SMS capital letters afrer pressing enter - HD2 General

Is it possible to enable it?
On my old phone, when I pressed enter to go in new line, first letter was big, now it stays small...

Ditto! Needs sorting out. Seems odd that there seem to be a few good developments in the SIP, but this one has been missed out.

I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.

johncmolyneux said:
I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.
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Yep, WM's poutlook will and always has capitalised properly. You'll find that capitalisation when typing e-mails works as it should.

Disabling HTC messaging sounds great but whenever I go to that particular thread, there seem to be people saying that the removal doesn't really work all that well - that parts of HTC messaging remain and that MMS can't be sent. Is this still the case? I will go for it myself if it all works correctly.

johncmolyneux said:
I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.
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Same here. I disabled HTC messaging to get sent notification back and noticed that the capitalisation started working again.
I don't use MMS, but when choosing 'New' from the soft menu only SMS appears (no MMS option).

BadMonkey said:
Same here. I disabled HTC messaging to get sent notification back and noticed that the capitalisation started working again.
I don't use MMS, but when choosing 'New' from the soft menu only SMS appears (no MMS option).
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Apparently Arcsoft MMS is a good alternative but I never got it to work for me. I'm learning to live with HTC Messages.

The new 1.48 rom supports auto capitalization after full stops etc. At last!

I would really appreciate a tweak for this as it does get very annoying when typing messages.
I cant get a ROM upgrade as I am on T-mobile so thats out, any reg edits out there?


[App] Palm Threaded messaging - WORKING MMS!!!

