Help! Something's wrong with my Imate jasjar speakers. - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hey, I'm a newbie at this site. Can anyone help and give me suggestions on these 2 issues.
1. Everytime I try to play mp3, no sound comes from the phone speakers, but when I use headset, it works just fine.
2. When I am in a normal voice call, I can hear the other party talking, but the other party can't hear me.

I think you will find this is a result of a failed female plug for the headset. I too had this problem a while back. I had to strip the unit down to get access to the plug and bend back the offending pin that caused this. Since then I only use Bluetooth.

I guess that is the problem. I downloaded the service manual already and can you tell me which part to look for, and which pin to move back? Thanks.

Sorry mate, it was about a year ago. You need to look at the headphone socket. I managed to power up my exec whilst it was apart. This helped a great deal. When you see the socket, you will realise how many pins come into contact with the h/phone jack. As you extract the jack, you can see which pin causes the problem and give it a gentle tweak.
Be careful. If you're not sure about doing it, take it some where for a repair.

Same problem happens to me once in a while. You shouldn't have to disassemble it (I hope you didn't do that yet)What you need to do is this:
1. Insert headphone jack into phone
2. Remove headphone jack
3. test sound
4. if no sound, go to step 1
I usually only have to do this 5 or 6 times to un-stick it. The headphone switch gets stuck sometimes and thinks you still have headphones inserted(so it mutes all external speakers, incl the one you need to talk on it).


Disabling Headset

Hi to all,
as seen in my previous post my jasjar is thinking the headset is still plugged-in even if not.
Tried all, including reflashing. nothing. The fact is that in call the speaker on button doesn't work. I have no sound coming from the speaker, unless some ringtone or stranger things (playin' mp3's nothing but during play having an incoming call switch on for few seconds the mp3 song then stop starting the usual ringtone)
I know it's an electrical problem in the jack, but i was wondering if there's a possible to disable at all that jack. I was looking into the registry without luck.
The problem is that the speakers are working, it's only the jack that think is still plugged-in.
I'm not interested to use the headset so is there any way to stop JJ think about the jack connector??
any ideas?
so long and thank for all the fish
I think this is a hardware problem..
I think the jack connector has a sensor/mechanical switch that tells other hardware weather to activate headset circuits or not..
I know it's an hardware issue.
At this moment my jasjar is playin fine with a stylus inserted in the jack forcing the jack a little up.
I don't wanna send it to repair caus i have to wait a minimum of 1 month here in italy.
i wanna open my device to see what's wrong, anyone knows hot to open without problem or if it breaks the warranty?
any suggestions?
Opening your device will void your warranty!
The way I see it, there are two ways to resolve this problem:
1: Take a paperclip or a knitting neelde and do what you do with the stylus, only make the change permanent.
This may result in a broken jack connector and no way to use the headset.
2: Get it repaired (under warranty?) by a certified repairshop.
thhere is a llink in this forum to the htc technical manual . it is not easy to take apart and will void your waranty. the same happened to my phone it had to ggo back to tmobile
I've had the same problem with my Himalaya...
just jammed the headset plug back in and out, and the problem was over... Seems the tip of the plug doesn't allways correctly reenables normal audio out...

Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

Himalaya loudspeaker-sound lost, headphone-sound ok

I lost the loudspeaker-sound in my Himalya. It works using headphones. I think it may have to do with another set of headphone I connected to it, which was not original. Perhaps it put the device on permanent headphone mode. But then again it might not have anything to do with that.
Is there a Himalaya expert in Berlin - Germany who might be able to help me with it? I dread having to send it to the official reapir center, as I expect it to cost a neck and a hand.
Happened to me when I received a call whilst listening to music. I pulled the headphones out before answering the call, and then answered it. I could here them but they cvouldn't hear me. If you plug the headphones in again and remove them it solves the problem. Well it did for me anyway
I tried that. I doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what kind of sound, if Media Player file is played of phone ringing, only the headphones work. I think I need a dotor.
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out. Hereto:
1- What does that mean exactely? Which part is that, in what part in the on-board jack? If it had been bent out of place, is it possible to bend the part pack (at best without having to disassemble)? (I tried the ramming in and out, no go).
2- I looked at the non-original jack I had used and it is about 2 mm longer than the original. Might perhaps that explain it? Is there a part in the back that could have been bent out of place?
3- If indeed this was the problem (if the jack had been bent out of place, one way or another), would the microphone work? I can record using the dictaphone and the micophone also works during a call.
When we had himalaya's it happened to both of our devices (my wife and I had one each).
It appears the spring in the speaker can come loose. I used to bang mine (pardon the pun) on my palm and sometimes it would start to work. Then we broke the speaker protection shield, and this made it easier sometimes and hard to fix in others.
When I sold it, my friend took it apart as it was out of warranty, and as he is electrically minded, he find the dodgy bit, and soldered it to the device, and now works perfectly.
Yes! Thanks Jasjar. It worked after a bit of beating.
I found a detailed instruction of how to fix it permanently in another thread. Sounds complicated and dangerous but eventually I must do it.
ran2far said:
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry for kicking the topic, but this was the solution for me. I just poked in the headphone-jack with a little stick and tataaaa... my sound is back!
Sound lost problem
Hi all,
same happen to me, the sound stoped working (on my side it had nothing to do with the phone jack).
After the modifaication which is described in this forum i had still the same problem so i solder the loud speaker directly - still same problem...
After some time i flashed the device again, now it works, so on my side it was a software problem...
The device was 3 month out of power, but i think remove the battery and if the sound appears on startup (on first boot) but later not, then flash the os and it will work ...
XDA 2 sound problem...
Plese help me!
I have strange problem with my XDA 2.
I bough it 2 days ago. It was in O2 network.
Now when I unlocked it for my network (polish ERA-GSM) I saw that when I'm calling I cant hear anything. Person from the other sight can't hear me too..
XDA have sound becose I used media-player ando other sound stuff, thats why I think that speaker is ok. Microphone is ok too becose I can record animations with sound.
So what should I do now? ;/
Plese help...
Just for reference:
A friend of mine had this 2020, and both Speakerphone and mic were not working.
When somebody called, the ringtone DID sound.
Anyway, bluetooth handsfree worked fine.
All we did was play with the jack, using the stylus! Not even headphones...
And now it works fine!
He says he'll never put phones on it again... lol
cu around!
Looking for more Info
Hi, please help me find which points in the MDAII Motherboard can I solder to disable the headphones and get the audio and mic back to the MDA.
After a while my headphone-jack is broken from the motherboard and now I only have the pin outs in it.
The device is working perfect, and I can use bluetooth headphones. I just don't have audio in the speaker and no mic without bluetooth.
I hope someone can tell me which of the red points en the picture can I solder to disable the headphones.
I just want to do this temporally until I get a replacement spare part for it.
EDIT: 12-12-2007
I got it. Just joining 1 and 3 and you will get audio back to the PDA disabling the headphones jack.
Thanks anyways for reading this..
Did you find out what all the mboard pins are for the jack?
I have a dodgy jack and would like to take flying leads of the mboard jack to an external (easily changed) inline jack. Does any know what the 1 to 6 pins correlate to. I would like to still switch the audio via the external jack. Not bothered about the mic.

