how to upgrade to windows mobile 6.1??!???!!? help! - Wing, P4350 General

so i've been reading all these articles and what not about windows mobile 6.1...iv'e even seen videos on youtube with certain ppl showing it off on their phones...but how do i actually upgrade to it...!?!??! i've even gone to the windows mobile official site, and they just list the details of it...but no actual area to download or upgrade

i would like to upgrade aswell
That is the thread that will have what you are looking for. You will get told to read read and read some more. There is so many options so you will be busy for a while trying it all. Feel free to message me if you want to just chat on my experiences but I am no expert. Good Luck!

Yeah, I went to microsoft website, and found an update from 6.0 to 6.1 but it's only for Vista, and not xp. It appears there are so many different roms that do this, but it doesn't appear like there is a basic 6.0 to 6.1. Am I wrong???

i want to upgrade my rom but i get so scared of bricking the phone that i just get discouraged and stop reading only because my knowledge is limited so thats what makes me scared to mess something up.

I agree, im a bit scared of messing up my phone, its a t mobiel dash, but i have a problem where my phone cycles and cycles at powerup, but will not load up unless i remove my memory card then gives me a sim registration error. apparently this will fix it. anyone know what it will enatil to do the update? i was able to find a download for it for my phone...


WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one ( I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!

DCD primer/tutorlial for Verizon XV6800 phone...

Hi All,
New reader/lurker and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm technical by nature but nothing to do with phones so I think all the nomenclature I see is so foreign to me that I'd love to read a primer or FAQ or anything to help me get up to speed.
My goals (I have a stock XV6800 from VZ for about 6 months now):
I want to tether this to any laptop and make it easy to do so. The only options under Verizon to do so without paying extra I have found are using the modem application (ugh) via this thread or using a DCD I found out via this simple thread on these forums.
I prefer to use the clean Internet Connection Sharing method so it seems I would need to upgrade to some DCD or other...if I only knew what that was and all the steps, considerations, options, pitfalls, etc. in doing so are.
Can someone point me to a guide for a Verizon XV-6800 that might make this possible, or what documents I need to read to get up to speed, where I can find the media, etc?
It feels a bit overwhelming to get bits and pieces of info but not enough to feel comfortable taking the first real step.
Well, to help others, since no responses...after scouring the 'net for much time, I found these two links which should help, and I'm temtped to use the short version but will read the other one for completeness:
If there is any other Verizon specific guide or something that might help a first timer, please point the way! I dig learning about all this.
There really isn't any carrier specific documentation. Just run the Verizon carrier CAB when you get done with the ROM. Just unlock, radio rom, Windows ROM, the carrier CAB. Then tethering is cake. Run the prog, click on connect and then connect it via USB. Windows XP thinks it is a network card and will do the rest. Works great.

Some issues with Jasjam

All help is well come.
I brought a Jasjam and there are some issues that I need to solve.
- Screen goes white sometimes, but I figured to turn it off and turn back on and it fixes it. Is there a better way of doing it? Upgrading?
- I run windows 7 and it says that driver failed when connecting Jasjam to windows 7 to sync, unless i connect and restart the phone, then it works.
- I wanna upgrade to WM6, but all the articles I read has too much info, which is just not user friendly. What are the best roms out there, or you think is the good?
Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 RC Support Forum located here . It is supported by product specialists as well as engineers and support teams. You may want to check the threads available there for additional assitance and feedback.
Microsoft Windows Client Team
xdesdx said:
All help is well come.
I brought a Jasjam and there are some issues that I need to solve.
- Screen goes white sometimes, but I figured to turn it off and turn back on and it fixes it. Is there a better way of doing it? Upgrading?
- I run windows 7 and it says that driver failed when connecting Jasjam to windows 7 to sync, unless i connect and restart the phone, then it works.
- I wanna upgrade to WM6, but all the articles I read has too much info, which is just not user friendly. What are the best roms out there, or you think is the good?
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I run Windows 7 as well and my Jasjam synced just fine. It was on WM5, and it worked fine even after upgrading to WM6.1. I think you should try hard-resetting the device and/or upgrading to a newer ROM and see if that fixes it (and your other problems)
I haven't had too much experience with the Jasjam as well, but as far as I can see, the CRCinAU ROMs are one of the best in terms of speed and stability. There are also other good ROMs out there, like DarkVision's and Schap's, and some older ones like Pays, but I prefer CRC's as it simply is the fastest there is (If someone can prove me wrong, please be my guest!)
To start off with, first look in the wiki. Now in the Wiki, the first thing you should read is "Hermes for beginners". Keep the Hermes Wikitionary open incase you come across an unknown term.
Next step is to upgrade the SPL on your device to Hard-SPL. Go through all the steps, and if it fails, recheck if you'd done everything right, and if its still failing, you might need to CID Unlock it. (Once again, let me remind you of the Wikitionary page that you've kept open in the background which you can use to refer when you come across unknown terms!)
I highly recommend upgrading the Radio as well, especially if you want to use 3G. Radio updates affect battery life, call quality and network connectivity in general. I personally had good experiences with but some prefer Check the stickies in the Hermes forums to help you decide which radio might suit you, and try out which one works the best for you. Newer isn't necessarily better, it also depends on your network provider so use a version that works best for *you*.
Finally, check the Hermes Upgrade Guide for details on how to upgrade the ROM. (There are also guides for the Radio and SPL)
Whenever you flash a new ROM don't forget to hard-reset afterwards. If you're upgrading from a cooked ROM to a different one, flash the OEM ROM first (links usually present in the thread of the cooked ROM) before you flash the new cooked ROM.
Also, for any type of flashing (OS/RADIO/SPL etc) I highly recommend the SD Card method as chances of failure are lesser.
Good luck!
cheers guys, im going to use some of the things that you have mentioned, and I will let you know of the outcome.
hii there..i am recently running 6.1 pn9b1 rom on my imate jasjam.i want to know if any 6.5 version is available for imate jasjam??
Yes, just look in the Hermes forums under "Hermes Mobile 6". Infact, nearly all the ROMs in the first page you see will be for WM6.5.
Personally though I'm going to stick to WM6.1 as its performance is much better on the Hermes.

