Exchange ActiveSync Attempts Sync Every Minute - Networking

I'm experiencing a serious Exchange ActiveSync problem. Sometime in the past day or two, my Exchange ActiveSync (I currently sync to a hosted Exchange account with 1&1) starting synchronizing every minute, regardless of whether there was any changes or anything new to sync. It does this no matter whether I tell it to sync as new items arrive, manually, or on some schedule. I have definitely customized my device (3rd party programs, etc.), but the only things I changed over the past day or two was:
- added an IMAP account and set it to check for new mail every 30 mins (it seems this is the only way to enable IMAP IDLE - i.e. it downloads new mail as soon as it comes in) (this is my work email account, so the IMAP server is from my work but because our firewall doesn't allow connections for SMTP, I'm using yahoo's smtp server that I pay for to send outgoing email)
- changed the DNS servers for Sprint Power Vision since one of them was down and therefore Pocket IE requests and other network-related requests that required DNS were taking a long time to complete (see
However, I wasn't paying that close of attention so I'm not sure if the issue started when I made either of the above changes or not. I've since tried removing the IMAP account and it didn't help. Then I completely removed the Exchange ActiveSync profile, sync'ed up to another Exchange server so I could remove all my data (so that when I rejoined Exchange ActiveSync with 1&1 again there wouldn't be duplicates), set-up the IMAP account, and then set up Exchange ActiveSync on 1&1 again and let it download all my data (by the way, this took a loooong time and numerous syncs). However, when I was all done, it was once again attempting to synchronize every minute. I also tried changing the DNS entries back to "use server-assigned addresses" but this had no effect either. I'm at a loss for why its doing this, unless 1&1 has screwed something up somehow. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, as I can't let it stay like this since the continuous sync'ing will kill my battery within a few hours. Thanks.
- Marc
P.S. I'm using a Sprint Treo 700wx running WM5 with the newest 1.15 update from Palm. 1&1 is running Exchange 2003 SP2 as far as I know.

Same problem here,
old situation:
using wm6 (hermes) with exchange server which would sync directly on change.
new situation:
using wm6.1 (hermes) with exchange server syncs once every minute regardless of settings.
hopes someone knows any registrytweaks of changes (wm6 > wm6.1) for this.


Configure Outlook Email to work with Pop3 account

I apologize for my ignorance regarding Pop3 email as all I use is corporate email. I setup an activesync partnership on a laptop that only has EarthLink email. I kind of expected to be able to configure the 8125 to send / receive EarthLink email from it's Outlook E-Mail but it seems that I need to create an separate Pop3 account for EarthLink on his PDA?? I'm sure I'm missing something extremely simple but my searches have been fruitless.
Feel free to blast me into oblivion ( after pointing me in the right direction of course!)
Fire when ready Gridley!
Assuming you wish to get your pop3 email on your PDA whilst it is not connected to your laptop (GPRS or WiFi) you wll you need to create a new email profile on the PDA using your existing email settings. If you just want to syncronise your email between the laptop and PDA then just set up this relationship in Activestink. If you want to use your PDA as the medium over which your laptop will connect to your email account then you will need to configue your PDA as a modem.
Let me know if I am way off in uderstanding your problem...
So my understanding is that even though the client has one email account with EarthLink and he'd like to synchronize his contacts, calendar and email with his PC he has to create a new Pop3 account on his PDA that retrieves his email while he's on the golf course or wherever that is completely separate from his Outlook E-Mail? (and this guy wonders why I'm trying to push him into a corporate email account!)
Thanks for the help!
Yep. Thats how I do it. My POP3 account is duplicated on my PDA and laptop. I use the T-Mobile web push service to shove the emails to the PDA just like text messages. I can't see why a corperate email account would be any better or different. I also have my corperate email on my PDA and corperate laptop. Same process....
