Help me out, strange registry entry.. - HD2 General

Help me out please, I don't know much about windows mobile or windows in general so maybe this is a stupid question.. if so I'm sorry for posting
While I was searching the registry for a value I could maybe change to confirm the sending of an sms or email message, as I often hit "send" in the bottom of the screen by accident while still typing the message, I stumbled on this strange value.
in HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMsgEnhance\IPC\ are four keys/folders: Calendar, Email, MMS and SMS
All are empty except for "Email" that has 5 values whereunder the value named "Email", and it's value is "[email protected]"
Now I know I never visited this forum from my phone, nor have I received email from this forum on my phone..
I run a WWE 1.48.405.2 original ROM but I did download it from the original ROM section on this site.. now I have a feeling it was cooked. but then why put the webmasters email in there. so probably not..
Can someone maybe help me explain what this means? or if you have the same ROM, maybe look in your phones what the value of that key is?
Or maybe has a solution for the send message confirmation but I guess I should make a seperate topic for that..
Any help is much appreciated!

On mine (also 1.48 ROM, downloaded from HTC support), it's my hotmail account, which is the main email address on my phone.
Curious to see what others have in theirs, or what it says directly after a hard reset.
Are you sure you've not been messing and simply typed this in somewhere?

In my standard stock ROM are all entries empty

Thanks for checkin!
I'm thinking and thinking but I can't remember typing anything like that in my phone and I only have for two weeks.. the only thing that had to do with this site was the subscription mail that is listed in my IMAP mailbox on the phone, but I'm sure I never opened it or replied to it or anything..

I guess that means you're the webmaster at xda-developers then. Shall we forward all our queries to you in future

johncmolyneux said:
I guess that means you're the webmaster at xda-developers then. Shall we forward all our queries to you in future
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lol! Sorry if I don't reply.. I can't get into the account..!

I did a hard reset and now it's clear.. I decided not to worry about it anymore..

I'm connected to my jobs Exchange server and on mine this registry key contains the e-mail to my employers HelpDesk. Don't know if that helps clarifying anything ...

bel_z_bub said:
in HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCMsgEnhance\IPC\ are four keys/folders: Calendar, Email, MMS and SMS
All are empty except for "Email" that has 5 values whereunder the value named "Email", and it's value is "[email protected]"
Now I know I never visited this forum from my phone, nor have I received email from this forum on my phone..
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On mine, the value is an address I really have sent to.

Thanks that confirms my thoughts.. I figured it's the last address used in the email app.. so probably I have opened the confirmation mail in the list mail and tapped reply all by accident or something..
anyone maybe has a solution for a confirmation before sending an sms or email? I sometimes tap send by accident while still typing the message.. I'd rather have it ask me if I want to send the message with a popup like it does so often with other things that don't need it.. is there a tweak for it?
I know there's a tweak for the "message sent" alert.. but that's like rubbing it in after I've sent it by accident..

bel_z_bub said:
anyone maybe has a solution for a confirmation before sending an sms or email? I sometimes tap send by accident while still typing the message.. I'd rather have it ask me if I want to send the message with a popup like it does so often with other things that don't need it.. is there a tweak for it?
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Yeap it is dangerous. I just mis-sent a mail. Because the send key is the left soft key. I tap the left to go to "Inbox", and two accidental taps led to "Reply All" and "Send" done before I know what is happening.
For POP3 accounts, you can turn off "send immediately" in options advanced settings. For Exchange, seems there is nothing you can do.


SERIOUSLY, please help with SMS torment!

Sorry to return to an older topic, but nobody answered me and this bug is really annoying...
Sometimes selecting a contact and "send Sms" from its card pulls up a blank SMS form, without the receiver's number already typed in. This happens with some contacts only, but... HOW DO I FIX THIS?
yours truly (exhausted)
Hmm... have you tried recreating the contact?
This happened to me before, when sending text messages, or even emails, it lets you just click on the space provided and puts in the contact numbers. However for SMS, use your stylus and tap on the "To:" word.
Ta da! It's actually on the manual and I've been trying to figure this thing out for a while myself. Good luck
I have tried this on my qtek and does not have this bug. Do you need to send sms this way or can you not select message\new then select to to get list of contacts - may solve your problem. If not prob a ROM problem - did a quick search cannot find any references to new qtek italian rom so suggest you go to qtek italian website to look for new rom. Or upgrade to WWE ROM
Good luck
Cutejules: I know you can use that workaround, but still the problem remains. Why only a few contacts have this bug? How can it be solved?
Meschle: I don't think there is any upgraded IT rom, but I will look about the WWE thing (which I don't know anything about, but I'm sure there are infos about somewhere in this forum)
i dont think it pulls up a blank page, the problem I noticed after a while is it pulls up a sms page and shows you half way down the page as if you have scrolled down.
the work around = scroll back up.
bubism said:
Sorry to return to an older topic, but nobody answered me and this bug is really annoying...
Sometimes selecting a contact and "send Sms" from its card pulls up a blank SMS form, without the receiver's number already typed in. This happens with some contacts only, but... HOW DO I FIX THIS?
yours truly (exhausted)
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the number should be saved as mobile, may be you saved it as somthing els like home or work.
Karzi: nope, it's the actual "To:" field which comes up blank.
Ammar: Nope again. The "missing" numbers are correctly listed as "mobile"
This is really driving me crazy...

