Un0-Retirement - PDA2, XDA IIi, 2020i Software Upgrading

Hey guys,
I just brought my old Alpine out of retirement, It works OK except it was retired because I broke the sim card socket.
I was going to use it for tom-tom but just left it ignored for years. I fancy using it now as a way of having a nice moile internet browser around my house, (Via Bluetooth, possibly wireless eventually if I can justify the costs)
Its an old XDA2 Branded device and what I really want to do is
Upgrade the os to get all the latest driver versions even upgrade the OS from the standard if it is not having issues. all I need working is the BT and SD card reader really and as few bugs as possible.
I really want rid of all the O2 crap as well just the plain basic good software.
Any recommendations of what browser to use (is there a firefox mobile?) i considered opera as well.
any other ideas of cool little apps to make this a good device that will only use in hope to brose net ad a couple of games, perhaps have skype on it for example
any advice is welcome as I have been away from the scene for 2 years.
Thanks guys

The quickest way i found to clear out the O2 garbage was to hard reset and then when it says "Custom application will be installed in 3 seconds", or something like that do a soft reset.


A few questions about the Universal

Ok now i know that some of you guys have had the universal for a while now, and with the recent release on the O2 website, i'm all but certain to jump on it very quickly, but as this will be my first PDA phone, i was wondering if anyone could answer a few quick questions?
Firstly I was told the Universal had IR built in, now on the carphone warehouse site it said it didnt, can someone clear this up (I was told it can even be used as a TV remote, it'd be a novelty, but i can think of more pointless uses for the phone)
Secondly I am planning on using Skype quite a bit, I already have a wireless network set up in my house so should be able to hook up the phone quick and easy, but is it easy to make the phone use the wlan instead of the operator's 3g and gprs to access the net?
Finally I saw somebody mention games running on their phone, whats the deal with these, is win mobile 5 capable of running old dos/early windows games or are they a special format, also would an emmulator work on win mobile 5?
well I hope someone out there can help, I really want the handset, but i'd like these cleared up before i comit to the the O2 max tarif for the next 12 months
1)yeah it has ir (located at the front) but i havent tried the remote apps yet.. (dont need them)
2)yeah skype works ...it also comes preinstalled on imate jasjar (extrom has the setup file)
3)some games work and some dont.. do a search on wm5 compatible apps and games and you can see the BIG list on the site here....
all in all...its the best ppcPE ever...most stable and most sexy
i think i'll be picking one of them up very soon then
the only thing that is still left to know is weither or not the phone will auto select gprs/3g for skype and the net or if i can get the phone to use the wlan instead,
thanks for the info though...
Yes you can use Wlan to get online with internet and also to skype...
Works fine without any prob so far...
Your question about games suggests a belief that Windows Mobile may run old Windows software. The answer to this is a big no - Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, Smartphone and Handheld PC are all based on Windows CE which, although being similar to programme and use, is not "binary-compatible" with the versions of Windows you'll get on a desktop (or laptop) PC. You can get a dos emulator, but it will be slow and clunky. You're better running software designed specifically for Windows Mobile.
Does anyone know if it has the on screen phone pad that supports predictive text? (in addition to the keyboard, and writing recognition bits)
The XDA IIi has it, but from what I've seen the IIs doesn't. Does the exec?
I assume you're talking about the "Phone Pad" SIP?
Yep, My JasJar has it!
fantastic! means i shall be ordering one as soon as my next paycheck lands!

