Please Help! Black screen but LCD has backlight! - P3600 General

Well guys this is what happened:
1. My wife got mad with me and broke my lovely trinity. In fact only touch screen was broken, lcd still works.
2. So I bought a new one on ebay (lcd+touch), so much more cheaper!
3. I replaced the broken one for the new one and everything was fine, I got my trinity back
4. Anyway I had to disassamble it all again because lcd was not placed conveniently, I've done it several times until I got it perfect but when I power-on there was no image on LCD, just a black screen with backlight.
5. I thought it could be a damage in flex cable, but older lcd leads me to the same result.
Any idea?

hello friend how the things going!!??!

Can't find a reason for it! Broken flex or chipset damage? I'm not in the mood to buy a new one to check it!...

hi, it's has appening the same thing to me!!! but i solve it!!!! how? my problem was in the connection of the LCT to the motherboard! I just have put a small paper in it between the cover to make some pressure on it and then the LCD work perfectly!
if you need some more help, tell me something and i will take some picture of it!!!
great rom's!!!

vimafeje said:
hi, it's has appening the same thing to me!!! but i solve it!!!! how? my problem was in the connection of the LCT to the motherboard! I just have put a small paper in it between the cover to make some pressure on it and then the LCD work perfectly!
if you need some more help, tell me something and i will take some picture of it!!!
great rom's!!!
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Doesnt work either!...But thanks anyway!

g77 said:
Doesnt work either!...But thanks anyway!
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let me tell you that i have made more than 50 try to mount it correctly.
the flex cable is terrible to put in place.
have you try to make some pressure like in this picture:
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when my screen is not working, if i does that, the LCD works, but whith no pressure, no LCD...
have you try to turn on the PDA when he was disassemble?
try it!

vimafeje said:
let me tell you that i have made more than 50 try to mount it correctly.
the flex cable is terrible to put in place.
have you try to make some pressure like in this picture:
when my screen is not working, if i does that, the LCD works, but whith no pressure, no LCD...
have you try to turn on the PDA when he was disassemble?
try it!
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Hi there, i'v got the same problem. black screen backlite is ok
I bought a new LCd and still have the problem.
I try the pressur e like the picture but is't not Ok even dissassemble.
I'll aprecciate help about this problem.
My trinity is without warranty so i can't return it

australfr said:
Hi there, i'v got the same problem. black screen backlite is ok
I bought a new LCd and still have the problem.
I try the pressur e like the picture but is't not Ok even dissassemble.
I'll aprecciate help about this problem.
My trinity is without warranty so i can't return it
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Boy I just bought a new LCD on ebay thinking i'd get my problem solved!
So we'll have to wait someone help us...

Great! I got my trinity working now with my brand new lcd, but it's kinda unstable i wonder if could be keypad flex cable that is broken as i read somewhere that a broken cable could cause other issues...
NOW SOLVED: I unpluged keypad flex and removed the whole board now it works perfectly (no keypad of course, but i'll buy a new one )

happy for you!!!!
hope you can release a new PTG rom for trinity!!!!

Thanks vimafeje!!! you are great!!!! i thought my problem was software!!! i tried all kind of stuff,change roms, radios, format with mtty, unbrick..and always got that black screen!!! almost tried everything!!and i luckily found this thread... your solution was mine!!!
before reading your thread i used to make some pressure on the down right side of the battery...and it was working a couple of minutes because when pressing on battery i was pressing under screen !!!
anyway......i'll try to disassemble it to fix it.....
i think my problem came from one of my trinity's fall !!!
take good care!!