Release rk-SMS Switch: Possible ‘Push LIKE mail’[Updated 27 May 2009]

Here is my latest application SMS Switch which can trigger a command line based on the SMS received.
Built with the idea of ‘Push LIKE mail’ where the device gets the SMS notification on ‘New mail’ from your email service. rk-SMS Switch intercepts the SMS and based on the SMS sender and/or message text executes the command line (such as \Windows\tmail.exe) to synchronize the emails.
Your device is able to synchronize the emails using pocket outlook.
Your device receives the SMS notification on new mail message.
Push LIKE mail
Not wasting bandwidth for keep checking the server at regular intervals.
Saving the battery since you do not need always on gprs.
If you have multiple email accounts and want to make use of wifi network etc, then you might want to check up my other application rk-OSR which has support for command line execution.
This is just an idea and initial version. Let me know if you guys like it.
(Updated latest working version 1.0.4)
Version 1.0.4
Supports square screens(320 X 320)
Version 1.0.3
Now the triggerring SMS are automatically removed from your inbox! All normal SMS will only appear in the SMS inbox.
Now the application can be activated by the menu short cuts etc. No need to go to today screen. New option added to put it to tray or not.
Not tested much as I do not have SMS plans to play with each SMS i send to test get charged
Version 1.0.2 Hotfix
Bug fix: Please do not use version 1.0.1 which has a issue to sync up outlook and unusable.
Version 1.0.1 Updates
Separate tabs added for command line OR Outlook use.
If using the command line to invoke rk-OSR then timeout option added so that if multiple sms received only one the command line is executed(based on the timeout)
If want to sync up only one account then use the 'Outlook' option and only configure the 'Outlook' tab.
If using outlook show/hide outlook option added.
Since I am using Windows Live Push mail I am not using this application so you will be the tester!
If you like the application please show your support by donation on Paypal
Download from here
thank again great work
This is a great concept. I don't need it, as I don't push email to my phone, but I might now with this great program.
great program! if only i had data plan, so sad
How does this work?
I tried to run it, and nothing happened. I keep clicking the icon it placed in my start menu, and I can't figure out how to configure anything.
This sounds like a great solution, if it works that is...
It needs some documentation!
EDIT: found it on the today screen. Gosh, I wouldn't have known to look there!
Now, my question is how to manage the incoming sms it creates... If I receive a bunch of emails, I now have a bunch of SMS messages cluttering up my inbox. Can anyone think of a good way to hide the incoming SMS and silently delete it?
Dishe said:
Now, my question is how to manage the incoming sms it creates... If I receive a bunch of emails, I now have a bunch of SMS messages cluttering up my inbox. Can anyone think of a good way to hide the incoming SMS and silently delete it?
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Yes, I know the SMS needs to be cleared, Hopefully in the next version.
thank youuuuuuuuuuu i like it
tytnguy said:
Yes, I know the SMS needs to be cleared, Hopefully in the next version.
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Yeah, cuz that extra step sort of kills the whole convenience of it...
what I *used* to do when I wanted to save battery power, is forward my gmail to my sms address, and when I saw the first 160 chars with my sms, I'd delete it, go over to outlook and fetch new mail.
With this, at least I don't have to actually click fetch new mail, but it still requires manual deletion, so its not a complete solution yet. :/
looking forward to the next version then...
By the way, how do u get sms notifications for your email? Do you just forward a copy of your email to your sms address? Because if doing it that way, how do u tell the difference between what is coming from your email and what is just something someone sent to your sms directly?
if someone sends you an sms, most likely they will send it through a phone number. if forwarded from an email, the sender will not be a phone number, most likely an email address or some other sender info that is separate from a standard phone number like you would get from a normal sms.
I think that's how it works.
I currently do the same style as you. have gmail forward me an sms of the email message. if it looks important i go to outlook and download the entire message.
Dishe said:
... how do u get sms notifications for your email? Do you just forward a copy of your email to your sms address?
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Well, For me I use windows live so actually I do not need it . But I thought it might be a battery saver so developed it.
Dishe said: do u tell the difference between what is coming from your email and what is just something someone sent to your sms directly?
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The field 'From' contains... Should have a partial email address... May be am not sure about how you get emails forwarded, check the text message from address and set it)
You could also use 'Message' Contains option to check only if there is a predefined text in the message.
To use either of the two options use 'OR' option.
tytnguy said:
The field 'From' contains... Should have a partial email address... May be am not sure about how you get emails forwarded, check the text message from address and set it)
You could also use 'Message' Contains option to check only if there is a predefined text in the message.
To use either of the two options use 'OR' option.
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ah, see gmail is good enough to leave the message intact exactly as it is recieved, original sender and all. So, as I said, there's no way to tell it was forwarded from gmail at all.
Maybe what I should do then is forward to hotmail or something that DOESNT leave everything intact, and from THERE forward to my inbox... a bit backwards...
yes i agree. gmail is good in that they are generous enough to convert the email address to only showing the Sender's name. normally this is appreciated, but in this case, it makes things a bit more complicated as now like Dishe said, it is impossible to distinguish between a normal sms and one being forwarded by gmail.
EDIT: I may have a work around. When GMAIL forwards an email to your phone with an sms notification, the sms contains the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" within the body of the SMS as part of the actual text message.
The program lets you set a filter for the FROM field and/or the MESSAGE field. So using the program, you can put the filter to either one of the three "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" instead of the default "@". This would eliminate the need to know that it was forwarded from GMail at all.