Post by Hannip on Treo central:
hannip said:
Need beta testers to try out this port of the Palm Threaded SMS app from the Treo 800w.
There are two cabs. One for the Sprint Treo Pro and another for the GSM Treo Pro.
Some known issues with this beta:
- No notification icon appears on the today screen when an sms comes in. This is actually a bug with the original program.
- MMS voice record fails initialization. Most likely due to different hardware.
- MMS receive fails on download step. (Sprint only)
Muffnician reported that sMMS works as a workaround to view MMS for Sprint users. Also go to Menu->Options in the Palm SMS app and uncheck the checkbox for "Automatically collect MMS Messages" to avoid getting download errors. GSM users can ignore this. You don't have this limitation.
Note that you will not be able to access or transfer your outlook sms messages into Palm SMS. Well maybe you can transfer 10 at a time each time Palm SMS starts., but there is no other way to do it
Installation instructions:
1) BACKUP your device using Sprite.
2) Download and extract the cab from the zip file and install it on your device.
3) Soft reset the device (use a program to do this to be safe)
4) When the device boots go to the Today screen settings to position/enable/disable the plugins as desired.
5) There will be a link in Programs called "Palm Messaging". This should open Palm sms. It should also show up in the Button settings so you can assign it to a key.
That's it.
Test sending and receiving sms and mms messages. Report any issues you find.
Thanks to cjohnson19401 for creating some webspace for me to upload the cab files for those that don't have access to rapidshare. :thumbsup:
For Sprint Treo Pro:
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
you can also get it here. 800w Threaded SMS
For GSM Treo Pro on AT&T/Cingular:
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
you can also get it here. 800w Threaded SMS GSM
Uninstall instructions:
1) Go to Start->Settings (Personal tab) and select the Today settings icon.
2) Select Items tab and uncheck boxes for "Messaging" and "Inbox".
3) Hit ok to refresh the today screen.
4) Soft reset
5) After boot go to Start->Settings (System Tab) and select the Remove Programs icon.
6) Select Palm Messaging and click Remove.
7) Soft reset
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Install the GSM version and take note of how I got to make it work, your MMS app may be different and you must always back up in the registry before you delete something in case you cant use MMS any more. Here is the post I made which found out how to make it work.
~~Tito~~ said:
I got it to work! When I was seeing what the problem was, i found out that the OEM MMS application was missing. So I gave up a late night and flashed and restored my back up. Well what ever happened my palm threaded text messaging worked!! I had previously installed it in my back up and it couldn't send any, now i tested it just to see and it works! You can find it here.
Ok, it stops being able to send after a soft reset. . . I will see what I can do to fix it. If anyone wants to pitch in, then pitch in . This is the latest version of the palm threaded messaging that works!
Edit #2: Ok, I got it. Just delete the MMS Key in the registry that samsung has. If you have installed Arcsoft Uninstall it and delete that key as well. Delete: "HLM\Software\Samsung\MMS" and if you installed arcsoft and uninstalled it delete: "HLM\Software\Arcsoft"
I've soft resetted twice with no issues.
We got the best mms/sms app around, 0 lag and 100% mms working!
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Once you figure out what you need to delete send a MMS and receive an MMS to make sure it works. If your not on at&t, then you can change the settings with in the application.
Working on:
Works, but iffy:
-WQVGA- Graphical Issues, needs more confirmation​Solution to make message size limit to 600kb:
HLM/Software/Palm/Varnish/Messaging/MMS/MaxMsgSize "614400"
User Contributions
- Slimag Made an OEM Package
What would be the benefits of using this instead of the OEM windows threaded messaging?
Its faster and simpler to use, no more wm text lag, less of a resource hog, plus all the conversations save to one file for easy back up. Its the best just trust me .
can i use it for diamond?
How many percent of resources?
You guys have to try it out, to see what display issues happen, or don't happen.
It replaces the default Messaging app. So when you uninstall it, the default messaging app might not reappear. If that happens make a shortcut from "tmail.exe" in windows, back to the original location(Usually \Windows\Start Menu") it was and rename it to messaging or what ever you'd like.
System resources:
Ram takes like 1mb-4mb
The lower amount would be when its idle.
CPU will be around 0%-32%, Maybe less, because it only goes up when a new message comes in then instantly goes back to zero.
The lower amount would be when its idle.
I will post later. Just test it out and see what issues you may run into.
I would like to see screenies before testing ANY application
I cant upload any screen shots right now since I tried from my phone and it wouldn't(away from my pc). I am on a short trip to mexico, and I am in california right now, but when I am in mexico, I am going to shut off data to avoid any charges. If you see uploaded images then it worked finnaly, hehe.
If your doubting this application, do a quick search on here for "palm threaded sms".
does this version address the issue of messages sometimes being stuck in the out box and resending itself, will there be vga support in the future?
wow! i can finally throw out my old (almost 3 years old) cab from treo 750. mms working like they should, nicer program icon and some minor changes. not so big step forward but better this than nothing now i can uninstall arcsoft 4.0X and still have mms capability!
any chances for working oem package?
neva dinova said:
does this version address the issue of messages sometimes being stuck in the out box and resending itself, will there be vga support in the future?
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I dont have that Issue so I guess it does, and for the vga issue, I dont have the knowledge to do that, so someone here on xda could probably do it :/. try it out and see if there is any issue
slimag said:
any chances for working oem package?
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I'll take a crack at it
Seems to be working fine on my Fuze (Touch Pro) so I'm guessing it works fine on VGA
Can you send a mms? No text display issues and such?
Can you provide a screeny?
~~Tito~~ said:
Can you send a mms? No text display issues and such?
Can you provide a screeny?
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Here are my issues:
1) Did not pull my sent messages over and create a conversation, just my inbox. Not sure if this is related to the fact that my messages were threaded in my default inbox though.
2) There is no notification icon on the taskbar (really the deal breaker for long term use)in case I don't see the SMS right away, and since don't use the Today screen the message counter located there is not of much use to me.
3) Default network connection is My ISP, but I changed that to medianet, so that it won't disconnect my data to send/receive mms, but rather uses my default connect.
4) Really needs a GUI facelift overall. Definitely works though for those that love palm messaging.
5) I didn't look into it too much, but I think the max size of mms messages needs to be fixed too, it's compressing them more than I'd like.
Attached some screenshots
Testing now... Will post results and screen shots... running a Sprint touch pro...
As of right now, palmsms is still unable to download sprint mms... Have tried many things so far... Still trying...
Any other sprint users test yet?

