not even half of my sms get send - HD2 General

hey all,
i'm kinda new here so help me out if i go wrong !
ive got a problem with my sms: not even half of them get really send. it doesnt mather if its an reply or a new one..
please help me out with this trouble.. i really need sms else girlfriend gets mad lol
maybe there is a hotfix or something for it ?

What's your ROM version?
Did you try disabling unicode in message option?

ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol

Nakkie040 said:
ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol
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You can find unicode setting from message tab, all messages-menu-settings-options.
If it's not working for u then try updating your ROM.
Now, you can download official ROM from htc site directly.

hey there,
the unicode thing is off and still im having those problems.. hope someone found a solution for it ??

This is a known issue and the sms hotfix has only worked for a small number of people - it's still an outstanding bug. There is a workround though, that works 100% of the time. You need to disable HTC messaging, and use the windows messaging app instead. Once there's a hotfix that actually works, you can go back to the much nicer HTC app.
The option to disable HTC messaging is available in BsB Tweaks. I'd recommend installing that, setting "SMS Mode" to use SMS "classic view", and soft reset your phone. If you have any messages stuck in your outbox, they still won't send, but any future ones will do.
BsB Tweaks is available here...
Good luck

SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !

Nakkie040 said:
SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !
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It worked for me, but then I had success with the hotfix too, so I'm sorted now. I still keep an eye on the outbox though
Good luck mate - hope it solves it for you.

Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.

tomasz said:
Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.
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Yeah, that's another known workround, but it's not been 100% succesful. Can't wait till HTC sort this proper.

Installing the hotfix worked for me.
What I mean is that I have been able to send and receive SMS but not MMS. Installing the hotfix sorted out sending MMS, but I cannot receive. It may be something to do with O2 who have been having problems.
Whoa! MMS just worked and downloaded the picture, so it must have been O2.


sending double sms/ text messages ????

ehh ive got a weird problem (arent they all )
when i sent 1 texmessage/sms the otherside receives 2 messages (2 of the same )..
any ideas ?? what dit i do wrong ?? wrong configuration ??
plz help
greetz jason
This used to happen to me before upgrading to the AUK2 firmware, I think its to do with the phone losing the UTMS signel before comfermation that the message is sent and falling back to using the 2/2.5G network.
I could be wrong but thats what I seemed to notice when it was happening to me.
Yeah I used to only see one sms go but mates told me they were getting 2.
The latest rom updates (xdx exec one in my case) solved the isuse for me too!
Hi, I had the same problem with Orange UK. I've updated to their latest ROM version and it all seems fine now.
sounds about right..
this forum is just great.. you can find every awnser of every question here ..
i simunlocked my T-mobile mda pro and put in my orange sim..
and guess what i couldnt send MMS (it uses UMTS i think ?)
an my girlfriend said that she gets al my smsses double ..
so i think when my T-mobile account activates (11-july )
the probs will go away. (keeps fingers crossed )
OR ....
is there an easy an safe way to change te umts settings so my mda pro will pick up the signal and stuff..
SAFE AND EASY is the key
greetz and thanx a lot.
Dutch subroute, me dutch to.
Do you use the dutch word "wel", like "test eens of hij het nu wel doet"
On all my versions from XDA-I to qtec9090 with several roms, eacht time I type "wel", the PDA will "autocorrect" this to the english verb "we'll"
The added quotes cuts the sms message in two.
on the bottomline of your screen you can see how many characters your message is and how many messages it will send.
I'm curious if this problem happens on your device as well.
yep same here..
LOL with the word 'wel' hehe i had the same problems.
gues only english spelling check available..
but xdaradar
do you also have the double sending sms problem
i have my t-mobile mda pro but its in use with an orange sim
enlighten me.
njet, never encountered that problem, not on my old XDA-I and not on my current qtec9090 with original ROM or tuma 1.3 ROM.
i'm using vodafone GPRS with six (!) inboxes without any problem
- email inbox for exchange mail
- three pop3 email accounts
- MMS inbox
- SMS inbox
they all sync and work arround the clock sending and receiving email
so I have no idea. did you try your simcard in an normal cellphone and what happens then?
hey xdaradar do you have a work around the we'll problem..
its kinda annoying
If this is what I think it is, ensure that you turn off Unicode support in the text options of POutlook.
subroutine said:
hey xdaradar do you have a work around the we'll problem..
its kinda annoying
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nop, what i do is typing the message, go back to in between the two ll and then twice backspace
coercri said:
If this is what I think it is, ensure that you turn off Unicode support in the text options of POutlook.
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i don't have the double sms thing, but turning off unicode doesn't help me with the autocorrect of wel to we'll
I used to have this problem with SPB pocket. When you hit the close button the messaging application terminates.
I was advised to add "tmail.exe" to the exclusion list in the spb pocket "Close button" properties.
okay, can I start crying now...?
I got the double SMS sent issue, but I also got the latest
T-Mobile ROM... (
Anyone got another idea...?
Sometimes friends even tell me they got the same messag 3 times!
costing a lot... hoping for a solution !
Do you use a task closer like HTC X, MagicButton etc?
I had the same problem. Found it was becuase I was closing the SMS app before receiving the SMS sent confirmation...
allrighty, so being inpatient, as caused by nature, is being punished ...
Thanks for your reply...
Just wondering how you found thát out...

