msgqueuedatafilemicrosoft files - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi there.
I'm having some problems with my "Storage" and "Programs" memories. Both are at 96% full right now which make my magician crash every now and then. Looking for files to delete I found several "MsgQueueDataFileMicrosoft" files on my windows directory. Does someone knows what they are used for? Can I delete them? Between them they steal 15MB storage memory!

Searching for that answer too
in other threads i found only, that you can delete that files, but they come back soon automatically.
But i never looked after, if they really stole the amount of memory an explorer told they should?
Maybe they use the same memory-part?


8125 Removed Files from my miniSD CRY FOR HELP

I know this has happened to people before but ive tried searching at work and now tried searching at home... couldnt find anything.
Today... I was using my 8125 ... I changed themes... you know cingular windows default... just the ones that came with my phone.
Somehow there is nothing on my miniSD... if I go to settings then to memory it shows it has 50 megs taken up... which is what I had before.. but still .... no data there
can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction.
I had some important files on there
Thank you to all that can help
Don't panic, if its showing you there's 50 still used up chances are your files are still there.
What file manager software are you using? If you are using the integrated File Explorer make sure you have it set to view hidden files. Same with Resco File Explorer.
If you are trying to find your files from a specific application such as Notes, Pocket Word, etc. make sure its set to view All Folders at the top and not a specific one.
If all else fails buy a card reader and try to get the files off of your home computer. I would advise you not to leave your SD card in your 8125 till then.
Actually this appears to be more common than we would like to admin with the Wizard. You will most likely have to use a file recovery application on your compter using a card reader to make your files visible again. Not sure why but the Wizard just seems to at random hide all your stuff.
files are not hidden.
I guess im going to have to get card reader.
I don't mean hidden in the sense of a simple file attribute. You are going to have to get a disk recovery program to get your stuff back.
I have also had this happen.
It SEEMS to only occur during a soft reset, so if I plan on resetting the phone, I remove the card first, and don't reinsert until it is done rebooting. that seems to have stopped the problem for me at least.
Very unpleasant problem to say the least!
well I used a program called 'Driverescue' on the card?
is it supposed to be fat1 or fat2 (this made no sense to me) I know a lot about different file systems but have no idea which my card is... fat1 found nothing. I have yet to try fat2.
Anyone know of any good programs (hopefully freeware) to find my data
Thanks for everyones input on this matter.
no one knows of any good programs?
I've posted a few software titles that I used to recover my files....
I had all the files disapear, so I took the card out and reinserted it and it was fine.

Can "My Documents" be moved to storage card

Hi gang. Does anyone know if there is a hack to move the "My Docs" folder to store by default on my super duper 2gb storage card instead of on my device memory.
My Documents
No difficulty here. Just create a My Documents folder in root directory of storage card, can also put a my documents, my pictures and my videos folder inside it. Plus anything else you may want.
Need to then make sure all your programmes know to save to storage card. Some progs will know to look for these folders others need to be told in their settings menues.
I save nothing to on-board memory and the my documents folders are left on the system memory but remain empty.
Cheers Mike
That sort of works, although I have activesync to sync my files, & I can't find anywhere to change this option to look at the storage card. It keeps resorting to the device memory default location.
Many thanks
I'd been trying to do that, posted previously with no joy
sparkz said:
Cheers Mike
That sort of works, although I have activesync to sync my files, & I can't find anywhere to change this option to look at the storage card. It keeps resorting to the device memory default location.
Many thanks
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Yes activesync will be more of a problem as you'll see from following links, but might give some possibilities:
Did anyone get this to work on the Tytn?
I have started to play around with this from the Magic instructions, but am having some problems.
Please let me know.