This would solve the problem because regular SMS when sent does not show the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" in the body of the sms. in theory it looks like works, i havent tested it. i installed the program, can you please let me know what is the command line argument to have it send/receive?
Right now i have the command line sent to windows/tmail.exe and it just opens the email prog. I guess i need the argument too to have it actually send/receive.
NguyenHuu said:
...I may have a work around. When GMAIL forwards an email to your phone with an sms notification, the sms contains the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" within the body of the SMS as part of the actual text message.
The program lets you set a filter for the FROM field and/or the MESSAGE field. So using the program, you can put the filter to either one of the three "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" instead of the default "@". This would eliminate the need to know that it was forwarded from GMail at all.
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Nice suggestion NguyenHuu!. It should work as you suggested
NguyenHuu said:
... can you please let me know what is the command line argument to have it send/receive?
Right now i have the command line sent to windows/tmail.exe and it just opens the email prog. I guess i need the argument too to have it actually send/receive.
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Try the cammand line as follows
Commanline ----> \Windows\tmail.exe
Arguments------> -service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
Where "Gmail Account Name" should be the name of your account as typed on the pocket outlook and double quotes are required.
it worked! i tested it three times.
1. sent regular sms via a IM application on PC (AIM).
2. sent SMS via another cell phone.
3. had email forwarded through gmail to phone
i used FRM: for FROM contains, and SUBJ: for Message contains. I chose teh "OR" option.
worked as planned. the first two regular sms was sent without activating the inbox syncing. the third time when gmail forwarded the email to my phone sms, since it contained the field: FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" it automtically sync my inbox.
one thing though, it automatically syncs the inbox which is great but it does so in the background so you still need to go to the inbox then go to the message to read it. is it possible to make it so after it syncs, it opens the actual inbox so you can see your list of unread emails? maybe through adding to the argument?
NguyenHuu said:
it worked! i tested it three times.
1. sent regular sms via a IM application on PC (AIM).
2. sent SMS via another cell phone.
3. had email forwarded through gmail to phone
i used FRM: for FROM contains, and SUBJ: for Message contains. I chose teh "OR" option.
worked as planned. the first two regular sms was sent without activating the inbox syncing. the third time when gmail forwarded the email to my phone sms, since it contained the field: FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" it automtically sync my inbox.
one thing though, it automatically syncs the inbox which is great but it does so in the background so you still need to go to the inbox then go to the message to read it. is it possible to make it so after it syncs, it opens the actual inbox so you can see your list of unread emails? maybe through adding to the argument?
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The problem that I mentioned before was that ALL EMAIL sent to [email protected] will have FRM:, SUBJ:, MSG in the body, whether it comes from gmail or not.
Sometimes, if I'm at my desk and want to remember something, I'll send an email to my phone's sms address. Also, I have freinds with data plans and no sms plans who email to sms ([email protected]) all the time.
Your solution could not differentiate between those emails sent purposely to an sms address versus ones meant to trigger syncing.
Right now, its not a big problem yet since the app doesnt delete the trigger sms. But at the same time, I hate having to clear two independant inboxes of new messages now (both email and the sms trigger need clearing), so I need the function to remove the trigger after it syncs eventually.
If the email wasnt supposed to be a trigger, you can understand why this may prove problematic.
NguyenHuu said:
great program! if only i had data plan, so sad
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I Know! Outrageous prices, to put it mildly.
xd1936 said:
I Know! Outrageous prices, to put it mildly.
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heh, mine's free. Not to brag or anything, but Sprint over here in the states has killer 3G data plans. I'm just looking to maximize my meager battery life.
EDIT: By the way, TyTnGuy, I went to set up a hotmail/windows live account so that I could try forwarding email THERE and then have THAT forward to my sms with the @hotmail account in the header, but guess what? Live/Hotmail doesn't support forwarding AT ALL!!
So, it looks to me like you couldn't possibly have gotten this to work yourself... What are you not telling us?
he said he doesnt need the program since he uses live mail which should have its own pushlike mail in wm. he creating the program for people who may need it, and specifically cited gmail in his example. i think haha.
i am still trying to figure out if there is a commandline argument that opens up the inbox after it syncs. that's a really good thing to have i think. right after you get the notifications, the inbox opens and you can see all your unread email.
i am about to set up a dataplan, not just for this but for other business, and so that is why, despite my earlier comment about not having a dataplan, i am so interested in it now haha. better then polling every X-minutes indeed.
sorry to bring this back up. anyone happen to know the command line argument to open up inbox?
this is the current argument that makes it sync when you get a sms notification: service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
that works fine, but it does so in the background. I was hoping there is more to the argument where after it syncs it opens the inbox for you. or it open inbox then sync is fine too
NguyenHuu said:
sorry to bring this back up. anyone happen to know the command line argument to open up inbox?
this is the current argument that makes it sync when you get a sms notification: service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
that works fine, but it does so in the background. I was hoping there is more to the argument where after it syncs it opens the inbox for you. or it open inbox then sync is fine too
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I am working on a next version I will do something to support the above request.

