Dropped Signal On Brand New HTC 7501 - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Okay, so I just got my brand new HTC 7501 from Amazon and so far I love it. But I would love it even more if I could solve this problem. Randomly for no apparent reason my 7501 will lose it's signal on the T-Mobile network here in the US. I have tried to different SIM cards, so I can rule that out and it never happens with any of my other phones. It doesn't matter how strong the signal is, it will randomly show "searching" and sometimes it takes up to 7 minutes to find it again! If I do a soft reset it comes up faster, but it's happened several times in a span of 15 minutes. As you can see this is a major annoyance. Has anyone else had similar problems? If so, what did you do to fix it?
I called HTC and they told me to do a hard reset. I will try that as a last resort as I don't want to lose my Tom Tom software. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Consistent dropped calls after 10-15 min on phone

I posted this a while back and never really received many responses so I am trying again....
I have a QTEK 9100 with the 2.4x ROM w/Cingular as my provider (I have tried many ROMS) and I can't seem to keep a phone conversation over 10 min. It just drops the call and the signal status icon shows an x.. like it is restarting or searching for a valid signal after the call drops. This is VERY consistent and happens no matter what my location is. If I put the SIM card in a Nokia phone I never have this issue so I know it is not the carrier. It is definately the QTEK. This is very frustrating and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue or if anyone has any suggestions on the cause. I have hard reset my device with so many ROM versions from the original 1.x to the latest 2.5 and everywhere in between and above including a beta 2.87 with the same result.
Also... I get many complaints that when people call me, their call goes right to voice mail when I never turn the phone off and I don't receive a missed call notification. I get a voice mail notification later if they leave one when the call never came through.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
The only similar issue that I can recall is the one we are discussing at http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=53432&highlight=.
It's different in a number of respects though - in that you can keep calls past the 4 minute mark, and that it seems to be happening for you even with ROMS before 2.2. My thought is that you may have a defective unit - and you may want to consider returning it under warranty.
If you do a hard reset and don't install any applications at all - does it still reset after 10-15 minutes?
Thanks for the reply. That is a very good suggestion and I will try it once I get the battery level above 50%. That is another thing... My battery drain is very severe and even with a replacement battery, I can't get one day use even without talking on the phone without recharging.
Thanks again for the response and suggestion.
BTW: If it is an application that is causing this, I must blame Microsoft for not protecting the phone portion of the device in some way.

Lost of Signal Issue help

My MDA lost its signal and it can't seem to reacquire it. Is there anything I need to do? I had this problem before and it sometimes comeback after a soft reset but I have been doing that for the last 15 minutes and it is still out of service. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Do other phones on the same service work? One day i thought my phone was broken too. I kept losing signal. then i went to work and it worked fine. Turned out there was a problem with the tower by my house.
No it is not the tower. I experienced this problem a few times already. It would lose signal and then it would take it a long time for it to reacquire/register with Tmobile.
Sometimes it takes a 1 minute and sometimes it seems to never (i waited for 15 minutes and then I do a soft reset) come back.
I'm not sure if this has happened to TMo customers, but I know Cingular customers have experienced fried SIM cards. I've personally experienced this and had to get a new one from a Cingular store. Thankfully it was free. I experienced the same symptoms. My phone would never acquire signal, even after a hard reset. If you can, try your SIM in another phone, or better yet, try a different SIM in your MDA. Good luck.

Returning my Xperia - Must be defective

I have an Xperia X1a that I ordered through sonystyle.com and t-mobile is my service provider. I have had non-stop problems with this phone from the beginning. For the first week, I couldn't get internet. I played with settings and performed hard resets. Eventually, internet just started working. The biggest issue (also since the beginning) is that the phone will answer 1 out of every 3 calls. I will select the answer button and the phone will show connected but nothing happens. Same thing when I try to dial out. I have to perform a soft reset and then it works sometimes. Also, when someone calls me and I answer, the phone gives me the dropped call sound and the signal bar will change from 2 or 3 bars to no signal and then reaquire a signal.
Has anyone else had these problems? I am in West Michigan.
I got an x1a from Fry's Downers Grove,IL and have had no problems. One cool thing was when I put my SIM card in it asked if my service provider was AT&T(which it is) and than it installed all the settings. I did not have to enter anything manually.
i have tmobile as well and i haven't had any issues like that... it's a shame it's not working out for you. it does sound like it is defective though. are you sending it back for good or just for replacement?
My X1a has been the beacon of perfection for the past two weeks. Must be a defective unit. Those happen every now and again, just sucks if you are the one it happens too.
Have you tried changing the Band in the Settings-->Connections-->Advanced Networking
from HSUPA/HSDPA to GPRS, then soft reset? (after that mine worked, even after I changed it back to HSDPA and then HSUPA/HSDPA.)
Couldn't connect to the Internet until I did that.
Yep, I've tried all the settings. I was going to hold out for a firmware update but the people that are trying to call me are getting upset with my phone issues.
After dropping $860 on the phone, I really wanted it to be perfect. I think I'm just going to ask for a refund. This phone is pretty ruined for me.
Indeed, after $$$ I'd also expect it to work 100%..try another Unit - cause my experience is that this is the best WM PDA to date..
Good luck (sorry 2 hear u got a lemon).
I just wonder what else is on the horizon. I hear rumors of a few new Android devices coming out and also as second gen X1. I've never used the Android OS and don't know how functional it is for business. Also with the guy from HP dropping the Winmo 6.5 hint, I'm curious to see what happens. Lastly, I read somewhere that Winmo 7 will require an accelerometer. I think it would be a foolish requirement but Microsoft isn't known for making the best decisions....
So hard to justify spending nearly $1k with all the risk (not that the risk will diminish)...
I got mine last week, and when my phone was on, it asked me if I want to install settings from my provider, the only thing I had to fix for the internet to work was the proxy server which I knew. It's just bad luck, it happens every now and then. They have to exchange it for a new one.

