Activesync (Dis)connection Problem - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have a (dis)connection problem with my XDAIIi which only started about three weeks ago.
It may (or may not) be related to a problem that I had when I was using my XDAIIi in the car as a sat nav.
As is my custom, I tucked the XDA into the glove compartment (with car charger attached) when I popped into a shop. When I got back in the car, the XDA was part of the way through a hard reboot and the car charger was not working. Since about that time, it has only been possible to connect to the device (via the USB port) occasionally. (I have never had any success with IR, Wireless or Bluetooth – but have never really tried before.)
My company laptop has slightly more success at connecting to the XDA than my personal laptop has – both of which worked perfectly before. I have a USB sync cable as well as the standard cradle but there is no difference in the connection performance. I have tried loading various versions of Activesync but without any success. The problem is basically as follows:
Mostly, when I attach the device to either laptop, it will connect normally (if a bit slow) and get part way through the synchronisation process before disconnecting. Typically, the connection lasts less than a minute but it can be for quite a long time – e.g. long enough to load TomTom Navigator 5. Rarely does the connection last more than a few minutes though and never more than about 10 minutes.
My company laptop has a firewall as does my personal one – but they are different. I have disabled my personal laptop (Windows) firewall as well as the virus scanner etc. but it has no effect. I have tried hard reboots several times but am reluctant to do any more as loading software back again is a painful (hit and miss) process. My personal laptop has various anti-spyware packages which I run regularly as well as CCleaner. My company laptop has none of these though.
If anyone has any ideas what is wrong or (preferably) what I might do, I would be extremely grateful. My personal hunch is that I may have caused some damage to the device when I put it into the glove compartment. Maybe the charger cable was a bit tight and it damaged the connector. Or the car charger may have produced a voltage/current spike somehow and I have damaged some internal circuitry. (Quite why the XDA connects at all though is a bit of a mystery.)
PS I don’t want to buy a brand new TyTN2 (much!) but if I have to …… Oh well!


Need help: USB Device Not Recognized error message

Greets gang,
Several days ago I started getting the subject message appearing in my WinXP system tray. It was on my Gateway laptop and it would appear over and over again, citing 'Unknown Device' when you'd click the annoying ballon. My Jam wasn't even connected at the time.
I basically blew everything away and restored my laptop to factory original settings. Problem persisted. I thought it might be hardware, but the message has now disappeared, only re-appearing when I plug in my Jam. My USB Bluetooth dongle plugs in fine, no errors.
Someone else had bent pins on their USB port or plug--I see none. Anyone else have issues with this, or can anyone offer some help?
Presumably you have installed (re-installed) Active Sync on the PC? As you may already know, as standard the JAM and many other PPCs are not recognised by the computer unless Active Sync is installed [properly]. provide an excellent utility to have your PPC recognise as a removable drive without using Active Sync.
Yes, ActiveSync has been installed & re-installed. New development? I plugged in an 80Gb external hard-drive to that laptop and Winblows is telling me its connected to a non-hi-speed USB port, which it is not. Could be something there.
I'm going to re-flash the Jam to factory ROM, then I will dig into the USB issue.
I had this problem and I tracked it down to the fact that I had picked up the wrong cable!
Same connector but for my camera
The wrong cable thing may very well have been it, but I was also having probs with an external hard drive I was using. I ended up rebuilding my laptop twice and now things seem to be fine. What a drag.
hypr said:
Greets gang,
Several days ago I started getting the subject message appearing in my WinXP system tray. It was on my Gateway laptop and it would appear over and over again, citing 'Unknown Device' when you'd click the annoying ballon. My Jam wasn't even connected at the time.
I basically blew everything away and restored my laptop to factory original settings. Problem persisted. I thought it might be hardware, but the message has now disappeared, only re-appearing when I plug in my Jam. My USB Bluetooth dongle plugs in fine, no errors.
Someone else had bent pins on their USB port or plug--I see none. Anyone else have issues with this, or can anyone offer some help?
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I have the same problem.
It seems, this problem appears mostly on laptops, not on PCs?
I tried to uninstall\install, repair with all ActiveSync data removal or leaving it - No result.
Also, tried to replace the cable (which is ok, im sure with the one from the camera) - No result.
Temporary way out: do Off\On with qtek9000 on cable connect.
Another way out: Turn On the "Enable all incoming beams" flag in Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Beam (this path may vary depend on your Universal brand name). As I seldom need to connect via IR to other devices, I have switched this option off to consume power.
Qtek9000 with laptop Toshiba Satellite Pro \ Win XP SP2
it seems dat a noob like me at last can give a help
i have the same problem last time, and as i trace it down, the problem lies on the cable.
as u know that we all use mini usb (usb cable type b) for our o2 mini, but not all type b cable support pc connection, some will only give charging access
i have 2 mini usb cables, one comes from my external hdd, and the other is i buy it myself. the difference is that the 1 i bought actually have a shorter connector (maybe the problem due to this)
so try to buy another cable, as i don't know any other way (reinsatalling pc os, hard-reset device or reinstalling active sync won't solve the problem)
NB. both cables are working when i plug it to my external hdd, so maybe the cable is not faulty. one of the advantage that i got is that i can charge my mini without disabling the active sync usb connection
sorry for my bad english
i can almost essentially confirm that it is NOT the usb cable.. I have been using a usb cable i had around the house for syncing my phone, and it has worked perfectly ever since I first received the phone (over half a year ago), but all of a sudden, i plugged in my device, and received the "usb device not recognized" error message... does anyone know the cause of this?