New SMS notifications - won't disappear

Im sorry if this has already been discussed but i couldnt put into words really for a search criteria, im sure im not the only person with this problem.
When an SMS arrives a little green 1 will show by the "letter" on touchFLO 3d, sometimes when you scroll to read the message the little green 1 (or 2 or whatever) doesnt disappear and i have to keep clicking the mail icon, or go into the WM6 message inbox to change it from "New" to "Read".
I think it happens with the email part too, not just SMS.
Anyone know how to solve this, it's as annoying as thrush.
Sorry about my punctuation, i'm from Wales, hehe
chaosxq said:
Im sorry if this has already been discussed but i couldnt put into words really for a search criteria, im sure im not the only person with this problem.
When an SMS arrives a little green 1 will show by the "letter" on touchFLO 3d, sometimes when you scroll to read the message the little green 1 (or 2 or whatever) doesnt disappear and i have to keep clicking the mail icon, or go into the WM6 message inbox to change it from "New" to "Read".
I think it happens with the email part too, not just SMS.
Anyone know how to solve this, it's as annoying as thrush.
Sorry about my punctuation, i'm from Wales, hehe
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Thrush !
It's annoyingly slow to register as read... there may be a registry tweak but a search revealed nothing yet
Thats a Shame I really thought someone else would have susses this with all the tweaks and tidbits.
I am having the same problem but with the email notification. Anyone have any ideas?
I have the same pb any suggestion?
Just try to click on the message and it will be open in the text mode and then close it.
I guess what the last post suggests doesn't work for the OP, at least it doesn't work for me. None of my messages are highlighted as 'unread', yet the 'unread SMS' notification at in TouchFlo doesn't disappear.
Anyone has any idea how to get rid of it ?
Have the same problem with email...stuck at 2 even thouch all mails have been deleted or read.
May I ask if deleting the account itself remove the erroneous counter?
Check your Outlook inbox to make sure there is no unread mails there. The TF3D does not show the Outlook account but the counter in the mail tab does.
I solved my problem that way.
eaglesteve said:
Check your Outlook inbox to make sure there is no unread mails there. The TF3D does not show the Outlook account but the counter in the mail tab does.
I solved my problem that way.
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Yep, that was it.
rhtizzy said:
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excellent, that worked. many thanks !
You're welcome, this place is a plethora of knowledge.
unfortunately it turns out the cab works only until i recieve a new message, after that the '1 unread message' notification appears again and stays even after i've read the new message.... so i'm back to where I started.
still thanks for the help. any other ideas ?
came across this bit of software but don't know whether it'll act any different from the cab.
Have you looked through every folder in the account-tree yet? Make sure they're all being synchronised as some Imap\webmail accounts can act funny (Inbox\Menu\Tools\Manage folders).
But perhaps the only thing left is to backup and hard reset (without backing up the mailfolders of course)? And otherwise it means executing the cab every time it happens again..