HTC Messaging On HTC HD2 Issue

I know this has been discussed numerous times prior to this handset being released, and that HTC messaging has been cause various amounts of lag when the sms count is more then 20+ for one contact.
Im thinking everyone like me thought this issue would be fixed when the HD2 came out, with its 'power'. But I guess it had nothing to do with how powerful a processor you needed, but good programming, and ram allocation.
I've disabled htc sense, and used the default windows mobile 6.5 interface, but this still uses htc messaging.
So I tried to disable htc messaging using that tweak posted previously. It didn't work. When I clicked on a message in the message tab, nothing happened.
Has anyone with a hd2 emailed htc about this issue? I can't believe we still have this problem.
same here. would really like to go back to native wm threaded messages without disabling the Sense itself which is great..
HTC messaging disable
just google zenyee disable messaging and you will find what you are looking for....i had the same problem...i keep over 400 msgs in my inbox and it just slowed down like crazy...used the cab file on the site and its working perfectly...both sense and standard 6.5 messaging.
check it out.
kushalc said:
just google zenyee disable messaging and you will find what you are looking for....i had the same problem...i keep over 400 msgs in my inbox and it just slowed down like crazy...used the cab file on the site and its working perfectly...both sense and standard 6.5 messaging.
check it out.
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From my first post, I have already tried to use this cab, and it didnt work.
htc should just put a limit to the number of SMS messages to be shown when you open a contact's sms page. For example 20 messages shown immediately and if/when you need to read past messages, you just tap on a "show more messages" button on top of the sms list.. that should work wonderfully..
1.2 from here works for me, but i cant get it to be threaded..
Eraser85 said:
htc should just put a limit to the number of SMS messages to be shown when you open a contact's sms page. For example 20 messages shown immediately and if/when you need to read past messages, you just tap on a "show more messages" button on top of the sms list.. that should work wonderfully..
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now this should work, right? like on the iphone... the old messages will simply be archived. is there any tweak to do that?
Sounds like it would be an awesome idea. Or just port manila's 2.1 htc messaging.
Otherwise, the quick fix, all you do is push the keyboard logo, then you can compose a text right away.
Beats disabling htc messaging, and going back to the ugly default windows messaging.
blutz said:
1.2 from here works for me, but i cant get it to be threaded..
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I've tried both of these and neither work for me. I'd love to just have the normal WM SMS editor back!! (and no threading either)
I'd also love to get the damn album saving to \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures as well... another #htcfail !!
Disable HTC Messaging on HD2
The Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 cab works as it says it would, ie default back to MS messaging system & the HTC messaging is no mas.
However, when tapping on a message from the text tab in sence, it does nothing (as it said it would), but there has to be a registry tweak to over come this.
Also, MMS is also no mas! This is a problem for me. I have installed, Arcsoftmms with not luck. MMS messages go no where.
I have tried Arcsoft MMS composer WWE, also with no luck. This creates the MMS tab under menu/new/ sms or mms. It gives the old Windows CE look of MMS.
Voice command actually reads incoming text messages (which is a plus)
The TellMe app actually sends a dictated text (also a plus) with the Zenyee cab installed.
The lack of MMS is a no deal for me.
So, I recall my HTC HD days with the MIRI ROMS and the Energy ROMS. Miri (as well as Xanny Tech ROMS) roms had an option of ROMS without HTC messaging. These ROMs had the old 2.1 HTC Messaging (everything else M2.5) & WM messaging combined & MMS was present. The energy ROMS actually had both WM & the new HTC messaging enabled (with MMS).