TF3D Voicemail Message

I've purchased a Touch HD a couple of weeks ago.
But I have a problem with the notification on TF3D homescreen saying there's one new voicemail message.
When I call voicemail, listen to the message, delete it, the notification does not go away.
I've searched the forums, and the solution to call myself and leave a message and then delete it does not fix the problem.
Also a soft reset does not make it dissappear.
Is there a register hack to remove the message?
Or something else I can do to make it go away?
this is a bug - mine is doing the same thing.
And there's nothing we can do to solve it?
Not sure if this will help but I had the same problem with an old wm device. The trick was to listen to the message, delete it/save it then wait a couple of seconds before hanging up.
similar problems with my old hermes and the problem was to do with sms_providers.dll file.
I had to replace this file.
Do a search in hermes directory
I think this may be due to the phone not being correctly setup for the network. I've had this on other WM handsets after flashing the ROM - and sorted the problem by installing the correct settings for the network, otherwise I'd get these kind of problems and sometimes strange SMSs with control characters in them.
Try going to "Connection Setup" in Settings -> Connections and resetting to the correct network & country.
Hope that helps.
dsm52 said:
I think this may be due to the phone not being correctly setup for the network. I've had this on other WM handsets after flashing the ROM - and sorted the problem by installing the correct settings for the network, otherwise I'd get these kind of problems and sometimes strange SMSs with control characters in them.
Try going to "Connection Setup" in Settings -> Connections and resetting to the correct network & country.
Hope that helps.
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lol - of course its set up for the correct network. I made sure it was one of the first things I did!
Well, tried the solution with the sms_providers.dll change, but no luck.
Actually I don't think that was going to work anyway because I don't get weird text messages saying new voicemail.
That works just fine. The only problem I have is that it displays the 1 one voicemail message in between the call info and the calendar on my home screen. And what I try, it just won't go away.
I've also tried to reset the connection setting, but that didn't help also.
I'm going nuts about this!
Is no one else having this issue?
For your info, it's a dutch official rom version.
Also when I leave myself 2 voicemails it still displays 1 new voicemail message.
It appears to be stuck.
Is there a registry setting for tf3d to remove this or something??
I've done a hard reset and the notification is gone now.
Hopefully it's not coming back anymore!
Thankz for all your help!
h.vanleeuwen said:
I've done a hard reset and the notification is gone now.
Hopefully it's not coming back anymore!
Thankz for all your help!
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Has the notification come back? I have the same problem with my new WWE official ROM.
Thanks dhatw.
dhatw said:
Has the notification come back? I have the same problem with my new WWE official ROM.
Thanks dhatw.
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Okay, I just sent myself a voicemail and when I retreived it I deleted it and waited until the voice said deleted and then I pushed * to exit and now the notification is gone from my screen. I don't know if I had to do all of that but it worked anyways.
Registry Fix to Clear Voicemail Indicator
Using any registry editor go to the following keys
Display values and change Count value back to zero.
Worked like a charm!
Windows Mobile 6.1 (CRC's ROM)