audio jack problems

hi, i got an imate jamin and i need to replace the audio jack were the handsfree pug in, do anyone know where i can find to buy this part please or if anyone had the same problem how did you solve it.
thanks guys!!
Dodgy Audio jack
My audio jack plug works fine BUT when I unplug the headset, the phone stays in headset mode i.e. no sound from the speakers. If I plug/unplug the headset a load of times it eventually goes back to normal.
Any ideas. My solution is never to use the audio jack!
Audio Jack
I've had two M600's which have done exactly the same thing, both replaced by Orange, I've now upgraded to an M700 and unlocked the old M600 with a PAYG sim and guess what that one has now lost speaker sound so that three with the same fault and this M600 has never had a headset plugged in.
Has anyone else had similar problems?
i had the same problem othillo before it broke so be carefull cause your is about to brake too, i mailed imate and they said the only way to fix it is to send it to them in dubai.. not relally keen to send it there .. but till today i havent find ther part any where it seems that imate dont send out parts ... as soon as i find an alternative i will post it here..
Is this problem caused by the connector itself or is it something else? If it is the connector I can buy a new one at the local hardware store and modify it a little bit to make it fit in my S200, probably going to replace it with an 3,5mm jack if that is possible...
it is caused by the connector in fact htc the original makers of the prophet on there new models they changed it to a usb connector for the handsfree i changed my connector many times with regulas 2.5mm connector but the sound doesnt work properly. what it does it comes out with out bass then when you push the talk button on the handsfree sound comes out good. another thing i noticed is if when you insert the jack plug in the connector and you pull it out a little bit the sound comes better and the talk button works, i know for fact cause i tried it that its not from the handsfee cause i tried it on another device and work properly. the actuall connector for them is different from what you find to buy even if you plug in normal 2.5mm headphone sound doesnt come out right . if you manage to make it work and modify the connector please post it here so who got the same prob like me can have an idea how to fix it... thanks
Audio Jack
Here is what the problem is:
Audio jacks have what is called a normally closed contact. Each contact point actually has 2 parts. In the closed (no headset) the 2 part of the contact point make contact (shorts). This enables the signal to pass through the jack to the phone speaker. When you insert a headset, the 2 points open (break contact) and signal only goes to the headset.
I'm talking from experience as a sound engineer for over 30 years and this is usually the problem 99% of the time when it comes to these type of jacks. One of the contacts (usually the ground when no sound or mic at all) breaks or can no longer "spring" back. I haven't opened mine yet but fully expect this to be the problem.
audio jack
hi jsapper, i got what you saying and your absolutly right .. the thing i replaced mine 2 times now been done by a technician who fixes phones/pdas the thing with the connectors i replaced the device doesnt work properly sound comes out with out the bass and the talk button doesnt work .. i guess that the original part got some extra connectors or most probably the pins are switched around..
do you know if there is any special connectors for them...
I have a similar pb with my S200:
After running tomtom during 2000km installed on my motorbike w/ a 2.5mm headset, sound seems to no work anymore (neither back or ear speaker), I suppose that vibrations against jack connector are responsible.
With a bluetooth or wired headset sound works.
I have soft/hard reset, upgrade to last WM5 rom, upgrade to WM6 rom, I have tried to get in/out a 2.5mm jack connector without any result.
The ring facility is working (w/ or w/o 2.5mm jack connected), so I can say that the back speaker is working.
I am looking for a solution too...
nb: I have my back speaker + screen replaced one time after 2months.
Have you try resolder the Connector?
it was to damaged to be resolded
Hi everybody,
I aswell have this kind of problem from time to time.My solution is quite simple.You have to use the original 2,5" jack with the 3 black "dividings".(sorry for my english) This solution reduced the problem dramatically.If the problem starts now, just plug it in and out a few times and it should work again.
Phone Jack is a mechanical mess ...
Same prob, used the headset, rear speaker dead. I opened the prophet, unsoldered the jack and found it misconstructed.
The body of the jack is plastic and not capable to withstand the forces of a plugged in headset.
There are two integrated switches - which - when headset is unplugged are closed and deliver the signal to the speaker. one of the switches does not close anymore when the headset is unplugged. My first solution was to unsolder the jack and bridge the contacts 2 and 4 as welll as 3 and 5.
The rear speaker functions now and I can use the phone.
Next step will be to find a jack solution on the market to finally solve the problem. I will keep you informed!
thanks buzzi will be looking in here... for your post!
i had the same problem with my audio jack and i searched many forums for a solution. the only thing i can say: if you really want to use it and you want go back in normal mode after unplugging, take a little needle. if you look at the audio jack (USB is left to it) you have to stick the needle in the right side of the jack somewhere an search for a little contact (the first time hard to find, the second time easy) and try to push it a bit to the left. so the prophet goes back in normal mode. it sucks but i didnt find another solution...except for buying a bluetooth headset and use software to hear music over that (for mono headsets u can use a programm calles BTAudioToggel, but make sure u use the Toggle software, because there is another one called BTAudio, it sucks because it costs money and doesn't work for me so well)
My prophet has exactly the same symptoms. However, I opened up the phone and carefully examined the jack. It is crap, sure, but at least on my phone it is not at fault. I tested with a continuity meter and the contact mechanism was working perfectly. Those who tried this measure without success read the following thread:
In my case it is definitely a problem with the speaker, and it seems to be eqaully common. It seems that there is more than one problem dogging the speaker of ths model.
mine's got the small contact switch problem.
it started last night! SO Annoying. Plugging a friend's original 2.5mm adapter in and out solved it temporarily. Then it went again! I have only got a 3rd party 2.5mm plug, and it took me ages to trip the small switch back with that. I have now got a BT headset on order.
Can't wait for the newer design HTC headphone adapter as I have had this problem with 5 different devices! (Tanager, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado and now Prophet.)
would agree with hybrid the needle trick fixed it ran media player so i could tell when it was working again. it was mentioned before that using the 2.5mm adaptor with ibky 2 rings as opposed to 3 causes this problem. I can identify with this as i have been using my dopod h/free with no problems for months i use the adaptor to plug in my headphones one time and get a eap of issues!
i will adapt a h/free to plug in some nicer headphones!
Can i use the USB connection as a handsfree port on my prophet?
Hi, Prophet's USB is not a USB hub and thus not usable for connecting external devices - only way is bluetooth ...
thanks buzzi

Speakers dead - both phone speaker and ringer...

Hi everyone...
I just pulled out my headphone plug and now I can't hear any sounds over the Prophet's speakers - No ringtones, no system sounds, nothing. Not even the other person when I call someone...
Still works over headphones though...
So what's wrong? Is my headphone jack screwed?
Thanks in advance...
That is a commun problem with this equipment.
The spring on the plub doesnt work right with the time.
One solution is to to plub and unplug several times and then test it if it the the problem has been solved.
Prepare to buy a new headphones plug.
Thanks for the reply... so you're basically saying, there's a mechanical problem with the headphone jack? That's strange, because when I call the phone from a different one the ringer works fine. But when I call someone else from the Prophet, I can't hear a thing...
I think that the problem lies with a little metal pin/pad inside the jack hole on the prophet.
When you put the jack in, it depresses this little pin, and deactivates the speaker, earspeaker and microphone, and transfers that over to the headset. After a bit of usage, it appears that it can get stuck when you remove the jack, disabling the phone's speakers etc.
I find that shaking it/hitting it/ramming the jack in and out, whilst building up frustration, can remove stress. It also can have some effect on the problem.
I'm just waiting it out until my contract ends, and i get a new phone.
EDIT: Ah, and the prophet naturally rings out loud aswell when you have the headset in, so that's why you can hear it.
I had the exact same problem, I sloved it by rotating a pin inside the headphone jack and it is sloved the speaker worked. I inserted the headphone and it work thus i took it off and prophet worked as normal.
wish good luck 4 u