hi guys , i have 2 P3600 devices ,...and i got the same problems ,,, and if i press on the batteror or twist it ,, the LCD works
so i think it s kind of break on the Motherboard Tracks ,,,, how we can fix it
is there any way to repair....
i need to fix both devices ,,,,
it s expencive to buy new HTC ,,, specially the new one is highly expencive

broadband said:
hi guys , i have 2 P3600 devices ,...and i got the same problems ,,, and if i press on the batteror or twist it ,, the LCD works
so i think it s kind of break on the Motherboard Tracks ,,,, how we can fix it
is there any way to repair....
i need to fix both devices ,,,,
it s expencive to buy new HTC ,,, specially the new one is highly expencive
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its look like you are having a connection problem with the flat cable to connect the screen to the motherboard. making some pressure in the side of the trinity, like in the picture posted some post ago qill prove that.
so, have you try to dismantle them?
try it, and make shure the flat cable is in place, try to turn on the phone while he is dismantle, and if the screen is not working, try to touch this flat cable.
i solve mine by luck, i have dismantle mine more than 50 times!!!!! but now, it's working wonderfull!!!!
good luck!!!
try it,

The problem is the flex cable connection of the display or keypad to the motherboard.
Check if the display flexcable is well aligned and properly inserted into the motherboard slot.
Place a piece of paper or other soft material on the two connectors (display/ keypad) to improve the pressure from the back cover in these components.

Hi guys ... i tried to dismentle it many times
the main problem coming form the motherboard itself i touched the lcd flat cable and nothing happend still black screenn,,but if i twist the main board it works fine and quickly
thank for replying
hope we find a solution anyway,,i nneed my trinity so much

try to assemble and disassemble it until it works, and try to put litle piece of paper to make some pressure in the flat cable to the motherboard/display.

Thank you for your fast reply,,,, i really appreciate it
i am working on it now ,,, i try to find where to put the paper piece and i will tell you the result soon ,,,, thank you

i have the same problem 3 weeks ago, if u r in Shanghai China. I bet u can 100% fixed. I hv send to repair house and they tried to fix the flex cable but no luck. Change the touch screen same issue happen. and when the Samsung CPU is depressed. It boots up all right. So... the root cause is the CPU BGA balls suspected crack. So this guy just removed it reball it and place back.. Wallah!... IT WORKS!!!。。。。 My Trinity was dropped before black screen... hope this help!.. My advice is if you r not good in rework skill,don't do it. Get the expert help!... it cost me RMB400... :-(

Hi guys ,, i tried to place a piece of paper under the flat cable ,,but no luck to boot normally,,, i think the problem like Gooki said ,on the one of the chips placed under the LCD connector,,,,, i hope i can find someone can help me in egypt ....
could u send me the name and the address in china pls for repairing ,,,, maybe i can send mine to be repaird i have 2 trinitys should be repaired ... thnaks

here to put the paper:


Need help (Qtek2020)

