the keypad do not work during a call - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hi, here its another doubt...
When i call to the cell phone company to know my credit, the IVR machine answer the call. So, it says: If you need xxx press 1, if you need xxxx press 2, etc etc
The problem its that i cant do nothing during the call!! I press "keypad", "end call", "contacts" etc etc and nothing happends.
The only way to end the call its pressing the no-touchable buttom wich have a "little house"
I really want to know my credit, use the keypad to view contacts or to press 1, 2, 3 etc if i need it!!!!
Someone help me please!!!
Thank a lot!!

Maybe you could map the keypad to a button. On a side note: what ROM are you running?

Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!

yemo28 said:
Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!
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Keypad option has always been available in call for me in both 6.1 and 6.5 WWE ROMs

I dont know what more can i do... Is it posible that the ROM came corrupted or somthing similar?
I m wondering what happends if i upgrade to WM 6.5...
But the cell its new, so, i dont wanna make any changes

Just a thought, does your dialer have a "curtain" that you swipe down to access the keypad button?

Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!

yemo28 said:
Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!
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Love Google translator!
Sounds like an issue with your dialer.
A hard reset or flashing another ROM (assuming you understand how) will fix your problem.

Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all

Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you

yemo28 said:
Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you
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fighter7139 said:
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Thanx fighter! i will try it!!

yemo28 said:
Thanx fighter! i will try it!!
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Didn t work!

yemo28 said:
Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all
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Yes, the red button is a soft reset, clear storage is one way to hard reset, you can also power the device off, turn back on with power button and immediately hold both volume keys until you get the white screen, then follow the instructions.

I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this:
Before, I had this:
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?

yemo28 said:
I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this:
Before, I had this:
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?
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Go to Settings\Personal\Phone and make sure Keypad is set to long tones, see if that helps. Also try short tones if not.

Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!

yemo28 said:
Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!
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Interface is phone canvas.
Sorry I do not know what your issue is.

Its ok Bruce, i know you try to help me. This is all that matters!
I give up with this issue!! I ll try to change the phone...
Thank you all for your help!!


anyone know if you can lock the touchscreen ?

Hi all,
when you got the screen folded over and facing out, any way of locking the screen?
I was also woundering about that...
when you have the screen in phone mode, there must be some way of locking the screen!
well if nobody here knows, o2 won't know!
Not sure if this answers your question but mine is set up thus:
In 'Settings/Buttons/Lock' set 'When device is off' to 'Lock all buttons except Power Button'
I keep the screen outwards and use the power button to lock/unlock.
One snag is that the phone seems to unlock itself when receiving an incoming call. I therefore can accidently cancel it trying to get the damn thing out of my pocket.
I do believe it locks the screen during installation of the ext rom..
This is done by running tpdisable.exe from the windows directory..
A word of warning though: IT'S DISABLED!
Unless you bind tpenable.exe to a button FIRST, you're screwed..
(Ok, a soft reset should fix it..)
I think they are called tpenable and tpdisable...
I don't have the device yet, so I can't check right now.
When I was looking at the config file, there was no mention of an exe, it was like a command (unlock your ext rom and take a look at it).
I got the impression this function was now embedded in the OS hence no exe. Probably wring of course....
Then it should be possible to make such a program, and assign it to a button..
Tried this one?
could maybe work for your devicetype to
pimbo said:
Tried this one?
could maybe work for your devicetype to
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Any one work out what the key combination is to diactivate it on the Universal?
I guess it would be the equivalent keys of leftmost and rightmost keys on HTC Blue Angel ('Windows' and 'Ok' keys!?)
However you guys, should try MortSaver (freeware also)
At least you can set several parameter according your preferences.
I just found an issue related with Voice Speed Dial interworking.
Conchas said:
... However you guys, should try MortSaver (freeware also)...
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Many thanks, I like it!