E-mail notification problem, need help please.

Got my HD2 yesterday and went through all the steps to install Kumar's rom. Everything is running great but I have just one small problem.
The e-mail notifier on the home screen shows I have 1 new message when I don't. I've tried reading all that it downloaded, deleting all e-mails, deleting e-mail account, and setting it up again. It still shows I have 1 unread e-mail.
Is there a registry key I can change to fix this problem? Or perhaps another method I have not tried yet?
Have you tired a battery pull or a soft reset. I have had this issue once before and also check in your htc mail box if there is any boxes that have unopened mail that might be it also.
Have tried resetting the device. Will check the HTC thing, if you could tell me how to find it that is...
just go to your inbox that says it has a message. on the top left if you click inbox a drop down list showing all your folders should show and check in those folders.
Found this
which he suggest the same thing I did but the person who posted the question did not respond on wether it fixed it or not.
Found it, bah stupid Outlook e-mail having messages in it when I never set it up. Thank you for your help.
Ryohara said:
Found it, bah stupid Outlook e-mail having messages in it when I never set it up. Thank you for your help.
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glad to be of help enjoy your HD2 with your custom rom.
Issue resolved. Thread Closed

[Q] Exchange email issue with disappearing recipients when replying

Before I factory reset my phone, I thought I'd search this forum to see if my problem is a known issue but didn't get any results from my searches.
My problem:
When I reply to an email in my job's Exchange account using the native email client, I cannot add any additional recipients and the existing recipients disappear when I try. They also disappear even if I don't try to edit the existing recipients when I hit send. The end result is that the message won't go out because there are no recipients. When I start typing in the To: or CC: fields, the letters I type appear in the keyboard's suggested words list, but don't show up in the TO: or CC: fields.
I already recreated the account, tried different keyboards, but the only thing that seems to work is leveraging the drafts folder. After I hit reply or reply all the first thing I must do is save the message as a draft. Then, I can open it from the drafts folder where I can then send the message successfully with or without editing the recipients.
I don't recall this always being a problem. I've had the phone since day one. I first noticed the problem a few weeks before the KitKat update. I had hoped the KitKat update would have fixed it, but it did not.
Is anyone else experiencing this or know what could be causing it?
Thanks for your time
Same Issue!!
Have you figured it out yet? I'm going crazy trying to...
dasher said:
Before I factory reset my phone, I thought I'd search this forum to see if my problem is a known issue but didn't get any results from my searches.
My problem:
When I reply to an email in my job's Exchange account using the native email client, I cannot add any additional recipients and the existing recipients disappear when I try. They also disappear even if I don't try to edit the existing recipients when I hit send. The end result is that the message won't go out because there are no recipients. When I start typing in the To: or CC: fields, the letters I type appear in the keyboard's suggested words list, but don't show up in the TO: or CC: fields.
I already recreated the account, tried different keyboards, but the only thing that seems to work is leveraging the drafts folder. After I hit reply or reply all the first thing I must do is save the message as a draft. Then, I can open it from the drafts folder where I can then send the message successfully with or without editing the recipients.
I don't recall this always being a problem. I've had the phone since day one. I first noticed the problem a few weeks before the KitKat update. I had hoped the KitKat update would have fixed it, but it did not.
Is anyone else experiencing this or know what could be causing it?
Thanks for your time
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maravillasanchez said:
Have you figured it out yet? I'm going crazy trying to...
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It turned out to be our Mobile Device Management solution at work. It was pushing down a security profile to my phone. Although the profile itself never changed, the vendor did updated the software around the time my problem started. We tried recreating the profile from scratch, suspecting it somehow became corrupted. This fixed my problem.
Is the MDM solution Airwatch? Does your email address have apostrophe in it? Thanks for responding!