SMS capital letters afrer pressing enter

Is it possible to enable it?
On my old phone, when I pressed enter to go in new line, first letter was big, now it stays small...
Ditto! Needs sorting out. Seems odd that there seem to be a few good developments in the SIP, but this one has been missed out.
I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.
johncmolyneux said:
I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.
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Yep, WM's poutlook will and always has capitalised properly. You'll find that capitalisation when typing e-mails works as it should.
Disabling HTC messaging sounds great but whenever I go to that particular thread, there seem to be people saying that the removal doesn't really work all that well - that parts of HTC messaging remain and that MMS can't be sent. Is this still the case? I will go for it myself if it all works correctly.
johncmolyneux said:
I've found that capitalization (after full stops) works if you disable HTC messaging, as per the thread about SMS messages not sending properly.
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Same here. I disabled HTC messaging to get sent notification back and noticed that the capitalisation started working again.
I don't use MMS, but when choosing 'New' from the soft menu only SMS appears (no MMS option).
BadMonkey said:
Same here. I disabled HTC messaging to get sent notification back and noticed that the capitalisation started working again.
I don't use MMS, but when choosing 'New' from the soft menu only SMS appears (no MMS option).
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Apparently Arcsoft MMS is a good alternative but I never got it to work for me. I'm learning to live with HTC Messages.
The new 1.48 rom supports auto capitalization after full stops etc. At last!
I would really appreciate a tweak for this as it does get very annoying when typing messages.
I cant get a ROM upgrade as I am on T-mobile so thats out, any reg edits out there?

Guys, who REALLY solved problem with SMS???