New XDAIIi user a little disheartened

Hi, this is my first post to these forums, although I did spend a couple of hours browsing after finding them last night.
Having played with my wife's month old Mio168/TomTom5 and loved it, I decided that when my CPW/o2 contract was up I'd go for a pda/phone rather than the SE K750i I had previously been planning on.
I did just a little research and went for the XDAIIi over the MDAIII (don't like T-Mobile's pricing!) and XDAIIs (no wi-fi, slower and unnecessary keyboard).
I initially thought I had a great unit but things haven't been as smooth as I expected. supplied me with a Holux combined GPS receiver/cradle, Kingston 512MB SD card and screen protector at very reasonable prices and with swift delivery.
First thing I noticed was that whenever the phone utility was brought on-screen, it showed me that my last caller was the very first person I had phoned on it. After any call, the same info would pop back to the display, too.
Another little thing that surprised me was the SIM code entry. I have set an 8 digit code. When I enter the first number it appears on the display as an asterisk but when I hit the second, the first two numbers appear (the asterisk changes to the digit). Is this normal or a quirk of having '08' as the first two digits of my code?
TomTom5 installed fine but kept randomly freezing (whenever a call or txt msg came in it was certain to happen) so I contacted o2 Customer Support who told me to take it back to be checked out.
Three days after installing the card (and before I had taken the unit for its o2 'inspection') the SD card suddenly 'disappeared'. Actually, it's shot; it isn't recognised by my XDAIIi, my work supervisor's XDAIIi, my wife's Mio168 or my computer's USB card reader. I researched this a little and found it a fairly common occurence but the only recommendation seems to be to format it. HELLO? How does one format something that no equipment recognises? Fools!
Actually, while googling the SD card problem I found people recommending the removal of o2 Active to cure TomTom lockups. o2 Tech-Supp were very helpful with this - instructing me how to hard reset and install 'corporate' using the 0506 password. This appears to have cured almost all TomTom problems although I need more than the old 128MB MM card I currently have for storage!
This also fixed the 'last call' bug I'd been experiencing.
Having found this marvellous forum, I set about finding info for the XDAIIi and promptly discovered that the wikki bears little specifically for it. I would update it but don't know enough yet!
I did read a post last night that pointed out to a user that the cradle charges the battery from just the USB port, and not requiring the AC supply so I decided to check it out. Sure enough, the battery is shown as 'charging' but after leaving it overnight, I find that the charge has actually dropped to 87% (still says 'charging', too) from the 95% I left it on.
Perhaps I have a faulty cradle.
It also seems a little odd to me that I can use mp3s for ringtones but can only use wav files for the alarm!
Is there a way to stop the wi-fi 'do you want to connect' popup appearing when TomTom is running other than disabling wi-fi before running it? It's a right pain having TT freeze until I get rid ot the popup.
One other little thing - anyone know how I can ensure that GPRS isn't going to be used for web surfing? I don't want it to be activated accidentally and certainly don't want to go surfing on it for an hour thinking I'm using wi-fi!
Don't get me wrong - overall I'm still happy with the XDAIIi (look -> ) but there's just a few doubts as to whether I went the right way creeping in.
Hi there, im pretty much a "new" user of the XDA 2i aswell but have learnt alot from using this forum.
I have almost the same setup as you now as far as the "corporate" install, TomTom5 etc etc .... but i have updated the ROM on mine to the latest Imate version, which you can find in one of these forums , its called PDA 2K ROM streight from I-MATE or something along them lines.
I would recommend that you update also as it fixed a few problems was having with lockups, but make sure to do alot of research before you attempt it cos you dont want to knacker it up
Anyway .... my cradle charges fine just using the USB (no AC adapter)
Passord thing .... this has came up before , it for some reason displays the digits when the numbers 08 are first , i seem to remember it being something to do with emergancy calling features, although i didnt think that they started with "08" but there ya go
GPRS ... will only activate when you cannot get a Wireless signal, the hirachy is WiFi then GPRS, but to be on the safe side i removed all the setting configurations for the GPRS so it can never connect, i never use it anyway.
Im not sure about the "Do you want to connect" popup you get when running TomTom as it doesnt happen to me , perhaps you have wireless enabled all the time, id tun it off to save your batteries anyway.
well .... i think ive covered a few of the things your asking as good as i can, best of luck with it
Thanks for the reply, Danny.
I haven't had any TomTom problems since 'going corporate' so I'll wait and see how it goes before trying another ROM - taking warranty into consideration too.
Mind you, I haven't received any calls or texts while running TT either so all may not be as it seems.
Hmm. I'm plugged into a 4-port USB hub that came with an external power supply I don't use, so I wonder if that makes a difference. I'll have to pull out the base unit and plug the cradle in there to check charging on that.
I've double checked that I have no settings for GPRS so unless o2 'push' them to me I should be OK.
Yes, I do have wi-fi on all the time and the battery still lasts all the work day with a little usage when time permits. My cradle/GPS receiver charges the pda when it's in there on the way to/from work, so I don't really have to worry about that.
I'd just like to not be bothered by the connection dialogue box rather than have to turn off wi-fi for navigation purposes... have you seen how many networks are open out there? Not just the city centre ones, there are loads of not-very-secure company and household networks that can be connected to and utilised. Free broadband internet - almost makes you want to get a laptop!
the computer to which the cradle is connected via USB must be turned ON, or else there will be no current passing through the cable. Thus, no charging the PDA. The Ipods have the same "handycap". You can always use the AC power adapter...
Karbono said:
the computer to which the cradle is connected via USB must be turned ON, or else there will be no current passing through the cable. Thus, no charging the PDA. The Ipods have the same "handycap". You can always use the AC power adapter...
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Quite true, but my charging test was performed while the computer was on and defragmenting my 5 partitions.
Actually, my Soltek motherboard has 'hot' USB ports at the rear that still supply a little 'juice' when the power is off - my USB hub, BT dongle and Intellimouse 4 stay alight when the main machine is off, although I've not bothered to check exactly how much voltage is supplied.

