HTC touch ELFIN HELP - Touch GSM General

Hi everyone.
This is my first time in xda and i am here posting because i have a problem with my htc elfin.
I bought the phone from e-bay. The seller told me it was unlocked but in fact it wasnt. It was on Orange and i had to unlock it using a program i bought on ebay (latter i saw it for free online ). The program was designed for htc elf but i was told it would work. Well, in fact it did, but i have a problem... The phone easilly loses network and even when it was network it wont make or receive calls... Texting works ok... I really dont know what to do... Can anyone help me??
Best regards

Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it does kind of sound like the phone may be broken... two things you could try anyways:
a) Perform a hard-reset: Switch off your phone, keep both phone buttons pressed (green&red) and switch it on. The out-of-box state will be restored and all your data will be erased (!). So backup your contacts before doing this.
If this does not work, then it is highly likely that your phone has some sort of hardware-issue. But you may still want to try
b) Upgrade the firmware of your phone (including the radio part!). Just look around in this forum, there's basically everything you need. Always pay close attention to the how-to-guides & make sure you proceed exactly as decribed there.
Good luck,

I tryed what you said. Hard reset made nothing but updating rom did... I his working better but not perfect... Maybe some antena problem dont you think?


MDA Vario - Worst phone ever or just needs flashing??

Hi all,
After spending 2 days with my vario my dreams of a half-decent smartphone are shattered.
I've got a C500 which hasnt really caused me any problems in over a year, now 2 days after having a vario i'm almost pulling my hair out.. can this phone possibly have been released in such a bad state or is it just mine?
For starters it crashes, not now and then, but like it's a hobby of the vario's, i dont think i can leave it for an hour, come back and find it hasn't hung in some form.
Sometimes i have to do a soft reset, sometimes, i can press the power button, get the screen to light up but can't do anything. Sometimes I get icons but when I click them i'm told the shortcut doesnt exist.
Ooh another thing it seems to like doing is randomly going into flight mode, and one really good crash was when i called it and the source phone could hear the ringing but the vario was just sitting there doing nothing.
So is it just mine or is this the most unstable phone the UK has ever seen? Is it worth me asking for a replacement, or just flashing the k-jam/qtek rom over the t-mobile one? Is there a way to backup my t-mobile rom and flash it back should i find the qtek/kjam rom does the same?
I've tried hard-resetting then cancelling all the t-mobile gubbins that loads from extended rom, but that didnt make any diference.
Any advice gratefully appreciated
Personally, I'd say get T-Mobile to replace it! Unless you've installed a buggy piece of 3rd party software (but if you did, you wouldn't on here complaining about the phone you'd be complaining about the software, right?).
I also have an MDA Vario. I haven't touched the Extended_ROM (was going to, had a look and decided it was running fine so don't mess with it).
It's solid as a rock. As per a thread on howardforums asking how many times per day have I soft-resetted the phone and my answer was an average of zero.
I hard reset it on the day I bought it (after installing GPRS Monitor which knackers the backlight turning back on after sleep) and took the battery out after T-Mobile decided to disconnect me from their network (at their support line's request).
Anyway, it's on 24/7, never needs a reset of any kind, gets mobile emails via ActiveSync and is generally a wonderful piece of kit!
List what apps you've installed (even if they're T-Mobile supplied ones from CD) since buying the phone as there may be something buggy there. If not, definitely get T-mobile to replace it as it's certainly not a crap model (mine is absolutely fantastic).
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
Yeah, then you've definitely got a knackered phone. They should replace it (how long have you had it) without problems.
Hope you enjoy the replacement, they really are a great bit of kit
Well just had my first ever dealings with tmobile supoprt and it's as bad as the phone
They say because my contract/phone is only 3 days old i need to go back to the people i bought the phone off to get a replacement, problem is they'l want me to send the whole boxed thing uip and all the box etc is at home since i work away during the week
That's got to be faulty, like others have said.
