Bluetooth Problems - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all. I've used my Qtek with TOMTOM and a bluetooth GPS antenna for many time. Some days ago, the system don't run anymore.
The problem is in the Universal Bluetooth: I can find and add bluetooth devices but, when i use it, there is not communication. So, for example, i can connect my Universal with GPS antenna in the bluetooth section, but TOMTOM tell me that there isn't a GPS antenna. Also, i can link via bluetooth my Universal with the notebook, but i cannot start an Activesynk session via bluetooth: it tell me that no pcs are connected even if in the bluetooth list there is my pc and in the service list there is "activesynk" and it is activated.
Now, it is a software or an hardware problem? Any idea? I've anjlurned my software at the AKU 3.2 last italian ROM, but it didn't help.
Thanks in andvance for the help and sorry for my english.

Pls help me. In what manner i can test if it is an hardware problem or only a software problem?

I have same problem ...
but still dont know the way how to fix

For TT to work with your bt gps you have to create a unsecured incoming port, take COM0 or any other number.
then it should already work in TT, if it not select in TT a GPS receiver and select com0
You have to create a com port for the BT connection and enable that com port in your AS on your pc.
To sync with AS over BT you have to select Connect with BT on your Device!!!


Tomtom BT GPS & BT HF : Official statement, it won't wo

I've been having a discussion with TomTom support over the last few days regarding a problem with getting my Mini S to talk to a BT GPS Receiver and a BT HF kit at the same time. Tomtom have basically told me this won't work and that whilst Tomtom is installed - not even running, the phone will not work with a BT HF device....!!!! :?
Anybody else experience this? Are Tomtom saying that their software basically renders the phone useless with handsfree??? :shock:
I've included the conversation from Tomtom below :-
Note the entries are in reverse order.
Response 06/07/2006 01.34 PM
Dear Mr. Kirby,
Since your PDA does not have any physical serial interface, a wired GPS-receiver (which runs through a serial interface) will unfortunately not be possible.
To further clarify our statement, your PDA seems to have difficulties sharing the same BT connection port and/or profile between multiple devices or services. This has nothing to do with our software, this is hard-coded into the operating system and hardware your PDA runs on. The binding of a BT serial port is a PDA function, not a software function.
We sympathise with your situation, but as we are not the manufacturers of your PDA or your carkit, there is very little we can do to assist you.
Kind regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team
Customer 05/07/2006 10.01 PM
Does this mean that if I use a wired GPS receiver then this will work? Or, are you telling me that once I install the Tomtom software on a PDA phone that I will loose the ability to use any other Bluetooth devices until the Tomtom software is removed? If this is the case then I can hardly see how you can claim compatability with the XDA series of devices, at least without notifying potential customers that they will loose all handsfree functionality via Bluetooth once you install the software?
Response 05/07/2006 02.12 PM
Dear Mr. Kirby,
Our earlier correspondence was unfortunately not entirely clear. What we mean is that there is an internal conflict between our software, which is bound to the PDA Bluetooth Serial Port by the PDA hardware and underlying Windows OS), and your BT Carkit, which attempts to pre-empt the BT Serial Connection bond. This bond is enforced whether or not the program is actually active, and the ability to share a bound serial port concurrently is something that is enforced by your operating system.
This is unfortunately not something we can do anything about, since this is both hardware- and Windows-based (in the sense that multiple programs cannot access the same serial port concurrently), and also because we cannot provide technical support for a problem that is outside the purview of our software.
Kind regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team
Customer 04/07/2006 10.10 PM
Your answer makes the assumption that the problem only occurs when the Tomtom software is running. This is not the case. Before Tomtom was installed on the device it would connect to the carkit and work correctly. Following the installation of Tomtom it will no longer remain connected for more than 15-20 seconds, regardless of whether Tomtom is running or not. If Tomtom is running and communicating with the BT GPS receiver it does still not function correctly with the carkit, however, if the Traffic function is activated then it will maintain a connection.
