DCD primer/tutorlial for Verizon XV6800 phone... - Mogul, XV6800 General

Hi All,
New reader/lurker and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm technical by nature but nothing to do with phones so I think all the nomenclature I see is so foreign to me that I'd love to read a primer or FAQ or anything to help me get up to speed.
My goals (I have a stock XV6800 from VZ for about 6 months now):
I want to tether this to any laptop and make it easy to do so. The only options under Verizon to do so without paying extra I have found are using the modem application (ugh) via this thread or using a DCD I found out via this simple thread on these forums.
I prefer to use the clean Internet Connection Sharing method so it seems I would need to upgrade to some DCD or other...if I only knew what that was and all the steps, considerations, options, pitfalls, etc. in doing so are.
Can someone point me to a guide for a Verizon XV-6800 that might make this possible, or what documents I need to read to get up to speed, where I can find the media, etc?
It feels a bit overwhelming to get bits and pieces of info but not enough to feel comfortable taking the first real step.

Well, to help others, since no responses...after scouring the 'net for much time, I found these two links which should help, and I'm temtped to use the short version but will read the other one for completeness:
If there is any other Verizon specific guide or something that might help a first timer, please point the way! I dig learning about all this.

There really isn't any carrier specific documentation. Just run the Verizon carrier CAB when you get done with the ROM. Just unlock, radio rom, Windows ROM, the carrier CAB. Then tethering is cake. Run the prog, click on connect and then connect it via USB. Windows XP thinks it is a network card and will do the rest. Works great.


Lost and Scared - CID + ROM heeby jeebies!

