Dopod D810 Windows Wont Load - P3600 General

Hi Everyone
I have a dopod d810 (im pretty sure that my dopod is the samne phone as the trinity, since dopod was bought out from htc, the name was changed) that turns on, The HTC screen comes up first (htc made the phone, well dopod did but htc bought the dopod company out)then it just stops and wont go any further. Usualy when I turn on the phone, the HTC screen comes up first then windows mobile 6 loads up etc. I contacted the 3 helpdesk and told them all this and they said that often its a software issue and taking it to a service centre and getting them to reinstall the phones software (from what the service tech told me, they wipe everything and reinstall the phone software and windows mobile 6) should fix the problem.
What I am wondering about is, how do they reload the software in? And is there anything I can try before I haveto take the pda to a service centre? I did a search on the net and the only thing I came accross was a bit of info that says if you want to delete everything on your mobile, hold down the power and reset button using a pin or stylus and this will delete everything and restore the factory settings etc.
If anyone has ever had a similar problem to mine, was it as simple as taking it to a phone service guy to reload the phone software or was it something to do with the hardware. I would like to know because reloading the software apparantly only takes about an hour and I can wait at the service centre, but if it is something more serious like a hardware problem, then thats a realy different story. I know its realy difficult to diagnose these kind of things like this, but as I said before, if someone has had the same problem Ive had, and it was a simple matter of redoing the software then I would realy appreciate knowing. The tech said that since it atleast turns on and the HTC screen shows up, then it "may" be software.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi everyone. I cant believe how easy it is to have fixed this problem. I just did a hard reset. I didnt even think to do this, but I didnt think it would work unless I was in the windows mobile 6 environment. I thought the phone was dead, I guess I assumed the worse since this has never happened before. I just saved myself about $150


XDAII Critical Crash

I have been using the new XDAII for about three weeks or so and already I have experienced over 6 times critical crashes that caused the device to not even be able to restart after reseting. Even more troubling is that even when pressing the on/off button and hard reseting, the problem still cannot be solved. The only way I got around it is by actually removing the battery and letting it sit for a few minutes, put in the battery and then performing the hard reset. Of course, then I lose all data that was previously on the device. Right now, what I do is use the xBackup program to back everything to SD card and just wait for the device to crash. Then ultimately recovering. I can get around, but this is really quite annoying.
I have written to O2 about it and they said something about a radio version 10513A0, and that if this is the version (and it is), then I need to either register (which I did and wait for some upgrade), or send it in to O2 collection point for repairs. I really don't want to send it in because then I would have nothing to use (since its both phone and PDA). I just don't see why O2 could not just simply fork over the upgrade software. Also, I have experienced twice that the device would suddenly no longer be recognized by Activesync (newest version). It would automatically connect as GUEST and nothing could be done about it. No shuting down Activesync and restarting, or rebooting computer or/and xdaII, or even removing and reinstalling Activesync could solve the problem. Again, the only solution I have is to perform the infamous full reset, wipe out the whole xdaII and then everything works again.
Anyway, all of this is really killing me here, just wondering if anyone has experienced this kind of situation and maybe have some advise.
By the way, the Bluespoon Digital seems to work fine with the XDAII although sometimes it does crash and a pairing must be done again, but definitely not like the Jabra 200 problem.
I had the same sort of problems with my first XDA-2 and as time pasee the problems got worse, So i returned it to o2 and got another one, same software and hardware versions, but this time with no real problems
XDA II Critical Crash
I have had the exact same problems as you experienced and was about to throw that gadget out the window... but then
Following advice received from an XDA II owner I tried the following:
I hit soft reset each time upon seeing the red text in the lower right corner 5 consecutive times. Then I waited and my XDA II came back to life effectively performing a soft reset rather than having to do a hard reset. Fascinating, let's see whether you have as much success !!!!
Thanks for the tip... I'll try it next time it happens again! However, I'm still wondering about the ROM v 1.06 and that Radio software upgrade. Thanks!
I'm also finding the XDAII needs a hard reset more often than the XDAI (although fewer soft resets). Had to do it twice last night, very annoying. Interesting tip about the soft reset at the boot screen, will give that a try next time.
O2 really should do something about it!
Ya, I totally agree. All this reseting and crashing and recovering is really not acceptable. The product features are definitely good and they did make some improvements, but this kind of quality is a definite downgrade. Even O2 admits that if your radio number is 10513A0 then you should send it in to a collection point for a software upgrade. They also insisted on registering which I did, but I just don't understand why they could not just simply post a downloadable software upgrade or ROM upgrade so that we don't have to be without a device. After all, we are talking about something that is both your PHONE and your PDA.
The ROM upgrade is definately necessary. I sent mine in and after that, no hangs whatsoever. No more hard/soft resets at all either. :lol:
if only it was so easy
I would have sent it in, but since I am traveling and don't live in HK, there is just no way to send it in. Besides, it takes about a week, which means nothing to use during the time. O2 really should be more considerate about this. If this was just a functionality upgrade or a boost in bells and whistles, waiting is reasonable. However, we are talking about crippling disfunctionality in a US$800+ device, they should atleast have the sense to post a fix to solve the problem. I heard something will be released in January, I wonder if this is confirmed. I am really sick of waiting. After all, MDA and T-Mobile supposedly already have something out. If they don't do something soon, I would really reconsider anything from O2 next time.
I have experient the same problem on my XDAII, and after 7 times hardreset during 14 days business trip in USA. I send it back to O2 and wait for the solution(already 1 week pass). And even a hardreset sometime could hardly be reached. You need to try 6-10 times. I think it should be a hardware problem because I acutrally upgrade my rom to a newer one(and not the english version), and after two days, I lost my phone function again. I have faced the same problem on my older PPC phone once(LENOVO ET180) and after I send it back to the vendor, they said the mainboard has failure, need to be replaced. After doing so, it works 6 months without a hardreset. I saw the same issue on PPCSG and, they all send their PDA+Phone back to the service. I think you better do it now as maybe there is no a ROM upgrade could solve the problem.
Goog luck. and if without those issues, it is really a perfect PDA+Phone. I love it. When I faced those ****, the only thing I could think is to buy another XDAII
I've the same problem
I've tried your tip to restart my Mda2 with XDA2 rom, and it works!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm looking for a new Rom upgrade to change my radio version...
Still I think it's the solution and not to replace the radio hardware...
Cant Trust My XDA II
Well it's now Dec 2004 and I ALSO have the same problem.
I've only had my XDA II a couple of months and already I'm quickly loosing my patience with it!!
It crashes at least TWICE a week causing me major headaches.
If I was abroad and it did this I would be in severe trouble.
I brought this as a business tool and I'm afraid it is to unreliable to place
my trust in...
I have the latest ROM update installed
I can ill afford to send it in because it holds my customer base,
day to day stuff, Navigator and many other stuff I use on a daily basis.
"O2, what can you do for me?"
Topdog38uk, what software have you installed - especially any today plugins?
sigh... i haven't had such a problem since i bought it..... till i update the new rom from O2 uk site... now i feel like throwing to on the ground lolz. anyway i just installed WM2003 SE upgrade mysterman from the forum and 1 crash so far.... :roll:

MDA Vario - Worst phone ever or just needs flashing??

Hi all,
After spending 2 days with my vario my dreams of a half-decent smartphone are shattered.
I've got a C500 which hasnt really caused me any problems in over a year, now 2 days after having a vario i'm almost pulling my hair out.. can this phone possibly have been released in such a bad state or is it just mine?
For starters it crashes, not now and then, but like it's a hobby of the vario's, i dont think i can leave it for an hour, come back and find it hasn't hung in some form.
Sometimes i have to do a soft reset, sometimes, i can press the power button, get the screen to light up but can't do anything. Sometimes I get icons but when I click them i'm told the shortcut doesnt exist.
Ooh another thing it seems to like doing is randomly going into flight mode, and one really good crash was when i called it and the source phone could hear the ringing but the vario was just sitting there doing nothing.
So is it just mine or is this the most unstable phone the UK has ever seen? Is it worth me asking for a replacement, or just flashing the k-jam/qtek rom over the t-mobile one? Is there a way to backup my t-mobile rom and flash it back should i find the qtek/kjam rom does the same?
I've tried hard-resetting then cancelling all the t-mobile gubbins that loads from extended rom, but that didnt make any diference.
Any advice gratefully appreciated
Personally, I'd say get T-Mobile to replace it! Unless you've installed a buggy piece of 3rd party software (but if you did, you wouldn't on here complaining about the phone you'd be complaining about the software, right?).
I also have an MDA Vario. I haven't touched the Extended_ROM (was going to, had a look and decided it was running fine so don't mess with it).
It's solid as a rock. As per a thread on howardforums asking how many times per day have I soft-resetted the phone and my answer was an average of zero.
I hard reset it on the day I bought it (after installing GPRS Monitor which knackers the backlight turning back on after sleep) and took the battery out after T-Mobile decided to disconnect me from their network (at their support line's request).
Anyway, it's on 24/7, never needs a reset of any kind, gets mobile emails via ActiveSync and is generally a wonderful piece of kit!
List what apps you've installed (even if they're T-Mobile supplied ones from CD) since buying the phone as there may be something buggy there. If not, definitely get T-mobile to replace it as it's certainly not a crap model (mine is absolutely fantastic).
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
Yeah, then you've definitely got a knackered phone. They should replace it (how long have you had it) without problems.
Hope you enjoy the replacement, they really are a great bit of kit
Well just had my first ever dealings with tmobile supoprt and it's as bad as the phone
They say because my contract/phone is only 3 days old i need to go back to the people i bought the phone off to get a replacement, problem is they'l want me to send the whole boxed thing uip and all the box etc is at home since i work away during the week
That's got to be faulty, like others have said.
WHen I bought mine, (T-Mobile shop in Leeds), I was told that if it was faulty within the first 28 days, there'd be a straight replacement issued immediately.
Don't accept anything less.
For what it's worth, I always try to be exceptionally pleasant when returning things rather than going in "all guns blazing"; it gets results a lot more often than the "I know my rights" approach. Of course, when it all comes down to it, the "i know my rights" approach might be necessary, but hopefully it shouldn't be.
The phone is superb, so stick with it even tho it is a bit of hassle for you.
good luck!
hi there no problems with my vario either. seems to work fine. no soft/ hard resets needed so far. have had it for 10 days. only thing is after the xteended rom instals there is a file called canned text in words which opens up in a crazy language. does not go on hard resets. but does not cause a problem either. any ideas on what this file is. have othar vario users noticed this file. please help.
_Belial said:
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
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may not be relevant to your problem, but if skype is installed on yours from the hard reset install, it may be worth removing, on the k-jam as soon as i removed skype, reseting stopped happening