I therefore suggest that your previous explaination is not accurate - I could possibly accept an issue with Tomtom running and it then disconnecting from the carkit however, even with the BT GPS receiver removed from the paired devices and switched off it will still not remain connected.
Response 04/07/2006 01.29 PM
Dear Mr. Kirby,
Since we do not support the usage of third-party carkits (Bluetooth or wired/serial), we are only able to offer a technical theory as to your problem.
As your carkit is connected with a (virtual) Bluetooth serial connection, there is most likely an internal conflict with regards to the serial connection. PDA's support multiple Bluetooth profiles (methods of connecting), but typically bind the serial port to one device. Seeing this, the most likely culprit is the fact that the PDA keeps on switching focus between the two devices that use the serial port: Your BT GPS-receiver and the BT Carkit. When Navigator 5 is running, it pre-empts the serial port connection for the GPS-receiver, which forces the connection to stabilise.
Though we cannot offer you a solution to your problem, please try changing the settings of your BT Serial connection (removing the Authentication and Encryption options).
Kind regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team
Response 03/07/2006 08.25 PM
Dear Mr Kirkby,
The incident you reported is escalated to our 2nd Line Support Technicians for further research. We will notify you immediately when they have resolved the incident.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Kind Regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team
Auto-response 02/07/2006 11.25 PM
Title: What is GPS?
Title: How to check the status of your order?
Title: How do I install NAVIGATOR 5 Software and Maps of Western Europe on my Pocket PC?
Title: Will NAVIGATOR 5 (and previous Navigator versions) work with Windows Mobile 5?
Title: Why should I sign up with MyTomTom?
Customer 02/07/2006 11.25 PM
GPS Driver 1.2, MAP Great_britain_Plus-Map v571, English UK
Windows Mobile V5.0 OS 5.1.195 (Build 14847.2.0.0)
ROM 3/9/06
Radio 02.07.10
Protocol 413.1.03
I have recently upgraded from a O2 XDA II to an O2 XDA Mini S. The product has been working perfectly for a number of days with my Vauxhall(Opel) Vectra Bluetooth car kit. The phone will pair with the unit, the contacts are downloaded etc and the phone will remain paired and make/receive calls via the bluetooth unit until switched off.
Yesterday I installed TOMTOM (Details above) onto the main memory and the GB maps onto the storage cards. The software was activated and my Plus subscription reset for the new device.
TomTom works OK on the device and the traffic information is updated as expected. With TOMTOM running, a route active and traffic information active the phone will maintain a connection with the bluetooth car kit. However, if a route is not active and therefore the traffic information is not active, the phone will connect to the bluetooth carkit and then disconnect after around 15-20 seconds. If the carkit is forced to reconnect it will but once again it will disconnect after 15-20 seconds.
If tomtom is not running, when I go to the phone dialer screen, when I force the phone to connect the headset icon is visible again for 15-20 seconds but then disappears when the phone disconnects from the carkit.
Presently the only way I can keep the phone connected to the carkit is to ensure that tomtom is active with a route and traffic updates switched on.
As stated previously this behaviour only started when tomtom was loaded on the XDA Mini S. Presently there is no way to keep the phone connected via bluetooth unless tomtom is running as above. I am using a Mk I Tomtom bluetooth GPRS receiver.
Tomtom was patched using the updated software as downloaded last week.
I have tried various combinations of resets/ re-pair/ delete device etc on both the carkit and phone. The problem still remains.
Strange, I am using TOMTOM and a Samsung HF kit and it works fine. Automatically cutting the sound from TOMTOM when I make and receive a call and then turning it back on when the phone is not in use.
The only, very minor, glitch is that on call termination there is a maybe 2 second loss of satellite signal.
I am using the Qtek Rom BTW, and the latest TOMTOM GPS drivers.
IIRC you ned to be using 5.21 versions of TOMTOM and drivers.