Hi all
yesterday, while trying to put my device into my jeans pocket, i left it and it fall down to the ground... No damage at the moment after a first check... everything ok... BUT... after coming back home, i've put it into the connection base and anything happened... i've tried softreset but anything happened too.... so i've noticed, looking at the bottom of the qtek, that the port for the cable/base connection wasn't ok.
Here is the problem.... i get no activesync connection or power charging because the port is damaged... i've found that this port moves in every direction and so it isn't well attached to the mainboard. So i decided to disassemble the device to understand what is the problem whit my qtek.
After disassembling it, i noticed that the port has lost the weld that locks it to the mainboard...
And now??? What to do??? The port is completely detached and i think that there is no way to weld it again to the MB.
I'm out of warranty time too and i think that the warranty doesn't cover this kind of problem even because the technician will understand the reason of the unwelding.... and even because i'm not using my original rom from qtek....
So i thought one thing... is there any way to find a cable to connect the device from the port that i found just under the battery??? Where can i find the right cable??? And will it be usefull to get back again all the functionalities???
Please help.... i don't want to break up from my qtek so soon.... and i would like to wait few months before to buy a new device... (universal).
Hope someone will give me some advices... or suggestions.
Bye.... MINDGAP.
Anyone's got an advice for me??? Anyone can help???
I'm in troubloe here and i would like to understand if i could make my own cable to use from the back door port that i found under the battery cover of my device.
I tried to look in the himalaya wiki page but i found anything about this port.... only connection for the main port... that i can't use anymore because it's completely distroyed....
Please help me i can't believe that i'have to throw away my pocket pc only because of this problem....
What i would like to understand is if i can weld the port back again to the MB or even to give power from the port that is placed under the battery to use it only like Navigator in my car.
Please let me know if i can find a cable or a different solution in order to get my device back with all functionalities... i could even send the device to someone who could repair it and send it back again.
I would pay to have it back repaired.
Hope someone will help.
Thanks and have a nice day!
some images from the disaster!!!!
ok... here u are some images taken this afternoon.... featuring my POOR DEVICE..... terribly wounded.... almost dead!!!!
Hope these images will help you in trying to find a solution....
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Thanks in advance just for reading this post.... and thanks much more for answering.....
go to, order the Switch Board Socket 22 Pin (3800 Series)
Product code: 204
link is:
I think your device will be good as new.
good luck
Thanks for everything u did for me ATC.....
I hope my device will be back soon...
Best regards.
if this is still a problem for you and all else has failed then I would be preperd to try and resoulder the connection for you I do have all the right equipment and I have experance as I have chiped sevreal Xboxs and thay have a fue fiddley bits plus I was traned to militry spec in solderin at EEV but there is no garantee but from what I have seen I may well be able to do the job. You can pm me in here and I will be watching this thred.
Well I've had also this problem once. I have broken this connector off the board with the charging adapter from charger. Anyway it isn't too difficult to repair that if you are a bit handy. Just use a micro-solder and carefuly sold the connector back.
1. Don't plug the battery while you repair that!
2. Use the rosin to prevent decant the pewter on the pins
3. Use the pewter-suction band to remove the pewter from the connector if is it too much
4. When finished,use a mechanical tools to remove the rest of the rosin. Don't use alcohol based solvents(I have damaged the JoyStick with Isopropyl-Alcohol)!
5. Ensure that all pins are solded separately and no pins are bridged by soldering!
Probably this will result as a Hard-reset,because the repair will take probably more than 30mins without battery or you can short-circuit the backup battery. Therefore backup all your data(WM5-Only RAMdisk).
In the meantime, you could still communicate with your wounded beast say using Activesync over Bluetooth (that will sort out your sync issues and allow you to have an up to date copy of your data). Similalry if you have or can get an SD card you can dunp copies of data onto that too.
Also if you can get your hands on a second battery quickly enough, use the cradle to keep one bat on charge while using the other in the device. Regularly swap over will mean that you can at least use your Himam until you are in a position to solder new/old parts.
Regards - Mallow1
Can some one post a topic or a detailed manual on how to disassemble the hima?
Regds Aldo
You need to remove the black antenna cover. After that is it easy. Just few screws. Remove all parts in cover neighbourhood(card,stylus,antenna connector cap). Then release both hooks located at the top of the battery with your nail or small screwdriver pushed into the stylus hole and at the volume-slider location. After that release fixings in surround of the card slot. Do it easily and carefully! Otherwise you can break the plastic. You can find also the service manual at wiki.xda-dev,but DON'T do it that way! That procedure is wrong.
Can anyone send some pictures on how to disassemble the qtek. Which screws do we need to pull out and how do you do that?
hi i did assemble the connector my self , but i m in Egypt , Cairo ...if you like call me on my handy
Jimmy Rag

BUY/SELL a broken Wizard! Protect our dying breed.