My Omnia 7 keeps loosing it's 3G connection

My Omnia 7 keeps loosing it's 3G connection. To restore it I have to restart the phone. T-Mobile say that this happens from time to time, but it's happening every day now. It's annoying as it stops my push email from being up to date, and of course prevents the use of any internet based services until the phone is restarted.
Has anyone else noticed their phone has switching to GSM?
Had mine for 6 days.Been fine up until today,then I had the same problem.Only the once so far.
Confirm loosing 3G
Confirm loosing 3G connection, and also have phone call failures.
Factory reset did not solve the problem.
Bring it back to shop
Blackstone is back now!
At first this was occasional with my phone, then more frequent, and it's all the time. If I want to use the Internet I have to restart the phone. My house is covered by full HSPA, but the only way to get it is to take the battery out while the phone is switched on. I can sometimes get 3G by a simple restart, which I lasts about 40 minutes.
I like the phone, so I'm going to hold out for a software update. All it needs to do is check available networks and I think that, if this is a wide spread issue, Samsung/Microsoft will fix it. Hope so.
Please post here if you have this issue too.
I have also been having this issue... sometimes it doesnt come back straight away when i restart it but after about 10mins its back.
When I activated it with orange I was told to expect a few txt msg's that would need deleting and the phone restarting... I only got 1 msg, maybe this has something to do with it, maybe the phone hasnt been sent enough updates.
I also have this issue and have done for weeks. Orange couldn't solve it either.
It only happens overnight at home. I either need to reset the phone / rescan available networks or turn flight mode off and on again for the connection to restore.
I was thinking it may be an issue with t-mobile since it only happens at my home where orange signal is poor and i roam over to t-mobile.
If i stay in an area with good Orange signal i don't get the problem.
Good to know i'm not the only one with this problem. It's very annoying!
Hi y'all.
I had the same problem: 3G was lost every time. I was fed up restarting the phone every time, so I looked for another way to get 3G back. I found out that disabling and enabling SIM security (phone > setttings) got me 3G again... for a short while.
But: after disabling SIM security permanently, 3G kept on going (in fact for over a week now).
I think that changing the PIN to some other number, might cause this. I haven't yet tried changing it to the default PIN again, to see if using that for SIM security solves it. For the moment I'm too happy it works again.
I have suffered from poor reception issues ever since I got my Omnia 7.
It seems like the reception comes and goes. I will receive e-mails, which proves that the phone has been connected, but as soon as I try to use data myself, by visiting a web page or refreshing an app like facebook, the reception disappears and the "no reception" symbol drops down from the status bar.
Also, often when I try to send an SMS, it will appear to have been sent, yet 10 minutes later I will receive a "Can't send...try again" message. Once I have received this, the SMS will never successfully send. However, in the meantime I can receive SMS messages, which shows that the phone has been getting a signal.
This is SO frustrating and is ruining my experience with the phone.
I have posted requests on the Microsoft Answers forum and the only suggestions have been to reset the phone or turn WiFi off. Neither of these have had any effect. I have never enabled SIM lock.
I have heard that there is a firmware update due soon which includes a new radio stack. I am desperately hoping that this will improve the situation, as at the moment I cannot rely on my Omnia 7 as my only phone.
Hi Loco,
You are right in saying that social answers doesn't really help much .
Luckily there IS a new firmware from a couple of days ago! Check out the Omnia 7 Dev section. There are only a few posts.
And here is also a good link for you. You are right to assume that it comes with a new radio stack which improves on performance.
Finally found a thread on this... I have been having a similar problem since I got my phone from Optus here in Australia. I took it back and they replaced it for me but the new phone is exactly the same. I don't lose the 3G icon but anything data related just ceases from loading. Right now I'm trying to refresh the Facebook app and it just comes up with 'Unable to connect', even though I have full 3G reception.
I flashed it to the newer leaked firmware and it hasn't changed anything, problem still persists unfortunately. This is a major problem that isn't getting enough attention! It seems quite widespread and Omnia 7 specific.
