Blusoleil Bluetooth Syncronization Problem - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hi, All. For a couple of days now I am trying to synchronize my O2 Neo with my PC per bluetooth. I am using a cheap bluetooth dongle, which comes with BlueSoleil software. When the devices find each other, the Prothet only recognizes a Serial Port connection. Than I assign outgoing port on the Prophet (I think COM6), I include COM 6 in the ActiveSync (4.2 by the way) settings and map COM6 to my prophet in the Bluesoleil settings. When I refresh the services on my Prophet I can again only see the Serial port connection. Can someone give a hint?


my internet connection trough bluetooth using my pc

Hello I have a big problem. I bought an bluetooth dongle and i cant connect my QTEK2020 to my pc via bluetooth. I tried to set a lot of settings but i just can not do i need help. If anyone knows the exact settings for qtek2020 and MSIbluetooth dongle . thanx
goran from slovenia
I had a damm similar problem as i could not sync the device via bluetooth.
I have an XDA2 and upgraded my rom to the o2 release from last week. I was hoping that all the serial profile issues would have been resolved in respect to bluetooth gps, but it just made things worse as there are no obvious setting in which i can assign a serial profile to a particular port or even get activesync to work no matter what.
So finally I gave in and downloaded the Bluetooth Tools by Towas again and installed them. Straight away my xda2 was bonding with my gps again and when u add ur pc as a new device (new bonding), under the bluetooth tools u simply select activesync. then u can straight away sync initiated by the xda2 and once a connection is established, u get automatically internet access.
another issue was that my bluetooth software on the pc created too many 'dummy' serial com ports for bluetooth which didnt actually work, so i ended up removing them all under the device manager (windows system- hardware) and then setting up a new bluetooth serial port on my pc (make sure u set up just one).
get the bluetooth tools from:
Yeh, 15 serial ports my bluetooth dongle software set up on my pc, whats all that about, greedy or what?
15 :shock: !! Haha..
I only have 1 I think
Rob. 8)


I Got O2 Xda Wm 2003,tomtom 5,bt 77 Gps The Problem Is:
I Cant Stablished Contact With A Gps Cos I Got No Port
On Pda Bluetooth Setting.
On The Pda Setting I Got>bluetooth Setting>mode>on>off>
Discoverable ( No Ports As Com 2,6,9...)
And On Tomtom Gps Setting I Got,
Gps Is Connected To:
Infrared Port
Bt On Com6
Serial Cable On Com1
Serial On Usb.
How To Add Com Ports In My Pda
Tnx For Your Help
I have the same problem - no virtual COM port - how did you make it ?
I tried every setting in TOM-TOM and nothing changed. Please help me.
The XDA II comes only with support for BT headsets and ActiveSync through BT. The serial port emulation is also a feature of the Microsoft BT stack but you need a device driver a register port and to handle it

