There HAS to be an easier way to set up TomTom GPS? Surely?! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Ive installed my TomTom and its all working now, I can browse through the map and its all good. BUT! Im not recieving any GPS?
I read through a few posts about how to make it work and there was lengthy talk of downloading things to hijack my phone or something?
I thought TomTom was supposed to be compatible with the MDA Vario? Surely there should just be an option to say, CONNECT!
If anyone can explain the simplest way for it to work I would be very happy, Im using tomtom5.2

Well I just installed my TomTom yesterday and connected succesfully with my BT GPS Reciever.
What you have to do is : Enable your BT through the Soft button on the left, or by going to "Start" then "Settings" then "Connecting Tab", click on Bluetooth icon, check the "Bluetooth Enable" ( my device is in german language, maybe I write wrong translation for the words ) then below hit the devices tab, click on the New to check for any near BT device... When your PPC recognises your GPS, click and hold on it in the list, then choose edit (am not sure about the right word since mine is in german lang.) check the Seriel connect... , save it, then you goes back to BT devices list, now below hit the "COM-connects" now you see in a list two lines, choose the first one ( should begin with the word "New..." then choose COM 6 for your BT GPS, save all this... Go to your TomTom and start it, there you have to go to GPS settings and choose the same COM, in our case it is "COM 6", that's it... TomTom should now recognises your GPS.
I hope this helps.

Thanks, I think Im getting somewhere...
I have went onto
new partnership
but all it is finding is something called HOME-C8P8OHXESF ?
When I try and hold down on this and edit it has a section that says
Select services to use from this device
But there is no options to click on ?

Well, the device name that your wizard found doesn't look like a gps, but who knows, maybe this is it's modell's name.
Well I found this tutorial from the TomTom sit itself abou how to configure your GPS to work in any PPC that runs WM5 :
I hope this helps.


Complete guide to make TT5 work with a BT GPS on the JasJar

There are 3 key steps in making TomTom 5 work on an i-mate JasJar with a Bluetooth GPS.
Many tips are scattered around in different Forums.
Here is a COMPLETE overview of what to do.
You do this by copying the CAB files from the CDROM (eg F:\PocketPC) to the JasJar and launch one by one from there with the explorer of the JasJar.
You can install voices the same manner by copying the CAB files to the Jasjar (eg from F:\Voice on the CDROM)
Extract and copy the files to a folder on the JasJar and install them from there.
Fire up a registry editor (eg )
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
TomTom will only connect to the BT GPS when the Phone is switched on.
If you want to use your integrated car phone and just use the JasJar as GPS, you need to switch the Phone antenna off on the JasJar and the Bluetooth radio on (for the GPS connection). This worked perfectly before with TT3 and my i-mate PDA2K but now I am forced to activate the phone radio on the JasJar meaning that I can not use my car phone anymore !
I think it is a TT problem as I am able to connect to the GPS with other software without the phone radio switched on.
Any suggestions are welcome to solve this !
Hey i think i got something wrong in the registry :? I have:
Then in there i have: defualt value not set
Group 0x2 (2)
I can't see a gps pael in my connection settings.Please help!!!!
jaythemagician said:
Hey i think i got something wrong in the registry :? I have:
Then in there i have: defualt value not set
Group 0x2 (2)
I can't see a gps pael in my connection settings.Please help!!!!
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I thought the same at first when I did it, no GPS panel. You have to make sure you exit the registry editor properly by Tools -> Exit, this saves the sertting. Then you need perform a soft reset of your device - after this, the GPS panel was now displayed on mine. Let us know how you get on
cheers for that sl9. Now my only poblem is getting it working.No matter what i do all i have in other bluetooth is:
qct data interface
serial cable on COM1
Infrared port
Ir on COM3
Any ideas?cheers
Follow the instructions in that post exactly and you should see COM0 appear in tomtom's GPS configuration screen... Try doing a hard reset, then try again. It does work
soft reset in between
I had trouble installing TT. My solution was: between every install/registry change: do a soft reset. Then do the next step and soft reset and so on...
Now it works like a charm!
jasjar crash
hi i follow ur guide but it crash all the time plz help
I tried to install TT5 and i have tried every way to do it but it will not install the it fails every time, i have soft reset after each cab install removed the sd card anyone any ideas
Open the file \Program Files\Navigator\navigator.cfg with an editor, you will see "COM7", change it to another COM port. In my case I changed it to "COM4" and now my JASJAR can connect to the Bluetooth GPS.
can't seem to find that in the reistry....
no, not in the registry, "navigator.cfg" is a file in the filesystem. Use windows explorer, have active sync running, then you find the file in "Mobile Device->My Windows Mobile-Based Device->\Program Files\Navigator" catalog
not quite related but when i installed TTN5.1 landscape would work, since update, on the reinstall the rotate menu option is now just a turn picture upside down so it dosent work in landscape anymore, ive tried clearing all traces and installing twice since update now
sorted it. Thanks everyone. One more thing....why does it run so slooooooow
How did you guys install your maps? Normal setup, or another way?
maps are in folders on root of SD card, ie Great-Britain-Map, TTN5.1 just see's them and you choose it during the installation wizard on the JJ
hi Parw
what editor u use to open navigator.cfg file because i used notepad nad wordpad i can see only the boxes
How can I install the folder "voices" because this folder is not a ".cab" on my TT5 sd ?
Thanks for your help....
Two things:
1. If you don't see a COM port in the cfg file. Open tomtom and select COM7 in the GPS configuration. Close tomtom, the cfg file should now have been updated with the new port setting.
2. To be sure that you don't mess with the cfg file use a hexeditor. You will find one here ->
Hi parw
thanx for reply
i am not able to go that far in tomtom because it just stop after wizards
and i am using wired tomtom gps.
Please read my post below which explain the problem i have