Still struggling! HD2 on O2, no support! (edited!)

When i turn my HD2/Leo on, i get a box saying 'cannot connect modem, click here to check settings' or some rubbish
I normally press dismiss and thats that. However, now and again i'll get a screen come up from windows live saying there has been a problem and it keeps repeating, a bit like a bad curry.
I have problems connecting to mobile internet (not over wifi) so I phone O2, they say i need to switch wifi off to connect to 3G internet, i question what about when i'm out and about and no where near wifi? They say, yes or it won't connect. They aint got a clue! My understanding is that if a wifi connection is available then it'll use it, if not if reverts back to 3g, edge etc
I'm currently stuck on the 1.43 ROM, although I'm not sure if a ROM upgrade would do anything, and even if it did, i gotta piss about putting all the stuff and settings correct again (unless there is a back up program?)
How do i get the stock ROM back on if i ever send it back, and do away with the HSPL and put the phone back to standard?
If i do upgrade the ROM, it'll be to a genuine HTC one, hopefully without all the O2 rubbish they insist on messing up the phone with!
I'll be as blunt with you as you've been with your post. I could quite happily help you, but I ain't gonna do it until you edit out all the swearing on your post. I'm not a prude, but you're just plain rude to assume that that's okay.
You'll need to go into advanced mode to edit the title.
ive give up on htc hd2 now im gettin a iphone 3gs from o2 as replacement
Doing it now! I'm just so angry with this phone! Sorry!
northernneil said:
Doing it now! I'm just so angry with this phone! Sorry!
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That's cool mate - thanks for changing it. We're not all foul mouthed adults on here (I am, just to be clear, just not on the forums )
The message dialog you mention about not being able to connect is just an issue with software trying to use the connection before it's available. I'm hoping that this will be fixed by HTC, but having to close a dialog once every 4 or 5 times I reboot is no big deal so I can live with that.
The wifi problem you mentioned sounds compacted by an idiot at O2 not knowing what they're talking about. I've found that O2 CS range from very helpful and informed, all the way down to bog dwellers who prefer to hang up than listen. (I like to call them Stig.)
Basically, leave the Wifi off, unless you intend on using it. I only say that because of the amount of battery drain you'll get with it constantly searching for wireless sources. As far as the connection goes, yes, you're right. It should use Wifi over 3G, but use 3G if there's no Wifi (or 2G if there's no 3G), whether it's switched on or not.
You may need to check your settings. I'm on O2, so I can give you mine and see if they help.
As far as ROMs go, it's unclear, to be honest, as to what was fixed and whether anything was fixed for everyone or just a few. The whole ROM upgrade and hotfix thing has been very ambiguous, and HTC's descriptions don't help.
Try flashing a newer ROM, if you're up for starting from scratch again. You'll have to use Goldcard or HSPL to do this though, as you can normally only flash O2 ROMs on O2 phones. If you ever needed to send the phone back to O2 then you'd need to flash the original ROM on there first. I believe there's a thread in the ROM section that has the vendor provided stock ROMs, so that's the best thing to look for.
I hope this helps. If, you don't get anywhere with any of this advice then you may simply have a faulty phone. I assume O2 would just replace it for you (or put it in a new box and send it back).
Let us know if you want my O2 settings.
Cheers for that John.
I'm unsure about flashing ROMS to be honest, especially when there is no obvious advantage. It's not that i don't feel confident in doing it, it's if and when the phone needs to go back. I gather that once the HSPL is on there, that's it?
I'm going to see how i get on tonight with it (working nights) and if there's no improvement then I'll have a look around for a Standard Rom to flash, and a program to back the phone up.
I too can live with the modem message, although I can't believe HTC (who are coming through in the market) offer so little support!
I also, don't think O2 should have branded this phone, they didn't with the Iphone, so why these? It just makes support so much harder!
northernneil said:
I also, don't think O2 should have branded this phone, they didn't with the Iphone, so why these? It just makes support so much harder!
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Apple doesn't allow the branding of iphones. Everything has to be Apple's way. If O2 was allowed to brand it they would have.
meegulthwarp said:
Apple doesn't allow the branding of iphones. Everything has to be Apple's way. If O2 was allowed to brand it they would have.
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The oPhone?
Lol, if I don't get the hang of this phone soon, i'll be going back to an oPhone!
Seriously, i'll persevere! John, any idea how to get rid of the Sent from my HTC from the end of emails?
If you are thinking of changing roms then the stock 1.48 is what is available right now from HTC officially. There are cooked roms on here as well but I would take your time and stick with something that is "familiar", ie the stock roms from HTC, until you get up to speed, knowledge wise.
In terms of backup software try using Sprite Backup or SPB Backup to backup your mail, contacts, etc. Once you have installed a new rom you can restore these items but DO NOT restore your old rom system settings. If you download a trial copy of SPB Backup you will see what I mean.
No offence but please read the relevant threads on here on rom flashing BEFORE you jump in, then read them again so you have a thorough understanding of what you are doing. Good for you to know how to retrieve the situation if it goes wrong.
Hope this is helpful to you.
PS To get rid of the Sent message at the bottom of your emails or even modify it to your taste, do the following on your device:
Go to All Messages then select that so that you can see a list of messages. Then goto Menu>Tools>Options and click on the Signatures box.
Next, from the drop down menu, select your email account. You will see a large bos open up with Sent it.
Delete or change to something of your liking, click OK, job done.
PS You can download the manual direct from HTC as a pdf file.