I have to say, I understand what TomTom are trying to say and agree. Because you've got the COM port set up in Windows, it doesn't matter if TomTom is open or not. I guess you could try deleteing the COM port in the Bluetooth settings and seeing if that solves the problem; then you will really know if it's a Windows problem. It's interesting that trevor.austin's car kit works fine; again seeming to point towards the fact your car kit has some problems with the way Windows handles having a com port set up.
How would I delete the com port? Do you know if there are any cabled GPS receivers about for the XDA Mini S - I guess then I would only be using bluetooth for the car kit?
Hi akirkby,
I also have a BT Carkit. I have the Parrot CK 3100.
I paired BT Carkit and the Emtac BT GPS.
With the BT GPS i need to assign the ports. With the carkit i didn't needed.
He recognized the carkit as a headset.
I think TomTom is right and i think the problem is in the Carkit
When i start TomTom, bluetooth also start automatic and then he nicely connect to mine BT Carkit. And when i shutdown TomTom he also disconnect.
What carkit do you have?
Did you check the IR module? If "allow incoming beams" is on?
You sometimes get some trouble when it on.
When i installed TomTom for a friend that was the problem.
When it was on it wouldn't connect to the wired GPS.
Maybe you should also check the site of your BT Carkit is there is a software update.
The Parrot CK3100 has software to flash your carkit over bluetooth.
Maybe your carkit support that als well.
Can you tell me what carkit you have?
akirkby said:
How would I delete the com port? Do you know if there are any cabled GPS receivers about for the XDA Mini S - I guess then I would only be using bluetooth for the car kit?
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No, unfortunately there are not any wired GPS recievers compatible with the Mini S... That I know of.
Delete the COM port to test by going to Comm Manager -> Settings (Right hotkey) -> Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports -> tap and hold your GPS COM Port -> Delete.
There does not appear to be a COM port in the list. Under Bluetooth ports all I have are "New Outgoing Port" and "New Incoming Port" - nothing else?
Try setting outgoing port 6 to BT GPS and then tell TomTom to use port 6, make sure that your TomTom is 5.21.
akirkby said:
There does not appear to be a COM port in the list. Under Bluetooth ports all I have are "New Outgoing Port" and "New Incoming Port" - nothing else?
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That's interesting. What GPS are you using?
Its the Tomtom GPS unit - not the latest one, about two years old.
If you have "New Outgoing Port" - then create one - try tapping and holding - you should have the options..... it will probably create an outgoing com port on Com6..
You are probably only missing this step..
Also, check that the name you have for your GPS actually ends in "GPS"
Charlie Grillo
[email protected] - the carkit is a factory fit option supplied by Vauxhall - I can't find much info about it on the web :-(
I've added a new outgoing com port - it did suggest com 6. I'll try this and let you know what happens.
Ah that makes sense. When you have a standard TomTom GPS, it doesn't need a COM port, I think TomTom does that for you... which is probably the problem. If you pair the GPS and the phone, create the COM port as you have done, and set TomTom to use the "other bluetooth gps" on the COM Port you set up, it might well work, and not kill your other bluetooth connections.
I paired the BT GPS before Tomtom was started - during pairing it says that the device has a serial port - do you want to use it. I tried saying Yes & No at this point and then adding a new outgoing com port.
Both times it will fail - Tomtom is configured for 'Other' BT receiver on COM 6.
Not sure what to do now.... is this the fault of the Car Kit Manufacturer, XDA or Tomtom? Effectively as soon as Tomtom is loaded on the device then it can no longer be used handsfree...
it should work as use a bt headset and a bt gps all the time with mine and have set up numerous othe miniS's for freinds at work .
have you tried com7 as the outgoing port the handsfree will use a bt profile
it could be a compatiblity issue with the hf car kit as not all bt protocols are the same.
paired with a CK3100 parrot and a globalsat GPS works like a charm
Set the outgoing COM7 to the GPS MOUSE!!! and then it works!! dont ask me why!
SO com6 in and com7 out using the GPS mouse bluetooth as the device!!!
Let me know...
paired with a CK3100 parrot and a globalsat GPS works like a charm
Set the outgoing COM7 to the GPS MOUSE!!! and then it works!! dont ask me why!
SO com6 in and com7 out using the GPS mouse bluetooth as the device!!!
Let me know...
Tried both com 6 and com 7 as outgoing ports. Port 7 worked until I stopped tomtom - restarted it and then the carkit stopped working again.....