Hello, I have scoured and search and read multiple forum posts here about Lokiwiz, Faria's Incredible ROMs and how to downgrade etc etc. But I am still muddled oh a few things.
I have an HTC Wizard from T-Mobile that is SIM unlocked and working on local network with local SIM. I am completely happy with the phone but for the fact that my WIFI does not work.
I have found posts that gave me RegEdit instructions to fix this and they have not worked. I have read through a multitude of pages and posts here and at HTCWIzardWeb on upgrading rom etc and it freaks me out... last thing i want is a brick - as seems to be the expression.
I have the latest release ROMS from T-Mobile per their website.
1. How can i tell if my Wizard is CID unlocked?
2. Is there a way to activate the WIFI without switching to a cooked ROM?
3. Are there other manfuacturers ROMS that I can transfer to that have WIFI enabled?
Simply put I am scared to death of this whole ROM update thing and I am not ashamed to admit it. Down right fearful!!
I am such a noob to the whole PPC thing that if possible I don't want to mess with too much until I get feet a little wet with some simple things. And the last thing I want to Brick my phone...
So if anyone, can help me out and provide some clear concise info about these things, that would be greatly appreciated.
I look forward to getting in deeper with all this stuff, but for now I just need a little spoon feeding.
Hey Rob,
Soft-reset your phone and on the white screen that flashes up (with the t-mobile logo on it) there should be some letters and numbers in the upper-left hand corner of the screen. What do the numbers next to IPL and SPL read?
if they end with .0001, i'm afraid your phone is a G4 and is CID-locked, my friend...
but don't worry...there are ways around this. I myself have a G4 Wizard (t-mobile) and have been able to flash many different roms (i'm currently using xplore wm6 which is great btw). I believe there's a G4 flashing tutorial in the G4 threads...
but, if you're still too nervous, don't do it just b/c i said it was possible! I don't want to be responsible for bricking your phone!
My phone is G3 per other posts... no .0000x after the IPL and SPL.
I used to have the most recent t-mobile rom for the MDA as well... but I never had any issues with the wi-fi... have you tried connecting with many different access points?
or, t-mobile forbid, a hardware issue?
manchoi44 said:
I used to have the most recent t-mobile rom for the MDA as well... but I never had any issues with the wi-fi... have you tried connecting with many different access points?
or, t-mobile forbid, a hardware issue?
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Not sure what it is exactly... just does not connect to any wifi. Read on various forms that T-Mob lokced it off, but nothing seems to have a clear answers...
one post here had a cab that supposedly worked but it did nothing... which made me believe I was not CID unlocked and started me down this whole haunted house of ROM speak...
If you decide you want to try the flashing route to move to a custom rom, here's the thread to read and use to get yourself CID Unlocked and then into the promised land of custom roms
Can't say whether going to a custom would fix your wifi issue (I'd advise you stay away from WM6 roms as Wifi isn't always reliable with some of them). Maybe try Faria AKU 3.3, or Molski 2.3 final as they are good solid custom roms.
Then if you don't like it, you can easily flash back to your trusty T-Mobile 2.26 ROM and be back to known territory.
Good luck!
Appreciate the link and the advice, however, I am still trying to find out how I can I tell if my device is already CID unlocked. That is priority one and surely there has to be a way to tell.
Next I want to know if there is an easy, non-ROM-Flashing way to activate my WIFI. Again surely there are some things I can attempt to adjust this prior to flashing a custom ROM??
After that, if I still can't get the WIFI to work, then I will have to lose the skirt, tighten the ol' jock strap and dive feet first into this ROM flashing world.
So again, first I need to know these things:
1. How can I tell if I am already CID unlocked?
2. How can I try to activate my WIFI (RegEdits?)
roback80 said:
Appreciate the link and the advice, however, I am still trying to find out how I can I tell if my device is already CID unlocked. That is priority one and surely there has to be a way to tell.
Next I want to know if there is an easy, non-ROM-Flashing way to activate my WIFI. Again surely there are some things I can attempt to adjust this prior to flashing a custom ROM??
After that, if I still can't get the WIFI to work, then I will have to lose the skirt, tighten the ol' jock strap and dive feet first into this ROM flashing world.
So again, first I need to know these things:
1. How can I tell if I am already CID unlocked?
2. How can I try to activate my WIFI (RegEdits?)
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I have read almost every post in this form, and I remember coming across question 1. The answer is: You can't tell, the best and safest way (so you are less likely to brick your phone) is the follow the procedure step by step (DO NOT SKIP ANY STEPS) in written by Dr. P found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=285435 to unlock the phone. If you try to burn a custom ROM without unlocking, you'll have big problems.
Question 2: By default, your phone probably has wifi 802.11G turned off in the reg settings. Only 802.11b is turned on, so unless you have an 802.11b router it will not work. Have you tried this tweak?
• Enable 802.11g 54Mbps
To enable 802.11g set:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\TNETWLN1\PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMask"=dword:00000001
and add this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\TNETWLN1\PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMaskG"=dword:00000008
I used a number of WM6 ROMs and the wifi always worked great, I also used Cingular’s stock WM5 and now I’m Faria’s WM5 3.3 and the wifi always works great! All of the costume ROMs I have used already has this wifi tweak added.
Okay, I tried the regedit and both of those keys already exist and are already set to 1 and 8 respectively. Nothing.
So i guess that leaves me one final option and that is to CID the darn thing and hope to God I don't turf my unit.
Thanks for the help... Any last words of advice/caution/etc. before I dive into this process?
Just read and follow the link I gave you above. Don't skip steps and you will be fine. Its really not that bad, and you will be amazec at how your phone can perform.