WHen I bought mine, (T-Mobile shop in Leeds), I was told that if it was faulty within the first 28 days, there'd be a straight replacement issued immediately.
Don't accept anything less.
For what it's worth, I always try to be exceptionally pleasant when returning things rather than going in "all guns blazing"; it gets results a lot more often than the "I know my rights" approach. Of course, when it all comes down to it, the "i know my rights" approach might be necessary, but hopefully it shouldn't be.
The phone is superb, so stick with it even tho it is a bit of hassle for you.
good luck!
hi there no problems with my vario either. seems to work fine. no soft/ hard resets needed so far. have had it for 10 days. only thing is after the xteended rom instals there is a file called canned text in words which opens up in a crazy language. does not go on hard resets. but does not cause a problem either. any ideas on what this file is. have othar vario users noticed this file. please help.
_Belial said:
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
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may not be relevant to your problem, but if skype is installed on yours from the hard reset install, it may be worth removing, on the k-jam as soon as i removed skype, reseting stopped happening

Can anyone clarify what a hard reset really does?

OK, I know that may look like a dumb question (and maybe it is!!!)
I have just unlocked my Vario 2 using the "Pof" method with both Sim and SuperCID.
Problem is, my phone needs to be sent back (long story - but basically I am getting a replacement Vario 3). Now obviously I am concerned they will tell me "sorry youve been playing with your phone sonny - its no longer under warrenty", so need to get it back to factory settings if I can.
I appreciate a hard reset will basically wipe any files I have, contacts and settings etc, but will this remove the unlocks that have been done? ie It really does go back to factory settings - or do these unlocks stay on there?
I have been searching the forum and WIKI, but not found the solution. I did think I would need to install a T-Mobile Rom - but all I could find was a hungarian version - which whilst in English, would probably look worse than as I currently have it!
Any help appreciated.
For the record, if it makes any difference:
ROM Version
Rom Date 06/19/06
Radio version
Herm300 IPL-1.01
SPL 1.40.0lipro
a hard reset simply formats the internal drive on the phone and resets it to the factory settings.
generally t mobile wont bother looking at things like that, i unlocked my vario, dropped it, it smashed, they just replaced it after trying to repair it.
A few people have flashed new roms and bricked it, sent it back, tmobile are none the wiser, they are probably unaware people to this to their handsets!
we are all just stupid customers as far as they are concerned!
personally i wouldnt worry about it!
andaroo said:
a hard reset simply formats the internal drive on the phone and resets it to the factory settings.
generally t mobile wont bother looking at things like that, i unlocked my vario, dropped it, it smashed, they just replaced it after trying to repair it.
A few people have flashed new roms and bricked it, sent it back, tmobile are none the wiser, they are probably unaware people to this to their handsets!
we are all just stupid customers as far as they are concerned!
personally i wouldnt worry about it!
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OK thanks for that. So I assume a hard reset will not over write anything regarding the bootloader radio change and unlocks? I appreciated that it resets the OS - hence the question.
I agree that they probably wouldnt in most cases look into the phone and check, but they have put a note on my account about "charging if not found faulty".
The problem I have been getting is missing calls - even if I am in a strong signal area. I actually work at Waterloo Railway station - and I would doubt too many places would get a better signal! An incoming call is made, my phone doesnt ring and the caller gets a single ring, then nothing. From what I can now gather, this may be to do with the cell shaking hands but not really being connected. ie the phone/cell are duping each other. This appears to be a 3G issue (so is probably likely to still be there on exchange.) Now the silly thing I have noticed; the phone seemed fine until I got web'n'walk put back on and the problem happens once I have been online. Strangely at the moment, I dont think the problem is persisiting (ie Im not aware of missing calls - though of course thats difficult to quantify unless someone tells me!)
Anyway - I have a feeling they will be looking more into this phone as this replacement will be my 5th! (The previous had similar problems with calls being made or incoming that would just fall over before being answered and the signal being completely lost when it was happening. Slightly different this time - but sound related!)