Try!No incoming calls&gprs data when in docking station!

Hi all, after months of try&error and buying 2 (TWO!) MDAs (Wizard & Charmer) i finally found out WHY sometimes GPRS data flow stops and no incoming calls will be put throught (they land on mailbox):
It's the docking stations! Just let me explain that a little bit more: Both Wizard & Charmer will be delivered without any docking stations, so I bought two different on Ebay + one active holder from Brodit for my car.
After I put Wizard or Charmer in one of the docking station it's necessary to call 2 or 3 times until the call gets through, also in the car (Brodit), and - GPRS data flow, that means even I'm connected (2 GPRS arrows are there), stops after 2 or 3 minutes. I see that with a network monitor called Phatnet (very recommended!)
So now comes the real scurillic thing: If I use the original AC adapter from T-Mobile nothing of the above happens... GPRS data packets flow hours and hours without any breaks, and calls come through.
The docking station definitly loads the devices, but it takes longer. So here's my conclusion: The AC Adapters and the car adapter give to little current for the radio part in the devices - sounds strange, but I have no other ideas.
So now what? Try yourself please, anyone who owns Wizard or Charmer and some other AC adapters than the originals should tell here - it's easy, just put the devices in, surf a little bit for just a couple of minutes and you'll see surfing stops. It's not dependend of the loading status (orange or green led).
I tried different Rom updates, different devices and now it seems that power is the reason, really annoying. Tell us your experience!
Yours B.
Here are the links of the 2 docking stations:
Must be a Charmer/Wizard flaw as my Magician doesn't act at all like this.
What I really don't understand is how you can even make a phonecall or use gprs when there's no original AC-adapter connected to your device, when a car charger doesn't give you enough current to have the radio operating as it should be. So your devices must be pretty crap then lol.
I think the cradle's are somehow interfering with the radio. The current can't be the main issue, otherwise the device wouldn't be functioning on a battery only. Guess it comes in a strange state, I noticed that my magician doesn't hold a gprs connection while Act.Sync is running, maybe this is something simular.
But it sure must be a pain in the rear bottom I agree to that.
Well there's some additional information I researched:
When connecting the device to the original AC adaptor it does NOT switch on the display, when connecting to the cradle it does. So the pinout of the connector must be different and Wizard/Charmer maybe (half way) believes that it has been connected to USB of a PC, but not in a defined state. Remember that my docking station IS NOT connected to a PC, it's only there for power.
Somebody maybe knows the pinout of the delivered USB sync cable and the AC adaptor?
Yours B.