Help Please Programs in windows folder

Hi there
Thanks in addvance
Could any body help i think i read some ware in this forum that less files in windows folder meens that your device runs faster !!
I also think I read some program can only be installed to windows\ I Don't know which? programs need to be in which directory or is it all down to the reg enteries or is it dependent on the *.exe & *.dll files
If it is posible to install office mobile to something like \program files\OfficeMobile\ ?, Would there be any benifits for doing this ? or would i be wasting my time ?
It seems a lot of programs install into windows\
Easy - if you know how!
swampy395 said:
Hi there
Thanks in addvance
Could any body help i think i read some ware in this forum that less files in windows folder meens that your device runs faster !!
I also think I read some program can only be installed to windows\ I Don't know which? programs need to be in which directory or is it all down to the reg enteries or is it dependent on the *.exe & *.dll files
If it is posible to install office mobile to something like \program files\OfficeMobile\ ?, Would there be any benifits for doing this ? or would i be wasting my time ?
It seems a lot of programs install into windows\
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Various options here mate (listed in order of user level):
In WM5+ you can choose to install to the Storage Card by default - any programs that cannot be installed here will usually tell you when you try, and ask you to try again in the correct folder.
Go get yourself a copy of a program called Pocket Mechanic and it has an option that lets you move programs to your storage card (it changes all the links/shortcuts and reg entries for you) - it can also move the 'My Documents folder and IE cache, too - saving even more space.
Find a program called CECabManager (30 day trial) which lets you edit the cab files for programs and change their default install folder.
ALWAYS backup your device before playing around with this stuff - it's a real P.I.T.A. when you have got yourself almost set up, then you destroy the system, or cause a glitch!
My best advice is to go buy a copy of Spb Clone and install that before you fiddle about! Also, backup your PIM data to Outlook, or with Spb Backup, too! Then you're pretty much safe to do what you want, as you can always go back if all goes tits up!
Bird_FAT said:
Various options here mate (listed in order of user level):
In WM5+ you can choose to install to the Storage Card by default - any programs that cannot be installed here will usually tell you when you try, and ask you to try again in the correct folder.
Go get yourself a copy of a program called Pocket Mechanic and it has an option that lets you move programs to your storage card (it changes all the links/shortcuts and reg entries for you) - it can also move the 'My Documents folder and IE cache, too - saving even more space.
Find a program called CECabManager (30 day trial) which lets you edit the cab files for programs and change their default install folder.
ALWAYS backup your device before playing around with this stuff - it's a real P.I.T.A. when you have got yourself almost set up, then you destroy the system, or cause a glitch!
My best advice is to go buy a copy of Spb Clone and install that before you fiddle about! Also, backup your PIM data to Outlook, or with Spb Backup, too! Then you're pretty much safe to do what you want, as you can always go back if all goes tits up!
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Thanks Bird
PS do you know it doe's run faster whith les files in windows folder ?
Speed or Space?!?!
swampy395 said:
Thanks Bird
PS do you know it doe's run faster whith les files in windows folder ?
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No idea - anyone?
I think that if you have too little space, you'll be in trouble when some programs run as they may need to use it as RAM or a swap file - I've filled it to within a MB or 2 and it has slowed down the system!
See my post in this thread for how I keep space in my Storage area (at the bottom of the second post)
If you're looking to speed up your system, why not try an overclocking utility?
I've just got Pocket Hack Master - I'm testing it now! I've used Anton's Pocket Mechanic for ages now, and so I'm pretty confident in the quality of the app.
And there is a starter guide here:
Let me know your results!
Thanks again bird
Don't fancy clocking my CPU realy wanting to know if it's worth the effort of hacking all my *.cab files and OEMs to install into sub folders rather than windows\ Idear been Keeping as little as posible in the windows\ "folder" I could have a sleep some times waiting for file explorer to finish opening windows\ was hopeing that if there's less in windows\ the device my run faster with a smaller directory ??
You could always try using Pocket Mechanic!!
Instead of hacking the cabs, you could just use Pocket Mechanic - it will move the programs across to your SD card and change all the reg entries, links, etc. for you!
I find that there are some cabs that really don't like to be hacked! But, if that's the route you want to go down (saves having to do it all again in the future), then CECabManager is definitely the way to go! Pretty pricey software, but gives you a nice 30 day trial period to play with it! Just remember to remove any 'setup.dll's' from the tree in the left-hand window if you change anything - can cause the install to muck up if you don't!
And the best bit of software on the net in my opinion is Spb Clone (god I love Spb software - it's just so good!) - once you get your system looking and working how you want it to, just clone the whole thing on to some spare space on your card and you're safe from any general errors! Use Pocket Mechanic to move all your documents, mail and cache folders onto the SD card and you're even safer - go one step further and get Spb Backup to save teh PIM data onto your SD, too and you get ultimate safety (as long as you remember to save reguarly LoL!):
PIM synced with main PC or onto SD with Spb Backup
Documents, mail and cache on SD
Clone of system on SD
Any screw ups, any dodgy software, ANY problems and you just go back a few days!
Free even MORE space!!
Found a way to get even more space! Really helpful for me when I want to play certain games, as some of them were refusing to start as they needed more space than I had. I managed to claw back about 8meg, but then I have somewhat overloaded my BAs with about 250 apps/games! )
Using Pocket Mechanic, you can move the AppMgr file from the Windows directory of you BA onto your Storage Card - (the original folder structure will be recreated if you try to install anything new!) - when it's finished, just soft reset your BA and VIOLA! more space in the storage section.
If you want to delete any of your apps - or even install a new version over the top of an old one, you have to move the corresponding folder from the AppMgr folder on your Storage Card back into Windows/ApMgr or the uninstall/reinstall will fail - If you haven't installed anything since you last moved the AppMgr folder, then you will have to create the AppMgr folder before moving the folder of the app you wish to delete.
Have fun,