[Q] OS upgrade (beginner)

Have a Touch2 T3333 which has ROM version 1.28.401.4 (66092)
I bought it as I wanted a Windows phone originally for complete Exchange sync.
However I'm on the verge of just giving up with it and buying another handset, as it's just so riddled with bugs and problematic.
I thought I'd give it one last go and see if there were any updates for the OS to make it usable.
The HTC website does have an update for it which looks significantly newer, however when I try to download that and put in the S/N of the handset I get told that it isn't suitable. There is no way on there for me to part-patch up to an intermediate version then to that version.
I'm not looking for "tweaks" as such, I just want what's there to work (the weather bits, the active sync, Opera not to crash all the time, not to have to launch IE twice every time, the phone to switch properly between WiFi and 3G, YouTube to detect the network connection properly, Audible Player to sync properly, not to have to take the battery off the back and put it back on about once a week every time it locks up.. the list just goes on..)
I'm not sure if these are general issues with Windows mobile itself which has a kind of beta not-quite-finished feel to it and no version really works properly, or if the update would solve these problems.
As I'm so frustrated with the thing I don't mind all that much if I end up killing it completely and then have to throw it in the bin and go out and get an Android based replacement.
I've read about ROM updates on here and I can see in the Mega - ROM - Hotfix thread there's a ROM "WWE Europe - 1.28.401.4" which I'm guessing is the one to try. But then it appears to simply be the version I already have.
Based on how old the ROM it has appears to be (16/09/2009) how can I get the HTC updated ROM to install (the HTC site badges it "T-Mobile" and I have O2), and would anyone else who has be able to comment on whether it's just that my experience with Windows mobile is so poor and I should persist, or whether I should call it a day and move on? (I can see plenty of people have tried getting hold of Android on this handset....could the new Windows 7 work on it in time...?)
Moved to general as not rom development
