please help! - Wing, P4350 General

hello guys, i recently installed the htc home customizer, and i think ever since then (although i'm not sure if it was also from before), whenever i connect to wireless internet, i cannot receive updates to my inbox in my GMAIL account...
before i used to be able to go to the comm manager, activate the wireless feature, and within a few minutes, i would get automatic updates to my email inbox...i am talking about the inbox where when you press the message button, you get to choose between text message, outlook email, windows live, the problem again is how the Gmail account doesn't update the email anymore, and it always says "0" for mail received.....i even went further and clicked on the gmail, and then pressed the right soft key to access the "menu" and hit "send/receive"...after doign so it said "connecting"...."logging on"...and then "looking for changes" and after that "finished" , no luck
can anyone PLEASE help me out? perhaps there is a way to reset the email? i even deleted the gmail account, and made a brand new one, of the same account, and still no luck
thanks a lot guys, i really appreciate it


How do i remove an email account.

Hi, i manually set up my email account for hotmail, but when i out my sim in it made another for hotmail, so now i have 2 hotmail accounts of the same mail.
How do i remove one, there is nothing in the options only edit?
I also have this problem, would appreciate an answer for it!
HTC Sense, Mail tab
Right softkey ("Menu")
"Account settings" option
Right softkey ("Delete")
Select accounts to delete
Left softkey ("Done")
If you want to remove the Outlook account, do so through WMDC.
Thanks for the reply Yunabeco, but I think the issue jrvenge and I are having is that, that option is greyed out so we are unable to delete the account in the way you just described.
Inbox - Menu - Tools - Options - tap and hold on account you wish to delete, select delete after popups menu
Hey thanks it worked, just cant do it in the sense menu, i keep forgetting its a wm phone and you have to go into windows settings to do things not in the sense gui
Argh, still greyed out for me. Gonna kill every process in task manager, see if that helps.
Petulinek said:
Inbox - Menu - Tools - Options - tap and hold on account you wish to delete, select delete after popups menu
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
, i press and hold the hotmail account in the list, the popup has one entry - Delete - but it is still greyed out. Arrrrrgh. Any movement on this issue?
Oh, simple.
Ahhh sorted it.
Sorted it. Start - Windows Live - Menu - Account Options - Switch Windows Live ID - Confirm the warning - (Reject the new terms of service page if it comes up, this only happened the first time i did this, not on subsequent tests)
and you should find the hotmail inbox and contacts are gone.
Press and holding the account name and finding it greyed out seems understandable now, because more that just the email inbox is conected. If you still want the contacts, log back in to live, but untick teh sync email option.
I've tried all of the above and other bits but STILL the hotmail account is greyed out.
I went to the options window to remove it and surprisingly its not even listed, but when i look at the email tab, its sitting there?!?!
I've removed the link to Windows live as listed, i've removed all other email accounts in the hope that the hotmail account will become active so that i can delete it.
Hair pulling time!!!!
Any advice pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee
I was also looking for this since now it is possible to use Exchange Sync for hotmail accounts:
To remove it go to MSN, options, change the user login, then Reject. You end up with no hotmail accounts.

HD2US: It won't delete my emails?!

So I notice I have a new email notification, when I check my email in SenseUI, I hit:
Menu > Delete Message
but about 10 or 15mins later, ill get another email notification, it's the same email I just deleted (or so I thought). I've tried this repeatedly and it will still come back. Ill even click the 'Inbox' and see it's gone, only to find out, it came back. The only way it will delete is if I click 'Inbox' instead of 'Menu' and view my email through WinMo, than click the email and hit 'Menu' > 'Delete'.
This is gotta be a bug, how do I go about fixing this? It's really annoying -_-
"Delete" works for me for Exchange account, doesn't work for gmail.
I'm using Gmail, so make sense, but why on earth would it not work for Gmail? This is frustrating.
this just started to happen to me about an hour ago.
I looked through the settings to try to find the keep a copy on the server option but cannot find that for accounts outside of exchange (windows life / outlook) My yahoo and gmail accounts keep pushing emails.
I recreated both accounts and never saw the option to delete the message from the server as well. I have not had time to really look though.
Any update?
Dont use Menu>delete. Just use the soft leftkey DELETE and it wont come back.
have you tried
emails tab - inbox - menu - tools - options - tap the account you are interested in
click send/recieve schedule - bottom of screen click advanced settings and check teh dropdown 'when deleting messages' is set to delete them off the server.
I had this problem with AOL on my HD2 (shush, now. I like AOL mail, dammit!). I found that opening the mail and then deleting it from the menu got rid of the notification, but the mail, itself, would get pushed back every time I got new mail on the server (although without a notification of it being new). It would only truly be deleted when I did so from my PC. It's no biggie as it no longer tells me I have a new message when I don't, but I guess it could be bothersome for folks that get more e-mail than I do.
Note: I don't have this problem with G-mail at all.