GPS in settings, tomtom problem

I am trying to set up tomtom 5.21 with my BTGPS74 receiver but cant get the two to communicate. I know there is some settings you can change in settings/system/gps but the problem I have is I dont have the gps option in settings anywhere. Am I missing something? Does any on know what I should do. Tomtom wants me to use port 3 or 7 but when I try to set them in bluetooth settings it says its not possible check your settings. Any suggestions would b welcome. Thanks.
P.S I know the receiver works as it still works well with my N70. should've gotten a GPS icon if software GPS recognized.
In rgister you can force simulation.
delete redirect and add 'group' with dword=2
Then GPS icon will appear.
I gave it programport 7,hardware 6, baudrate=57600
gps auto checked
I'm not sure about the settings...
I had to create incomming and outgoing com ports on my 3100 (not sure if you need both)??
TomTom used com port 9 and works like a dream
as soon as you start the programme it connects automatically as long as my receiver is on.
It even connects when the BT on the 3100 is turned off - it starts the BT automaticlally when tomtom runs!
Yeah i agree all you need to do is set up the com ports, then fire up tomtom and select the com port you just set up and away it goes
Thanks for the replies guys. I know I have to set the com ports but the problem I have is there is nowhere for me to do this. For some reason the gps settings is missing from the system/settings. I am going to try to reinstall tomtom to see if it helps. Tomtom has ports 3 and 7 showing but they seem to be taken by something else so I cant configure my receiver on either of them.
I have a slightly different problem... my TyTn can connect to the BT GPS reciever, but as soon as TomTom tries to calculate a route, or I click the GPS signal icon it crashes back to the Today screen...
I've got TomTom installed with 5.21 update, anyone had any problems like this?
you just need to pair your bluetooth device go to settings connections and bluetooth and add new device, let your tytn search and it will find a new device when you have paired it select new comm port outgoing
I have no gps setting in control panel either
i have a strange problem with my BT. I cant create a incoming or outgoing BT port. I dont know why but it wont let me create any ports.
Anyone with the same odd problem?
I had a similar problem, Tytn would only let me choose COM0 (Zero) as outgoing port, and TT works fine with it. However, I would like to add Mapking for Asia, and this navi soft will not accept a GPS on COM0. Anybody understands why Tytn is only offering COM0 as outgoing ports for GPS?
I have set the com4 as outgoing port and now tomtom seems to work fine.
thanks for that info.
I don't know why only port 0 and all other ports are blocked but TT works for me now. I only need to wait for a better ROM and i can leave my Wizard home
I have written to a good contact at HTC since I need COM ports other than 0 for Asian Mapking navi soft (in add. to TT) . Will keep you posted.
Answer from HTC:
"As my testing, the Outgoing port is not limited with COM0. PaPaGo can accept with COM0, COM2, COM4, COM8, and COM9. I think the limitation of COM0 is the software limitation of TOMTOM, So if the user wants to use Mapking that only support COM1~7, he need delete the outgoing port COM0, and reassign another COM port for the BT GPS."
I imagine the problem lies between the Tytn and TomTom only, and other navi soft would find other COM ports. But I am kind of hesitant to interfere with a working TomTom, and go through the outgoing COM port game again...
I'm using Navigon and set up an outgoing Connection on com2 and it works fine for me.
sounds like TT is the problem ...
Guys, let me try to help you a little bit, as I work in navigation software development (Destinator).
1. The COM ports has nothing to do with the actual software you are running. This is pre-defined in the ROM you are using. That is also the reason why we see variations here - we use different ROMs.
2. In order of enabling a COM port, you do NOT need to discover the GPS icon on the settings. It is quite useless unless you wish to work simultaniusly with more than one software.
3. To enable a COM port, after you pair the GPS, look down for the tab COM Ports in the BT settings Manager. You only need to create Outgoing COM.
4. Strange but usually you will only be able to choose between 2 COM ports. The rest are hidden by the OS. MAKE SURE that you disabled the "Secure Connections". Default key for all the GPS receivers is "0000" and for Globalsat 308 is "2003". The last is AKA HP GPS.
5. If you cannot enable any other COM port than COM0, this is a ROM problem and you should contact your ROM provider like the mobile carrier. You can also try to enable other COM ports with the attached CAB file. Simply run it, it will expose all COM ports for you and now you should start trying. I reccomend to test COMs 4-8 first, normally, it will solve your problems. (Note: I got this file previously here and did not create it myself).
There have been may posts about TomTom not recognising B GPS's.
One solution that doesnlt seem to be mentioned here id to ensure that the name of the GPs in BT connections actually ends in "GPS"..
If it doesn;t renove the pairing and re-pari , but change the name this time to something that ends in "GPS"...
good luck
Charlie Grillo
Thanks guys, found another solution that works for me now:
1) Set your Bluetooth GPS to another COM port than 0 (TomTom´s standard port 6 was not available, so I choose 2)
2) open Programs/Navigator/navigator.cfg with a text editor, change COM0 to COM2
3) start TomTom - working on COM 2!
Started Mapking, found COM 2 - working now.
hello fellas,
as you can see im new here. im thinking of buying the TYTN, a sector which i have never explored before (pda sector).
it sounds great with the applications and due to my work, a need for a pda is becoming bigger.
i posted in this message due to the GPS topic.
i got a very stupid question which you may recieve occasionally if i buy the tytn.. :twisted:
why do a person need BT enabled GPS? i read you can connect it to your PDA but for what reason?
thanks in advance and apologies for any inconvience..
@D_G - welcome to this board
In order to run navigation software on your Tytn you need a external GPS connected to it. Easiest solution is a external GPS connected via Bluetooth.
Another solution would be to buy a PDA phone with a GPS receiver on board, for example the ETen G500.
Of course we would all be interested in a UMTS PDA with integrated GPS, with acceptable battery life, but that will take some time...
thanks lucas for the answer. but why would you need a navigation software if you have a GPS device? in either case you will need to have both devices in a particula blue tooth range. right?
this means you will need your handheld device + the GPS to activate the navigation software, or dd I miss something?!