So will there be a way to put it back to being locked and the correct bootloader etc being shown?
Many thanks
I had the same problem with rejected and dropped calls, tmobile couldnt care less from what i learned or are unaware of the problem! try this
1. lock the phone to gsm only (this solved it pretty much straight away)
2) remove the voicemail from your account
3) If you are using gprs data, you will rarely get a phone call through, and by using it i mean looking at web pages or having programs update in the background.
Downgrading the bootloader is way above my head so i wouldnt like to advise.
As regard to relocking the phone to the network, i dont think thats possible, in any event, why would they check the simlock if the phone is having problems with calls!
If its your fifth handset, you should be looking at changing the model at least because thats ridiculous.
It sounds like a network issue rather than a handset problem!
andaroo said:
I had the same problem with rejected and dropped calls, tmobile couldnt care less from what i learned or are unaware of the problem! try this
1. lock the phone to gsm only (this solved it pretty much straight away)
2) remove the voicemail from your account
3) If you are using gprs data, you will rarely get a phone call through, and by using it i mean looking at web pages or having programs update in the background.
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Yeh, the problems on this phone didnt start until I began using the net again. They did suggest switching off 3G, but since I bought the phone specifically on the promise of a fast connection and HSPDA speeds, that really is an unacceptable solution! I appreciate that signal varies etc - but if a central location where I work isnt good enough, then T-Mobile really shouldnt be advertising themselves as a 3G network!
As it happens, voicemail was switched off on the account. It got put back on again a week ago - and sods law - things now seem to be working, though internet speeds are still very slow.
As regard to relocking the phone to the network, i dont think thats possible, in any event, why would they check the simlock if the phone is having problems with calls!
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Dunno really. Its just a concern they will and then use it to wriggle out of an exchange!
If its your fifth handset, you should be looking at changing the model at least because thats ridiculous.
It sounds like a network issue rather than a handset problem!
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When I phoned, I was just looking to get a repair, but it was them that offered a Vario 3 which I accepted. It was agreed for them to be sending the set to me (last Thursday) but all that arrived was a grey bag to send my old one back. I spoke with them at great length again last night and suggested a straight courier swap so I wasn't without a phone. They went through to their repair department, who have now flatly refused the phone change - despite it being agreed already!
Anyway I spoke to another manager who went through my "book" of notes and quoted the sale of goods act and merchandisable quality thing and he has agreed they really have to address this. He is phoning me back today and he did come across as helpful and reasonable. (The second one in 2 weeks - must be a record!!!)
I do agree though, that this issue is likely to be the network and not the phone. I would really love to use O2 as at work and home I get 100% coverage and never had any problems at all - but I ain't paying their data rates! Maybe 3 will be ok - but again, when I had them a few years back, at home they were dire so never bothered again. But one thing is pretty certain, in 5 months time, T-Mobile will be history unless they make amends in a big way and these problems become non existant.
Thanks for your help..... its appreciated.

Broken Vibrate?

I got my blackstone yesterday. Excitedly opened it up, fiddled with it a while, and flashed a new rom. It was a while before i realised that the phone woudlnt vibrate. Im pretty sure its a hardware fault, but just wanted to check here to make sure I havent missed something.
The phone wont vibrate, even when being called / txted with vibrate mode on. I also understand the hardware buttons are sposed to have some kind of haptic feedback or minivibrate, but this doesent work either.
I searched through all the settings, and couldnt find any magical turn on vibrate feature buttton. Vibrate notification is definately turned on, and so is the vibrate profile. I inittialy installed Panoshas Black Pearl rom. I tried a hard reset, and then also flashed the Dutty rom, and finally the original rom to see if it that worked.
Can anyone point out an obvious mistake ive made? Or am I gonna have to send my lovely blackstone back?
Thnx in advance.'ve already tried flashing a new rom and if you still have the same problem, send it in. It's still spanking new, shouldn't be a problem getting it rectified....or better yet ....replaced!