do you have a broken wizard you'd like to sell? simply put it under and signal the broken wizard offer (THE LINK!) under this thread - specifying the type of defect.
There is a number of OTHER broken wizards (like mine!) that could be repaired by recovering parts from others. And very often we could repair more than one - so after you've repaired yours you could try to resell the remaining pieces.
So, anybody having a broken wizard: follow this thread and we will ALL save money!
As you know, the service manual is very detailed and allows easy replacement of many parts: screens, keyboards, mainboards, stylus holders...batteries!
anyway, we are not anymore under warranty....right?
Comments also welcome, since keep the thread high in the list...
Anything YOU NEED?
all those in need of parts could also post here...i desperately need one LCD PCB - since the connector on the flat cable between the LCD and the PCB went bad and my display doesn't work anymore/ after months of shaky performances...THX
anybody got a screen around?need the lcd+digitizer. im not sure yet whether its a gold or black connection, will check later on, but just wondering if anyone has an lcd around..
where could i get the service manual?
anyone know where I can find a switch? Yes, a switch not the button. Long story
I have for sale the LCD and touch screen. However, it's more complicated.
My touch screen was cracked but the LCD was good so I bought a new touch screen and tried to fixed it but I was not able to connect touch screen to the LCD (solder the tape?). So I quit and bought a new LCD with the touch screnn. So now I have an used LCD and a brand new touch screen for sale. If you are good in fixing things, I'm sure you will have fun
Let me know if you need some more information or pictures.
I'm looking for a brand new full external case (the front frame with the Imate Logo on it) and a non scratched LCD preferably with a screen protector installed on it.
That post by Janesaka about baby powder links to a worm! DON"T CLICK IT!
Hi all. I'm in need of the usb connector like in photos below for the wizard/8125. (Mine broke) Does anyone have or know where I can purchase one?
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usb connector
i got many USB...
do you have ebay account?
My son's Wizard/Cingular 8125 Died
I'll be listing my son's Cingular 8125 later on today on Ebay. It appears the motherboard went "belly up" on it. . . just 3 weeks out of warranty. At least -- from reading some other threads on the forums about the same type problems, that's what I'm surmising happened to it. It wasn't dropped, kicked, sat on, run over, etc., etc. -- it just shut down while he was on the Internet, never to be revived again. I tried switching out his battery with my fully-charged battery to rule that out and tried a few other ideas I found on the forums -- NADA.
No blinking LED when plugged into the wall charger and the PC gives me an error message that the "USB Device has malfunctioned" when plugging it up to the USB sync cable. He had been running the WM6 Underground Edition ROM for a little over 2 months without any problems. It's also one of the original G3 chip phones.
Thought I'd post on here before listing it to see if anyone is interested. PM me if you are.
(MODS -- if this isn't allowed, please remove the post, and I'm sorry)
newbie2 said:
I'll be listing my son's Cingular 8125 later on today on Ebay. It appears the motherboard went "belly up" on it. . . just 3 weeks out of warranty. At least -- from reading some other threads on the forums about the same type problems, that's what I'm surmising happened to it. It wasn't dropped, kicked, sat on, run over, etc., etc. -- it just shut down while he was on the Internet, never to be revived again. I tried switching out his battery with my fully-charged battery to rule that out and tried a few other ideas I found on the forums -- NADA.
No blinking LED when plugged into the wall charger and the PC gives me an error message that the "USB Device has malfunctioned" when plugging it up to the USB sync cable. He had been running the WM6 Underground Edition ROM for a little over 2 months without any problems. It's also one of the original G3 chip phones.
Thought I'd post on here before listing it to see if anyone is interested. PM me if you are.
(MODS -- if this isn't allowed, please remove the post, and I'm sorry)
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ok sir.. for how much will you sell it?
Anyone has an LCD screen for the Wizard?
fencer said:
Anyone has an LCD screen for the Wizard?
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I do but without a Touch Screen. Just an LCD.
I need the MDA's main ribbon cable if anyone has one please??
i'm selling my unlocked cingular 8125 almost brand new. no scratches for $200. I'm just a Nokia/Symbian Guy. Phone works fine with faria's 3.3 pm me with offers
power button
can anyone tell me what kind of part i would need to fix a broken power button? not the actual button, but whatever needs to connect for me to actually turn off the device
b.mann said:
can anyone tell me what kind of part i would need to fix a broken power button? not the actual button, but whatever needs to connect for me to actually turn off the device
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What do you mean? Did the actual button break the one inside soldered to the board or just the case button that is used to press on the real button?
I broke the actual button trying to put the case back on and I got an old board I am desoldering the buttons from. If this is the case then I could probably send you one.
tommhnyc said:
I do but without a Touch Screen. Just an LCD.
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how much?
My wizard nearly fully survived a good old swim in a lake. The only thing that's broke right now is my touchscreen. Does anyone have a spare one they could sell me? It's a touchscreen digitizer with serial LTP280QV-E01
Many thanks
bikerjeg said:
What do you mean? Did the actual button break the one inside soldered to the board or just the case button that is used to press on the real button?
I broke the actual button trying to put the case back on and I got an old board I am desoldering the buttons from. If this is the case then I could probably send you one.
how much?
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i mean the connection between the button and the mobo, or something like that
when i press the power button, nothing happens
usb connector port for tmobile mda
prinsipe21 said:
i got many USB...
do you have ebay account?
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Yes I do porto3535. How much you want for that

