A Big problem with HTC Touch 2 - Touch2 General

Hey guys and don't be mean if i get the word wrong and something like that ( I'm from Lituahnia) So I recently got an used HTC Touch 2 or mega or pro I don't know and I don't know some things like:
1. When I press the home button it opens me some shortcuts or programs instead of home screen. So does on everyone phones it happens? Or my is "broken"?
2. The other thing I want too ask is that when I press home button it opens me that programs and they are russian langue, but the start is english langue. Is that normal?
So I wanted too asked about this problems. Who can help please write or load a youtube vid(s). Thanks for the help

first find out what phone do you have .... then I recomend u to have a fresh rom on it ...

Okay so I have HTC Touch 2 and I reset my phone. I pushed the button "Clear Storage" and everything change. I guess i didn't need press that button... Okay the problem that I was talking before i solved and it's was Spb Home, but there is some new problem.. That clear storage delete some my contacs and it switch my time. My date... I need to put everything in "places". I know how too restor time and date, but I don't know how too change keybord how it was before and more... So I realy need advices and youtube vid(s) or photos.
P.S. And don't know what the heck is fresh rom . I realy need videos. Who can help, please help

same problem
great suggestion! ty!


record Button and more generally buttons's shortcut reset

Hi everybody !
First af all, sry for bad english ! i will try to do my best but i'm french so this could explain some mistakes.
Does anybody experienced the same trouble ?
1/ my 4 buttons ( contact, calendar, camera and record ) always reset ! maybe 1 or 2 times a day.
I always have to go in the configuration panel to re-set the standard function and i can't have anymore access to the "record" button.
If i do -) start -) parameters -) buttons i always have to redeploy the affectation af each button by choosing in the list above BUT in this list i can't have access to the 'hotvoice' or if u prefer the 'record' application !
so i can't program the record button again to record !
am i clear enought ?
2/ when my 4 buttons reset i have a message on the screen (will try to translate ) "can't find the shortcut or pb with the shortcut / can't access to the required function "
Can anybody help ?
Qtek2020 or XDA2
Calendar+ today plug in
Scott Seligman's Launcher
FV&&PB Metro
that's all
Tks 4 all
Hi everybody
26 read and no response.
So i'm the only to have this pb OK well u can feel u all happy.
Sry for bothering u so !
Nice end of day 2 u all
never had that issue maybe because i leave the buttons at default
apart from the calander button which is set to voice command
and that dont get kicked back to default calander when i reset

htc home customizer

has anyone else problem with the htc home customizer??
i need to take a hard reset after rebooting
Same thing
You have to change the originale HTC Home with Kaiser.HTC.Home.v2.0.814.722-schen
But i prefer keep 4 tabs 'cause the display is smaller and tabs would became too small
I hv the same problem,
finally I need to restore the backup file ....
I used HHC without installing any homeplugins.
Just installed HHC and modfied the original homeplug from the device.
No problems so far.
But i have a xda star (o2 branded dual), so the roms may differ...
Same here - worked like a charm
Same here it crashed on me!! had to hard reset! I guess it only works with certain touch dual ROM's e.g. O2.
Hi Folks.. just tried the HHC also and cant enter the device lock code.. no response of any soft or hard key of my nike (o2 xda star)
any chance to solve that without hard reset? made so many customizations without backing up
Hi guys, when you installed the customizer into the phone, did you ever see an error message "Can't find the tapsetting" ? I guess this is the main problem ....
DO NOT touch the "Tabsetting" key!!
i tried to manually add the "Tabsetting" key under HTCHome... now, like after installing HHC, all soft & physical keys not responding.
hard reset in progress...
(further update)
seems the HTCHome version can really handle this key... yet i couldn't find the right data type and data value to enable the music player tab.... i could only find some possible values that lead to zero tab or disabling all soft & physical keys.
I've a worster problem that is after install htc customizer my touch Dual goes nuts and neither soft and hard reset solved the problem.
I say worster, because at this moment I even can't start my Touch Dual. It block always or in windows screen or in PIN screen and don't let me write anything.
I don't have more ideas.
t0p0gigi0 said:
I've a worster problem that is after install htc customizer my touch Dual goes nuts and neither soft and hard reset solved the problem.
I say worster, because at this moment I even can't start my Touch Dual. It block always or in windows screen or in PIN screen and don't let me write anything.
I don't have more ideas.
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Stupid manual..... say to do ENTER to reset phone, but do not specified that enter is not exactly the enter key of keypad but it's the key in middle of direction cursors that is between RED and GREEN keys.
At least I hope this helps anyone.
UK Orange Touch Dual here, no problem with HHC at all
U have to change the language of the HHC, i had the same problem with italian HHC and English Home plugin.
After reboot, WM6 don't loads. ( sorry 4 my bad english )
Haven't encounter no problems, works smoothly and nicely.