Getting TTN5 an BT GPS to work on k-jam?

There are only 2 com ports to use for outgoing in bt settings on k-jam com6 and com7. How do we go about getting the bt working for this?
here are 3 key steps in making TomTom 5 work on an i-mate K-JAM with a Bluetooth GPS.
You do this by copying the CAB files from the CDROM (eg F:\PocketPC) to the K-JAM and launch one by one from there with the explorer of the K-JAM
You can install voices the same manner by copying the CAB files to the K-JAM (eg from F:\Voice on the CDROM)
Extract and copy the files to a folder on the K-JAM and install them from there.
Fire up a registry editor (eg )
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 6.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 6 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
orignal posting here
thereaperman said:
here are 3 key steps in making TomTom 5 work on an i-mate JasJar with a Bluetooth GPS.
Many tips are scattered around in different Forums.
Here is a COMPLETE overview of what to do.
You do this by copying the CAB files from the CDROM (eg F:\PocketPC) to the JasJar and launch one by one from there with the explorer of the JasJar.
You can install voices the same manner by copying the CAB files to the Jasjar (eg from F:\Voice on the CDROM)
Extract and copy the files to a folder on the JasJar and install them from there.
Fire up a registry editor (eg )
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
TomTom will only connect to the BT GPS when the Phone is switched on.
If you want to use your integrated car phone and just use the JasJar as GPS, you need to switch the Phone antenna off on the JasJar and the Bluetooth radio on (for the GPS connection). This worked perfectly before with TT3 and my i-mate PDA2K but now I am forced to activate the phone radio on the JasJar meaning that I can not use my car phone anymore !
I think it is a TT problem as I am able to connect to the GPS with other software without the phone radio switched on.
orignal posting here
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sorry to but in, but works slightly diferently for me as i also only had com6 & 7 to choose from
hope this makes sense
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 6 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 6 free. Select COM 6 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM (none)
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 6.
7. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
ps took a couple of resets before the new gps icon would show in connections, also after editing the reg you must exit the program otherwise the changes arnt saved
thanks for that. I managed to get running on the jasjar,just the.k-jam that stumped me. aoane more quesrion though when you set your gps to 6 do you set your bt to com7?
thanks again
sorry, where are you talking about? in bt comports outgoing is set to (com6)
I have changed my orignal post to mach how it works on the K-JAM(so some people do not get confused :wink: )
thanks, now you made my post after your altered original one :? look like i'm talking a load of rubbish!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
maybe i should edit my post so my quote of your quote is the same?
is there an emotion available scratching it's head? :lol:
My tt voice is not working.....
have you gone into the voice section of tomtom to see if there are any voices to select from and test?
there are no voices to test...but they are instaled
check my blog, all answers revealed, voices and bluetooth, etc.
when you say :
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
First I don't see any KEY called HIDE ??
I do adda DWORD called GROUP under ...../GPS/ with value 2 (decimal)
I did 8 reset and I still don't see the GPS under settings/connection ???
how can I have it show ?
help please !!! :shock:
first of all make sure you do use the exit from the reg edit program you have used, otherwise changes are not saved.
then do as you already have, a soft reset.
on mine it a couple of resets for the new icon to appear.
good luck
yes I verify the change is made.
I already did 10 soft reset still don't see GPS icon ??
I din't have a hide to remove when I went into the registry,
if i now go into
GPS Settings
i have
(Default) (value not set)
Group 0x2 (2)
and back in the real world in Settings i now have 8 icons, including one new one called GPS
perhaps instead of doing a soft reset, turn the kjam completely off and see if that helps
finally managed to get tomtom 5.1 working on the wizard.. phew
Now there's one thing regarding voices: tt only seems to recognize voices in the \tomtom\tomtom\ folder (in main memory). I'd like to put the voices on the storage card, but haven't found a way to get it to recognize additional voices there. creating a \voices dir on the sd card didn't work -- any other tweaks (main memory is kinda limited after all)?
hey guys, any of you having trouble with adding your maps?
My maps now say they need activating. It never said that before.
Trying to follow this sionce I got it initally working and now failed
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 6 free. Select COM 6 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM (none)
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 6.
7. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
basically - in TT5 v5.21 I dont have under option 4 - I dont have a com port of 6 under other Bluetooth GPS
Any ideas?
TT Nav 5 Port from XDA 2 to Wizard
I have an XDA 2 now with TomTom on. If I transfer the software across as above and then change my device code with TomTom should everything work (e.g. Traffic updates, etc.) ??
<Fingers crossed>
TIA Dave.