Broking the digitizer... and the buttons gone!

I'm new here and i've bought a tytn a month ago. Thanks for ALL THAT YOU HAVE POSTED HERE!
Unfortunately I've broken my touchpad digitizer but I'm yet buy a new one that should arrive in a few days. The problem is that the front panel keys.. (green phone, soft right and left, start, ok messaging an IE) stops working till the screen was broken.. The Dpad work fine in all the five direction.. Is that a problem connected with the screen? they will come to work again after the changing?
I think that, beeing on the same connection, the malfunction of the screen can cause an uncorrect connection to the buttons but it's only a prevision.. (read HOPE)
I hope I'm able to explain my problem also with this very very bad English. Sorry.
From the information you give, it is possible the connections to the keys have become dislodged. This is more likely if the phone was dropped.
However, until you open the TyTn you will not know the extent of the damage.
Thanks mikechannon for the prompt answere.. i try to explain better:
All the connections are in good condition (the connection on the mainboard and the connection on the front pad are perfectly placed). The only one "open circuit" is the digitizer.. 2 of the 4 connection does not join the layer that has been scratched away (yes.. don't tell me more...). In poor world, the resistive input of the first layer of the digitizer is.. max circuit.. ^^
I've to wait the replacement and hope? ^^
SegiRoPi said:
Thanks mikechannon for the prompt answere.. i try to explain better:
All the connections are in good condition (the connection on the mainboard and the connection on the front pad are perfectly placed). The only one "open circuit" is the digitizer.. 2 of the 4 connection does not join the layer that has been scratched away (yes.. don't tell me more...). In poor world, the resistive input of the first layer of the digitizer is.. max circuit.. ^^
I've to wait the replacement and hope? ^^
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I won't ask what you've been up to Abusing your poor TyTn!
You may be lucky. Certainly there are numerous reports of screen problems being linked to dead keys so good luck.
Infinite resistance - sounds like a frigid virgin. If you have one I'll cure her with my special equipment !
ok.. waiting for the replacement.. if all goes bad no problem..
I'm the only one that remove the battery for closing a call against an answering machine.. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can soft reset with the stylo!! GOOD
Serius question: you think I can change the digitizer without the lcd?? It should be easy.. isn't it?
SegiRoPi said:
ok.. waiting for the replacement.. if all goes bad no problem..
I'm the only one that remove the battery for closing a call against an answering machine.. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can soft reset with the stylo!! GOOD
Serius question: you think I can change the digitizer without the lcd?? It should be easy.. isn't it?
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I thought you were getting a new screen? They normally come with digitizer attached??
Yes.. normally.. but i've bought only the digitizer without the Lcd..
Sorry man!
I've no problem!!!
My Tytn has starten NOW.. god!!! i've repaired it!!
OK.. i explain.. the digitizer has 4 pins.. 2 was broken and not connected with the layer BUT.. yes BUT.. i'm so crazy that i've cutted a alluminium film (small, 2 pieces of less than 1mmx2mm) and i've reconnected the layer to its configuration.. obviusly the screen is totally scalibrated because now there is the resistivity of the small 2 alluminium connection but the buttons works FINE!! ALL! yes!! wow i'm crazy of happines!!! i've repaired my tytn.. but i've always to change the digityzer because i can't use the touch screen.. not important
Now i can close a CALL!!!! great!!!
Thanks to all for the picture of the inside of the phone, the instruction for the dismount of the phone the constant support that you gives to all!!
Thanks for the icon.. the smiling icon of the past post.. I'm crying ^^
THANKS xda-developers!
ok.. ok.. it's late for all.. i'm going to sleep (with my repaired tytn!!!)
Hush everyone Gianmarco is sleeping - fixed his TyTn - happy days - sweet dreams
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Sorry for the long silence.
I was here but i forgot that thread.
I'want to thanks again all the staff because a week after the fact mentioned above i've recived the new digitizer from HK. I've changed it with the original one and i've experienced a new way of playing with my ppc. The new (i think not htc orignal digitizer) has no alignment problems.
Thanks a lot for all the work you've made and you do here.
p.s. i've to change the digitizer again because the new one (now) is full of scratch.. amazing.. isn't it?

