PushMail with Exchange - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle

Olleman said:
Any ideas?
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Yes, wait for a new ROM. Hopefully will be fixed then...
I have the same problem. Testet the server with MTeoR and 9100, they get the email direct, without the 10 minutes delay.

Go to ActiveSync --> Menu --> Schedule...
Change the settings in "Peak times" and "Off-peak times" to "As items arrive" instead of "Every 10 minutes".

Olleman said:
I just got PushMail activated on our company Exchange server and sychronising now works great, contacts, email etc. I do however got this annoying problem that mail shows up like 10 minutes after they have been sent and recieved at the server (I checked in Outlook and the mail had arrived) starting synchronizing manually or just hitting "send and recieve" in pocketoutlook immiedetly finds and downloads the new e-mail. If I wat about 10 minutes the mail shows up as well, but is this really how it should work isn't push mail all about the mail coming in the moment it's sent?
Push Mail is activated in my comm manager...
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Olle
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Hi Olle
I also have push e-mail enabled on my TyTN and I normally receive my mails just a bit before they arrive in my Outlook Inbox.
Can you check your ActiveSync schedule? Is it really set to "As Items Arrive" or have you set a frequency (every 5 or 10 minutes)?
Also, what ROM version are you using?

Thanks for your answers, I went through all the settings I could find before I posted and I do have active synch and sceduling set to "when items arrive" it was actully my default setting.
My ROM version is:
Swedish language.
I do too, as many others have the same problem with bluetooth stereo sound so I'm looking forward to a new ROM release, perhaps that will solve my 10 minutes delay as well - or could it be some setting on the server?
I have also noticed that my device definetley seems to draw more power with pushmail activated than what it did when I used IMAP4 and looked for new mail every 20 minutes. I always have my 3G/GPRS connection active since I've got flatrate on data.

Could be your Operator's DHCP lease timeout policy that's getting you. You're describing exactly the push email situation that happens when your phone's IP address changes faster than the 7 minute heartbeat. Your description fits right down to the increased power consumption too btw. Try this: check your IP address every 5 minutes or so using www.myipaddress.com to see if its changing. If it is then there's your problem and you need to see if your operator has a plan that provides a DHCP lease timeout that's greater than 7 minutes.
Also, there's an A2DP solution too but it involves buying more headset hardware.....

hm...not that problem either, I seem to have the same IP number as long as my connection is active..

Hi again,
hm....just to add some more information to the subject that perhaps will help someone to see what the problem is...
I tried setting the schedule to every 10 minutes and back again to "when object arrives" (I've got swedish language on the phone so I'm not sure about the exact phrase) to see if the setting somehow had "locked"....same result though. I did however find something peculiar, my phone is synching every 8 minutes the WHOLE time, I've never used push mail before but I assume that it shouldn't behave like that except if I do get an e-mail every 8 minutes - right?
It also says in active synch that it's synching "E-mail 0/1" every time but I seldome have a new mail after this "every 8 minute synch".
Ohh btw, about the A2DP thing, I don't really considder it a fix if one needs to buy new hardware, that's more like going around the problem. I've got the latest Sony Ericsson A2DP Stereo headset and the phone should definetley be able to use it.
Any ideas anyone ?
Best Regards, Olle

hi guys when setting up push mail, will it auto detect if server has latest service pack etc, as i have set mine up and dont have the option for 'as they arrive' under schedule only got manual,5m,10m etc

I think you have a problem with the setup of your infra.
You need to :
*Configure your exchnage to enable Direst push
*Put an HTTP timeout of a least 15 minutes
Take care if you are using Microsoft ISA2000 you need to adapt registry key.
More info please visit www.httpsync.net

Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle

Yes in fact enabling the push on the exchange side (or your mobile) is quite simple but some strange behaviour can occur...
ie: the direst push is based on http session that must be keep online during 15 minutes...
also the device receive at it FIRST configuration that the Exchange is able to perform direct push if at the time of the configuration the exchnage was not able to perform direct push you have a risk that you would never be inform of the capability so you need to reconfigure your device ...
ISA2000 is not able to relay (by default, without modifiyng the registry) the fatc that you exchange is Direct push enable...
your sysop will found many information on my website here upper.