Hard buttons config

Hi all
Can anyone send me the following registry key (and subkeys) please (of the HTC TyTN / Hermes)
I have a problem with my power button and I've discovered that some values are missing in this registry key.
P.S.: If possible, please send me the configuration from an original rom without any third party software.
Many thanks!
nero said:
Hi all
Can anyone send me the following registry key (and subkeys) please (of the HTC TyTN / Hermes)
I have a problem with my power button and I've discovered that some values are missing in this registry key.
P.S.: If possible, please send me the configuration from an original rom without any third party software.
Many thanks!
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Hopefully Keys attached
many thanks Mike
but "Button 6" configuration is missing... is that alright?
by default there is no configuration for this button?
nero said:
many thanks Mike
but "Button 6" configuration is missing... is that alright?
by default there is no configuration for this button?
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Yes, until now I had not noticed that but that is indeed true on mine. I have also not carried out any customisation or even reset any of these buttons (well since last HR anyway)
Hi again Mike!
Ok, I've deleted the "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C5" key and now the power button works perfectly.
I have wisbar advance 2 installed and probably, somehow I think, messing arround in his settings has created the power button mapping and that makes his behaviour anoying...
Maybe this is a solution for some other people with this problem. I've seen there are more people in the forum with the "power button problem".
Many thanks.
Power Button
Good news.
Had not seen others with the problem of the "power button" but if I spot them I'll link to here and by repeating power button problem hopefully searches will lead here!!!!
checkout this one here
people saying that need to do a soft-reset...
is what I have been doing when the power button get stucked and it is not anymore
nero said:
checkout this one here
people saying that need to do a soft-reset...
is what I have been doing when the power button get stucked and it is not anymore
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Well now, I wonder!
Perhaps you could write up a detailed piece on exactly what was happening and then the exact detail of what you did/changed. I have a pretty good picture but if you get the time the old blow by blow account would be useful.
going to bed now-enough problems for one day!!!
sorry but I dont know exactly what you want to say with "old blow by blow account". My native language is not english and I dont know that expression.
I can say that my power/toggle screen button becomes "non responsive" in the past couple of days, sometimes works after 3/4 presses or after a long press but other times I need to do a sw reset pressing with the stylus in the reset button/hole.
What I did to fix this malfunction is what I've described in this thread's 5 post (here)
I've used resco's Registry Editor and deleted the key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C5" and all of it's contents.
Now the power/toggle screen button works perfectly!
If you need some more information, just do has one of our tv commercial
"explains it as if I am too much donkey"
I'm from Portugal.. same GMT, sweet dreams
Would this make it in a wizard too?
Hi guys, I have a wizard with the power button inoperant, everything else looks work fine... I tried several tricks given in the forums and those are great to power it off but not for turning on the phone niether the display on. Would this make it in the wizard too?
Luiggi, take a backup of your registry (Everyone should before registry editing), and just try it!
Hi Guys,
does anyone know how to reconfigure the video-call button (the little button above the green button). I don't use this one, en would like to give it another function)
Thanks VJ
vijay555 said:
Luiggi, take a backup of your registry (Everyone should before registry editing), and just try it!
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Thank you Vijay I took a look to the 8125 registry and is quite different, i´m afraid this wouldn´t work for the Wizard. I´ve tried also a couple of your programas (VJKeypress and VJEscahaton) but can´t help either, my problem is to turn the phone on (i´ve been using softreset during a connection to the power supply) and all indicates that this is a hardware issue... any thoughts?
Take a full backup (eg SPB Backup) then hardreset. Test if a clean rom still has the problem. If it does, it's a hardware issue, get it repaired.
Otherwise, if it's software, list what you've got or rebuild your installation.
It died like a hero....
vijay555 said:
Take a full backup (eg SPB Backup) then hardreset. Test if a clean rom still has the problem. If it does, it's a hardware issue, get it repaired.
Otherwise, if it's software, list what you've got or rebuild your installation.
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I follow your advice and @ 80% of flashing stalls for awhile with the progress bar in red, after some minutes proceeded turning the progress bar in blue color and @ 95% progress I got ERROR326 : INVALID COMMAND "With the legend "This NBF file can not be used for your phone. Please check your NBF file" The screen was white with the 95% progress bar and lost connection with the PC, I tried a softreset and what I got was the tricolor scren with IPL / SPL data and RUU at the top right. I´m afraid that we have another G4 casualty...
And few hours later.......
I reflashed the phone with RUU_RIsidoro_2.26.10.2_WWE+CF2SP1_G4 this time it went to the 100% progress and the congratulation screen for a succesful flashing, however stalls in bootloader screen (this time without the RUU inthe top right), whenever I do a softreset (since the on / off button still is not working) The HTC innovation splash screen shows up, then disappears and my Wizard returns to the bootloader mode. I think I should be moving to the Wizard forums, thank you VJ!