Universal + BlueTooth GPS problem, help

Dear Htc fellows,
My bluetooth GPS is working strange on my Universal, but on iPaq with
WM2003 works as a charm. The BT GPS is new Solar GPS with new Mediatek
It's not working with iGo 2006 and even not Tomtom 5 or Tomtom 6.
I can find the BT GPS in BT manager, I can pair it, but I dont know why,
it needs a pass key even if it shouldn't. Then when I explore it's
services, The popup come again asking me if I will allow external BT
device to connect to my Universal and it come asking passkey again (Why?).
I can't even enter an empty passkey (bt device doesen't require it). After that I have successfully paired the device. I can add it's serial port to enumerate on com ports 8 or 4.
When I start Tomtom, it doesent detect the device at all. If I use iGo, it detects, gets datas and disappear, it's allways appeared for 1 second and then 5 seconds not. No matter Which bitrate I set (device is written to be 9600) it needs to be in NMEA protocol, not SIRF.
When I use some freeware GPS programs, it seams to be working ok, it shows satelites and it's not disappearing.
What can I do with that???
I have some idea that it's probably about WM5 and it's security....
How can I setup com security in registry? can I set the port speads manually atd... I had performed a hard reset and it still don't work. Can ROM update or AKU update help me?
Does anyone have some idea what should I try now?
Rom: 1.30.107
BT GPS: model: BT 2.5MR
made by
Could you find a solution??
I have the same problem exactly and could not find anything on the net. Did you solve your problem?
well ...
i know that there is a problem with GPS and WM5 and so there is this patch which i install every time i hard reset .....
the guys i bought MY GPS from gave me this ... and they are pretty knowledgable .....
it works well ....
try it !
My OS version is WM2003 but tried anyway.. Did not work.. can there be version for WM2003??
did you ?
did you define an outgoing com port for the device (com 4 for example ?)
com port definition
well, igo finds the device an COM 6 actually, it connects too.. but stays connected just for a second, then again and again..
I installed GPSGate and created a virtual com port 7. I manually configured the GPS receiver connection to COM 7 on igo.. But all the same.. :
do you advice another way?
one other thing the device works with navigon 5.0 and tomtom 6.0 smoothly, no problem.. only igo..
IGO is CRAP ... that is well known .... lots of bugs ...
i am sorry .. i do not know how to solve your problem...
but i suggest using destinator 6 ..... (that's what i use) ....
simple ... nice looking .... big buttons and able to navigate to your contacts directly (especially useful if you have Phone Edition)
oh ... and ... works great !
I got the Holux GPSlim 236 GPS. I can pair the GPS with Universial. But I cannot set the com port at all. A pop up window always say the com port (I tried everyone of the ports) is not available.
Any one got a solution, does the GPS bug fix help ? and what does it fix ?
Might seem a bit obvious, but have you tried the code "0000" when pairing your device?
Once paired...did you define an outgoing serial port on "Bluetooth Settings" menu on your WinCE?
I have a royaltek bluetooth GPS and it's been working well with TomTom[5|6]...I use '0000' as passkey (default on many 'non-interactive' devices), once paired I clicked on 'COM Ports' tab and defined a new outgoing port, the wizard should list the GPS as an available device to create a COM port so I used it and I got a 'com0'.
Once the outgoing port was created I had to tell TomTom to use the new 'com0' and worked like a charm
It's been working since TomTom 5.21 (previous versions didn't work).