Are you sure you're understanding what WiFi is? Do you have a wireless router? Not trying to insult you, but the way you are asking the question infers that you think the phone just comes with wifi that gives you internet access. Wifi requires a wireless access point
If you want internet everywhere, you're thinking of GPRS, which either requires a data plan, or is charged per kilobyte.
Yes, I know what Wifi is. I have a WRT54G Linksys wireless router set to b/g mode. Laptop connects to it without effort. My iPaq 6315 connects without effort. Know my Wizard can do the same, but can't seem to get it to work... which has brought me here...
So I start reading through steps, downloading all the files suggested and preparing to CID unlock and flash a new ROM. But when I get to step 3 of Docs directions, I realize one thing, that I don't really know how to "Flash" a ROM or Downgrade. Now call me stupid if you must, but my searches of the forums keep bringing me back to the same thread from Dr.P. And Step 3, I quote, "3.. Downgrade your ROM to the Button 1.05. Let it go through the whole setup please..." But it doesn't tell you HOW to downgrade!
Okay, you finished laughing and cursing me?
But I am serious about not knowing HOW and deathly afraid of bricking my Wizard I figured it would do no harm to ask and get a full clarification of the whole process.
So if someone could help me out in that regard, that would be greatly apprecaited.
Downgrading the ROM is as simple as downloading the file and executing the ROM update utility (RUU). After that, just simply follow the instructions.
RUU is your friend (unless you are on a G4, then you need to be careful with it). But yeah, just download the file and execute it. You'll need to have your phone connected to your computer. It will step you through the process.
I was hoping it was that easy, but gotta make sure... better to ask than to be another poster with a brick
Alright!!! Did it and it worked like a charm!! BUT STILL NO WIFI ACCESS!!! WHAT the HECK!!
So now I search for a custom ROM that might solve this problem.
Any suggestions?
And thanks for the spoon feeding...
How is your router set up, what kind of security settings?
So to make sure all of us have the complete situation down. You can turn on wi-fi, you just can't connect to anyone? Does it list your router? Did you try downloading Wififofum and see if it shows your router on the radar?
BBowermaster said:
How is your router set up, what kind of security settings?
So to make sure all of us have the complete situation down. You can turn on wi-fi, you just can't connect to anyone? Does it list your router? Did you try downloading Wififofum and see if it shows your router on the radar?
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Router set up in WPA-PSK, dual b/g mode. When I tap the WiFi button in CommManager, it shows the windows loader icon for a few seconds, then shuts off the Wifi. It is not even turning on the wifi. Nothing else on the router is customized... just straight out of the box WPA settings.
I have tried switching to just b and just g to see if that made a difference, but absolutely nothing.
There are 4 secured wireless networks in my complex. My Laptop detects them all. My iPaq 6315 detects them all and connects to mine with no problems. Put the PassKey for my router in the iPaq and presto, no hassles at all. My Wizard... Nada!! When I go to Wifi settings, it does not even allow me to enter info into the settings fields.
Have not tried Wififofum yet... but would it make a diffence if I cannot get my wifi to turn on? This is the thought process that brought me to looking at Custom ROMS. Thinking T-Mob has locked it off or something? I mean when I researched PDA phones and chose the Wizard (T-Mob MDA) I did so because it was wifi capable. And everything I have looked up since says it is.
I have tried the RegKeys and unless I am doing something wrong they didn't change anything.
So I am at a complete loss. So maybe I should try Faria's AKU2 ROM? Or his WM6 ROM? Any suggestions?
A few people have intermitten problems like the one you describe, but not constantly. I would just try flashing T-Mobile's official rom first, no cooking, unlocking, etc needed. See if that fixes it.
BBowermaster said:
A few people have intermitten problems like the one you describe, but not constantly. I would just try flashing T-Mobile's official rom first, no cooking, unlocking, etc needed. See if that fixes it.
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I currently have the latest T-Mob ROM. Just CID unlocked, but there are no other customizations or cooked up stuff done to it.
For further reference, Staying at a friends house, whose running same WRT54G Linksys, but has it unsecured. Laptop connects. iPaq connects. Wizard nada.
So I am left thinking 3 things:
1. Something wrong with the ROM I have (standard tmobile 2.26)
2. Something wrong with the regkeys or other settings.
3. Something is physically wrong with my wifi on my wizard.
Any suggestions (and links) to another ROM known to work with Wifi??
PS Also of note, though not sure if related - Bluetooth works fine on the device. Can communicate with laptop and ipaq via bluetooth.
roback80 said:
So I am left thinking 3 things:
1. Something wrong with the ROM I have (standard tmobile 2.26)
2. Something wrong with the regkeys or other settings.
3. Something is physically wrong with my wifi on my wizard.
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Here's how it SHOULD work. When you turn on WiFI from the CommManager screen, the icon will indicate that its now on. If that never turns on its either a problem with your rom or you have a hardware issue. At this point you should go grab your latest official rom from your carrier (TMobile 2.26) and reflash it (even if thats what you already have). If you still have the issue then to me its a hardware issue. If you don't believe that and have to further prove it to yourself then go get the official Cingular rom (its on the HTC website just tell it you have an 8125) or get the Wizard Love rom and flash them to see if it makes a difference (but if TMobile ship can't turn it on, the others won't be able to either is my bet). Your only option then is to do a hardware exchange (just make sure you put it back to the TMobile rom.
If that WiFi button in the CommManager does turn on, then at that point your phone will search and then tell you the access point(s) it finds (Both secured and unsecured). If that doesn't happen then most likely its a hardware issue.