Thanks for your help regarding this but now I'm confused. With my corporate I have one and only one account on my PDA which synchronizes with my Exchange server. My question is ... can my client's EarthLink email be downloaded to his PDA's main Outlook E-mail which was configured when I created the AS partnership? Or does he have to have new emails delivered to his EarthLink profile and use his PDA's Outlook profile only to review old emails when his PDA is on the road? This makes absolutely no sense.
There is a major difference between this then and Exchange email.
Sorry to be so boneheaded but I really can't believe that this is supposed to work like this!
Goodness your starting to confuse me :? AFAIK the Outlook email profile on your PDA is purely there to act as a syncronised copy of the email client that you configure AS to work with. If you look in your PDA email options you do not get the opportunity to configure this profile. In effect this profile only gives the user the ability to store on his PDA those emails that already exist on the partner PC. In addition he will be able to edit these emails (Reply, delete, file and create new) whilst the PDA is disconnected from the PC. Upon the next AS syncronisation any ammendments or new emails created on the PDA will be sent using the PC communication path and any new emails receievd into the main PC (Exchange) account will be updated to the PDA. This functionality is desgined for all PDA's BUT remember most PDA's don't have the phone built in so this is exactly the functionality they need.
If you want your clients coperate email to be updated "live" to his PDA (Phone Edition) there are three ways to do it:
1 Configure a POP3 or IMAP4 account on his corperate network with suitable dial-up access - This will be dog slow as the PDA will have to use the GSM (NOT GPRS) network to access.
2 Configure his MS exchange server to handle the new "push" email service available with Exchange 2003 SP2. A relationship is set up between the PDA and the Exchange server and the connection is made over the internet which will allow his GPRS/EDGE connection to be utilised which will be miles quicker than GSM dial-up. This method allows emails to be "pushed" to the PDA in a similar way to text messages rather than the client having to make a connection every 30 mins or whatever. The PDA software will need to be WM5 AKU2.
3 Use a 3rd party relay system such as Goodlink from Good technologies. The PDA can be WM2K3 and does not require AKU2 functionality as a client app will be installed on the phone. This works by having a secure connection between his corperate network and the Good Technlogy service centre which will then link to the PDA in a very similar way to option 2.
Any other email accounts will have their own profile configured on the PDA.
I sure hope this is of some help to cause my fingers are sore typing this out on my Wizard :wink:
Thanks for the info but I'm quite aware of and have been utilizing the corporate methods of PDA email for a number of years. Unfortunately all my clients have Exchange servers so I haven't had to deal with Pop email in quite a number of years. This particular client is a friend that insists on living with his Earthlink email. I'm just so used to having my email synced without having to work so hard!
I appreciate your effort !
Steven Putnam
(not that letters mean anything)
No probs Steven, the only thing I would add is POP3 accounts on a mobile device will normally fall foul of useable SMTP gateways. I'm not sure what earthlink use but if you run into difficulties trying to send emails you'll know where to look. An SMTP relay server that accomodates user validation is required when your "off the ISP network"

Cingular 8125 unique exchange server problem

Ok...I set up an account with web2mail's exchange server...i upgraded to summiters 2.17 rom to enable push email.....and it all worked great up until now(a good month at least). Out of nowhere I couldn't sync with the exchange server over gprs but it would work fine when i was syncing through usb or was connected to the internet through 802.11. It says synching folders and then stops and just displays the last time it synched through other means, i click to check the status and get the error code 0x80072f17. I have checked my gprs settings and have no problem accessing the internet through internet explorer. I noticed another odd thing...I soft reset my device and my recent programs were still listed under the start menu after the reset, normally these would disappear. I though maybe i need to do a hard reset so I went ahead and upgraded to the 2.3 cingular rom on this site hoping that would fix it. But it hasn't, I have the same behavior with the exchange server and the recent programs list (not sure if they are related but..). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DirecPush E-Mail works by maintaining a constant HTTP stream to the Exchange server. What might be messing you up is the Cingular proxy, which I believe might interfere with this HTTP stream.