tomtom navigator 3

After having many troubles and failing to get tomtom 5 running on my mini s.
Just like to know if tomtom navigator 3 is compattable with mini s?
I can get original software on cd with major roads of europe for £30.
Not sure if it works. if it does you will have to copy the cabs over manually as the installer will almost certainly not work.
On a side not, personal experience with TTN3 & BT GPS was very bad, so bad infact that i ditched my TTN3 and used an old copy of 2 until i replaced my GPS with a wired (was CF in an iPaq).
Maybe it was a fault with the iPaq BT stack but i used to get random disconnects while driving and it basically made TTN3 useless. Just a point as you cant use a wired GPS with the Wizard...
Also, if you need help with TTN5 read the current posts, and if you still have problems make a new post saying what you have done, and what you are having problems/errors with.
For me it was easy to make TT5 running on my Wizard. I wrote this about installation (sorry, it's in french and I will soon add some printscreen)
here is the link
I used this guide and got Tomtom 5 working a treat hope this helps
Surefire method of installing TomTom Navigator on your K-JAM
This post is in no offense to anyone who has previously posted a quick tutorial or a quick-and-dirty method of installing TomTom Navigator 5.10 on the K-JAM (or Windows Mobile 5.0 for that matter), but there has been a lot of inconsistencies with where files are to be placed, how things should be installed and in what order, and if some steps need to be performed or not. In addition, the fact that it's likely coming from people who don't have English as a first language, it makes it very hard to follow otherwise simple directions on how to get this program properly installed and running on one's K-JAM.
Thus, I have detailed a step-by-step procedure based on completely on firsthand experience, and repeated for verification. It requires your K-JAM (obviously), your ActiveSync'ed desktop, your Bluetooth GPS device, and the original CAB/voice/map files. What is important in my method is that I did NOT have to perform any install of 5.00, followed by 5.10, and I did not have to perform any registry changes to enable the GPS applet in Windows Mobile 5.0, either.
Please keep in mind that TomTom Navigator 5.10 is not officially compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0, so you are not likely to get any support on the product on this OS.
Download the latest version of the TomTom Navigator application from their website.
Install the map files onto your mini-SD card. It should be placed right at the root, and will have a path on your K-JAM, such as:
\Storage Card\New-England_and_Mid-Atlantic-Map
Power on your Bluetooth GPS, and prepare it for pairing, if necessary.
Go to your Comm Manager and enable the Bluetooth radio on K-JAM and pair your Bluetooth GPS to it.
Once properly paired, put a check next to Serial Port as the device's available service.
Minimize the on-screen keyboard, if necessary, and click on the next tab labeled COM Ports.
Click New Outgoing Port and select COM6, while leaving Secured Connection still checked. Your device should now be listed with (COM6) next to it.
Install all the CAB files in the following order:
GPS.CAB - the conduit between TomTom and your Bluetooth COM port
PIMAddIn.CAB - the conduit between TomTom and your Outlook contacts
WZD.CAB - the Today plug-in (completely optional)
TTN.CAB - the actual application and data files
If you are getting any issues with installing any of the CAB files, try soft-resetting and launch the same CAB file again.
On your desktop, launch Notepad.