how to stop opening sms and it display the very bottom???

wierd.. i open a new sms, it shows me the very bottom... ie blank !
i need to scroll up to see the message... why so?
better post a capture to study, thx !
hmm not easy for me to post but.. for example
from xxxxx
the message will open in this area which is blank.. i have to scroll UP to see the start..
reset doesnt help... could it be one of the registry settings got messed up? its very irritating.. imagine u open a new sms and it shows you the very botto,m of the scroll box.. u have to scroll up to see the begining of the sms ... pls !!! i need help
ahhh, now i understand what you mean. had that behaviour on my old imate.
I am not sure what caused this...it is a windows mobile problem and not device specific i think...
I did a hard reset back then and reinstalled all the applications.
oh no.. pls dont do this to me... i cant afford to hard reset..
anyone who knows this registry setting... PLS be kind to reply.
and why can't you hardreset? backup your pim data, hard reset, reinstall your apps (how many do you have? 10? thats done in minutes) and you are good to go.
too bad i dont remember what cause tthis damn behaviour...
i think its some dam* setting
why do MS has to come up with such a friendly os
Hey Leo,
This problem happened on my old HTC Universal. I believe it was because I was playing with font size/settings. Try changing the size of the system font in SETTINGS --> SYSTEM --> SCREEN --> Font Size (tab).
This may help you out. I can't really remember what solved the issue, or if i even did solve it at all. It's a simple thing worth trying anyways...
Hope that helps!
what is the default size? my system is 9.
anyone pls????? it is getting VERY disturbing
leobox1 cant see the font size in numbers in here. There is a bar where you are suppose to adjust the size from Smallest Largest. Its right in the middle for me.
Hope this may help
can I asked what you have installed?
It use to happen with me on my old HTC Kaiser it was related to "D-PAD Scroll Navigation unded PocketIE" which I had to disable. Have you installed a tweak program which could have enabled these options?
i have sktools
pocket mechanic
advance tools
in tweaks2k2 go to internet settings untick pie smooth scrolling accept settings and reboot then try and open a sms.
ARRGHHH trial expired.. cansomeone point me which reg key is it?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation
- Change the value of the DWORD "4-Way Nav" into 1
this solve the SMS halfway prob... but of course i do not know what this breaks instead
ty all ...
please dont request regs or warez in the forum it's not alowed and will if don
many times result in a ban
oh.. rudegar.. you mistook me.. i meant which registry key is for that tweak.. as my key is expired.

