or make a small donation via
Smart Mobile Tools kind regards,
Mod Edit : 2nd Post Deleted, please keep the discussion in a single Post
This is a nice app. I have one key idea for you to add to this that would make a bunch of users very happy:
The issue is that when using a stereo blue tooth device, one has to always manually activate it to make the stereo connection work.
All that is needed is to detect that the device being connect has stereo capability and force that connection to activate correctly. I have to do this manually either via A2DP toggle or HTC BT Quicklink - a royal pain.
Bluetooth Stereo Connection
bsw11 said:
This is a nice app. I have one key idea for you to add to this that would make a bunch of users very happy:
The issue is that when using a stereo blue tooth device, one has to always manually activate it to make the stereo connection work.
All that is needed is to detect that the device being connect has stereo capability and force that connection to activate correctly. I have to do this manually either via A2DP toggle or HTC BT Quicklink - a royal pain.
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Phone: HTC Touch Elfin
Headset: Motorola S9 HD
MP3 Player: S2P by A_C
Whenever i turn on my headset, it automatically fires up my mp3 player in stereo mode. And when i turn off my headset, the player also quits.
Never had a problem with it,
I suggest you check your settings.
You could use this app to run teksoft's A2DP toggle.
All I'm getting is:
An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found
at ObjectCollection.Add()
at BlueStarter.BlueStarter..ctor()
at BlueStarter.Program.Main()
justDave said:
All I'm getting is:
An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found
at ObjectCollection.Add()
at BlueStarter.BlueStarter..ctor()
at BlueStarter.Program.Main()
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Looks like the 'settings.ini' configuration file is corrupt try to delete this file.
paulwal said:
Looks like the 'settings.ini' configuration file is corrupt try to delete this file.
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Where would I find this settings.ini? It's not in the program directory.
justDave said:
Where would I find this settings.ini? It's not in the program directory.
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It should be located in the root of your device
bsw11 said:
This is a nice app. I have one key idea for you to add to this that would make a bunch of users very happy:
The issue is that when using a stereo blue tooth device, one has to always manually activate it to make the stereo connection work.
All that is needed is to detect that the device being connect has stereo capability and force that connection to activate correctly. I have to do this manually either via A2DP toggle or HTC BT Quicklink - a royal pain.
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+1, would like this as well. had to press a button on my o2 a2dp to have it stereo
paulwal said:
It should be located in the root of your device
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Nothing there, so I tried putting an empty file there. I got a different error so you could be on the right track. Or maybe it just errored out earlier.
Any other ideas?
BTW, putting a file called settings.ini in the root directory isn't a great idea anyway.
Touch Pro
Anyone know what the command line is to Toggle Bluetooth on or off in the presence of a know BT device? Right now I run the phone with BT turned off and have to remember to turn it on when I get in my car.
justDave said:
Nothing there, so I tried putting an empty file there. I got a different error so you could be on the right track. Or maybe it just errored out earlier.
Any other ideas?
BTW, putting a file called settings.ini in the root directory isn't a great idea anyway.
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An settings.ini should be created when you start BlueStarter, press Save and then Exit, the file should then look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!--ini file-->
<add Name="Program" Value="" />
<add Name="DeviceName" Value="empty" />
<add Name="ProgramArgument" Value="" />
You are right for version 1.1 this settings.ini file would be moved.
paulwal said:
An settings.ini should be created when you start BlueStarter, press Save and then Exit, the file should then look like:
You are right for version 1.1 this settings.ini file would be moved.
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I just tried creating that file with the contents you suggested and I'm back to the original error. It looks like the error happens after the settings file is read.
How do I set this up to automatically sync via bluetooth once in range of my PC?
How do i get this to automatically connect with bluetooth over activesync to a device?
How do I get this to auto connect as a hand free head set for headset?
smotrs said:
Anyone know what the command line is to Toggle Bluetooth on or off in the presence of a know BT device? Right now I run the phone with BT turned off and have to remember to turn it on when I get in my car.
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How is your phone supposed to know it's in the presence of a known BT device if bluetooth is turned off ?!? DOH!
NRGZ28 said:
How is your phone supposed to know it's in the presence of a known BT device if bluetooth is turned off ?!? DOH!
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Beats me, that's why I was asking, the description sounded vague so I wasn't entirely sure what it could or couldn't do.
Take a look at WifiLocations at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=448783&page=2.
It is able to switch on/off different things depending on the radio broadcasting cell you are in. So you could switch on Wifi when arriving at home or switch Bluetooth on when leavin home ....
This one in combination with Blustarter should do the trick ....
Greetz Bax
PS: haven't tried WifiLocation up to now, so don't beat me if it doesn't work...
.HaVoC. said:
How do I set this up to automatically sync via bluetooth once in range of my PC?
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the activesync application you should configure is \\windows\\repllog.exe
I found the following parameters:
/remote which appears just to start the Activesync application and
brings it to the foreground
/remote /all which starts the Activesync application, brings it to the
foreground and starts synchronising
/remote /all /h which starts the Activesync application and starts
synchronising without bringing it to the foreground

I need auto-answer, but only when handsfree kit is plugged in

Does anyone know of a way to get auto answer to work ONLY when the handsfree kit is plugged in.
At the moment, I can only set it up so that it works if the handsfree kit is plugged in or not.
Does anyone know of a program of a fix that will enable me to do this?
Anyone got any ideas?
I would try the following:
* check the registry for an entry for the auto-answer option
* set it to enable auto-answer via a registry-change, not via the UI
Does this work?
Then create a Mortscript that polls whether your handsfree kit it connected (HKLM\System\State\Hardware\Handsfree) and then let it add/delete that specific key (HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\AutoAns).
wensing said:
I would try the following:
* check the registry for an entry for the auto-answer option
* set it to enable auto-answer via a registry-change, not via the UI
Does this work?
Then create a Mortscript that polls whether your handsfree kit it connected (HKLM\System\State\Hardware\Handsfree) and then let it add/delete that specific key (HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\AutoAns).
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Thanks for that mate. Only problem is, I don't know how to create a Mortscript. I will have a wee Google and see how I can do this. Thanks for the pointer
Edit: Turns out the handsfree kit that comes with the X1, is actually the "headset" but thats a minor change for when I write this script.
If there is anyone who could help me with the Mortscript for this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I know now, that when HKLM\System\State\Hardware\Headset has a value of 1 (headset is plugged in) I need the phone to write the HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\AutoAns with a value of 3 (3 being the number of seconds to wait until auto pick up.
SPB phone suite has that feature.
You can us ethe profiles to change these settings and condition the profiles with the connection of the headset
Stimpy0030 said:
You can us ethe profiles to change these settings and condition the profiles with the connection of the headset
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So I could use SPB Phone Suite instead of writing that script yes?
Edit: I've got that working now. Thanks for your help =)