Can't delete "invisible" email

Hi, I've searched but can't find an answer to my email problem:
I've got 2 POP email accounts set up on my phone, and until now have had no problems, but a couple of days ago the email tab on the ribbon at the bottom of the home screen shows I have one email in one of my accounts. However, when I go to that account no email is visible, so I can't delete it to get rid of the false notification. When other emails arrive in that account they are visible, and I can delete them when necessary.
This problem doesn't stop me using the phone, but it's a bit irritating - any help is gratefully received. Thanks.
I think it's due to active sync. Go to Outlook E-mail inbox. There should be an unread email in there.
Thanks for your speedy reply Myth1001, but I've already checked that possibility. When I say I've got 2 email accounts I mean 2 that I've set up:, my company, and, a general domestic account. There is also the Outlook account, but I didn't set that up - I presume it's part of Mobile Office. The "stuck" email is in the Sky account. When I go to the email account screen, the Sky email icon has a green box with the figure "1" in it, but when I tap to open the message it won't open, and therefore won't delete.
I have both accounts set up to leave messages on the server so I get them on my desktop machine when I return home, so I'm going to try deleting the last few day's emails from the Sky server. I don't think it's that but I can't think of anything else at the moment.
I'll let you know what happens.

HD2 email driving me nuters.

Is this just me or is this SOP for the HD2..
I check my emails with my HD2, I keep the ones I want to, and delete the ones I dont. But the damn phone will not update the emails as read or deleted.
So on the next check cycle, the same emails pop back up as unread. The only way I have found to keep this from happening is to go to my actual email accounts and mark them there. So annoying.
Is there something I am doing wrong, or is my email on my phone screwed up, or is the just the nature of the HD2 email checker?
Is there a way to fix it?
Emails Won't Delete from Server
I too am having a problem getting emails to delete. I can delete them on the phone, but the next time it connects to the pop email server, the deleted messages reappear and I do have the setup marked to delete them from the server.
Email on my Kaiser worked perfectly with the same settings until I flashed a recent 6.5.x rom at which time it started having the same problems. I assumed this was a problem with the ROM, but the T-Mobile official ROM does the same thing.
just to be sure, is your email account set up as the "Outlook email" or a standard email account?
if it is a standard email account, make sure you are using IMAP and NOT POP3.
Can't remember from the back of my head right now, but tinkering with the settings somewhere for each account, there's an option to "delete and put into the trash can" or "delete it completely off the server".
Solution for Delting E-Mails
The following worked for me. I found that changing the setup to delete immediately as opposed to the default setting of delete on connect/disconnect fixed the problem.
Click the "Windows" hardware button and select "E-Mail" / "Menu" (soft key) / "Options" / "Storage" (tab) and change "Empty deleted items" to immediately.

[TIPS] Yahoo mail setup and sync problems

Let me first start by saying that I hate hate hate Yahoo mail but after using it for 15 years, I can't get rid of it. Not sure if anyone else had this problem or not:
My first attempt was done by going to Accounts and sync/add account on the bottom/Email/ and then I picked the already made Yahoo mail account from that screen. I had nothing but weird things happen. Sync was erratic, if I deleted an email from PC it still existed on the phone and vice versa, etc. I could not change any of the settings such as "delete emails on server" to fix this.
Solution: I deleted the account and set it up a second time but this time I did not choose the already made icon after going to Accounts and sync/add account on the bottom/Email/ . Instead I chose OTHERS and let the S3 do it automatically from there. It works great now. You don't get the cute Y on the email icon in the notification bar but you get a generic email icon in there. Hope this helps someone.

