repeated text message spam - Vibrant General

i keep getting rthe same message that friends send over and over. say they send
"hi bud"
then i get repeates of that text several times over several minutes
what gives?
bionix 1.3.1

You sir were text bombed. You can block this with a anti sms bomber or anti bomber donate. Search these up i dont remember how much they cost.

mm its not a bomb--they are friends but the messages they send are doubled or triple sent.

I've found that to happen on t-mo from time to time, seems to largely matter on geographical location. Is it every text you get, or just certain ones? Do you notice it does it more or less depending where you are (home vs. school for example)

hmm i havent thought aabout location. its like 30-40% of texts i get may repeat

This has happened to me before when my GF is texting me. I'm not sure if shes using stock MMS app or not. But for me, sometimes handcent says it couldnt send out the message and gives you an option to resend. It might be just that and the network is backed up or something which results in duplicate sent text. I recently switched back to stock MMS and havent had a hitch yet.

I've gotten this before, a few years ago... I called T-Mobile and the rep told me they were having network problems, and gave me 200 free text messages for the "inconvenience" (I was on a plan with 300 texts then, and wasn't really inconvenienced... just very curious).
Back then, though, I would get random double texts and texts recieved with wrong timestamps so my phone would get confused. It hasn't happened to me for years though.

This happens to me and to a friend of mine with a Droid X. I get doubles from him, from iFone users, from a lot of people. I think it's an Android thing. It happens to me on the stock SMS App and on Handcent.


SMS timing issue

I seem to be having an issue with the time stamps on my text messages. The ones that I send are okay, however the ones that I receive all have different times on them. For example:
If I send a text at 8:15PM and receive a reply right away, it'll show my text sent at 8:15PM, but the reply will have a back dated time... Maybe 5PM, 4PM... something like that.
Any ideas why?
I find this but its by no means universal. some messages I recive are an hour ahead others are not. I recived two messages at almost the same time & one of them had the wrong time. I can't wait for the new update to fix all of these little issues
I've seen this problem since my G1. It's still suffering from it, as is my Magic and my Hero.
I'm still having the same issue.
My received text messages show a time of 4 hours behind.
So if I send a text at 6:30 and receive a reply at 6:32, it shows 2:32 as the received time.
Does anyone know if there's a fix for this? I have updated to the latest (leaked) firmware, but still no luck.
Are you all on the same network? Might not be the phone because i've never noticed this
kadison said:
Are you all on the same network? Might not be the phone because i've never noticed this
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Was just going to ask this... What network are you on, have you set network location to automatic by carrier, if so, set it manually to the city / country you are in.
I'm on O2 and have been using the network provided values.
I've set it to manual and text someone at 12:44. The reply came in a little while after and was stamped 12:45 so no issue there it seems. Strange.
I'm now getting issues now with texts in fairly quick succession.
The time stamps can be the same i.e. 21:17 but a reply from someone will sometimes appear before my original text in thread view.
Also a reply came in to one of my texts with a time stamp before my original text. This was displayed "correctly" as before my text, but the fact its timestamped in this way can't be right.
Anyone else seen this?
It's like the phone is looking at minutes for accuracy, not seconds. Also taking the timestamp of when a text was sent from the other person's phone as the time received to my phone. Hm :/
I get this on Orange when I receive a message from the US. All my outgoing messages are listed at the bottom of the conversation, while the one received from the US are at the top.
UK based conversations are all threaded correctly.
Ok thanks.
It never used to be like this so I'm wondering after prolonged use the sms database gets a bit corrupted somehow?
For me it seems to behave like this: for outgoing (sent) messages I see the time that is set on Hero. For incoming messages, however, Hero shows the time on the network provider.
I assume there is some header in SMS message containing the time, and Hero uses that instead of using the time Hero has when the message arrives.
I started using the Network Provider time (automatic) to get rid of this.

