jasjar stuck in bootloader - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

i have problem. i was trying to upgrade to the wm6 rom and have gotten stuck in bootloader. all i get is the serial at the top and v2.01 at the bottom. did i just turn my jasjar into a brick? somebody help me.

lol dont worry ur mobile in bootloader mod is normal , but if u want saftly upgrate press cam+on/off+softrest to enter botloader then check cable and upgrate ur mob normal use windows xp is better


XDA manipulator

where do i get the XDA manipulator
Thank you very much LumpiStefan for your timely response and for the link to get the XDA manipulator, i have been looking for it for so long. THANKS DEVELOPERS
I too appreciate the link, I have been searching for this for ages. Cheers.
.......Ib a n e
I really appreciate the link thanks
wallaby usb flashing
hi there ,,can anyone tell why when i enter usb flash mode i cant flash via it wheni try to run a upgrade program it says plug in yor pda and on the pda screen all i get is usb flash mode,,connect usb cable now... but it is lso in my device manager i see my pda as a windows ce devices so what the hell is going on ?
pls dont tell me only way is via sd card surely it can be done via usb lead if so please can some post a step by step on how to flash via usb as i did so already from pc2002 to win2003 using the rom from xda developers and now i get a logo Ozup and underneath says ,,this os image is meant for microsoft employees or technicians bla bla bla
but i can enter boot loader fine access all the menus in bootloder my bootloder version is v5.15
pleaaaase someone help me
There are two possibilities to flash a device:
1. In Bootloader via SD Card
2. Normal booted device via Active Sync
But i do not know what you mean with USB Flash Mode
thanks for replying back now i have new problem
i have a big problem and i think your the only person who can help me my problems occured when i went to flash my wallaby device with this rom ftp://xda:[email protected]_ENG.exe/
i wish i never bothered the device was perfectly running fine until i flashed it with this via usb it all was a succes when i done a hard reset i got a screen with a oz up logo and underneath it says "microsoft internal use only" this operating system image is meant for use only by microsoft employees and contractors ,,and the crazy thing is i cannot enter my bootloader which was v5.15 so i can flash it via sd card its vanished no bootloader only that screen and on the bottom right corner it says ,,g32s54,v4.08,3.04 when i plug it in usb all i get is a unknown device and i cannot flash it so please if there is a way even if its pretty technical i would be honoured if you can help me out i would be very grateful if u cn show me a way of getting the bootloader back many thanks
still no bootloader on my wallaby device
hi i,m really upset if i can only get acces to the bootloader i can atleast flash it via sd card so please if theres a way of getting back the bootloader or somehow flashing it back please any help would be appreciated
radio stack
had same sort of problem this is how i fixed it go here
don't use the 4.16 use the rs 4.21 when i did the upgrade i was then able to connect to active sync then changed the rom try the special rom 1.2
hope this helps
mate the problem i have is that i cant acces the bootloader for me to do anything its gone and this happened after using that dodgy rom
all i want to no is there a way of putting back the bootloader on to the device as its not there its been somehow erased after the flash i done
mate if you try what i said to try this should help you to connect your phone back to your pc then you can change the rom from there you shold get bootloader back when you put a new rom on

need to make my brick back to a fone plz help

cingular 8125.
I need the original rom file (original firmware )can anybody help plz right now my fone stuck on the RUU mode can anybody help
If it is realy a brick without any chance of life I need a part of it: the keypad.
Thats really rude.
not a complete brick yet
not a complete brick yet is in loader mode red,blue ,green screen
All the cingular roms are here ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Cingular/
user name xda password xda
which rom do you have?
It looks like you are in bootloader (multicolored) mode so that is good
connect via usb - you dont need to activesync to update rom. You should get a usb sign bottom left of screen and then start update.
Upgrading without activesysnc
After a interruptus ROM upgrade my s200 d'ont start . after the HTC i have a white screen but not more.
The activesync don't connect and i can't put the ROM another time.
I obtain the multicoloured screen with usb in the left botton.
Please, could anybody help me to update the rom in this situation , mayby without activesync ??
You can flash a rom from the 3-colored bootloader mode (hold voice button when turning device on). When it says usb you can just flash without activesync.
Yes thank's i found a ROM that don't need activesync , after that i had changed that rom by my rom and at the moment my s200 y ok.

Cannot "On" the Machine

I upgraded my imate jamin from WM5 to WM6, everything seems to be fine. Then I upgraded ipl 2.13.0001 to ipl 2.20.0001. After when I put in the SIM card, the phone everytime restart after I enter the PIN Code. So I tried to reflash the rom again, now the problems happen.
The phone only show at the login screen with 4 lines of red code (versions number), then the phone restart again. After few times of restarting, now I even cannot switch on the phone when I pressed the "On/Off" button.
Please help.
hv u try flash it again?
senior hv told/advice me not to play with IPL if u really dont know bout it..might brick ur device..
as long as ur device is on..there's slight a chance to restore it..check out the WIKI..just be patient..i've been thru somethin similar to ur prob..at last i manage to restore it..

MDA Pro Bricked?

Hi, I am new to the world of MDA and have recently tried to upgrade using JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301 rom but now my phone is stuck (i think it is the bootloader" it says serial on top and changes to usb when i connect it to my cradle. After reading a couple of posts i was able to upload it with the same rom but instead of using ROMUgradeUT i used MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe but after it was still on the bootloader screen even though it had upgraded. If anyone can help me i will appreciate it.
be specific on what you did and the bootloader version u are using and also is ti super CID
PM me
Bricked too ??!
Î may have doine the same, just see serail on top or usb in connected on top.
v1.00 at bottom . . .
Rom update start but stop with an error . .error 113 extended rom update error.
I am not able to unlock thextended rom, it says wrong version . .
Any hints are kindly appreciated !
Dont want to bother You guys with that stuff . .
Greetings !

Bricked Jasjam , plz help

Hi ,
I was flashing my jasjam using sspl-herm and a 6.1 rom ,
While upgrading the progress bar reached the end but it stayed saying upgrade in progress , it took too longer than normal and i knew it wouldnt continue so i soft resetted the phone ,
now it's stuck in the splash screen before even the windows loading.
Plz plz plz help....
if you can access bootloader
a) if you dont have hardspl installed already, install it or you're going to be screwed soon.
if you can access bootloader, pop the nbf file onto your microsd <2gb as HERMIMG.NBH insert it into the phone and follow onscreen instructions.
flashing via SD is always a safer bet anyway.
Hey ,
Thnx guys 4 help
1st I tried hard resetting and it didnt work
2nd I DONT have hard spl
3rd I get into bootloader , i plug the usb cable but i cant flash , the ruuwrapper program says error during upgrade , i think it cant access the phone first coz the mobile device icon in my computer is emtpy , second activesync says not connected(although it tries to) and device manager reads an " htc usb sync " drive but no letter or something
Still no luck , any help ??
I think I've got same problem..
It can't run again after splash screen..