Type & \Storage Card\New-England_and_Mid-Atlantic-Map\ or whatever the name of your main map folder is on your mini-SD card. Do not forget to add the final backslash and a have a space between the ampersand and the first backslash.
Save the file as CurrentMap.dat. Make sure it doesn't end up as CurrentMap.dat.txt!
Create a folder on your K-JAM called \My Documents\TomTom.
Copy your newly created CurrentMap.dat file from your desktop into \My Documents\TomTom on your K-JAM.
Create a folder on your K-JAM called \TomTom\TomTom. Yes, strangely enough, that is a TomTom folder under the TomTom folder on the root of the device.
Copy your (celebrity or standard) voice files into the \TomTom\TomTom folder.
Soft-reset your K-JAM to allow the Today plug-in to show up and the TomTom Navigator icon to appear in the Start Menu. If the Today plug-in doesn't show up, it's likely that it's simply disabled in the Today plug-ins list, and you can enable it later.
Launch TomTom Navigator.
Set up your preferences (left/right-hand, time format, voice, etc.)
Your map should now be automatically selected and loaded, based on steps 9-13.
Activate your map through the normal registration methods.
Configure your Bluetooth device as Other Bluetooth GPS and select COM6: as your port.
Confirm that your Bluetooth device is working by clicking on the GPS signal strength indicator on the bottom-right of the screen, then the same indicator on the right on the following screen.
That's it! Enjoy your TomTom Navigator on your K-JAM!
I hope this step-tested, detailed tutorial will be the end-all solution for everyone having issues in getting TomTom up and running on their K-JAMs, as I've been sharing the pain with everyone trying to get some sort of navigation software working on Windows Mobile 5.0. Now, you can take a breather and go travel somewhere with your new toy and not have to worry about surfing to on an EDGE connection in the middle of nowhere.
By the way, my Bluetooth GPS device is the GlobalSat BT-338 GPS, a SiRF III device that can be picked up real cheap from MadMonkeyBoy. There is a firmware update to 3.1.1 available here.
NOTE: If you've tried the other methods posted elsewhere that instruct you to enable the GPS applet by modifying the registry and so forth, you can either hard reset your device and follow my step-by-step method above, or reverse their work by performing the following steps:
Go to the GPS applet under Settings.
Change both the GPS communication and hardware COM ports setting back to None.
Go to the last tab and uncheck "Manage GPS Automatically."
Lastly, disable the applet entirely by adding the Redirect null string value back to that GPS Settings key in the registry. (See those previous instructions to find the exact location in the registry and simply put back the entry you deleted or changed.)
Soft-reset your K-JAM for changes to take effect.
Remember, TomTom Navigator 5.10 is NOT designed for Windows Mobile 5.0 natively, so you can't expect the OS to manage something that older navigation software is not expecting the OS to.
Finally, if for whatever reason you're not able to communicate with your Bluetooth GPS properly because you're working from a failed install from previous instructions, try to delete the Outgoing COM Port entry, followed by the entire partnership between your K-JAM and the GPS device, then start again.
UPDATE: I have removed the link to the TomTom Navigator installer CAB files. You can visit and download it from there. Also, you can install the voices to the \Voices or \Storage Card\Voices folder.
Can an admin quote/copy the above post and sticky it for a couple of months - save a new "tomtom 5 help" post every few days.
But does Tomtom Navigator 3 work on Wizard? If so, how does one install it?