My questions are: is there something I'm missing with this Zenyee cab and enabling MMS? Can I have both HTC messaging & WM messaging with MMS? I would be satisfied with this stock ROM (For now) if answered.
Please Help,
[email protected] said:
The Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 cab works as it says it would, ie default back to MS messaging system & the HTC messaging is no mas.
However, when tapping on a message from the text tab in sence, it does nothing (as it said it would), but there has to be a registry tweak to over come this.
Also, MMS is also no mas! This is a problem for me. I have installed, Arcsoftmms with not luck. MMS messages go no where.
I have tried Arcsoft MMS composer WWE, also with no luck. This creates the MMS tab under menu/new/ sms or mms. It gives the old Windows CE look of MMS.
Voice command actually reads incoming text messages (which is a plus)
The TellMe app actually sends a dictated text (also a plus) with the Zenyee cab installed.
The lack of MMS is a no deal for me.
So, I recall my HTC HD days with the MIRI ROMS and the Energy ROMS. Miri (as well as Xanny Tech ROMS) roms had an option of ROMS without HTC messaging. These ROMs had the old 2.1 HTC Messaging (everything else M2.5) & WM messaging combined & MMS was present. The energy ROMS actually had both WM & the new HTC messaging enabled (with MMS).
My questions are: is there something I'm missing with this Zenyee cab and enabling MMS? Can I have both HTC messaging & WM messaging with MMS? I would be satisfied with this stock ROM (For now) if answered.
Please Help,
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me too
i would ask how i can delete for ever htc messaging and back to wm sms/mms
blutz said:
1.2 from here works for me, but i cant get it to be threaded..
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My bad, new messages are being threaded from the installation time and onward. I'm happy with this fix.
blutz said:
My bad, new messages are being threaded from the installation time and onward. I'm happy with this fix.
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Do you not have a problem with MMS sending and receiving with this cab installed? Who is your carrier?
[email protected] said:
Do you not have a problem with MMS sending and receiving with this cab installed? Who is your carrier?
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I usually post on ppcgeeks but while doing a search, it led me hear and thought to chime in. The standard fix for SMS/MMS issues is to install Zenyees cab to disable messaging, reset, install Picturemail removal cab, reset, and install Arcsoft cab for your carrier. Ever since the 2.5 cooked roms have come out, this has always fixed the sms/mms problems. Tap "all messages" from the messaging screen and you should be good to go. if have previous sms from backup data, it may not all thread but any new messages from here on should be threaded.
hope that helps.
hi any print shot for the final look of how the thread look like?
Anyone having issues with installing the Remove PictureMail & For some reason it wont install the 12kb
i cant install and disable everything still cannot install Remove PictureMail &
christian.a said:
I usually post on ppcgeeks but while doing a search, it led me hear and thought to chime in. The standard fix for SMS/MMS issues is to install Zenyees cab to disable messaging, reset, install Picturemail removal cab, reset, and install Arcsoft cab for your carrier. Ever since the 2.5 cooked roms have come out, this has always fixed the sms/mms problems. Tap "all messages" from the messaging screen and you should be good to go. if have previous sms from backup data, it may not all thread but any new messages from here on should be threaded.
hope that helps.
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The Arcsoft cab did not work for me on the HD2. it just does not play well with the inbox.
If anyone got this to work, please let us know how
I cannot get HTC Messaging disabled using the 1.2 cab, no matter what the MessagingService.dll seems to load on startup regardless of whether it's entry in HKLM\services\MSG is removed or renamed manually or with the cab. And when I go into the Windows folder to try and rename the file, it tells me I can't as it's loaded into Rom.
I'm on 1.48, could someone point out a fix for this please?
no helper???
There's an SMS Hotfix on the HTC site - maybe it helps?