Had similar problems, but after I changed my provider ( O2-Germany), 3G is stable.
For the people having this problem, have you tried setting the phone to prefer 3g? Details of how to do this are here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=915813
johnnymatrix said:
Finally found a thread on this... I have been having a similar problem since I got my phone from Optus here in Australia. I took it back and they replaced it for me but the new phone is exactly the same. I don't lose the 3G icon but anything data related just ceases from loading. Right now I'm trying to refresh the Facebook app and it just comes up with 'Unable to connect', even though I have full 3G reception.
I flashed it to the newer leaked firmware and it hasn't changed anything, problem still persists unfortunately. This is a major problem that isn't getting enough attention! It seems quite widespread and Omnia 7 specific.
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Same here man. On Optus and my reception sucks with this device. What the hell is samsung doing? FIX IT!
I have been having this problem with my Omnia 7. The frustrating thing is this is a replacement phone I had for an LG which I had replaced THREE TIMES due to random resets. So now I have a phone that I have to turn off and on EVERY MORNING in order for the data connection to start working again. Needless to say I am very frustrated. I am on Orange in the UK. I suspect it could be related to when being an a poor reception area and it tries to switch to tmobile. I am going to try turning roaming off. Please, if anyone finds a solution to this let me know.
m4tthall said:
I have been having this problem with my Omnia 7. The frustrating thing is this is a replacement phone I had for an LG which I had replaced THREE TIMES due to random resets. So now I have a phone that I have to turn off and on EVERY MORNING in order for the data connection to start working again. Needless to say I am very frustrated. I am on Orange in the UK. I suspect it could be related to when being an a poor reception area and it tries to switch to tmobile. I am going to try turning roaming off. Please, if anyone finds a solution to this let me know.
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My problem got worse with the Mango update. I'm now on my 2nd handset after having a replacement from Orange warranty. This one still loses it's connection but much less frequently.
TBH i don't think it will ever get fixed. I started an MS Answers thread months ago and lots of people had the same problem but we never got a response from MS.
Conisdering the age of the model now I doubt Samsung care, well they didn't seem to care a year ago so they won't now... For this reason I will not buy another Samsung phone. It's infuriating.
Looks like I am stuck with it until December then when I can upgrade to a Nokia lumia. A long wait :-(
i have this issue, too.. but for me i only have to set airplane mode on and off. sometimes i deactivate data connection, go to a random website, get the 'no connection' error, then activate data connection back and it works.
however, after installing the latest drivers & firmware, i get this issue A LOT less frequent. like once in 2-3 days.
i hope ms or samsung will fix this because it can get really annoying. especially when you need eg. a quick google-search..
Just flicking the flight mode wouldn't be so bad but that doesn't work for me, I have to restart the phone each time. I love WP7 but this and the other problems with the LG is driving me nuts. Almost wondering whether I should have just followed the crowd and gone for an iPhone.
m4tthall said:
Just flicking the flight mode wouldn't be so bad but that doesn't work for me, I have to restart the phone each time. I love WP7 but this and the other problems with the LG is driving me nuts. Almost wondering whether I should have just followed the crowd and gone for an iPhone.
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Same as me - Flicking flight mode on-off doesn't solve it, needs a soft-reset.
Like I say, there are quite a few with Omnias on Orange with this problem.
I'm in the same boat, I've had this for months now so I guess I'll just deal with it until I can upgrade the start of April and get a Lumia (hopefully the EU 900/910 will be here by then!). There is no way on this earth Samsung are getting any more of my money. Nokia seem fully commited so they can take my cash next time!
I have the same problem with the data stopping working on o2 in the UK. But I also sometimes cant receive calls even though the phone has service, then there are the times where it site there going GPRS/3G/3G+/No Service and you cant do anything with it apart from pull the battery.

Phone getting less reliable with time - Just me?