Tmobile wing screen replacement

I did it
I bought a digitizer from ebay 17$ shipped versus 50$ for a lcd combo.
Arrived in a week from hogkong, wrapped in toilet paper (unused) with a screwdriver (wrong size) and a plastic opening tool (kinda useful).
I took apart the phone using the instructions, you can find them online if you google for them.
I removed the LCD-digitizer combo. Now the tricky part:
removing the digitizer is hard, it is very well glued/taped to the screen. Mine was broke so after I removed the plastic sheet(the actual digitizer) I had to remove piece by piece all the glass. It was a little war on my desk that resulted in a little scratch on my screen but in the end I did it.
removing the connection tape is not hard, the connector is just attached.
I set the new digitizer in place, insert the ribbon through that hole (actually I had to remove the metal back from the screen to do that).
I taped the new ribbon. And it didn't work. I read somewhere that you have to solder it back but I don't have such a device and buying one defeated the purpose of spending all this time taking that screen apart.
So I carefully clean the connector, set it in place and taped it again. Didn't work again. But I noticed that if I putt some pressure on it the it works.
so I put a bunch of tape there and when I put the phone back together it worked.
Time: about 4 hours of work. But it is my first time I took a phone apart , and I kept loosing screws and all sorts of adventures.
It's not really worth it, more likely I broke something else, i had a hard time reconnecting the keyboard, I actually had to cut a pice from the keyboard ribbon because of the faulty contacts but IT was a fun project. I was debating between a new phone and fixing this, and i decided that if I screw it completely it doesn't matter, and i guess I had some good luck. If you guys have any questions, I know i should have take pictures, but I forgot, you can email me at [email protected].
Thank you for all the help I got on this site.
I broke my screen (Tmobile Wing) but I guess I cracked only the touch screen, not the LCD. The phone works, the LCd works, only the screen does not responde to any touching.
I found LCD screen replacements (~50$ shipped) but I also found the touch screen only replacements (~20$ shipped). Does anybody know if Only the touch part of the screen can be replaced? I never took my phone apart. Is the screen combo made from two layers that can be separated?
Thank you for your help.
oxyne said:
I broked my screen (Tmobile Wing) but I guess I cracked only the touch screen, not the LCD. The phone works, the LCd works, only the screen does not responde to any touching.
I found LCD screen replacements (~50$ shipped) but I also found the touch screen only replacements (~20$ shipped). Does anybody know if Only the touch part of the screen can be replaced? I never took my phone apart. Is the screen combo made from two layers that can be separated?
Thank you for your help.
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had the same problem check this thread i started a while back...
also heres a good link to buyin an actual screen as u can see its totally seperate from the device and CAN be replaced
u can even still use while broken on ur PC at home/work using usb and 'my-mobiler'
I want to replace only the touch part of the screen not the whole lcd/touch combo. the link you gave me is the combo. you can buy something like this: much cheaper:
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my lcd works, my phone works, I just have a bunch of cracks and cannot use the stylus.
oxyne said:
I want to replace only the touch part of the screen not the whole lcd/touch combo. the link you gave me is the combo. you can buy something like this: much cheaper:
my lcd works, my phone works, I just have a bunch of cracks and cannot use the stylus.
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wow good to know, unfortunatley i had purchased another device before even checking up on these things, i was still new to this site and my Wing...oh well
I took my broken lcd apart to see if I could get some info for you. It looks damn near impossible to detach and re-attach the the ribbon cable for the digitizer. Since yours is broken, you might as well take it apart and see for yourself before buying just the digitizer. Good luck
