O2 Xda Mini S Call Notification off screen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, new to posting here but I've found great help reading before, so I thought I'd ask as I can't see anything elsewhere...
I seem to have a problem with my phone. When I get an incoming call, the white popup which is supposed to notify me of my call appears off the screen. I get the top of the notification, which says O2 - UK (network) and I get the top couple pixels of any images I have for users on the right, but everything else is below the bottom of the screen.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
It seems to sort itself out when I reboot the device, but then (and I have spent hours unsuccessfully trying to pin down when) it starts occurring again. I can't work out what I do to make it go wrong. I've tried uninstalling themes/programs all to no avail.
The other solution (which I've not had any luck finding yet) would be some software which gave an alternative call notification. Does anyone know of any of these?


Just received my xda mini s ?

Ok just got my xda mini s, fairly pleased with it, but not sure about the speaker quality when talking on the phone, it's not distorted as such, it's as if the speaker diaghram is having trouble coping, sort of a slight rattle while talking to someone, does not matter where the volume is set too either.
Apart from that i started it up in basic mode, then tried to remove the 02 ui in the add/remove but it does come up saying it had trouble completly removing it and did i want to take it out of add/remove anyway. Not sure why as i had never run the 02 stuff at this point ?
There are no 02 icons on the main screen anyway, it only all appears when you actualy run it, so i'm not sure how to properly get rid of it.
The phone already is on the latest rom so i don't need to update it.
And finally i noticed last night when i got an msn email on this phone while on my wireless network that when i read the mail a few minutes later i had an email again and its just the same one, as if i never read it, but i did ? and it keeps doing this, any ideas ?
Hi Corky,
I think you should be posting this in the 'Wizard' section because that's the device you have.

Need some Wizard digitizer help, please...!

Hi guys,
I'm having an issue with my digitizer on my 8125. I am wondering if anyone has experienced this, and if anyone knows of any workaround, short of sending the unit back.
After the unit has been great for a month (summiter's 2.17), all of a sudden, when I use the stylus in teh lowe right corner of the screen, it senses the pressure about 3 milimeters to the left.
Therefore, it's almost impossible to use the right scroll bar, if that makes any sense.
I realigned the screen.
It was fine for about 30 minutes.
Same problem.
Fine for a bit.
Then same problem.
Now, I bit the bullet, and did a hard reset.
It was running so nicely, but I had no choice.
The digitizer was fine for about 30 minutes.
I was pretty happy...
And now... SAME problem.
Only in the bottom right of the screen, like usual.
Has anyone heard of this?
AFTER a hard reset, before installing apps???
If you think there is a solution, please let me know.
If it's a case of back-to-Cingular... So be it..
...but I figured i would ask the pros before sending it in!
I have the same problem, though I haven't managed to do a hard reset yet. (Does anybody know how to back up text messages without using an all in one backup program, because I want to rebuild anyway)??
My screen seems to be okay for a period (so far the max has been two weeks) then it becomes unusable after eg. 30 mins. In periods when this happens, it does so up to 10 times a day! Arggg.
I wanted to send it back under warranty, but now the problem has stopped!
Was going to do a hard reset to ensure it's not any dodgy software that I've uninstalled since it was last doing it etc... but I really don't want to lose my texts!
Any help with backing up SMS messages (without restoring full backup thus recreating digitizer problem) appreciated!
Thanks for the reply!
I was also CERTAIN it was software related, too.
I could NOT believe that after a hard reset, back to square one, that after 30 minutes, again it would be off.
Made no sense to me.
And only in one quarter of the screen.
So far, today, it's been fine.
It's the weirdest thing.
As for backing up your stuff, I have no idea how, sorry.
I'd love to hear any more opinions/ideas...!
I'm also having this issue...hoped the new ROM would fix the issue but noticed it after I installed a few apps....forgot to check it again before installing a few apps (i.e. pocket plus, tcpmp, a2dp cab, etc.)...did you guys end up sending yours back for a replacement or did you find it to be software related? I called Cingular today and HTC and they both were zero help... trying to figure out if I should send it back.... any suggestions are appreciated
I have this issue also... on all ROMs that I put on... There's a thread that says all you need to do is open up to the keyboard and then close to fix.