If you haven't tried it yet, disable the proxy and try again. If you have, then I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Thanks for your response DonnieZ but unfortunately i have already disable the proxy and that didn't help. As an interim fix I have resorted back to XPress Mail and now I remember why I wanted Microsofts direct push to begin with....because it is terrible....
Has anyone else had this problem?? I don't know if anyone has a solution but I would feel a little better if i wasn't the only one with the problem!
It appears that cingular has blocked encrypted connections on their media net plans because they want to charge you more for ecnrypted push email as they are releasing AKU2 this week.....just a heads up
had similar situation... resolved by selecting to use unsecure address for mail2web exchange in device, e.g http:// in place of https://
and unchecking "this server uses a secure connection" in activesync
hope this helps
Cingular, WM5, and SSL
I'm using SSL for my Exchange connection, using AKU 2.3 (Mr Clean), and Cingular.
Couple of points:
1. Mine works, so much for the Cingular SSL theory.
2. To use a SSL connection for Exchange, the ROOT certificate for the authority has to be in the trusted list on your device. For example, a root certificate for Equifax was in the list on the device by default, but the actual Equifax root that issued the cert for our ActiveSync site was not. I extracted that root cert and added to device before setting up sync, works like a dream.
3. WM5 does not support Wildcard certs by default. (*.mymail.pfm) To enable wildcard support, create the following value in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Partners\{GUID OF SERVER CONNECTION}
"Secure"=Dword 0x000001)
The GUID should be easy to figure out, it will be the one with the values referring to your Exchange server.
Hope that helps.
My bad, the value for the key is "0", the "1" blocks it.
Might be your password! At work we have a 90 day lifetime on our domain pasword policy, when we get into the last 10-15 days of that password lifetime you get a message when logging into your PC that your password is expiring soon. When this happens, I have the same problem as the original poster, but, when I change my PW on the domain and then change it on my Wizard, I can sync just fine again. The only thing that I can think of is there is an extra bit of data coming down the pipe with the password exchange notifying of the expiration and it is messing with the sync. This has been verified twice with my account and once with a manager's xv6700.
mail2web ssl
I am using T-Mobile GPRS and free mail2web account. Direct Push and sync over GPRS had been working perfectly over the past months.
However, service quit last Friday or so (notice the date in ageezee's post!!!). Same here: Sync over 802.11 works with the very same server settings. Over GPRS only Error 0x80072f17.
Contacted mail2web service. Recommended restart, disabling of SSL and activating SSL again. Didn't work.
Got Direct Push and sync to work over GPRS after disabling SSL permanently. Might be a mail2web server problem. Still waiting for another reply from service.

Push Email with Exchange Server?

Hi all, im kind of new to this but i just read about push email with exchange server and i was wondering how i could use it with my mda vario. I've already installed an updated rom with push email but i dont know how to use it. can any one fill me in on this? thanks for any help.
You need a Exchange 2003 server with at least SP2 installed. Also a UMTS/GPRS connection because is not working over WIFI.
Bitfrotter 8)
Go to, sign up there. Than put the settings from the website in the Exchange Server settings in Active Sync on your PPC. Set your current email address to automatically forward your email to your mail2web email address. Enable GPRS and enable push email from the Comm Manager and bingo, push email is yours.
Ok, ive already signed up with mail2web but i want to automatically retrieve hotmail emails. i don't see an option on hotmail to forward all my emails to mail2web. am i missing something here? sorry, im inexperienced and all and these are probably lame questions and all. but please help me out. after reading that article i got hyped up in doing this. thanks for any replies.
Bitfrotter said:
You need a Exchange 2003 server with at least SP2 installed. Also a UMTS/GPRS connection because is not working over WIFI.
Bitfrotter 8)
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I've gotten DirectPush to work over WiFi... Maybe that was an earlier ROM version though... I don't recall the circumstances under which I got it to work.