The Sprint Hero Lost SMS Debacle

I was all set to finally take the plunge and sign a contract with Sprint for the new Hero - just waiting for my prepaid cellphone account to run out of money. Now more and more reports have started coming in about the Sprint Hero and its issues with losing SMS, and possible MMS too. Some sauces:
Engadget's questioning > and the scary responses:
Sprint Community's ongoing thead:'s ongoing thead (there are many):
Slightly older but still the same problem from here from XDA:
A few observations (feel free to add your own):
-UK/GSM Hero users are experiencing this, though to a much lesser extent
-A common, but not completely sweeping assessment is that affected users are using task killer programs or did at one time, even before a hard reset
-Soft resets tend to help the problem, though only temporarily (for some)
-People are getting the same issues on brand new phones that they exchanged for old ones.
Any thoughts? Do you have any personal experiences with this? I'm hoping to hold out till HTC/Sprint releases a patch or some sort of announcement about this problem but in the meantime, what has your experience, as a CDMA/Sprint Hero user, been like in regards to losing/delayed SMS and MMS messages?
From my experiance running Hero on the G1 lost text messages were due to the messeges app failing due to many things running and causing it to crash.
I can't speak for the sprint Hero, though I have not experienced any lost text messages I am aware of.
Maybe its a network issue?
I actually experienced it once. From what it appears, I downloaded a task manager and selected to kill all running apps. After I rebooted my phone though I have yet to experience any text message loses. Originally I was blaming it on a 3rd party messaging service, however now I really think it was as a result of killing the messaging app. This happened about a week and a half ago and so far *knocks on wood* have not experienced any other issues. Aside from that, I still love my hero. I honestly think that it is the best phone I have ever owned.
My biggest issue with SMS messages is that I've had up to a 3-4 minute delay between the timestamp on the message and when i get the notification. But AFAIK, I haven't lost any messages.
I think its a great phone so far. If Android keeps picking up as it appears to be, I think it can trump apple and iphone.
I have not lost any texts. I tested with texts to and from different carriers and area codes. I have not run any task killers. For what it's worth, I have not had any of the battery problems that people have run into either.
i had lost all of my SMS messages on my Sprint Hero after i installed Handcent SMS and used it for a couple days ( which so happened to be exactly a week after i bought the phone the messages were gone)
your sms's are still there, but they are in your messenger app, handcent doesn't access stuff that's already there, just the new stuff comming in. I don't belive it's possible to import the sms's that are already there, or at least there's not a known procedure on how to do so.
you can access them if you pull up your original messenger app, just no way to import/export. Sorry, probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is the correct one.
I had this problem when I first got my Hero, no text messages were being received, third party SMS app or not. My Hero said 'with Google' on the back. I exchanged it for one that just says 'htc', haven't had the problem since.
im worried
ive had the phone for 2 weeks.three days later i got the dreaded calls from friends and girlfriend that i havent been answering back to text. ive installed handcent sms and smstomailbox. from then on the problem has stopped.although i have sent myself some text and im yet to receive them no one has told me they cannot contact me. i just moved to sprint because i recently got a job as an assistant. my boss contacts me strictly through text. (you can imagine the magnitude of this issue) after all the forums ive read, i dont know what to do regarding this. my 30 days is almost up. i cant imagine a patch is not already on the works, but ive read this has been a known problem for some time. with Htc pumping out phones by the dozen and 1.6. / 2.0 updates taking the spotlight, i wonder if i should return my phone. the phone is real nice and i dont want a flimsy pre. seems too much stress for a device you pay good money for.i have the sprint hero with the "with google" in the back. seems like a bad time to get a phone with sprint since theres no news on wether this phone will be upgradeable or patched and the other phones are going to get upgraded soon. (HD2)
on another thread someone posted that the problem had been acknowledged . the post pointed to a flaw in the sms app that did not send a "memory full" notification back to the sms database server. so it seems theres a limit to the sms app capacity and it kinda locks down or something along those lines. lol (sorry ill post the link when i find it again) in other news 2.0 is coming to the hero. so i guess ill deal with the issues till then.
I purchased a Hero on launch day [early run device, without 'with Google' branding, only 'HTC' on the back cover] and quickly encountered the intermittent text message delivery debacle.
Bottom line, there were extended periods of time in which text messages being sent to me were simply not appearing on my phone. [Side note, this includes individuals both on and off the Sprint Network.] Turning the phone off and on usually alleviated the non-delivery / appearance problem but any messages sent during that time were gone. There was no flood of messages post restart.
I should note that on two occasions I did notice that I had received a text in the top notification bar but when I opened the Messaging App, the text was no where to be found.
It appears that the messages may indeed have been delievered... but the app is 'eating' them, so to speak. This *could* explain why on Sprint's end, everything looks fine on the network... or so I was told, which I believe.
My temp solution, as advised by forum / discussion posts by other Hero users was to install an alt Messaging App [I used Handcent SMS] and use this rather than the stock Messaging app. Additionally, I added 'SMS To Mail Lite' which forwarded a copy of my incoming texts to an email address. I experienced no intermittent outages / delivery failures / abductions at all. Both Handcent and the email inbox matched. While this 'worked' I was unable to replicate the bug but since I was using Handcent this might have been why.
Later, after spending some time on the phone w/Sprint Advanced Tech Support, they determined it was not a network issue and was due to the phone itself [as their system showed all my messages being delivered]. They set up a trouble ticket and I was able to swap my Hero for a new one at my local store. Caveat, I was still under the 30 day trial which made things much easier when I got to the store.
I was told by Advanced Tech Support that HTC has recognized this intermittent text delivery issue and they are working on a solution. I only mention 'Advanced' b/c the first individual I spoke with from regular Text Messaging Support had zero knowledge of this issue and was quick to deny any problems whatsoever. No one at the store knew anything about it either, but I wasn't expecting it. So if you speak with anyone at Sprint, expect that they might not know yet and be nice. You might even get a replacement phone.
Currently, I'm still using Handcent and really like it. Tried ChompSMS but just prefer the other. They're on par w/one another so be sure to check them both out if you prefer to go this route. Also, I used the 'My Backup Pro' app to restore my new phone to the original configuration. Certainly worth the $5.
Hope this helps.

