How do i remove an email account. - HD2 General

Hi, i manually set up my email account for hotmail, but when i out my sim in it made another for hotmail, so now i have 2 hotmail accounts of the same mail.
How do i remove one, there is nothing in the options only edit?

I also have this problem, would appreciate an answer for it!

HTC Sense, Mail tab
Right softkey ("Menu")
"Account settings" option
Right softkey ("Delete")
Select accounts to delete
Left softkey ("Done")
If you want to remove the Outlook account, do so through WMDC.

Thanks for the reply Yunabeco, but I think the issue jrvenge and I are having is that, that option is greyed out so we are unable to delete the account in the way you just described.

Inbox - Menu - Tools - Options - tap and hold on account you wish to delete, select delete after popups menu

Hey thanks it worked, just cant do it in the sense menu, i keep forgetting its a wm phone and you have to go into windows settings to do things not in the sense gui

Argh, still greyed out for me. Gonna kill every process in task manager, see if that helps.

Petulinek said:
Inbox - Menu - Tools - Options - tap and hold on account you wish to delete, select delete after popups menu
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

, i press and hold the hotmail account in the list, the popup has one entry - Delete - but it is still greyed out. Arrrrrgh. Any movement on this issue?

Oh, simple.
Ahhh sorted it.
Sorted it. Start - Windows Live - Menu - Account Options - Switch Windows Live ID - Confirm the warning - (Reject the new terms of service page if it comes up, this only happened the first time i did this, not on subsequent tests)
and you should find the hotmail inbox and contacts are gone.
Press and holding the account name and finding it greyed out seems understandable now, because more that just the email inbox is conected. If you still want the contacts, log back in to live, but untick teh sync email option.

I've tried all of the above and other bits but STILL the hotmail account is greyed out.
I went to the options window to remove it and surprisingly its not even listed, but when i look at the email tab, its sitting there?!?!
I've removed the link to Windows live as listed, i've removed all other email accounts in the hope that the hotmail account will become active so that i can delete it.
Hair pulling time!!!!
Any advice pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee

I was also looking for this since now it is possible to use Exchange Sync for hotmail accounts:
To remove it go to MSN, options, change the user login, then Reject. You end up with no hotmail accounts.


Delete Email Account (Eg: Hotmail)

I recently bought a new MDA. I managed to add Hotmail as an account to my Messages. Now I dont know how to delete it. Please help!!!
My hotmail has too many emails and I dont want to sync my MDA with my hotmail account. I can always check my emails by going online, I didnt think about this :lol:
Also I think a hard reset could delete this account. According to instructions I need to hold down the Comm Manager and Voice Command button together and they press RESET with stylus. This didnt work. Do I do a hard reset with my phone switched on or off.
Any help is much appreciated, Thanks.
You don't need to hard reset your device. When you're under the Messenging just go to "Menu" then "tools" and go to "options." Once you're in that screen, tap and hold the stylus on the account you want to delete and a side menu will pop up with delete. Tap it, then press yes. You're done.
Thanks for you prompt reply. I do not see my added account in there. I am in Messeges > Menu > Tools > Options. All i see is Text Messeges and New Account. When I try to click on Menu I see 'Clear Hotmai' as an option but it is greyed out.
Please advise.
Weird. I guess if you're willing to hard reset, an easy way is to go to the start menu, then systems and press "clear storage" it will ask for the password, default password is 1234. This wipes the phone clean and starts from fresh. Good luck
It worked, Thanks.
Future reference.....
Start---Programs---Pocket MSN---Options---Clear saved password
then proceed to the Switch User tab. Tap Yes to confirm.
That's all. It'll remove your Hotmail accout as well as the large amount e-mails you've downloaded from your hotmail application.
No need for a hard reset.
Agg how to delete hotmail account
I too have accidently hit the hotmail account and now have it in my mail accounts. However I can't delete it like I can the others as it doesn't show in my tool> mail accounts, or by switching user and clearing password in Pocket MSN, I've cleared the user from there but the account still appears. I've tried deleting that file from another thread using dbview and access the email.vol
I've a MDA Vario/HTC Wizard. I'm not sure if some of the hacks are different models. I'm starting to confuse myself. So can someone point me to the correct thread or give me a better solution.
Also, like to delete the default outlook account as well. As it doesn't appear in the list either.