Hi everyone.
This is my first time in xda and i am here posting because i have a problem with my htc elfin.
I bought the phone from e-bay. The seller told me it was unlocked but in fact it wasnt. It was on Orange and i had to unlock it using a program i bought on ebay (latter i saw it for free online ). The program was designed for htc elf but i was told it would work. Well, in fact it did, but i have a problem... The phone easilly loses network and even when it was network it wont make or receive calls... Texting works ok... I really dont know what to do... Can anyone help me??
Best regards
Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it does kind of sound like the phone may be broken... two things you could try anyways:
a) Perform a hard-reset: Switch off your phone, keep both phone buttons pressed (green&red) and switch it on. The out-of-box state will be restored and all your data will be erased (!). So backup your contacts before doing this.
If this does not work, then it is highly likely that your phone has some sort of hardware-issue. But you may still want to try
b) Upgrade the firmware of your phone (including the radio part!). Just look around in this forum, there's basically everything you need. Always pay close attention to the how-to-guides & make sure you proceed exactly as decribed there.
Good luck,
I tryed what you said. Hard reset made nothing but updating rom did... I his working better but not perfect... Maybe some antena problem dont you think?

[Q] Camera icon gone, camera not startable

I turned on my phone last night, pressed the camera icon in the list of programs and it disappeared and hasn't come back since?????
Then went to the picture and movie tab and pressed the camera tab (both for taking picture and movie) and nothing happens, no camera launches.
I've had the phone sitting in the cupboard for days and it's cold where I live so I wonder if it's possible that the camera hardware has frozen and the icon disappears because the system cannot detect working hardware?
I don't know but my phone is out of warranty and I am worried.
Would flashing a new ROM help do you think?
normally your phone should not be out of warranty yet, since htc offers a 24 months warranty.
and if the camera worked with your rom before, changing the rom should not be necessary, but maybe a radio/rilphone upgrade would help or a hard reset.
Thanks for the reply
I've emailed the local distributor of my phone (bad reputation for replies) who paralell import it from singapore so I might be out of luck.
Done several hard resets and also warmed the phone up to see if the camera hardware was maybe stuck from the cold but no luck.
Tried to burn a new rom (The EnergyRom looked good) and the software keeps complaining that it lost communication with the phone so I can't even do that. Tried 10 times already.
So, I guess I have to wait for the supplier but they said the warranty is only one year.
afaik htc generally offers a 2 year warranty, so they are probably the ones, you'd want to contact about that issue, but before actually sending it to them, make sure to flash back the stock rom, radio and spl.
As I said above, I tried burning a new rom but the software keeps complaining that it loses communication with the phone so I've given up.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
I absolutely agree with Chef_Tony.
You've tried enough to exclude everything. It must be a hardware issue.
I think you can check the production date via the sn below the batt. I would just go ahead with HTC and call them, and NOT your local dealer.
You can also open a ticket online but from my experience that is a waste of time since they will start asking stuff to do and email them again.
HTC provides 24 months of warranty in most areas and the sn will be enough for them to decide if it is warranty or not.
Also do not mention the custom roms as that will void your warranty, even if the issue was there on the stock rom!
So go back to everything stock, everything that you need is in the sticky on the rom page, and give HTC a call.
The ROM is a stock one. I mentioned in my above post that when I tried to burn a new one that the phone lost comms so I never could get a new rom on to test if the camera would come back so I am still stock.
HTC mentioned all the same things you guys did.
Spoke to my supplier, looks like I have to send this back. Damnation!!!!!
Okay, made a few mistakes about trying a new rom but under severe pressure since my father died so I can't comprehend much at the moment.
Will try all the steps later when I am less distressed.
Sellers have gone, phone is worse.
Just to update people, this post can be locked now.
Blue Fly Mobile are gone, nobody can find them. They told me to send the phone back for repairs and when I was just about to, they turned up missing.
Web site is gone, no contact anywhere and I read in many forums about their bad rep.
Camera still gone. Battery may last a day if that. Phone randomly cuts of calls when I make them or when people make them to me.
Looks like I will be waiting for the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 when it hits OZ as it's better for my eyes.
Now, how to convince my wife that I absolutely need it???