I very, very sad....
I can't view list of SMS
I can't answer to SMS without 5-10sec timeout
I can't use default interface for SMS
Its terrible.
If you ready to answer me about this with thread when swith to default mode, you must to know that I've tried this and I lost MMS.
I can't use only SMS without MMS.....
Plz, help. Who sovle this problem, help.....
+1 it's to sad. I've had the phone for 3 weeks now, and i'm waiting on HTC to fix this terrible issue (this and the alarm issue..)
i still have to use Nokia N86 as my primary phone, because like you, i want both MMS and SMS. HTC please??
If this issue is really of concern to you do the following:
- write to HTC so they know that there is still a problem out there for some users.
- implement this fix here (see the last post f you want to solve the MMS issue).
Same here!!
What I am doing now as a workaround is using PowerSMS (
It allows you to make a full backup (among others) of your SMS (inbox and sent items) and restore them anytime with the option to delete them after backing up.
Regarding the amount of use you can backup SMS you don't need anymore. It's really quick.
I'm doing this once/twice in a week and the sms app is responding. According to the amount of sms you send/receive you can screw it up and down;-)
I receive round about 10 sms each day and send ~10 sms pro day.
But as I said. It's not really a solution but a little apsirin for my headache!
P.S. beside all these, this powerSMS is a really nice app (e.g schedule SMS ) .
Theoretically you could also use MyPhone to sync up with your online account and then sync back to device if you want to backup and flash a new rom.
BLAST3RR said:
Theoretically you could also use MyPhone to sync up with your online account and then sync back to device if you want to backup and flash a new rom.
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I use MyPhone on a daily basis (it automatically backs up everything except my storage card at 4am). It also allows you to archive text messages online, and you can then delete them from your online store and it automatically deletes them from your phone during the next sync. Doing this, I never have problems with my SMS or MMS, as I keep the number of messages down. I've got over 2000 messages archived on MyPhone (accessible via the web interface), and about 100 on my phone at the moment. Once there's a 100% fix in place, I can restore the archive and they will get put back on my phone automatically.
If any of you are having problems, have you done what wacky.banana suggested? That thread seems to have resolved the issue for the majority of people. Okay it's not ideal, but until HTC fix this then we have to make do with what we have.
I dont understand why you told about Backup SMS? I have not problem with backup.... I have problem with SMS messaging.
As i wrote above, I can't get normal communication by the SMS.
Henry_Lee said:
I dont understand why you told about Backup SMS? I have not problem with backup.... I have problem with SMS messaging.
As i wrote above, I can't get normal communication by the SMS.
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What JohnCMolyneaux is trying to tell you is that your problem is probably being caused by the HTC SMS application not being able to cope with too many texts on your phone. Its a well known problem and produces the symptoms you have (search for SMS problem on XDA and you will find lots of threads on this).
What he was trying to say was that if you backup your texts online then delete all of them off the phone but the bare essentials then you stand a better chance of getting the HTC SMS app to work.
An even better solution is the one I set out above.
There's no more on offer here I'm afraid. It's either one of the 2 solutions above or you live with it.
I have only 10-20 SMS on my phone and get problem even with 1-5 SMS.
I already wrote to HTC support service but I think someone solve problem....
I never had any problem .. I know it's not being helpful, but just so you know.
now that hspl & sspl is out with several cooked ROMs, is there any ROM that solves this issue? or will there be any ? becuz this is the only issue anoying me right now, and i kind of don't see why to flash ROMs only becuz of their skin :S
I have two major issues with this phone, 1. some sms messages doesen't get sent, they're stuck in the outbox. 2. the alarm clock isn't reliable at all.
Sendt an e-mail to HTC and got this answer: (i did include in the e-mail the fact that i have installed the hotfix)
Dear HTC Customer
HTC is aware of this now, and working on a solution. Thank you for your patience
shu8i said:
now that hspl & sspl is out with several cooked ROMs, is there any ROM that solves this issue? or will there be any ? becuz this is the only issue anoying me right now, and i kind of don't see why to flash ROMs only becuz of their skin :S
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Yes, I waiting for normal ROM. But now i dont see any famouse ROM Developers like BePe, just some young staff....
And nobody say that his ROM is fix the SMS problem. Just "added all last software".... Its not good way for ROM crwation.
Henry_Lee said:
But now i dont see any famouse ROM Developers like BePe, just some young staff....
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Never heard of Miri then?
Henry_Lee said:
Yes, I waiting for normal ROM. But now i dont see any famouse ROM Developers like BePe, just some young staff....
And nobody say that his ROM is fix the SMS problem. Just "added all last software".... Its not good way for ROM crwation.
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Well, this will not easily be solved by a simple rom fix.... It's a fundamental error in the sense 2.5 msging. The alternatives aren't perfect either (there is a sense 2.1 workaround which has some bugs as well as the 'disable sense' option which isn't all that for some).
Afaik custom roms usually are stripped, updated, modified and tweaked and no core fixes which are the resposibility of HTC.
I found a solution for my SMS problem, which was quite similar to yours I think:
- not able to send (new) or answer messages
- not able to see message history
- not able to go to 'more' for more options
First of all I wrote an email to HTC as well, but they didn't seem to understand my problem or care about it. They answered a hotfix
would be available soon, but that was a hotfix to solve the other SMS problem where messages didn't get sent immediately etc..
However, once this was released I downloaded it and installed it onto my HD2, result: wasted my time (as I expected really...).
Because HTC didn't respond to my next messages anymore (therefore I assume they don't really care) I started to try a couple of things
1. Made a backup using SBP Backup software excluding a backup of the registry in System Data
2. Performed a hard reset
3. Installed ROM upgrade (in my case it was Netherlands 1.48.404.2)
4. Installed SMS Function Update
5. Re-installed most of the files in the backup in ROM Upgrade Mode, apart from System Data (use Customize Restore)
Result: problem(s) solved!
SMS works like a charm again, as it did when I just bought the phone.
Just disappointed in the way the HTC customer service desk works (or doesn't work...). Still, it's not just HTC's CS, Nokia excels in their
stupidity, one of the reasons I got a HTC phone this time. Let's hope I won't have to contact any of them again soon...
Hope this helps!
Polvito said:
Result: problem(s) solved!
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How long has the problem been solved? I found this problem after 3 weeks with my device. A hard reset (or equally a ROM flash) would surely cause the equivalent. You may see the problem reappear, as I did after a week, after the 1.48 "upgrade".
johncmolyneux said:
How long has the problem been solved?
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The SMS function has been up and running for about 3 weeks now. And like I mentioned earlier I have also upgraded the ROM version, no problems since.
Many messages have been sent and received meanwhile so at the moment I'm confident the problem has been solved properly. If not I will let y'all know!
I do sympathize with those having SMS issues. Have you all consider possibility is hardware issue as you also notice there are guys in the forum saying they do not have such issues. I am one of them. I have been using the HD2 for 38 days already. On day one I restore about 800 sms into my phone. There was NO lag and the SMS were all displayed within 10+ secs ( one time lag to display ). Subsequent no more such lag as was instant display when I access it
SMS stuck in outbox only one time ( few minutes ) - I discounted it off, as I just reach another country
daily I send/recieve about 20-30 SMS : till today I NEVER encountered SMS stuck in outbox. SMS was also immediately displayed in PEOPLE tab ( found many users complain very slow to load ). I only face this issue few days ago on the cooked rom based on Leo 2.0 build 28*** ; I change back to rom based on build 2188## - no more such issue
Till today I NEVER even bother to install the SMS hotfix - see no need of it
johncmolyneux said:
Never heard of Miri then?
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Heard, but I will wait normal SPL and Bepe.
When I had HTC Cruise I tried many ROMs and Miri's too, but only Bepe to cook ROM like my taste.
Looks like HSPL is ready. isnt?