MS says that Direct Push does not work over WiFi. WiFi does not allow disconnected connections (in other words, a connection that allows for the data stream to be suspended). If WiFi did it, it would require a continuous connection that would drain the batteries at a very rapid pace.
Setting up Exchange for Direct Push is pretty easy. I set up ours in about 5 minutes.
One of the coolest things you can do with a correctly configured Exchange 2003 system is with the Mobile Admin pack (free download from MS). It allows you to tell the PDA that it needs to "self-destruct" in case the phone is stolen. A remote wipe will do a hard-reset on the phone, deleting all data not stored on an external SD.
I usually get my email on the MDA faster than Outlook on my desktop.
If any Exchange admins are out there, I can post how to set it up if anyone needs help.
Yes please!
Hotmail has deleted the possibility of forwarding mail automatically a few years ago in the free version, only Hotmail Plus subscribers can use this option. With gmail however it is still free. So a basic hotmail account will not be able to use Push over Exchange. You can however sign in to MSN Messenger on your device and will then be notified as soon as an email arrives on the hotmail server. This will cost you extra data charges though, since contacts coming online will also result in data transfer to your device.
Romp said:
MS says that Direct Push does not work over WiFi. WiFi does not allow disconnected connections (in other words, a connection that allows for the data stream to be suspended). If WiFi did it, it would require a continuous connection that would drain the batteries at a very rapid pace.
Setting up Exchange for Direct Push is pretty easy. I set up ours in about 5 minutes.
One of the coolest things you can do with a correctly configured Exchange 2003 system is with the Mobile Admin pack (free download from MS). It allows you to tell the PDA that it needs to "self-destruct" in case the phone is stolen. A remote wipe will do a hard-reset on the phone, deleting all data not stored on an external SD.
I usually get my email on the MDA faster than Outlook on my desktop.
If any Exchange admins are out there, I can post how to set it up if anyone needs help.
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that would be awesome if you know of a tutorial anywhere on this..
so by creating an exchange server as romp said, you can sync any email including hotmail? well that's really a bummer that microsoft disabled forwarding on hotmail. Its mainly my primary email which all my friends/family know. so it would be a miracle if anyone knew how to sync hotmail without subscribing to their hotmail plus.
Well, getting outside emails are a bit more complex. This is usually for a business, but there are plenty of POP-to-Exchange plug ins that would allow getting Hotmail emails. Of course, you would need the Hotmail Plus for the POP.
My answer was more concerning the Exchange Direct push question, not the hotmail one.
Where I work (yes, I did set up the Exchange system) we have GFI spam filtering and virus filtering ( and they have a POP2Exchange bridge included. It just checks the account, downloads any POP emails, and drops it in the right mailbox.
Exchange is a complete system, not just mail. It has webmail, Windows Mobile direct push, calendar, contacts, and more. Unless you are in a company with Exchange or Small Business Server, its not a cheap thing to do for a home network.
If you DO have Exchange at your office, run to the IT guy and hurt him until he sets your phone up on it. Its all the functionality of Blackberry and more, built into Exchange.
I'll write that tutorial, g0nk.
ok so if we go the mail2web route... i dont need to install exchange 2003 on a pc myself? does it only work on windows server 2003?
im interested in doing this at my job but i want to make sure it is not too difficult
edit.. well we have our own domain email addresses so the [email protected] is not an option..
any suggestions?
Romp said:
Exchange is a complete system, not just mail. It has webmail, Windows Mobile direct push, calendar, contacts, and more.
If you DO have Exchange at your office, run to the IT guy and hurt him until he sets your phone up on it. Its all the functionality of Blackberry and more, built into Exchange.
I'll write that tutorial, g0nk.
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1) Agreed
2) I am the IT guy and it don't work on our server - the rootcertificate won't install to the PPC - an MS acknowledged problem............