[Q] HTC Universal PU10 Orange SPV M5000 completely dead

A few weeks ago I purchased an Orange SPV M5000 (HTC Universal) from a company in the UK (I'm South African). It was running perfectly and I was quite happy with the windows mobile 5.0, but I wanted to be able to run Whatsapp on it, so I tried to upgrade it to windows mobile 6.5, but as I was trying to upgrade it using the suggested roms and programs on this website and it's now completely dead. Before it would show "serial" and "version" on the screen, just the back light was off, I managed to fix it when is that mode following advice from your community by merely running the program "nuetty" and reset the device, both hard and soft. It was running perfectly even though I messed it up, but now I can't even get my Windows 7 starter edition to even recognize the phone when I plug it in as a usb. It says "USB device not recognized" and nothing I do can get recognized or even turn the phone on.
I love the phone and I'm a film maker and playwright and I'm supposed to be in contact with a few producers about having my work shot and filmed, but alas since I broke the phone (it seems) I can't get in contact with them, and that's bad news.
Please anyone please I am so desperate, what do I do? It's not a hardware error I'm certain, but here's what happened: I downloaded a few roms I expected would work, but none did. When I would run them my Mobile Device Centre just exits and though my phone is connected. via usb it just can't be picked up by the Device Center. It seems as though I wiped everything from the phone, not just the data, but the OS and everything, I imagine because the screen is completely blank (not even serial written on it) and resetting does nothing. This at least is my theory. I hope I'm wrong.
I am so desperate, please guys help me! There's no place I can take my phone to to repair it where I live, so I need your professional, and kind help. Please save me guys!
Jack-of-Plays said:
A few weeks ago I purchased an Orange SPV M5000 (HTC Universal) from a company in the UK (I'm South African). It was running perfectly and I was quite happy with the windows mobile 5.0, but I wanted to be able to run Whatsapp on it, so I tried to upgrade it to windows mobile 6.5, but as I was trying to upgrade it using the suggested roms and programs on this website and it's now completely dead. Before it would show "serial" and "version" on the screen, just the back light was off, I managed to fix it when is that mode following advice from your community by merely running the program "nuetty" and reset the device, both hard and soft. It was running perfectly even though I messed it up, but now I can't even get my Windows 7 starter edition to even recognize the phone when I plug it in as a usb. It says "USB device not recognized" and nothing I do can get recognized or even turn the phone on.
I love the phone and I'm a film maker and playwright and I'm supposed to be in contact with a few producers about having my work shot and filmed, but alas since I broke the phone (it seems) I can't get in contact with them, and that's bad news.
Please anyone please I am so desperate, what do I do? It's not a hardware error I'm certain, but here's what happened: I downloaded a few roms I expected would work, but none did. When I would run them my Mobile Device Centre just exits and though my phone is connected. via usb it just can't be picked up by the Device Center. It seems as though I wiped everything from the phone, not just the data, but the OS and everything, I imagine because the screen is completely blank (not even serial written on it) and resetting does nothing. This at least is my theory. I hope I'm wrong.
I am so desperate, please guys help me! There's no place I can take my phone to to repair it where I live, so I need your professional, and kind help. Please save me guys!
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Hi I'm relatively new to flashing etc etc and have just managed to resurrect one of my HP6915 which locked after an attempted WM6 upgrade.
I used "Uni_Exitbootloader" perhaps this will bring yours back to life, also try another OS perhaps XP as w7/Vista are a little fussy about port release/control i believe.
Also which rom/s have you attempted to flash ? i have an SPV 5000 lying about some where if i can find it ill attempt one of your upgrades.
Good Luck