Bluetooth GPS Woes

I seem to be having a problem with GPS bluetooth related connections with my Dopod 838 Pro.
Ive paired my Globalsat BT338 receiver and setup an outgoing serial port on my Dopod, and I can use Destinator 6 and TomTom 6 fine (for the time being).
The next day/time when I try to start the GPS applications, both programs report that they cant find the GPS signal/receiver even though its been correctly configured to work previously.
I then have to enter the Bluetooth settings to change and assign another outgoing serial port and reconfigure the GPS applications to the new serial port to work.
The programs and the GPS receiver worked fine with my old iPAQ hx4700 so its not a receiver or program issue.
I'm at my wits end and would appreciate any info on solving this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
Rik_053 said:
Delete / unpair your GPS
Make a new pair, and when you assign an outgoing COM port, use a NON secure COM port.
(Deselect the checkbox)
This should work
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Ive been through this unpair / pair scenario more than a few times and Ive never used a secure com port connection.
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
njay22 said:
try destinator PN 6
also make sure you pair BEFORE starting Destinator PN; I spent a whole two days before I Got this to work ... then once it worked .. the answer was actually quite logical
sorry cant remember how i did it as it was months ago when I got and paired my tytn; now I use destinator pn 6
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The pairing has been done before any program was launched.
Im trying with both destinator 6 and tomtom 6
Bluetooth GPS Woes...
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
clearwave1 said:
Is it the Bluetooth connection you are having problems with or getting a GPS signal. I have this exact setup working fine. What I notice is that often it will take a few minutes for the BT-338 to find enough satellites to provide a GPS signal (green light flashing). The bluetooth should connect immediately regardless of whether the GPS signal is available yet. The blue light on the BT-338 should flash twice as fast as when you first turn it on to tell you that it is connected to a Bluetooth device.
I am using TomTom 6 and it will say no GPS signal or GPS signal lost XX seconds ago. Is this similar to what you are noticing?
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Both the bluetooth reciever and the software work fine and obtain a fix.
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
the gps reciver obtains a fix but the pda cant see it.
Destinator PN has an automatic reconnect tick box on the GPS Settings page. I don't know if D6 or TT have a similar thing. If so, make sure this box is ticked.
I use D PN with a Parrot CK3300 combined handsfree and GPS receiver, and after major stuffing around trying to get D PN set to the correct port initially, it has worked fine since.
Ive sorted the issue out and hopefully this will help others experiencing the same problem.
The problem was that although an outgoing serial port was setup, for some reason it was not mapped to the bluetooth device.
It just specified "COM9" instead of having the bluetooth device "BT338(COM9)" under the bluetooth COM Ports setting.
This seems to be the reason why when the device was unpaired/paired and a com port setup it worked for the time being. After the bluetooth device was disconnected the settings mapping to the device were not retained.
I am looking to get a GPS unit for my Dopod 838Pro. Which of the two, Destinator or Tom Tom, do you like best?
I know where to get Destinator 6 in Sydney, where does one get Tom Tom 6?
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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killabeezz said:
Rambler76 said:
the next time the software is started it cant find the reciver and i have to unpair, repair and set a new comm port for it to work.
Can I ask, with a new com port being asssigned each time you have a problem, when you run out of ports what happens?
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Does this make any sense?
Thanks for any input ..
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what i mean to say is that i switch com ports.
the issue was resolved by mapping the com port to the bluetooth device.
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Yes I understand what you have done but can I ask again :-
Are you able to regain the use of these once assigned ports ? by resetting any settings ?
Tom Tom Woes
I had the same problem until recently.
To fix I did the following:
Delete pair with GPS receiver,
Create new pair with GPS receiver (put in passkey 0000)
Tick the box for Serial Port
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
Now open TomTom, Select Change Preferences, then Show GPS Status, then Configure, then Other Bluetooth Receiver, then Select COM 4.
Now TT works as it should - turning on and off Bluetooth on Open/Close, and no problems with needing to re-pair.
Previously I had always paired the BT GPS on COM 0 with Secure ticked. This worked the first time only, and I had to re-create the same pair each time I wanted to run the app.
Hope this helps some of you.
(btw I was using TT6 when I found the solution, but I imagine it would have worked for 5 too)
dopod bluetooth problems
Guys I have the same problem with my bluetooth and my dopod. It connects then disconnects.
I have also noticed that the systems unchecks the turn on bluetooth check box and the make this device discoverable to other devices.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Guys I just read this at another forum.
"The Dopod 838 pro and WM5 have chronic problems with the bluetooth stack, which is why everyone is waiting for the new ROM to appear, which will hopefully be WM6. HTC (manufacturers of Dopod 838 pro) announced that the new ROM will fix all of the known problems"
This I learn after having a car accident (minor) in my car playing with the bluetooth and trying to get it to work. Hutchison 3g should only be selling these with a warning.
I assume there is also a problem with the JasJam as they are the same phone.
Knight__Mayor said:
To fix I did the following:
The in Bluetooth Settings -> COM Ports tab, I clicked 'New Outgoing Port'
Selected the GPS unit, and selected Port 4 and unticked the 'Secure' checkbox
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Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
dabs1 said:
Have to concur with Knight_Mayor. Was having trouble getting a signal/satellite fix using a Holux GPSlim236. Then I set it to COM9 with the "Secure" box unchecked. I had barely closed the window and my M3100 had a fix from inside my house! (tomtom 6 had been running in the background whilst the adjustments were being made)
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yeah i recon its the screwy MS bluetooth stack, im interested to hear from anyone running tomtom on hermes with the widcomm bluetooth
Tomtom And Gps
I have found that the best cure for gps woes and pocket pc is to use GPS Gate. It make a virtual com port and will always be the same. I have used it always and never have problems connecting.