Was it vibrating when you recieve it, on it's original ROM ?
sectorlord said:
Was it vibrating when you recieve it, on it's original ROM ?
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I only noticed that it wasnt after I flashed the rom, so altho im fairly certain i dont remember it ever vibrating, i cant be absolutely certain.
[email protected] said:'ve already tried flashing a new rom and if you still have the same problem, send it in. It's still spanking new, shouldn't be a problem getting it rectified....or better yet ....replaced!
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thnx for your response, i think ill probably do that.
its pretty annoying to have to send it back already lol, but its worth it to have a working vibrate.
A Second Opinion
Yep, I got my Blackstone a week ago today and it vibrated just fine out the box. I have not flashed any new ROMs, but I have installed plenty of programs including .net 3.5 and mobilmagic button stuff and hd tweak, installed and uninstalled advanced config and a few keyboards, the list goes on. Long story short, my vibrate doesn't work either! I think this is due to my tampering with it though, I really do. Also, I saw another post where someone had the same problem, he ended up getting his to work after playing with .net 3.5, hard resetting more than once and soft resetting too. So try that, let me know what you find out! I plan to hard reset and flash new ROMs soon, so I figured maybe these problems would go away then. Oh and, anybody else have a problem where their end key doesn't end the call, ? This is such a tinkerer's toy, lol!
Probably a good warning about flashing ROMs! Did you backup your original ROM? I think you will need to restore your original ROM before you send it back for "repair". (Otherwise it is likely you will be charged for any work/replacement - justifiably!)
Before you despair, what ROM did you flash it with? Have you contacted the developer about it? It may be a setting in a tweak you don't know you've installed. Have you tried playing Tweeter (the vibration feedback when the ball collides with a wall will indicate a working/non-working vibrator).
Rather than just offer bad news to you and tell you it's your own fault, here is a helpful tut on How to backup ROM, albeit a little late maybe. It may not be all doom and gloom - some kind soul may be able to offer you their backup ROM (particular to your mobile provider) which you can use to restore it to factory default before testing for the vibrate and/or sending it back for a fix. Who is your provider and what original ROM do you need?
blacksage said:
Yep, I got my Blackstone a week ago today and it vibrated just fine out the box. I have not flashed any new ROMs, but I have installed plenty of programs including .net 3.5 and mobilmagic button stuff and hd tweak, installed and uninstalled advanced config and a few keyboards, the list goes on. Long story short, my vibrate doesn't work either! I think this is due to my tampering with it though, I really do. Also, I saw another post where someone had the same problem, he ended up getting his to work after playing with .net 3.5, hard resetting more than once and soft resetting too. So try that, let me know what you find out! I plan to hard reset and flash new ROMs soon, so I figured maybe these problems would go away then. Oh and, anybody else have a problem where their end key doesn't end the call, ? This is such a tinkerer's toy, lol!
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thanks for the tip. i fiddled with .net framework 3.5 and more hard resets, and altho i have installed hdtweak and advconfig a couple times, ive done multiple clean flashes without them and it still dont work. in fact - as i said above, im 90% sure it never did work, so im convinced its a hardware fault.
i hope yours wroks after a rom flash, but i think mine is gonna have to go back...
Nerdino said:
Probably a good warning about flashing ROMs! Did you backup your original ROM? I think you will need to restore your original ROM before you send it back for "repair". (Otherwise it is likely you will be charged for any work/replacement - justifiably!)
Before you despair, what ROM did you flash it with? Have you contacted the developer about it? It may be a setting in a tweak you don't know you've installed. Have you tried playing Tweeter (the vibration feedback when the ball collides with a wall will indicate a working/non-working vibrator).
Rather than just offer bad news to you and tell you it's your own fault, here is a helpful tut on How to backup ROM, albeit a little late maybe. It may not be all doom and gloom - some kind soul may be able to offer you their backup ROM (particular to your mobile provider) which you can use to restore it to factory default before testing for the vibrate and/or sending it back for a fix. Who is your provider and what original ROM do you need?