Just a general question, but as time goes on and more updates / firmwares are released is anyone else finding their phone becoming more and more un-usable?
When I first had mine back in November last year it was perfect... no problems at all.
It's slowly got worse and worse to the point where I now have the following problems...
1) Data connection randomly drops needing a soft-reset. (yesterday I had to reset my phone around 5 times - stupidly annoying)
2) In dark condtions photos randomly turn out with coloured horizontal lines across them
3) Battery meter messes itself up after a soft-reset (combined with the need to keep resetting my phone due to the data connection this is massively annoying)
4) My bluetooth used to work fine - Now it will only work reliably if WiFi is turned off.
5) Volume is stupidly quiet now when playing music through an Aux Input.
6) After a soft-reset sometimes the phone just hangs with a black screen showing the battery meter - battery pull then required.
This is just off the top of my head at the moment. I never used to have problems like this. It seems every time I get an updated firmware I get new problems.
I've tried a hard-reset and this hasn't helped.
I love the WP7 software but this phone is beginning to drive me mad, such a shame since hardware wise it is great. I know i'm not alone with feeling Samsung have an ability to mess up the software side of things. Sadly I guess this means I'll look to Nokia next year when I can upgrade.
It's not just you. I wish more people complained to Samsung though, so that maybe we could see some improvement.
Not very helpful but no problems with mine on Orange UK.
Tone_ said:
Not very helpful but no problems with mine on Orange UK.
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Nah, It's good to know there are some of us out there with functioning models
Also nice to know you're on Orange UK as i've been offered a warranty replacement for this data connection issue I hadn't yet taken up as i believe it to be software related.
If you're running the latest release of the OS then it may be worth giving it a go.
Freypal said:
4) My bluetooth used to work fine - Now it will only work reliably if WiFi is turned off.
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This NEVER worked. It's bloody pathetic.
Oooh it's like a game. I had a new problem yesterday. Related to my battery meter woes.
Phone had at least 60% charge, it started to think it had none so wouldn't boot up. Just got stuck in a loop of boot up - instantly power off.
I also had problems with WiFi after mango update but after soft reset everything is working fine except sometimes I can`t connect to an open WiFi network.
Anyone noticed the same problem?
AnnihilatorSC said:
This NEVER worked. It's bloody pathetic.
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Same for me on this one. I'm on my second Omnia 7, which is about to get sent away to be told it's not fixable and be replaced so I'll be on my third phone
Going to get rid of it as soon as possible and get a Lumia 800.
same here...
Im with T-Mobile UK and i have found the same issue...never thought about it until I read your post though.
I too am finding myself resetting my phone more and more often...also another thing I have found is that it doesn't recognise when to switch to WiFi sometimes instead of 3G...i.e. when 3G is non-existent...very annoying I have to go and turn off the data connection to get it work properly...
i've just made some volume changes and I think it has helped with the headphones although it still isn't great...
I however am scared to return the phone as I dropped it in water and got it out very quickly...so it may have triggered the water seal thingy
Im not due an upgrade until Oct 2012....so I might have to just wait it out :s
I'm having trouble too with a 3 Mobile UK, unbranded latest firmware Omnia7.
Little bit temperamental on rare occasions. Like Freypal data doesn't always want to connect and sometimes it is randomly freezing or only showing the topbar with the battery. Need to pull out the battery to sort it.
On a side note, not connecting to WiFi when in a locked state is really annoying. Have to manually check for emails, WhatsApp etc.
No problems at all for me, only problem i have is Podcaast Pro app is likly to craash now and then, but its the devs fault.
Im having a unlocked, German Omnia 7, 16GB version, flashed to the only local ROM in Sweden from 3 and used with the same operator, and its been great ever since. My problem nowadays is i drop my phone often so when the battery falls out i have to restart, coming from 2-3 Omnia 7 its a lovly life to have it functioning normal, great phone.
Well, im a happy camper, but i noticed Omnia 7 generally working worse over time, mostly the first month is the time frame to discover problems, and if you flash a new rom, this can be the case again, one new month before you feel like tearing our hair, and it´s only connectivity issuess. Changing carrier and ROM fixed everything for me, so no matter how great, the carrier do matter in the choise of a Omnia 7, even if you think you fixed it. Dont know if it appy to you guys, but another Omnia 7 working incridble great here. Glossnas update and all, and it cant be found anymore so...im happy, hope you guys get to be that also.
I'm now on my second Omnia after a warranty replacement for the data connection problem.
New phone -
1) It still loses the data connection, although much less frequently than before.
2) Dark photos i think are now working properly
3) Battery meter still messes up. Must be a fault with the battery itself.
4) Touch wood - Bluetooth now seems ok ...
5) Haven't tried auxiliary volume yet
6) Haven't had a problem with it just displaying the status bar after a soft reset, however if the battery is out for any period of time and i boot the phone up. On the first boot data won't work. I need to soft reset it once for it to initiate.
So in summary - New phone, some old problems fixed. Some new ones. Some the same.