Modding my Cingular 8125 q and a

Well, i have scoured the site, and tried and tried and tried to no avail, I just cannot seem to figure out this puzzle!
Actually it is a multi-layered puzzle...
I, of course have a Cingular 8125. Thus far I have unlocked the sim lock, unlocked the CID lock, enabled wireless G mode, and installed some programs.
These are the programs that I am using.
I have Resco File Manager (full)
Resco Registry (full)
HTC Streaming Media
Opera (full)
What I am interested in doing is this. I would like to be able to view streaming video (imagine that). So far I cannot. HTC streaming media installed well enough, but when I click on the icon it says that some of the components are missing, or it's not signed by a trusted certificate...
When ever I go to You Tube (Regular), it says that I either have Java turned off, or do not have the latest Flash Player...
Oh I forgot to mention I also have Adobe Flash 7 mobile installed...
When I go to m.youtube.com, and I click on a vid a progress bar shows up and progresses, but nothing else.
I really don't want to mess around with installing roms, as i would rather know how to do it on my own. I am no stranger to reg hacks, seem edits, and basic hex as I already hang out mostly on moto modding sites.
If i do need to install a rom, that is fine I suppose as long as I have the ability to back up my current one (always backup before you f-up).
I also have a question or two about WM6. But will leave it at what I already have inquired.
Thanks in advance for all the help! I am confident that I will get good answers as the expertise on this forum seems to be quite high!
Im right there with you buddy... I did all the things you did and still no luck... This phone seems to be hopeless.... Not working like all the others with the installed software... Hope somone can help...
well, i'll tell ya, I figured it out all by my lonesome...
What was needed is a drivers pack, and I will be more then happy to give you the link that will take you to it...
What you need to do is located right here at this link
Basically what you need to do with it, is unzip and then copy/cut and paste the .dll files into the windows folder of your pocket pc.
if it asks you if you want to replace files then just skip over that file and go to the next.
Now the only site that I have found that seems to be usefull is of course, m.youtube.com
If you happen to find anything else that works please let me know as youtube seems to be the only site that out fit themselves to stream media to PPC or iPhone.
...Oh and by the way this only works if you are using ie mobile. for some reason it doesn't work with opera. I don't know why.
But it does look good however. All things considered, it looks pretty good.
Let me know how you made out!
Thanks for the help... IT loads now but every time i connect it says "failed to connect to network"... Do you get that?
yes i did, and i will be more then happy to help you out just as soon as I can turn my stupid phone on...
See, I just got a car charger with another phone (one of those stupid ebay "included free" car chargers). And I just got a new car where I could actually have a use for it. So I plugged in my wizard/cingular 8125 into it the other day assuming that I would charge it all nice like as long as I left it in the car...
Nay, the charger apparently does not work and now I have to leave the wiz on my usb charge till God only knows when (If you have never let one of these drain to absolute DEAD, don't it takes forever to get it back again...)
So... yes I did get that message, and yes I did figure out how to get it to work, but no i don't remember how I did it...
So I will get back to ya soon!
i think you have to have Windows Mobile 6 to stream media... i dont think the streaming media player works with windows mobile 5. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure.
I stream youtube and all kinds of stuff on my old 8125... MobiTV, XMRadio etc.
okay here's the deal...
No phone can stream regular internet (even the iphone in all it's glory can't do it). The reason being has something to do with the type of stream that is being streamed...
Hence why youtube.com created m.youtube.com...
It has to be mobile, and someone told me the format not too long ago, but I forget what it is.
You can stream it on Windows mobile 5 using HTC streaming Media player. No mods, no hacks, no ROMS. Straight up, out of the box.
But again, the key is finding a site that is set up to stream it on a mobile phone... Which in another reason most sites offer podcasts. It's a cheap alternative...
Never the less it's only a matter of time before cnn.com foxnews.com etc all follow suite and say hey our users want/need streaming mobile media, and there you go...
I myself have played with streaming radio (somafm.com) using pocket player. It works great. Audio is so much easier to do then video which is why you can do it on any format.
My issue now is that my battery is dead dead, and I don't think it is going to accept the charge... Which means either my phone is fried, or my battery is fried. If its the phone, well there goes that... If it's the battery, maybe I can wrangle a battery out of Cingular or who ever they are calling themselves these days...
So it may be a while before I am able to tell you how I got past the failed to connect to network error.
All i can say is play around with you internet settings, and try fussing with the media player settings (Ergo Buffer etc). Make sure that it is able to access all ports, and that if you are using WiFi that the ports are open.
hopefully i will have a charge tomorrow.
I've had this problem.. try the actual connected to the wall charger.. not a cheap knockoff- but one that has a usb-usb connector that goes into the wall.. i'm not positive what it looks like. but my father has one and it's helped my 8125 more than once
good luck,
Thanks for the reply on the wall charger.