oxyne said:
I want to replace only the touch part of the screen not the whole lcd/touch combo. the link you gave me is the combo. you can buy something like this: much cheaper:
my lcd works, my phone works, I just have a bunch of cracks and cannot use the stylus.
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I posted an update in the first message, thank you guys for all your help
I got a Replacement LCD for my WING for $55 at WWW.HTCLCD.COM
Cracked LCD/Touch Screen-Wing?
timace said:
had the same problem check this thread i started a while back...
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Hi: Just now read your post..Am I understanding that I don't need to buy the "LCD" screen for $45.00 and only need the touch screen that sells for $17.00? If so, then the cracked part underneath the plastic on my Wing is fixable? My phone still rings and is answerable but I cannot call out using the screen. The backlight etc. is still working and I just bought this so I am looking for a cheaper repair. Thankx
LCD vs. TOUCH SCREEN T-Mobile Wing
I think I can replace just the touch screen if the glass underneath the top plastic is cracked..(In a hurry to visit Halloween Horror Nights @ Universal Studios and ran over it) The phone still receives calls but the screen is white and when touched turns the cracks black, the backlight is still active, the qwerty is fine I need the LCD or just the Touch Screen?
kthing said:
I think I can replace just the touch screen if the glass underneath the top plastic is cracked..(In a hurry to visit Halloween Horror Nights @ Universal Studios and ran over it) The phone still receives calls but the screen is white and when touched turns the cracks black, the backlight is still active, the qwerty is fine I need the LCD or just the Touch Screen?
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hey bro.. seriously dont even try to figure out what you need.. the lcd or the digitizer.. my current wing has the screen replaced.. its a very simple fix.. just buy an lcd that has the digitizer with it already.. please please be careful on making sure it has warranty and is the exact one for your phone.. if need be i have detailed pics on how to take apart the wing including text to match the pics.. i have made this for others with this problem..
digitizer replacement
hello. I original got my wing with a broken LCD, I replaced it with no problems and it worked fine. I have since broken the glass on the digitizer. The digitizer glass from my old LCD was not broken, it is now that I tried to remove it from the broken LCD.
Also, there are two different types of digitizers. one the ribbon cable is on the right, the other is on the left. The LCD[with digitizer] I purchased had the ribbon cable for the digitizer on the opposite side. It worked great until I broke it.
So, my question is: If I purchase a digitizer from eBay, does it come with the glass or is it just the plastic digitizer itself?
Thank you in advance,
The replacement digitizer off ebay works ONLY when I push the ribbon hard against the lcd screen ribbon where it attaches. What is the way to stick it that it connects and conducts power as it suppose to? I tried the taping method without success as noted by the 1st post.
Help please
1LLvj said:
So, my question is: If I purchase a digitizer from eBay, does it come with the glass or is it just the plastic digitizer itself?
Thank you in advance,
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They come with the glass, just be sure to get the GSM version, not the CDMA. I know this is late, but might help someone else if you've already done so.
xecutionkrk said:
The replacement digitizer off ebay works ONLY when I push the ribbon hard against the lcd screen ribbon where it attaches. What is the way to stick it that it connects and conducts power as it suppose to? I tried the taping method without success as noted by the 1st post.
Help please
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Solder it... but you've pointed out that you can't or won't do this already. I don't know of any electrically conductive glues (especially trying to glue the ribbon cable in place without shorting itself out)

