Blackberry Users Have Trouble with My SMS - Nexus One General

Just wondering if anyone else has been told by a friend that your text messages make their Blackberry act up.
I had a friend with a Blackberry Storm tell me that sometimes he can't open my texts a while back. I didn't think anything of it until today when my two friends that have Blackberry Curves told me the same thing happens to them, and it's only my text messages they have trouble with....

My gf has a curve 8520 but she gets all of my txt's just fine.. what exactly are your friends having trouble with, sms, mms?

All three just said they have trouble opening some of my SMS. They have trouble opening the messages.
All of them say they just use the search function to find my most recent message and open it that way, but it won't open directly through the messaging application.

my gf had a bolt 9700 and my sister a curve 8900, both don't have probs with my text messages, no probs with MMS either

Tell your friends to get a real phone, problem solved. jk, kinda. What messaging app are you using to send the messages, stock, handcent, chomp? Have you tried mixing it up to see if any have a different result?


Wing is sending duplicate SMS

I bought my girlfriend a T-Mobile wing for Christmas and she was pretty much jealous with my Wing, so she asked me to hook it up. And I did.
I installed the 750v SMS threading application on her phone (I have it on mine as well) and ever since then, her phone will send out duplicate text messages from time to time. I tried reformatting her phone and doing clean installs of the programs, no luck. I tried avoiding the SMS threading application and just recently her phone started doing it again.
Is there a bug in the Wing firmware or a SMS bug where the phone thinks it wasn't able to send the last SMS and tries to send it again? I'm really confused and it's annoying several of her friends (being the boyfriend, I have to be understanding so I can't let it get to me ). Many of them complain that they cannot afford her multiple texts, lol.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
many people have reported that when using programs which closer rather then minimize
programs when one click X
and closing outlook after sending a sms but before getting
the confimation that it was sendt
outlook goes crazy if it's terminated and will act just as you mention
Wow... now that I think about it, I set my SMS threader to Exclusive because it would take a long time to open the program inbetween texts. I didn't do this to my girlfriend's phone... and the only time the program gets terminated is through Free Up RAM by SKTools. I'll look into it, thanks!
I always had an issue with the palm threaded sms thing. It would send duplicate sms to certain people.
you should flash to wm6.1 and use the default threaded sms
or check out the program

[Q] Can't Send/Receive SMS text messages

I am very new to Android coming from Palm Pre and I purchased Droid Pro and activated it with Page Plus everything seems to work fine except I can't receive or can't send any plain text messages any kind. I haven't been able to receive or send any ever since I got this activated. I have tried everything I could.
I did activation multiple times and still no luck! I am very frustrated at this point and don't know what to do. I really love this phone and it works great including web data, calls but the stupid text messages will not work at all.
As soon as I send a text message I get an instant error message saying text message not sent and it does that for every message. This is just driving me insane since I text more than I talk.
I am getting close to my last resort is the reset this phone to factory which I don't know how to do. My brother uses Droid 2 Global and Fascinate on Page Plus Wireless with no problems. I tried calling multiple sources and no one is willing to help me.
Please help me if you can.
When this happened to me on Verizon, I would have to reboot my phone to get messages to send. I would suggest trying a 3rd party messaging app, such as HandCent, GOSMS or one of the other, reputable ones on the market.
There is a communication error in the Pro with the Verizon servers that will get 'backed up' from time to time and messages will not go through. Motorola is aware of this problem and is supposed to of sent out an update for this to help avoid this problem.
Being on Page Plus, I would hope that it's a similar issue.
Another thing I would suggest is to make sure Wifi is turned off on your phone. The Pro's have a different set of protocols for messaging when Wifi is active.
I hope that this helps you get your phone squared away ^.^

very vevry slow messaging in arc

hey guys!
i've an arc phone that i absolutely love...except one major detail that in the last days is driving me nuts.
I have alot of SMS/MMS with one contact in particular and a few hundred with other contacts. the thing is, in the last days the standard app for SMS was getting really really slow .. so unfortunately i had to start using handcent (why unfortunately? easy..i'm in portugal and handcent doesn't support some of our keys like "ç" or "é" "à" etc ... anyway i still started with handcent since the original program was really slow.
the thing is.. now handcent it's also getting slow.. and im running out of options.
i installed sms backup + but i had problems logging in to gmail (i enabled imap etc etc.. and i always get this error that i should allow access to gmail account, which i did) ... so.. what can i do now?
i can say that i have almost 7000sms/mms total on my arc right now... for you guys saying it's alot and i'm crazy .. c'mon on a .xml file it's not even 2mbytes.
I had an htc p3600 with wmobile 6.1 with over 25000sms and was fast everyday.
does anyone knows an official SEricsson support website?email?
how can i get support to this?
i would love to use the original sms app ... but ...its impossible accepting this slowiness
my best regards,
Um... delete your old messages? I can't imagine an SMS program lagging your phone, unless you're getting thousands of messages and storing each and every one of them. Then the phone may have trouble trying to load all of them...
Having 20000 smses? Good luck.
Same for me. Sms app is real slow. I thought it fist was Go Sms and uninstalled it. But the original app is also really slow.
Btw, I dont have so many sms. I believe it was getting slow when I recieved some mms.
Every sms-app gets slow/hangs when you recieve or send message in very short period It's annoying... I am using Go SMS pro now, but have Handcent & Chomp sms also

repeated text message spam

i keep getting rthe same message that friends send over and over. say they send
"hi bud"
then i get repeates of that text several times over several minutes
what gives?
bionix 1.3.1
You sir were text bombed. You can block this with a anti sms bomber or anti bomber donate. Search these up i dont remember how much they cost.
mm its not a bomb--they are friends but the messages they send are doubled or triple sent.
I've found that to happen on t-mo from time to time, seems to largely matter on geographical location. Is it every text you get, or just certain ones? Do you notice it does it more or less depending where you are (home vs. school for example)
hmm i havent thought aabout location. its like 30-40% of texts i get may repeat
This has happened to me before when my GF is texting me. I'm not sure if shes using stock MMS app or not. But for me, sometimes handcent says it couldnt send out the message and gives you an option to resend. It might be just that and the network is backed up or something which results in duplicate sent text. I recently switched back to stock MMS and havent had a hitch yet.
I've gotten this before, a few years ago... I called T-Mobile and the rep told me they were having network problems, and gave me 200 free text messages for the "inconvenience" (I was on a plan with 300 texts then, and wasn't really inconvenienced... just very curious).
Back then, though, I would get random double texts and texts recieved with wrong timestamps so my phone would get confused. It hasn't happened to me for years though.
This happens to me and to a friend of mine with a Droid X. I get doubles from him, from iFone users, from a lot of people. I think it's an Android thing. It happens to me on the stock SMS App and on Handcent.

[Q] Messages app - not grouping all texts

I've seen this question pop up a lot, but I thought I would see if any Nexus 4 users are having a problem on 4.2.2.
I participate in a group SMS chat with 5 other people. Everyone is an iPhone user, except one person who is on a Blackberry. The text messages from the Blackberry user show up on my N4 as individual texts to me, not in the group message.
The only way I've gotten this working is by installed a 3rd party app called GO SMS Pro. Since installing that, the Blackberry user texts now show up in the group message on both applications (stock and 3rd party).
From everything I have read online about SMS and MMS, this would seem to be a problem with the Blackberry user's texts, and iPhone is just handling it better than Android.
I would really like for this to just work in the stock app. For now it is, but I don't like that it just magically started working after installing the 3rd party app.