I actually googled it last nite, and came across someone else who did the same stupid thing as me... Apparently, for some cosmic reason, when the wizard is dead it will only accept a recharge from the stock, in the box charger...
Don't ask me why, I thought USB started with the word Universal...
So new wisdom for the day, when your Phone is totally dead, it will only charge on the stock charger that came in the box. Now why it wouldn't accept a charge on my USB cable is beyond me. Everything else I own has no problem with it...
So thanks again for confirming my findings... Good stuff to know!
Anyways back to the streaming problem at hand. Now that my phone is powered up, and ready to rock I will tell you the settings that I have...
Under start\settings\connections\ network cards. Have it saying that it connects me to the internet.
Don't know if that helps, but thats what I have and I remember that I did that my self.
Next under programs\streaming media\options I have connection via internet. I do remember changing that to get it to work. I just changed that particular setting, and can confirm that by changing to something other then what my phone is connecting to will say failed to connect. So make sure that it is the same as the previous step.
Next still under Streaming Media\options I have my UDP ports running across the gamut. Ergo, From 1024 To 65535. I do not know if it is necessary, but I would leave it open like that depending on where you are some places may have some ports closed off, and others might not.
Then under Media Buffer, I had my originally set to 10 seconds, but now have it set to 5 seconds.
I also did the registry edit that enables wireless g mode. There is a slight noticable difference in speed.
Now here's the kicker... After you get all that done, and everything works and so on, and your phone is now comparable to the iPhone (which my can now do everything the iPhone can do, cept for making phone calls cause I just use my wizard as a dedicated Pocket PC, but it can do one thing the iPhone can't do, and that is have a visualizer going when I am listening to MP3's), your now going to find that the video's that they have on m.youtube.com right now, at this very moment...
really kinda suck...
For some reason, youtube/google=gootube, decided to convert only the absolute worst videos they have. No music video's, no news videos, nothing. Just a bunch of what appears to be video blogs, and not much else...
Sure there is a trailer or two. But it will be a while before it becomes the youtube that we are all familiar with. You can't even find the numa numa guy on it yet...
I mean i know that gary isn't the end all of viral vid's, but he is, at the moment, still the most popular...
That or Star Wars kid...
Now my question is, does anyone know of any sites where this new found feature can be put to good use? Foxnews.com for some reason thinks that only people who are subscribed to cingulars 3g data package can watch their video's. Cnn.com can only d/l podcasts, which takes forever and is usually not worth the time because by the time you are done, you've already finished your cappuccino at the cafe' and are already out the door.
So again, does anyone know any good sites???
...oh and one more thing, streaming with the HTC Streaming Media only works via internet explorer. Sorry, Opera, even the full version, doesn't work...
CID Unlocking the 8125
Dear PPL
I have a used 8125 and am not sure if it is CID locked or unlocked. I am using it in India. I can insert any sim card so it seems to be SIM unlocked.
Before CID unlocking it, how do I tell if it is already unlocked or not.
Appreciate your replies.
Also which is the cleanest, no non-sense WM6 ROM for the Wizard, I need a good camera patch, and everything working. Including GPS functionality.
this is the title... title...
as far as sim locking goes the only thing that I could do was plug in another card from another provider. That's how I figured out that I unlocked my properly. The sim lock is from network to network, not phone to phone. So say you have a friend that is on A-Cellular and you are on A Cellular, you guys can swap sim cards all day long and the phones will work.
However if you are on A-Cellular and your friend is on B-Cellular, what should happen is that you guys cannot swap phones, unless your phones are unlocked. So that is the easiest way to tell. (A Cellular/B Cellular mean nothing I was just using that as an example BTW).
Now, as far as CID locking, I really haven't the foggiest idea. I don't know how much this forum is kept up to date, and I have not found any stickies or tutorials that really explain what exactly some of these things mean...
Sorry I cannot help any further then that
Oh and just curious, do you mean GPS or GPRS? GPS function you will need something like tomtom navigator hardware for that to work (generally plugs in the SD card slot, not the USB slot. Kinda Stupid in that respect). GPRS should already be functioning on that phone. Of course should being the operative term...
solution to "failure to connect" error
so, i have the 8525 (htc ttyn) with wm5, and the solution to this problem is quite simple....thanks to boe-dye for alluding to this setting.
the >>progam/stream media/menu/options -- connect via:>> needs to match the method which you are connecting to your streaming source
simply put, if you're using your nic (802.11 b/g) it should be the internet or whatever matches your >>settings/network card -- connection>>
likewise if you are connecting via gsm/3g/mediaNet etc. then you should select that "cellular" signal
hope this makes sense.
(the name "the internet" is misleading, since even using gsm, etc connects you to the actual net the same as your 802.11 card)
oh cool... Well that makes much more sense as to why it worked
Now I have a question...
Does anyone know how to get Retina WiFi Scanner to work??