Olleman said:
Thanks for your answer, by infra, I assume you mean the exchange server that I'm synching with? I'm leaning more and more towards this as well since all the settings on my phone seems correct and our server admin has just enabled push mail on our server and noone else is using it at our company but me yet.
Best Regards, Olle
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Well, my TyTN is sync'ing every 8. minute aswell. But Push is working correctly with MTeoR and 9100 with the same Exchange server.

Guys has anyone got a step by step on setting up push, cause there seem to be options and things that some people leave out, My compnay is trying to test it to see if we should roll it out and microsoft just keep blowing their horn about how great it is and nothing on how to make it work!
Standard Tytn and standard exchange server, starting from scratch.

Also just a note that with the Tytn my boss has handed me and with it in it's current state the schedule option is greyed out, I would ideally like to reset and start again, but it is his one we are testing before we role out XDA mini-s's
OK, problem sorted, looks like the servers I was adding, if i clicked the adanced options it wouldn't save, so now, setting up of a server is done and is syncing.
EDIT; nope, still not syncing up although now I can press the sync button and it actually does something, takes ages , but says 'none' under last sync

Olleman, are you using Office 2007 as well?
I exited Outlook 2007 (beta) and it seems that the typical "syncronize every 8. minute"-thing has stopped.
EDIT: No I'm lying. It had no effect...

8 minute syncs mean the connection is being dropped between your PDA and your Exchange server. Every 7 minutes the PDA side heartbeat wakes up activesync and re-establishes the connection and AUTD syncs your mailbox. Exchange can't send email to you when it arrives because it can't signal your PDA's activesync and tell it to perform an AUTD operation because the existing connection is getting dropped. So it queues the request for the next time the connection gets established.
That being said, there are a number of things that could cause the connection to drop. Since your IP address appears to be stable, that isn't one of them and your next step is firewall timeouts. As has been stated earlier, if your Exchange system has an ISA as its front end then the heartbeat timeout has to be increased from its default value using the indicated links.
I actually implemented mine w/o an ISA by enabling http proxy on the front end server. So, the only device in my way is our Checkpoint firewall which has a 30 minute https timeout (no issues). You might also have to check your own firewall timeout settings for https (or http if, God forbid, that is your connection).
Also: the date and time are correct on your PDA right?

OK, now that I have the server there, thought it might work, but no go, can anyone give more details on what i should do?

Well, I have T-mobile and if I use the default t-mobile ROM. I can sync with all but email. I set up an exchange server without ssl so I can use the $4.99 tzones plan, (HTTP only). :lol:
Works fine if you hard reset and do not allow their ext rom crap to load by soft resetting after the hard reset.
Without their limited, BULL S*&##T, attempt at making more money by charging you extra just to use the Server Activesync functions, ,,, ya, stuff that is in WM5 and works fine by default, bastards.
Anyway, try to softreset after doing to pen alignment stuff, after a hard reset, before it loads the ext rom programs, and ServerActivesync will work, or use another ROM.

Settle down, Beavis :lol:


Cingular 8125 unique exchange server problem

Ok...I set up an account with web2mail's exchange server...i upgraded to summiters 2.17 rom to enable push email.....and it all worked great up until now(a good month at least). Out of nowhere I couldn't sync with the exchange server over gprs but it would work fine when i was syncing through usb or was connected to the internet through 802.11. It says synching folders and then stops and just displays the last time it synched through other means, i click to check the status and get the error code 0x80072f17. I have checked my gprs settings and have no problem accessing the internet through internet explorer. I noticed another odd thing...I soft reset my device and my recent programs were still listed under the start menu after the reset, normally these would disappear. I though maybe i need to do a hard reset so I went ahead and upgraded to the 2.3 cingular rom on this site hoping that would fix it. But it hasn't, I have the same behavior with the exchange server and the recent programs list (not sure if they are related but..). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DirecPush E-Mail works by maintaining a constant HTTP stream to the Exchange server. What might be messing you up is the Cingular proxy, which I believe might interfere with this HTTP stream.
If you haven't tried it yet, disable the proxy and try again. If you have, then I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Thanks for your response DonnieZ but unfortunately i have already disable the proxy and that didn't help. As an interim fix I have resorted back to XPress Mail and now I remember why I wanted Microsofts direct push to begin with....because it is terrible....
Has anyone else had this problem?? I don't know if anyone has a solution but I would feel a little better if i wasn't the only one with the problem!
It appears that cingular has blocked encrypted connections on their media net plans because they want to charge you more for ecnrypted push email as they are releasing AKU2 this week.....just a heads up
had similar situation... resolved by selecting to use unsecure address for mail2web exchange in device, e.g http:// in place of https://
and unchecking "this server uses a secure connection" in activesync
hope this helps
Cingular, WM5, and SSL
I'm using SSL for my Exchange connection, using AKU 2.3 (Mr Clean), and Cingular.
Couple of points:
1. Mine works, so much for the Cingular SSL theory.
2. To use a SSL connection for Exchange, the ROOT certificate for the authority has to be in the trusted list on your device. For example, a root certificate for Equifax was in the list on the device by default, but the actual Equifax root that issued the cert for our ActiveSync site was not. I extracted that root cert and added to device before setting up sync, works like a dream.
3. WM5 does not support Wildcard certs by default. (*.mymail.pfm) To enable wildcard support, create the following value in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Partners\{GUID OF SERVER CONNECTION}
"Secure"=Dword 0x000001)
The GUID should be easy to figure out, it will be the one with the values referring to your Exchange server.
Hope that helps.
My bad, the value for the key is "0", the "1" blocks it.
Might be your password! At work we have a 90 day lifetime on our domain pasword policy, when we get into the last 10-15 days of that password lifetime you get a message when logging into your PC that your password is expiring soon. When this happens, I have the same problem as the original poster, but, when I change my PW on the domain and then change it on my Wizard, I can sync just fine again. The only thing that I can think of is there is an extra bit of data coming down the pipe with the password exchange notifying of the expiration and it is messing with the sync. This has been verified twice with my account and once with a manager's xv6700.
mail2web ssl
I am using T-Mobile GPRS and free mail2web account. Direct Push and sync over GPRS had been working perfectly over the past months.
However, service quit last Friday or so (notice the date in ageezee's post!!!). Same here: Sync over 802.11 works with the very same server settings. Over GPRS only Error 0x80072f17.
Contacted mail2web service. Recommended restart, disabling of SSL and activating SSL again. Didn't work.
Got Direct Push and sync to work over GPRS after disabling SSL permanently. Might be a mail2web server problem. Still waiting for another reply from service.

DirectPush - Send, Recieve Folders - but no email!!