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yeah - i definately played tweeter even before flashing any roms, and there was no vibrate - so i guess that proves it really is the hardware.
i bought my phone from mobilephonesdirect, but have my rom backed up, so should be ok.
ta for the offer tho.
Mine was the opposite, it wouldn't stop vibrating, even when switched off.
You had to take the battery out to get it to stop.
mikemod said:
Mine was the opposite, it wouldn't stop vibrating, even when switched off.
You had to take the battery out to get it to stop.
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lol - i will trade?
You could try and use TouchResponse. That program gives a vibration response with every touch on the screen. If not, indeed send it in.
shthpnz said:
You could try and use TouchResponse. That program gives a vibration response with every touch on the screen. If not, indeed send it in.
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thnx for the response.
sadly ive tried that as well and no dice...
im pretty sure I have the same problem
hey, I have the same problem and hard resetting and all that didn't help. Where did you buy yours, think they came from the same place? Are you sending back to HTC, how quickly did they say they could fix it and send it back?
blacksage said:
hey, I have the same problem and hard resetting and all that didn't help. Where did you buy yours, think they came from the same place? Are you sending back to HTC, how quickly did they say they could fix it and send it back?
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got mine from
havent been able to get throught them on the phone yet.
ill keep you updated if you want.
I appreciate that
yes I would love for you to keep me updated, I purchased mine through ebay from, which is out of California. They seemed like nice people but they sure aren't wanting to help my broken vibrate after only 8 days! That is just sad my friend. I have also contacted UK and US support and HTC global repair service. They have indicated that they are looking in to it. Apparently the US section may not have the resources to work on the device. I requested that they replace the phone, if they couldn't work on it ASAP, the person seemed to agree and put the request forward. I hope that helps your situation. I spent too much for a broken stone!
I received my new replacement Touch HD in the mail a little bit ago, it vibrates. It must have been a hardware issue best I can tell. I just about had to send it off to HTC, but I finally got the retailer to replace it. It actually took a lot of crap just to get HTC USA GLOBAL repair center to want to accept the idea but, I called UK HTC and they called HQ in Taiwan or somewhere and got something done. So if you need some help, Ive got a few contacts that can help, anyone can just let me know. I hope this doesn't become a widespread infection.
I'd say it's probably a hardware issue. My first HD also didn't vibrate, and had to exchange for a new one. Probably some issues with one of the batches.
mikemod said:
Mine was the opposite, it wouldn't stop vibrating, even when switched off.
You had to take the battery out to get it to stop.
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Had the same we're at least two with this prob. Still waiting for the replacement...

think I have received a clone t3232 =-(

Gday all.. Think I have received a clone of a HTC T3232 from ebay, its even in HTC covers, how bad's that! (dispute in progress).
It does not respond to the HTC reset method (volume down & enter while switched off, and the small reset button at same time) so I can only presume its a clone.
Anyway the main problem is screen calibration, its out by miles, I cant even use the slide bar down the right hand side of screen.. I have done the calibration about 20 times via display settings and it does not help, the best reset I can do is via the clear memory tab in settings, that didnt fix it either.. Im not sure what its issue is, cant even figure out what sort of phone these "ripoff merchants" have sent me..
Any help would be much appreciated & thanks for reading my post
matt47 said:
Gday all.. Think I have received a clone of a HTC T3232 from ebay, its even in HTC covers, how bad's that! (dispute in progress).
It does not respond to the HTC reset method (volume down & enter while switched off, and the small reset button at same time) so I can only presume its a clone.
Anyway the main problem is screen calibration, its out by miles, I cant even use the slide bar down the right hand side of screen.. I have done the calibration about 20 times via display settings and it does not help, the best reset I can do is via the clear memory tab in settings, that didnt fix it either.. Im not sure what its issue is, cant even figure out what sort of phone these "ripoff merchants" have sent me..