Call button doesn't work

Hi ya all,
My on screen call button in the contact list of TouchFlo3D doesn't work (anymore).
Before i'am going to hard reset my TD2 i'am hoping that someone here can help me out!
If i press send text message or email button it works on the same screen!
When is close HTC Sense aka Touch Flo 3D and use Windows standard homescreen the onscreen call button works.
Thanxs in advance.
Tom Lenferink said:
Hi ya all,
My on screen call button in the contact list of TouchFlo3D doesn't work (anymore).
Before i'am going to hard reset my TD2 i'am hoping that someone here can help me out!
If i press send text message or email button it works on the same screen!
Thanxs in advance.
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If it doesn't work even after a soft reset, you'll have to hard reset.
Bruce Inman said:
If it doesn't work even after a soft reset, you'll have to hard reset.
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I was hoping for another solution, i'll wait if someone comes with a sugestion.
I have enabled Windows standard homescreen instead of HTC Sense so i'am able to call.
Thanxs anyway!

[Q] Program buttons?!?

Hey guys..does anyone know what the program buttons do ?i tried to map some programs to it and nothing...
I'm sorry I don't understand your question, which program buttons do you mean? The ones on the home screen or otherwise?
Probably the personalised buttons. Which is not available in HD mini.
yeah i thought so too,reminded that this was working on my old p3600 and i could asign actions for those buttons,btw does the endkey replacement working for u?
The end key long press that brings up the quick list works fine.
not the original one..i mean the endkey replacement v 4.5,or if u can tell me pls if u know a way to replace the long press endkey with a programs tab.
Keyboard sound
Hello there,
Do you have any idea how can we turn off the keyboard sound when dialing without turning off also the incoming message alert ?
There is an option for keyboard.
fighter7139 said:
There is an option for keyboard.
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Thanks but on my phone supplementary from settings I have all settings and there is no phone tab or icon. Where should it be ?
I don't have english menu.
Tell what do you see, when you select "all settings"?
fighter7139 said:
There is an option for keyboard.
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Thanks I found it !: settings-all settings-personal-phone-keypad must be set to off.
tnx Fighter7139
Sorry, for some devices, "Phone" is inside Personal, for some others is outside.
Thanks fighter7139

A Big problem with HTC Touch 2

Hey guys and don't be mean if i get the word wrong and something like that ( I'm from Lituahnia) So I recently got an used HTC Touch 2 or mega or pro I don't know and I don't know some things like:
1. When I press the home button it opens me some shortcuts or programs instead of home screen. So does on everyone phones it happens? Or my is "broken"?
2. The other thing I want too ask is that when I press home button it opens me that programs and they are russian langue, but the start is english langue. Is that normal?
So I wanted too asked about this problems. Who can help please write or load a youtube vid(s). Thanks for the help
first find out what phone do you have .... then I recomend u to have a fresh rom on it ...
Okay so I have HTC Touch 2 and I reset my phone. I pushed the button "Clear Storage" and everything change. I guess i didn't need press that button... Okay the problem that I was talking before i solved and it's was Spb Home, but there is some new problem.. That clear storage delete some my contacs and it switch my time. My date... I need to put everything in "places". I know how too restor time and date, but I don't know how too change keybord how it was before and more... So I realy need advices and youtube vid(s) or photos.
P.S. And don't know what the heck is fresh rom . I realy need videos. Who can help, please help
same problem
great suggestion! ty!

