WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.

DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390862). I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!


OS X with XDA Exec

Yep, I'm sure you already think I'm an idiot trying to sort this one out.
Basically, I bought the XDA IIs about 3 weeks ago, but it simply would not stop crashing. It was so bad that it would crash almost every hour even if I did nothing to it. During that time I bought some software called Missing Sync that allowed me to sync the device with my PowerBook. However, O2 kindly upgraded me to the XDA Exec and now I can't seem to do anything. I can't even export them as vCards and bluetooth them to the device (like I could with the IIs) as it produces absolutely bizarre results.
As 5.0 isn't supported yet on Missing Sync, I'm just wondering what options I have to get my contacts from my laptop onto my phone.
Missing Sync is due to support WM05 in the future, but no beta available yet - or timescales
For installing software, you can usually download .cab files and beam them via bluetooth to the Exec or use a file manager that supports FTP to install them.
For diary/contacts you can beam vcal/vcard data from iCal/Address book, but only one at a time seems to work.
Macintosh support is very limited on PocketPC which is a great omission. However, I still wouldn't have a Windows box in the house. The Exec shows how far windows still has to come - it is simply the best of a bad lot - excellent hardware let down by a slow, inconsistent and buggy OS. Still love it though
pocketmac, which is a direct competitor to missing sync, claims to support the universal
page3 said:
However, I still wouldn't have a Windows box in the house. The Exec shows how far windows still has to come - it is simply the best of a bad lot - excellent hardware let down by a slow, inconsistent and buggy OS. Still love it though
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I have to agree. The first problems I've already had with it (and luckily the only compared to the IIs) is that sometimes the 'Phone' program simply doesn't work. People can still call me, but if I click on it nothing happens. Soft reset, 5 minutes of waiting for it to boot and ta-da. All working again.
Just thought I'd add to this thread and say that although PocketMac says it supports the Universal, it also says it doesn't yet support 5.0 and therefore I couldn't get it to work
Indeed, I asked the question and recieved this email from them:
It’s our understanding this device uses WM 5.0. If that is correct you will probably want to wait till we have that support ready...and we are working overtime to accomplish that...

Does Universal have bad hardware or software? should I buy?