Newbie needs your help in choosing a phone

first of all let me thank you for a brilliant forum. I was looking for a forum with loads of information on pocket pc phones and i guess i found you guys.
Okay I'm a total newbie and I need help with choosing between three phones and i'm extremely confused as to what i should choose.
I'm with orange and they are offering me:-
1. NOKIA N95 (Not the black edition, but does come with 8gb) - Has all the features, but i've heard these are very buggy and slow
2. TYTN II - Has all the features that i need, except the keypad is eithier virtual or i have to pull out the keyboard to make calls, which is a NO NO
3. TOUCH DUAL - Now this phone is the dream i was wishing for..i.e there is a keypad which exists, allowing me to quickly make calls, but then it has NO GPS and NO WI-FI .
My problem is that all phones have their advantages and disadvantages and therefore make it difficult for me to choose. Here is what i'm looking for:-
1. The phone must have a hard keypad (Not a keyboard or virtual keypad) to make immediate calls.
2. GPS is not immediately needed, but i hope that i can add it in the near future
3. WI-FI again is not urgently needed, but i hope that it can be added later in future
4. The phone software must be very adaptable software wise
5. Must be unlockable to all networks
6. Needs to have a decent battery life
I especially want to know about the Touch Dual..can this give me what i need?
2 & 3, u'd better assume a "no" in touch dual forever. if finally a brilliant brain solves it, it's a bonus. better not assume you can get it in "near future". meanwhile, you may have interest on this thread
4. Windows Mobile is an open platform that allows installation of the millions of programs in the market. meanwhile, pls be prepared that "soft reset" is unavoidable for the M$ product, just like reboot upon "blue screen" in win98.
5. see this
6. it's very dependent on personal habit. e.g. how many phone calls a day? how much data connection? how much online/offline content browsing? how much game playing? the word "decent" is very subjective as well. in general, if you work in office for most of time, it's not a worry at all, as you can easily recharge your WM devices from a pc using a standard usb cable.
hope this helps
many thanks pp18 your reply has been very helpful.
I use the phone 90% of the time to make outgoing calls..so battery life is fairly important
Regarding GPS...for the time being, can Touch dual work with a GPS receiver?
if you're very worried about the battery life, you can always bring a spare battery with you. can't share much on this, as it's always easy for me to find a usb cable to charge up my device even i forget to do it the night before.
re gps, yes you can use an external gps module and let it communicate with touch dual through bluetooth. you may have interest on this.
hi pp18.
I rang orange yesterday and after having a long chat with them, they backed off the n95 and tytn II as they said that the person who offered the mobiles made a mistake. I only had a choice between a nokia 6500 classic/slide or the Touch Dual II. Hope i made the right choice as i chose the Touch Dual II.
I thank you for helping me with all these questions and definately have interest in using an external gps receiver.
As a total newbie and after reading your links, can you clarify the following questions i have please? :-
1. If i use the recommended GPS receiver with the t-dual, is it as accurate and speedy & reliable as a general tomtom device would be? What i'm trying to say is that are there any known issues with GPS receivers and a phone? For example does the phone regularly lose signal and can't tell where i'm going.
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
5. Lastly i have heard that the orange installed software is slow, drains the battery and unreliable. How difficult is it for a novice like myself to install a new rom that is faster and better than orange? Also what is the best/reliable rom going at the moment?
Many thanks for your very helpful info.
in general, bluetooth communication between an external gps module and a WM device shouldn't be a problem. for details and specific to your area, i suggest you ask in the Niki Accessories forum so that your neighbours can offer better help.
for flashing cooked rom, i personally not recommend it to newbies, as the worst case for a wrong operation is "brick" the device. and, a device with cooked rom will void the warranty as well. you'd better find a friend to help. for choice of rom, suggest you read the great articles in the Niki Upgrading forum.
i had pretty much the same options as you. and i went with the touch dual. it kind of puts a dampner on it not having gps or wifi inbuilt like the other 2, but wifi isnt really that big of a deal, internet surfing on a phone screen is pretty worthless - if need be i just use gprs, its fine for my needs (i bearly ever used wifi on my old tornado). i already had a bluetooth gps reciver so gps isnt a problem, i just leave it in my car.
the touch dual is by far the most attractive out of the 3. the only thing i dislike is the camera, its not as good as the n95s. and i'd love tv out like the n95 has. i wouldnt want a tytn ii though. they're bulky and heavy and there is no need for all the extra weight just for gps and wifi.
thanks pp18 and ducamie.
From what you guys have told me so far, it sounds like i've made the right choice. Would you kindly help me with my remaining questions:-
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
Thanks So Much!!!
tomtom installs great.. version 6 is pretty awesome with touch screen.
if you need it unlocking, i'd deffinatley use olipro's simunlock, its £5, its very safe, and your only other option is to pay £20 at imei check. with olipro's it cid unlocks your phone too. i wish he'd brought it out sooner.
ive never had problems with signal, its always been fine, if youre living in an urban area i wouldnt worry about it.
thanks so much ducamie!!! i look forward to seeing my phone.
Btw, do you have an orange dual? If so, have you updated it with another rom or have you left it as it is?
hey. yeah, got an orange branded niki.
i flashed tom_codon's rom after flashing the hardspl to get rid of the orange stuff on the phone more than anything but its a good rom generally, i'd upgrade it if i were you (once youre familiar with what youre doing ofcourse). might aswell.

WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390862). I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!

Even though you own the g1 you still toting a wm device?

Im interested to know this.. I have the G1 and I love it. I actually had to give up my Diamond for the G1. So now my question is this how many devices do you now use?? Ive used windows mobile for years now and even though I want to see Android blow WM out of the water I still have to rely on wm for certain on the go things. Even though my G1 is my primary phone I also have a second work phone which is just a samsung and for entertainment I bought a Ipod Touch a few months ago. My Tilt still ends up in my messenger now though when I have to do WM document editing and tethering on the go. Anybody else finding they have to do this. I know its only matter of time before I can use the G1 for everything but I was interested to see if anyone else is toting around multiple devices.
I'm selling my old wm device. No reason to carry the extra bulk. The only reason I'd keep it would be for some better games and junk I'd never use. My G1 is just so much cleaner and does everything I need it to.
Holy cow, how many devices do you carry around?
Yeah but what about using wifi router and office applications like excel and word and what not. I know eventually software will be available but what are you doing for the time being.. And the google document viewer is crappy and buggy so dont even mention it
Currently On a day to day basis i carry
Sony 8.1 digicam
Jabra Bt 8040
Ipod Touch 16gb
Helio Mysto
Tmobile G1
and occasionally my tilt htc kaiser
I haven't even looked at my Wing since I got my g1. I might be selling it soon...
I use dash for internet sharing and games till internet sharing comes out for g1, primary phone is g1. Nrg came out with new rom and linux is available for dash now so i'm gonna check out both.
One reason only so far...
Just to tether... but even then, I am managing to surf WIFI most of the time so thinking about turfing the good ole MDA...
I'm a geek and have my workout log in excel, so I have my wing with me at the gym, but that's it. Otherwise I don't need the Wing.
My Diamond is currently up for sale and I am carrying my iPhone 3G, G1, and my Blackjack 2 for work.
I just got rid of my Touch. I'm a huger advocate of having only one device for everything. It's seems a bit counter productive to walk around with three devices which all basically can do the same thing.
I mainly used my Touch for web, phone, messaging, and video/mp3. The G1 seems to be holding its own so far, but I had to convert video file to mp4. I'm hoping someone will release their own mp3 app for the G1 as well since I'd like to have mroe options there.
I have been a long time WM owner and have had almost every HTC device and manage atleast 15 in my company. I have dumped my Touch Dual and WM for now.
These are two completely different devices. WM is a device designed around productivity but has too many issues and is not a good gaming or media device. If you want Outlook to sync and connect with server platform support and security than stick with WM. The Android is more of a communication and socialization device with an easy polished User Interface. You can sync some Outlook components and use MS Exchange but they are work around apps and not natively supported so there are problems to be expected. This device was clearly not designed for Outlook so it shouldnt be expected to work great with it. But if you are smart and you rely on this, you can make it happen or find another app to suite your needs.
The Android OS handles memory so well and can take a faulty application without locking the device completely. I personally havn't locked my device to the point of reseting, I have crashed apps and have had the OS hang for a sec but it recovers quickly. Not saying it can't happen but having owned so many WM devices, I have not had one that I didn't have to soft reset every couple of days to get back perfomance or dodge issues.