muliple issues with HD2, seem to be getting worse... please help.

hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
[email protected] said:
hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
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sorry i do not experience this problem at all and i believe this is uncommon. there is a new sms function update hotfix posted by HTC couple of days back. this updates the messenging client to 2016. try it.
did you try uninstalling your sms cab that you are using and trying that for a few days to see if you still get the freezes? If you are stock you should try the previous posters suggestion and update your ROM and try it without the sms cab and see how it goes.
thanks for the tips guys, ill have a look at the hotfixes. with the telstra ROM i have, i can use the HTC SMS client without the major lag issues - but i still prefer the WINMO client for the folder support and other functions that are absent in the HTC client.
ill check out your suggestions, and let you know how it goes.
cheers again for taking the time to read and reply.
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
[email protected] said:
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
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i'm running 1.66 ROM and is still able to install. I still think there is no harm downloading and try installing the hotfix. if it says unable to install, so be it. =)
fair call, im downloading it now. will certainly let you know how it goes.
thanks mate.
I installed HTC's SMS hotfix, and it seems they have increased the folder support in their SMS client. previously... from what i can remember, they had only a few SMS folders visible in their client, i think it was 'inbox', 'sent' and 'drafts'. now they have increased this and added 'outbox' and 'deleted items'.
anyway, this newer version of the HTC SMS client is much more usable than previous incarnations of this client.
and having removed zenyees SMS patch... i have had no repeat offences of any of the above listed issues. it has only been 12 hours-ish... but it is looking good so far.
the only problem i have now with the HTC SMS client is the integration with S2U2 (SMS slide to view defaults to conversation mode in the HTC client - i would prefer traditional mode). and also there is a text selection issue in the new message screen. i use the swype SIP and i frequently need to fix up my incorrect word inputs, in the WINMO client, this was easy (double tap the word, the select the correct word from the word suggestion list), however... in the HTC SMS client... double tapping does not select text, sometimes if i tap 4 times i can select the word and promt swype's word suggestion list to appear... but not always).
but these issues with HTC's SMS client are far more tolerable than the problems i was experiencing with the WINMO client.
thanks for all your help guys.
i will keep you posted on further developments.
Glad that the hotfix helps in one way or another. On the other hand, now we all knows this hotfix doesn't actually limit to ROM 1.66 and below.
it does seem to increase to functionality of the HTC SMS client. but between 1 ROM upgrade and almost never using the HTC client... i cannot be 100% sure that these new 'features' are infact new. i know the 1.6X telstra ROM had a pretty weak HTC SMS client, and they did improve it alot for the 1.7X ROM - lessened the lag, and a few other fixes. after i upgraded to the 1.7X ROM, i still used the SMS patch to have the WINMO client as my default... so i never payed to much attention to that version of the HTC SMS client.
as i posted above, i have now noticed the improved folder support in the HTC SMS client... but i cant be 100% sure that this is a result of the 1.7X ROM upgrade... of the SMS hotfix. though i do think it was the hotfix, and the hotfix certainly did install without issue.
so if anyone else is using the latest telstra stock ROM.... what is the HTC SMS client like? enhanced folder support? less lag?
cheers again.