Outlook Emails Deleting

Can someone tell me how to delete an Outlook email message on my handheld (mogul) without having it delete the same message on the exchange server? My blackberry would prompt me to delete on handheld, or both, which was an option I would like to have. Thanks
Truck1008 said:
Can someone tell me how to delete an Outlook email message on my handheld (mogul) without having it delete the same message on the exchange server? My blackberry would prompt me to delete on handheld, or both, which was an option I would like to have. Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When you configure an Outlook or Email account on your phone there is a setting by the end of the configuration that specifies if you want to delete the message from the server or to leave it intact.
You can edit these settings by going into options on the main menu of your messaging screen. Edit your email account. Go through the settings and when you get to the screen with the [Automatic: Send/Receive] [Download Messages]. There is a link at the bottom saying Advanced Settings, click on it. Whithin this menu there is a scroll down option that allows you to either delete the message off the server or to keep it on the server. chose the one you want. Then save your setup.
[email protected]$ said:
You can edit these settings by going into options on the main menu of your messaging screen. Edit your email account. Go through the settings and when you get to the screen with the [Automatic: Send/Receive] [Download Messages]. There is a link at the bottom saying Advanced Settings, click on it. Whithin this menu there is a scroll down option that allows you to either delete the message off the server or to keep it on the server. chose the one you want. Then save your setup.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for your reply Carlos. The options that you mentioned are available for my POP3 email account settings, but are not available when I enter the options for my Outlook email account. Thanks
Truck1008 said:
Thanks for your reply Carlos. The options that you mentioned are available for my POP3 email account settings, but are not available when I enter the options for my Outlook email account. Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm my last gues would be that when you go into the outlook settings on your phone chose only to download the header or a small portion of the email that way it keeps the orginal / full message on the server. That is weird because I delete my email from outlook on my phone and it doesnt delete it from the server unless i go into outlook on my comp and once i delete it from there it will delete it from my phone once I sync.
Why not use IMAP?
I have found IMAP works a lot better then POP or any other feature. It's like a mirror image of looking at your email. Now with google supporting IMAP it's a nice token.
[email protected]$ said:
When you configure an Outlook or Email account on your phone there is a setting by the end of the configuration that specifies if you want to delete the message from the server or to leave it intact.
You can edit these settings by going into options on the main menu of your messaging screen. Edit your email account. Go through the settings and when you get to the screen with the [Automatic: Send/Receive] [Download Messages]. There is a link at the bottom saying Advanced Settings, click on it. Whithin this menu there is a scroll down option that allows you to either delete the message off the server or to keep it on the server. chose the one you want. Then save your setup.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's right, but with imap account you have to select too in: "option -> stockage [TAB] -> emptied delete folder: immediately".
Otherwise, messages will not be deleted from your computer.
It appears to me that if you are using exchange activesync, then you get exactly what is on the exchange server in the inbox.
I have set up some folders to help keep my PDA inbox uncluttered.

Question about email setup on 8125

A few months back I was messing around with MSN options and it added Hotmail to my list of email accounts on my 8125 and it gives no option to remove it. I don't want to check hotmail and never will. How can I remove this? Also, in my list of email accounts is also Outlook Email. Can this be removed also?
Select messaging, Hotmail(or whatever you named the account), menu, tools, options, touch and hold the account name and a delete option will appear. Bye Bye....
Wouldn't this technically be a question about email removal, not email setup?
But seriously, yeah, it's just as easy as tcestes says.
I believe it is a question about removing an account that was set up. Your mileage may vary.......
I've already tried that, guess I should have mentioned it. Actually when I go to Menu, Tools, Options.....Hotmail & Outlook Email are NOT even listed under the accounts. But if I go into my email and click at the upper left for the dropdown menu of all accounts, there they are.