HTC does a fantastic job creating UI shells for the Windows Mobile but it does not compare to the speed and styling of the Android platform. Touch Flo enviroments are a great jump in the right direction but it is masking an interface not designed for non stylus use.
There was some adjusting at first but I feel MS had been pushing me to use their conformed applications. I found away to do everything I need my G1 to do, but I did take some work arounds to get there. I am happy and maybe one day will go back to WM, but for now sticking with the G1. To me its finally a device that can compare to the iphone in alot of respects. Windows is a more powerful device just less gracefull and lacking the polished UI.
Android ≠ Windows Mobile ≠ iphone
They are all different devices for different people.
so then you only carry a g1 now
ckthunda said:
so then you only carry a g1 now
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I'm still having to carry around my HERALD along with the G1. To be honest for over half the things I have to do on a day to day basis the G1 just will not cut it. Great device for a power mobile but still not developed enough for the cross platform integration I need.
Wow, you guys are seriously hardcore cell phone users. I use my phone for text messaging and browsing the internet. I cannot even imagine any time when I would want to edit an Excel spreadsheet on my phone. I'm a software developer so my work doesn't require me to carry an exchange compatible device since there's no reason for me to be on call when I'm away from my desk.
I carry my G1 on me at all times, and I have an old black and white iPod at my desk at work for listening to music while I'm coding so I don't drain my phone's battery. That's pretty much it. I do have a T-Mobile Dash, but I keep it around just to play with it at home, I don't do anything productive with it and it doesn't have a SIM card.
sadly....I still use my Wing along with G1. I need the wing to tether my laptop during those boring lecture so I can at least look at those skimpy jailbait posing with their sexy bikinis to prevent me from falling asleep
second, I need the wing at my clinical lab rotation to look up medications, dosage, and side effects because there's no built-in drug guide for G1 yet (I could use the internet to access some site that do the same thing, but I don't wanna do it because it drains the living battery out of my G1). beside the hospital that i'm doing my rotation doesn't get covered by 3G so pulling data from online site can be pretty painful at times.
once someone put a tethering app on G1, drug guide app, and improved 3G network is happening, then I will completely ditch my Wing.
But then, rumors started about G1 source code being release soon, so I might keep the Wing to see if android will run on it. it would be double the fun.
I'm still holding onto my Wing, although it stays at home and doesn't follow me on the street. I do use it a bit here at home for what my G1 lacks.
With lack of screenshot ability, I need it to shoot screen of the G1 (which are horrible now that I've been spoiled by the G1's autofocus)
>> android screenshot app needed
Keep the WinMo of course for video recording, and being able to send an mms with image / audio / text.
>> more android mms options needed
Now when I'm not at home, I'd like to have the Wing around for things that android cannot yet do:
1. d/l and open pdf files - as well as d/l of other unsupported filetypes.
2. stream audio so I can listen to online radio - stereo bluetooth goes hand in hand with this
3. playin' some dragon warrior or simcity - someone get an emulator up!
(and since the Skyfire browser is on my wing: FLASH!!! - c'mon adobe, hurry up with the webkit version already)
I know this probably sounds dumb and i probably know the answer myself but what u mean when u say shoot screenshots?
jkiller122 said:
what u mean when u say shoot screenshots?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Saving whatever is onscreen as an image file which you can then mms.
Is really handy to tell someone longdistance what you pulled up from your weather app; even better for sharing web pages since a lot of folks just wont click given links but will read what is showing in image.