Serious problem.... NO ACTIVESYNC

I just tried to plug my phone in today, and activesync does not detect my phone when I plug it in.... Activesync usually works great for me.
So far I have tried:
1. soft reset phone
2. attach wife's phone - still no sync (this leads me to believe it is a problem on the PC - not the phone)
3. remove and re-install activesync on the pc
4. restart the PC
The USB connection is definitely being made - as when I plug the phone into the computer it starts charging the battery..... but no activesync session is initiated, so I can't modify any files on my phone....
any other ideas?
Hmm that is bad... Well what do you use activesync for? Transferring files or for internet sharing?
All I can think of is maybe a virus? Run avast! virus cleaner. It's the stand alone virus cleaner not the actual anti-virus program. It won't install anything on your pc and it's actually one of the best. Just go to
If you use activesync for internet sharing you actually don't need it . I don't use it for internet sharing. You just need the drivers. I use wm5torage to put stuff of my memory card.
Hope something I wrote helped.
Uncheck start>settings>connections>usb to pc.
never mind........ I guess my data cable just went retarded.
I bought a new USB>MiniUSB cable today and activesync loads right up.
strange, since the original cable does not look like it is damaged at all, and can still charge the phone.
Oh well - all's well that ends well. lol.
zaep0b said:
never mind........ I guess my data cable just went retarded.
I bought a new USB>MiniUSB cable today and activesync loads right up.
strange, since the original cable does not look like it is damaged at all, and can still charge the phone.
Oh well - all's well that ends well. lol.
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i bit late to the party,me ,but this is a comon problem in certain devices,so far i changed 4 cables with my hermes.
oh well. good to know anyway.
I work as a manager at a retail store, and found a couple of PSP data cables (the exact same cable that HTC phones use, surprisingly) that were in the back room which clearanced to 10 cents.... I bought them out - so I have a TON of backup cables in case I ever need them. LOL
the problem is not the usb cable per say but the usb hub in the device.
the new htc hub since the Hermes have a low threshold for wear, the pins that is, so when your usb cable gets used for awhile it wears out a bit also,this gets to a certain stage the the pins no longer touch each other therefore this problem occurs .
i have noticed that my wife 3 year old wizard has a standard usb plug and we never had any problem with any cables,even using the cables that do not work in the hemes that started showing that problem after 6 months of usage.
yeah - well maybe I'll be lucky and the cables I bought (from the PSP) don't have this wear and tear problem

Autostart Navipanel by connecting the right type of lead!!

I don't know if this is known already, but I thought I'd share.
I recently (rather stupidly) bought the wrong type of micro-USB cable, the one with the completely rectangular profile on the micro end. Not wanting to throw it away, I decided to file the corners down so it would fit.
I confirmed the pin-outs were the same, at the site below
The only difference being that there was an identifying pin that was either unconnected, or connected to ground.
When I plugged the cable in, it automatically took me to Navipanel!! I was going to use it in the car anyway, so all in all, very useful!!
Just discovered it does not appear to allow data transfer, as the phone does not show up in Windows when connected up with this cable.
I can confirm that if you connect a 'Motorola Mini-USB to Micro USB convertor' to the socket then you will also get the NaviPanel. Not sure if it is a good thing though because it annoys the hell out of me, not being able to access my Emails etc very easily. Of course I would not be driving at the same time as playing with the phone anyway.
Same happens when you just plug-in in the hd2 a microusb-to-female-usb adaptor (ment for nokia n85?) which i had bought to test (without success) some usb-host drivers mentioned somewhere in this forum.
I can add that it is possible to disable navipanel autostart (i did it but don't recall now exactly were among settings) and after that (obviously in my case using an additional usb/microusb adapter) the connection is fully functional as an usual cable.
wibberly said:
I can confirm that if you connect a 'Motorola Mini-USB to Micro USB convertor' to the socket then you will also get the NaviPanel. Not sure if it is a good thing though because it annoys the hell out of me, not being able to access my Emails etc very easily. Of course I would not be driving at the same time as playing with the phone anyway.
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I have the same motorola conventor and the same problem. I just tried other charger and navipanel doesn't start.
so, if i read you all correctly, to activate navipanel electronically, ground pin 4 (not usually used)?
navipanel blues
does anyone know how to completely cauterise navipanel...? when using my hd2 as a usb drive the lead (as supplied with the phone!) makes the unit think its in the car.... zzz and vice versa