I am just about to purchase a new PDA. I am deciding between the Wizard (o2 xda mini s) and Universal (o2 xda exec).
The universal seems to have everything I want, but I am scared by the posts here.
So I have one basic question for you guys:
Do you think:
1. There are basic hardware problems which can't be resolved until there is a new version
2. It is just a buggy software/firmware issue, and this will be fixed by the current and future firmware upgrades ?
If it is 2, I will not mind buying it ?
Only a personal viewpoint, but my view is that most of the problems are being caused by software that claims to support WM5.0 - but the reality is that although they do support it, not all software is as robust as it should be. I have installed and uninstalled a whole range of applications (purchased and trial versions) - and found that many cause lock-ups etc. After trial and error I have settled on a PIM (Pocket Informant) and a closer/launcher (GSPocketMagic) that work reliably, do not cause my Universal to lock up and do not seem to have any effect on system speed. Others I have tried may cause lock-ups or at least really slow the system performance down significantly. Not sure if others have found the same - just what I have found by trial and error. Hope it helps
that is a very interesting point. I was very influenced by this article:
Also it seems if you read aximsite re: dell x51v, that Wm5 is not as compatable with wm2003se software as people think.
What also seems to be adding to the issues is that the service providers (o2, orange, etc.) are NOT aware of this and are installing applications as standard (e.g. battery meter) which actually cause lags in answering phone calls as they are not correctly for Wm5.
I guess the question is now, does the jasajr work fine when all bad the sowftare is uninstalled, and is it possible to uninstall monitoring software that service providers have installed ?
I just bought mine on Monday... great piece of kit!
If you are just going to use the software that came with it you shouldn't have any problems at all (i haven't anyway) all is working well.
I think as soon as WM2005 becomes more established and more developers cater for it the glitches will go, like NH said, it's more 3rd party software that's causing the problems
hey budo, which service provider did you buy from ?
how is surfing the internet using 3g (the real reason I want to buy it, as I will keep my normal mobile for phone calls)
My position is clear. WM5 itself has bugs and does things you don't expect. Here are just four examples of WM5 probelms which are nothing to do with third-party apps:
- If the Camera app is left on it heats-up the devices as it drains the battery
- On downloading email over GPRS/3G the Messaging app can freeze
- Media stored on the SD card when used by apps when the "suspend" option is used can cause the app to fail when you re-start your device
- WM5 can report it has insufficient memory even when it has 20MB of RAM free
- Memory leakage means you need to reset the device daily
- If you do reset it is possible to loose settings and data if this data has not been written back to the persistent storage from the real RAM
O2, and they give you 3 options for "install type" so if you want all the bells and whistles you can switch it on, or if you want just the basic software you can switch that on lol...
I have to sort my internet out for 3G, needs to be config for some reason.... but from what i have seen from GPRS it's top dog esp with sites that cater for mobile internet....
this is not good jah, i am put off again. although this could be fixed with a firmware update if htc provide that kind of thing. Anyone know their record on this for other devices ?
hey budo. If 3g is turned on, it should use it automatically for connection, even if it says gprs. that is normally how all my 3g phones have worked when 'bluetoothed' with a pda.
I assume you have seen this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=33871
I am not trying to put you off but just want to make sure you have a balanced perspective. I have an Exec and all I can say is that it is "high maintenance" like all M$ based systems
thanks, i'll read.
I'm not sure I totaly agree with you about M$ stuff. I had a dell x50v and currently have an orange m500, and they are perfectly reliable and low mainentance. It does seem however that the hardware people have rushed out wm5 systems without really doing their research and I am sure M$ is responsible for a load of bugs. Roll on WM5se ......
colonel said:
hey budo, which service provider did you buy from ?
how is surfing the internet using 3g (the real reason I want to buy it, as I will keep my normal mobile for phone calls)
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Sux. This pixel doubling issue means that you don;t get anywhwere near the estate you expected. U can switch to Oz VGA but that costs a 5 min reset either way - easier to get to a PC! The other issue is that the IE browser is SO bad that 3G surfing feels like GPRS - in fact I used to fire up my laptop just to check that I had a good 3G signal in the area and was indeed surfing on UMTS!! Issue is that browser renders slowly, and cache's so badly that it actually reloads the whole friggin page when u go 'back'. I could have my laptop working on a 3G card right alongside my JJ on 3G, type in xda-developers and press 'go', and my laptop would give me the screen in seconds, whilst my JJ would take a full minute!! We're taking over 10x slower. Also, many sites do not render in PIE - blank drop boxes etc. In SA that's movie booking gone, not a SINGLE TV guide site works, and altho my private bank works, my company bank does not. However, terminal services in VGA is awesome...
I don't really have problem with 3G and PIE. I use T-mobile and o2 in the UK and the rendering etc is reasonable given that I did not expect laptop like performance on my Exec. The Exec in corp mode with GSPMagic+ is very quick.

What's the best way to setup X7500 as a Bluetooth Modem for a PC?

First, I'm sorry for what might be an obvious question to many of you out there. I've been struggling for quite a few hours to setup my X7500 as a modem for my laptop. Most of what I've found, though, directs me to the "Modem Link" software. Although, it doesn't seem to be installed on the X7500.
The reason I'm asking this now is because Cingular/AT&T didn't have 3G in the Detroit area until recently and my Universal couldn't use it due to it's 2100Hz frequency. I know some of you have done this, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Also, I'm wondering if the Modem Link software will be in the WM6 build in the next couple of months.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
In WM6 you will have internet connection sharing, replacing the modem software. Really neat!!
There's an app on the Ameo that does just that. Two clicks / taps and you're away. Is that not included with other models of the phone?
Is the app "Modem Link?"
I'm guessing the application you're referring to is Modem Link? But unless I'm blind I haven't been able to find any reference to it on the Advantage. It looks like my best bet may be to wait until WM6 and hope HTC includes the software in it's version of the ROM upgrade.
Thanks ... also I have to say this is by far the best "PDA" I've had. Everything so far has worked very smoothly compared to my Universal, which every new piece of software was a new adventure in agony. The massive amount of memory and the large screen are much appreciated.
internet connection sharing is in wm5 too!
As Anton.Valleyman stated it takes two taps.
In the programs folder on the ameo is where it is found,and i cant see why HTC would leave it out of their wm5 rom.
If they have then that is taking the mickey!!!!