What's the best way to setup X7500 as a Bluetooth Modem for a PC?

First, I'm sorry for what might be an obvious question to many of you out there. I've been struggling for quite a few hours to setup my X7500 as a modem for my laptop. Most of what I've found, though, directs me to the "Modem Link" software. Although, it doesn't seem to be installed on the X7500.
The reason I'm asking this now is because Cingular/AT&T didn't have 3G in the Detroit area until recently and my Universal couldn't use it due to it's 2100Hz frequency. I know some of you have done this, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Also, I'm wondering if the Modem Link software will be in the WM6 build in the next couple of months.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
In WM6 you will have internet connection sharing, replacing the modem software. Really neat!!
There's an app on the Ameo that does just that. Two clicks / taps and you're away. Is that not included with other models of the phone?
Is the app "Modem Link?"
I'm guessing the application you're referring to is Modem Link? But unless I'm blind I haven't been able to find any reference to it on the Advantage. It looks like my best bet may be to wait until WM6 and hope HTC includes the software in it's version of the ROM upgrade.
Thanks ... also I have to say this is by far the best "PDA" I've had. Everything so far has worked very smoothly compared to my Universal, which every new piece of software was a new adventure in agony. The massive amount of memory and the large screen are much appreciated.
internet connection sharing is in wm5 too!
As Anton.Valleyman stated it takes two taps.
In the programs folder on the ameo is where it is found,and i cant see why HTC would leave it out of their wm5 rom.
If they have then that is taking the mickey!!!!

WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390862). I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!

Compatibility Amongst the Different Touches?