not even half of my sms get send

hey all,
i'm kinda new here so help me out if i go wrong !
ive got a problem with my sms: not even half of them get really send. it doesnt mather if its an reply or a new one..
please help me out with this trouble.. i really need sms else girlfriend gets mad lol
maybe there is a hotfix or something for it ?
What's your ROM version?
Did you try disabling unicode in message option?
ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol
Nakkie040 said:
ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol
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You can find unicode setting from message tab, all messages-menu-settings-options.
If it's not working for u then try updating your ROM.
Now, you can download official ROM from htc site directly.
hey there,
the unicode thing is off and still im having those problems.. hope someone found a solution for it ??
This is a known issue and the sms hotfix has only worked for a small number of people - it's still an outstanding bug. There is a workround though, that works 100% of the time. You need to disable HTC messaging, and use the windows messaging app instead. Once there's a hotfix that actually works, you can go back to the much nicer HTC app.
The option to disable HTC messaging is available in BsB Tweaks. I'd recommend installing that, setting "SMS Mode" to use SMS "classic view", and soft reset your phone. If you have any messages stuck in your outbox, they still won't send, but any future ones will do.
BsB Tweaks is available here...
Good luck
SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !
Nakkie040 said:
SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !
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It worked for me, but then I had success with the hotfix too, so I'm sorted now. I still keep an eye on the outbox though
Good luck mate - hope it solves it for you.
Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.
tomasz said:
Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.
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Yeah, that's another known workround, but it's not been 100% succesful. Can't wait till HTC sort this proper.
Installing the hotfix worked for me.
What I mean is that I have been able to send and receive SMS but not MMS. Installing the hotfix sorted out sending MMS, but I cannot receive. It may be something to do with O2 who have been having problems.
Whoa! MMS just worked and downloaded the picture, so it must have been O2.

New SMS problem never heard before!!