Help!!! White screen after drop

I dropped my phone yesterday and now all I get is a white (or bluish, or with lines) screen. With VC I can still make and receive calls, and Play media files. The touch screen even works if I know where the button is without the screen showing it. Does anybody have an Idea of what I can do to fix it? I have not done a hard reset yet, hoping that someone would have an idea.
I was thinking of going into Cingular and trying to get some help from them, but should I reset it to the official ROM first (I would have to download it from somewhere)? Also what do you think of the new 8525?
awesome phone...faster internet... runs great with the new wm6 rom... come by my shop if u wanna see it james

Busted Phone Rom?

Hey all, so I was on a business conference call this morning and immediately after the call I went to check my Call History, which had plenty of records in it last night, and there was no history. Furthermore, I lost the ability to make calls. I figured "oh it's just another stupid M$ bug... why don't I reboot." Well, bad idea. After rebooting, the phone now states it has No Service; however, Media Net is miraculously still connected. To test this anomaly, I loaded up IE and navigated to google.com. To my surprise, the page loaded! Nonetheless, I cannot load the phone app either manually or even by pressing the send button. I'm not receiving any texts or phone calls.
Is this a common problem? Could something have shorted out? Is my radio rom simply busted? Luckily, I'm a good boy and I synchronize my phone with my Nix box frequently so I have everything backed up. I just need to get my phone back to normal!
I'm running the newest ROM available from HTC America for AT&T. Here's what the screen says at boot time:
M 05 R
S 04 G 32.73.7020.16H
B 06 D 2.15
When the phone is booting, the screen that lists the roms looks like it always has. It doesn't say "No GSM" like some people have had on this forum.
I've rebooted the damn thing so many times that I learned something new today. WM5 has a Safe Mode... I'll be damned!!! It asked me if I wanted to reboot in Safe Mode at one point and I figured "why not? it has helped me fix so many Windows problems on PCs, surely it will be the answer to my problems on this phone right?!" Guess again, nothing different other than no Today plug-ins or autorun programs. I'm at a loss of ideas with this.
One thing you all should know is that I've taken the phone apart multiple times to replace my cracked screens (yes my screen has cracked more than once... I swear it's a design flaw in the phone). I even took it apart and assembled it perfectly this morning after I started experiencing the problems . That didn't help... but the good news is everything is intact hardware wise with the phone
I GREATLY appreciate any help. I've used this forum frequently to get tips and tricks on tricking my AT&T 8525 out. You guys are great. Thanks in advance!
So I just noticed something new. If my number is being dialed, the phone actually comes out of sleep mode and lights up but never rings or even shows a call is coming in. Of course I cannot pickup the call. This is VERY weird behavior. I'm getting quite desperate and there have been no posts so I'm getting ready to just reflash this phone. Any ideas, suggestions, comments, etc?!?!?!
Well, ended up just loading up a new rom (WM6) from AT&T/HTC and lost all of my customizations but the phone works well now. Thanks to all those who viewed this thread and THOUGHT about helping

Voice Intermittently going quiet on other end (TRIED EVERYTHING, New Board, Firmware)

Hi Guys,
I've had a problem with mY HTC HD2 T8585, The phone call would intermittently go quiet on the OTHER END. It's a HK Version phone im using it here in Australia with Optus. Ussually if I tap on the screen or go Vol up the voice goes good again on the other end.
I've had the whole board replaced (as another problem it had), so it has a new board, tried various firmwares but it is still happening.
If ANYBODY has ANY information on this I would appreciate it, as I've spent so much money going in and out of warranty sending to HK and back. It might be a software bug since tapping screen or going vol-up SEEMS to fix it, maybe with the auto proximity sleep during phone calls, anyway to try turn that off to rule that out.
Other than that does anybody have any ideas?
Surely this must have happened to others.
If anybody could give me hints on disabling certain features/settings that might have an effect on what I am experiencing let me know. I don't know if it could be carrier related with this specific device?
I've tried so many things so if anybody knows anything please let me know.
Any ideas guys?

