Another My fave 5 Miss call thread - Wing, P4350 General

sorry for making this same old thread again but i never had a issue with my missed calls until i hard reset my phone and took off all the tmobile add-ons. I read about deleting the list registry tweak but people said the list recreates itself when you restart your phone. I would like to how do you delete the whole program off of my wing. I know i can change the people in my favs by going to the t-mobile website but i just want the whole program gone since it was annoying whenever i tried to use it. Thanks for any help

I'm one of the people who had this problem before. Unforunately, I can't tell you how to fix it. It just worked one time after I did a hard reset, and now after hard resetting more (because of other issues), it's actually working 100% pefectly. Prior to this, I had it kinda working, but sometimes it still wouldn't log calls. I'm flashing to touch-it 2.3 again and I'll see if it still works.
Sorry I can't help, but if you can afford to hard reset, it might be worth a shot.


Instant Messaging Issues

guys im so confused, i got install happy on my phone after i got it and eventually something went corrupt with my ringtones so when its on loud, it wasnt ringing, just vibrating
i posted about it but didnt get much help and research didnt provide me with any results, so i dealt with it
I use IM+ 4.23 and everythings been great with it til a few days ago when people were receiving my IMs but i couldnt get theirs, i tried everything, uninstalling, reinstalling, and then coincidentally the next day, my internet was giving me problems, so i figured i have so many loose registry keys and empty folders therefore i resorted to the hard reset and just install everything again cleanly
upon finishing all my installs with respective soft resets following them for everything to work nicely, i find out that IM+ is still not working
any suggestions? please help

XV6900 Texting Problem

I just bought my xv6900 2 days ago and i noticed that each time my phone goes idle as it goes to sleep and when someone text messages me i dont get a notification until i turn on the phone again with the button on top of the phone. and also sometimes i dont receive a call and when i next turn back on my phone it says missed call..
does anyone perhaps have the same problem or know whats wrong with my phone?
I have had the same problem and can't figure it out. I've done a hard reset and that fixes it for a bit, but no long term solution.
I have the following Software Installed:
SPB Mobile Shell
VIP Ringtone Manager
Shubaroo Group SMS
Check this out
i have yet to install any other apps that didnt come with the phone. and i read that forum link u gave me, it doesnt seem to be my battery because i know my battery was at 80% when this happend. its such a nice phone but this really pisses me off. wish there was a solution.
I am having the same issue. I called verzion and they know nothing about it. Everyone who has this please call. I really like this phone but if it doesnt work like a phone its useless.
I've seen same problem on a Sprint Touch so it's not specific to Verizon.
I had 2 Sprint Touch phones side by side and one would not wake up from suspend for an incoming text or phone call. The second Touch worked properly and they had the exact same configuration. No clue why some of the HTC Vogue's have this issue and others don't.
I would call Verizon and ask for a swap if they ignore your problem.
Well I did a hard reset and it worked great for few days! Now back to normal.. looks like it is going back to verizon. Not sure what to get though.
Got the same problem but some days it works fine and some days it doesnt. I througth i had to much stuff saved or downloaded on the phone but when i removed programs that i downloaded that i never used it didnt fix anything so im puzzled like everyone else here.
same issue
I have had mine for several months now, i just had to do a hard reset recently and my phone has done the same exact thing ever since. I thought maybe it was a problem with polling. I did notice this time I hard reset, verizon did not have me set my A key, instead they changed something on their side and had me do a 228 reprogram. So i wonder if something is being changed via this new method ( the guy told me he just figured out he could do it this way and not require me to set my akey ).

Every call (incomming and outgoing) through speaker automatically

Hi ,
I've searched about every forum I could find, but m problem is:
I have the x1.
Installed the tweak, Spb Mobile shell, Fring, Slide2unlock
I have the newest rom update.
Every time I get a call OR when I make a call my sound automatically goes through the speaker. I don't want that.
I want to decide if and when the call is going through te speaker.
I disabled s2u but it did not help.
Am I missing something?
Please do help.
I did a hard reset today.
then afterwards I found the problem to be solved.
but afterwards some of my previous settings were gone
so I have restored to before.
I still have the same problem for which I now know is clearly a software issue.
Could it be caused by slide2unlock?
please help
i have slide 2 unlock and no issues for me.
so you can probably rule that one out. \i cant help you with anything else tho
Well I'd hard reset and slowly install programs and change settings until you find what is causing the problem.
think that is the only option left.
unfortunately I did that once
the basic setting were completel different than now.
maybe someone has an answer.. otherwise.. dang...
I called the xperia service number today.
It seems there is an update of the ROM availlable.
BUT NOT FOR T-mObile phones...
they also stated one option: hard reset.
I'll try that and back-it up after every bit of installed software.
Maybe the problem will show up...
hate it when these type of things happen.

Verizon 6800 keeps freezing...

So ive had this bad boy for about, a month, not the original its actually the second refurbushed ive gotten because my original phone no longer had vib function scroll wheel no longer worked
first replacement:
USB port broke
second replacement:
keeps freezing out, by that i mean ill be typing a txt, half way itll stop typing and just not work...
ill be running 1 app wether it be internet or sms , and itll freeze.
at first i figured hmm might be the 3rd party app i used to restore contacts (bitpim) the refurbished phone has 6.1 WM, my original phone was pre 6.1 so i figured f it ill just hard reset the phone once more and manual re input numbers as people call
nope, even without activating the bitpim my phone still keeps freezin. and its gotten worst
if the phone freezes and i soft reset itll do either of the following
freeze on the first image
freeze during the Verizon intro
freeve during the WM 6.1 page
Freeze right after it finishes loading
not even turn on at all
i just dont know what to do
so far ive done the following
hard reset 2 within a week - seoncd time without 3rd party app and still it does it
soft reset hundreds of times now...
any help would be appreciated, please
ask verizon for a new phone that one has problems if a hard reset doesnt fix them.
i decided to try again and get one more replacement...
if i have an old version of Pim back up and i wanna updated it, will the old files transfer over to the new software and restore once i do a hard reset...
i wish i had outlook on my laptop and this would make it so much easier with active sync

still issues after 5 weeks

I got the T-Mobile USA HD2 on release day. There are things I love about it, but I have issues everyday, still. This is my 1st Windows phone, so I haven't cooked ROM's and I don't know what HSPL (sp?) even is...
I don't want to tweak. I want it to work. Am I being closed minded?
Twice a day, everyday, I use Soft Reset because my data connection for email, IM, and browsing goes down. That usually solves it. But at least twice a day, while in the middle of something, I have to do this.
Once a day I have to push the reset button by the battery because the phone froze. No matter how long I wait, it will not unfreeze until I hit the reset button.
I have CleanRAM installed, and I do it manually, often, as well as have it scheduled to clean every hour.
Dutty's is installed with the "X" set to totally close programs.
What do I do to fix this stuff? I heard I should do a HARD Factory Reset, then re-install all of my add-ons that I wanna keep.
How do I save those exe/cab files for easy installation after the reset?
Your best bet is calling T-mobile to send a replacement or wait for an official update. Which is on its way or like every other person will say flash it..I'm having tons of problems as well. I'm looking at selling it or wait for an update i'll prob decide when i'm done with finals..
CleanRAM is known to cause problems. Try deleting it and see if the problem persists.
Honestly. take it back to T-Mo... and have em give you a replacement phone.
I have had mine for 3 weeks and not a lick of trouble out of it (except my own stupid mistakes).
if you are having that much trouble with it, something is wrong. and the guys at T-Mo store *should* help you. If not go to the next store.