Hey guys, I havent heard anyone talking about this but i discovered e bug today!
So here's how it goes :
1: I was typing my sms halfway to person A
2: I went to type another half sms to person B
3: I went back to person A's incomplete sms, completed the message and sent out
OUTCOME: The msg went to person B instead!! But on my message chat log, it says that the msg was sent correctly to person A!
Anyone having this problem? So far I only heard of msg getting stucked in outbox, havent heard of this yet!!
why send 2 messages at the same time? seems a bit confusing!
because I was composing a long message to A. Then B needed me to sent an urgent reply over. So I decided to send B a reply first before continuing to compose e long msg to A!
Anw that shdn't be the problem since my previous phones can all handle this kind of multitasking!!
Yes ive had this problem of a message going to the wrong person even though in the log it states it didnt. Was quite a embarrassing text as well ):
exactly what happened to me! I hope this is e ONLY way to send a wrong msg to the wrong recipients without realising. SIIIGH
Anyone knows how do I feedback to HTC so they can make a patch or someting?!
i also have same problem as well as having text window open with person A and then person B texts me and it comes up on same window as my person A page. so now im replying right after this text of person B thinking im replying to person A and it goes to B. this is after i installed cookie home tab 185 and editor 1851 and then resinstall 185 and same thing. now it can also be after that one sms hotfix that is on hd2 site. whatever is the reason is there a way to fix it. also sometimes under swype my delete button wont work for texting but it will work in traditional qwerty so thats another bug as well as when this bug happens i get this other bug when u type with swype every letter has a period like john is j.o.h.n. and space bar wont work.
i dont know whats up right now i backed up with spb backup and will try uninstall cht and see if it was the cause or not but i dont think ive seen any post regarding this issue after posts for cht 185 on xda. any ideas?
i've read several threads about sms messages going to the wrong person.
i would just like some clarification from you guys! are you using HTC's messaging client or are you using windows mobile's default sms messaging application?
personally, i kept HTC messaging disabled on my stock ROM and i'm currently using an NRGZ ROM (Energy ROM "Standard" Sense June 11, 2010) which does away with the HTC messaging out of the box. i much rather like the stock messaging client and it also keeps your messages in a form that is much more friendly and compatible for backup with pimbackup and/or microsoft myphone.
the only reason i'm asking is if someone can confirm if the problem occurs ONLY and SPECIFICALLY with the HTC messaging client or it has also been known to occur when using the stock windows mobile client?
would just like to know if i should also be careful about my messaging practices...
i can confirm its using HTC messaging which i believe is what it uses as stock and when u do factory reset. i have factory reset three times and still get issues.
How do you disable HTC builtin messaging so i can use WinMo one? thanks.
ok i used Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 to disable HTC and using win works correctly so far....i have do u turn of the MESSAGE SENT notifcation that pops up after every sent message? i dont see any options for it and under MESSAGE OPTIONS .."request message delivery notification" box is unchecked. thanks
kenograndmaster said:
ok i used Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2 to disable HTC and using win works correctly so far....i have do u turn of the MESSAGE SENT notifcation that pops up after every sent message? i dont see any options for it and under MESSAGE OPTIONS .."request message delivery notification" box is unchecked. thanks
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You have to get a registry editor and change these keys:
[B]HKCU[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
[B]HKLM[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
sumflipnol said:
You have to get a registry editor and change these keys:
[B]HKCU[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
[B]HKLM[/B]\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMsg =1 (default 0)
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ok i did that and it works thanks...however i didnt have a SMSNoSent available at the HKCU section but I did see it at the HKLM area and enabled to 1.
i have another issue which you may know about. When you send a text...then when that person replies back, you get incoming text notification. When you click to reply to that person and youre in the reply window where the screen is greyish and theres a SEND button thats on the screen itself next to your reply box, sometimes that window shows my reply back to show up before he replied to my original text so its out of order. However, if you go to ALL MESSAGES and view a specific conversation that way then it shows correctly (this is the text reply white window where you see the colors icons next to the names.
Is this bug due to me replying to that text too quickly? so thats why it was out of order. this only happens sometimes going to play around with it to see if it is only due to really quick replies.
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
kenograndmaster said:
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
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i got my hd2 on june 1st, 2010. i used the stock ROM for 30 full days with HTC messaging DISABLED (i even wrote a guide about for threads started by me in the HD2 general section). in these 30 days, i learned that disabling HTC messaging had no SERIOUS ill effects, but it did have some annoying odd little problems like you've mentioned in the quoted post above. additionally, my "green LED" would keep flashing for several minutes after reading the last unread SMS. another odd problem was that accessing a contact's page within Sense would work fine until i scrolled to the contact's messaging history would just close the contact's page altogether! i suspect the reason for this was that this tab relies on a fully working HTC messaging client, which i had disabled!
due to these issues (and a few other issues unrelated to SMS messaging), i decided i had familiarized myself enough with the HD2 and its stock i went for a good cooked ROM after a few weeks of research. i highly recommend NRGZ's "energy" ROMs (there are many flavors). all the variants of energy ROMs completely EXCLUDE HTC messaging and the stock messaging works 100% properly with no odd side effects.
you can battle these little issues all you want but you can save yourself some time and effort if you can find a ROM that suits all (or most) of your needs.