"Delete old messages" keeps checking itself

Hey guys, stumbled across this forum while searching for help with another issue and it's been a great help so far.
Anyway, have a new problem with the phone. I have (or atleast had) a fair amount of messages from various people. On my birthday of all days (I guess I was getting larger than average amount of messages?), the phone decided to display some error message which I didn't see and then deleted all of my messages, so people have messaged me for my bday and I have no idea what they have said, haha, but thats a seperate problem.
Went into the settings and the phone has checked 'delete old messages' again even though I made sure this was off when I first got the phone.
I changed it back and checked again... the phone has checked the box again. No matter what I do it keeps checking the box.
Any ideas?
I have that bug too. I do not know how to solve it. In order not to del my old messages, I just increase the text message limit (from 200 to 1000).
I have the exact same problem. Very annoying. I've lost a fair amount messages due to this too. Now I've increased the text message limit from 200 to 500 and I backup all my SMSes to my gmail account using "SMS Backup" every night. Seems to be the only way to preserve old messages at the moment.
istnelane said:
I have that bug too. I do not know how to solve it. In order not to del my old messages, I just increase the text message limit (from 200 to 1000).
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I've done that now too (up to 5000 as thats the limit), so hopefully it should be ok now, but I'd still like to know how to turn this auto delete function off if possible. I bought this phone because I was sick of how controlling the iPhone was, don't really want another phone that does what it wants, haha.
Up until today it used to just ask me if I want to delete older messages everytime I went into messages, but now its just decided it's going to do it.
Temp. Fix-ish.
I don't want to bump an old thread and I don't know if this has been solved yet but when I discovered this I did some tinkering and discovered it appears to be triggered by backing out of the messaging service using the back key. The trick is to use the home key to take you back to the home screen. This will allow you to always have "Delete old messages" unticked.
Until a fix is out I hope this helps.
I had this issue before!
Surprisingly, it went away after flashing to another firmware (which turned out not liking) and then flashing back to my old firmware via Kies.
If you're unwilling to go that route, then I suggest using a different messaging app such as Handcent SMS or something like it and bypass the default messaging app all together. It doesn't look as nice as the default messaging app IMHO but it does not have all the quirks the former gives (like changing 3-SMS long messages to an MMS automatically...irritating!)
I heard Froyo will be fixing the annoyance I just mentioned. Maybe once the official Froyo from Samsung comes out all these small annoyances would go away.
That 3-long SMS to MMS is annoying because I get unlimited SMS but it charges me the standard rate for MMS so it's stupid.
I never really reach the 5000 limit and I'm happy using the home key method as it is but good options otherwise.