the keypad do not work during a call

Hi, here its another doubt...
When i call to the cell phone company to know my credit, the IVR machine answer the call. So, it says: If you need xxx press 1, if you need xxxx press 2, etc etc
The problem its that i cant do nothing during the call!! I press "keypad", "end call", "contacts" etc etc and nothing happends.
The only way to end the call its pressing the no-touchable buttom wich have a "little house"
I really want to know my credit, use the keypad to view contacts or to press 1, 2, 3 etc if i need it!!!!
Someone help me please!!!
Thank a lot!!
Maybe you could map the keypad to a button. On a side note: what ROM are you running?
Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!
yemo28 said:
Hi cmstackar!! thanks for your answer!! im running the original ROM (WM 6.1 in english)
ROM: 1.39.405.2 (47382) WWE
Radio Version:
Any idea?
Thanks again!
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Keypad option has always been available in call for me in both 6.1 and 6.5 WWE ROMs
I dont know what more can i do... Is it posible that the ROM came corrupted or somthing similar?
I m wondering what happends if i upgrade to WM 6.5...
But the cell its new, so, i dont wanna make any changes
Just a thought, does your dialer have a "curtain" that you swipe down to access the keypad button?
Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!
yemo28 said:
Hi Bruce Inman! you help me with another problem!! i hope you can help me in this too!!
Yes, there is a "curtain" but in the screen appears "slide down for more options" (like hold, add call, note, etc) and down this frase appears "keypad" (in the left) and "end call" (in the right)
Recently i turn off the phone for a wile and i CAN use the keypad (i entered to the menu of an IVR machine without any promblem) and slide down the "curtain". I end the call touching the scree in the "end the call". All was OK!!
When i end the call, the phone do not work good for 5 seconds (that happends allwas, i dont know way... after end a call, the phone do not work properly) When the phone came back to normality i try to make another phone call to use the keypad and i returned to the begining!!! I can do nothing touching the screen... no kaypad, no curtain, no end call, NOTHING!!
I hope someone knows the problem to give me a solution!!
Sorry about my english!!! i m loughting wile im writing because everyword i think: "this is no the correct word tu put right here" jajajaj. Please, try to understand me, im doing my best!!
thank you all!!
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Love Google translator!
Sounds like an issue with your dialer.
A hard reset or flashing another ROM (assuming you understand how) will fix your problem.
Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all
Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you
yemo28 said:
Hey, one question... i think that the problme is the application "phonecanvas". Can i reinstall? where can i find this program form the Diamond 2?
Thank you
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fighter7139 said:
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Thanx fighter! i will try it!!
yemo28 said:
Thanx fighter! i will try it!!
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Didn t work!
yemo28 said:
Bruce Inman, i did 2 resets but i dont know if were a hard or soft reset. One was pressing the red buttom and the other was in "start>settings>all settings>System>clear the storage
I know that pressing the red buttom its a "soft reset" but i dont know if the other was a hard reset.
However, today im going to call the seller. If I cant change the phone for a new one, I will try to change ROM
So, the hard reset was OK? First i wanna try that!!
I hope it is resolved soon! thank you all
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Yes, the red button is a soft reset, clear storage is one way to hard reset, you can also power the device off, turn back on with power button and immediately hold both volume keys until you get the white screen, then follow the instructions.
I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this: http://www.htc.com/sea/SupportDownload.aspx?p_id=249&cat=2&dl_id=555
Before, I had this: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/4181/screenhunter01feb201952.gif
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?
yemo28 said:
I just finished updating the ROM (to original one), specifically this: http://www.htc.com/sea/SupportDownload.aspx?p_id=249&cat=2&dl_id=555
Before, I had this: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/4181/screenhunter01feb201952.gif
But the problem when picking up a call with the slider bar, continuous ...
I think the issue of keypad when communicating, for ex with an IVR, improved but not much!
Someone knows what else can I do?
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Go to Settings\Personal\Phone and make sure Keypad is set to long tones, see if that helps. Also try short tones if not.
Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!
yemo28 said:
Recently i tired but didnt work!! im going creazy!!!
Which application or software manage the interfaz during the communications? I think that the process or application that manage the communications its the problem!!
Anybody knows another choice?
Thank you all angain and again!!
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Interface is phone canvas.
Sorry I do not know what your issue is.
Its ok Bruce, i know you try to help me. This is all that matters!
I give up with this issue!! I ll try to change the phone...
Thank you all for your help!!

[REMOVE] Manila|TouchFLO working with landscape screen

Hi, I need one of these for landscape device (i-mate JAQ3). I'd also like to ask which version will be the best for my phone, I know it's quite slow, but I really hope you can help me guys . Thanks for all.
Check here and next time hit the search button before start a new thread....please.
Ahh...forgot to say: No there isnt the new Manila 2d(Weather on Home) in landscape.