T mobile MDA compact & GPS

hi all
i have had a right time trying in vain to get my t mobile MDA compact to work with the holox BT-321 GPS receiver. the reason i am having so much trouble is when i pair the devices, a small window flashes up and says "This bluetooth device supports serial port profile, would you like to create a bluetooth serial port for it?" the window box is labelled "bluetooth serial port COM5" of course i click yes, it asks me for the name, and i leave it what its called "BTGPS74R" and click finish, this leaves me on the main menu. in the com ports tab there is "new outgoing port" and "new incoming port" i click outgoing and next and low and behold there is nothing in the box whatsoever to select. i have checked all the boxes in my bluetooth settings for the 2 com ports.
the phone refuses to show any ports at all, i have flashed the imate jam rom 1.12 as i read that solved it, but it never, i have tried a bluetooth program called pocket bluetooth tools and this brings with it more com ports but they do not actually work by putting the ports in the drop down list, its still empty !!! also when i select say port 6/7/8 the small window flashes up saying "this device supports......" and then the pocket tools dissappears and its all back to nothing again.
i am at my wits end with it and i dont have a clue how to get this bluetooth port to actually show up so i can bond with my bluetooth GPS and make tom tom 5 work
thank you anyone who can help me
i just resolved exactly the same problem on my mda compact.
I had to do a complete reset of the device...
I am having a similar problem. I have an orange SPV M1000 and the same bluetooth GPS device. It is paired in bluetooth devices. When I got to connect on Tom Tom 5 it can't pich up the receiver. I have tried all the different wired/bluetooth etc device settings in TT as it says to try wired if bluetooth doesnt work. But to no avail. I'm tempted to try different sat nav software. Any ideas? Let me know if your issue gets resolved!
Hi guys,
The options for new outgoing/incoming port creation are to connect to a device with which you haven't paired. My gps creates a com5 too, like all of yours & TT5 finds it pretty fast when I have it to use 'another bt gps' @ com5.
When you think a hard-reset will solve your problem, get yourself a good backup first. Cause sometimes you can restore that backup & the problem is still solved.
BTW does your gps support nmea protocol? TT can only handle nmea & that could be the cause when your gps is setup for external communication with another protocol.
Good luck M
Thanks for the reply
Hi there
I've attached the info from my receiver, looks like it should be ok.
Tom Tom only has connections on infrared, BT on COM6, Serial Cable on COM1, COM9:, COM2:, and Serial on USB
When I go to Start>Settings>Bluetooth settings there are options for bluetooth serial settings. These are non changable and if you check the boxes it will set Inbound Com port to COM4 and Outbound COM port to COM5.
These com ports dont seem to be options in Tom Tom 5 which confuses me.
So i download a program called BeeLineGPS which does a scan of all the ports and baud rates which I thought would be easier than the manual setup of TT5.
Try the com port options mentioned earlier with the BeeLine software and it still cant pick up the GPS device. Tried fiddling around for ages and still not working.
Do I need some kind of software for forwarding the ports so TT5 can see the device.
The advert for the device i bought promised me and easy set-up but this is being a pain
All Fixed now. I upgraded the Rom to a newer version. After this the tom tom picked up that it was actually on port 5 which it wasnt doing before. Bobs your uncle

Bluetooth Problems

Hi all. I've used my Qtek with TOMTOM and a bluetooth GPS antenna for many time. Some days ago, the system don't run anymore.
The problem is in the Universal Bluetooth: I can find and add bluetooth devices but, when i use it, there is not communication. So, for example, i can connect my Universal with GPS antenna in the bluetooth section, but TOMTOM tell me that there isn't a GPS antenna. Also, i can link via bluetooth my Universal with the notebook, but i cannot start an Activesynk session via bluetooth: it tell me that no pcs are connected even if in the bluetooth list there is my pc and in the service list there is "activesynk" and it is activated.
Now, it is a software or an hardware problem? Any idea? I've anjlurned my software at the AKU 3.2 last italian ROM, but it didn't help.
Thanks in andvance for the help and sorry for my english.
Pls help me. In what manner i can test if it is an hardware problem or only a software problem?
I have same problem ...
but still dont know the way how to fix
For TT to work with your bt gps you have to create a unsecured incoming port, take COM0 or any other number.
then it should already work in TT, if it not select in TT a GPS receiver and select com0
You have to create a com port for the BT connection and enable that com port in your AS on your pc.
To sync with AS over BT you have to select Connect with BT on your Device!!!

Setting up BT services on different ports

I have two services on my windows computer that I would like to use simultaneously. One is my bluetooth-connected GPS and one is a handsfree profle (using phoco) from my Cingular 8525 (factory rom).
Unfortunately both of these devices set up on COM9 and give me no options for anything else. To connect to one, I must disconnect from the other.
I have tried adding available ports on my 8525 both through the bluetooth preferences (new outgoing port...) and by the registry hack described here:
in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Serial\Ports\SupportedPorts I added every port I could think of but see no difference in the behavior of the phone. Ihave unpaired and re-paired the device and always only get the single option for the COM port to use.
Do you guys have any ideas how I could get another port to work with my 8525? Currently COM8 is set for activesync and COM9 for serial connection, but I cannot change either of these.
I am running the default BT stack on the 8525 and would like to avoid the Widcomm stack if possible. I am running the widcomm stack on the windows PC.