[Q] Can't Send/Receive SMS text messages

I am very new to Android coming from Palm Pre and I purchased Droid Pro and activated it with Page Plus everything seems to work fine except I can't receive or can't send any plain text messages any kind. I haven't been able to receive or send any ever since I got this activated. I have tried everything I could.
I did activation multiple times and still no luck! I am very frustrated at this point and don't know what to do. I really love this phone and it works great including web data, calls but the stupid text messages will not work at all.
As soon as I send a text message I get an instant error message saying text message not sent and it does that for every message. This is just driving me insane since I text more than I talk.
I am getting close to my last resort is the reset this phone to factory which I don't know how to do. My brother uses Droid 2 Global and Fascinate on Page Plus Wireless with no problems. I tried calling multiple sources and no one is willing to help me.
Please help me if you can.
When this happened to me on Verizon, I would have to reboot my phone to get messages to send. I would suggest trying a 3rd party messaging app, such as HandCent, GOSMS or one of the other, reputable ones on the market.
There is a communication error in the Pro with the Verizon servers that will get 'backed up' from time to time and messages will not go through. Motorola is aware of this problem and is supposed to of sent out an update for this to help avoid this problem.
Being on Page Plus, I would hope that it's a similar issue.
Another thing I would suggest is to make sure Wifi is turned off on your phone. The Pro's have a different set of protocols for messaging when Wifi is active.
I hope that this helps you get your phone squared away ^.^