I first off would like to start off by saying I'm in the market of getting a new cell phone, and am really interested in the touches. I'm a college student, so I really can't afford TOO much, but am just wanting some good bang for my buck, and I feel the touches are just what I'm looking for.
However, I really don't have much of a clue which I'm wanting to get. First off, my carrier is GSM (T-mobile). My concern is the number of applications or ROMs that the various touches have. For example, do roms and apps that are meant for the elf work on the Opal? I'm wanting something like the touch, but a bit faster, as I've heard many complain that the elf is a bit slow. Also, is the Opal considered the "Touch Enhanced"? There are WAY too many nicknames, and they are all very confusing for me.
Simply put, I'm trying to find a touch that can at least play youtube movies at good frame rates (from wi-fi), and run most apps or roms well. However, I don't want to buy a model of touch and realize that there are no real mods for it to "pimp" it out. I have looked around on the search, but I feel these questions are a bit too "common sense" to be easily found anywhere.
Lastly, I'm not interested in a data plan, as I'm mainly wanting to use it as a PDA (don't need push-email or internet everywhere I go). Frankly, I live in a city dominated w/ wifi, and will be covered by that everywhere I go. Without a data plan, what apps or features will I be missing out on?
I really appreciate ANY help. Thanks for everything!
TAhsifter88 said:
I first off would like to start off by saying I'm in the market of getting a new cell phone, and am really interested in the touches. I'm a college student, so I really can't afford TOO much, but am just wanting some good bang for my buck, and I feel the touches are just what I'm looking for.
However, I really don't have much of a clue which I'm wanting to get. First off, my carrier is GSM (T-mobile). My concern is the number of applications or ROMs that the various touches have. For example, do roms and apps that are meant for the elf work on the Opal? I'm wanting something like the touch, but a bit faster, as I've heard many complain that the elf is a bit slow. Also, is the Opal considered the "Touch Enhanced"? There are WAY too many nicknames, and they are all very confusing for me.
Simply put, I'm trying to find a touch that can at least play youtube movies at good frame rates (from wi-fi), and run most apps or roms well. However, I don't want to buy a model of touch and realize that there are no real mods for it to "pimp" it out. I have looked around on the search, but I feel these questions are a bit too "common sense" to be easily found anywhere.
Lastly, I'm not interested in a data plan, as I'm mainly wanting to use it as a PDA (don't need push-email or internet everywhere I go). Frankly, I live in a city dominated w/ wifi, and will be covered by that everywhere I go. Without a data plan, what apps or features will I be missing out on?
I really appreciate ANY help. Thanks for everything!
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Please read WIKI's for information on each device
ELF - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Elf
Elfin - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Elfin
Vogue - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Vogue
OPAL - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Opal
JADE or Touch 3G - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Jade
To answer your other question - most apps and programs can work with any windows mobile device - Most programs will say whether they are Windows 5 only or 6 only or 6.1 only if so. Also screen resolution is a factor for some programs vga - qvga etc..
ROM upgrading is device specific - do not put a ROM intended for Opal on a ELFIN or a ROM for Elfin on a Vogue etc....... Despite there similarities, there are differences and they are different devices.
Thank for the response!
I've taken a look over those wikis, and they helped quite a bit. However, I'm a bit lost with the elfin. In concerns of updating ROMs, is it the same as the Elf? There is no board for the Elfin, and there's not much data about the Elfin. I understand the main difference is the increase in RAM, as well as the jump from wm6.0 to 6.1, but I've also heard that the elf is compatible with 6.1. Would elf roms work just fine w/ elfin? I know that's not the case /w most others, but it just seems to me that the site combined the two.
Lastly, I can imagine the best place to find a list of roms is on the boards dedicated for that specific phone. Are there any major apps or features that won't function if I am not on a data plan? I tried searching, but it seems the majority have plans, and the few that do not don't mention the downfalls. I understand there is no push-emailing or no internet everywhere, but do some apps flat out not work at all w/o a data plan? Will the apps that require internet work over wifi? I know blackberry is STRICT with what they limit you on, and I was wondering if it's the same case here?
Thanks again for the reply!
TAhsifter88 said:
Thank for the response!
I've taken a look over those wikis, and they helped quite a bit. However, I'm a bit lost with the elfin. In concerns of updating ROMs, is it the same as the Elf? There is no board for the Elfin, and there's not much data about the Elfin. I understand the main difference is the increase in RAM, as well as the jump from wm6.0 to 6.1, but I've also heard that the elf is compatible with 6.1. Would elf roms work just fine w/ elfin? I know that's not the case /w most others, but it just seems to me that the site combined the two.
Lastly, I can imagine the best place to find a list of roms is on the boards dedicated for that specific phone. Are there any major apps or features that won't function if I am not on a data plan? I tried searching, but it seems the majority have plans, and the few that do not don't mention the downfalls. I understand there is no push-emailing or no internet everywhere, but do some apps flat out not work at all w/o a data plan? Will the apps that require internet work over wifi? I know blackberry is STRICT with what they limit you on, and I was wondering if it's the same case here?
Thanks again for the reply!
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Actually, my elfin only came with Windows 6.0 not 6.1. With regard to Rom's I havn't upgraded mine ever, so I can't tell you much about it but that there are some WM 6.1 custom Roms available for the Elfin in these forums. Most are linked to the Elf forum and Elfin Rom's I have found in Elf ROM threads with Elfin ROM Links. I don't have a data plan with mine - Use only WIFI as there are tons of open WIFI networks in my area. I havn't yet found any apps that dont work over WIFI instead of using data plan but I havn't tried every single app out there yet. Most apps that require internet will work over WIFI though. I check my email, surf the web, use various weather apps, listen to internet radio and Sirius radio online and even use google maps etc... all work great over WIFI. I live in Canada so (rediculous data plans here) so do not have a data plan for that reason. Would love an unlimited data plan to be able to listen internet radio anywhere I go.
Wow.. you're a goldmine of information. I really appreciate all the help! I feel completely sold on it now. Thanks again!

[Q] A few issues with android on my vogue

So I followed this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=636024
to put myn's warm donut on my US Cellular HTC Vogue. Pretty quick and painless, and I am very happy and grateful for the simple guide for a newbie like me.
I am having a few problems. The main one being I can't figure a way to access my sd card. I tried the Dual Mount SD widget, no luck. I occasionally see a K:\ but I can't actually access it.
And then tried the adb method from droidoholics, again no luck - adb never recognizes my device. It also times out when I try to uninstall or reinstall the drivers. I really just want to be able to put a new android build on there.
I am also wondering if it is possible to access 3G networks with this phone - I usually only get ~15 Kb/s downstream on my current network.
I am also wondering if it is possible to utilize the GPS - I had this working on my stock windows 6.1 OS but it was pretty useless for navigation.
I think I am just unclear about some general fundamentals of this process (and the capabilities of my device) and am getting heavily bogged down in detailed threads. I have spent most of yesterday and today trying to find answers to these problems here and at ppcg. I would really appreciate some general tips and answers.
And I just want to say thank you to the developers and testers for bringing new life to this device. Its a godsend.