I have setup Direct Push on our Exchange servers and setup my Qtek 9100 to DirectPush from it.
I recieve the folder structure
It tells me how many emails need downloading
I can SEND emails
But it doesnt bring any emails down!!
Can anyone help??
I seem to be having this EXACT same issue. I cannot figure out what is failing.
Hmmm.. I am not at all sure, but I have an idea. If you go to activesync on the phone, and then go to configure server (under the menu right softkey), and then hit next and next again, you should see the screen with the things you are syncing... contacts/calendar/email/taskes, ect... If you then click on email, the settings button sould un-grey. Click settings. Change "Include the previous" and "limit email size" to "all", and then hit the "ok" in the upper right corner, and then finish. Hit the left softkey for sync, and it should get all of your email from the server... I have no way of knowing if this is indeed your problem, but I thought it may be worth a try... I would be interested to know if it works!
I have seen someone with exactly the same problem which I couldn't solve.
Are you by any chance running Microsoft SmallBusinessServer 2003 and Microsoft ISA 2004 :?:
We are running ISA Server...
Does everyone have this problem with Qtek or is it universal? I was going to try update ROM because you cant change account settings once you put them in, they grey out! But the ROM on Qtek seems a lower number than that I have installed... and Im not entirely sure what a ROM update does.
I have selected ALL on everything, just the number of emails to download increases... say 500 it displays 0/500 then 125/500 then disappears, still no email or anything!!
Just tried updating ActiveSync to 4.2 on a HP 6915...
Same problem...!!
Ok, here is what I've learned (which isn't much) so far:
I'm using a T-Mobile MDA with the stock firmware. I am trying to connect to Exchange Server 2003. I've seen the server options grey out as well, but the trick I've used is to configure the server options in Active Sync on the pc you have it connected to. The Windows Mobile version of Active Sync doesn't seem to play as nice at times.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have tried that as well. I actually went through the same steps with a T-Mobile SDA on trial as well. When I do the steps that you outlined on both devices, I actually pull down all the mail...but I get no new messages as they come (and I did configure the SMS to send "As they arrive".
I'm starting to think this is more of an issue with either Active Sync, Exchange, or how T-Mobile handles push email from Exchange.
I honestly dunno about qtec, I have a T-mobile MDA. I am running rom version 2.26.10.WWE (just upgraded...) and I am using the Microsoft Direct Push (no SMS required... ) What rom are you using, and are you using the direct push or the SMS method (as I believe they work differently...) You can get the rom I have from a link in this thread:
although it is customized for T-mobile....
I have a T-Mobile MDA as well. Star...did you get push email working with the stock ROM on the device?
Nope, when I got it push email was not supported by the default rom, and so I upgraded. I recently got a new one because the old one broke, but I believe that I upgraded this one before I tried to setup the push, so I dunno if it is supported by the default rom, or how well this works... hope this helps...
Starcruiser1229 said:
Nope, when I got it push email was not supported by the default rom, and so I upgraded. I recently got a new one because the old one broke, but I believe that I upgraded this one before I tried to setup the push, so I dunno if it is supported by the default rom, or how well this works... hope this helps...
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That's easy to find out - in ActiveSync on the device, set the schedule to "as items arrive". If you've got AKU2 on the device, it should NOT ask you for a unique device address.
You can also make sure by going into settings > system > about; my OS shows as "OS 5.1.195 (Build 14955.2.3.0). Afaik, that means I have AKU 2.3 on the device. You need at least AKU 2 for DirectPush to work. Oh, and Exchange 2003 SP2 on the server.
Did everyone else just setup DirectPush and recieve emails straight away, or is it just me with the problem?
Does ISA effect it??
ellisjacklin said:
Did everyone else just setup DirectPush and recieve emails straight away, or is it just me with the problem?
Does ISA effect it??
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If you get the folder structure, ISA should not be the problem. And yes, DirectPush works right away; if you have AKU 2.x on the device and when connecting to the server it determines that the server supports DirectPush, it should work at once.
Of course, DirectPush can be disabled in the Exchange System Administrator console. That would explain the effects you are experiencing.
Do you mean the tickbox 'Enable DirectPush' in Exchange Manager?
This is enabled on the Front End and main Exchange servers..
ellisjacklin said:
Do you mean the tickbox 'Enable DirectPush' in Exchange Manager?
This is enabled on the Front End and main Exchange servers..
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Yes, that's the one I meant. Did you increase the timeout on the ISA server to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)? Does it work with other Windows Mobile devices? Does your mobile operator maybe not support persistent connections?
I have just set this for Outgoing and Incoming to 1800.
Tried my PDA and it still does the same thing, shows me how many it needs to download (which is nice) and then decides not to download them.
Vodafone (provider) tell me as long as Internet APN is active, which it is, it should be fine.
ellisjacklin said:
I have just set this for Outgoing and Incoming to 1800.
Tried my PDA and it still does the same thing, shows me how many it needs to download (which is nice) and then decides not to download them.
Vodafone (provider) tell me as long as Internet APN is active, which it is, it should be fine.
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Somewhere in ActiveSync, you can set the debug level to "verbose". Does it tell you any more when you set it that way? Also, on the backend Exchange Server (where your mailbox resides), check the entries in the IIS Log (%systemroot%\system32\Logfiles\w3svc1\exYYMMDD.log - assuming it runs in the default Web Site, else w3svc1 will be something else). Do you have IIS Lockdown installed on the server? What happens if you sync manually, does that work? In the settings of the user (Active Directory Users and Computers), are the Exchange features pertaining to Active Sync activated?
I have set this to Verbose, cant see any effects of it though..?
If I sync manually, it tells me what there is to download, doesnt download them, then goes again and does 0/1 on everything. And ends seemingly normal bringing nothing down.
I have lots of log entries relating to the GET and PROPFIND from ActiveSync in the log but I cant see anything displaying a problem.. everything seems to be communicating but just not bringing down the emails..
User Enabled Syncronisation is set against the user on AD.
ellisjacklin said:
I have set this to Verbose, cant see any effects of it though..?
If I sync manually, it tells me what there is to download, doesnt download them, then goes again and does 0/1 on everything. And ends seemingly normal bringing nothing down.
I have lots of log entries relating to the GET and PROPFIND from ActiveSync in the log but I cant see anything displaying a problem.. everything seems to be communicating but just not bringing down the emails..
User Enabled Syncronisation is set against the user on AD.
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After enabling verbose and trying one sync, what does it show when you hit "view status" in ActiveSync? Also, is it possible that you have policies in Exchange 2003 in place and your device is not compliant (e.g. no/too short password)?
Ive tried Verbose and no error is displayed, everything ends normal on Sync.
It is strange that you can send emails from the device no problems, so I assume the device is compliant. I have tried a HP PDA and have the same problem.