HELP!! Cant delete email accounts from Mail tab

I hope someone out there has come across this problem and found a solution.
I created a hotmail account and it was working for a while then just decided to stop working. I tried to delete the account and start again but it just wont let me delete it. I have a yahoo account and it will quite happily let me delete that one, but the hotmail account is greyed out so cannot be selected.
I've look through all the menu's and gone through various suggestions I have found on here but to no avail.
I now have 2 email accounts (both hotmail) that no longer work and I can no longer delete.
Help Help Help!!
Have you tried to go to Manila Email tab and press menu -> account settings?
Do it and tell me if you see the accounts.
Are you using SWYPE?
If so - dont use swype anymore as i had the issue that the mail accounts disappeared as the entered data wasnt saved.
If you can open up the account settings just fill in the empty fields like pop/imap server and smtp server and password if it disappeared too.
Holla at me if you still need help and figuer out that i was right
I'v look at account settings and the 4 email accounts I have are there, but the 2 hotmail accounts i set up previously (the one's i'm having problems with) are there but they are greyed out.
I cant select them at all to delete them.
No, not using swype, i'm still on the standard 1.43 rom from 02 UK.
did you find a solution, I have the exact same problem
Just a stab in the dark, but have you tried installing (or if you haven't update Windows Live through the Windows Marketplace app)/reinstalling the Windows Live app?
I know from experience the version off the marketplace is newer than the pre-installed version and overwrites the old version and so may overwrite/get rid of the unworking Hotmail accounts?
and don't forget that if you signedinto the live app it creates an undeleteable hotmail account that only disappears once you log out of the live app
thanks for the suggestions, the account is not created through Windows live. I created it by putting in the pop3 and smtp details, its been working OK since just after Xmas. Only thing that as happened recently, is that like others have mentions some of my other email account settings got lost. The email account was set up following the instructions in tip 43 from the Tips and Registry tricks post at the top of this forum. I have other accounts set up in the same way and they are working OK.
I am running stock WWE 1.66 rom
Guys, what worked for me is:
Go to inbox through the Mail tab.
Choose Menu.
Choose Tools
Choose Options
Touch and Hold the account and choose Delete.
Bye Bye Greyed out email account.
I have to make a note that some options of Manilla does not work, but if you approach it from Windows options, then it works.
Good Luck, people of XDA.
In my case it was because I was signed in to Windows Live. Just go to the Messenger screen, option, and choose to change account, and press yes. The account will disappear.

HD2US: It won't delete my emails?!

So I notice I have a new email notification, when I check my email in SenseUI, I hit:
Menu > Delete Message
but about 10 or 15mins later, ill get another email notification, it's the same email I just deleted (or so I thought). I've tried this repeatedly and it will still come back. Ill even click the 'Inbox' and see it's gone, only to find out, it came back. The only way it will delete is if I click 'Inbox' instead of 'Menu' and view my email through WinMo, than click the email and hit 'Menu' > 'Delete'.
This is gotta be a bug, how do I go about fixing this? It's really annoying -_-
"Delete" works for me for Exchange account, doesn't work for gmail.
I'm using Gmail, so make sense, but why on earth would it not work for Gmail? This is frustrating.
this just started to happen to me about an hour ago.
I looked through the settings to try to find the keep a copy on the server option but cannot find that for accounts outside of exchange (windows life / outlook) My yahoo and gmail accounts keep pushing emails.
I recreated both accounts and never saw the option to delete the message from the server as well. I have not had time to really look though.
Any update?
Dont use Menu>delete. Just use the soft leftkey DELETE and it wont come back.
have you tried
emails tab - inbox - menu - tools - options - tap the account you are interested in
click send/recieve schedule - bottom of screen click advanced settings and check teh dropdown 'when deleting messages' is set to delete them off the server.
I had this problem with AOL on my HD2 (shush, now. I like AOL mail, dammit!). I found that opening the mail and then deleting it from the menu got rid of the notification, but the mail, itself, would get pushed back every time I got new mail on the server (although without a notification of it being new). It would only truly be deleted when I did so from my PC. It's no biggie as it no longer tells me I have a new message when I don't, but I guess it could be bothersome for folks that get more e-mail than I do.
Note: I don't have this problem with G-mail at all.

