no service yet can connect to data... - Hero, G2 Touch General

I know there are threads related to this issue where an Hero refuses to connect to a network (the bars has a x over the top) however i've discovered something strange with my hero.
With the correct data/apn settings the phone is connecting to the network and will allow me to browse the internet, post tweets etc etc, it actually allows me to do anything thats not phone related. I cannot make calls or sent text messages.
This phone was unlocked and working ok until one day it just stopped working with my network.
The hero is unlocked - I have tested it with Tmobile and Three and they both work. Any kind of o2 sim refuses to work....
Am i being a complete n00b and missing something here....?
Any help appreciated - I;ve spent weeks on this issue and almost ready to give up

Anyone having a similar issue to the above, I've found something that appears to help fix this.
Get AnyCut from the market place, create a shortcut to Phone info.
Launch phone info, turn off radio.
Now im not exactly sure why this works but change 'set preferred network type' to WCDMA Only and then renable the radio after a few moments, the singal returns.
Weird and very annoying.

Can you point me to a solution for the other problem where the hero refuses to connect to a network (the bars has a x over the top). I have searched every term I can think of with no luck yet. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


manual network selection still switches to other networks

Hello all,
I've tried searching for this, but didn't find anything about it, so I hope that's not due to me having bad searching skills :?.
I have an MDA Vario from T-mobile (dutch), and am using it without letting the preloaded software run (by softresetting right after initial WM5 setup). It works perfectly fine, but I have one problem with it, being that even though I manually set the phone's network to T-mobile, when I go into Belgium it still switches to another network.
Since I have an unlimited GPRS plan, I just leave msn on all the time, but I don't want it to be causing any GPRS traffic while roaming on another network (which would be expensive), and since internet is the only thing I use the phone for (I have another phone I use for general voice calls), I would like it to just not register to any network at all when it can't find my home network.
Oddly enough, my motorola MPX200 (running windows mobile 2003) seems to be having the exact same problem (which is why I was surprised to not find any topics discussing this before). My colleague who has the same phones (MPX200 and Vario) also has the same issue.
Since I live really close to the border, I have to be very vigilant about this to avoid high roaming costs... If I can't fix this on the phone side, I guess I'll have to ask T-mobile if they can place a roaming bar for me.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Or, in some odd MS logic, is it supposed to behave like that??
Have you tried going to "Phone > Menu > Options > Network >Set Networks" checking only your network, unchecking the rest, and setting "Network Selection" to "Manual" ?
Ahh, actually I hadn't. I tried to go to that screen earlier, but it wouldn't open. I guess I had my eyes in my backpocket since it clearly says to terminate the active connection and try again .
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if it helps next time I head into belgium far enough to lose T-mobile coverage .
Good luck !
Well took me til now before I could test it, went into belgium to go to the cinema (saw chronicles of narnia... don't bother unless you enjoy childish disney flicks...) but it still switched over to another network...
Guess I'll just get a roaming bar on it, until I get smart enough to code something up to disconnect GPRS on other networks (pah right ).
Unless anyone else got any ideas?
Well, I have the same problem.
I selected "manual network" and erased all preferred networks but my own.
Still t switches to the network with stronger signal.
T-mobile-Germany hotline said that this is the normal (??crazy??) functionality of the phone. Stunned.
I have exactly the same problem with my Qtek 9100, I live in France and work in Switzerland. 2 or 3 times a day I have to check if the selected network is still the good one if I don't want to pay the roaming cost.
I've contacted a french developper to see if he is interested in the development of a little software that could help us... I will keep you informed!!!!
Thierry from France.

[URGENT] X1 can't find T-mobile signal

I have used my x1 for four months in America with T-mobile. The phone had no problem until yesterday. However, yesterday, the phone began to lose signal and automatically rebooted several times. Then, finally, from the afternoon, the phone totally lost the signal, and kept looking the signal.
I took out my sim card and plugged into another cell phone and it worked. So, I thought it was the problem of the rom. (I was using Touch-IT 4.5) I downloaded the new version of the rom, Touch-IT 5.6, then flashed it. However, it did not solve the problem. So, I flashed with the original SE rom. However, the phone didn't work either.
I contacted T-mobile, and there was not problem on the signal on my region. I thought it might the problem of data plan since I do not use data plan. So I used Advanced config and killed every option for data plan. However, it still does not work. I tried to do settings manually. changing band, carrier, and every possible options, but it does not work.
Interestingly, the phone worked two times today for a short amount of the time. However, after the reset, it is gone. Other than phone function, I do not see any problem.
Even now the phone keeps searching the signal. What can I do? I read another article that is similar to my case, and they say even after changing the sim card, it does not work.
Anyone has the same issue? What can I do? My phone is dead for two days, and it messes up so many things. Please somebody help me.
Have you tried redoing the connection setup?
try clicking on signal antenna then enter settings click on network and manual select your network, will take a few mins to find networks if it connects manualy just select auto again and hopefully it will fix it., worked with mine.
Thank you guys
Thank you guys. Yes, I have tried both of them, but it still does not work.
In Connection setup, I chose United States and T-mobile, and the screen to choose between T-mobile and At&t. I select T-mobile, and click Register. Then, it goes to the searching mode again, and nothing happens.
I assume that somehow, the phone finds networks, since it does show the options to choose (T-mobile, At&t). But something is not right, and it messes the set up. I do not know why.