Windows Folder; Deleting .dll files ???

I tried to open my "windows folder" in File Explorer, and it took forever. Problably due to the many, many files in there.
It seems that my Touch is collecting lots & lots of .dll files (looks like the windows logo on a white piece of paper).
My question is, can I delete these files without causing any problems to the device?
Yes delete all of them !! including the ones that say VERY IMPORTANT DO NOT TOUCH ...
EMoeHTC said:
I tried to open my "windows folder" in File Explorer, and it took forever. Problably due to the many, many files in there.
It seems that my Touch is collecting lots & lots of .dll files (looks like the windows logo on a white piece of paper).
My question is, can I delete these files without causing any problems to the device?
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FORGET ABOUT IT! It will kill your Elf! DLLs are main system files, deleting them will damage Windows Mobile!
Why do you want \Windows to load faster? Maybe we can help?
The folder always took a minute to open. The last time I opened it, it took about 2 min. or more to open. I thought it was frozen, so I soft reset the phone; tried to open again, and it took over 2 min. I just noticed that the dll files were growing.
With constant use of the internet on my phone, I don't know how many of these files will end up in the windows folder.
Thanks for the second reply
For the first...
You can use some freeware like GSFinder
It opens \Windows folder much faster that Explorer
And yes ... I thought it was frozen, too
Hah; thanks a bunch. I think I can explore with my Memmaid.
Thanks for the replies.
the reason maybe the growing internet cache:
use this tool ClearTemp to clear it
or even better (but more advanced)
change the internet temp folders to the storage card move internet explorer cache to storage card

Program Memory

I am fairly new to this forum and I am sure this has been explain on here once before. But I though this might be a little easier than searching through countless pages of posts. I want to know if there is a way to clear up the program memory. If I could I would like to be able to delete the Office mobile stuff if that would help. Dont see a need for it since I work on macs mostly. Of if there is way to trim it down. At the moment my program memory is 43.87 MB and it says 40.91MB is in use but I only have window media running and only 3MB available. Is there something I can do. What is taking up all memory. Even after a soft reset. The most I have ever seen it go up to is like 14MB and that is just for a while then it begins to rundown. Thanks for you help in advanced.
CleanRAM -
Thanks Ace..good there a way to get into the registry and delete some of the office mobile stuff, like work powerpoint and excel or would I have to do a complete flash
toreone said:
Thanks Ace..good there a way to get into the registry and delete some of the office mobile stuff, like work powerpoint and excel or would I have to do a complete flash
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You would have to flash a ROM without Office Mobile. Look on The Wingster ( and find a ROM that doesn't include Office Mobile. I tell you if it doesn't include it, so it should be fairly easy to identify that.
But going into the registry wouldn't be where you'd delete that stuff. You'd find it in the file explorer, \Windows. I'm not sure if you can delete those files though. I'd just flash one of the numerous ROM's that doesn't include Office Mobile, there's many of them.
Office Mobile is in most cases (there are CABs out there, so that you can install it on stirage card) in the ROM and can't be deleted in an easy way. The File Explorer doesn't delete it. Midnight Commander can delete files, which are in the Main ROM, but only use if you know what you're doing! This program can delete all files - important system files, too!
The most easy way is, as ace already said, to flash a rom without Office Mobile. But be careful and read a lot before you flash a new rom! A broken flash may cause a broken phone!
That is one of my biggest fears is bricking my phone and not being able to bring it back. I am currently running SPB Mobile 3.0 and I like that a lot. That is what I would like to run permanently. Maybe when i upgrade or buy a new phone I will practice on my old wing. Thanks guys for the info!
program mem == application mem
storage mem == files on your device
application mem is used by programming which are running nothing else
storage mem is used by files stored on your device
freeing up app mem don't give more storage and virsa versa