PS: it would be nice if someone can suggest even more custom ROMs that also exclude HTC messaging, as described in bold above in the second-last paragraph!
DeadVirus said:
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
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that workaround worked so if im on person A window and i have partial reply text going and get a new text from B and when replyin to B with using back button i can text np.
my thing is sometimes when u have like 4 conversations going ...having it listed like in ALL MESSAGES is useful. im still seeing how having 3 conv. behaves with usin back button but thanks for that.
also since cookie home tab uses htc text app ..i wish i can use the text app that was being used in spb mobile shell 3.5. on that one the gui is better and u just press OK on the partial screen u were on and it will take u back to all messages and u can open and reply anyone n it works. this workaround pressing back key is good but i dont want to hard press a key all the time like this i prefer touchscreen . so in meantime im stickign with my cookie home tab 185 and will use back button for now or winmobile one.
p.s. i tested out this issue on my friends hd2 and neither his htc sense text app or the spb mobile shell text app is buggy and both work correctly. so i either can keep doing factory reset til it works right or deal with it.
The new update maybe can help ...
Update for HTC HD2 – New SMS Function Update
Date : 2010-07-05 Category : Update
This update for HTC HD2 amends the internal management of SMS functionality, and enhances SMS transmission stability, and lets you reach out to your friends and family with instant notifications. Keeping in touch has always been very important, and this update delivers just that: fast and reliable SMS messaging.
Download for UK or go to the HTC site for support.
queenkong said:
Hey guys, I havent heard anyone talking about this but i discovered e bug today!
So here's how it goes :
1: I was typing my sms halfway to person A
2: I went to type another half sms to person B
3: I went back to person A's incomplete sms, completed the message and sent out
OUTCOME: The msg went to person B instead!! But on my message chat log, it says that the msg was sent correctly to person A!
Anyone having this problem? So far I only heard of msg getting stucked in outbox, havent heard of this yet!!
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Just one time i get it! I don't understand what's the **** at this moment ^^
Hi, I think you didn't realize unfinished texts should be saved as draft, otherwise it reappear in every new message tread input box in hTC message.
kenograndmaster said:
also i got this other problem. when you are in home screen and you get incoming text you will see the number 1 on your messaging icon and when you click it and reply to text, the number 1 doesnt disappear, it still treats that text you received as new and only way i can get rid of it is delete text which i would rather prefer it disappear after i read text. anyone can help please? thx
using winmo messaging with cookies home tab185 and editor 1851
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This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
After an RMA and getting replacement phone with latest rom i still had the same problem. However, now thers a fix that helped me that TM said it came out june 8th regarding Contacts issue.
My contacts were saved to SIM only so i had this issue regarding texting wrong person. If you save to SIM/PHONE or PHONE only, texting works correctly. So this is the fix for me at least.
At the moment i saved my contacts out of my SIM and into my account. I did factory reset and then tested out texting without any contacts on PHONE or SIM by using numbers. This worked but you may suspect it may be due to using numbers rather than choosing of contact list? I will know soon cuz im waiting for TM to sync up my contacts from my act. to my phone and she had to create a trouble ticket. So when i get my contact list on my phone only, i will try again and make sure its works. Right now im crossing fingers but i believe it will work.
kenograndmaster said:
This problem was already mentioned here on the forum, here:
One workaround is to use the back or home hard keys instead of the "All Messages" option to travel between conversations.
After an RMA and getting replacement phone with latest rom i still had the same problem. However, now thers a fix that helped me that TM said it came out june 8th regarding Contacts issue.
My contacts were saved to SIM only so i had this issue regarding texting wrong person. If you save to SIM/PHONE or PHONE only, texting works correctly. So this is the fix for me at least.
At the moment i saved my contacts out of my SIM and into my account. I did factory reset and then tested out texting without any contacts on PHONE or SIM by using numbers. This worked but you may suspect it may be due to using numbers rather than choosing of contact list? I will know soon cuz im waiting for TM to sync up my contacts from my act. to my phone and she had to create a trouble ticket. So when i get my contact list on my phone only, i will try again and make sure its works. Right now im crossing fingers but i believe it will work.
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I've never had my contacts on the SIM... and I have this problem. If you use numbers it probably works... the problem is with contacts...

[REQ]using default sms app

I've searched and searched but just can't find it, most threads don't have intuitive titles to help with the search so hopefully if we get a solution this will help others.
My request is pretty simple (I hope anyway), the HTC Sense SMS app sucks. It's slow, slow and slow; plus the text is tooooooo small for comfortable viewing/ reading outdoors. Is there anyway to switch to the default windows SMS app without flashing a custom ROM.
I haven't sold my [email protected] yet and this might jst be the deal breaker for me. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Go to your messages menu (from the all messages view) and tap menu/options/traditional mode.
You can get the WM client by searching for and downloading the "Zenyee Messaging cab". But I can't guarantee everything working perfectly (I think I had trouble with MMS using the Zenyee cab).
For me, if I have a ROM cooked with standard windows messaging and I apply that cab to use the HTC messaging, it breaks MMS. If I have a ROM with HTC messaging as default, applying the cab to use the standard windows messaging breaks MMS. I cannot win.
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
ribcage said:
Go to your messages menu (from the all messages view) and tap menu/options/traditional mode.
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Just for your reference "traditional mode"; means its threaded. It doesn't change the app.