Internet Help Please?

Hi everyone,
I'm new here and this looks like a good place to learn about all things WinMo
Unfortunately, i think i may have donw something to my HD2 and now it wont let me on the internet. It says at the top its connected via 3g or whatever's the strongest connection. But whenever i try to launch anything requiring the internet it comes up saying its unable to connect and to try again.
I've had the phone 3 months and its been fine. THe only changes i've made from standard is adding cookies home tab (which im sure didnt do anything) the only other thing i did around the time of it stopping working is using tree size mobile i selected "Load Default Settings" could this have done it??
I've also just noticed it wont let me call people, it just does 3 beeps and hangs up even in strong signal.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated,
Have you paid you're bill lol
anyway settings>connections>then take a look in connections see if all you're settings are still there if not go back a page and hit up connection set-up and it should put you're settings back in have a soft reset and try again call wise not sure, could be a problem with the phone that requires a hard reset(back to when you first got the device)
I'll enquire bout the bill, shouldnt be though, cos when you get cut off it doesnt let you connect to 3g, and when you call its just says connection to this number is restricted on this phone...which it isnt doing, its just not calling at all.
Been into settings and everything is on and i've done the reconfiguration to Vodafone and its still the same.

3G connectivity issue when leaving wifi zone

So, I've done quite some looking around in this forum and others but have not been able to to find an answer...
Here's the issue: when leaving an area with wifi connection, my galaxy s refuses to connect via 3G. Sometimes the "H"/"3G" is shown but no data is being transfered, sometimes the "H"/"3G" doesn't even show up. I've tried switching to plane mode and back, but that only helps sometimes. Switching to 2G and back doesn't help either, neither does re-selecting my provider from the provider list in the wireless settings or turning wifi on and off.
I'm on JF3 still. And here's the question: Is this an Eclair bug or firmware related? And is there a workaround, besides switching to plane mode and back every time I leave the house?
Your help is appreciated!
I have similar issue too. I hated it.
It appears to be an Android problem.
I have this problem too, running an optus one.
I think sometimes.. going into the APn seetings, clicking on the field, dont change anything and press okay.. so it refreshes the APN settings and it works?
Or I rescan for networks. and choose my optus provider again.
Such a fluke.. that first few days i got this phone didnt have this problem.. and now it does... hope it gets fixed soon.
Okay, thanks. will try my luck with the android developers...
I checked out the link to google code and there seems to be a solution: restoring the default apn settings (hit the menu button when in the apn list). Seems to work, at least for now, my 3G connection came on when I left wifi after being on wifi for a few hours.

Phone not reachable issue

Hi All,
I have been facing a strange issue with my Yureka.
Many of my friends and clients are complaining me that your phone is not reachable. To test this, I dialed my number from another phone and found they are right. Sometime it says, phone not reachable and sometime it doesn't say anything... just ... ping... ping.. ping and gone. Not even any message. I can see full network signals.
This has become now very annoying.
In last 1 hour, I have tried my phone 10 times and got connected only 2 times.. rest of the times either it doesn't say anything or says, not reachable.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
p.s. A little more info... while phone is not reachable, I can see full network and my 3G is also working fine.
which Rom installed on ur phone? & did u try calling to both sims?
Thanks for your reply ujilraj.
I am on stock CM12 ROM
I have no issues in outgoing calls. Issue is when someone is calling me.
They get phone unreachable message or nothing at all.
Today I tested myself and saw the same.
Earlier, I thought it might be some network related issues but it seems something else... may be hardware issue but not sure, therefore, asking for community help
Do u use dual sim? & did u set the network to automatically choose network? (settings > mobile networks> network operators> choose automatically). Also, Is ur preferred network type set on LTE? if yes, then change it to 3G or 2G...