texts disappearing, not received + no record of calls missed

I have found at least two different threads where some of us are experiencing texts that disappear right in front of us. And even worse....texts that are sent to use but we never get them! I've seen my friend's sms record that shows a text was sent, but I did not get it.
I don't think it is rom related, because I've seen the issue presented in an Evo rom thread and a Xoom thread (user has an Evo).
I have completely wiped my phone - twice- and it still happens. Another user trying to trouble shoot the same problem, wiped and reformatted his sd card. This is happening on stock sms and 3rd party sms apps.
AND.. some of us experiencing this are ALSO missing calls. I have seen friend's call history that shows they have called me and I have NO record of a missed call.
Anyway - if you are experiencing this, or thought you were going crazy, I'm trying to troubleshoot and find out wtf is going on. Any ideas would be appreciated. If you are experiencing this, and can join or comment on this discussion maybe we can figure out what the common denominator is.
What up slug. I also can agree with you to. I have missed texts and calls myself. Everytime I was on CM7 or Decks Aosp roms my phone never missed anything. I did miss alot of calls off of MikG. What I do now is upgrade my PRL and Profile every other day.
marcusva79 said:
What up slug. I also can agree with you to. I have missed texts and calls myself. Everytime I was on CM7 or Decks Aosp roms my phone never missed anything. I did miss alot of calls off of MikG. What I do now is upgrade my PRL and Profile every other day.
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Hey there, I know you
So by this are we potentially at least narrowing it down to Sense?
Seems like this adds to not being rom related, but maybe sense or sprint? Have you found that updating prl and profile is helping?
Are you sure it was not randomly ok?
Really, as far as I know, I've not missed any texts or phone calls since I did two full wipes. I DO know I've had texts disappear b/c I saw them disappear.
I have had texts disappear once. But that was on one of the nightlies. I was like WTF!! But havent yet since yesterday.
I just posted this in evokings thread... I've been having same issues...
firegeek said:
So due to frustrations with missing text messages, today I flashed the latest Deck rom. As I also was unable to send pics... I was desperate to find a solution ... well pics send great and I haven't missed any texts.
Well I was going thru some of the advanced settings and found a setting about locking messaging in low memory situations. And it got me thinking, is that the issue here? As I know last nite I was playing plants vs zombies when I missed a number of text messages. Do we not have enough memory? Am I asking too much of my poor broken evo? Or can we have that setting?
Just spit balling ... I'm really missing this ROM. And was I alone in having MMS issues? I noticed some talk about it, and renaming a file... but I couldn't understand completely and must have done something wrong because it didn't fix it.
EDIT... yes I did wipe wipe wipe wipe before flashing.
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bumping in case others are experiencing this, trying to find what we have in common or if it is a random sprint issue
copy of chat transcript with Sprint agent - apparently this might be a known issue and it might be hardware related.
07/01/2011 02:52:04PM "??I have experienced a text messaging and phone call problem that is random and appears difficult to recreate. I have watched text messages disappear from my phone, I have seen others call records where they have called me and I show no missed calls, I hav"
&nbsp e also seen where they have sent me text messages that I have never recieved
07/01/2011 02:53:27PM Agent (Sara B): "I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you."
07/01/2011 02:53:34PM Agent (Sara B): "Please hold a moment while I access your account."
07/01/2011 02:54:39PM "No problem, I was just wondering if this was a problem with the new updates as I have other friends with Evos experiencing the same or similar problems"
07/01/2011 02:55:41PM Agent (Sara B): "There are certain known issues with the new updated and our experts are working to get the solution."
07/01/2011 02:55:57PM "Might this be one of them?"
07/01/2011 02:56:09PM Agent (Sara B): "Since when are you facing this issue with phone?"
07/01/2011 02:57:24PM "within the past 3 weeks or so. The disappearing texts happened within the past week."
07/01/2011 02:57:50PM "I thought it might be helpful to report it just in case it might a problem some others are having."
07/01/2011 02:59:26PM Agent (Sara B): "I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you."
07/01/2011 02:59:35PM Agent (Sara B): "Did you updated your phone?"
07/01/2011 03:00:12PM "well thank you, I've really enjoyed Sprint and my evo and haven't really experienced any problems until now, and this is random. Yes, I've updated my phone."
07/01/2011 03:00:39PM Agent (Sara B): "Please give me a moment to look into it."
07/01/2011 03:03:57PM Agent (Sara B): "I will perform the basic troubleshoot remotely. And then I will request you to visit the nearest Sprint store to get the phone repaired. As Insurance is added on the line, you will not be charged the repair fee of $35.00."
07/01/2011 03:05:46PM "oh, so this may be a hardware problem and opposed to a software problem?"
07/01/2011 03:06:30PM Agent (Sara B): "Yes, this can be. As the phone needs to be checked physically."
07/01/2011 03:08:27PM "Ok, thank you so much, I really appreciate your help. I need to take my phone in for the camera to be looked at so they can look at this at the same time - I had no idea it might be hardware related, I just assumed software since there have been updates."
&nbsp Thank you for your time
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I know there was a problem with SMS messages appearing in the wrong thread or being sent to the wrong person with Froyo. That was one of the things that was supposed to be fixed in the Gingerbread update.
I think I have always received all of my texts though. Missing calls? That has happened on my Evo and several of my previous phones. Sometimes the phone never rings and then suddenly I have a voicemail from someone. It's something wonky with the Sprint network and has happened to me and other members of my family on various phones. I don't think it's specific to the Evo or any ROM on the Evo.