Exchange ActiveSync Attempts Sync Every Minute

I'm experiencing a serious Exchange ActiveSync problem. Sometime in the past day or two, my Exchange ActiveSync (I currently sync to a hosted Exchange account with 1&1) starting synchronizing every minute, regardless of whether there was any changes or anything new to sync. It does this no matter whether I tell it to sync as new items arrive, manually, or on some schedule. I have definitely customized my device (3rd party programs, etc.), but the only things I changed over the past day or two was:
- added an IMAP account and set it to check for new mail every 30 mins (it seems this is the only way to enable IMAP IDLE - i.e. it downloads new mail as soon as it comes in) (this is my work email account, so the IMAP server is from my work but because our firewall doesn't allow connections for SMTP, I'm using yahoo's smtp server that I pay for to send outgoing email)
- changed the DNS servers for Sprint Power Vision since one of them was down and therefore Pocket IE requests and other network-related requests that required DNS were taking a long time to complete (see http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/htc-...7-web-access-problems-ie-stalls-locating.html)
However, I wasn't paying that close of attention so I'm not sure if the issue started when I made either of the above changes or not. I've since tried removing the IMAP account and it didn't help. Then I completely removed the Exchange ActiveSync profile, sync'ed up to another Exchange server so I could remove all my data (so that when I rejoined Exchange ActiveSync with 1&1 again there wouldn't be duplicates), set-up the IMAP account, and then set up Exchange ActiveSync on 1&1 again and let it download all my data (by the way, this took a loooong time and numerous syncs). However, when I was all done, it was once again attempting to synchronize every minute. I also tried changing the DNS entries back to "use server-assigned addresses" but this had no effect either. I'm at a loss for why its doing this, unless 1&1 has screwed something up somehow. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, as I can't let it stay like this since the continuous sync'ing will kill my battery within a few hours. Thanks.
- Marc
P.S. I'm using a Sprint Treo 700wx running WM5 with the newest 1.15 update from Palm. 1&1 is running Exchange 2003 SP2 as far as I know.
Same problem here,
old situation:
using wm6 (hermes) with exchange server which would sync directly on change.
new situation:
using wm6.1 (hermes) with exchange server syncs once every minute regardless of settings.
hopes someone knows any registrytweaks of changes (wm6 > wm6.1) for this.

Nexus & Exchange email

Morning - looks like I am one of the few in the Uk to have got my Nexus - arrived yesterday morning complete with engraving on the back.
As an aside the DHL tracking on the web still shows as only "shipment details received"!
The reason for my post is getting email from my Exchange server - it all works fine with my iPhone and Hero, but when ever I try to connect with the Nexus I keep getting "Setup could not finish - Unable to open connection to the server"
I have tried Touchdown and it is also upable to get the activesync profile from my server! gets a Error 500:
Is there something simple I am missing? I am able to browse the wen and get my gmail on the device but no exchange!
Any help would be great
I have been able to use both the Android mail connection & Touchdown to connect to my hosted Exchange server (2007) using SSL, I guess as you have connected from other devices you must know the settings of the server.
Are you connecting via Wifi or 3G ?
Shouldn't make a difference, but which carrier are you on & did you get the 3G correct ?
Can you connect to the server on OWA via the browser ?
Good luck
Working fine for me, have you tried playing around with the settings? E.g. mine doesn't work unless I've checked the SLL box (but not the accept SLL certificates box), and make sure you precede the username with domain\
tried on both 3g and wifi - both no joy
just been looking for roadsync on the market and I don't appear to have any paid apps either...
been using an O2 sim just putting my orange sim to see if it makes a difference but doubt it will as wifi doesn't work...
I originally had a problem connecting with the native activesync with a similar error, however touchdown worked fine. I would try touchdown quick config and see if it can figure it out. You also might need to look at the certificate options under touchdown. Forcing that might help.
I have tried again with Touchdown - and managed to capture these results from the log:
I have reset my hero and reconnected to my exchange server and it connects fine...
I have called HTC to arrange a hardware replacement but the guy on the phone didn't seem to know what he was doing.
Checking Certificate...
Checking ActiveSync with SSL...
ActiveSync location returned HTTP code 500 : ( The request was rejected by the HTTP filter. Contact the server administrator. )
ActiveSync Version :ActiveSync ERROR :500
Trying activesync protocol 121...
ActiveSync provisioning returns HTTP:400
Error provisioning ActiveSync: Policy status is 0
Trying activesync protocol 2.5...
ActiveSync provisioning returns HTTP:200
ActiveSync provisioning success
The following policies have been requested :
- Allow Simple password
Refreshing AS folders
Error refreshing folders
Socket is not connected:Exception performing request
ActiveSync version check returned negative, but still trying for 12.1
Checking 2007 with SSL...
attr value delimiter missing! (position:START_TAG <HTML dir='null'>@2:11 in [email protected]) for operation: Subscribe-> Error renewing a subscription
Socket is not connected for operation: Subscribe-> Error renewing a subscription
Checking 2003 with SSL...
Checking 2003 without SSL...
Socket is not connected:Exception performing request
Would welcome any help from someone wiser than me
How did you capture the log from Touchdown?
I'm using Touchdown here as well and have no issues to speak of. From what it looks like it might be something server-side?
Quick connect in touchdown captures the log as it tries to connect.
I agree it all points towards a server issue, but what is different between the nexus and the hero? I have reset my hero and reconnected with the standard android active sync connnector and it works fine. I use a neuxs with the exact same settings on either touchdown or the android connector and it fails!
It is driving me mad - I have synced my outlook contacts with my gmail account so I at least have numbers etc. but without email this phone is going to end up on ebay real fast
Not sure, but have you set the simple password in Touchdown? It looks like that is a required policy and if touchdown doesn't report back that it is set you won't be able to configure.
because the hero doesn't support the simple pin I got my exchange admin to remove this requirement for me
An even bigger thing for me was the lack of Exchange Calendar Sync on the N1. Seems a terrible omission when the Droid/Milestone supports it without trouble.