3) Please forward ASAP !! Thanks !! :lol:
Is it a self published cert? Because you CAN get any externally issued cert to work just fine. We use a $15 GoDaddy cert with no problems.
The big screw up most people have with the cert (myself included) is that the cert is not correctly installed, even though it says it is.
Cheaper certs are called "Chained" certs. All certs need a path back to one of the big cert companies. So, companies like GoDaddy get approved to be second level cert issuers. IE on the PC will look at the cert and track it back to the main cert issuer. For example, the cert on GoDaddy goes from GoDaddy, to Starfield, to VeriCert. The VeriCert certificate is installed on all PCs.
Anyway, the problem is that the PC can follow an undefined cert path, the PPC can't. If you install the cert on the server, IE on the PC can figure out the whole path, PPC can't. So, the big thing is to make sure the MIDDLE CERTS are installed on the server. Even though everything seems fine, chances are that the middle ones are not (in this case STARFIELD)
The easiest way to find out if the cert is valid or not is try to get to your webmail on PIE. If you get a message about the cert, your server is not set up completely.
For my server, I had no luck until I found the Intermediary Cert and installed it.
Once that was done, my GoDaddy cert worked on the PPC and syncs went perfectly. Once the server has all the certs in the cert path installed, the PPC can validate each level. Until then, its clueless. Most people think you need to install the cert on the PPC. Its the server that needs it.
Does the self published cert only cause problems with direct push? I've got the "old" polling method working. I created a root CA on my server to sign the cert created for the web server and then turned that root CA into a CAB which was installed on the PPC. I should say that my phone doesn't have an AKU 2.xx rom on yet so I've not tested push mail.
This is all outlined in the following doc :
Also look at if you are running a non sbs2003 exchange server in a configuration that doesn't have a front end/back end exchange server configuration. As there are some minor tweeks needed to the registry and to the default web server setup.
If you can do a remote Activesync, then DirectPush will work just fine.
A newbie Direct Push question:
I upgraded my 8125 ROM to the official Cingular June 19 version, and direct push SEEMS to be working great my my Hosted Exchange provider. When new email comes in to my Exchange server and/or a task / calendar / contact is changed on the desktop Outlook client, those get pushed quickly to the 8125.
Problem is, it doesn't seem to work in reverse. For example, IF I get an email pushed to me on my PDA, I read it and delete it on my PDA.....that deletion action is NOT getting syncronized back to my Exchange server. Is that by design, or is indeed something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
not sure if it helps, but you can change when pocket outlook deletes mail, there are 3 options:
on connect/disconnect
I dunno if changing that will help you at all, but its in the pocket outlook options.
I'll shut up now, in case I misunderstood
jmel said:
not sure if it helps, but you can change when pocket outlook deletes mail, there are 3 options:
on connect/disconnect
I dunno if changing that will help you at all, but its in the pocket outlook options.
I'll shut up now, in case I misunderstood
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I appreciate your reply, but my question is beyond centers around Driect thinking is, regardless of that setting you referred to, once the email is deleted on the PDA, the PDA should "reverse-push" that deletion to the Exchange server, and mine does not seem to be doing that.
I hope that is a little clearer?
No, his answer was right. The reverse of the Push is not the same. You have to set the options as Jmel suggested. Its basically to save data.
This allows you to go through your mail, delete all your spam and crap, then update the server. Doing so immediately would be a waste. Recieving/sending emails is considered vital, deleting them...not so much.

PushMail with Exchange

I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
Olleman said:
Any ideas?
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Yes, wait for a new ROM. Hopefully will be fixed then...
I have the same problem. Testet the server with MTeoR and 9100, they get the email direct, without the 10 minutes delay.
Go to ActiveSync --> Menu --> Schedule...
Change the settings in "Peak times" and "Off-peak times" to "As items arrive" instead of "Every 10 minutes".
Olleman said:
I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
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Hi Olle
I also have push e-mail enabled on my TyTN and I normally receive my mails just a bit before they arrive in my Outlook Inbox.