Gps Problem

Hi guys, i installed tomtom 7 on my xda mini s and bought a HOLOX bluetooth gps reciever. I paired my xda and gps and ticked the serial port. It would not allow me to create a com port for this device (cant create a com port for any device) It shows COM6 and COM7 but i get the error ' the com port could not be created, please check your settings and try again'. When i open tomtom and try to find the gps on the serial port it doesnt work. The thing is, when i pair it connects to pair then disconnects and i dont know how to connect them again, this bluetooth stack is rubbish in my opinion and i cant find a replacement.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated
hooking the holux
I have a holux and same device.
the only thing you need to know is which virtual COM is the holux device using.
You will be giving this info when you pair the holux (bluetooth).
Fairly simple (at least in my case)
Hi, thanks for your post.
I resolved this matter by installing the widcomm bt stack and changing certain registry settings.
It now connects when i switch the holux device on.
Thanks again people
GazzehGNET said:
Hi, thanks for your post.
I resolved this matter by installing the widcomm bt stack and changing certain registry settings.
It now connects when i switch the holux device on.
Thanks again people
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i'm tried to install the widcomm bt stack (v.1.7 test and BroadcomBluetoothStackX51V05).
In both times the volume of the wizard become much down and i't impossible to listen somethings.
The ringtone dont'worls and any file (avi or mp3) dont' listen.
have you fix??
What version have you installed??
Solution for "The COM port could not be created. Please check your settings and try again" in