Push email and Telstra HD2

Can anyone confirm that they receive their push email through Exchange server (via Activesync) instantly on their Tesltra HD2 (stock ROM) whilst using Tesltra's Mobile Email plan? I am only getting my email every 8 minutes (which appears to be a result of the server not allowing the connection to remain open for the duration of each exchange heartbeat). Tesltra says there is no fault on their side, HTC and my IT deptartment likewise deny responsibility!
Anybody? My last resort is to flash the ROM with a generic ROM and remove the Dedicated settings for Activesync that Telstra imposes.
tangiers said:
Anybody? My last resort is to flash the ROM with a generic ROM and remove the Dedicated settings for Activesync that Telstra imposes.
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If your organization's front firewall is configured to kill HTTP connections after they've been idle for a certain amount of time, that can cause a problem like this.
I know ISA 2006 (which I used to publish my personal Exchange) has a wizard for publishing Exchange, which allows the appropriate length of HTTP connection for ActiveSync.
Other firewalls may require more configuration...
Thanks Spike. That is my diagnosis too but the Exchange adminstrator keeps saying its Telstra's fault not theirs. I was hoping to see if anyone could tell me that Tesltra works fine on theirs to prove that it must be these settings that are wrong.
tangiers said:
Thanks Spike. That is my diagnosis too but the Exchange adminstrator keeps saying its Telstra's fault not theirs. I was hoping to see if anyone could tell me that Tesltra works fine on theirs to prove that it must be these settings that are wrong.
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Does your organization have any other [external] devices that use ActiveSync?
Don't know. I'm told that iPhone users aren't complaining but that doesn't mean they are using push email rather than pop.
tangiers said:
Don't know. I'm told that iPhone users aren't complaining but that doesn't mean they are using push email rather than pop.
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Does your organization support POP3 or IMAP4 against Exchange?
Most organizations do not.
I fixed the problem. I was using an owa.{domain}.com address for the server in Outlook on the phone. This address worked fine except for the emails only coming through every eight minutes. I changed the address by adding "/exchange" to the address and emails started coming through instantly, as push mail should. But it was shortlived. The phone kept chopping the "/exchange" part of the address and going back to the old problem. I then deleted the Outlook account and established the Excahnge partnership through the Mobile Device Centre with the phone connect via USB to a computer ON THE WORK DOMAIN. Before I set up the phone OTA / through a pc at home. This doesn't work. I think it has something to do with Exchange trusting a device that connects with USB to a PC in the work network rather than outside through the internet. All is working. No thanks to TELSTRA, HTC or the IT Department!!!!!