Can you check your ActiveSync schedule? Is it really set to "As Items Arrive" or have you set a frequency (every 5 or 10 minutes)?
Also, what ROM version are you using?
Thanks for your answers, I went through all the settings I could find before I posted and I do have active synch and sceduling set to "when items arrive" it was actully my default setting.
My ROM version is:
Swedish language.
I do too, as many others have the same problem with bluetooth stereo sound so I'm looking forward to a new ROM release, perhaps that will solve my 10 minutes delay as well - or could it be some setting on the server?
I have also noticed that my device definetley seems to draw more power with pushmail activated than what it did when I used IMAP4 and looked for new mail every 20 minutes. I always have my 3G/GPRS connection active since I've got flatrate on data.
Could be your Operator's DHCP lease timeout policy that's getting you. You're describing exactly the push email situation that happens when your phone's IP address changes faster than the 7 minute heartbeat. Your description fits right down to the increased power consumption too btw. Try this: check your IP address every 5 minutes or so using to see if its changing. If it is then there's your problem and you need to see if your operator has a plan that provides a DHCP lease timeout that's greater than 7 minutes.
Also, there's an A2DP solution too but it involves buying more headset hardware.....
hm...not that problem either, I seem to have the same IP number as long as my connection is active..
Hi again,
hm....just to add some more information to the subject that perhaps will help someone to see what the problem is...
I tried setting the schedule to every 10 minutes and back again to "when object arrives" (I've got swedish language on the phone so I'm not sure about the exact phrase) to see if the setting somehow had "locked"....same result though. I did however find something peculiar, my phone is synching every 8 minutes the WHOLE time, I've never used push mail before but I assume that it shouldn't behave like that except if I do get an e-mail every 8 minutes - right?
It also says in active synch that it's synching "E-mail 0/1" every time but I seldome have a new mail after this "every 8 minute synch".
Ohh btw, about the A2DP thing, I don't really considder it a fix if one needs to buy new hardware, that's more like going around the problem. I've got the latest Sony Ericsson A2DP Stereo headset and the phone should definetley be able to use it.
Any ideas anyone ?
Best Regards, Olle
hi guys when setting up push mail, will it auto detect if server has latest service pack etc, as i have set mine up and dont have the option for 'as they arrive' under schedule only got manual,5m,10m etc
I think you have a problem with the setup of your infra.
You need to :
*Configure your exchnage to enable Direst push
*Put an HTTP timeout of a least 15 minutes
Take care if you are using Microsoft ISA2000 you need to adapt registry key.
More info please visit
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
Yes in fact enabling the push on the exchange side (or your mobile) is quite simple but some strange behaviour can occur...
ie: the direst push is based on http session that must be keep online during 15 minutes...
also the device receive at it FIRST configuration that the Exchange is able to perform direct push if at the time of the configuration the exchnage was not able to perform direct push you have a risk that you would never be inform of the capability so you need to reconfigure your device ...
ISA2000 is not able to relay (by default, without modifiyng the registry) the fatc that you exchange is Direct push enable...
your sysop will found many information on my website here upper.
Olleman said:
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
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Well, my TyTN is sync'ing every 8. minute aswell. But Push is working correctly with MTeoR and 9100 with the same Exchange server.
Guys has anyone got a step by step on setting up push, cause there seem to be options and things that some people leave out, My compnay is trying to test it to see if we should roll it out and microsoft just keep blowing their horn about how great it is and nothing on how to make it work!
Standard Tytn and standard exchange server, starting from scratch.
Also just a note that with the Tytn my boss has handed me and with it in it's current state the schedule option is greyed out, I would ideally like to reset and start again, but it is his one we are testing before we role out XDA mini-s's
OK, problem sorted, looks like the servers I was adding, if i clicked the adanced options it wouldn't save, so now, setting up of a server is done and is syncing.