Any help would be much appreciated & thanks for reading my post
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I think (and I could be wrong) that its volume down and enter then the power button for the touch 3g.
yes I tried that to, doesnt seem to work.. this is why im wondering if this thing is a HTY or something similar to a HTC, in HTC covers.. quite a letdown ..
the digitizer is miles out of wack .. is there a chance this is a rom issue or would the touch pad its self be shot ?
I've read somewhere about a clone having a different brand processor, check your system information:
start -> settings -> hardware
The real thing has the qualcomm 7225
Try to download an official rom update from the htc website. You will have to enter the serial-number of your device. If they deliver the download to your pc, you can be pretty sure it is not a fake one...
Is it not vol+ vol- and the power button all at the same time for hard reset?
Ok thanks guys, getting somewhere but its not all good, it has a Marvell pxa300 624MHZ CPU
one of the first things I tried a few days ago was updates from the HTC site, and it did NOT accept my serial number, so I think its a clone for sure. so my question is, will origional HTC software work on this clone if I download it from this site, OR will it not work because of the different processor ?
Should I even bother flashing the ROM as the opsys seems to be working fine, just the digitizer is out by miles, I ran DigItest last night and the screen was not always responding in the correct spot, correct maybe 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time it was miles out. almost NOnresponsive around the edges of the digitizer.
The seller I got it from also sells digitizers for this model lol.. I have to wonder if he didnt try to repair this phone from new, maybe a factory second or something ..
So guys whatya think?, flash rom, or grab a new digitizer from the 3bay ?
You got a clone for sure. But if you have buy it for less money i think its obvious its a clone. I got a clone too but i'm very happy with mine. No hardware issues for now, only some hard resets. I think you cant put a original ROM on a clone or can you? Btw in the phone info if for the model you got T3238 then you can be 101% sure its a clone
P.S. Btw the clone dont have build in GPS.
ok, yeah its t3238.. im prety sure it has inbuilt gps, they a$$ured me it did, but anthings possible im yet to test it coz the digitizer screens annoying me to much, dont want to even attempt to try and use it until I fix it.
Dont think the HTC rom works but im not 100% sure, im not used to these phones & there ways yet, still pretty much learning !
well, did you buy a clone or did you buy the real tough 3g? what did the presentation look like? i mean if the presentation lied to you, you did not pay money for the clone but for the real thing. then you might be able to redo the contract with the seller... maybe... good luck!
found the clone!
ahh its a spitting image of a HTC, its in HTC covers, with HTC written all over it, apart from one spot I found inside the rear cover its clearly marked HTY.
The seller I used on 3bay told me it was a HTC not a clone, his discription was very deceiving. The phone turned up in a HTC box, with a HTC disc & HTC instructions, batterys and all other accessories INCLUDING THE BOX lol are all origional HTC products, apart from the phone its self! .. the phones a cheap ripoff - in a HTC box. go figure..
Still wondering if it needs a digitizer or the rom flashed..
I've also recently received a 3238 model which i believe to be cloned. It's in Chinese and i want to flash it to English but am unable to perform a HardSpl. If i hold down volume and press the on button i just get a screen that says ''USB update mode'' nothing happens if i try to run v4.1. If i try to run a new ROM i get error [206] unable to connect. Anyone have any ideas on how to get an English ROM onto it? Any advice would be much appreciated!
thers a seller on ebay that has the english rom for them, but he wont share
otherwise i dunno, HTC need to sue them
he did tell me its "over 60mb" .. i couldnt find it, getting really sick of the site of chinese to english translations! lol..
.. im going to buy a case of bourbon - stuff this phone, I hate it
.. LOL !!
matt47 said:
The seller I used on 3bay told me it was a HTC not a clone...
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So! There is the fact! He did not give you what you have bought! He did not fullfil the contract! Give him a deadline to send you a proper HTC Touch 3G, afterwards cancel the contract, get the money back and get a proper one by amazon or some other good store.