Newbie on the move!

Good day to all!
First of all let me introduce myself. I'm David and I'm an executive in a transcription company in the Philippines. I recently bought a Dopod 838 Pro to aid me in organizing myself and to keep my productivity up. So far, it's doing a marvelous job! Totally worth the investment, I might add.
Now on to my issues (don't we all have them? ). I'm very keen on keeping myself updated with the latest software especially when it comes to bug fixes and patches. I've read through almost half the Hermes threads on the boards and I have several questions that the threads have not answered.
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
That's just about it. I would really appreciate your answers guys. Thank you in advance and allow me to say that your work on this thread is highly appreciated! Blessings to all!
If you depend on your PDA for work then I'd recommend to play it safe and wait with the upgrade to WM6 until HTC/Dopod releases the official version.
I use my PDA at least fifty percent for work. I tried WM6 but had a few issues, the most serious one with Bluetooth and loosing connection to my headset and then the phone refusing to reconnect unless I soft reset it! (Not very nice when this happens in the middle of a phone call with a customer.)
1. yes
3.check the latest LVSW, or one of it's derivatives, like elf, sleuth or V3pg
4.as long as you follow MrVanx's guide you'll be fine.
5.Sleuth's LVSW derivative, but that's just my opninion. Any of the above ROMs would work
davidlleno said:
Good day to all!
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
I have seen this question posted 2-3 times in the last couple weeks. You might wanna try saerching through the threads for more opinions.
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
Media issues are generally uncommon in "these" (custom) ROM upgrades. Its usually communication bugs that you have to deal with.
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
Black2.5 is stable, so is Sleuths Derivative. If you new to flashing choose a rom that has already been around and has had the bugs worked out.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5 months ago, yes. Now, not as much. Make SURE you read up on HardSPL before you flash, and use the mrvanxguide
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
Same as before. Theres lots of little cool customizations that you can do, but a ROM upgrade is not going to be more customizable than WM5.
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Hope that helps. Good Luck!
Great replies guys. Thanks.
I've already flashed my device with the ELF WM6 LVSW derivative. Works great. just has a few refresh problems. Today screen does not apply changes I've made without restarting the device, also contacts on the sim card remain visible even after checking the "show contacts only".


Hey guys,
I just brought my old Alpine out of retirement, It works OK except it was retired because I broke the sim card socket.
I was going to use it for tom-tom but just left it ignored for years. I fancy using it now as a way of having a nice moile internet browser around my house, (Via Bluetooth, possibly wireless eventually if I can justify the costs)
Its an old XDA2 Branded device and what I really want to do is
Upgrade the os to get all the latest driver versions even upgrade the OS from the standard if it is not having issues. all I need working is the BT and SD card reader really and as few bugs as possible.
I really want rid of all the O2 crap as well just the plain basic good software.
Any recommendations of what browser to use (is there a firefox mobile?) i considered opera as well.
any other ideas of cool little apps to make this a good device that will only use in hope to brose net ad a couple of games, perhaps have skype on it for example
any advice is welcome as I have been away from the scene for 2 years.
Thanks guys
The quickest way i found to clear out the O2 garbage was to hard reset and then when it says "Custom application will be installed in 3 seconds", or something like that do a soft reset.