EDIT; nope, still not syncing up although now I can press the sync button and it actually does something, takes ages , but says 'none' under last sync
Olleman, are you using Office 2007 as well?
I exited Outlook 2007 (beta) and it seems that the typical "syncronize every 8. minute"-thing has stopped.
EDIT: No I'm lying. It had no effect...
8 minute syncs mean the connection is being dropped between your PDA and your Exchange server. Every 7 minutes the PDA side heartbeat wakes up activesync and re-establishes the connection and AUTD syncs your mailbox. Exchange can't send email to you when it arrives because it can't signal your PDA's activesync and tell it to perform an AUTD operation because the existing connection is getting dropped. So it queues the request for the next time the connection gets established.
That being said, there are a number of things that could cause the connection to drop. Since your IP address appears to be stable, that isn't one of them and your next step is firewall timeouts. As has been stated earlier, if your Exchange system has an ISA as its front end then the heartbeat timeout has to be increased from its default value using the indicated links.
I actually implemented mine w/o an ISA by enabling http proxy on the front end server. So, the only device in my way is our Checkpoint firewall which has a 30 minute https timeout (no issues). You might also have to check your own firewall timeout settings for https (or http if, God forbid, that is your connection).
Also: the date and time are correct on your PDA right?
OK, now that I have the server there, thought it might work, but no go, can anyone give more details on what i should do?
Well, I have T-mobile and if I use the default t-mobile ROM. I can sync with all but email. I set up an exchange server without ssl so I can use the $4.99 tzones plan, (HTTP only). :lol:
Works fine if you hard reset and do not allow their ext rom crap to load by soft resetting after the hard reset.
Without their limited, BULL S*&##T, attempt at making more money by charging you extra just to use the Server Activesync functions, ,,, ya, stuff that is in WM5 and works fine by default, bastards.
Anyway, try to softreset after doing to pen alignment stuff, after a hard reset, before it loads the ext rom programs, and ServerActivesync will work, or use another ROM.
Settle down, Beavis :lol:

Exchange server syncing problems

All my other mail accounts sync perfectly on my HD2 except my outlook exchange account which I have yet to access. All the setting (domain, mail server) are correct and my co-workers who use android, and iphone have no problem logging into their work email. What's the deal? The error message reads, "a network or server error is currently preventing your device from syncing".
I about blew my brains out trying to set up my exchange account on my HD2. The most frustrating part is that all of the settings were correct. What finally got it set up and syncing? Hitting "sync" over and over again. It took me about an hour and a half of checking and unchecking boxes until everything was finally synced for the first time. Now that it's finally set up, it's running just fine.
Not sure if it's a glitch, or just an ActiveSync thing, but it took me a while before everything synced correctly.
leo876 said:
All my other mail accounts sync perfectly on my HD2 except my outlook exchange account which I have yet to access. All the setting (domain, mail server) are correct and my co-workers who use android, and iphone have no problem logging into their work email. What's the deal? The error message reads, "a network or server error is currently preventing your device from syncing".
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I have the same problem and did everything in my power to get it to work. The main problem with me and the company's exchange server are the Certificates are not allowing the device to sync correctly. Since we are using WMo I guess it is more difficult to overrule the Security Certificates that by the way are expired and need to be updated.
Long story short…”I gave up” and only use the POP3 line that only gives you access to emails instead of Contacts, calendar, etc…
I think all of you probably need to talk to your Admin about getting a security certificate to install on your phone.
Setting up Exchange on the HD2 is simple and works for me every time... Our server requires me to have a certificate and I've reset my phone about 5 times and set up my outlook email with no probs every single time... But to get it to sync I have to install the Security Certificate. Any secure exchange server with a smart Admin requires one to access the server from the outside...
If you are putting in the correct user, pass, domain and server address, then that is probably it. Also make sure you Data Connection is not disabled in Settings/Wireless Controls.
Hope this helps...