Next time when buying a clone, do it directly here or check here for nice clones
Loool! I think the fake HTC 3G has an even more powerful CPU then the real one !?
Can that be?
624MHz vs. 528 MHz - I'm not too familiar with cell phone CPUs but 96 more
fake real
I'm glad I read this thread. I'm looking for a Jade, saw a T3232 that was a good price on ebay, then spotted it had dual sim
HI 79, there is no contract I bought it outright, a damaged claim is in progress so effectively this phone wont cost me anything , hopefully Now i just have to save the phone from the bin !!!
DUAL SIM ? .. This clone does nOt have dual sim, its exactly the same layout as a HTC 3G .. very hard to pick from a HTC inless you have seen a HTC before, you wouldnt really spot the difference..
I think mine may have a faulty digitizer, Not the Rom.. Whos with me on that ?.. As the digitizers not to expensive and the jobs not that hard, im thinking of giving it a go, could be easier than trying to find the rom ?..
U guys/gals think its worth a try or should I wait until the roms up and try that first ?
jiga man said:
I've also recently received a 3238 model which i believe to be cloned. It's in Chinese and i want to flash it to English but am unable to perform a HardSpl. If i hold down volume and press the on button i just get a screen that says ''USB update mode'' nothing happens if i try to run v4.1. If i try to run a new ROM i get error [206] unable to connect. Anyone have any ideas on how to get an English ROM onto it? Any advice would be much appreciated!
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I cant even get to that screen with that method so im wondering if either your clones different to mine, OR maybe yours is a proper one ?.
Does it have HTY in small letters on the inside of the the back cover by any chance ?
It doesn't say HTY anywhere on the phone but if i run my finger over the HTC part of the lettering on the battery it is slightly raised, seems they've craftily painted over the original lettering. I've compared the phone to a real one and it is slightly bigger in size. The phone actually works really well, don't have any issues with it, just want to get it into English!!
I just went on ebay to check the prices on the Jade. The ones that are $200 are obviously clones. The real ones are atleast 350+. I was able to get mine for 320 with the 8% from live checkout


Hi all,
I just bought a new HTC Cruise or T4242 china model, and the guy who sell this to me told me that the phone has touchflo 3d and i assumed that all the applications that an original HTC would have.
Anyway, it has wm6.1 i tried to use the gps and simply the software does not run, i tried to install the footprints but aparently i supposed to upgrade the rom or something like that... I AM COMPLETELY NEW at this.
What i want is to have this phone working as an original or better, with all the htc software like gps, footprint, the touchflo 3d or whatever works, and take all advantage possible of having this device.
Thanks in advance, i hope someone can really help me!!!
there is no rom upgrade available (yet), at least not from HTC.
something tells me that something went wrong during installation, because all of it should work.
only one thing: don't overestimate touchflo. it is not 3D i.m.o., maybe 2D....
mikekarim: Try to perform hard reset. Device will go into factory setting and everything must work then.
HTC T4242+ (I need support)
Hi All,
I also have bought an HTC T4242+ via the internet from China, and when I received the phone I found WM6.1 loaded in the phone and I have a problem with it as my voice is breaking or not hearable when I do a phone call!!! I asked many people and they told that I have to upgrade the ROM but infact, I found that there is no Boot Loader in the phone and did not know how to do that, I contacted my supplier who sent me a .rar file and he told me to open it to be UPR file and load it on the TFT card by a TFT card reader, then to press three buttons together, the power, Middle and green buttons until I see bar showing upgrading, then to restart the phone!!! I did all that many times but nothing happend, the bar showed no progress at all!!!! anybody can help to instruct me to how to upgrade the ROM..................??????????? I will appreciate your help guys
I'm afaraid that's one of the negative sides of the fake touch cruise, my friend... I had such fake iolite, I had to sell it because of this issue, and to buy the original.
Hi there, to format the tft card to fat, not fat 16, not fat 32
and try it out.
I hope it works.