gamblor01 said:
I know there was a problem with SMS messages appearing in the wrong thread or being sent to the wrong person with Froyo. That was one of the things that was supposed to be fixed in the Gingerbread update.
I think I have always received all of my texts though. Missing calls? That has happened on my Evo and several of my previous phones. Sometimes the phone never rings and then suddenly I have a voicemail from someone. It's something wonky with the Sprint network and has happened to me and other members of my family on various phones. I don't think it's specific to the Evo or any ROM on the Evo.
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Yea, that sms going to the wrong person thing is supposed to have been fixed.
But this is different. Way different. And I've only seen the combination of things mentioned by evo or 3d evo owners. Texts that show as being sent by a friend that never show up on your phone, same thing with phone calls, and also watching texts within a sms thread literally disappear.
Texts not arriving is sprints network failing. Same with missed calls not showing up
I receive a notification for having a text via the light blinking but there are no texts! This only happens to me when I play plants vs zombies though. Not sure if its the same issue lol
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Welcome to the now network, now you wish you chose someone else
I too have had these same problems on cm7, mikfroyo, mikg, mikz,and stock froyo. Definately not a rom related problem
I have been having this same problem on MIUI and Fresh Rom, before and after flashing radios. I live in Florida, if it could be a region/network thing. My wife's Evo is running an old 2.2 rom and she misses calls all day long, simply gets a GVoice notification.
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Ok, this is ridiculous then.
Thank you all soooo much for reporting in.
I like Sprint and love my Evo and have no intention of changing carriers or phones (unless I get the 3d or 4g+).
When our phones quit functioning reliably as a PHONE, that is a big problem.
Hey slug, we spoke about this but I want to chime in. I too get the the light indicator go off and never get any messages, I've also seen messages disappear after a few minutes in the thread. I know I've definitely missed calls and only get voicemail.
I've never had a problem with Sprint or my evo until the new sense which I think is the culprit.
I've done a test on a theory I had. I deleted one of my text threads from a friend, sent him a text and asked him to reply (i was ok the phone with him too). When he replied, I got the indicator flashing but no message. Hung up the phone and still no message. I'm starting to think its new threads started by us that it won't show, but also current threads r being effected because I always get a daily message and today never received it.
I'm going to switch back to warm 2.2 and see if it stops and if I receive all of the missing texts but I highly doubt that.
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So update on my text dilemma. I switched back to 2.2 and I get texts but now most of my apps doesn't work. Lol I tell ya I can't win. Gonna switch back to synergy later, too tired this to do it now.
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I also miss lot of calles that never Come and most of it is started sense they merged with google voice I think it as something to do with it. Also the time stamp in sms is crazy and it is only on sense sms app i have tried other apps and there all fine.. its hard to keep up with a chat using sense app the text is all over the place.
papaslacker said:
I also miss lot of calles that never Come and most of it is started sense they merged with google voice I think it as something to do with it. Also the time stamp in sms is crazy and it is only on sense sms app i have tried other apps and there all fine.. its hard to keep up with a chat using sense app the text is all over the place.
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I use Handcent, not the stock sms, and I still have the problem.
I've been wondering what "touches" all of these aspects - texts, phone calls, etc. And while I've thought of Spring, Sense and roms....I had not thought of Google Voice because I don't use it. But you are right, there has been some sort of integration made with that.
slugbug2010 said:
I use Handcent, not the stock sms, and I still have the problem.
I've been wondering what "touches" all of these aspects - texts, phone calls, etc. And while I've thought of Spring, Sense and roms....I had not thought of Google Voice because I don't use it. But you are right, there has been some sort of integration made with that.
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i used Handcent and didnt have a problem all texts came in order not sure about time stamp but i now the texts came in order not all over the place
Well the problem that I'm having is due to minfree's I think. I think what happens is that the messaging service gets closed to free up RAM and thus the notification light blinks to wake the service up, but it just never decides to read and write the text. The reason why I think it's a memory issue is because when I play PvZ, that's 80 MB of RAM. On the 2.1/3.0 ROM's, I have about 110 free (on Mik's) and 85 on Synergy or Kingdom. When I play PvZ, in order to get that much RAM, it needs to close things, usually launchers are locked in memory so they don't close. But if I'm playing and someone texts me, WiMax notifier goes off when a text is there, but there are no texts and people get mad cuz I don't reply.
It has however, never stopped a phone call for me. Only texts. The other thing I noticed is that if I'm constantly checking my messaging app i.e. keeping it awake, the problem never occurs. So I believe it might be a memory issue with the newer sense. At least for me lol so unless there is a way to lock the messaging app, I don't think it will be solved for people experiencing the issue I am. And I'm not sure if this could also be the phone culprit for not receiving calls.
Edit: Just edited my minfree's and it happened without pvz hmm I think its a memory issue for me then