How to use the WM5 GPS App?

Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
WM5 GPS Application
Hi Chris!
I have an O2 XDA Mini S and i am missing the GPS Menue in WM5 and i think it would be helpfull in connecting with my GPS Bluetooth receiver.
It sounds that you know how it is activated so that i can try some changes. Would be nice to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
ßeta said:
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I tried your soluce but it doesn't work on my Qtek9100 (Orange SPV M3000). The registry key is changed as shown, but after a soft reset, the "redirect" key reappears and my modifcations are not applied.
Does anyone have an idea ? :roll:
you must make sure that the changes are saved after the registry changes
otherwise as you say nothing happens
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
Is anybody able to help with my original question?
Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
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lskb: I don't use GPS and don't have one, but I enabled the GPS settings page anyway.
It seems fairly descriptive to me, but I would guess, the Programs page basically deals with programs that have difficulty connecting to certain com ports (ie it's used for com port redirection).
So eg, if TomTom MUST be configured to a GPS receiver on COM2, set your settings in the Programs tab to COM2.
Hardware is the actual "physical" com port the gps receiver is linked to. Again, depends on your bluetooth setup/hardware pairing. But eg if your GPS receiver is connected to COM4, set this to COM4. Baud will typically be dictated by your software/hardware setup.
Access is for apps that don't like sharing the bluetooth/GPS receiver. Leave it as it is, ensure the first two tabs are correct, and if you're having troubles but you're certain they're Tab 1 and 2 are correct, or you know for a fact other people have found it helpful, untick the Access checkbox.
Thanks for that, but I have a question. When you say hardware, you mean something phyiscally connected to the Wizard or by a bluetooth connection? If you mean the latter, then I am not sure that that is correct as the range of selectable baud rates looks wrong.
Thus, my bluetooth gps is installed on an outgoing com port 6 in the bluetooth settings area. The baud rate specified for my gps is 38400. Am I supposed to set the hardware com port to 6 (despite the fact that it is already set in the bluetooth area)? And if yes, how do I set the baud rate, as 38400 is not capable of selection....
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
well, i have exactly sam eproblems like Iskb. I set the hardware port to com 6. (Vario and Navilock BT unit). Then, when i am trying to connect to my BT module, there is no chance to establish the connection at this given port. I am forced to choose another one (ie COM7). I thought that the GPS manager would work in some way like GPSgate do, but it seems not to be true
make sure in the original com port area the bt modem is not listed on any port,
after you have enabled the com port in the new gps icon and then selected it in the navigator software, change the new gps icon port back to none, and then you can create a "New Outgoing Port" using the original com ports link.
hope this makes sense to somebody :?:

TomTom Bluetooth GPS Ports WM5 Working Setup 100% Easy !

First of all I would like to say thank you to "thereaperman" from Modaco Frums for this great help ! I took this from him and making it accessible to this forum easily for others to use !
Here are his steps:
You do this by copying the CAB files from the CDROM (eg F:\PocketPC) to the K-JAM and launch one by one from there with the explorer of the K-JAM
You can install voices the same manner by copying the CAB files to the K-JAM (eg from F:\Voice on the CDROM)
EDIT: Please use the tomtom official site to obtain the update here
Fire up a registry editor (eg )
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 6.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 6 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and
it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
Hope this helps all of you !!!
Or you can just install the 5.2 version and choose the port from the menu in tomtom like everyone else
DnNuke said:
Or you can just install the 5.2 version and choose the port from the menu in tomtom like everyone else
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:lol: :lol: :lol:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
any tips on gettin maps?
alexk said:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
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Can you tell me the CAB file for 'Jane' ? Currently I have no voice install I have 28 voice CAB files and dont want to work my way through installing testing and deleting random numbers until I get the right one!
bilbo_28 said:
alexk said:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
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Can you tell me the CAB file for 'Jane' ? Currently I have no voice install I have 28 voice CAB files and dont want to work my way through installing testing and deleting random numbers until I get the right one!
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that's an easy one
just have a look at the *.vif files with notepad - you can see which is which...
but being a gentleman, I can tell you: Jane (GB) is Nr5
Ty Jane is now telling me where to go!!

