data conection (active sync) - HD2 General

for the third time now i have noticed that the data conection has been turned on early hours of the morning.
looked in task manager to see wot was running and the only thing was active syc have looked at was of tuning of active sync or settings for but can not find any way around this.
any one with ideas about this.
many thanks

nobody know then why this happens

Activesync has a way of starting itself. You should have your Activesync set to Manual for retrieving your email. That might help.


Change in Time when doing active synch

Just acquired my xda II a week ago. It worked fine. But had one problem during active synch I noticed a change in the time in my clock set up . Can anyone tell me why this happens? Is there anything I can do to prevent the time from changing when doing an Active synch?
well windows today sync it's time with time servers mainly because bios controlled clocks are very very very poor and can loose up to 10mins in a few hours depending on how poor it's don
though i cant renember if it's in activesync on the pc where you turn it off or if it's on the xda2
most people like it because the xda2's clock is not too good to not loose time eather
read this
search is a wonderfull feature
Thanks. Now I dont have to change everytime I synch. Thank u again.

activesync turning itself on!!

i have this annoying problem on my JJ
the activesync keeps turning itself on in the ppc...
i have 4.1 AS on the computer and i sync via usb... never made any connection settings on the pocketpc and dont have any server options aswell ... but every 4-5 mins if i go back to RUNNING PROGRAMS i can see activesync running... i have just formatted my JJ for last 2 days hoping i would get rid of this problem as i thought some 3rd party software was calling AS... but after hard reset (and no 3rd party software) im still having this problem
can any one advise? im on vacation and cant keep the damn charger in my pocket all the time nor is a socket available at all times to charge it ... this is for those who wonder why im bothered so much by AS running in background...coz it keeps the processor busy and that uses extra battery!!!
The active sync turns itself on because by default it is set to sync with an exchange server every so often. To get rid of this on your JJ go to the active sync program. From the menu create an imaginary server by any name say "ABC". Now go to menu again and select "Schedule". Finally under "Sync During" Peak times / Off-Peak times select "Manually" from both the drop down lists. You will never see the active sync progam start up by itself again.

Active Sync is always running

When I check "Running Programs", I notice that Active Sync is always there. I stopped it, but then after awhile it appeared again. This seems to happen only recently. Does anyone know what makes active sync to run regularly? Thanks.
The same happens to me, someone told me it could be because of a program that's trying to update, but I don't have anything particular.
WM5 AKU2 onwards and WM6 always keep A/S running- it self checks every 5 minutes and if not running, will restart.
I think the only way to stop it is to set up a 'spoof' exchange server profile, and set it to Manually Sync in the schedule.

Which App is trying to connect to inet?

I do have here a problem on WM6. Every time to time my device connects to the internet (GPRS) and stays connected.
I have installed the nodata application, ans disabled the GPRS connection. It works ok, but the device becomes very slow to respond the commands after a while. Some application is trying to connect to the net. Connmgr.exe process is getting almost 100% cpu usage.
I have disabled every automatic update, activesync and son on but the problem remains.
How can I find which app is trying to connect?
my 2 cents
connect via your activesync/device manager, and get online via your desktop internet connection. now with netstat -b or any packet capture tool, try to find out where it is connecting. you will get an idea about the prog from remote address. like if it connects to, it'll be live messenger.. something like this.
you can also use a advanced task manager on the phone to check which applications are running in the background.
hope that helps
Thans, I will try both soluctions.
same problem here. this is happening to me just last few weeks. i can't remember if i was messing with some options in any program, but even if i did i was just turning off automatic connections since i don't like them. i also tried to uninstall my latest software, but that didn't is possible that it is some kind of malware, but kaspersky antivirus did not find any problems. i hope that someone will find solution for this becouse it is very annoying.
if this causes significant data transfer you can go to Settings/Connections/Connections -> Advanced tab -> Select Networks, and change settings to "My Work Network"
if you have a weather update, this maybe the one triggering your mobile to connect to the Internet. just turn the Automatic Update off
no, it's not any weather plugin since i removed them long time ago. and when i used them automatic update was turned off. however, if weather plugin try to auto update and if it fails, then you get an error message. this one looks just like it continuosly try to connect and it uses almost all CPU until it gets connected. whatever this application is it looks hostile and i don't like it. the war is on!
thanks for help anyway
I even disabled the HTC today plugin... and it remains doing the same.
Until now I had no chance to track the traffic, I will try on the next days.
finally i found the solution for my problem. seems like windows live messenger is causing all my problems. i found that phone is trying to connect to internet only after using wlm. usually after i'm finished using wlm i just terminate the program. and this is the problem. i should first sign out, and then terminate wlm. after this everything works just fine. so be sure to sign out before terminating wlm. i'm sure that this is the problem because i've tested my theory few times and i guess that this is it.
i hope this helps to you. if it does please report here
Yeah I have the same issue, i believe it's been on several version of Windows live messenger, actually, it's even on the version I have of WM6.1 (I have an Elfin with the blue elves rom from xda which has wm6.1)
it's quite sad that msft hasn't fixed this yet, it henders the phone completely useless and seems like it should be something easy to fix, stupid WLM should just not retry so brutely
anyways, actually if you change WLM to "manual" instead of "as items arrive" that does the trick too, but then now your push mail is gone ;( lame!

Scheduled E-mail Sync through Wifi - problem with standby?

Hi all,
I want to be able to sync my e-mails with an Exchange server and I want to do this through Wifi where possible to avoid using GPRS.
I had hoped to use push e-mail through Wifi but it seems that's not possible.
The next best thing therefore is to set up a schedule to get Activesync to do a sync every 15 mins.
I'm finding that even this isn't working as it should. I do get e-mails but it's definitely not syncing every 15 minutes and instead it only seems to sync when the phone is active for a decent length of time. I think the problem is that Wifi isn't active when the phone is in standby and hence activesync is only able to sync when I actually use the phone. Activesync does come up with error 85020006 which seems to be related to not finding a connection.
Is there a way to get Activesync to enable Wifi when it is due to do a sync? Or does anyone have any other ideas of how to get round this?
I did find a reg hack that is supposed to keep Wifi active in standby. The hack didn't seem to work and I don't think it's a good fix to this problem anyway since it will use up so much battery life. Really I just need Wifi to be active when Activesync needs it.
Any ideas?
Surely I can't be the only one that wants to do scheduled e-mail syncs through wifi?
i have same problem. did you find a solution ?
Any luck here?
I somehow managed to get this working on my d2 original 6.1 rom.
cant replicate it on dutty hgr 6.5 or stock 6.5
it automatically enabled wifi when syncing with eas server and then turned it off again.
i tested several options to enable wifi in standby, one of then fixend this on demand only wifi when in standby. i have not been able to replicate it again, i would like to have it again though. i disabled gprs and had a constant ping on the phone so i know it woke ut just in time to sync.
please let me know if you find out.