new case probs

okay i bought a hermes off ebay, ment to be scratched like u expect after a year in ya pocket.. it was SCRATCHED to hell like a sheet of sand paper was used on it, and somoen had written war and peace on it.
it was cheap so i thught i may as well pick up a new chassie for it, i did it arrived today, i had already watched the few videos about how to dismantle this phone (i am no stranger to doing this as i tend to repair my friends and ppl i knows mobiles and used to have a alpine that went through 2 lcd`s and 3 touch screens until i learned to look after it)
i carfuly stripped it down, replaced all the casing to a new jasjam case, and now the keyboard wont light up (ya i know about the light sensor) and the screen wont auto flip, but i can still use the keyboard just with a normal portate screen, i have tried hard resetting as i am still trying to find a rom i like and dont have any software installed.
is it the kb ribbon thats gone? and anyone know were i can get one in the uk? is there any way of manualy rotating the screen like on the alpine? as i can live with doing that until i get a fix.
I did the same, got a new case but I was lucky, it still works altough the blue light is always on.
To manual rotate the screen you assign a hardware button to it. Go to setting, buttons, select a button and the rotate screen from the program list.
Good luck
skeeve666 said:
okay i bought a hermes off ebay, ment to be scratched like u expect after a year in ya pocket.. it was SCRATCHED to hell like a sheet of sand paper was used on it, and somoen had written war and peace on it.
it was cheap so i thught i may as well pick up a new chassie for it, i did it arrived today, i had already watched the few videos about how to dismantle this phone (i am no stranger to doing this as i tend to repair my friends and ppl i knows mobiles and used to have a alpine that went through 2 lcd`s and 3 touch screens until i learned to look after it)
i carfuly stripped it down, replaced all the casing to a new jasjam case, and now the keyboard wont light up (ya i know about the light sensor) and the screen wont auto flip, but i can still use the keyboard just with a normal portate screen, i have tried hard resetting as i am still trying to find a rom i like and dont have any software installed.
is it the kb ribbon thats gone? and anyone know were i can get one in the uk? is there any way of manualy rotating the screen like on the alpine? as i can live with doing that until i get a fix.
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Amost certainly either the Keyboard ribbon cable or its connections (As you say). The magnet operated orientation sesnsor is built into the ribbon cable and is of course also linked to the keyboard open light up action.
BUT, I have seen this happen because the magnet has dropped off!!! It's a small metal oblong and does not look like a magnet.
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Check that magnet is still there and that the sensor on the cable is located correctly.
lol that was the one part i did ot add to the new case! looked at teh old one there it was dismanted my new case.. no magent.. and guess what a spot o superglue later 2 mins to reasemble and BOOM its works again! cheers m8. i love my phone again!!!
okays next one for u!
i have also replaed the touch screen, i have resolded, using a low temp iron the new touch panel to the lcd`s ribbon thsi is not teh first time i have donw this as i have already said, i have checked the joint with a multi meter and its okay, but the phone wont work with the touch screen, i was wondering if i need to run alignment again but the firmware i has is the HTC_HERMES_S64_WM_6.1_TouchFlo2D_UC_V1_22.09.2008 one, and it goes stright into touchflow before i can navi to the aligemt prog, i dont wana hard reset as i can still use it as a phone after with the buttons.
is it a alignment prob or just time to go full hog and buy a new full lcd/touch unit tis the black ribbon one 2nd gen. ( i was trying to do it on the cheap )
skeeve666 said:
okays next one for u!
i have also replaed the touch screen, i have resolded, using a low temp iron the new touch panel to the lcd`s ribbon thsi is not teh first time i have donw this as i have already said, i have checked the joint with a multi meter and its okay, but the phone wont work with the touch screen, i was wondering if i need to run alignment again but the firmware i has is the HTC_HERMES_S64_WM_6.1_TouchFlo2D_UC_V1_22.09.2008 one, and it goes stright into touchflow before i can navi to the aligemt prog, i dont wana hard reset as i can still use it as a phone after with the buttons.
is it a alignment prob or just time to go full hog and buy a new full lcd/touch unit tis the black ribbon one 2nd gen. ( i was trying to do it on the cheap )
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Did you try disabling touch flo and aligning the screen?
yup managed to work out how to do it, been playing around and i dont think its compatable, even though it said it was and its the correct size or i just dmg the ribbon, but i can still use the with the keys so until get a new screen ;[
